
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse
Male Beagle Owned by Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
level 77     agi 2785     cha 1176     int 4118     spd 1925     stm 1184     str 609
Full Name:UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse
What's this? Breed:Registered Beagle (Scent Hounds)
Born On:June 26th, 2022
Days Aged:95 FP Days
Owner:Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
Bred By:Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)
Color:Black with Red Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk Ee Bb Dd slsl atasa Ssp mm rr TT CC gg uu Ll spdint intstm HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH Hh hh HH Hh HH Hh HH HH Hh Hh HH HH HH
Times Bred:21 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:5/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Yellow Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Yellow Bowl Full
Collar Designer Purple Collar +500 int, Level 60+ Only
Leash Jewelled Purple Leash +600 int, Level 70+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Purple Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Salmon+30 int, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 2785
Charisma 1176 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 4118 Major Group Stat
Speed 1925 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1184 Major Group Stat
Strength 609
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 77
Multiplier: 1.423x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #1,534   Breed Ranking: #1


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 4x
Last Win: Mar 26, 2025

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 intx2 spdx2
Universal Champion Agility
Total Competitions: 4200    Current Entries: 50
First Places260    Second Places306    Third Places327    Fourth Places311    Fifth Places302    Sixth Places247   
Winnings: $242,684    Experience: 63,477,470    Title In: 247 places
Overall Ranking: #1,925    Sport Ranking: #127
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Third!325028Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376190)
Universal Champion Agility
Third!317289Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404058)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!276388Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376198)
Universal Champion Agility
Fourth!277488Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376196)
Universal Champion Agility
Fourth!286328Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376202)
Universal Champion Agility
Fourth!318389Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404043)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!244328Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376194)
Universal Champion Agility
Fifth!255378Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376195)
Universal Champion Agility
Fifth!283018Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376197)
Universal Champion Agility
Fifth!287438Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376200)
Universal Champion Agility
Fifth!298499Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404060)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!330549Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404054)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!283019Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404050)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!308439Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404051)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!296279Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404030)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!244329Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404042)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!3029110Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404022)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!203418Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376193)
Universal Champion Agility
Sixth!189048Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376192)
Universal Champion Agility
Sixth!207838Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376199)
Universal Champion Agility
Sixth!327239Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404059)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!323919Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404055)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!3272310Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404020)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!263119Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404037)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!292969Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404046)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7202318Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376191)
Universal Champion Agility
7211158Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376189)
Universal Champion Agility
7166938Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376188)
Universal Champion Agility
7186838Stardazed's kennel Competition (#267376201)
Universal Champion Agility
7309549Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404061)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7297389Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404053)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7197889Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404057)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8235479Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404049)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
82432110Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404063)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8211159Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404039)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
82553710Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404021)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8212269Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404032)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8211159Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404033)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9182419Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404052)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9170259Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404062)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9283019Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404056)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
92111510Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404024)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9187949Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404041)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9180209Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404038)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9215579Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404023)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9182419Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404048)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9202319Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404034)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9193469Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404040)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9177999Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404044)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9200109Standard Universal Champion Agility (#267404045)
Universal Champion Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association



WCA -BLD- IVO ID#4812693

Level 65

Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Ticking


Level 56

Black and White (Piebald)

UCT STFR 9 16 1357 CR-Z ID#5065277

Level 79

Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking



Level 17


MT FFDK EEK ID#4775273

Level 37

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red Points and Ticking

WCRO FUR 8 12 0967 NORTHSTAR ID#4971373

Level 54

Chocolate with Red Points


APnHu StFr 1153 6 be black with red Bhaelyra (#9123678)12Red with Black Saddle20
AHu StFr 1158 10 Malaenar (#9100687)14Black with Red Points23
AHu StFr 1158 10 Saeremera (#9100688)14Black with Red Points23
AT StFr 1162 5 Haerya (#9100690)15Black with Red Points23
AT StFr 1162 9 Naerys (#9100689)15Black with Red Points23
APnT StFr 1183 20 Malaessa (#9127664)12Black with Red Points19
APnT StFr 1193 20 Eraelyra (#9127665)12Black with Red Points19
PnT StFr 1200 14 Balaemarys (#9127662)11Black with Red Points18
PnT StFr 1200 15 Haerys (#9127663)11Black with Red Points18
StFr 1168 10 be black with red Baenyra (#9130438)1Black6
StFr 1168 5 be black with red Vhaemys (#9130437)1Red6
StFr 1170 7 be black with red Naerenys (#9136671)1Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Ticking6
StFr 1170 8 Nesaehra (#9136672)1Black with Red Points6
StFr 1180 4 be chocolate with red Neral (#9200349)1Black6
StFr 1180 5 be chocolate with red Relina (#9200348)1Black with Red Points6
StFr 1187 4 be chocolate with red Adrielle (#9197555)1Red and White (Piebald) with Ticking6
StFr 1187 8 be chocolate with red Kaylee (#9197554)1Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Ticking6
StFr 1190 4 be chocolate with red Suesane (#9207642)1Red6
StFr 1190 9 Vevienne (#9207641)1Chocolate with Red Points6
StFr 1192 10 be chocolate with red Codin (#9194441)1Red with Black Saddle6
StFr 1192 12 be chocolate with red Kaenna (#9194440)1Red with Black Saddle6
NFl StFr 1193 10 be chocolate with red Korban (#9191493)1Black7
NT StFr 1193 14 be chocolate with red Breyna (#9191494)1Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking7
StFr 1247 10 Yraevon (#9457744)1Black with Red Points6
StFr 1247 6 Haella (#9457743)1Black with Red Points6
StFr 1255 10 Vinarr (#9457746)1Black with Red Points6
StFr 1255 9 be black red Nesaehrys (#9457745)1Red6

Current Litters

UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x AFT StFr 1000 -1 Be black with red Skye (#5823847)022
UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x AT StFr 1000 -2 Be black with red Casey (#5827740)017
UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x AT StFr 1413 Twix (#5821085)0410
UCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x MT StFr 1240 15 Reqninda Peoz (#5821086)047
WCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x AA StFr 1000 0 Be black with red Ruby (#5819228)252
WCA StFr 9 15 1423 Muse x MRO StFr 1000 1 Navigator (#5819229)252

Previous Owners

Odie - The Gold Dragon (#1479133)Jul 3, 2022

Game Time

07:56pm on Mar 26

Welcome Guest

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