Home on the Range

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Dogs Bred By Home on the Range

LockedJAT HotR "Burnet F"Border Collie1565
LockedMRO HotR *Belgian Malinois30101
LockedNSc HotR *Puppy 1Beauceron17
LockedChHu HotR 10 HH 11 Hh 3 hh EEGG 28 Brindle Red with Black Sable The Whole World 'RoundPlott3876
LockedAP HotR 11HH, 4hh, lala, 4x bredGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2381
LockedAP HotR 14/4 GGEG ll AGISTRSTMAinu Dog2053
LockedAPnA HotR 17/4 Lla 2int 2agi ddCatahoula Leopard Dog1223
LockedAPnO HotR 4 HH 16 Hh 4 hh GGGE 20 Black and White (Piebald) GutbrodWire Fox Terrier821
LockedFor StudIPnSh HotR 5HH Diva GGGGDalmatian1053
LockedJPnHu HotR 6 0 0963 HAGWire Fox Terrier113
LockedIPnO HotR 6 1 0905 SolsticeCavalier King Charles Spaniel416
LockedJPnSh HotR 6 2 0928 Mark AddyCavalier King Charles Spaniel113
LockedMHu HotR 6 2 0947 Lennox Mad MaxBlack and Tan Coonhound2853
LockedNM HotR 6 3 0928 REOCavalier King Charles Spaniel112
LockedMRO HotR 6 3 1032 VanosCHASpinone Italiano2243
LockedAFT HotR 6 3 1033 Robin HoodSTMSpinone Italiano1935
LockedNRO HotR 6 HH 12 Hh 6 hh EGGG 18 Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points HanomagWire Fox Terrier112
LockedNO HotR 7 5 0923 FireflyCavalier King Charles Spaniel112
LockedNHu HotR 7 5 0927 Sean BeanCavalier King Charles Spaniel112
LockedNHu HotR 7 7 0915 Eddard StarkCavalier King Charles Spaniel112
LockedIPnFr HotR 7 HH 13 Hh 4 hh EGGG 23 Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Ticking TellEnglish Cocker Spaniel415
LockedIPnFT HotR 7 HH 13 Hh 4 hh GEGE 23 Chocolate AdlerIrish Setter719
LockedFor Public SaleAPnRO HotR 7/20/2023Japanese Chin1144
LockedPnT HotR 9 HH 9 Hh 6 hh EGGG 21 Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Red Points and Ticking RishitEnglish Cocker Spaniel819
LockedMRO HotR AchPorcelaine2974
LockedFor Public SaleMHT HotR Achievement DogDogo Argentino3061
LockedIPnH HotR AllyAustralian Koolie1045
LockedMSh HotR AmaltheaEnglish Toy Spaniel3271
LockedExS HotR Amestrisian {lala spdspd strint 15/2} G3 B2Alaskan Husky3382
LockedAH HotR Angeline The BakerAustralian Koolie2253
LockedJAFl HotR AntaniaGordon Setter1572
LockedMSc HotR Apples In The FallHovawart24103
LockedFor StudExH Arctic CyberiusAmerican White Shepherd3698
LockedNS HotR AtkaAlaskan Husky17
LockedMHu HotR AustinEnglish Foxhound2994
LockedFor Public SaleNW HotR BarefootSpinone Italiano427
LockedMFT HotR Before the DawnBrittany2952
LockedAPnT HotR Belgian SheepdogBelgian Sheepdog1331
LockedIPnO HotR BentleyAlaskan Husky751
LockedMH HotR Bernese Mountain Dog 3Bernese Mountain Dog2958
LockedND HotR Black RainLabrador Retriever18
LockedANSh HotR Breakout KingStabyhoun416
LockedMHu HotR ButtonsDalmatian2851
LockedAFr HotR Calypso 14HH lalaBorzoi2173
LockedAA HotR Candy Cane EGEE LlaCatahoula Leopard Dog1849
LockedFor StudJPnFT CharlieEnglish Cocker Spaniel649
LockedIPnH HotR Chase 14 HHBorder Collie1055
LockedMRO HotR CherishCarolina Dog2982
LockedJAP HotR Cho ChangEnglish Shepherd1543
LockedFor StudJPnH HotR chocolate carmalShetland Sheepdog657
LockedIPnT HotR CinnamonAustralian Koolie1042
LockedND HotR Cookie Dough {18 HH 6 Hh}Labrador Retriever316
LockedAPnFl HotR Cry of a hawk swoopingBelgian Sheepdog1330
LockedIPnA HotR Curly Q tailAmerican Eskimo Dog1149
LockedAPnD HotR DaniellaAlaskan Husky1258
LockedAA HotR Daphne's Shining Star (12HH)Keeshond1628
LockedASc HotR DiamondDutch Shepherd2460
LockedIPnHu HotR DiegoAffenpinscher1031
LockedExA HotR Dipped In DiamondsBedlington Terrier2464
LockedIPnFT HotR DojiLabrador Retriever1035
LockedPnFr HotR DoryAinu Dog1135
LockedFor Public SaleAFT HotR Doubly BlessedIrish Setter2042
LockedJPnD HotR Eclipse (Transfered on 09/04/20)Hovawart740
LockedAFr HotR EEGE 14HH lalaSilken Windhound2247
LockedPnSh HotR EGGG 3HHBoykin Spaniel1153
LockedIPnP HotR EGGG Clover Competitor MNewfoundland1062
LockedJAD HotR ElephantChinook1338
LockedMO HotR Emerald (30)Tibetan Mastiff2962
LockedExP HotR EsmeraldaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3588
LockedAP HotR F1 A CappellaBernese Mountain Dog1656
LockedAFT HotR F1 ACDCEnglish Setter1752
LockedPnRO HotR F1 Even Footing 7HH egggRussell Terrier1056
LockedAM HotR F1 Falling In Love Ll 1int huntKai Ken2699
LockedNRO HotR F1 GorditoGordon Setter557
LockedAA HotR F1 Great Horned OwlAffenpinscher2146
LockedAM HotR F1 I Didn't Look AwayDalmatian1756
LockedANFl HotR F1 Musical SawShetland Sheepdog738
LockedPnFr HotR F1 Noa's ArkNewfoundland1235
LockedAO HotR F1 Now You Want MeTibetan Mastiff2359
LockedAO HotR F1 P!nk 7HH egggRussell Terrier1677
LockedAPnFl HotR F1 Praying For The End Of TimeWhippet1242
LockedMSc HotR F1 PurekaHovawart3075
LockedFor Private SaleJAHu HotR F1 ShoujoJapanese Chin1461
LockedIPnO HotR F1 SolitaireAkbash Dog1039
LockedAFl HotR F1 Stopped Dead In The WaterLapponian Herder2041
LockedAT HotR F1 Strangways And TruebloodBlack and Tan Coonhound2043
LockedAPnHT HotR F1 The Skeleton ManDogo Argentino1145
LockedAT HotR F1 TreebeardAffenpinscher2042
LockedNP HotR F2 Another Secure LocationAinu Dog318
LockedJPnFl HotR F2 AudibleBorzoi643
LockedPnA HotR F2 BrandyRough Collie1157
LockedANHu HotR F2 BrotherhoodBoykin Spaniel523
LockedAPnR HotR F2 Can't Get Worse 19HH lalaBorzoi1363
LockedAS HotR F2 ChikwahChinook1240
LockedMSh HotR F2 Days Grow LongEnglish Toy Spaniel2964
LockedJAA HotR F2 Dinner Later 2HH ggggRussell Terrier1363
LockedANH HotR F2 Her Dying MomentsCarpathian Shepherd537
LockedChT HotR F2 IrisBelgian Tervuren3987
LockedNM HotR F2 Jeni's Ice CreamCarolina Dog523
LockedANT HotR F2 Least I Could DoGerman Shepherd Dog549
LockedPnO HotR F2 LilacBelgian Tervuren1225
LockedJPnRO HotR F2 Marjorie's NightGordon Setter7111
LockedExRO HotR F2 MonarchGolden Retriever3181
LockedPnP HotR F2 Moonlit CactusChinook1258
LockedANHu HotR F2 Night DivaBluetick Coonhound413
LockedAHu HotR F2 Now I'm HomeTibetan Spaniel2044
LockedAFT HotR F2 Restless Beating HeartField Spaniel2142
LockedIPnRO HotR F2 Sakura ShinmachiJapanese Spitz1058
LockedAPnSc HotR F2 SmoothBullmastiff1146
LockedFor Private SaleIPnM HotR F2 Stop Right ThereField Spaniel1025
LockedAP HotR F2 The Morning Doesn't Even Scare YouAlaskan Husky2497
LockedPnS HotR F3 Just Beyond The TreesChinook1040
LockedFor StudJAH HotR F3 Racing PastBernese Mountain Dog16102
LockedANHu HotR F3 RustyEnglish Toy Spaniel519
LockedANM HotR F4 Hertz CastleEnglish Toy Spaniel519
LockedNH HotR FairyAustralian Koolie331
LockedNH HotR Farseer’s Strings of FateLapponian Herder16
LockedPnFT HotR flameRedbone Coonhound1033
LockedIPnT HotR Flashing LightsWelsh Springer Spaniel997
LockedNHT HotR Fresh Bagel {17HH 7Hh}Labrador Retriever316
LockedMSc HotR GEEE (Small) 5HH/18Hh/1hhHovawart3093
LockedMSc HotR GeorgiaBullmastiff2893
LockedAT HotR GGEG 6HH JewelShetland Sheepdog1740
LockedJAW HotR GGGG Lager Competitor FNewfoundland1062
LockedAPnR HotR Gold Diversifier MedalPharaoh Hound1442
LockedAFr HotR green 15-3 LlWest Siberian Laika2339
LockedASc HotR HadesBelgian Sheepdog1871
LockedJPnFl HotR Heatwave (EGEE)Border Collie517
LockedFor StudJNCRO AHT HotR Hello Old BeanLarge Munsterlander48101
LockedMSh HotR Hottie EEEE LlaAmerican Indian Dog3182
LockedAH HotR HulkGerman Shepherd Dog2080
LockedFor StudAPnH HotR in memory of dylanEnglish Shepherd1537
LockedANT HotR IronworksGerman Shorthaired Pointer515
LockedAPnM HotR jackKeeshond1296
LockedJPnRO HotR JadeAlaskan Husky633
LockedFor Private SaleIPnHT HotR JeffreyStandard Poodle1132
LockedJPnFT HotR Jillybean’s Sugar PieStabyhoun823
LockedJAP JohnEnglish Cocker Spaniel1436
LockedAA HotR kayAustralian Koolie2167
LockedMP HotR Kenzi z Gemerskej PolomyBernese Mountain Dog2961
LockedAP HotR KerrekGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2045
LockedNT HotR Liz Taylor On The TelephoneHovawart439
LockedPnHu HotR LuluShetland Sheepdog1278
LockedIPnSh HotR m1Alaskan Malamute1047
LockedPnFl HotR MAJESTIC BEASTAustralian Koolie1124
LockedAO HotR MapleTibetan Mastiff1794
