ExE ZAR. 2 Annihilus - 13/3 black (silver)
Male Cairn Terrier Owned by Bughnrahk (#795674)
level 28     agi 203     cha 88     int 368     spd 773     stm 94     str 694
Full Name:ExE ZAR. 2 Annihilus - 13/3 black (silver)
Description:Anais (77.60%)
Cerise (77.08%)
Agent Cheesecake (76.04%)
Wolfsbane (76.04%)
Black Cat (76.04%)
Wind Dancer (75.52%)
Blonde Phantom (75.00%)
Witchfire (74.48%)
What's this? Breed:Cairn Terrier (Terriers)
Retired On:April 15th, 2014
Born On:March 1st, 2014
Days Aged:4014 FP Days
Owner:Bughnrahk (#795674)
Bred By:Bughnrahk (#795674)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm BB DD slsl aa SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu Lla spdint intstr hh Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH hh HH HH hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH HH Hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Agility, Flyball, Tracking, Frisbee, Pulling, Earthdog Trials, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:10
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 203 Major Group Stat
Charisma 88
Intelligence 368 Major Group Stat
Speed 773 Major Group Stat
Stamina 94
Strength 694 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 28
Experience Earned 3,510,482
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

intx2 spdx2 strx2
Excellent Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 1600   
First Places121    Second Places103    Third Places87    Fourth Places93    Fifth Places78    Sixth Places67   
Winnings: $85,189    Experience: 3,510,482   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
50% Training



AA ZAR. 1 COLLOSUS - 6HH 3HH ID#967984

Level 23

Fawn with Black Sable and Mask


AA ZAR. 1 ELEKTRA - 5HH/2HH ID#970790

Level 23

Red with Black Sable and Mask


WCE ZAR. Cadell - 10/0 cecw (#1066585)38Cream with Black Sable and Mask52
ExE ZAR. Cadi - 12/1 cchcw Lla (#1336788)30Fawn with Black Sable and Mask41
GCE ZAR. Caelie - 10/3 cwcw (#1066583)36Silver with Steel Blue Sable and Mask52
ChFl ZAR. Cainnaech - 12/0 black cwcw (#1066584)37Black52
MRO ZAR. Caithair - 14/1 cchcw Lla (#1089421)31Black41
GCE ZAR. Camelia - 13/2 cwcw (#1066582)34Silver with Steel Blue Sable and Mask51
MFl ZAR. Caron - 13/2 cwcw Ll (#1336790)32Silver with Black Sable and Mask41
ChE ZAR. Carys - 11/2 cwcw Ll (#1336791)32Silver with Black Sable and Mask41
MA ZAR. Cate - 10/1 cchcw LL (#1089420)31Fawn with Black Sable and Mask41
MO ZAR. Ceallach - 16/1 cwcw Ll (#1089424)30Silver with Black Sable and Mask41
ExE ZAR. Ceibhfhionn - 12/2 cwcw LL (#1089423)28Silver with Black Sable and Mask41
ChE ZAR. Ceinwen - 12/3 cchcw LL (#1089419)31Fawn with Black Sable and Mask41
MT ZAR. Cernnunos - 9/0 Ccw Lla (#1336792)32Red with Black Sable and Mask41
ChE ZAR. Chrystin - 13/2 Ccw Lla (#1336793)31Red with Black Sable and Mask41
ExRO ZAR. Ciannait - 15/1 Ccw Lla (#1089422)31Red with Black Sable and Mask41
MM ZAR. Conner - 13/1 cwcw (#1336789)30Silver with Black Sable and Mask41
ExRO ZAR. Cyneburga - 9/0 cchcw Lla (#1336787)32Black41

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Bughnrahk (#795674)Mar 8, 2014

Game Time

12:16pm on Mar 4

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