
Energy (100)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
WCA Headlight Disco 24HH
Male Border Collie Owned by Laura (#1077901)
level 62     agi 3741     cha 379     int 2056     spd 1790     stm 772     str 396
Full Name:WCA Headlight Disco 24HH
What's this? Breed:Registered Border Collie (Drovers)
Born On:April 8th, 2014
Days Aged:97 FP Days
Owner:Laura (#1077901)
Bred By:Rachel E. Dare (#1158443)
Color:Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points
Eye Color:Blue
What's this? Genotype:PP Kbrk Ee bb dd slsl atasa sisi MM Rr tt cecw gg uu lla stmagi stmint HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Agility, Frisbee, Herding, Rally-O
Times Bred:32 (Can be bred 16 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Red Bowl Full
Collar Designer Blue Collar +500 agi, Level 60+ Only
Leash Designer Blue Leash +390 agi, Level 50+ Only
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Lamb+30 agi, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 3741 Major Group Stat
Charisma 379
Intelligence 2056 Major Group Stat
Speed 1790 Major Group Stat
Stamina 772 Major Group Stat
Strength 396
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 62
Multiplier: 1.030x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 intx2 spdx2
World Champion Agility
Total Competitions: 4400    Current Entries: 0
First Places108    Second Places142    Third Places164    Fourth Places185    Fifth Places209    Sixth Places267   
Winnings: $68,605    Experience: 34,009,167    Title In: 425 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

No results found.




Level 38

Red with Isabella Sable and Mask


Level 34

Isabella Merle and White (Irish)


Level 21

Isabella Merle



Level 11

Roaned Isabella Merle and White (Irish)


Level 5

Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask


Level 9

Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Saddle and Mask


IPnH GCA KIOO Ameko 24HH (#1272957)51Blue Merle with Silver Points83
ExH MP *DE* Art in motion (#2073119)38Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable72
AFl DkM- Bleu * (#1156202)24Roaned Brindle Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points47
JAT F&A Dearly Departed (#1874722)12Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and Ticking26
MFl F&A EEEE, 24 HH (#1131623)28Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Red Points72
WCH Fuel To The Fire (#1131621)58Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Saddle86
IPnH IMP. Lilac merle cream points 3xstm lala 24HH (#1276538)9Isabella Merle with Cream Points17
IPnA Jacexa (#1134041)7Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Red Points20
APnH RRK's Kokoleka Inoaia (#3435602)14Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Saddle68
AH Lemon Ale Fizzio (#2073118)20Roaned Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable53
ExA IBLM Meghan (#1132337)37Brindle Red Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask82
PnP DoI One Headlight (#1249965)10Brindle Blue Merle with Red Points and Mask22
JAH Ozzy (#1135057)11Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points and Mask25
MA HBC Paint (#1162047)31Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable102
JPnH Puppy 3 (#1132339)6Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle and Mask21
NCH Pure Goodness (#3435601)44Brindle Isabella Merle with Silver Points64
NH Winston (#1260548)1Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle8
WCH A Guilty Spark (#1133352)67Roaned Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Saddle3659
JAH WrkE Aiichiro [24HH EEEE Ll] - RoBr ChocM+W (Ir) w/ Si Points (#1909725)14Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points3526
NCA BCrM&W(I) w/BluS&M EEEE Bb Dd Ayat sisw cecw Lla (23HH) (#1132336)53Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and Mask2802
WCA Can't Stop Love (#1131622)67Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Red Points3658
PnFl PAAWS Canary Song (#2074541)10Cream and White (Irish)3415
ExT JPnP *DE* Carmel (#2074540)34Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points2122
NA Casper (#1162048)1Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Sable3951
NFl EEEE. Goblin. RIzM(Ir)CP (#1133351)1Roaned Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points3842
CCA CNDRR Erupting Underwater Lava (#1233893)58Red Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle and Mask3707
JAH RRK's Fear Tastes Like A Rusty Knife (#3435603)16Roaned Red Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Saddle2726
JPnH ANT *DE* Frosted Glaze (#2073121)7Roaned Brindle Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points3281
WCFl Her Voice Resides (#1131620)66Roaned Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points3658
IPnFl PRA Inferno (#1226285)12Red Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable3597
IPnSh lla 24HH (#1874721)12Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points3552
GCFl WiHe Lovely Ezra with Charming Gaze (#1156201)42Roaned Fawn and White (Irish)3462
GCA WCT VSFD Mining in the Wolf-Hills [int spd] breed to silver (#1135056)65Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points295
ChH No Exit [1.160] 1.0 (#1272956)41Cream Merle with Blue Sable and Mask3846
ChH Phoenix Jett [24HH Ll] (#1225831)36Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points2634
IPnH Puppy 2 (#1863563)9Roaned Cream and White (Irish)3015
Puppy 4 (#1863564)1Roaned Brindle Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Mask3570
CCFr RBFM&W(I) w/BluS EEEE Ee Bb Dd asaasa cchce Lla (24HH) (#1132338)55Roaned Brindle Fawn Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle2795
NCH ASABC RCrM&W((I) w/BluS EEEE Bb Dd asaa cecw lla (24HH) (#1158171)53Roaned Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle2795
MH WrkE Rukia [24HH EEEE lala] - Br ChocM+W (Ir) w/ Cr Points (#1909729)28Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points3446
AH WrkE Seijuro [24HH EEEE lla] - RoBr IsaM+W (Ir) w/ Cr Points (#1909727)16Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points3526
NFl Daxx Sheldaxx The Burden Of Being Wonderful (#1158172)5Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Saddle3951
JPnH WrkE Shion [24HH EEEE Ll] - Ro Br ChocM+W (Ir) w/ Si Points (#1909724)5Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Silver Points3510
NFl HAZL Silver (#1260547)1Roaned Silver and White (Irish)3159
IPnH RRK's Slim Shady (#3435600)10Roaned Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Mask2835
ChH Steamrise [24HH Ll] (#1225830)38Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable3887
WCH The Divine Zero (#1909726)70Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Mask3516
IPnH NH NCT *DE* Unholy Messenger (#2073120)59Roaned Brindle Cream Merle and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle1693
JPnH WrkE Yayoi [24HH EEEE Ll] - Ro Br IsaM+W (Ir) w/ Cr Points (#1909728)6Roaned Brindle Isabella Merle and White (Irish) with Cream Points3510

Current Litters

MA Headlight Disco 24HH x NM Lily (#586507)156

Previous Owners

Laura (#1077901)Apr 14, 2014
Rachel E. Dare (#1158443)Apr 14, 2014

Game Time

08:12am on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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