LockedFor StudMP HotR MasonBernese Mountain Dog2874
LockedFor StudAPnP HotR MaxAlaskan Malamute1242
LockedMHu HotR Miss clueBelgian Malinois3385
LockedAD HotR Mister FinchGolden Retriever2358
LockedIPnSh HotR MollyBorder Collie10115
LockedPnD HotR MorganLabrador Retriever1195
LockedExFT HotR My Mother in ParisSpinone Italiano3055
LockedChHu HotR Mystics Undetermined Determination {EEEE}English Toy Spaniel4068
LockedMSc HotR NanukAmerican White Shepherd2658
LockedNHu HotR NirvanaDalmatian18
LockedExO HotR NovaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3685
LockedAFT HotR On The Bright SideBrittany2257
LockedExH HotR PantherineCatahoula Leopard Dog28100
LockedAFT HotR PercyEnglish Setter2054
LockedNW HotR PerlaLarge Munsterlander19
LockedPnHT HotR PiperAinu Dog920
LockedHotR PP KK EE bb DD slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt cchce gg uu LL agispd strstr [GEGE]Toy Poodle16
LockedExSc HotR Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog3461
LockedANP HotR Puppy 1Anatolian Shepherd520
LockedWCHT HotR Puppy 1Pointer5588
LockedExT HotR Puppy 2Belgian Tervuren3462
LockedNSh HotR Puppy 4Bulldog2111
LockedNFl HotR Puppy 6Borzoi363
LockedFor Public SaleHotR Puppy 6Spinone Italiano16
LockedHotR PyCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedNFT HotR RaydenLarge Munsterlander349
LockedFor Private SaleASc HotR Ready To LevelGerman Pinscher2067
LockedCCFT HotR red 20-0 LlaSpinone Italiano5394
LockedFor Private SaleAA HotR Reo(Pending)Alaskan Husky2592
LockedAND MFT HotR Rocky MountainsGolden Retriever2865
LockedFor StudNFr HotR rufusDachshund432
LockedJPnO NM HotR Rushing WaterKeeshond512
LockedCCHT HotR Sabrina [GGGG] 0.938x *S*Great Dane4093
LockedAM HotR SellBorzoi2463
LockedMR HotR SellBorzoi2553
LockedIPnD HotR Semi-Charmed LifeVizsla721
LockedAD HotR SergeAlaskan Husky1892
LockedMT HotR SkyDalmatian2851
LockedChRO HotR SleetBrittany38116
LockedAR HotR SnowballChart Polski1843
LockedJPnSc Soul or a DayBullmastiff1022
LockedMSh HotR SpoonShih Tzu2969
LockedNT HotR StyleRough Collie329
LockedJPnFT HotR SunsetLabrador Retriever417
LockedIPnT HotR Sweet TartGerman Pinscher1064
LockedJAE HotR There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle;Russell Terrier826
LockedNSh HotR TitanicPlott18
LockedJAHT HotR Trigger HappyEnglish Cocker Spaniel1636
LockedJAO HotR Trouble From SpaceAlaskan Husky1482
LockedJARO HotR TwennyGordon Setter1677
LockedNA HotR UmbreonCardigan Welsh Corgi327
LockedAT HotR Undertaker WindBluetick Coonhound2464
LockedAP HotR Vengeance Is Very SweetGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1765
LockedMFl HotR Victoria IGolden Retriever2561
LockedNO HotR War PaintNorfolk Terrier18
LockedAP Wî|dW WillieLarge Munsterlander19114
LockedIPnHu HotR YanitaBorzoi821
LockedNA HotR YippeAustralian Koolie621
LockedMT HotR [Diversifier] EGGE 5HH 2hhBelgian Tervuren3169
NFT *Puppy 6Pointer12817
IPnHu HotR 6 HH 14 Hh 4 hh EEGG 22 Red FernRedbone Coonhound91288
AHT HotR 8HH Ll GGGEKai Ken211750
HotR A Diva's ValentinePomeranian12803
ANFl A0 Sky PineKerry Blue Terrier32817
IPnM HotR AA BikkieBorzoi111716
MA HotR Achievement DogLapponian Herder301570
ANSh HotR Adopt MeFrench Bulldog51678
MRO HotR AduVizsla22209
JAT HotR ameliaGerman Shepherd Dog141768
MM HotR American BulldogAmerican Bulldog301744
NRO HotR AngelBluetick Coonhound41689
GCH HotR Angie de GospodariaCarpathian Shepherd44562
AP HotR AnyaBernese Mountain Dog261755
AH HotR Anyanka (Lla 6HH 2stm)Carpathian Shepherd191630
NHT HotR ApademiakBrittany31692
MO HotR ArabellaChinook301781
IPnT HotR AuroraPekingese132753
NP HotR AzangaroAkbash Dog11744
JPnRO HotR BeaGerman Shorthaired Pointer81726
CCRO HotR Beatriz nee ID#7168952ID#7144165Havanese55996
MHT HotR BelleField Spaniel281779
PnSh HotR BillyLabrador Retriever11785
NA HotR Blind LemonBorzoi11663
MO HotR Blizzard KanonAkbash Dog331314
JAM HotR BlueDogo Argentino141720
NT HotR BlueBluetick Coonhound2576
PnRO HotR Bo NineStandard Poodle101202
MA HotR Breed Reducer:(American Bulldog301241
ChR HotR BroadwayPharaoh Hound441705
APnO HotR BroccoliBorder Collie122522
MS HotR BrockAlaskan Malamute192612
JPnA HotR Broken SunshineNorfolk Terrier81728
NA HotR BrownieCentral Asian Shepherd11179
PnS HotR BuckAlaskan Husky91701
MFT HotR BuddyStabyhoun301664
MW HotR Buddy 9HHNewfoundland221735
ExT HotR Burning SunsetNeapolitan Mastiff351680
ExHu HotR CacaoBoykin Spaniel371533
AT HotR CaramelAustralian Koolie181593
JPnFr HotR Carried AwaySpinone Italiano6523
AFl HotR ChampagneCatahoula Leopard Dog192278
JPnO HotR ChinookChinook51718
PnP HotR ChipAlaskan Husky121744
NM HotR chocolateBorder Collie12793
JPnT HotR ChocolateBoykin Spaniel101746
AA HotR Cinco De MayoRough Collie22801
MSh HotR CloudyPekingese301773
IPnT HotR coffe ( hunter)Saarloos Wolfdog101746
IPnA HotR CometEnglish Shepherd101693
GCRO HotR CompassHovawart451481
IPnHT HotR Country Riddim "Hol"Catahoula Leopard Dog6400
JPnHu HotR CreamBluetick Coonhound81731
JPnH HotR CreamAustralian Koolie61180
NSh HotR CreekAfghan Hound31163
IPnT Crying GameBullmastiff10442
ANA HotR Dark Cloud Above the SkyStandard Poodle31196
AM HotR DashDachshund231653
AT HotR Day dreaming CorinneBoykin Spaniel261553
NFl HotR DD FShetland Sheepdog42828
PnFr HotR Dime a DozenStandard Poodle171178
AA HotR Dreaming of Peaceful BlueAlaskan Husky221241
WCSc HotR Duchess - EEEE 13HHBeauceron632849
AT HotR Duke Causing a HazardBernese Mountain Dog26864
JPnFl HotR E Truth PotionBorzoi81748
PnT HotR EC21 DuskEnglish Cocker Spaniel131718
NSh HotR EGEEStandard Poodle2279
AP HotR EGGE Woodlands MarlitaCatahoula Leopard Dog181661
IPnHu HotR ElberethBluetick Coonhound91701
WCE HotR Ender's Queen Of HeartsYorkshire Terrier51490
MFT HotR English CockerEnglish Cocker Spaniel251697
ANHu HotR EpsilonEurasier31684
NR HotR Excellent GodivaBorzoi11724
ANA HotR F Old Kingdom MoneyYorkshire Terrier41177
ANM HotR F SaranethTibetan Mastiff51178
IPnH HotR F0 MudrunnerBorder Collie92864
JAM HotR F0 Myth BusterAkita132864
PnH HotR F0 Ollie's Hot ToddieBorder Collie102864
APnFl HotR F1 A Bit of an ActressLabrador Retriever12449
IPnP HotR F1 A Good KeeperDalmatian81747
PnHu HotR F1 à La ModeAkita Inu112854
ANP HotR F1 A Latch WorkedCentral Asian Shepherd1872
PnFT HotR F1 A PoisonLabrador Retriever10427
F1 A Relief In A WayAinu Dog11458
JPnT HotR F1 A Study in ScarletBasset Hound63870
PnFr HotR F1 A Whole New WorldItalian Greyhound121759
JPnP HotR F1 AbhorsenOtterhound41179
F1 AcceptableSilken Windhound11161
F1 AccountableNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever11161
NT HotR F1 Acid PopSaint Bernard11667
IPnT HotR F1 AdlerBasset Hound103889
AT HotR F1 Adventure In JamaicaAffenpinscher171767
AFr HotR F1 Aes SedaiCentral Asian Shepherd151211
AHT HotR F1 Ain't No Doubt About ItField Spaniel161779
JARO HotR F1 AislePomeranian12475
IPnFr HotR F1 AliveFlat Coated Retriever101752
JPnHu HotR F1 All Speed is NeededAustralian Cattle Dog51472
PnRO HotR F1 All The Elements It TakesAlaskan Husky101756
PnFT HotR F1 All the FactsLarge Munsterlander10427
ANFr HotR F1 AllegarAinu Dog3405
JAFr HotR F1 AlmondSpinone Italiano151229
JPnSh HotR F1 AlohomoraCavalier King Charles Spaniel62838
ANSh HotR F1 Along The AlleySmooth Fox Terrier41702
ANSh HotR F1 Already Growing DarkChihuahua31474
APnFl HotR F1 Altitude's High FlyerPharaoh Hound131771
F1 AmaatGerman Shorthaired Pointer11162
AHT HotR F1 AmbidextraKai Ken151780
PnR HotR F1 AmieSilken Windhound101200
JPnSh HotR F1 Amos' Long WalkLabrador Retriever81750
PnSc HotR F1 An AngelBullmastiff131757
PnRO HotR F1 Anastasia RomanovHavanese101758
JPnSh HotR F1 AncelstierRussell Terrier41178
IPnFr HotR F1 AncestorAinu Dog8417
ASc HotR F1 Ancient LunaticBullmastiff16461
NA HotR F1 Ancient RoadCatahoula Leopard Dog1861
JPnSh HotR F1 And AgainChinese Crested61179
IPnA HotR F1 Andromeda's CurseDalmatian82862
ANHu HotR F1 AnduinKeeshond41471
APnSh HotR F1 AnkoPekingese121768
NA HotR F1 Another Stunning PerformanceWire Fox Terrier21758
JPnSh HotR F1 AnticipationPapillon71750
