
Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
MFr Riley
Male Akita Inu Owned by T (#1659851)
level 26     agi 625     cha 729     int 187     spd 188     stm 492     str 101
Full Name:MFr Riley
What's this? Breed:Akita Inu (Hunting)
Born On:December 26th, 2024
Days Aged:74 FP Days
Owner:T (#1659851)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Red with Light Undersides
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP KbrKbr ee BB DD slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt Ccch gg UU LL spdstm intstr Hh Hh hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh hh hh Hh hh Hh Hh hh Hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Agility, Rally-O
Times Bred:4 (Can be bred 10 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Fair   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl White Bowl Servings Left: 4
Food Bowl White Bowl Empty
Collar Plain White Collar +14 cha
Leash Plain White Leash +14 cha
Bed Yellow Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Purple Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima With Chicken & Rice+4 spd, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 625 Major Group Stat
Charisma 729 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 187 Major Group Stat
Speed 188
Stamina 492 Major Group Stat
Strength 101
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 26
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #21,453   Breed Ranking: #73


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 chax2 stmx2
Masters Frisbee
Total Competitions: 1620    Current Entries: 0
First Places37    Second Places74    Third Places65    Fourth Places70    Fifth Places55    Sixth Places66   
Winnings: $6,024    Experience: 2,836,131    Title In: 133 places
Overall Ranking: #28,462    Sport Ranking: #1,276
71% Training

Today's Competition Results

241351157Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422742)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
241309159Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422738)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251314160Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422740)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251258161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422732)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251244161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422734)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251258161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422718)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251323168Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422719)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251286162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422730)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251370162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422726)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251202162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422725)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251137159Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422744)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
25955157Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422746)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251072160Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422737)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251216161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422722)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251086160Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422739)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251137162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422724)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
251165161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422728)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26736159Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422745)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26927162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422723)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26760160Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422741)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
261142162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422733)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26988162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422727)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
261090167Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422766)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
261137168Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422721)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
261333168Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422720)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26862162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422731)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
26769159Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422743)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27816167Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422717)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27769162Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422735)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association
27760161Standard Masters Frisbee (#266422729)
Masters Frisbee
Host: National Dog Sport Association




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

T (#1659851)Jan 7, 2025

Game Time

10:16am on Mar 10

Welcome Guest

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