GCFl WCS Lestat de Lioncourt
Full Name: | GCFl WCS Lestat de Lioncourt |
Callname: | |
Description: | |
![]() | Siberian Husky (Draught) |
Gender: | ![]() |
Personality: | Confident |
Retired On: | November 20th, 2013 |
Born On: | May 21st, 2013 |
Days Aged: | 4240 FP Days |
Owner: | ![]() |
Bred By: | ![]() |
Generation: | 82 |
Color: | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points |
Eye Color: | Brown |
![]() | PP kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat spsw mm rr tt cecw gg uu Lla intint chaint HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH |
Aptitude: | |
Times Bred: | 67 |
Boosters Used: | 0/5 |
Image: | ![]() |
Level 51
Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides
Level 50
Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides
Level 54
Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides
Level 36
Silver and White (Piebald) with Light Undersides
Name | Level | Phenotype | Age |
ChFl $Sale$ (#776923) | 39 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable | 74 |
JAP $Sale$ 23HH LL (#807556) | 12 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 83 |
JAS AFl 15HH 9Hh Lla stmint strcha (#750198) | 22 | Red with Black Grizzle | 46 |
IPnT 19HH 5Hh lala intint stmint (#792032) | 7 | Fawn and White (Piebald) | 13 |
PnT 20HH 4Hh Lla stmint chaint (#820149) | 9 | Black with Cream Points | 17 |
AT PnS 21HH 3Hh lala intint stmint (#792033) | 17 | Fawn and White (Irish) | 31 |
AT JPnS 21HH 3Hh LL stmint strcha (#793476) | 16 | Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle | 29 |
IPnT APnFl 21HH 3Hh Lla stmint chaint (#805761) | 12 | Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Light Undersides | 23 |
AP MS 21HH 3Hh Lla stmint strcha (#767387) | 23 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 41 |
IPnS JAFl 22Hh 2Hh lala stmint spdint (#807558) | 12 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides | 22 |
MP MS 22HH 2Hh lala strint stmint (#763299) | 24 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Tan Points | 45 |
IPnT JPnP 22HH 2Hh Lla stmint chaint (#821996) | 8 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 16 |
AT JPnS 22HH 2Hh Lla stmint intint (#796903) | 16 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 28 |
JAT 23HH 1Hh lala intint stmcha (#815108) | 11 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Tan Points | 20 |
JAT JPnS 23HH 1Hh lala intint stmint (#815109) | 11 | Black and White (Piebald) with Tan Points | 20 |
AFl IPnS 23HH 1Hh lala stmint chacha (#779833) | 20 | Red and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Grizzle | 35 |
APnFl JPnT 23HH 1Hh Lla stmint chacha (#807555) | 12 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 22 |
APnT 23HH 1Hh Lla stmint intint (#816664) | 11 | Black with Cream Points | 19 |
PnT 24HH lala stmint intcha (#821998) | 9 | Black and White (Piebald) with Silver Points | 16 |
MP JAFl 24HH Lla chaint agicha (#767388) | 23 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Light Undersides | 42 |
IPnT AFl 24HH Lla intint stmint (#790597) | 17 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 31 |
IPnP PnS 24HH Lla stmint strint (#821997) | 8 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream Points | 16 |
ChFl RO~BC Apache (#740534) | 39 | Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 113 |
ExFl RIDA Arianna (#750195) | 31 | Black and White (Piebald) with Silver Points | 65 |
L.U.K Brownie (#820148) | 1 | Red and White (Extreme Piebald) | 9 |
JPnS MP ~T~T~ I Just Want Lestat (#746636) | 23 | Fawn and White (Irish) | 54 |
JAS ExFl WinB Jason Bourne (#676015) | 29 | Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 64 |
JPnP AS Jessica (#763298) | 13 | Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points | 22 |
PnFr AFl L.U.K Karol (#787078) | 22 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 44 |
GCM Knight Helander (#734700) | 36 | Cream and White (Irish) with Chocolate Grizzle | 98 |
ExT IPnA RO~BC Lestat de Lioncourt II {21HH lala 1.105x} (#773403) | 35 | Black and White (Piebald) with Silver Points | 82 |
PnS MP ~d~ Refocus Your Eyes (#767389) | 24 | Black with Red Points | 49 |
MT AS L.U.K Silven (#795139) | 32 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 93 |
WCS Sky Hawk (#735948) | 52 | Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle | 95 |
ChM ¤GPS Snow at Night (21HH Lla) Bb spsw Cce Uu *1.117* (#779834) | 43 | Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Light Undersides | 98 |
JPnFr AFl ~d~ Solar Flares (#796900) | 16 | Cream with Black Grizzle | 35 |