JAT HotR F1 Anything You've Been Dreaming OfPlott151779
NM HotR F1 ApparatusKeeshond31474
JAH HotR F1 ApplecartEnglish Shepherd17475
F1 AptitudesDalmatian11162
PnHT HotR F1 ArabellaEnglish Cocker Spaniel93515
NFT HotR F1 ArabesqueSpinone Italiano1409
JPnP HotR F1 ArenolAfghan Hound61180
AO HotR F1 ArthAustralian Koolie17471
JPnT HotR F1 As You Are ToldShih Tzu71748
APnFT HotR F1 AshleighStabyhoun131763
JPnRO HotR F1 Asiatic AntivenomSpinone Italiano71702
NT HotR F1 AspersionsAmerican Indian Dog11161
PnFT HotR F1 AssociateStabyhoun101196
F1 AstonishingAfghan Hound11163
NA HotR F1 Athletic GraceIcelandic Sheepdog31474
F1 Attempt For LibertyStandard Poodle11161
IPnP HotR F1 Avalanche Of Fiery GoldChart Polski91741
NH HotR F1 AvastBorder Collie12822
ANA HotR F1 Avenue Out Of DeathYorkshire Terrier31177
IPnFT HotR F1 Avuncular GovernmentEnglish Setter81486
JAM HotR F1 B0rgDalmatian15472
JPnHu HotR F1 Back Out Of The WindowLhasa Apso71741
ARO HotR F1 Back PorchJapanese Chin151780
APnSh HotR F1 Back To Her PlaceJapanese Chin111768
F1 Bag EndBernese Mountain Dog11458
JAH HotR F1 BalenaKelpie14469
PnE HotR F1 Banana Cream PieBedlington Terrier71484
ANA HotR F1 Band of BrothersMiniature Australian Shepherd41179
ANA HotR F1 Bang-Ended ScootSmooth Fox Terrier61750
PnH HotR F1 Banilla's Alie IceGerman Shepherd Dog102867
F1 BarmyGolden Retriever11457
PnHu HotR F1 Base TreacheryAmerican Bulldog101743
JPnO HotR F1 Bass DrumBull Terrier4404
JPnSh HotR F1 BastaGreat Dane71484
NA HotR F1 BastionRussell Terrier31471
F1 BathhouseNorwegian Elkhound11161
NT F1 Be Our GuestGerman Shepherd Dog12782
IPnT HotR F1 BeanstalkBasset Hound93889
ANFl HotR F1 BearCarolina Dog41691
NO HotR F1 BeetrootAkbash Dog1862
ANFr HotR F1 Bellismouth TowersSilken Windhound31178
APnFT HotR F1 BeltyBrittany111198
ANR HotR F1 BendanChart Polski3412
PnA HotR F1 Benevolence: The Feeling of SuccessBernese Mountain Dog91486
PnHu HotR F1 BennetKeeshond9427
NSh HotR F1 Bent PieceBrittany41692
IPnSh HotR F1 Bermuda StormToy Poodle82861
APnFl HotR F1 BetsyBernese Mountain Dog121710
JAFT HotR F1 BetsyEnglish Cocker Spaniel13451
F1 Better For My AbsencePomeranian11161
NA HotR F1 Better Than I ExpectedSmooth Fox Terrier11473
ANP HotR F1 BezoarCentral Asian Shepherd51744
IPnT HotR F1 Big Top BabyTibetan Spaniel82863
ANA HotR F1 Bill SykesAkita52822
JPnA HotR F1 BindiDalmatian63493
PnFl HotR F1 BingleyKelpie10427
IPnRO HotR F1 Bionic Spy FlyBrittany81737
NP HotR F1 BirdeLapponian Herder12819
NP HotR F1 Bitra HoleNorwegian Buhund1410
ANT HotR F1 BizarritySmooth Fox Terrier51178
ANM HotR F1 BlackfeetBull Terrier5409
NFr HotR F1 BlacklandGreat Dane41471
NSh HotR F1 BlacklistFrench Bulldog11473
ANR HotR F1 BlackmainItalian Greyhound61749
AR HotR F1 BlackoutChart Polski17475
ANM HotR F1 Blind AngerAmerican Eskimo Dog61629
PnSh HotR F1 BliniEnglish Cocker Spaniel93515
JPnH HotR F1 BloodwingCatahoula Leopard Dog72838
AO HotR F1 Blue AjahCentral Asian Shepherd161211
JPnH HotR F1 Blue DeathAustralian Koolie83870
APnT HotR F1 Blue IvyPorcelaine121763
IPnT HotR F1 Blue's CluesEnglish Foxhound101761
JPnRO HotR F1 BokanovskyChinese Crested61179
JPnFT HotR F1 BolognaSpinone Italiano61484
APnHT HotR F1 BonesStandard Poodle121210
NM HotR F1 Book WomanBeagle21474
IPnT HotR F1 Boot ToeAustralian Koolie71180
JPnFl HotR F1 BootsWhippet41480
AE HotR F1 Border SeaBedlington Terrier18469
AFT HotR F1 BoromirSpinone Italiano151211
AHu HotR F1 Both Night And DayEnglish Setter171779
JAFT HotR F1 BoydPointer12427
F1 BractwareEnglish Cocker Spaniel11162
F1 Brandy HallDachshund11458
NFl HotR F1 Bread and ButterBorzoi1862
APnT HotR F1 BreakfastEnglish Shepherd11428
JPnHu HotR F1 Breaking Only Four TimesAffenpinscher5405
JPnRO HotR F1 BreakwaterBrittany61179
NFr HotR F1 Breathed A PrayerBorzoi1862
F1 BreqCatahoula Leopard Dog11162
ANM HotR F1 Brew BeanAkita52797
APnP HotR F1 Brick BuildingField Spaniel12449
NHu HotR F1 Bright Year in the WoodsToy Poodle11473
NP HotR F1 Brighter StarGolden Retriever1861
PnHu HotR F1 Broken Piece of LeatherPomeranian10461
IPnO HotR F1 Broken TensionManchester Terrier81750
NFl HotR F1 BronzeLapponian Herder1409
PnO HotR F1 Brought To You ByBearded Collie92860
APnT HotR F1 BrowardHavanese12449
NFr HotR F1 BumblepuppyItalian Greyhound31478
NT HotR F1 Buried Along With His NameDoberman Pinscher12822
NHu HotR F1 Burning EvidencePlott11467
APnE HotR F1 BusinesslikeSmooth Fox Terrier81196
F1 BusyAkbash Dog11458
JPnHu HotR F1 But I Never Saw Them RingingShih Tzu81757
ASh HotR F1 But Now I'm HomeTibetan Spaniel171780
ANA HotR F1 ButterbeerToy Fox Terrier41702
AFr HotR F1 Ca$hBrittany171229
F1 Cadet OrdoCentral Asian Shepherd1855
ANH F1 CalderRough Collie43662
NA HotR F1 Camp MarshallEnglish Toy Spaniel11474
MT HotR F1 Can We Give Ourselves One More ChanceBelgian Sheepdog341758
PnRO HotR F1 Canada GooseGolden Retriever101738
APnHu HotR F1 Cannon CrewHavanese11461
JPnM HotR F1 CaptainSaint Bernard71750
JARO HotR F1 CaptainChinese Crested121202
IPnSh HotR F1 Captivity of the SandHavanese8427
IPnSh HotR F1 CaraEnglish Cocker Spaniel6412
APnD HotR F1 Carbonated SodaStandard Poodle131763
JAA HotR F1 Cast Your NetBearded Collie131202
PnM HotR F1 CastielAkita102844
ANM HotR F1 CatanAinu Dog3405
ANRO HotR F1 CatchclothShih Tzu31480
JPnFT HotR F1 CavalryEnglish Setter5412
AA HotR F1 Celestial PowersCatahoula Leopard Dog171771
IPnP HotR F1 Central AccessWhippet91202
NRO HotR F1 ChandlerPointer1872
JPnP HotR F1 Changed To Peter At The Last MomentGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61751
JPnSh HotR F1 Changing TimesKooikerhondje61484
APnFl HotR F1 CharWest Siberian Laika12449
F1 Charger SpellEnglish Cocker Spaniel11457
JAM HotR F1 CharlotteDalmatian13449
JPnRO HotR F1 Chase SomethingKeeshond61746
IPnT HotR F1 CheneyWest Siberian Laika9426
PnH HotR F1 Cherry PieCatahoula Leopard Dog121759
JPnR F1 CheyenneDalmatian53493
NRO HotR F1 ChimneyToy Poodle1408
APnP HotR F1 Chipper MariLabrador Retriever111196
NA HotR F1 CielsenLapponian Herder1339
APnFT HotR F1 Circular GapWest Siberian Laika12461
AFT HotR F1 City WallsLabrador Retriever151211
JPnFl HotR F1 Clairvoyant VibrationsItalian Greyhound71749
JAA HotR F1 ClassicsChinese Crested13429
IPnA HotR F1 ClawAinu Dog8417
PnHu HotR F1 ClayPlott111763
JAP HotR F1 CliffsFlat Coated Retriever12427
JPnRO HotR F1 ClimbCatahoula Leopard Dog4412
ANFT HotR F1 Climbing PathPointer31471
IPnH HotR F1 CloisterTibetan Mastiff101196
IPnO HotR F1 Closed DoorDalmatian91721
NFT HotR F1 Closed DoorPointer1872
AFT HotR F1 Cold HandLarge Munsterlander14449
F1 Cold RainDalmatian1855
ANA HotR F1 Cold SmileSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier51667
JPnHu HotR F1 Cold Still AirToy Poodle71749
IPnSh HotR F1 Come on ComputerToy Poodle91192
APnFT HotR F1 Come Through the GateDachshund12429
NSh HotR F1 CometStandard Poodle12782
PnFl HotR F1 CompanyWhippet101210
NR HotR F1 CompanyItalian Greyhound1412
F1 CondolenceOld English Sheepdog11161
PnFT HotR F1 ConsequenceStabyhoun10426
F1 ConsoleGreenland Dog11162
AA HotR F1 ContraryBorder Collie171266
AFT HotR F1 Cool and CloudyPointer14449
ANO HotR F1 CopseAustralian Koolie32796
AFT HotR F1 CorianderBrittany171816
IPnT HotR F1 CorinneHovawart83515
F1 CorridorGerman Shorthaired Pointer11162
PnR HotR F1 CosmasChart Polski11429
JAT HotR F1 Cotton WoolOtterhound14469
JPnE HotR F1 CouncilManchester Terrier51179
PnA HotR F1 Counter-BeatSchipperke9426
JPnM HotR F1 CourseGreat Dane4412
F1 Cover Your TracksChart Polski11162
JPnT HotR F1 Crack Of DawnGerman Pinscher61738
JPnT HotR F1 CrookshanksMiniature Australian Shepherd61679
IPnT HotR F1 Crossed SwordsItalian Greyhound9427
JAFT HotR F1 Crumpet With Strawberry PreservesEnglish Setter131766
F1 CrusoeAffenpinscher11164
JPnHu HotR F1 CrystalPomeranian62853
NP HotR F1 Curious LightStandard Poodle1409
NFr HotR F1 Cutthroat FinchAmerican Bulldog12796
ARO HotR F1 DaggerBrittany151211
JARO HotR F1 Daisy's LeashEnglish Toy Spaniel14461
ARO HotR F1 Dame PrimusDachshund16471
