
Energy (0)
Condition (85%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (50%)
JPnHu VKoA Up Noni Fugu
Male Chinese Shar-Pei Owned by AbbyBane (#1172843)
level 8     agi 42     cha 192     int 68     spd 155     stm 26     str 27
Full Name:JPnHu VKoA Up Noni Fugu
What's this? Breed:Chinese Shar-Pei (Versatile)
Born On:January 27th, 2025
Days Aged:23 FP Days
Owner:AbbyBane (#1172843)
Bred By:AbbyBane (#1172843)
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EmEm Bb Dd slsl AyAy SS mm rr tt cchce gg uu Ll spdagi chaspd HH Hh HH HH HH hh Hh HH Hh HH Hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh
Aptitude:Agility, Rally-O
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 12 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Blue Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl None Equipped
Collar Plain Yellow Collar +14 spd
Leash Nylon White Leash +22 cha, Level 5+ Only
Bed Cream Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew None Equipped

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Meek Personality Sturdy Plushie Hippo
Assigned Food None Assigned.


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 42 Major Group Stat
Charisma 192 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 68 Major Group Stat
Speed 155 Major Group Stat
Stamina 26
Strength 27
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 8
Multiplier: 1.203x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #44,926   Breed Ranking: #254


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
chax2 intx2 spdx2
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Total Competitions: 390    Current Entries: 50
First Places3    Second Places8    Third Places6    Fourth Places13    Fifth Places9    Sixth Places5   
Winnings: $752    Experience: 131,007    Title In: 16 places
Overall Ranking: #47,601    Sport Ranking: #2,268
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

749468Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551659)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
850468Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551673)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
845168Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551662)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
847268Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551665)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
847768Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551674)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
952398CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524034)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
952798CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524157)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
949668Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551658)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
950368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551661)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
943668Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551706)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1050997CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524164)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1049698CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524032)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1052398CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524026)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1046368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551664)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1041468Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551667)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1144164Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551657)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1140068Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551660)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1245397CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524162)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1247798CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524036)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1243898CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524024)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1237368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551669)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1344898CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524161)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1434768Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551663)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1431868Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551668)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1539098CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524030)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1539798CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524033)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1541998CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524159)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1536897CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524170)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1539898CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524027)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1539097CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524163)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1540998CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524025)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1533368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551670)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1536868Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551671)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1636698CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524028)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1637497CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524169)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1637197CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524166)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1630368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551666)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1633368Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551675)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1735798CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524031)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1734098CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524035)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1736997CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524171)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1729668Standard Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles (#266551672)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1832098CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524158)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1837498CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524160)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1836298CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524023)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1833797CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524165)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1833897CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524168)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1933398CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524022)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
1931197CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524167)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles
2032598CJ's Side Kennel Competition (#266524029)
Junior Pro-Novice Scent Hurdles




Level 65

Brindle Fawn with Black Sable and Mask


Level 65

Red with Isabella Sable and Mask


Level 57

Brindle Cream with Chocolate Sable and Mask



Level 39


CCA BABY ID#8989513

Level 41

Fawn with Black Sable and Mask

GCFR VKOA NONI 8HH LL 1.190 ID#9272156

Level 51



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

AbbyBane (#1172843)Feb 2, 2025

Game Time

04:03pm on Mar 12

Welcome Guest

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