
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
WCE ASH stars *[ear-int] 21HH lala 8647140
Female West Highland White Terrier Owned by Tei (#76964)
level 49     agi 525     cha 272     int 2301     spd 1189     stm 259     str 1154
Full Name:WCE ASH stars *[ear-int] 21HH lala 8647140
What's this? Breed:West Highland White Terrier (Terriers)
Born On:December 16th, 2023
Days Aged:75 FP Days
Owner:Tei (#76964)
Bred By:Tei (#76964)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EE BB DD SlSl aa SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lala stmint agiint Hh HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Show, Tracking, Earthdog Trials
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:5/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Purple Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Empty
Collar Patterned Purple Collar +280 int, Level 40+ Only
Leash Patterned Purple Leash +220 int, Level 35+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Determined Personality Sturdy Tugtoy
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Salmon Dinner+20 int, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 525 Major Group Stat
Charisma 272
Intelligence 2301 Major Group Stat
Speed 1189 Major Group Stat
Stamina 259
Strength 1154 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 49
Multiplier: 1.030x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #7,939   Breed Ranking: #54


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
World Champion Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 3150    Current Entries: 0
First Places124    Second Places164    Third Places190    Fourth Places191    Fifth Places152    Sixth Places184   
Winnings: $90,570    Experience: 17,895,348    Title In: 495 places
Overall Ranking: #11,004    Sport Ranking: #473
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

81726033Dogs Rule Competition (#267611428)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
111476233Dogs Rule Competition (#267611424)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
111637630Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612597)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
121209033Dogs Rule Competition (#267611421)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
121736430Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611845)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
131684130Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611853)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
15970933Dogs Rule Competition (#267611420)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
151498230Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612592)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
151666730Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611844)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
151139333Dogs Rule Competition (#267611422)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
161672530Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612602)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
181602830Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612600)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
191544730Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616836)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
191469230Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612596)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
191457630Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611850)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
191550530Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620870)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
191689930Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620868)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
201277530Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616845)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
201306530Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616848)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
201294930Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616838)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
211626030Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612594)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
211480830Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612603)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
221329830Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611849)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
231277530Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620871)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
231254330Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616846)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
231260130Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616837)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
241300730Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612599)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
241196230Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611842)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
241271730Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620866)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
241271730Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620865)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
241114830Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616835)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
261242630Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612598)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
261114830Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620867)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
261306530Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612591)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
26963830Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612593)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
271080030Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611852)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
271213630Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612590)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
27853430Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616834)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
271050930Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620864)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
27841830Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616843)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
27905730Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616847)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
27853430Never Surrender Kennels Competition (#267616844)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
281004530Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611851)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
28969630Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612601)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
28899930Dancing Shadows Competition (#267620869)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
281004530Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611839)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
291120630Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612589)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
291126530Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611840)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
30929030Pixelpfote's Kennel Competition (#267612595)
World Champion Earthdog Trials
30992830Paws with Spirit's Kennel Competition (#267611841)
World Champion Earthdog Trials



ICE M DONDER TINSEL 496 14:1 ID#8381160

Level 88




Level 94



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Tei (#76964)Dec 22, 2023

Game Time

02:52am on Mar 30

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