ANM HotR F1 Dandelion LightsWest Siberian Laika31177
F1 Dangerous For YouBedlington Terrier11458
F1 DarbyshireBeagle11163
F1 DarcyAmerican Indian Dog11163
F1 DareSaint Bernard11161
NM HotR F1 Dark TowerKorean Jindo41471
NT HotR F1 Darning Her Socks In The NightDoberman Pinscher12783
JPnSh HotR F1 DartwingGolden Retriever31661
NM HotR F1 DaviesWest Siberian Laika12822
IPnRO HotR F1 Days Grow LongEurasier61712
ANA HotR F1 Days of FadingBearded Collie41471
NH HotR F1 DazedAustralian Koolie1862
NA HotR F1 Dead EndSwedish Vallhund11471
ANT HotR F1 Dealings with the EnemyFinnish Lapphund41472
JPnT HotR F1 Dear WatsonEnglish Foxhound71712
F1 deAsisiGolden Retriever11457
NHu HotR F1 DeborahOtterhound1409
JPnFr HotR F1 Deep In ConversationWeimaraner81749
IPnRO HotR F1 Deep In The ForestEurasier61697
JAD HotR F1 Def LeppardKarelian Bear Dog141816
ND HotR F1 Dego CharlieEnglish Setter21474
AHu HotR F1 Delft AwooPorcelaine161779
APnRO HotR F1 DeliberationItalian Greyhound111196
IPnFr HotR F1 DeltaWest Siberian Laika82853
NO HotR F1 DemelzaPointer31667
NFr HotR F1 DendurronStandard Poodle11467
JAD HotR F1 DenizenStandard Poodle12469
JARO HotR F1 DepartureStabyhoun121211
PnP HotR F1 DeputySilken Windhound11449
JPnW HotR F1 DesertPortuguese Water Dog41177
ARO HotR F1 DesigningEnglish Setter14451
NW HotR F1 Destroy You and What You AreCurly Coated Retriever1861
JPnO HotR F1 Devil's SnareManchester Terrier61667
PnRO HotR F1 DiabelloCavalier King Charles Spaniel113515
IPnFT HotR F1 DidgeridooVizsla72854
NT HotR F1 DiggoryEurasier51748
AA HotR F1 DigletNorfolk Terrier171819
F1 DimnessGreat Dane1855
IPnP HotR F1 Diplomat's DragonAlaskan Husky91725
IPnH HotR F1 DiversadoEnglish Shepherd83674
NT HotR F1 Do Not Tempt MeDachshund1861
NT HotR F1 Dock InspectorTibetan Mastiff11640
AT HotR F1 Does The Wind Ever Go Out DancingBelgian Malinois211781
NM HotR F1 Doesn't Involve You At AllCentral Asian Shepherd1861
NA HotR F1 Dol AnrothDandie Dinmont Terrier31471
IPnFr HotR F1 Don't GoSpinone Italiano101748
IPnR HotR F1 Don't PanicSilken Windhound91750
NHu HotR F1 Door LatchShih Tzu1872
F1 Down In The WagonDalmatian11458
IPnSc HotR F1 Down The CorridorGerman Pinscher101752
APnO HotR F1 DraezelNorwegian Buhund11461
APnFr HotR F1 DragonflyStandard Poodle12461
APnFl HotR F1 DraperCatahoula Leopard Dog12429
IPnM HotR F1 Draw BarStandard Poodle91196
JAA HotR F1 Dreadful PeopleAustralian Koolie16451
F1 DredgefruitSmooth Fox Terrier11161
NA HotR F1 Drop InWire Fox Terrier21669
NSh HotR F1 Drowsing ReverieToy Poodle1872
IPnH HotR F1 DruidTibetan Mastiff101196
ANM HotR F1 Dry SeptemberWest Siberian Laika43870
F1 Drying ProcessKooikerhondje1259
AM HotR F1 DuluthBedlington Terrier16451
ASh HotR F1 DuncanEnglish Toy Spaniel17476
IPnHu HotR F1 Dust-Blurred StarsOtterhound8427
NM HotR F1 Dutch MikeEnglish Cocker Spaniel21474
NRO HotR F1 Duty For Your KingHavanese1861
NH HotR F1 e. e. cummingsShetland Sheepdog12819
PnSh HotR F1 East Of EdenFrench Bulldog111758
F1 Easy to PretendFrench Bulldog11457
IPnR HotR F1 Echoed GhostChart Polski63493
ANRO HotR F1 Eduational Decree No. 23Neapolitan Mastiff31669
ANT HotR F1 Elaborate IronyBoerboel41478
ANH HotR F1 Electric BlueLeonberger61703
AHu HotR F1 Elephant RevivalCavalier King Charles Spaniel151780
JARO HotR F1 ElevatorField Spaniel13461
IPnHu HotR F1 Elly MayAmerican Eskimo Dog81746
IPnRO HotR F1 ElricAlaskan Malamute91739
AHu HotR F1 EnamelPorcelaine171778
NA HotR F1 Encroachment of DeathBelgian Malinois1862
APnFT HotR F1 EnlightenmentOtterhound11449
NFl HotR F1 Enough Things WorkedGreenland Dog41737
NSh HotR F1 EomirChinese Crested31471
JPnO HotR F1 EowynBearded Collie41472
ANFT HotR F1 EpsilonEnglish Cocker Spaniel51179
NP HotR F1 Ered LithueLarge Munsterlander21471
JPnFl HotR F1 ErmengardeRough Collie41479
PnFl HotR F1 EscarpmentSilken Windhound10426
F1 EsquireBloodhound11162
JPnH HotR F1 EssiebelleNorwegian Buhund61746
NSc HotR F1 Ester AmadenBullmastiff11467
IPnH HotR F1 EstuaryCatahoula Leopard Dog92863
APnHu HotR F1 EtienneTibetan Spaniel131768
ND HotR F1 Even Against FireAlaskan Husky1862
NSh HotR F1 EverybodyVizsla11467
NFT HotR F1 Everyday I DoFlat Coated Retriever42837
NO HotR F1 Everything But My BonesGreat Pyrenees31471
F1 ExileBrittany11458
F1 ExileBedlington Terrier11458
F1 Explanatory LetterBloodhound11162
F1 ExpressBeagle11163
JPnSh HotR F1 Extremely RejoicedKeeshond71484
NRO HotR F1 EyepieceToy Poodle11668
APnR HotR F1 Eyes AglowBorzoi131761
ANSh HotR F1 Failed to RecaptureChinese Crested11473
ARO HotR F1 FairestTibetan Mastiff161229
APnRO HotR F1 FairytalePomeranian10475
JAR HotR F1 FangsChart Polski14461
NHu HotR F1 FaramirTibetan Spaniel11472
PnHu HotR F1 FaucetWhippet10451
JPnM HotR F1 FavorDalmatian5412
JPnA HotR F1 Favorite MistakeTibetan Mastiff61484
NE HotR F1 FayeRussell Terrier21471
PnSc HotR F1 Feeling SorryBullmastiff101724
IPnH HotR F1 Ferdinand's ShadeCardigan Welsh Corgi92862
JPnH HotR F1 Fikri's GirlPembroke Welsh Corgi72857
APnHu HotR F1 FilamentStabyhoun12451
JPnHu HotR F1 FiligreeItalian Greyhound51178
NHu HotR F1 Fine White HairBedlington Terrier1862
PnT HotR F1 FinnelandStabyhoun131763
ANHu HotR F1 Fire LizardAffenpinscher5405
ANSc HotR F1 FirebirdAkita32797
ANRO HotR F1 FiredancerPointer41482
JPnR HotR F1 First Moon RisesWhippet8426
JPnA HotR F1 First To Reach The HostagesWire Fox Terrier71749
PnFr HotR F1 FistWest Siberian Laika9426
JPnO HotR F1 Fit And AlertSmooth Fox Terrier71749
JAHu HotR F1 FloodedChinese Crested13429
NRO HotR F1 FloodgateTibetan Spaniel1872
ANT HotR F1 FlorenceLarge Munsterlander51484
NFT HotR F1 FlumeKooikerhondje11467
JPnRO HotR F1 FlyboyPomeranian7426
APnSh HotR F1 FollowStabyhoun13469
NW HotR F1 Fool's ChangerGolden Retriever1861
JPnFT HotR F1 ForbiddenLabrador Retriever51179
NM HotR F1 Forced to Make Such a ChoiceDalmatian1861
F1 Forgotten ThingsBeagle11458
JPnW HotR F1 FounderBrittany3397
ANM HotR F1 Four Owls OmenAkita42796
IPnS HotR F1 François-Marie ArouetChinook82862
APnA HotR F1 FraughtAustralian Koolie131192
JPnO HotR F1 Fraying AlreadyTibetan Mastiff31177
MHu HotR F1 FrecklesDalmatian271720
JPnA HotR F1 Free MagicShetland Sheepdog41178
JAA HotR F1 French OnionLapponian Herder151229
IPnA HotR F1 Frida KahloCarolina Dog91753
JPnFr HotR F1 FrightfulGolden Retriever61179
JPnO HotR F1 From The AshesCentral Asian Shepherd61751
IPnHu HotR F1 From Zeus's CrownPug91761
JPnSh HotR F1 Frosted RoofWhippet31177
NHu HotR F1 Fully HumanEnglish Shepherd1861
NA HotR F1 Funny ImpressionLhasa Apso11667
IPnM HotR F1 GaduarGreat Dane82861
APnD HotR F1 GarfielFlat Coated Retriever111738
F1 GatesManchester Terrier11161
IPnFr HotR F1 GauzeWest Siberian Laika9426
JPnM HotR F1 GavinBluetick Coonhound62838
IPnM HotR F1 Genao InstinctKeeshond72863
F1 Generally KnownBernese Mountain Dog11458
F1 Generous SupperDalmatian11458
PnRO HotR F1 GentlyLarge Munsterlander10427
NFr HotR F1 GestaltAmerican Indian Dog11173
IPnSh HotR F1 Get SchwertyCavalier King Charles Spaniel72838
APnH HotR F1 GiftCatahoula Leopard Dog13429
AFr HotR F1 GillianGordon Setter161819
NP HotR F1 GiltSaarloos Wolfdog11667
NA HotR F1 Girl on a DragonBorder Collie1862
IPnRO HotR F1 GiselleCavalier King Charles Spaniel83493
JPnSh HotR F1 Give It A RestNewfoundland71701
APnFT HotR F1 GladiatorEnglish Cocker Spaniel12428
JPnO HotR F1 Glimpse of the SunCentral Asian Shepherd41480
JAR HotR F1 GlofindelAfghan Hound131194
APnFr HotR F1 Go NutsItalian Greyhound12449
JASh HotR F1 God's BreathStandard Poodle161779
AT HotR F1 GodwinAinu Dog16451
NHu HotR F1 Golden HazePomeranian11477
NSh HotR F1 GondorKooikerhondje21471
F1 Good HeavensChihuahua11458
JPnFr HotR F1 Good HuntingItalian Greyhound41179
F1 Good-NaturedAustralian Shepherd11163
NA HotR F1 GossipManchester Terrier21667
NP HotR F1 Grand Ole OpryLeonberger11684
JPnSh HotR F1 GraniteToy Fox Terrier61749
NS HotR F1 Granite FallsAlaskan Malamute12796
NRO HotR F1 Gravity of SpiritChinese Crested1861
PnT HotR F1 Greedy MerchantAffenpinscher10417
AT HotR F1 Green FieldsGerman Shepherd Dog191309
