
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
CCT Unnii Oklahoma
Female Border Collie Owned by Heather (read rules) (#1671813)
level 61     agi 795     cha 372     int 2135     spd 1655     stm 3100     str 359
Full Name:CCT Unnii Oklahoma
What's this? Breed:Registered Border Collie (Drovers)
Born On:July 9th, 2023
Days Aged:85 FP Days
Owner:Heather (read rules) (#1671813)
Bred By:Heather (read rules) (#1671813)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EmE Bb DD slsl atasa Ssw mm rr tt CC gg uu lala stmstm intstm HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Frisbee, Herding, Rally-O
Times Bred:2 (Can be bred again in 1 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Red Bowl Empty
Collar Designer Green Collar +500 stm, Level 60+ Only
Leash Designer Purple Leash +390 int, Level 50+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew White Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Pork+30 stm, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 795 Major Group Stat
Charisma 372
Intelligence 2135 Major Group Stat
Speed 1655 Major Group Stat
Stamina 3100 Major Group Stat
Strength 359
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 61
Multiplier: 1.380x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #4,851   Breed Ranking: #180


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Continental Champion Tracking
Total Competitions: 3650    Current Entries: 0
First Places147    Second Places112    Third Places191    Fourth Places168    Fifth Places164    Sixth Places152   
Winnings: $62,601    Experience: 33,658,337    Title In: 66 places
Overall Ranking: #9,226    Sport Ranking: #663
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

Second!2184062Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059539)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!2103962Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059544)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!2162261Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059551)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!2118562Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059557)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!2154962Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059542)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!2135552CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000959)
Continental Champion Tracking
Fifth!2150052CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000952)
Continental Champion Tracking
Fifth!2038460Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059566)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!1873452CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000958)
Continental Champion Tracking
71951061Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059548)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
71892862Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059553)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
82019052CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000964)
Continental Champion Tracking
81953552CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000956)
Continental Champion Tracking
81856461Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059545)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81659861Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059564)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
81849161Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059554)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
91761862Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059562)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101652662Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059552)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101696262Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059556)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101849159Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059569)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
101594362Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059561)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
111689062Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059537)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
111477861Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059559)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
121655052CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000953)
Continental Champion Tracking
121616261Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059549)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
131536162Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059538)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
131528862Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059541)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
131630762Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059563)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141633252CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000950)
Continental Champion Tracking
141397862Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059558)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141397862Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059555)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141652660Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059568)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
141514262Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059584)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
151589554CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000954)
Continental Champion Tracking
151638059Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059565)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
151361461Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059547)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
161325062Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059540)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
161325061Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059550)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
161201262Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059560)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
161237661Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059535)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
171179462Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059536)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
181291052CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000951)
Continental Champion Tracking
181502154CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000955)
Continental Champion Tracking
191582254CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000962)
Continental Champion Tracking
201342052CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000957)
Continental Champion Tracking
221254652CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000963)
Continental Champion Tracking
221160054CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000961)
Continental Champion Tracking
221232852CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000960)
Continental Champion Tracking
221310459Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059546)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
241186660Standard Continental Champion Tracking (#266059567)
Continental Champion Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association



UCFL MINNA 24HH LLA 268 (FL) ID#3529452

Level 92


UCH MINNA 24HH LALA 261 (H) ID#3614628

Level 91

Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points

WCH MINNA 24 HH LALA 3 SM 1.620 ID#4999967

Level 81



GCH ¤W¤ THE CUPCAKE RIOT OF '93 1.015 ID#7660293

Level 55

Roaned Brindle Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and Mask

NCH ¤W¤ WHAT DO YOU SAY? 0.993 ID#7739286

Level 55

Blue Merle and White (Irish)

WCHU ¤W¤ JACE ID#8180251

Level 68

Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald)


Goliath (#9405745)1Black and White (Irish)6
Iced Coffee (#9405746)1Black6
Justice was Served (#9425510)1Chocolate6
Ma'am (#9425511)1Roaned Black and White (Irish)6

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Heather (read rules) (#1671813)Jul 15, 2023

Game Time

03:47am on Mar 4

Welcome Guest

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