
Energy (100)
Condition (67%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
IPnH BAH'S I Wanna Go Muddin' 1.043
Male Border Collie Owned by Jadea (#9365)
level 7     agi 111     cha 17     int 144     spd 39     stm 165     str 25
Full Name:IPnH BAH'S I Wanna Go Muddin' 1.043
What's this? Breed:Registered Border Collie (Drovers)
Born On:January 2nd, 2025
Days Aged:16 FP Days
Owner:Jadea (#9365)
Bred By:Kenzie (#1670947)
Color:Roaned Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald)
Eye Color:Blue
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE bb Dd slsl Ayat spsw Mm Rr tt Cce gg uu lala intstm intagi HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH HH HH HH HH
Aptitude:Obedience, Tracking, Herding, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 5 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Black Bowl Empty!
Food Bowl Black Bowl Empty
Collar Plain Green Collar +14 stm
Leash Nylon Green Leash +22 stm, Level 5+ Only
Bed Pawprint Bed +50 comfort
Chew Black Krong Chew +50 comfort, 0% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima With Pork & Veggies+4 stm, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 111 Major Group Stat
Charisma 17
Intelligence 144 Major Group Stat
Speed 39 Major Group Stat
Stamina 165 Major Group Stat
Strength 25
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 7
Multiplier: 1.043x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #47,643   Breed Ranking: #2,772


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 intx2 stmx2
Intermediate Pro-Novice Herding
Total Competitions: 200    Current Entries: 0
First Places12    Second Places15    Third Places9    Fourth Places10    Fifth Places4    Sixth Places11   
Winnings: $2,365    Experience: 129,580    Title In: 29 places
Overall Ranking: #42,348    Sport Ranking: #3,765
75% Training

Today's Competition Results

First!1205101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443643)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
First!117393Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443655)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1143136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440674)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1087136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440665)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1245197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443627)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1217197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443633)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1197102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443637)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1133102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443644)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1197197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443634)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Second!1149197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443632)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Third!1141101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443647)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Third!1097101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443648)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fourth!1059136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440663)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fourth!1069197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443636)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fourth!1053195Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443625)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fourth!97293Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443656)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fifth!1045197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443635)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Fifth!948101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443651)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Sixth!950136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440673)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Sixth!914136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440672)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Sixth!952101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443645)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
Sixth!980197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443631)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
7950136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440666)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
7900102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443642)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
7908100Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443649)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
782493Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443653)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
7832101Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443650)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
8882136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440671)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
8764102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443640)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
9808102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443639)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
9768102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443638)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
9796102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443641)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
9864194Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443623)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
973293Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443654)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
10844197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443622)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
10796194Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443624)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
1069293Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443652)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
10692102Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443646)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
11770136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440675)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
11784195Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443629)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
12744197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443626)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
13666136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440667)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
13728197Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443630)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
13748195Kip Border Collies Competition (#266443628)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
14662136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440662)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
14654136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440669)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
14642136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440664)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
15614136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440676)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
15626136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440670)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding
15638136Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266440668)
Junior Pro-Novice Herding



EXH KKL "BO" ID#9029754

Level 41

Chocolate and White (Irish) with Cream Points and Ticking

MH BAH'S "HEIDI" ID#9119487

Level 27

Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable

MH BAH'S "SETH" ID#9143314

Level 29

Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable



Level 18

Roaned Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Blue Saddle


Level 12

Roaned Blue Merle and White (Piebald)


Level 32

Roaned Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald)


None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Jadea (#9365)Jan 8, 2025

Game Time

12:48pm on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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