WCM 5HH [5 9] [intstm intspd] lala
Male Great Dane Owned by AbbyBane (#1172843)
level 48     agi 1283     cha 1431     int 1852     spd 233     stm 529     str 235
Full Name:WCM 5HH [5 9] [intstm intspd] lala
What's this? Breed:Great Dane (Hunting)
Retired On:January 23rd, 2014
Born On:August 18th, 2013
Days Aged:4158 FP Days
Owner:AbbyBane (#1172843)
Bred By:Unknown
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EmE Bb DD slsl AyAy Ssw mm rr tt cchcch gg uu lala intstm intspd Hh Hh Hh HH hh Hh Hh Hh hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH
Times Bred:38
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1283 Major Group Stat
Charisma 1431 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 1852 Major Group Stat
Speed 233
Stamina 529 Major Group Stat
Strength 235
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Final Level 48
Experience Earned 18,352,640
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

agix2 chax2 intx2
World Champion Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 4330   
First Places54    Second Places136    Third Places160    Fourth Places184    Fifth Places239    Sixth Places238   
Winnings: $119,380    Experience: 18,352,640   
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
93% Training




17th 7HH [15 17 23] [stmstm strint] lala (#734409)1White6
PnHT 17th Black and White (Piebald) (#715052)8Black and White (Piebald)23
17th Chocolate and White (Irish) (#724650)1Chocolate and White (Irish)6
NHT 17th Dark Knight (#768436)1Black6
NSh 17th Death's Warlord Apophis (#734410)1Black6
IPnM 17th EGEG (#768437)8Black and White (Irish)22
IPnT 17th Fawn with Black Sable and Mask (#742682)8Fawn with Black Sable and Mask22
AM 17th George Villiers (#1011441)20Blue Merle and White (Piebald)39
JPnM 17th moon (#1005647)6Blue Merle84
17th Myth (#718049)1Blue Merle and White (Piebald)6
NO 17th Princess of Light (#742697)1White6
17th the 70 (#1011440)1Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald)97
JPnHT 17th The Odd One Out (#718048)5Fawn Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Mask10
NSh 17th White Rose of Dark Dane (#742698)1White6
MM 17th {Perfectly Pretty} (#1011437)29Black48
MM 17th {Still Standing} (#1027786)30Black48
NM 17th 0.937x [M] 7HH [1 5] [stmstm spdint] [Kk EmE BB DD swsw mm] Lla (#1039612)1Black and White (Extreme Piebald)3719
NM 17th 0.953x [M] 12HH [3 5] [agiint agispd] [Kk EE Bb DD Ssw mm] Lla (#1033504)1Black3719
NM 17th 0.978x [M, H] 12HH [1 9 18] [agiint strint] [kk EmEm Bb DD sisw mm] lala (#1031661)1Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask3719
17th 10HH [6 8 19] [intint stmint] Lla (#1033492)1Chocolate3910
17th 11HH [9 18] [agiint strint] [Kk EmE Bb DD sisw mm] lala (#1007503)1Black and White (Irish)3719
17th 12HH [5] [agistm stmint] Lla (#1037463)1Chocolate3910
17th 13HH [2 9] [intint intint] [Kk EmE bb DD swsw Mm] Lla (#1018594)1Chocolate Merle and White (Extreme Piebald)3719
17th 13HH [9 11] [intint strint] [Kk EmE Bb DD Ssw mm] lala (#1005648)1Black3719
17th 7HH [3 5] [intint stmint] lala (#1033493)1Black and White (Extreme Piebald)3719
17th 7HH [5 17] [intstm stmint] Lla (#1039592)1Black3719
17th 8HH [3 7 9] [intint stmint] [Kk EmE BB DD spsw mm] lla (#961469)1Black and White (Piebald)3719
17th 9HH [1 5 9] [agiint agispd] lla (#1041762)1Black and White (Irish)3719
NM 17th Adoptable (#1029824)1Blue Merle and White (Irish)3907
NA 17th CC (#754094)1Black and White (Extreme Piebald)3888
APnFr 17th Chocolate (#724649)14Chocolate2840
NHT 17th David HH 6 (#781108)6Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask3973
PnSc 17th Demetris (#1031660)11Fawn Merle with Blue Sable and Mask3905
ANM 17th Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask (#1039611)4Fawn and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and Mask4011
WCM 17th Grace GEGG 5HH/5hh Chocolate lla (#1041761)49Chocolate3953
PnFl 17th Hersh (#1039591)9Chocolate3899
NM 17th ho ho (#1039596)1Black and White (Extreme Piebald)3743
IPnA 17th Kabrina (#1037462)8Black3838
AM 17th Mane 60.41 lla IIxX (#736949)23Fawn with Black Sable and Mask1206
IPnHT 17th Martha (#1007502)7Blue Merle3816
AHT 17th Megan GGGE (#754095)20Black and White (Extreme Piebald)3017
NHT 17th Rosa (#715053)1Fawn with Black Sable and Mask4162
MO 17th Running In The Shadows (#961468)29Fawn Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Mask4009
ASc 17th Skittles (#1039597)22Chocolate2011
NM 17th Snow (#1027787)1White3908

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

AbbyBane (#1172843)Jan 23, 2014
Monochrome (#81252)Aug 30, 2013

Game Time

04:29pm on Mar 10

Welcome Guest

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