
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ExA ASH draug 23HH lala 8846251
Female Portuguese Water Dog Owned by Tei (#76964)
level 34     agi 588     cha 130     int 483     spd 861     stm 289     str 429
Full Name:ExA ASH draug 23HH lala 8846251
What's this? Breed:Portuguese Water Dog (Draught)
Born On:December 20th, 2023
Days Aged:45 FP Days
Owner:Tei (#76964)
Bred By:Tei (#76964)
Color:Faded Brown
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP KK EE bb DD slsl atat Ssp mm Rr tt CC Gg uu lala chastr strstr HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Agility, Frisbee
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:5/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Brown Bowl Full
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Green Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Gregarious Personality Sturdy Frisbee
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Chicken & Veggies+20 spd, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 588 Major Group Stat
Charisma 130
Intelligence 483
Speed 861 Major Group Stat
Stamina 289 Major Group Stat
Strength 429 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 34
Multiplier: 1.498x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #16,220   Breed Ranking: #59


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 intx2 spdx2
Excellent Agility
Total Competitions: 1700    Current Entries: 50
First Places113    Second Places83    Third Places83    Fourth Places102    Fifth Places55    Sixth Places69   
Winnings: $26,822    Experience: 6,156,088    Title In: 95 places
Overall Ranking: #12,995    Sport Ranking: #984
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

15393740Standard Excellent Agility (#267342408)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15408140Standard Excellent Agility (#267342409)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15413940Standard Excellent Agility (#267342411)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16411040Standard Excellent Agility (#267342412)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16349241Standard Excellent Agility (#267342403)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16429745Standard Excellent Agility (#267342393)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
164210102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342377)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16413998Standard Excellent Agility (#267342386)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
164297102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342376)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17323340Standard Excellent Agility (#267342410)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17329140Standard Excellent Agility (#267342404)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17330540Standard Excellent Agility (#267342415)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17296041Standard Excellent Agility (#267342406)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17413945Standard Excellent Agility (#267342390)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173564101Standard Excellent Agility (#267342378)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17373698Standard Excellent Agility (#267342384)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17360798Standard Excellent Agility (#267342383)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17359398Standard Excellent Agility (#267342381)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173822102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342373)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
173765102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342371)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18234240Standard Excellent Agility (#267342405)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18238540Standard Excellent Agility (#267342413)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18208440Standard Excellent Agility (#267342414)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18242940Standard Excellent Agility (#267342416)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18376545Standard Excellent Agility (#267342394)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183406101Standard Excellent Agility (#267342374)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183506101Standard Excellent Agility (#267342375)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18224297Standard Excellent Agility (#267342387)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18251597Standard Excellent Agility (#267342385)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183090101Standard Excellent Agility (#267342382)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183090101Standard Excellent Agility (#267342379)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
183779102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342372)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
182931102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342370)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19234241Standard Excellent Agility (#267342407)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19317644Standard Excellent Agility (#267342398)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
192026102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342369)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
192371100Standard Excellent Agility (#267342368)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20250044Standard Excellent Agility (#267342399)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20254344Standard Excellent Agility (#267342401)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20250045Standard Excellent Agility (#267342388)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20298945Standard Excellent Agility (#267342389)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20320544Standard Excellent Agility (#267342400)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20231444Standard Excellent Agility (#267342402)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20198344Standard Excellent Agility (#267342396)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20288845Standard Excellent Agility (#267342392)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
201868102Standard Excellent Agility (#267342417)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21228545Standard Excellent Agility (#267342395)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21227045Standard Excellent Agility (#267342397)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21306150Standard Excellent Agility (#267342380)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association
21245745Standard Excellent Agility (#267342391)
Excellent Agility
Host: National Dog Sport Association



ICW -BLD- LINHó BOBX3 ID#6338066

Level 86

Faded Brown and White (Irish) with Ticking


Level 86

Roaned Black and White (Piebald)


Level 87

Chocolate and White (Irish)


WCP POOF 99.0 • 23,1,0 • LLA • STRSTR STMSTR | 1.345X ID#8125587

Level 65

Faded Brown and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking

WCFL ASH DRAUG 11HH LALA 6041649 ID#6041649

Level 74

Faded Brown

WCP ASH DRAUG 21HH LLA 8329932 ID#8329932

Level 72

Faded Brown


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Tei (#76964)Apr 2, 2024

Game Time

12:47pm on Mar 25

Welcome Guest

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