WCRO Dorian nee Kaisteziell
Male Pointer Owned by Elianor Wynchestre (#1019371)
level 44     agi 204     cha 868     int 212     spd 2754     stm 443     str 824
Full Name:WCRO Dorian nee Kaisteziell
What's this? Breed:Pointer (Pointers/Setters)
Retired On:April 2nd, 2013
Born On:August 6th, 2012
Days Aged:4400 FP Days
Owner:Elianor Wynchestre (#1019371)
Bred By:Unknown
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee Bb DD slsl atat Ssp mm rr Tt Cce gg uu LL spdspd spdspd HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Times Bred:108
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 204
Charisma 868 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 212
Speed 2754 Major Group Stat
Stamina 443 Major Group Stat
Strength 824 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 44
Experience Earned 13,483,560
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 8x
Last Win: Mar 31, 2013

Sports and Training

chax2 spdx2 strx2
World Champion Rally-O
Total Competitions: 3800   
First Places191    Second Places179    Third Places184    Fourth Places160    Fifth Places165    Sixth Places155   
Winnings: $222,188    Experience: 13,483,560   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training


Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog
Furry Paws BETA Dog


BOK 10HH EEEE Red (#315025)1Red6
NRO BOK 10HH EEEE Red (#317191)1Red6
BOK 11HH EEEE Red and White (Piebald) (#322641)1Red and White (Piebald)6
ANFl BSAK Dog (#304728)6Black71
JAW EEEE (#351271)9Cream and White (Piebald)91
PnFl EEEE (#392458)11Cream91
ANT Haleigh (#304735)6Fawn92
IPnRO KkoA Koala (#307021)9Black88
PnRO Marcia (#212256)10Black and White (Piebald)92
NFT BOK nee DorianCrema 4E strspd spdspd Red (#429847)1Red6
NFT BOK nee DorianLovage 4E spdspd agispd Red (#429850)1Red6
BOK nee DorianNienie 4E spdspd chaspd Red (#429853)1Red6
IPnRO YG Patty - 17/0 (#463746)9Red70
NRO NFT Rory (#322642)1Red and White (Piebald)6
NT BSAK Squeaky (#304729)5Red111
APnRO BOK Theo 13HH EEEE Lla spdspd stmspd (#411142)9Red27
WCRO BOK Walter (#429844)49Red96
AT MSLH Werner EEEE LL (#437532)19Chocolate98
Zinovia - Breed with Noak (#429843)1Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking75
NRO [EEEE 8/0 Lla] (#307022)1Chocolate58
11HH EEEE Red and White (Piebald) (#326429)1Red and White (Piebald) 4181
12HH EEEE Red (#429846)1Red 4181
AW BOK 15HH 4E Sebastian (#411145)13Red4013
ASh BamFs 2Gen (#392460)18Cream3078
JAP 392456 (#392456)13Fawn3836
ExFT 429856 (#429856)28Black3804
JPnT KPLK Agnetha*ADOPTED* (#411146)9Cream3965
JPnRO Aksel/16HH SPDx3 EEEE (#324846)7Cream3957
JARO Y@M Amarië (#463744)14Cream3954
NCRO American Noise (#411148)35Red and White (Piebald) 4177
APnRO GCT BOK An Infamous Portrait (#304734)43Red3761
JARO Andries (#304726)14Black3910
MRO Arch Angel's Fury (#463740)26Black1841
JPnT Anu (#304727)8Fawn3966
IPnFT KPLK Aranka*ADOPTED* (#349238)8Cream and White (Irish)3965
PnRO OMK Arden (#392249)12Chocolate and White (Irish)1330
AW YG Athanasia (#429848)11Black3959
NCA Athena (#392453)39Red 4360
JARO Chery Bartol 16HH (#300307)17Black3906
APnT Bedwyr (#429849)14Cream3921
GCRO BOK Beinion nee DorianCarma (#244628)45Cream3898
AT Bellathis (#467686)21Chocolate3926
ExRO BSAK Bobby (#467690)34Red2845
MRO Brownie (#463743)28Red2648
PnRO Caddy (#392454)12Black2805
NRO Cili KK Ee BB DD slsl atat Ssw mm rr TT cece 04/02/13 (#349240)3Black3969
NM TVH Colleen (#463741)4Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking3949
ARO Dark (#295307)17Black3840
CCRO BOK Darkness (14/0, Ll) (#302710)51Red4015
NRO BSAK Desi (#300937)2Black2614
AFT Chery Determined Nicéphore (#349239)17Black3897
Detlef (#351270)1Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking3957
JAT Magic Dirt Digger (#469230)18Fawn3015
JPnRO BSAK Dog (#300940)9Black3423
IPnRO BSAK Dog (#302110)9Fawn3423
NFT BSAK Dog (#304733)3Chocolate2595
NP BSAK Dog (#324844)3Black2605
NFT BSAK Dog (#324845)3Black and White (Piebald)2595
IPnT BSAK Dog (#429854)10Chocolate3423
JPnT BSAK Dog (#429855)9Chocolate3423
IPnHT BSAK Dog (#437529)10Black3423
NRO BSAK Dog (#463739)2Red2589
