MFl AP Espero 12HH GGGG
Male Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Owned by Rachel (#1618119)
level 34     agi 1059     cha 120     int 242     spd 1108     stm 766     str 387
Full Name:MFl AP Espero 12HH GGGG
What's this? Breed:Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Draught)
Retired On:August 5th, 2021
Born On:November 23rd, 2016
Days Aged:1451 FP Days
Owner:Rachel (#1618119)
Bred By:Nicole (#1338336)
Color:Black and White (Irish) with Red Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu lala chastr chacha Hh HH hh Hh Hh HH HH hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh hh hh Hh hh Hh HH HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Tracking, Herding, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:49
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1059 Major Group Stat
Charisma 120
Intelligence 242
Speed 1108 Major Group Stat
Stamina 766 Major Group Stat
Strength 387 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 34
Experience Earned 6,010,040
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Masters Flyball
Total Competitions: 2610   
First Places32    Second Places89    Third Places60    Fourth Places73    Fifth Places84    Sixth Places84   
Winnings: $48,457    Experience: 5,438,743   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training
agix2 stmx2 strx2
Advanced Pulling
Total Competitions: 320   
First Places171    Second Places16    Third Places6    Fourth Places11    Fifth Places4    Sixth Places6   
Winnings: $48,998    Experience: 571,297   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
50% Training



