
Minimum Level: 0
Request Breeding


Energy (100)
Condition (77%)
Happiness (80%)
Grooming (90%)
Comfort (100%)
JPnFl WØLFE The Great White Narwhal
Accepting Breeding Requests
Male Afghan Hound Owned by Toria (#1689673)
level 6     agi 58     cha 30     int 20     spd 194     stm 123     str 17
Full Name:JPnFl WØLFE The Great White Narwhal
Description:Puppy 12 lala 17HH 0hh spdx3 110
What's this? Breed:Registered Afghan Hound (Sight Hounds)
Born On:February 16th, 2025
Days Aged:14 FP Days
Owner:Toria (#1689673)
Bred By:Toria (#1689673)
Eye Color:Amber
What's this? Genotype:PP kk Ee BB dd Slsl Ayat SS mm rr tt Ccw Gg uu lala spdspd intspd HH HH HH HH Hh HH HH HH HH HH Hh HH Hh HH HH HH Hh Hh HH HH Hh HH Hh HH
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Flyball, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0 (Can be bred 3 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Excellent   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Excellent

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Red Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Red Bowl Empty
Collar Plain Yellow Collar +14 spd
Leash Nylon Yellow Leash +22 spd, Level 5+ Only
Bed Yellow Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Mischievous Personality Sturdy Squeaky Shark
Assigned Food Lacrima With Chicken & Rice+4 spd, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 58 Major Group Stat
Charisma 30 Major Group Stat
Intelligence 20
Speed 194 Major Group Stat
Stamina 123 Major Group Stat
Strength 17
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 6
Multiplier: 1.175x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #51,467   Breed Ranking: #314


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 2/2
agix2 spdx2 stmx2
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
Total Competitions: 100    Current Entries: 0
First Places19    Second Places22    Third Places6    Fourth Places1    Fifth Places2    Sixth Places0   
Winnings: $11,662    Experience: 69,312    Title In: 10 places
Overall Ranking: #37,251    Sport Ranking: #2,354
77% Training

Today's Competition Results

946036Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024210)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1041533Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024205)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1044535Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024207)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1141236Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024209)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1242332Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024202)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1238831Magick Paws Competition (#266031572)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1344038Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024212)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1340936Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024203)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1341331Magick Paws Competition (#266031574)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1336131Magick Paws Competition (#266031571)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1442785Café Au Lait Competition (#266038668)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1431135Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024208)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1435031Magick Paws Competition (#266031573)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1431331Magick Paws Competition (#266031568)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1538738Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024211)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1535736Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024201)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1534335Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024206)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1637985Café Au Lait Competition (#266038667)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
16449136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038661)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1631336Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024204)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1632638Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024200)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
17398136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038663)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
17442136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038665)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
17423136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038657)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
17420136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038655)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1736542Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024214)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1735842Frozen Tundra Kennel Competition (#266024213)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
1834385Café Au Lait Competition (#266038669)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
18402140tuttle's Kennel Competition (#265981596)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
18431140tuttle's Kennel Competition (#265981599)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
18400136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038664)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
18401135Café Au Lait Competition (#266038659)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
19362140tuttle's Kennel Competition (#265981597)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
19368140tuttle's Kennel Competition (#265981598)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
19351136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038658)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
20314139tuttle's Kennel Competition (#265981595)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
20343136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038656)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
20326136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038666)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
21336136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038660)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
22325136Café Au Lait Competition (#266038662)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2341929Starya Kennels Competition (#265979113)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2337529Starya Kennels Competition (#265979110)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2437229Starya Kennels Competition (#265979121)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2442129Starya Kennels Competition (#265979124)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2633429Starya Kennels Competition (#265979122)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2639229Starya Kennels Competition (#265979112)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2730929Starya Kennels Competition (#265979120)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2732629Starya Kennels Competition (#265979123)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2736029Starya Kennels Competition (#265979111)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball
2832629Starya Kennels Competition (#265979114)
Junior Pro-Novice Flyball



WCR ~RAD~ RING OF POWER 1.647 (8:0) ID#8789015

Level 94

Brindle Fawn with Steel Blue Sable


Level 74

Brindle Black with Silver Points

NCR |\/|G 24HH X4SPD 1.572X ID#9236784

Level 54

Brindle Steel Blue with Tan Points


AR GN'R WHITE 14HH LALA SPDX3 1.373X ID#9247126

Level 23


2 ID#9262170

Level 1



Level 21



None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

Toria (#1689673)Feb 22, 2025

Game Time

04:58am on Mar 4

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