WCT Ds2CR 1447 Cream and White (Irish) Amigo
Male Otterhound Owned by Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
level 73     agi 520     cha 1078     int 3355     spd 4263     stm 1637     str 528
Full Name:WCT Ds2CR 1447 Cream and White (Irish) Amigo
What's this? Breed:Otterhound (Scent Hounds)
Retired On:February 23rd, 2021
Born On:May 28th, 2020
Days Aged:1585 FP Days
Owner:Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
Bred By:Duke's Second Chance Rescue (#1095695)
Color:Cream and White (Irish)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk ee BB DD slsl asaasa sisp mm rr tt cece gg uu Lla spdspd spdspd HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Show, Tracking, Pulling, Rally-O, Dock Diving
Times Bred:29
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 520
Charisma 1078 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 3355 Major Group Stat
Speed 4263 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1637 Major Group Stat
Strength 528
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 73
Experience Earned 53,914,065
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

intx2 spdx2 stmx2
World Champion Tracking
Total Competitions: 4450   
First Places93    Second Places176    Third Places236    Fourth Places258    Fifth Places258    Sixth Places210   
Winnings: $685,560    Experience: 53,914,065   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training




Level 81

Fawn and White (Irish)


Level 70

Steel Blue and White (Piebald)


Level 76

Black and White (Irish)



Level 71

Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish)


Level 72

Cream and White (Piebald)


Level 75

Roaned Cream and White (Piebald)


