
Energy (0)
Condition (100%)
Happiness (100%)
Grooming (100%)
Comfort (100%)
JPnE Pluto
Male Smooth Fox Terrier Owned by worm (#1710152)
level 6     agi 40     cha 22     int 82     spd 69     stm 15     str 63
Full Name:JPnE Pluto
What's this? Breed:Registered Smooth Fox Terrier (Terriers)
Born On:February 26th, 2025
Days Aged:19 FP Days
Owner:worm (#1710152)
Bred By:Unknown
Color:Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points
Eye Color:Brown
What's this? Genotype:PP kk EE BB DD slsl atasa spsw mm rr tt CC gg uu Ll agistr agicha Hh Hh HH Hh hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh HH Hh Hh Hh HH hh hh Hh Hh Hh HH hh Hh
Aptitude:Obedience, Musical Freestyle, Pulling
Times Bred:1 (Can be bred 7 times today)
Boosters Used:0/5
Hips: Good   Elbows: Excellent   Eyes: Good   Ears: Good

Equipped Items

Water Bowl Stylish Paw Printed Bowl Servings Left: 3
Food Bowl Stylish Paw Printed Bowl Full
Collar None Equipped
Leash None Equipped
Bed Green Dog Bed +50 comfort
Chew Yellow Krong Chew +50 comfort, 1% break chance

Assigned Items

Assigned Toy Independent Personality Sturdy Puzzlebox
Assigned Food Lacrima With Salmon & Veggies+4 int, 50% chance


None found.

Statistics and Experience

Agility 40 Major Group Stat
Charisma 22
Intelligence 82 Major Group Stat
Speed 69 Major Group Stat
Stamina 15
Strength 63 Major Group Stat
Indicates a major breed group stat.
Level 6
Multiplier: 1.000x Competition Experience
Overall Ranking: #52,916   Breed Ranking: #86


None found.

Sports and Training

Remaining Training Sessions: 0/2
intx2 spdx2 strx2
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Total Competitions: 300    Current Entries: 50
First Places0    Second Places2    Third Places8    Fourth Places11    Fifth Places9    Sixth Places11   
Winnings: $121    Experience: 46,796    Title In: 19 places
Overall Ranking: #124,935    Sport Ranking: #2,508
86% Training

Today's Competition Results

1014813Standard Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266852014)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1113613Standard Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266852012)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1218432CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805748)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1220132CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805753)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1318732CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805751)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1318732CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805755)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
137313Standard Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266852059)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
138513Standard Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266852013)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
139213Standard Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials (#266852011)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
Host: National Dog Sport Association
1416532CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805759)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1420219Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817015)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1412932CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805746)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1419819Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817012)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1419532CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805750)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1518919Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817019)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1511732CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805754)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1512132CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805752)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1513732CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805758)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1519819Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817011)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1515132CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805747)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1514432CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805745)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
168632CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805749)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1611132CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805756)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1612232CJ's ACDs (& Other Puzzle-Solving Nose-Brains) Competition (#266805757)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1715819Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817023)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1716719Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817022)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1714019Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817016)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1817719Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817017)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1814819Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817018)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1811619Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817024)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1910519Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817020)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1910419Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817010)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
198719Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817014)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
199719Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817013)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
1910919Doggo Dreamers Competition (#266817021)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2116930Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814057)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2216730Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814046)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2318230Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814055)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2318030Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814050)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2415130Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814052)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2418230Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814059)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2711130Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814058)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2810530Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814051)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
2911530Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814054)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
298630Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814047)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
308130Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814048)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
307730Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814049)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
307630Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814056)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
3010130Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814045)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials
308330Midnight Rose Thorn Kennels Competition (#266814053)
Junior Pro-Novice Earthdog Trials




NE Bacchus (#9450185)1Black and White (Irish)7

Current Litters

None found.

Previous Owners

worm (#1710152)Mar 10, 2025

Game Time

07:59pm on Mar 17

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