
Energy (100)
Condition (67%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (0%)
IPnT Bluetick Coonhound
Female Bluetick Coonhound Owned by Shadow Scar (#1251787)
level 11     agi 27     cha 61     int 127     spd 161     stm 161     str 26
Full Name:IPnT Bluetick Coonhound
What's this? Breed:Registered Bluetick Coonhound (Scent Hounds)
Born On:August 2nd, 2023
Days Aged:26 FP Days
Owner:Shadow Scar (#1251787)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Roaned Black and White (Piebald) with Tan Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat spsw mm RR tt cchce gg uu ll agicha chastm Hh Hh Hh HH Hh hh Hh Hh hh hh hh HH Hh Hh hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh Hh hh hh HH
Aptitude:Show, Tracking, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Fair   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Black Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Black Bowl Empty
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed None Equipped
Chew None Equipped

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Sturdy Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Barky Bites


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 27
Charisma 61 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 127 Major Group Stat
Speed 161 Major Group Stat
Stamina 161 Major Group Stat
Strength 26
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 11
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #41,253   Breed Ranking: #156


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 spdx2 stmx2
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Total Competitions: 550    Current Entries: 0
First Places2    Second Places1    Third Places8    Fourth Places13    Fifth Places30    Sixth Places17   
Winnings: $820    Experience: 282,064    Title In: 19 places
Overall Ranking: #50,595    Sport Ranking: #4,188
88% Training

Today's Competition Results

1464864Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059056)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1552440Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059055)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1567963Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059067)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1649964Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059052)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1653862Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059060)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1653464Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059061)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1650262Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059064)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1658663Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059065)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1657763Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059066)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1755663Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059068)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1845863Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059054)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1849964Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059058)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1845864Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059059)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1852766Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059047)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19664153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000446)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
19657153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000444)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
1941064Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059053)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1940863Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059057)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19652120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059038)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20629153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000440)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
20611154CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000449)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
20670154CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000448)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
20634153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000442)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
2033764Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059062)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2038364Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059063)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20629120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059039)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21534153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000441)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
21607154CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000453)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
21652120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059042)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21638120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059037)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2146556Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059051)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22620164CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000452)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
22618164CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000447)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
22527153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000445)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
22595119Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059035)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22606120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059048)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
23552164CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000450)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
2355455Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059069)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
24413154CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000454)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
24415153CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000443)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
24506115Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059084)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26388164CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266000451)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
26474120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059040)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26472120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059041)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26502120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059043)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26404120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059044)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27463119Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059036)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27424120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059045)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27404120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059046)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27470120Standard Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking (#266059049)
Intermediate Pro-Novice Tracking
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Shadow Scar (#1251787)Aug 8, 2023

Game Time

11:49am on Mar 4

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