ARO StFr 11 HH 13 Hh EEEE 35 Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Red Points Amrita Acharia (#6406430)19Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Red Points31
JAT StFr 12 HH 12 Hh EEEE 36 Cream and White (Piebald) Tony Way (#6401768)14Cream and White (Piebald)24
APnT StFr 12 HH 12 Hh EEEE 36 Red and White (Piebald) Máriusz (#6406431)11Red and White (Piebald)22
JARO StFr 12 HH 12 Hh EEEE 36 Roaned Black and White (Irish) Tommen (#6401757)14Roaned Black and White (Irish)24
JAT StFr 12 HH 12 Hh EEEE 36 Roaned Steel Blue and White (Piebald) with Cream Points Teofil (#6382328)15Roaned Steel Blue and White (Piebald) with Cream Points25
JARO StFr 13 HH 11 Hh EEEE 37 Cream and White (Irish) Eugene Simon (#6382329)14Cream and White (Irish)24
WCT StFr 13 HH 11 Hh EEEE 37 Steel Blue and White (Irish) Rickon Stark (#6490246)83Steel Blue and White (Irish)110
WCT StFr 13 HH 11 Hh EEEE 37 Steel Blue Peter Vaughan (#6490245)82Steel Blue110
JAT StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Cream Áldáska (#6401785)12Cream22
JAP StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Cream Amázia (#6401784)11Cream21
WCO StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Cream and White (Piebald) Garden of Bones (#6425094)74Cream and White (Piebald)109
AM StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Cream Lancel Lannister (#6382330)17Cream27
JARO StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Fawn and White (Irish) Ros (#6382326)13Fawn and White (Irish)23
JAP StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Fawn and White (Piebald) Darius (#6382324)13Fawn and White (Piebald)23
APnM StFr 15 HH 9 Hh EEEE 39 Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable Karsa (#6401766)11Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable21
JARO StFr 15 HH 9 Hh EEEE 39 Fawn and White (Piebald) Esmé Bianco (#6382325)13Fawn and White (Piebald)23
PnT StFr 15 HH 9 Hh EEEE 39 Roaned Fawn and White (Piebald) Tamara (#6401765)11Roaned Fawn and White (Piebald)20
JARO StFr 15 HH 9 Hh EEEE 39 Roaned Red and White (Piebald) Ilyn Payne (#6401764)10Roaned Red and White (Piebald)20
APnSh StFr 16 HH 8 Hh EEEE 40 Black and White (Irish) Füszer király (#6403890)10Black and White (Irish)20
PnT StFr 16 HH 8 Hh EEEE 40 Black and White (Irish) Myrcella Baratheon (#6401752)9Black and White (Irish)19
PnRO StFr 16 HH 8 Hh EEEE 40 Cream Daniel Portman (#6401767)9Cream19
JARO StFr 16 HH 8 Hh EEEE 40 Roaned Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Saddle Ian Beattie (#6382327)13Roaned Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Saddle23
IPnT StFr 17 HH 7 Hh EEEE 41 Cream Podrick Payne (#6401762)9Cream19
APnRO StFr 17 HH 7 Hh EEEE 41 Red and White (Piebald) Yarwick (#6401761)9Red and White (Piebald)19
PnRO StFr 17 HH 7 Hh EEEE 41 Roaned Black and White (Irish) Benedikta (#6401756)9Roaned Black and White (Irish)19
APnHu StFr 17 HH 7 Hh EEEE 41 Roaned Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle Nicholas Blane (#6403891)9Roaned Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Saddle19
PnO StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Black and White (Piebald) Prince of Darkness (#6401753)8Black and White (Piebald)19
APnRO StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Cream and White (Piebald) Daeron (#6401760)9Cream and White (Piebald)19
APnRO StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Fawn Arioko (#6401781)9Fawn19
IPnT StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Red and White (Piebald) Aimee Richardson (#6401771)8Red and White (Piebald)19
APnRO StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Red with Steel Blue Saddle Casper (#6401770)9Red with Steel Blue Saddle19
IPnFr StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Roaned Fawn and White (Irish) Countessa (#6401774)9Roaned Fawn and White (Irish)19
PnHu StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish) Dontos Hollard (#6401769)9Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish)19
PnT StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Red Points Lil' Kim (#6401783)9Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Red Points19
APnT StFr 18 HH 6 Hh EEEE 42 Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Cream Points Timar (#6401782)9Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Cream Points19
PnT StFr 19 HH 5 Hh EEEE 43 Black and White (Irish) with Red Points Aunt Sally (#6401775)9Black and White (Irish) with Red Points19
PnT StFr 19 HH 5 Hh EEEE 43 Red and White (Irish) Nonso Anozie (#6401777)9Red and White (Irish)19
PnT StFr 19 HH 5 Hh EEEE 43 Red and White (Irish) Xaro Xhoan Daxos (#6401778)9Red and White (Irish)19
AT StFr 24 1220 Fawn and White (Irish) Liberty (#6401759)18Fawn and White (Irish)29
AT StFr 24 1220 Fawn and White (Irish) Shirley (#6401758)19Fawn and White (Irish)29
AT StFr 24 1237 Roaned Black and White (Irish) Mitvisz (#6345711)18Roaned Black and White (Irish)28
AT StFr 24 1237 Roaned Cream and White (Irish) Carice van Houten (#6345710)21Roaned Cream and White (Irish)32
PnT StFr 9 19 1178 Veréb (#6401772)9Steel Blue19
PnT StFr 9 19 1208 Callum Wharry (#6401773)9Steel Blue with Tan Points19
PnRO StFr 9 20 1198 Pet (#6401755)8Red19
PnT StFr 9 20 1202 Tommen Baratheon (#6401776)9Red and White (Piebald)19
IPnT StFr 9 20 1228 Taena (#6401763)8Fawn18
IPnT StFr 9 21 1198 Ian Hanmore (#6401754)8Fawn18
PnT StFr 9 21 1223 Angharaq (#6401779)8Steel Blue and White (Irish)18
IPnT StFr 9 23 1223 Pyatt Pree (#6401780)9Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Saddle18
UCRO StFr 9 24 1478 Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish) John Stahl (#6494678)82Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish)110
MT JPnRO Sweet Dancing Shoes (24HH) (#7176562)28Roaned Steel Blue and White (Piebald)59
WCM StFr 14 HH 10 Hh EEEE 38 Cream Harrenhal szelleme (#6425095)80Cream982
WCT StFr 24 1478 Roaned Black and White (Piebald) Marietta (#6494679)84Roaned Black and White (Piebald)977

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)Jun 3, 2020

Game Time

07:18am on Mar 19

Welcome Guest

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