
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
WCFl Bradiel - G
Male Berger Picard Owned by Oromë (#35798)
level 60     agi 4762     cha 378     int 753     spd 1136     stm 1300     str 384
Full Name:WCFl Bradiel - G
What's this? Breed:Registered Berger Picard (Drovers)
Born On:December 4th, 2023
Days Aged:99 FP Days
Owner:Oromë (#35798)
Bred By:Oromë (#35798)
Color:Fawn with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk Ee BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu lala agiagi agiagi Hh HH Hh Hh hh hh Hh Hh hh HH HH HH hh Hh HH HH HH HH hh Hh Hh HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Show, Agility, Flyball, Tracking
Times Bred:2 (Can be bred 18 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Temporary: Ghost
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Red Bowl Empty
Collar Designer Blue Collar +500 agi, Level 60+ Only
Leash Designer Blue Leash +390 agi, Level 50+ Only
Bed White Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Organic Lamb+30 agi, 75% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 4762 Major Group Stat
Charisma 378
Intelligence 753 Major Group Stat
Speed 1136 Major Group Stat
Stamina 1300 Major Group Stat
Strength 384
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 60
Multiplier: 0.972x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #5,780   Breed Ranking: #29


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 spdx2 stmx2
World Champion Flyball
Total Competitions: 4350    Current Entries: 0
First Places210    Second Places158    Third Places156    Fourth Places170    Fifth Places182    Sixth Places165   
Winnings: $337,599    Experience: 31,394,171    Title In: 459 places
Overall Ranking: #4,561    Sport Ranking: #266
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

259266104Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913669)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
259184127Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913652)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2511316135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913661)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2510824134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913657)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2510865134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913651)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2512136135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913650)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2511070135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913649)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2511849135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913645)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2512177135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913646)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2611234134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913674)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
269389134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913670)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2611029135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913660)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
269717135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913653)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2610168135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913640)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2610086135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913648)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2610127135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913647)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276929134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913673)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278323134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913672)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278159134Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913671)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276765135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913654)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278733135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913659)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
279758135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913664)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278036135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913658)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276560135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913655)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278323135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913641)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2710045135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913667)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278815135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913665)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278733135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913656)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
277298135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913642)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
277462135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913668)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276519135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913662)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
279799135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913663)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
278282135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913644)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
277052135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913666)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276519135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913689)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
276273135Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913643)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
281143990Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913679)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
281172690Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913684)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
291008690Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913678)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
291049690Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913686)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
29963590Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913677)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
291029190Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913680)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30762690Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913687)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30787290Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913685)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30733990Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913688)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
301053790Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913675)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30729890Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913676)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30906190Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913683)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30766790Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913681)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association
30692990Standard World Champion Flyball (#266913682)
World Champion Flyball
Host: National Dog Sport Association




Level 63

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable


Level 63



Level 65

Fawn with Black Sable



Level 65

Fawn with Black Sable and Light Undersides


Level 63

Cream with Black Sable


Level 63

Fawn with Black Sable


CCFl Enikym - G (#8671488)51Fawn with Black Sable85
CCFl Eniran - G (#8671490)54Fawn85
WCFl Entauros - G (#8671489)55Fawn with Black Sable85
CCFl Epheielas - G (#8671491)53Fawn with Black Sable85

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Oromë (#35798)Dec 11, 2023

Game Time

11:47am on Mar 18

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