
Energy (100)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
JPnD Diversity
Female Lapponian Herder Owned by SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)
level 5     agi 44     cha 25     int 32     spd 35     stm 29     str 89
Full Name:JPnD Diversity
What's this? Breed:Lapponian Herder (Drovers)
Born On:February 22nd, 2025
Days Aged:15 FP Days
Owner:SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Black with Light Undersides
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP Kk EE Bb DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt cwcw gg Uu ll chaspd chacha Hh Hh HH hh hh HH Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH HH Hh Hh Hh hh HH Hh Hh
Aptitude:Musical Freestyle, Scent Hurdles, Dock Diving
Times Bred:0
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Excellent   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Grey Bowl Servings Left: 2
Food Bowl Grey Bowl Full
Collar Plain Red Collar +14 str
Leash Nylon Red Leash +22 str, Level 5+ Only
Bed Light Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Red Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Confident Personality Sturdy Tug Rope
Assigned Food Lacrima With Beef and Rice+4 str, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 44 Major Group Stat
Charisma 25
Intelligence 32 Major Group Stat
Speed 35 Major Group Stat
Stamina 29 Major Group Stat
Strength 89
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 5
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #53,331   Breed Ranking: #264


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
agix2 chax2 strx2
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Total Competitions: 150    Current Entries: 0
First Places0    Second Places10    Third Places21    Fourth Places1    Fifth Places3    Sixth Places0   
Winnings: $328    Experience: 31,582    Title In: 25 places
Overall Ranking: #124,308    Sport Ranking: #4,213
100% Training

Today's Competition Results

1228418Starya Kennels Competition (#266314175)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1225618Starya Kennels Competition (#266314174)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1227418Starya Kennels Competition (#266314171)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1227618Starya Kennels Competition (#266314164)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1326518Starya Kennels Competition (#266314166)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1424218Starya Kennels Competition (#266314173)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1424518Starya Kennels Competition (#266314172)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1422218Starya Kennels Competition (#266314167)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1522518Starya Kennels Competition (#266314163)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1523718Starya Kennels Competition (#266314176)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1525418Starya Kennels Competition (#266314170)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1623518Starya Kennels Competition (#266314169)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1620418Starya Kennels Competition (#266314165)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1627364Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355360)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1718918Starya Kennels Competition (#266314162)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1721818Starya Kennels Competition (#266314168)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
1727465Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355366)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1725764Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355358)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1724864Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355356)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1822864Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355354)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1919665Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355362)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1920165Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355364)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1925953Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355368)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1920264Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355357)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1922964Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355355)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1923949Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355353)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1917864Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355352)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2026053Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355371)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2021265Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355365)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2018764Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355361)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2017664Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355359)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2121453Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355370)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2224653Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355367)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2325857Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334978)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2326856Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334983)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2321153Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355363)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2523557Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334982)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2522357Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334977)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2518153Standard Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving (#266355369)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
Host: National Dog Sport Association
2619757Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334984)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2620757Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334980)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2619157Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334979)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2719157Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334991)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2721756Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334990)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2720157Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334989)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2721457Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334988)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2718457Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334987)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2719657Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334981)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2818057Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334986)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving
2820357Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266334985)
Junior Pro-Novice Dock Diving




None found.

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

SpanielsofChaos (#1693244)Mar 6, 2025

Game Time

01:11pm on Mar 9

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