
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
ExO Fodder
Female Brussels Griffon Owned by Violet (#1668646)
level 31     agi 791     cha 231     int 791     spd 257     stm 120     str 508
Full Name:ExO Fodder
What's this? Breed:Registered Brussels Griffon (Versatile)
Born On:August 22nd, 2024
Days Aged:66 FP Days
Owner:Violet (#1668646)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Red with Black Sable
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl Ayat SS mm rr tt Ccch gg uu Ll stmstm agistr Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh HH Hh hh Hh Hh Hh hh HH hh Hh Hh Hh HH hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Flyball, Frisbee
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Good   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Yellow Bowl Servings Left: 5
Food Bowl Pink Bowl Full
Collar Plain Blue Collar +14 agi
Leash Plain Blue Leash +14 agi
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Rawhide Bone +50 comfort, 25% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Sturdy Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Barky Bites


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 791 Major Group Stat
Charisma 231 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 791 Major Group Stat
Speed 257 Major Group Stat
Stamina 120
Strength 508
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 31
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #18,480   Breed Ranking: #51


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 intx2 strx2
Excellent Obedience
Total Competitions: 2700    Current Entries: 50
First Places51    Second Places72    Third Places123    Fourth Places80    Fifth Places65    Sixth Places116   
Winnings: $79,720    Experience: 4,721,204    Title In: 93 places
Overall Ranking: #24,614    Sport Ranking: #1,272
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

7517623Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732413)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
7562726Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732395)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
8479923Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732425)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
9470523Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732408)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10523223Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732424)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10432923Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732409)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10521323Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732419)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
10513823Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732414)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
11400923Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732420)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
12453623Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732415)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13542030Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732394)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13489323Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732423)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13479929Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732381)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
13545830Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732398)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14415923Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732421)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14515730Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732427)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14500629Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732384)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14436630Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732387)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14542030Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732402)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14438523Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732416)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14500629Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732379)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14357623Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732410)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14530729Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732378)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
14476130Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732390)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15536430Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732391)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15513830Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732400)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
15493130Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732406)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
16357623Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732411)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17346323Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732418)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
17365123Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732412)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18438530Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732407)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18331223Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732422)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
18303023Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732417)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19361329Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732382)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19269123Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732426)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19478030Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732396)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
19432930Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732401)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20404630Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732397)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20303026Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732403)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
20402730Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732405)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22370830Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732399)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22406530Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732389)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22318130Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732388)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22329429Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732386)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
22355730Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732393)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
23304930Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732404)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
23287929Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732380)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
24267229Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732385)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
24274829Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732383)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association
25284230Standard Excellent Obedience (#266732392)
Excellent Obedience
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Violet (#1668646)Jan 2, 2025
Tyra (#1681292)Sep 3, 2024

Game Time

02:05am on Mar 15

Welcome Guest

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