AP NNP OSCAR [5:1 LLA] ID#2597162

Level 23

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points

AP NNP GINGER [4:5 LLA] ID#2686427

Level 19

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points

AP NNP [9:7 LALA] ID#2696258

Level 19

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points


AP NNP OSCAR [5:1 LLA] ID#2597162

Level 23

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points

ARO NNP SLY [3:2 LALA] ID#2686426

Level 20

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points

AFL NNP [8:5 LALA] ID#2696261

Level 19

Black and White (Irish) with Red Points


ARO JAFr EFHD (Pet) Dove (GGGE-8HH) (#3203889)16Black and White (Irish) with Red Points37
IPnFl NT ******* (#3206203)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points34
ANFl NP ********* (#3187754)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points63
ANFl JPnA ************* (#3116240)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points67
ANFr NP ************* (#3187449)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points63
ANFr NRO 10/3 (#3212633)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
NRO ANFr 10HH (#3187448)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
MO IPnSc 10HH lala GGFE (#3212634)33Black and White (Irish) with Red Points77
IPnFr ANRO 14HH/4 lala (#3187455)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points17
ANP AFl 5 HH Lla eegg (#3116225)19Black and White (Irish) with Red Points45
IPnP AFl 50k FPD (#3116223)30Black and White (Irish) with Red Points53
ANM NHu 7/1 (#3239070)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points13
NRO JPnFl 8/1 (#3233139)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points13
JPnHu JAT #9455 8HH 2hh, lla (#3116238)17Black and White (Irish) with Red Points50
AP Achievement Dog (#3215706)21Black and White (Irish) with Red Points35
MP AM Big Bessie (#3116231)28Black and White (Irish) with Red Points88
ANRO JPnSh Frozen Fire (#3187459)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
IPnFr NP Garland (#3187457)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points19
NRO IPnP Gina (#3116244)9Black and White (Irish) with Red Points18
NCP IPnRO JRC Glacier (#3116230)50Black and White (Irish) with Red Points100
ExP *666* GSMD breeding project (male) (#3199050)40Black and White (Irish) with Red Points101
ANFr NRO Harvest Moon (#3187450)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
MM Horace (#3233136)34Black and White (Irish) with Red Points72
AFl ChA Ira (A) (#3116239)41Black and White (Irish) with Red Points80
ExT MFr Jei (#3116243)41Black and White (Irish) with Red Points95
MRO IPnP Jose (#3185615)25Black and White (Irish) with Red Points60
PnRO AFr Lando (#3187456)20Black and White (Irish) with Red Points42
ANP JAFl Midnight (#3187458)17Black and White (Irish) with Red Points40
JPnP APnFr Nicholas 70.83 lala agistr chacha EGGE noP (#3187445)13Black and White (Irish) with Red Points26
MO IPnP WolfW Orpington Chicken (#3116227)30Black and White (Irish) with Red Points65
IPnM NFr Jinx~ Parie (#3116234)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points29
IPnFl ANRO INK3 Puddgie (#3187751)11Black and White (Irish) with Red Points26
NSc ABIO Puppy 1 (#3215705)1Black and White (Irish) with Red Points7
JPnO Puppy 2 (#3233137)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points16
IPnRO AFl Puppy 5 (#3233138)26Black and White (Irish) with Red Points51
NRO PnFr Ruedi (#3187755)12Black and White (Irish) with Red Points24
ANRO JPnFl Six Days (#3187452)8Black and White (Irish) with Red Points16
IPnP JAO Socks (#3203888)14Black and White (Irish) with Red Points29
NFl JPnA Stellar Discovery (#3187447)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
NP ANFl Sweet Carolina (#3187460)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points62
IPnP AFl Wildcats Here We Go (#3116245)24Black and White (Irish) with Red Points50
JPnP JAFl NNP [8:4 lala] (#3116228)17Black and White (Irish) with Red Points36
IPnP IPnFl | 4 AgiStmStr | Ross (#3187757)12Black and White (Irish) with Red Points24
AFr AP | 5 AgiStmStr | Reece (#3244254)20Black and White (Irish) with Red Points96
JPnP JPnFl ************* (#3116224)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2935
JPnP IPnFl ******************************** (#3116233)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2943
ANP NRO 10HH Lla strstr spdcha (#3185616)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points524
NRO ANP 12/2 (#3244255)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points505
IPnO JPnP 15 (#3116222)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2935
NRO PnSh 6/1 (#3239071)12Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2110
AFr ANRO 9HH Lla geeg (#3116226)22Black and White (Irish) with Red Points818
APnP ChSc RikKC Adder's Lady Phase (#3199051)39Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2544
AFr ANRO Sin* Ain't She Sweet ~DNB~ (#3185612)18Black and White (Irish) with Red Points911
ANFl APnA Ana (#3116237)15Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2844
JPnP JASc Beautiful pumpkin (#3185159)12Black and White (Irish) with Red Points976
JPnRO ExHu Bertrand (#3185614)41Black and White (Irish) with Red Points923
MT Billie Holiday (Lla 10HH) B1 (#3215708)33Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2343
JAP GCFl Climbing Mountains of Challenge (#3116242)50Black and White (Irish) with Red Points1987
JPnRO JAP MVP_ Gamer neck (#3187753)15Black and White (Irish) with Red Points1481
PnFl ANT Giant Creat (#3187752)11Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2673
NRO JPnP GSMD strstr strx (#3187756)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points471
CCP JPnO In Your Sanctuary 1.022x (#3185609)55Black and White (Irish) with Red Points594
IPnRO PnFl Inka (#3187451)12Black and White (Irish) with Red Points218
PnRO CNYN Lora (#4597090)11Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2357
IPnRO ChFr Lorelei (#3116236)41Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2733
PnFr NRO Miss Coraline Jones (#3206202)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points999
JPnRO CCP Now That You Noticed 1.022x (#3185610)54Black and White (Irish) with Red Points594
JPnO Puip (#3199049)7Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2946
Puppy 2 (#3215707)1Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2939
NRO ANSh Puppy 8 (#3204354)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points450
MFr JPnRO Ready to level 10 (#3185611)28Black and White (Irish) with Red Points293
AFl PnRO Ready to Level 10 (#3185613)24Black and White (Irish) with Red Points759
IPnFl JPnP oM* Reese (#3116246)10Black and White (Irish) with Red Points1687
ANRO JPnFr RETIRED NOVEMBER 2ND, 2018 (#3116221)8Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2351
NFl JPnA RETIRED NOVEMBER 2ND, 2018 (#3187453)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2349
NRO ANFl RETIRED NOVEMBER 2ND, 2018 (#3187454)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2349
ANRO JPnSh RETIRED NOVEMBER 2ND, 2018 (#3187750)5Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2349
ANP ANRO RETIRED NOVEMBER 2ND, 2018 (#3187758)6Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2349
WCFr ARO •EnK Risky Whisper [7/4 lala CHA] (#3239069)57Black and White (Irish) with Red Points918
MP IPnRO ACent Sabrina (#3116241)31Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2890
IPnRO ChFr FHtK Sadie (#3187446)38Black and White (Irish) with Red Points1721
ARO MT NISMO Sasha (#3116232)31Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2666
IPnRO GCFr QFlik Stunning Star [EGGG] [8HH] [lala] (#3116229)49Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2052
JAO JPnP Tucker (#3116235)14Black and White (Irish) with Red Points1982
ANSc Velot (#3199048)7Black and White (Irish) with Red Points2946
CCRO AFr •EnK Whispered Risk [9/3 lala STM] (#3239068)54Black and White (Irish) with Red Points918

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Rachel (#1618119)Jun 19, 2021
doopa - slow (#1412278)Oct 10, 2018
Rebeshe (#461348)Sep 29, 2018
TwistedLove (PM to Unlock) (#9901)Nov 29, 2016

Game Time

06:27am on Mar 28

Welcome Guest

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