
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
NCSc .MK Lotte 642 4.3
Female Cane Corso Owned by Florentinchen (#1256039)
level 56     agi 856     cha 847     int 2576     spd 468     stm 1286     str 1138
Full Name:NCSc .MK Lotte 642 4.3
What's this? Breed:Registered Cane Corso (Hunting)
Born On:October 19th, 2024
Days Aged:63 FP Days
Owner:Florentinchen (#1256039)
Bred By:Florentinchen (#1256039)
Color:Red with Blue Sable and Mask
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EmEm BB dd slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala intint intint HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Schutzhund, Show, Tracking, Frisbee
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Purple Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Purple Bowl Empty
Collar Patterned Purple Collar +280 int, Level 40+ Only
Leash Superior Designer Leash +170 agi, +170 cha, +170 int, +170 spd, +170 stm, +170 str, Level 50+ Only
Bed Purple Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Blue Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima Canned Salmon Dinner+20 int, 60% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 856 Major Group Stat
Charisma 847 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 2576 Major Group Stat
Speed 468
Stamina 1286 Major Group Stat
Strength 1138
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 56
Multiplier: 1.642x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #5,351   Breed Ranking: #34


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
intx2 stmx2 strx2
National Champion Schutzhund
Total Competitions: 2550    Current Entries: 0
First Places196    Second Places158    Third Places140    Fourth Places111    Fifth Places102    Sixth Places100   
Winnings: $25,617    Experience: 26,768,134    Title In: 93 places
Overall Ranking: #4,630    Sport Ranking: #319
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!26277116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402237)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29250130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402225)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!20740130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402226)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29660130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402227)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!25764130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402228)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29865116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402232)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!24431116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402233)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!19920116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402234)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!27917116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402236)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!28122116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402238)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29352116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402240)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29968116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402243)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!30583116Bluesky's Kennel Competition (#267403070)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!27609130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402223)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29660130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402199)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!25661130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402202)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!25354130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402203)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!25866130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402204)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29352130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402205)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!20842130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402206)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!26892130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402207)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!21663130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402208)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!26277130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402212)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!26892130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402213)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!22790130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402215)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!28327130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402216)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!24533130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402217)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!29660130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402218)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!25969130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402219)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!28942130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402220)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
First!30685130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402224)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!22073117Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402229)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!19817116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402239)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!22996116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402242)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!22380116Bluesky's Kennel Competition (#267403069)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!20842116Bluesky's Kennel Competition (#267403073)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!20535130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402201)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!21663130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402214)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Second!20535130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402221)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Third!18689116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402235)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Third!17972116Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402241)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fourth!18177117Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402231)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Fifth!16639130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402211)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
Sixth!16844130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402222)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
716536117Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402230)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
716229116Bluesky's Kennel Competition (#267403072)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
715511130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402210)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
815613130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402200)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
816331116Bluesky's Kennel Competition (#267403071)
Grand Champion Schutzhund
914383130Whitesky Kennel Competition (#267402209)
Grand Champion Schutzhund




Level 95

Brindle Red with Black Sable and Mask


Level 88

Red with Black Sable and Mask

UCSC .MK DAVID 630 17.0 ID#6700431

Level 96

Red with Black Sable and Mask



Level 95

Brindle Red with Black Sable and Mask

WCSC .MK LORA ID#5910730

Level 86

Red with Black Sable and Mask

WCSC .MK LOTTE EEEE 620 12.1 ID#6700440

Level 90

Red with Blue Sable and Mask


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Florentinchen (#1256039)Nov 14, 2024

Game Time

08:26am on Mar 27

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