
Energy (100)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.600 ++
Female Dutch Shepherd Owned by WoodlandWhisper (#1336432)
level 91     agi 1545     cha 1588     int 3776     spd 2515     stm 3666     str 5083
Full Name:UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.600 ++
What's this? Breed:Registered Dutch Shepherd (Guardian)
Born On:September 7th, 2023
Days Aged:98 FP Days
Owner:WoodlandWhisper (#1336432)
Bred By:WoodlandWhisper (#1336432)
Color:Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KbrKbr EmEm BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cecw gg uu lala strstr strstr HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Schutzhund
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred again in 12 days)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Pink Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Full
Collar Superior Jewelled Collar +350 agi, +350 cha, +350 int, +350 spd, +350 stm, +350 str, Level 80+ Only
Leash Superior Glowing Leash +400 agi, +400 cha, +400 int, +400 spd, +400 stm, +400 str, Level 90+ Only
Bed Red Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Beef+30 str, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 1545
Charisma 1588
Intelligence 3776 Major Group Stat
Speed 2515 Major Group Stat
Stamina 3666 Major Group Stat
Strength 5083 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 91
Multiplier: 1.600x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #128   Breed Ranking: #1


Best of Breed - Experienced
Won $250 10x
Last Win: Mar 1, 2025

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 stmx2 strx2
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Total Competitions: 4300    Current Entries: 0
First Places365    Second Places262    Third Places276    Fourth Places275    Fifth Places318    Sixth Places272   
Winnings: $330,813    Experience: 103,372,205    Title In: 232 places
Overall Ranking: #492    Sport Ranking: #22
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!4964613Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870928)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
First!5032413Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870927)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!4930713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870929)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!4778213Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870936)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!5015413Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870940)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!4930713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870937)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!4727413Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870938)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Second!4913813Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870935)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!3964913Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870924)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!4998513Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870921)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Third!4388513Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816227)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Third!4913814Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816230)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Third!4676514Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816233)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Fourth!4100413Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870931)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fourth!3948013Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816226)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Fifth!3829313Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870923)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!3405713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870933)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!4032713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870911)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Fifth!4066613Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870939)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!3676813Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870916)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!4032713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870943)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
Sixth!4473214Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816239)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!4151314Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816231)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!4168214Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816237)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
72592413Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870926)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
73541313Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870918)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
74049613Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870919)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
73405714Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816238)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
83659913Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870915)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
83185513Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870934)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
82711013Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870942)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
83270213Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816228)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
83507413Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816232)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
83287114Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816234)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
92795813Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870922)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
92575513Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870925)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
93981813Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870917)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
92626313Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870932)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
92778813Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870930)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
103338013Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870920)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
103083813Perfect Canine Kennel Club Competition (#265832848)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
102711014Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816236)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
102456913Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816240)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
112507713Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870941)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
112829613Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816229)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
114236018Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870896)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
132389113Crystal Paradise Competition (#265816235)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
133287118Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870944)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
133304118Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870897)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association
152846618Standard Universal Champion Schutzhund (#265870898)
Universal Champion Schutzhund
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Level 86

Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask


Level 73

Brindle Silver with Black Sable and Mask

ICSC KOWW [24] LALA 1.537 ID#8062394

Level 88

Brindle Silver with Black Sable and Mask



Level 86

Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask


Level 80

Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask

ICSC KOWW [24] LALA 1.557 ID#8170467

Level 87

Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask


None found.

Current Litters

ICSc KoWW [24] lala 1.600 x UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.600 ++ (#5808642)0011

Previous Owners

WoodlandWhisper (#1336432)Sep 13, 2023

Game Time

09:21am on Mar 1

Welcome Guest

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