ICM REBE Xueyou 24.0 1.697x *BOB* 24:1
Male Chow-chow Owned by Rebeshe (#461348)
level 103     agi 4348     cha 5581     int 4486     spd 2833     stm 1763     str 1784
Full Name:ICM REBE Xueyou 24.0 1.697x *BOB* 24:1
What's this? Breed:Chow-chow (Versatile)
Retired On:April 5th, 2023
Born On:November 3rd, 2020
Days Aged:800 FP Days
Owner:Rebeshe (#461348)
Bred By:Rebeshe (#461348)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK ee BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cece gg uu lala chacha chacha HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Agility, Frisbee, Rally-O
Times Bred:18
Boosters Used:1/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 4348 Major Group Stat
Charisma 5581 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 4486 Major Group Stat
Speed 2833 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1763
Strength 1784
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 103
Experience Earned 149,671,375


Third Place - Most Experienced
Won $500 1x
Last Win: Mar 11, 2021
Best of Sport - Accomplished
Won $1,000 1x
Last Win: Mar 11, 2021
Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 20x
Last Win: Mar 11, 2021

Sports and Training

agix2 chax2 intx2
Interstellar Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 4450   
First Places965    Second Places378    Third Places351    Fourth Places283    Fifth Places237    Sixth Places201   
Winnings: $1,754,597    Experience: 149,671,375   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
100% Training



UCM REBE ALEXEI 24.0 *BOB* 11:1 1.597X ID#4894925

Level 95


UCM REBE NIKITA 15:4 1.583X [10] ID#4894934

Level 94



UCM REBE ALEXEI 24.0 *BOB* 11:1 1.597X ID#4894925

Level 95


UCM REBE KISKA 10:5 1.597X 24.0 ID#4894926

Level 94


UCM REBE JINGHUA 24.0 [322] 1.630X 18:0 ID#5961750

Level 100



UCM REBE Aiguo 24.0 1.713x 11:1 (#6565397)101Cream101
UCM REBE Bowen 24.0 1.702x 19:3 (#6565399)102Cream101
MM REBE Cake Outbreak 24.0 1.720x (#8208562)28Cream30
UCM REBE Chia-Hao 24.0 1.690x 11:1 (#6565403)99Black101
MM REBE Cocoa Nutter 24.0 1.717x (#8208558)29Red30
MM REBE Cookie Rookie 24.0 1.717x (#8208556)29Cream30
MM REBE Dough Business 24.0 1.747x (#8208554)29Cream30
UCM REBE Haoran 24.0 1.690x 15:1 (#6565404)100Black101
MM REBE Nothing Batter 24.0 1.717x (#8208555)29Cream30
MM REBE Steal the Dough 24.0 1.748x (#8208552)29Cream30
MM REBE Tiers of Delight 24.0 1.725x (#8208563)30Cream30
MM REBE Whoopie Cake 24.0 1.720x (#8208559)30Cream30
UCM REBE Word World 24.0 1.705x 15:2 (#6876038)101Cream101
UCM REBE Zihan 24.0 1.710x 8:1 (#6565408)99Cream101
UCM REBE Baozhai 24.0 1.713x 17:0 (#6565398)106Cream1432
UCM REBE Cake Couture 24.0 1.748x 10:0 (#8208551)112Black676
WCM REBE Changpu 24.0 1.702x 3:4 (#6565400)92Cream1423
UCM REBE Chenguang 24.0 1.708x 10:5 (#6565402)99Black1423
UCM REBE Chih-cheng 24.0 1.708x 10:4 (#6565401)98Black1423
WCM REBE Chunhua 24.0 1.710x 9:4 (#6565405)94Cream1423
UCM REBE Chuntao 24.0 1.710x 11:0 (#6565406)100Cream1423
WCM REBE Cover Story 24.0 1.705x 8:5 (#6876031)95Black799
UCM REBE Creamy Creations 24.0 1.747x 8:4 (#8208553)108Cream676
UCM REBE Ginger Snapped 24.0 1.717x 12:2 (#8208557)110Red676
UCM REBE Lore Keeper 24.0 1.705x 13:1 (#6876030)102Red with Light Undersides799
WCM REBE Melting Plot 24.0 1.705x 7:5 (#6876029)93Red799
UCM REBE Novel Idea 24.0 1.705x 12:1 (#6876032)99Black799
UCM REBE Reading Nook 24.0 1.705x 10:1 (#6876037)100Cream799
UCM REBE Scents of Humor 24.0 1.720x 20:2 (#8208561)112Cream676
UCM REBE Sifted Gifts 24.0 1.720x 10:2 (#8208564)110Cream676
WCM REBE Speaks Volumes 24.0 1.705x 12:2 (#6876033)97Black799
UCM REBE Sprinkles of Joy 24.0 1.720x 10:2 (#8208560)109Black676
UCM REBE Story Glory 24.0 1.705x 11:1 (#6876035)101Cream799
WCM REBE Take Cover 24.0 1.705x 10:3 (#6876034)96Cream799
WCM REBE Tall Tales 24.0 1.705x 6:1 (#6876036)96Cream799
WCM REBE Yuxuan 24.0 1.710x 9:0 (#6565407)94Cream1423

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Rebeshe (#461348)Nov 12, 2020

Game Time

04:05am on Mar 3

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