JPnSh HotR F1 Green Fields of LebennenBrittany51471
AHu HotR F1 Grim TuesdayChinese Crested16468
JPnT HotR F1 GrimlyCardigan Welsh Corgi41480
IPnRO HotR F1 GrindylowGordon Setter71751
JPnT HotR F1 Ground ControlPlott71750
IPnFr HotR F1 GryphonAinu Dog8417
F1 Guest HouseMiniature Australian Shepherd11161
IPnA HotR F1 Guild SpaceshipOtterhound9427
IPnFT HotR F1 GuiltyBrittany91484
NO HotR F1 GunnieCentral Asian Shepherd11467
APnHT HotR F1 GurneyGreat Dane11427
JAA HotR F1 GypsySchipperke141779
JPnT F1 HabibtiHovawart53493
NH HotR F1 HackamoreBorder Collie1862
ANP HotR F1 HailSaint Bernard41178
ANSh HotR F1 HakunaHavanese51746
APnT HotR F1 HalannePointer141211
NO HotR F1 HaltNorwegian Buhund1409
ANFl HotR F1 HamfastWhippet31471
F1 HamfastBearded Collie11458
PnFr HotR F1 HammeringWhippet10449
IPnH HotR F1 HanneloreRough Collie93674
PnFl HotR F1 HarborWhippet11469
APnFr HotR F1 HardingerStabyhoun12451
APnM HotR F1 HarefootChinese Crested111200
APnP HotR F1 HarkenanRussell Terrier10426
ANFr HotR F1 HarperAinu Dog3405
NFl HotR F1 HarveyItalian Greyhound1412
F1 HaughtyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11163
PnHT HotR F1 HauntressAkita92844
NT HotR F1 Have FunBullmastiff11467
IPnP HotR F1 HazelnutNewfoundland81750
IPnP HotR F1 He Knew The Other WorldCentral Asian Shepherd71703
NT HotR F1 Heart of the OceanGerman Shepherd Dog32819
ASh HotR F1 Heart Shaped BoxLarge Munsterlander191779
PnP HotR F1 HectareStandard Poodle9426
JASh HotR F1 HeianOtterhound151229
NT HotR F1 Heir ApparentWire Fox Terrier11655
PnT HotR F1 HeliosPointer111196
PnSc HotR F1 Hen HillockGerman Shepherd Dog111758
APnH HotR F1 HenriettaTibetan Mastiff131768
JASc HotR F1 Her BitBullmastiff14449
F1 Her ShadowLarge Munsterlander11161
JPnT HotR F1 HeredityChinese Crested51179
NFr HotR F1 HetnysAffenpinscher11161
ANFl HotR F1 HetnysLabrador Retriever4412
JPnFl HotR F1 HexieSaint Bernard61697
AO HotR F1 HighlandTibetan Mastiff141210
IPnH HotR F1 Highway to HellAustralian Koolie103889
PnRO HotR F1 HikerToy Poodle9451
NRO HotR F1 His Last Vision Was TrueChihuahua1861
F1 HithertoAustralian Cattle Dog11458
F1 HobbitAkbash Dog11458
IPnFl HotR F1 HobbitWhippet101210
JPnRO HotR F1 Holiday In AlbaniaKooikerhondje81750
APnFT HotR F1 HoneymoonOtterhound12451
IPnT HotR F1 Hootin' WisebloodBasset Hound93889
NO HotR F1 Hopeless KnotToy Poodle1872
JAFr HotR F1 HorowitzGreat Dane141768
JPnD HotR F1 Hot Wine and HoneyStandard Poodle61484
JAFr HotR F1 HousekeeperFlat Coated Retriever12427
JAA HotR F1 How Could It Come To ThisShetland Sheepdog161780
F1 How Could It Come To ThisSchipperke11161
PnHT HotR F1 How I Love To Love Him From AfarDogo Argentino111778
IPnHu HotR F1 How They Do What They DidEnglish Toy Spaniel91752
JAFr HotR F1 Huge PuddleGreat Dane13451
ANHT HotR F1 HuntressAkita52797
AHT HotR F1 I Can't StayDogo Argentino161767
AHu HotR F1 I Cursed And I CriedEnglish Toy Spaniel181553
PnT HotR F1 I Would Trust Hagrid With My LifeBullmastiff111753
NR HotR F1 I'm Going BackBorzoi1862
JAHu HotR F1 I'm SeriousTibetan Spaniel151780
NP HotR F1 I've Come BackCentral Asian Shepherd1861
JAT HotR F1 I've Seen Your Eyes Without Their ClothesShetland Sheepdog171780
NT HotR F1 IantineOtterhound1410
AHu HotR F1 IchabodDachshund16471
APnE HotR F1 IchthyosaurBedlington Terrier8417
ANH HotR F1 If AnyOld English Sheepdog41178
APnHu HotR F1 ImmaculateHavanese11449
AE HotR F1 ImperviousRussell Terrier13461
NO HotR F1 Important ConnectionMiniature Schnauzer11173
JPnT HotR F1 In Line At The BorderAlaskan Malamute61712
NH HotR F1 In The Dark of NightBearded Collie1861
IPnP HotR F1 In the Light of the ElderWhippet8426
IPnSh HotR F1 In Your Father's DebtCurly Coated Retriever101753
ANP HotR F1 IndomitableGreat Pyrenees41471
NFl HotR F1 Industrial SpyDandie Dinmont Terrier11467
JPnA HotR F1 IngarySchipperke61484
JAP HotR F1 IngotNewfoundland141229
NA HotR F1 InlandBedlington Terrier41471
NR HotR F1 Interview with the PrinceBorzoi1862
JPnHu HotR F1 InvernessSchipperke61484
F1 Invisible NosesCardigan Welsh Corgi11458
IPnFr HotR F1 InvitingPointer101750
F1 InvocationMiniature Schnauzer11161
F1 Inwardly FrightenedChinese Crested11162
JPnFT HotR F1 IreneEnglish Foxhound71749
IPnO HotR F1 IronstoneDandie Dinmont Terrier71482
ANRO HotR F1 Is It TrueToy Poodle41482
JPnH HotR F1 IshvallaDutch Shepherd81739
NFr HotR F1 It Can't Be DoneCatahoula Leopard Dog1862
NSc HotR F1 Item SevenGerman Shepherd Dog11467
JPnT HotR F1 IthecanaBeagle51180
F1 JackhatsSilken Windhound11161
JAHT HotR F1 JamesEnglish Cocker Spaniel14451
IPnH HotR F1 Jamyang's Spitting ImageTibetan Mastiff72863
PnT HotR F1 JanuaryDachshund111196
JAA HotR F1 Jasmine FlowersKeeshond151229
JPnHu HotR F1 Jenna BreenPekingese52834
PnFl HotR F1 JerusalemBorzoi111198
IPnD HotR F1 JethroLabrador Retriever81746
ANR HotR F1 JethroAfghan Hound3403
ANFT HotR F1 JewelLarge Munsterlander3410
JASh HotR F1 JillChinese Crested14451
JPnSc F1 JooneHovawart53493
JAHu HotR F1 JosephinePekingese141780
JPnO HotR F1 Just NervousTibetan Spaniel71749
JPnD HotR F1 Just Out Of ReachSpinone Italiano41178
ANW HotR F1 Just Such an HourNewfoundland31471
ExSc HotR F1 Justice is ServedGreater Swiss Mountain Dog381691
APnT HotR F1 KabbaBearded Collie131198
APnHu HotR F1 KaftanChinese Crested12429
AFr HotR F1 KaraiAinu Dog161767
ANA HotR F1 Kayer AndrosKelpie31471
JPnT HotR F1 KeeperCardigan Welsh Corgi71484
AM HotR F1 KeralaBulldog161229
JPnFT HotR F1 Key DreamerLarge Munsterlander61484
AND HotR F1 KibbethStandard Poodle31178
JPnHT HotR F1 Knife-ThrowerGreat Dane61484
PnFr HotR F1 Knobbly GlovesWeimaraner91758
IPnRO HotR F1 Known ThingToy Poodle8426
PnSh HotR F1 KnoxCavalier King Charles Spaniel102861
JPnM HotR F1 KootKorean Jindo51667
NA HotR F1 KorianaBedlington Terrier1404
AHT HotR F1 KoujiAinu Dog211778
NT HotR F1 KourosBorder Collie22794
ANM HotR F1 KreacherTaiwan Dog41745
JPnFr HotR F1 La ManchaNewfoundland51484
IPnP HotR F1 LacewingGolden Retriever91751
NM HotR F1 LaceyPomeranian1872
NFl HotR F1 Lady JaneSilken Windhound1409
JPnT HotR F1 LambdaBeagle71484
JAFT HotR F1 LammenEnglish Setter12428
APnD HotR F1 LandscapeSpinone Italiano10426
APnA HotR F1 LapisCatahoula Leopard Dog121759
NFT HotR F1 LasagneSpinone Italiano21471
APnFT HotR F1 LassarLarge Munsterlander101200
APnFl HotR F1 Last BreathSilken Windhound13469
F1 Last ConferenceChart Polski11162
JPnHu HotR F1 Laughing NowBeagle51180
ANA HotR F1 LavenderMiniature Australian Shepherd51667
APnM HotR F1 LaybyWhippet10449
IPnHu HotR F1 Le GuinKeeshond82867
JAHu HotR F1 Le RouxIrish Setter141779
PnSh HotR F1 Lean By The SuingShih Tzu111760
APnHu HotR F1 Leaps and StridesToy Poodle10461
JAFT HotR F1 LegionnairePointer13449
APnP HotR F1 LeiaKarelian Bear Dog121819
NA HotR F1 LestraAustralian Koolie1862
ANFl HotR F1 Let Me OutSaint Bernard61745
F1 Let Them SailAlaskan Malamute11458
PnT HotR F1 LetoItalian Greyhound10427
F1 Level GroundBrittany11458
NM HotR F1 LexingtonDalmatian12786
IPnM HotR F1 LiaAfghan Hound61180
JAO HotR F1 LiandrinBulldog141211
JASh HotR F1 LiannaHavanese151229
NFl HotR F1 LibatiousSaarloos Wolfdog11667
JPnP HotR F1 LichtensteinKorean Jindo31701
JPnSc HotR F1 Lie My Way OutHovawart51751
NHu HotR F1 Life With MollyCatahoula Leopard Dog1861
ARO HotR F1 Light ShineHavanese141209
F1 Light the CandleRussell Terrier1259
APnHu HotR F1 Like InkDachshund11429
NM HotR F1 LilliancampItalian Greyhound1412
IPnFT HotR F1 Lilting LullabyEnglish Cocker Spaniel63493
IPnT HotR F1 LinenAlaskan Husky81484
JAA HotR F1 LingonBedlington Terrier161229
PnHu HotR F1 LitanyOtterhound9427
JARO HotR F1 Live And Let DieWeimaraner131768
IPnFr HotR F1 LlewelynWest Siberian Laika82855
JPnA HotR F1 LlunaWire Fox Terrier41758
JPnO HotR F1 LlwelynAmerican Pit Bull Terrier61479
AE HotR F1 Lobby StairsDachshund14451
IPnA HotR F1 Lock Up Your Back DoorEnglish Setter81720
PnT HotR F1 Lone StarBorder Collie101755
JAHu HotR F1 Lonesome DovePomeranian151780
IPnFT HotR F1 Long FallGerman Shorthaired Pointer71178
NA HotR F1 Long Misty StretchSmooth Fox Terrier31667
