
Energy (100)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
WCT Int: IIII | Lla 10HH 4hh | EEFG | 1.067x
Male Icelandic Sheepdog Owned by A. (#511803)
level 68     agi 990     cha 425     int 5281     spd 1711     stm 1434     str 437
Full Name:WCT Int: IIII | Lla 10HH 4hh | EEFG | 1.067x

8/5 23->25
What's this? Breed:Registered Icelandic Sheepdog (Drovers)
Born On:June 18th, 2019
Days Aged:102 FP Days
Owner:A. (#511803)
Bred By:A. (#511803)
Color:Cream with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayaw Ssi mm rr tsts cece gg uu Lla intint intint Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh HH hh HH HH Hh hh hh Hh Hh HH hh HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Show, Flyball, Tracking, Scent Hurdles, Dock Diving
Times Bred:23 (Can be bred 11 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Fair   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Purple Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Purple Bowl Full
Collar Designer Purple Collar +500 int, Level 60+ Only
Leash Designer Purple Leash +390 int, Level 50+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew White Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Salmon+30 int, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 990 Major Group Stat
Charisma 425
Intelligence 5281 Major Group Stat
Speed 1711 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1434 Major Group Stat
Strength 437
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 68
Multiplier: 1.067x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 spdx2 stmx2
World Champion Tracking
Total Competitions: 4400    Current Entries: 0
First Places161    Second Places192    Third Places179    Fourth Places170    Fifth Places192    Sixth Places212   
Winnings: $108,297    Experience: 43,923,426    Title In: 394 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

No results found.



CHM [*] INT: IDCI // LLA 5HH EEEE *IC* {1} ID#4996727

Level 37

Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Mask


CCT [*] INT: IDIM // LLA 4HH 2HH EGEE ID#5069993

Level 55

Cream with Black Sable


WCT [*] Int: AIII | lala 14HH 2hh | EGEG | 1.272x (#5458538)70Cream with Black Grizzle97
JPnT Int: AIII | lala 8HH 4hh | EEFG (#5563341)6Fawn with Chocolate Sable11
JPnT Int: AIII | lala 9HH 3hh | GEGG (#5563343)6Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle11
NCM Int: AIII | Lla 13HH 1hh | EEEG (x1) (#5548632)47Cream and White (Irish)61
AM Int: CIII | lala 8HH 3hh | GEGG [Black] (#5464515)14Black22
MM Int: CIII | lala 9HH 3hh | EEGG [Black] | 1.117x (#5464514)21Black33
NT Int: CIII | Lla 7HH 1hh | EEGE (#5170978)1Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Ticking6
AT Int: CIII | Lla 9HH 2hh | EEGE [Choc] (#5496822)16Chocolate22
CCT Int: DIII | lala 10HH 1hh | EEGE (x1) (#5496819)56Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable71
NCT Int: DIII | lala 11HH 2hh | EEGG (x1) (#5563345)49Cream with Chocolate Sable62
NCT Int: DIII | lala 11HH 2hh | EGEG (x1) (#5563344)49Cream with Chocolate Sable62
AT Int: DIII | lala 11HH 4hh | EGGG (#5458537)15Cream with Black Sable and Mask22
WCT Int: DIII | lala 13HH 1hh | EEEG | 1.327x (#5563350)59Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable78
JPnT Int: DIII | lala 14HH 4hh | GGGE (#5563349)7Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable12
WCM Int: DIII | lala 7HH 1hh | EEGE | 1.107x (#5182852)67Cream with Black Grizzle100
ChT Int: DIII | lala 7HH 3hh | GEGE (x1) (#5619170)40Red with Black Sable50
NCT Int: IICI | lala 11HH 2hh | GEGE (x1) (#5182851)50Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask73
WCT Int: IIDI | lala 10HH 2hh | EEGG | 1.347x (#5548633)59Fawn and White (Irish) with Ticking80
JPnT Int: IIDI | lala 7HH 3hh | EEGG | 1.205x (#5563340)6Fawn with Black Sable11
NCT Int: IIDI | lala 8HH 3hh | GEGE | 1.350x (#5619169)50Cream with Black Sable68
JAT Int: IIDI | lala 9HH 4hh | GEFE (#5533619)13Fawn with Chocolate Sable19
JAT Int: IIDI | Lla 9HH 4hh | GGGE (#5533620)13Fawn and White (Irish)19
NCT Int: IIII | lala 11HH 1hh | EEGE (#5563351)54Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable72
WCT Int: IIII | lala 5HH 3hh | GEGG [Red] | 1.232x (#5533617)70Red99
AT Int: IIII | lala 7HH 6hh | EGFG (#5483349)16Cream with Black Sable24
WCT Int: IIII | lala 8HH 3hh | GEGE | 1.318x (#5563346)64Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking87
GCT Int: IIII | Lla 10HH 2hh | GEGE [Cream] (x1) (#5533623)48Cream63
NT Int: IIII | Lla 11HH 3hh | GEEG | 1.168x (#5475841)1Cream with Black Grizzle6
NCT Int: IIII | Lla 11HH 3hh | GEGE (x1) (#5533622)50Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle65
JAT Int: IIII | Lla 12HH 3hh | GEEG | 1.080x (#5170979)11Cream with Black Sable and Mask19
CCT Int: IIII | Lla 12HH 3hh | GEGG (x1) (#5475842)54Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle77
PnT Int: IIII | Lla 5HH 4hh | FEGE [Cream] (#5533618)8Cream14
NM Int: IIII | Lla 6HH 7hh | FEGG (#5475840)1Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable6
CCT Int: IIMI | Lla 10HH 2hh | EEGE [Choc] (x1) (#5496821)56Chocolate71
NCT Int: IIMI | Lla 10HH 3hh | EEGG (1x) (#5533621)51Cream with Black Sable and Mask68
MT Int: MIII | lala 10HH 4hh | EEGG | 1.080x (#5170980)26Black and White (Irish)39
WCT Int: MIII | lala 11HH 1hh | EEEG | 1.408x (#5548635)63Cream with Black Grizzle and Mask80
CCT Int: MIII | Lla 11HH 2hh | GEGE (x1) (#5548634)52Cream with Chocolate Sable and Mask64
CCT Int: MIII | Lla 12HH 2hh | EEGG (x1) (#5496820)55Cream with Black Sable73
JPnT Int: RIII | Lla 11HH 2hh | GEEE | 1.277x (#5563342)6Cream with Black Sable11

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

A. (#511803)Jun 24, 2019

Game Time

04:21am on Mar 10

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