AFl LILAC Teen Idle (#667086) | 20 | Silver with Light Undersides | 51 |
AP WCS 14HH 10Hh lala strint strint (#738340) | 44 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4194 |
AP WCS 15HH 9Hh lala chaint agicha (#734699) | 44 | Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4197 |
IPnS AP 16HH 8Hh lala strint strint (#753052) | 15 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides | 4034 |
JAS NP 17HH 6Hh Lla chaint strint (#737228) | 9 | Red and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4195 |
CCFl PnS 18HH 6Hh Lla chaint spdcha (#756905) | 48 | Red with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4179 |
PnP WCS 19HH 5Hh lala intint strint (#753053) | 45 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4182 |
IPnP MS 19HH 5Hh lala stmint strint (#750196) | 25 | Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream Points | 4179 |
IPnFr JPnS 19HH 5Hh Lla stmint chacha (#796899) | 7 | Black with Cream Points | 4153 |
CCT JPnS 20HH 4Hh lala strint stmint (#788876) | 49 | Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points | 4158 |
IPnP ExS L.U.K 20HH 4Hh strint stmcha (#811711) | 30 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Silver Points | 4146 |
MP IPnS 21HH 3Hh Lla intint intint (#751606) | 22 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points and Light Undersides | 4180 |
JPnP NCS 22HH 2Hh Lla chaint agiint (#750197) | 38 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4181 |
JAS JPnFl Aurora (#747682) | 9 | Red with Chocolate Sable | 4183 |
AFl NP Burning Beauty (#764692) | 17 | Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 4160 |
ExT L.U.K Chocolaté (#815106) | 31 | Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Red Points | 3834 |
NCS BRA's chocolate Hearth Yurika (#735949) | 47 | Red with Chocolate Grizzle | 3876 |
NA CocoPaw (#778255) | 1 | Chocolate with Cream Points | 4166 |
GCT King Don't Be Late* (#795138) | 48 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Cream Points and Light Undersides | 3955 |
PnS MFl SPIT Jackie Renolds 15HH EEEE (#741628) | 31 | Red and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 3606 |
CCP Jake (EEEE-24HH) (#805760) | 43 | Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle | 4018 |
JPnP PnS Jessie EEEE (#807557) | 8 | Red and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Grizzle | 4147 |
AFl BRA's Jimi [22HH 4E 3xint] (#816663) | 20 | Black with Cream Points | 4144 |
CCT L.U.K Leona (#815107) | 54 | Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 2841 |
GCO Mighty (EEEE-22H-2Hh) (#778254) | 36 | Chocolate with Red Points | 4166 |
NS Oreo (#676016) | 1 | Black and White (Irish) with Silver Points and Light Undersides | 4244 |
GCP Pallet Town (#734701) | 38 | Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4091 |
APnS Peaches (#735947) | 6 | Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light Undersides | 4192 |
NM L.U.K Puppy 2 (#821995) | 2 | Silver and White (Piebald) | 4141 |
WCP PnS HFD Queen of the Lioncourt (#734698) | 55 | Cream with Black Grizzle | 4148 |
AFl AS Selene 24HH (#756906) | 24 | Red and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 4174 |
NFl AS Sheba (#745448) | 13 | Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle | 4126 |
WCT NS «Ygg» Silver and Gold (#811710) | 58 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 4141 |
AP AFl South (#756904) | 21 | Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides | 4176 |
WCT ExS L.U.K WillowSun's Laura 24-0 1.103 (#768604) | 61 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points | 3473 |
GCT WCFr WSS WillowSun's Patrick 22-0 1.086 (#796901) | 63 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 3137 |
WCS ChT WSS WillowSun's Pearl 22-0 1.143 (#796902) | 62 | Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points | 3472 |
ExS WCT WSS WillowSun's Peck 23-0 1.085 (#796906) | 65 | Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides | 3114 |
WCS GCO WSS WillowSun's Phi 24-0 1.085 (#796904) | 62 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | 3137 |
WCP ExT WSS WillowSun's Prom 23-0 1.141 (#796905) | 60 | Cream and White (Piebald) with Light Undersides | 3142 |
NS Yukon (#793475) | 1 | Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points | 4157 |
CCFl ChS L.U.K ^^WillowSun's Liza 22-0 1.101 (#767386) | 57 | Black and White (Piebald) with Silver Points | 3876 |
Owner | When |
Lady Unicorn ~Dogs for sale~ (#1144333) | Sep 23, 2013 |
ToneS (#526188) | May 31, 2013 |