JPnH HotR F1 Long Way HomeAustralian Koolie72841
F1 LongboatStandard Poodle11161
NM HotR F1 Looks Like a DudeDalmatian21474
NFl HotR F1 Losing HimEnglish Shepherd1861
JPnP HotR F1 Love Of Playing The HeroAlaskan Malamute61744
JPnT HotR F1 Lovely, Good-Tempered GirlFinnish Spitz61701
JPnP HotR F1 Low VoiceLeonberger51703
NA HotR F1 Luca SignorelliLapponian Herder11478
NA HotR F1 Ludovic ZelleRough Collie11467
PnFT HotR F1 Lurking In A CornerCurly Coated Retriever91753
MFr HotR F1 LutellanEnglish Cocker Spaniel24514
IPnH HotR F1 Luz ProfundaCatahoula Leopard Dog92865
IPnA HotR F1 MacabreRussell Terrier91196
JPnSh HotR F1 Mad HatterPekingese62862
ANP HotR F1 Made Me Queasy To Watch ItSaarloos Wolfdog61750
NFl HotR F1 Maestru OlgraScottish Deerhound31174
JAFT HotR F1 MakerPointer12427
NFT HotR F1 MaliyaGerman Shorthaired Pointer12775
JPnA HotR F1 Man CubKeeshond51179
NM HotR F1 ManhattanAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11467
NT HotR F1 Map RoomGerman Shepherd Dog1861
JPnS HotR F1 Maple SyrupGreenland Dog51751
JPnFl HotR F1 Marble StaircaseGreenland Dog61697
ANP HotR F1 March And Not MayBrittany5398
JPnO HotR F1 MarethCaucasian Ovtcharka51480
AHu HotR F1 MarinerAffenpinscher18469
IPnH HotR F1 Marjorie, Queen of the BlackCardigan Welsh Corgi82861
AO HotR F1 MarkerAinu Dog15449
PnHu HotR F1 MaroonHavanese101196
NHu HotR F1 MarvelWest Siberian Laika21471
PnHu HotR F1 MarvinnePomeranian9449
NRO HotR F1 MarzipanEnglish Setter12822
AA HotR F1 MatchmakerAustralian Koolie161768
IPnH HotR F1 Maude GonneShetland Sheepdog92867
AHT HotR F1 Maximum RideField Spaniel171819
NT HotR F1 May DayLapponian Herder11467
F1 MazeItalian Greyhound11162
ASc HotR F1 MeeloHovawart161780
AA HotR F1 MeercaNorfolk Terrier181778
AE HotR F1 MeercatNorfolk Terrier171779
IPnA HotR F1 MelangeSchipperke9426
NSh HotR F1 MendozaToy Poodle12829
IPnSh HotR F1 MentiusChihuahua81486
JAFl HotR F1 MerdralBorder Collie141211
AW HotR F1 MerrilandNewfoundland111211
JPnT HotR F1 Merrily In The GrateChihuahua81747
PnM HotR F1 MetricAffenpinscher10417
F1 MianaaiCatahoula Leopard Dog11162
ANHu HotR F1 MilksopShih Tzu41482
NH HotR F1 Minas TirithEnglish Shepherd31473
AH HotR F1 MingiesBorder Collie161229
IPnR HotR F1 Minky SoftChart Polski91753
PnA HotR F1 MinnesotaOtterhound11449
NFT HotR F1 MishollPointer3410
F1 Miss RachelAfghan Hound11164
PnFl HotR F1 Missionaria ProtectivaKelpie10427
ANM HotR F1 MistletoeKeeshond51701
AFr HotR F1 MockingbirdGolden Retriever181819
JAFr HotR F1 Moment of TruthStandard Poodle141229
IPnHT HotR F1 Monkey D. LuffyAkita Inu92856
PnO HotR F1 MonroeCarpathian Shepherd111762
APnM HotR F1 MontagueBorzoi121761
ANA HotR F1 MontpelierAustralian Koolie32796
JPnFr HotR F1 MoodyIrish Wolfhound71748
ANH HotR F1 Moon ComingLapponian Herder41179
IPnFl HotR F1 Moon WomanShetland Sheepdog91200
NRO HotR F1 Moonlight When I'm LeavingDoberman Pinscher12783
JAFr HotR F1 MoonshadowStandard Poodle121210
JPnRO HotR F1 MordicantPekingese51179
JPnFr HotR F1 More StaircasesNorwegian Lundehund51697
IPnSh HotR F1 Moves Like JaggerPekingese82867
JAHu HotR F1 Mr. SaundersDalmatian13429
PnR HotR F1 Mrs. Daddy WarbucksItalian Greyhound111761
F1 Mrs. ForesterAustralian Koolie11163
JPnH HotR F1 Mrs. FrisbyBorder Collie52838
F1 Mrs. GardnerAmerican Indian Dog11163
NFT HotR F1 Mrs. MarbletonWeimaraner11172
NP HotR F1 Mrs. PancakesTibetan Mastiff12830
NT HotR F1 Mrs. ZamboniGerman Shorthaired Pointer21471
IPnSh HotR F1 MuppetJapanese Chin82855
AT HotR F1 MurderersAustralian Koolie16451
JASc HotR F1 MusicBullmastiff16461
AFl HotR F1 MussiBernese Mountain Dog20620
NHu HotR F1 MustangEnglish Toy Spaniel41723
ANT HotR F1 My Dear Sister Loves FlowersDachshund41478
NFT HotR F1 My GoldenSpinone Italiano11467
JAM HotR F1 My Whole Heart AchesKarelian Bear Dog131779
APnA HotR F1 MysterySchipperke12451
IPnSh HotR F1 NaginiJapanese Chin71751
APnH HotR F1 NagleighCarpathian Shepherd121762
IPnFr HotR F1 NailsWest Siberian Laika81196
IPnRO HotR F1 NanaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier61180
APnD HotR F1 NannyStandard Poodle11451
NH HotR F1 NantesBorder Collie12822
ANSc HotR F1 NarcissaTaiwan Dog51667
JPnT HotR F1 NasturtiumBrittany81750
ANFl HotR F1 NathuNewfoundland51179
JAP HotR F1 National VelvetWeimaraner141768
PnHu HotR F1 NatsubanaJapanese Spitz101760
ANRO HotR F1 NauseaSpinone Italiano51178
AT HotR F1 NazarethAmerican White Shepherd191781
NR HotR F1 NazgulSilken Windhound1409
NSh HotR F1 Nearly SpentTibetan Spaniel11472
F1 NecromancerAinu Dog11457
JPnHT HotR F1 NeighborsKooikerhondje3412
IPnFl HotR F1 NeuroenticementSilken Windhound9426
F1 Never Let You DownGerman Shepherd Dog11162
IPnH HotR F1 Never Mind the ApologiesAustralian Koolie81484
F1 Never ReturnAlaskan Malamute11458
IPnFr HotR F1 Never Speak IllStandard Poodle81750
IPnH HotR F1 New SycamoreTibetan Mastiff82863
NSh HotR F1 New WisdomLabrador Retriever31471
ANO HotR F1 New YenAffenpinscher41173
NW HotR F1 New York CityGerman Shepherd Dog11467
AE HotR F1 NewcomerBedlington Terrier12429
ANHu HotR F1 Nicking Food From The KitchensTaiwan Dog41750
AA HotR F1 NicrophosBedlington Terrier161266
JPnH HotR F1 NightlightCatahoula Leopard Dog62853
JPnHT F1 NilsEnglish Cocker Spaniel63493
JPnO HotR F1 NineWest Siberian Laika51484
MT HotR F1 No Body To FeelChart Polski28378
NHu HotR F1 No Funny Business NowDachshund31474
F1 No InterestDalmatian11162
F1 No More Than a MileDachshund11458
NP HotR F1 No One AnsweredCentral Asian Shepherd1861
NR HotR F1 Nobody Will NoticeWhippet11467
AH HotR F1 NoelleBorder Collie173712
F1 None of My Business or YoursBriard11458
JAFr HotR F1 NoodleStandard Poodle141229
APnFl HotR F1 NorbertWhippet131778
F1 Northern TourAmerican Indian Dog11163
IPnFl HotR F1 NorwayStabyhoun101750
IPnH HotR F1 Nose Against The GlassCanaan Dog81753
JPnFl HotR F1 Not Just TheoryItalian Greyhound61702
ANO HotR F1 Not WillinglyBedlington Terrier51471
APnT HotR F1 Nothing Can HappenRough Collie131768
AM HotR F1 Nothing DrasticAffenpinscher16451
NRO HotR F1 Nothing Had Been SparedAlaskan Klee Kai1862
NFT HotR F1 Nothing I Can DoPointer1872
F1 NotionBeagle11163
APnP HotR F1 NotionStandard Poodle11449
IPnFr HotR F1 Now I'm HomeEnglish Toy Spaniel81720
NRO HotR F1 Nowhere to GoShetland Sheepdog11467
NFl HotR F1 Nubian KingdomFinnish Lapphund12782
JAHu HotR F1 NuggetBulldog141229
PnH HotR F1 Number of LadiesKelpie11427
ANHT HotR F1 O.W.L.sNorwegian Lundehund51747
JPnH HotR F1 Oak BarrelMiniature Australian Shepherd71750
ASc HotR F1 Oblong of DaylightBullmastiff17475
PnFr HotR F1 ObsessionSilken Windhound10451
JPnD HotR F1 Obvious BleedingStandard Poodle31480
NFl HotR F1 ObviouslyLapponian Herder1338
IPnSh HotR F1 Occidental HistoryEnglish Setter81486
IPnFr HotR F1 OcclumencyAlaskan Malamute81746
AO HotR F1 OchoGreat Pyrenees161780
APnH HotR F1 OdetteEnglish Shepherd133712
JPnH HotR F1 Off BeatBorder Collie62859
NA HotR F1 Off Into the WorldBedlington Terrier1862
ANHT HotR F1 OfficerLarge Munsterlander4412
F1 Oh TreeGolden Retriever11162
PnSh HotR F1 Old MariaHavanese9427
F1 Old SchoolroomDalmatian1855
NP HotR F1 OlliephantAkbash Dog41471
PnSc HotR F1 On A Golden PerchDutch Shepherd111752
NHT HotR F1 One Chance To ExplainGreat Dane1861
JPnSh HotR F1 One Little CandleFrench Bulldog61746
NH HotR F1 One Single ChangeFinnish Lapphund11467
NHu HotR F1 OonaAinu Dog31469
F1 OrzBorzoi11162
ANHu HotR F1 OsloKeeshond4412
ANM HotR F1 Otterish VisionTibetan Mastiff31177
F1 Out the AirlockChart Polski11162
ASc HotR F1 Over My HeadBullmastiff191780
AD HotR F1 OverwhelmingBorzoi14451
NP HotR F1 Pain and SorrowBernese Mountain Dog41474
JAD HotR F1 Pamela AndersonCurly Coated Retriever131767
AW HotR F1 PansiesLarge Munsterlander12451
JPnSh HotR F1 PaperwingSaint Bernard51178
JPnFl HotR F1 ParchmentAustralian Koolie61482
JARO HotR F1 ParseltongueEnglish Toy Spaniel131537
F1 Part of the CrewGerman Shorthaired Pointer11162
APnO HotR F1 PartonChinook101759
JAH HotR F1 PascaleRough Collie133712
PnP HotR F1 PassageWest Siberian Laika10426
