
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
GCP WTTP (23HH)Ivory Hooligan(Kbrk)(ee)(bb dd)(Ssw)(cwcw)(lala)Silver(agicha chacha
Female American Pit Bull Terrier Owned by Holly-Team Fire (#770788)
level 42     agi 575     cha 501     int 445     spd 193     stm 390     str 1802
Full Name:GCP WTTP (23HH)Ivory Hooligan(Kbrk)(ee)(bb dd)(Ssw)(cwcw)(lala)Silver(agicha chacha
Description:UCD ARTE AMOS ID#7749857

Level 90

Level 70
What's this? Breed:Registered American Pit Bull Terrier (Bull-Type Terriers)
Born On:March 16th, 2023
Days Aged:56 FP Days
Owner:Holly-Team Fire (#770788)
Bred By:Holly-Team Fire (#770788)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP Kbrk ee bb dd slsl Ayat Ssw mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala agicha chacha HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Agility, Tracking, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Yellow Bowl Servings Left: 1
Food Bowl Yellow Bowl Full
Collar Leather Red Collar +160 str, Level 30+ Only
Leash Leather Red Leash +120 str, Level 25+ Only
Bed Yellow Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Beef Dinner+20 str, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 575 Major Group Stat
Charisma 501 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 445 Major Group Stat
Speed 193
Stamina 390
Strength 1802 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 42
Multiplier: 1.473x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: Unknown   Breed Ranking: Unknown


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 stmx2 strx2
Grand Champion Pulling
Total Competitions: 2080    Current Entries: 0
First Places183    Second Places113    Third Places122    Fourth Places120    Fifth Places99    Sixth Places91   
Winnings: $148,653    Experience: 11,156,289    Title In: 72 places
Overall Ranking: Unknown    Sport Ranking: Unknown
98% Training

Today's Competition Results

Third!1072215Citi's Kennel Competition (#266389771)
Grand Champion Pulling
Fourth!979415Citi's Kennel Competition (#266389767)
Grand Champion Pulling
Fifth!1068713Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381075)
Grand Champion Pulling
Fifth!969115Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381077)
Grand Champion Pulling
Fifth!1048115Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381080)
Grand Champion Pulling
Sixth!979415Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381085)
Grand Champion Pulling
Sixth!934815Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381076)
Grand Champion Pulling
7897015Citi's Kennel Competition (#266389770)
Grand Champion Pulling
7927912Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381073)
Grand Champion Pulling
8958815Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381083)
Grand Champion Pulling
8807712Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381074)
Grand Champion Pulling
9745815Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381084)
Grand Champion Pulling
9821415Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381086)
Grand Champion Pulling
9759615Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381081)
Grand Champion Pulling
9818015Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381082)
Grand Champion Pulling
101068727Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389118)
Grand Champion Pulling
10879815Citi's Kennel Competition (#266389768)
Grand Champion Pulling
10574113Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381072)
Grand Champion Pulling
11745814Citi's Kennel Competition (#266389769)
Grand Champion Pulling
111036966The Den Competition (#266372525)
Grand Champion Pulling
131019766The Den Competition (#266372526)
Grand Champion Pulling
13995666The Den Competition (#266372530)
Grand Champion Pulling
13581015Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381078)
Grand Champion Pulling
13632515Bryerwood Kennel Competition (#266381079)
Grand Champion Pulling
15976027Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389122)
Grand Champion Pulling
15954466The Den Competition (#266372519)
Grand Champion Pulling
15954466The Den Competition (#266372527)
Grand Champion Pulling
15916666The Den Competition (#266372531)
Grand Champion Pulling
16851466The Den Competition (#266372520)
Grand Champion Pulling
16847966The Den Competition (#266372529)
Grand Champion Pulling
17859227Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389112)
Grand Champion Pulling
17951927Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389117)
Grand Champion Pulling
171061927Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389121)
Grand Champion Pulling
17878966The Den Competition (#266372528)
Grand Champion Pulling
18948527Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389114)
Grand Champion Pulling
19852327Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389116)
Grand Champion Pulling
20848927Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389113)
Grand Champion Pulling
20573166The Den Competition (#266372518)
Grand Champion Pulling
20751866The Den Competition (#266372521)
Grand Champion Pulling
20597266The Den Competition (#266372522)
Grand Champion Pulling
20724366The Den Competition (#266372523)
Grand Champion Pulling
20710566The Den Competition (#266372524)
Grand Champion Pulling
21569766The Den Competition (#266372517)
Grand Champion Pulling
23632527Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389119)
Grand Champion Pulling
23735527Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389125)
Grand Champion Pulling
23714927Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389126)
Grand Champion Pulling
24728726Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389120)
Grand Champion Pulling
24611927Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389115)
Grand Champion Pulling
24622227Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389123)
Grand Champion Pulling
24629127Unsounded Depths Kennel Competition (#266389124)
Grand Champion Pulling



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Holly-Team Fire (#770788)Mar 26, 2023

Game Time

06:28pm on Mar 10

Welcome Guest

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