
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
APnM 9062017 057 4agi
Female American Bulldog Owned by Jen (#1061907)
level 13     agi 305     cha 113     int 132     spd 71     stm 30     str 30
Full Name:APnM 9062017 057 4agi
What's this? Breed:Registered American Bulldog (Versatile)
Born On:May 8th, 2023
Days Aged:21 FP Days
Owner:Jen (#1061907)
Bred By:Jen (#1061907)
Color:Fawn with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu lala agiagi agiagi HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Schutzhund, Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Scent Hurdles
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Purple Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl White Bowl Empty
Collar Nylon Blue Collar +30 agi, Level 10+ Only
Leash Nylon Blue Leash +22 agi, Level 5+ Only
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Purple Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Sturdy Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Lacrima Premium Lamb & Rice+10 agi, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 305 Major Group Stat
Charisma 113 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 132 Major Group Stat
Speed 71 Major Group Stat
Stamina 30
Strength 30
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 13
Multiplier: 1.057x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #34,967   Breed Ranking: #200


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 chax2 intx2
Advanced Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Total Competitions: 450    Current Entries: 0
First Places26    Second Places33    Third Places25    Fourth Places24    Fifth Places16    Sixth Places23   
Winnings: $8,219    Experience: 406,920    Title In: 3 places
Overall Ranking: #30,963    Sport Ranking: #1,635
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!187273Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956503)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
First!177151Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956514)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
First!187621Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938202)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!171372SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957880)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!166972SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957879)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!180272SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957878)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!185373Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956509)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!189753Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956511)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!161872SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957871)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!189521Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938191)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!188921Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938195)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!171124Hskennellove Competition (#265945996)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!192024Hskennellove Competition (#265945997)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Second!179324Hskennellove Competition (#265945998)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Third!172652Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956501)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Third!161272SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957876)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Third!166721Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938198)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fourth!168272SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957884)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fourth!146053Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956512)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fourth!158772SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957872)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fourth!132772SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957881)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fourth!160321Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938201)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fifth!140372SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957882)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Fifth!140721Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938199)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!150471Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956505)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!138472Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956508)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!139672SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957883)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!142872SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957874)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!134672SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957877)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!146421Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938192)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!139421Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938193)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!131221Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938204)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
Sixth!152124Hskennellove Competition (#265945999)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7139072Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956504)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7132053Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956513)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7126372SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957870)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7136553Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956510)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7137772Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956502)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
7135021Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938194)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
8124821Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938197)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
8128621Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938200)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
9124821Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938196)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
9112821Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938203)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
10114370Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956507)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
10106772SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957875)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
10108321Lisbet's Kennel Competition (#265938190)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
11103572Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956506)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
1199752Avenging Koolies Competition (#265956500)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
11122924Hskennellove Competition (#265945995)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle
12104872SNIFF-OUT SHEPHERDS Competition (#265957873)
Pro-Novice Musical Freestyle



CCM AM6 24 LALA 3AGI ID#7799346

Level 51

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable

MM ROXY ID#7799361

Level 31

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable

WCM 24 LALA 078 4AGI ID#7951314

Level 70

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable


CCM AM6 24 LALA 3AGI ID#7799346

Level 51

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable


Level 29

Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable

WCM GO YOUR OWN WAY [22] ID#7951311

Level 64

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Jen (#1061907)Jul 20, 2024

Game Time

08:24pm on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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