AM HotR F1 Passion's FootfallField Spaniel171819
F1 Past ImprudenceBearded Collie11162
NT HotR F1 PatienceGiant Schnauzer1872
JPnH HotR F1 PavlovEnglish Shepherd41179
JPnSh HotR F1 PawnChinese Crested41179
NR HotR F1 Pay No Mind To ItBorzoi1862
NRO HotR F1 Peace Lay On ItPekingese11472
F1 PemberlyAmerican Indian Dog11163
JPnA HotR F1 PerchCatahoula Leopard Dog41179
IPnSh HotR F1 PersepolisCavalier King Charles Spaniel73493
F1 Personal ArgumentSaint Bernard11161
ANFT HotR F1 Philosopher's StoneEnglish Cocker Spaniel51737
JAP HotR F1 PhonecallFlat Coated Retriever13451
ANHu HotR F1 PhotographerStabyhoun1409
JPnT HotR F1 Pie's Desperate WishCatahoula Leopard Dog9862
JPnSh HotR F1 PierBearded Collie51180
IPnA HotR F1 PierceToy Poodle9449
JAT HotR F1 PiperCatahoula Leopard Dog15469
ANA HotR F1 PippinAustralian Cattle Dog51472
F1 PityBearded Collie11458
ANR HotR F1 Plan To LeaveChart Polski51179
NSc HotR F1 PleasantBoerboel31477
JPnFT HotR F1 Pleasantly SurprisedKooikerhondje41702
NFr HotR F1 PledgeNorwegian Buhund21471
JAFT HotR F1 Plum Tree By The RiverVizsla141768
NH HotR F1 Plum WineBorder Collie22794
F1 Point of ViewSilken Windhound11161
F1 Polite ConversationEnglish Shepherd11162
JPnT HotR F1 Polk Salad AnnieBrittany81724
IPnFl HotR F1 PoltergeistWeimaraner82855
IPnSh HotR F1 Popping MollyToy Poodle82854
PnFl HotR F1 PoulSilken Windhound10426
IPnP HotR F1 PragueOtterhound101196
ARO HotR F1 PrancerLarge Munsterlander171797
F1 Precarious PlaceDachshund11162
F1 PrecinctFlat Coated Retriever11457
IPnSh HotR F1 PrefectBeagle91747
JPnRO HotR F1 Pretty Amusing, YeahSaint Bernard61697
NP HotR F1 PrilkoffCentral Asian Shepherd1861
NT HotR F1 Prime YearsBorder Collie1862
AHT HotR F1 PrismaGreat Dane171780
IPnRO HotR F1 Private EyePomeranian8449
F1 Private WordShetland Sheepdog11161
JPnT HotR F1 ProfessorPug61749
ANHT HotR F1 Profound ObservationEnglish Setter31474
JAP HotR F1 Protection in WashingtonAlaskan Husky161768
JASh HotR F1 Purple OnionDachshund14451
AA HotR F1 Pushed The Younger One InLapponian Herder171780
APnO HotR F1 PyruvateWest Siberian Laika111202
IPnP HotR F1 QuailGerman Shepherd Dog91746
AH HotR F1 Que Sera SeraBorder Collie163712
NHT HotR F1 Queen of the HarvestKooikerhondje1861
F1 Questions for the CaptainChinese Crested11162
NFl HotR F1 Quiet LandsEnglish Shepherd21473
JAT HotR F1 Quill PenSpinone Italiano13461
JAA HotR F1 RadchaaiKeeshond141266
IPnFT HotR F1 RadianceSpinone Italiano91196
IPnFr HotR F1 RaggedStabyhoun91196
NRO HotR F1 Rain and SnowChihuahua11474
JAHT HotR F1 Rain of ToysEnglish Cocker Spaniel12428
ANT HotR F1 Rain TonightBearded Collie51180
ANFl HotR F1 RamaNorwegian Elkhound51179
ANO HotR F1 Raspberry FeudAnatolian Shepherd42796
JAH HotR F1 Rasping Cold Of LondonBorder Collie161767
NP HotR F1 RaswarLabrador Retriever1412
JPnO HotR F1 RatkingCentral Asian Shepherd61179
ANSh HotR F1 Ratterlin SourceWelsh Springer Spaniel31177
ANSh HotR F1 RaunPointer41689
APnM HotR F1 RaurasStandard Poodle131211
JPnA HotR F1 Raw Onion On EverythingEnglish Cocker Spaniel71721
NRO HotR F1 Reading NookBrittany3398
JPnSh HotR F1 Really AngryKooikerhondje51702
NRO HotR F1 Reclaim For HerselfHavanese1861
JAHu HotR F1 ReconciliationDalmatian13451
IPnA HotR F1 Rectitude Carried to ExcessKeeshond81486
NFl HotR F1 Red CeilingPharaoh Hound11467
AT HotR F1 Red PaintBorzoi17475
IPnFr HotR F1 RedkinStandard Poodle91196
F1 Release MeChinese Crested11162
IPnD HotR F1 RemainderFlat Coated Retriever5412
JAH HotR F1 Remember The AlamoBorder Collie161771
APnSh HotR F1 RenaultKooikerhondje12449
APnFl HotR F1 RenéeWest Siberian Laika12472
PnHT HotR F1 RenegadeField Spaniel10427
F1 ReprimandCatahoula Leopard Dog11162
NT HotR F1 ResoluteSaarloos Wolfdog11667
NO HotR F1 ResponsibilityCentral Asian Shepherd11467
AH HotR F1 Restless KeelBorder Collie191779
JPnFT HotR F1 ReubenField Spaniel51179
NH HotR F1 Ribbon ShellFinnish Lapphund12822
ANA HotR F1 Right To The EndBeagle61711
JARO HotR F1 RingerStabyhoun141229
IPnM HotR F1 RingneckField Spaniel91751
JAH HotR F1 Rises AgainBelgian Sheepdog151768
JPnT HotR F1 RittermarkAlaskan Husky51472
JPnFl HotR F1 RiversChart Polski51179
JAHu HotR F1 Road BehindBrittany141211
JAH HotR F1 RoanaRough Collie143712
NH HotR F1 Robber RatBearded Collie1862
PnSh HotR F1 RobberyWhippet10449
JPnHu HotR F1 RogirShih Tzu41178
NM HotR F1 Rogue ElephantsBull Terrier2397
ANFr HotR F1 Rolling GaitStabyhoun51178
APnSh HotR F1 RomanWest Siberian Laika11451
NP HotR F1 Rome Had No EdgeCarpathian Shepherd41737
F1 Roots IndeedAustralian Koolie11458
ANR HotR F1 RosemertaIrish Wolfhound61749
JPnO HotR F1 RosierSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier61749
F1 RosingsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11163
AFT HotR F1 RubyLabrador Retriever171229
NHu HotR F1 RumorSchipperke1409
JPnA HotR F1 Run For CoverCatahoula Leopard Dog41179
JASh HotR F1 Running AroundCavalier King Charles Spaniel141768
JAFr HotR F1 Ryan GoslingGolden Retriever141688
JPnP HotR F1 SabrielPomeranian51178
JAFl HotR F1 SacagaweaChinook141768
JPnA HotR F1 Sacrifice Isn't Exactly ReversibleCarpathian Shepherd51691
PnA HotR F1 Sad DemiseBorder Collie111198
PnD HotR F1 SadattFlat Coated Retriever82867
F1 SafeCanadian Eskimo Dog11458
APnFT HotR F1 Safety CapLabrador Retriever11451
NFT HotR F1 Saint DainePointer11467
APnT HotR F1 SairiiniCentral Asian Shepherd121198
JASh HotR F1 SaltKeeshond14468
APnH HotR F1 SalzburgBorder Collie143699
APnD HotR F1 Same SmileWhippet11449
JPnSh HotR F1 Sand And SkyEurasier51697
PnHu HotR F1 SandyBulldog111198
NHu HotR F1 SarenethShih Tzu31178
JAP HotR F1 Saturday's TowerEnglish Setter14461
NHu HotR F1 Savannah at DuskAkita32822
JAFl HotR F1 Save the DayEnglish Shepherd14461
AD HotR F1 ScamandrosGreat Dane15471
JPnFT HotR F1 Scattered BandsLarge Munsterlander61179
AO HotR F1 ScheherazadeBedlington Terrier161229
NA HotR F1 ScissorsJapanese Chin1259
PnD HotR F1 SconeEnglish Setter81752
JPnD HotR F1 Scorched EarthFlat Coated Retriever62853
ANFr HotR F1 ScoutStandard Poodle31178
PnP HotR F1 ScreechStandard Poodle9426
JPnHu HotR F1 Sea Witch's SongKeeshond62855
F1 SeanceField Spaniel1855
NA HotR F1 Secret SournessKelpie1861
ANT HotR F1 Secretly What I Wanted All AlongGerman Pinscher61738
F1 SecretsSmooth Fox Terrier11161
JASh HotR F1 SecretsField Spaniel14469
PnSc HotR F1 Seem DistantBernese Mountain Dog111755
F1 Selena GolbyAffenpinscher11164
NH HotR F1 Sentimental ImpulseCatahoula Leopard Dog21473
F1 SequoiaScottish Deerhound11161
JPnP HotR F1 SeraphStandard Poodle62861
NHT HotR F1 SerenityKorean Jindo11467
NA HotR F1 SergeantBorder Collie32838
NHu HotR F1 Serious MistakeChihuahua1861
ANP HotR F1 ServitorLeonberger31471
ANHu HotR F1 SesameEurasier51746
NP HotR F1 ShackleboltCatahoula Leopard Dog51725
F1 Shadow Fell On My HeartAnatolian Shepherd11458
ANT HotR F1 Shadow HostBrittany41471
F1 ShadowedPortuguese Water Dog11161
ANFr HotR F1 ShagratStandard Poodle31471
IPnO HotR F1 ShakenNorwegian Buhund9427
NFr HotR F1 Shaking With ColdGreat Dane1861
JPnFr HotR F1 Sharing The Sitting Room With DeanCanaan Dog81741
IPnT HotR F1 Sharp as a KnifeKerry Blue Terrier82863
PnSc HotR F1 She Can't Be All BadDogo Argentino101752
F1 She Has A PointGiant Schnauzer1855
AM HotR F1 She's The TopsDogo Argentino171779
JPnT HotR F1 Sheep Grow Like Shepherds, And Shepherds Like SheepHavanese61691
JAFr HotR F1 Ship TattooPointer15469
NSh HotR F1 ShishitoJapanese Spitz41748
F1 Shock of the WaveEnglish Shepherd11457
APnFr HotR F1 ShockingChart Polski11429
JPnT HotR F1 ShunnedKelpie6412
PnHT HotR F1 ShuttleGreat Dane10427
IPnHu HotR F1 SialagoToy Poodle7426
JPnD HotR F1 Sidki's Famous WeddingStandard Poodle52853
ANRO HotR F1 Sign of Three LemonsStabyhoun51178
PnA HotR F1 Signed Up For EverythingEnglish Shepherd101752
NO HotR F1 SignificantAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11467
NO HotR F1 Silent and Patient ArmesShetland Sheepdog11474
ANSh HotR F1 Silver MemoriesPapillon41666
IPnO HotR F1 Simon SaysSmooth Fox Terrier81196
