
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ME ASH terri *[ear-spd] 10HH lala 8843723
Female Manchester Terrier Owned by Tei (#76964)
level 23     agi 191     cha 64     int 319     spd 632     stm 73     str 309
Full Name:ME ASH terri *[ear-spd] 10HH lala 8843723
What's this? Breed:Manchester Terrier (Terriers)
Born On:December 19th, 2023
Days Aged:32 FP Days
Owner:Tei (#76964)
Bred By:Tei (#76964)
Color:Black with Rich Tan Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt CC gg uu lala agiint spdspd Hh Hh Hh Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh HH HH HH Hh Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Show, Agility, Tracking, Earthdog Trials, Rally-O, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:5/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Brown Bowl Full
Collar Durable Yellow Collar +80 spd, Level 20+ Only
Leash Durable Yellow Leash +48 spd, Level 15+ Only
Bed Blue Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Chicken & Rice+10 spd, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 191 Major Group Stat
Charisma 64
Intelligence 319 Major Group Stat
Speed 632 Major Group Stat
Stamina 73
Strength 309 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 23
Multiplier: 1.275x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #25,591   Breed Ranking: #66


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
Masters Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 1050    Current Entries: 50
First Places60    Second Places50    Third Places77    Fourth Places97    Fifth Places89    Sixth Places76   
Winnings: $38,799    Experience: 2,056,113    Title In: 51 places
Overall Ranking: #23,042    Sport Ranking: #725
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!451714Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782368)
Masters Earthdog Trials
First!465815Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761861)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Second!407915Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761870)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Second!436115Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761858)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Third!465815Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761871)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Third!409515Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761866)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Third!392315Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761864)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Third!474838Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783071)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fourth!439214Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782370)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fourth!347015Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761868)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fourth!410838Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783073)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fifth!372014Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782375)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fifth!382915Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761865)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Fifth!412338Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783070)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!373614Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782365)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!276714Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782373)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!368914Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782369)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!309514Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782371)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!364215Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761863)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!376715Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761869)
Masters Earthdog Trials
Sixth!367036Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783081)
Masters Earthdog Trials
7407638Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783066)
Masters Earthdog Trials
7374836Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783082)
Masters Earthdog Trials
7368638Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783078)
Masters Earthdog Trials
8293814Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782372)
Masters Earthdog Trials
8264115Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761860)
Masters Earthdog Trials
8284515Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761859)
Masters Earthdog Trials
8365436Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783080)
Masters Earthdog Trials
8376438Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783069)
Masters Earthdog Trials
9348236Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783083)
Masters Earthdog Trials
10225114Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782367)
Masters Earthdog Trials
10259515Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761862)
Masters Earthdog Trials
10309238Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783067)
Masters Earthdog Trials
10307638Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783065)
Masters Earthdog Trials
10310736Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783084)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11214114Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782366)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11236014Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782378)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11257914Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782374)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11251614Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782376)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11237615Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761867)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11299838Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783077)
Masters Earthdog Trials
11295138Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783072)
Masters Earthdog Trials
12232914Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782379)
Masters Earthdog Trials
12217315Stonefruit Kennel Competition (#266761872)
Masters Earthdog Trials
12290438Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783075)
Masters Earthdog Trials
12256038Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783076)
Masters Earthdog Trials
13204814Chasing Heaven! Competition (#266782377)
Masters Earthdog Trials
13216938Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783074)
Masters Earthdog Trials
13276338Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783068)
Masters Earthdog Trials
13212338Dogwood Kennels Competition (#266783079)
Masters Earthdog Trials



ICE KOWW [24] LALA 1.557 ID#8262856

Level 89

Black with Rich Tan Points


Level 75

Black with Rich Tan Points


Level 52

Black with Rich Tan Points


NCA ASH TERRI 4HH LLA 8360079 ID#8360079

Level 51

Black with Rich Tan Points


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Tei (#76964)Apr 1, 2024

Game Time

02:00pm on Mar 16

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