NRO BSAK Dog (#463742)4Black2589
JARO Donnamira (#463745)14Fawn and White (Piebald)3954
ExRO Dorian (#328277)33Black3836
AW SaMe Driftwood Danger (#470842)17Black3928
IPnT E=4 (#411141)11Cream3904
ARO BSAK Ebony 14\0 (#300938)23Black2764
ANT Eha (#437534)7Cream3966
GCRO BOK Éimhear nee DorianBonita (#203391)44Black3928
ARO Enfys (#392457)18Black3798
ChRO BOK Erulassë nee DorianCarma (#244629)44Black3928
NRO Fatmire KK Ee BB DD slsl atat Ssw mm rr Tt Cce 04/08/13 (#437530)2Black3969
JPnFT FFlur SPD KK Tt cchce No Alvar.Maidhfinden.Nilo TUE (#392459)6Fawn3966
JPnRO flurry (#300939)7Black3819
APnT Fritz (#307025)14Cream and White (Piebald)3535
IPnFl BSAK Glimmer 11 HH CHCOWHTPIE (#317190)10Chocolate and White (Piebald)3541
Gwenaëlle KK Ee Bb DD slsl atat spsp mm rr tt CC 04/08/13 (#324848)1Black and White (Piebald)3800
ANRO Halfred (#462360)1Black3951
JAFT Harry (#431317)14Black3910
ChRO BOK Heartbreaker (#304730)36Red4001
PnFT TDH32 Hieronymus (#307024)11Black3912
NRO Jack (#429851)1Chocolate3956
NFT Weed Jim (#463747)2Red3913
JPnFl Jobeth (#309550)8Cream3967
AW Jöran (#411144)12Cream3957
IPnT Krister (#411147)9Cream and White (Piebald)3937
ChRO BOK Lairelandon nee DorianBonita (#203390)39Black3906
ARO Lion Den's Rolling Thunder (#392451)14Red 4331
NRO Longo (#462359)1Cream and White (Irish) with Ticking3951
ANW Marek/17HH SPDx2 EEEE (#309549)4Cream3957
JPnW KkoA Meine 12HH (#326430)7Black and White (Piebald)3896
ChRO BOK Melda nee DorianBonita (#212255)42Black and White (Piebald)3928
NRO Menegilda KK ee Bb DD slsl atat Ssw mm rr TT Cce 04/05/13 (#462362)4Red3960
ARO <> Mischievous Igor (#437531)17Black3897
nee DorianFifinella 4E chaspd spdspd 9HH Red No tick Cce (#304731)1Red 4332
nee DorianFrançoise 4E spdspd chaspd 10HH Red tt CC (#307018)1Red 4181
nee DorianNadežda 4E 13HH chaspd spdspd RedWhitePie tt CC (#307026)1Red and White (Irish) 4184
nee DorianTilleul 4E spdspd intspd 16HH Red tt CC (#307019)1Red 4184
nee DorianTilleul 4E spdspd strspd 9HH Red tt CC (#307020)1Red 4332
NFl Odilon/17HH SPDx2 EEEE (#349237)4Cream and White (Irish)3957
AFr BSAK Orange Is the New Black's Tasha Jefferson (#307023)19Chocolate3149
Oscar (#411143)1Cream and White (Piebald)3957
APnRO JEMCK Penka (#324843)13Chocolate and White (Irish)3675
NRO Prisca KK ee bb DD slsl atat Ssp mm rr tt CC 04/06/13 (#463738)2Red3958
JPnRO Rade Kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat Ssp mm rr Tt Cce (#300309)8Black1147
NCRO BOK Rat A Tat (#429842)44Red3278
ARO BOK Red Rum (#300308)18Red4023
ARO M~M Robertson (#317192)23Cream and White (Piebald)1583
PnRO rocky (#431316)11Black708
ANRO Sass (#306375)4Red 4181
NW BSAK Serenity (#467689)3Red3087
ExW BOK Shiny Tanner (#392455)25Red4065
RCS Silvester (#315026)1Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking3924
JPnRO Sizzle (#302709)4Red 4181
JPnW SaMe sky (#467688)5Chocolate and White (Piebald)3580
IPnT KPLK Sofiya*ADOPTED* (#324847)9Cream3965
ExFl Sunset Sky |Red| Bb DD |15HH| Lla (#302708)32Red 4137
ExRO BOK Tauredhiel nee DorianBonita (#219954)37Black3948
ARO SaMe Tidas 0 (#467687)24Chocolate3923
NW Tince (#437535)1Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking3956
ChRO BOK Veryamorcon nee DorianBonita (#219955)39Black3907
AW YG Vicky (#326428)11Black3959
AHT MLDsK Warven (#470843)19Fawn3934
JPnRO Weeder (#462361)7Red3806
ANA Winston (#437533)1Chocolate3956
JPnRO x Pointer F - 10HH (#304732)5Red 4156
MW Xanthia (x) (#429852)23Chocolate3942
Zehoz (#307017)1Cream3957
JPnT Zsanett SPD KK TT cece Breed with Maidhfinden TUE (#429845)7Cream3966
Zsuzsanna Kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat SS mm rr Tt CC 04/14/13 (#429857)1Black3969
NRO [EEEE 17/0 Lla] (#392452)2Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking3560
ExFT PriJa [STM] Retro [8HH 2SPD LL] 1.078 (#469231)35Black3411

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Elianor Wynchestre (#1019371)Nov 12, 2012
Elianor la Bergiere (#939230)Nov 7, 2012
Elianor Wynchestre (#1019371)Aug 12, 2012

Game Time

12:47am on Jan 15

Welcome Guest

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