WCFT Hello Blue
Male Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Owned by Lux (#671024)
level 50     agi 580     cha 1800     int 258     spd 260     stm 2340     str 1702
Full Name:WCFT Hello Blue
What's this? Breed:Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Retrievers)
Retired On:December 25th, 2012
Born On:September 10th, 2012
Days Aged:4553 FP Days
Owner:Lux (#671024)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Red and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee BB DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LL chaspd intint Hh HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH Hh Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH Hh HH HH
Times Bred:18
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 580 Major Group Stat
Charisma 1800 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 258
Speed 260
Stamina 2340 Major Group Stat
Strength 1702 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 50
Experience Earned 21,136,392
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 7x
Last Win: Dec 24, 2012

Sports and Training

chax2 stmx2 strx2
World Champion Field Trials
Total Competitions: 4460   
First Places288    Second Places239    Third Places221    Fourth Places219    Fifth Places195    Sixth Places211   
Winnings: $269,991    Experience: 21,136,392   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training


Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog


WCHT USMC Caesar (#1148282)70Red and White (Irish)98
WCHT USMC Candida (#1148285)70Red and White (Irish)97
APnFT Carte (#314976)8Red16
WCHT USMC Decimus (#1148286)72Red and White (Irish)98
WCFT USMC Fannia (#1148279)69Red and White (Irish)97
WCHT USMC Flavia (#1148283)70Red and White (Irish)97
WCT USMC Horatio (#1148287)69Red and White (Irish)98
PnFr Irish Creme (#257770)11Red and White (Irish)28
WCHT USMC laelia (#1148281)70Red and White (Irish)97
WCHT USMC Lucia (#985594)73Red and White (Irish)100
NHT Pearl's Dream (#259844)2Red and White (Irish)13
WCT USMC Quintia (#1148284)65Red and White (Irish)97
WCHT USMC Romanus (#1148278)71Red and White (Irish)97
WCHT USMC Rufina (#1148288)69Red and White (Irish)97
WCSh USMC Septimus (#1148280)69Red and White (Irish)98
JAFT Tipy (#314977)8Red16
WCHT USMC Tullia (#1148277)71Red and White (Irish)97
WCSh USMC Turia (#985593)70Red and White (Irish)100
UCFT 17HH Alpha Best of breed 3/7/13 (#329838)52Red and White (Irish) 4295
APnFT AP Agent 13 (#259848)20Red3628
AP TWMK Aiden (#259845)24Red and White (Irish)3181
UCO Blue Valentine (#304688)53Red and White (Irish) 4422
JAW Fine Hello (#291676)9Fawn and White (Irish) 4107
UCSh Hello Chocolate (#304687)55Red and White (Irish) 4422
NP Mikey Lew (#259846)1Red and White (Irish)3637
ChFl ANFl ChT ABIO Moss' Spring Lifesaver (#257771)49Red and White (Irish)3342
AP Olisius (#259847)23Fawn and White (Irish)3635
WCFT GD Red Ginger Nova-12HH(EEEE) (#306937)61Red and White (Irish)3892
CCFr LX Sawyer - [1.098x EEEE 15/0] (#329840)47Red and White (Irish)3096
WCT Sleepless In Seattle (#329839)55Red and White (Irish) 4422
IPnFr AHT MD Tricks Please (#259843)20Red and White (Irish)3463

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Lux (#671024)Sep 16, 2012

Game Time

06:23pm on Mar 11

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