ND HotR F1 Simple ChairBorzoi11467
JPnH HotR F1 Simple SpellbookRough Collie71750
JARO HotR F1 Siori RebornBulldog141211
PnHu HotR F1 SireKeeshond9427
PnRO HotR F1 SiriVizsla92867
F1 SkaaiatChart Polski11162
JAFT HotR F1 SkellingtonLarge Munsterlander14469
NRO HotR F1 SkittlePomeranian12832
IPnD HotR F1 SkrootNewfoundland81750
PnFr HotR F1 Slate Grey WaterChart Polski101753
JPnSh HotR F1 Sled PilotChinese Crested5412
ANM HotR F1 SleepWest Siberian Laika43870
JAHT HotR F1 Slip AwayField Spaniel131211
IPnFl HotR F1 Slipped Out Of SightBorzoi91749
ANHT HotR F1 SmileyKooikerhondje51479
JPnP HotR F1 Smoky DrinkSpinone Italiano61702
JPnT HotR F1 SnooWest Siberian Laika51484
ANH HotR F1 So Afraid To Tell MeCentral Asian Shepherd51739
NT HotR F1 Some of the AnswersAustralian Koolie11467
NM HotR F1 Soul SisterAmerican Eskimo Dog12796
ARO HotR F1 Soul TrainGordon Setter161779
PnD HotR F1 Soundless CrossSpinone Italiano101196
F1 South FarthingChinese Crested11458
JPnHu HotR F1 Southwatch IslandBeagle51180
ANH HotR F1 SpangledCatahoula Leopard Dog52838
JPnP HotR F1 Sparks FlyCaucasian Ovtcharka41479
PnFr HotR F1 Spear TailField Spaniel101197
APnHT HotR F1 SpeculativeKooikerhondje10427
IPnFT HotR F1 Spinal TapEnglish Setter91752
APnHT HotR F1 Spinner RackGreat Dane12451
IPnHu HotR F1 SpinnetChart Polski71701
AA HotR F1 Spirit EaterBedlington Terrier17468
NSc HotR F1 Spirits RisingWest Siberian Laika21471
APnM HotR F1 SprecklesDalmatian131747
APnM HotR F1 SprigganAffenpinscher111754
IPnHT HotR F1 Square GardensGerman Shorthaired Pointer81712
NFr HotR F1 StaminaWhippet1384
PnT HotR F1 Stand By My SideAffenpinscher111726
PnRO HotR F1 StanleighHavanese10449
IPnFr HotR F1 StanleyWhippet91196
APnHu HotR F1 StanleyItalian Greyhound12449
F1 Star MapEnglish Shepherd11457
ANH HotR F1 StarbuckBorder Collie62859
AD HotR F1 StargazerLabrador Retriever141229
AD HotR F1 Starring RoleSpinone Italiano151229
AD HotR F1 SteadingSpinone Italiano141211
AW HotR F1 SteadyEnglish Setter11428
IPnFr HotR F1 StealthilyStandard Poodle91196
APnFl HotR F1 SteepleCentral Asian Shepherd121198
IPnFr HotR F1 SteersmanWhippet8424
JPnH HotR F1 Stella's Cold CaseLapponian Herder72855
APnFl HotR F1 StenmanBorzoi12429
NSh HotR F1 Steps of the LibraryCaucasian Ovtcharka11467
NSh HotR F1 Stifled A SmileWest Siberian Laika31177
ANH HotR F1 Still WaterAustralian Koolie42822
NA HotR F1 StingSchipperke31471
NP HotR F1 Stock and StablesLeonberger1861
NT HotR F1 StonewrightBeagle31471
IPnRO HotR F1 StormwingHavanese101760
APnRO HotR F1 Straight To SiriusGerman Shorthaired Pointer111749
ANT HotR F1 Strange GloomItalian Greyhound4409
APnA HotR F1 StrangwaysGreat Pyrenees121768
AP HotR F1 Strega NonnaChinook191554
ANRO HotR F1 Strings of LightsGerman Shorthaired Pointer11171
PnRO HotR F1 Studying the ReactionsKooikerhondje10427
ARO HotR F1 SubmarineEnglish Cocker Spaniel15469
JAD HotR F1 SubmersibleLabrador Retriever13469
JAE HotR F1 SuffranceRussell Terrier9426
F1 Sugar IcingGerman Shorthaired Pointer11162
NRO HotR F1 SugarloafEnglish Setter12782
JPnH HotR F1 SummerdoreCatahoula Leopard Dog72861
NFr HotR F1 Summoning DarkAfghan Hound2402
APnRO HotR F1 SundownLarge Munsterlander111202
NFl HotR F1 SuperintendantNewfoundland11474
IPnA HotR F1 SurcoatAffenpinscher71179
PnFl HotR F1 SuspensorsOtterhound9427
APnRO HotR F1 Suspicious FireHavanese10449
JPnRO HotR F1 SvendaEnglish Cocker Spaniel5412
F1 SwallowSpinone Italiano11161
IPnRO HotR F1 Sweep Of SandBluetick Coonhound81616
PnD HotR F1 Swim A Bit HigherVizsla101749
JPnO HotR F1 TabakiNorwegian Buhund31179
AFl HotR F1 TahutaChart Polski16475
F1 Tall WindowsEnglish Cocker Spaniel1855
NRO HotR F1 TanglesJapanese Chin1259
ANSh HotR F1 TarviField Spaniel3412
IPnRO HotR F1 Tea CozyStabyhoun101750
NR HotR F1 Tell HerBorzoi1861
NT HotR F1 Tempted to SpeakBelgian Malinois1862
JPnSh HotR F1 TempuraPekingese71750
ANM HotR F1 TennisAinu Dog52797
JAH HotR F1 TenochititlanBorder Collie143699
F1 Tense SilencePorcelaine11161
F1 TerraGreenland Dog11162
IPnRO HotR F1 TerraceLarge Munsterlander61179
JARO HotR F1 TerraceChart Polski15461
IPnM HotR F1 TerrainAmerican Pit Bull Terrier71180
ANO HotR F1 Terrible SilenceCentral Asian Shepherd1872
AT HotR F1 ThaneBullmastiff17475
JAT HotR F1 Thane MacbethRough Collie161780
IPnFr HotR F1 That's NewCentral Asian Shepherd81722
ANT HotR F1 The Angry InchEnglish Cocker Spaniel31697
JPnH HotR F1 The Bar Of The Leaky CauldronCanaan Dog71741
JPnHu HotR F1 The Black PrinceRussell Terrier61484
ANFl HotR F1 The BurialGreenland Dog41666
ARO HotR F1 The Cat MochiBelgian Malinois151768
APnHT HotR F1 The Dexterity Of My Intentions 2int lla huntKai Ken111760
F1 The Direction Should Certainly Not Be KnownBoerboel11458
F1 The GafferBriard11458
JASh HotR F1 The Great OutdoorsGordon Setter151771
IPnSh HotR F1 The JokerFrench Bulldog101758
IPnSc HotR F1 The Kansas Wind StirredGerman Pinscher81720
JASh HotR F1 The LiquidChinese Crested13429
AA HotR F1 The MoleNorfolk Terrier171819
AFl HotR F1 The MothEnglish Setter16471
JPnA HotR F1 The Night's JourneyFinnish Spitz51684
JPnFl HotR F1 The One Who Finds ThingsAlaskan Malamute61712
JPnFr HotR F1 The Part of a RobberBorzoi61482
JAFr HotR F1 The PointPointer14451
PnHu HotR F1 The Rain Started LatePapillon111760
ANP HotR F1 The SecretAlaskan Malamute41477
JPnRO HotR F1 The TraceGerman Shorthaired Pointer61666
IPnO HotR F1 The Worthy OnesManchester Terrier81750
PnSh HotR F1 Then She Is A SoldierToy Fox Terrier101760
PnHu HotR F1 There Aren't Enough Excuses In The WorldAmerican Eskimo Dog101758
JPnFl HotR F1 There's No Reason You Shouldn't Let MeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog71737
JAT HotR F1 They Teach It SpecialAffenpinscher14429
NP HotR F1 ThickAlaskan Husky1862
JPnFl HotR F1 Thin FaceBorzoi91749
F1 Third GateFlat Coated Retriever11457
NRO HotR F1 Third Hour of the MorningChihuahua31471
NSc HotR F1 This Will WorkGerman Shepherd Dog1861
PnFT HotR F1 This YouthLarge Munsterlander9427
PnHu HotR F1 ThufirItalian Greyhound9427
JAFl HotR F1 Thunder RodeoAlaskan Malamute132863
NH HotR F1 Tiny HintsCatahoula Leopard Dog1862
IPnFl HotR F1 Tiny Little PulseChart Polski81722
NO HotR F1 TithingStandard Poodle1409
AE HotR F1 Toasting MarshmallowsRussell Terrier13461
JAHT HotR F1 ToerustingKooikerhondje151819
NT HotR F1 TonesLhasa Apso11667
JAM HotR F1 Too CleverKeeshond11451
AT HotR F1 Too Tired To SleepBullmastiff16511
AFr HotR F1 Top EyeFlat Coated Retriever15469
F1 TorenEnglish Cocker Spaniel11162
APnHu HotR F1 ToroChinese Crested111200
F1 TouchstoneFrench Bulldog11457
JPnHu HotR F1 TouchstoneSilken Windhound31178
ANFl HotR F1 Tough in the FiberAustralian Koolie41472
AO HotR F1 TowserTibetan Mastiff161229
AM HotR F1 TrailTibetan Mastiff151210
F1 Trickery and LiesGiant Schnauzer1855
AHu HotR F1 TriggerBrittany151229
F1 TriumphNorwegian Elkhound11161
APnSh HotR F1 TrollocOtterhound121211
F1 TrooperOld English Sheepdog11161
AE HotR F1 TroubleRussell Terrier121211
F1 True PhilosopherAustralian Shepherd11163
NP HotR F1 True SleepFinnish Lapphund1861
ANFr HotR F1 Truly ScrumptiousShetland Sheepdog41480
PnHu HotR F1 TrunkToy Poodle11469
JAT HotR F1 TsarnBedlington Terrier151266
PnS HotR F1 TurmericAlaskan Malamute91739
JPnFT HotR F1 Turn Up AnywaySpinone Italiano61702
NFr HotR F1 Turn's EndSilken Windhound1409
AT HotR F1 Turtle In The SunBelgian Tervuren191780
NFl HotR F1 TwatItalian Greyhound1412
JPnHu HotR F1 Twenty Yards WidePlott61484
AT HotR F1 Twilight BarkBlack and Tan Coonhound191779
JARO HotR F1 Two Blocks LongSpinone Italiano12449
JPnRO HotR F1 Two Leaves of SorrelChihuahua61484
JAP HotR F1 Two SentencesNorwegian Buhund14476
ANFl HotR F1 TwycrossLapponian Herder31479
PnW HotR F1 TyraLabrador Retriever81737
IPnM HotR F1 UgandaDalmatian83515
F1 UnaAkbash Dog12752
JPnFr HotR F1 Uncle VernonTibetan Spaniel51702
NSh HotR F1 UndergardenKooikerhondje1412
F1 UndergartenItalian Greyhound11162
ANH HotR F1 UngolaCatahoula Leopard Dog5412
JAFT HotR F1 UnhamperedEnglish Setter14449
NE HotR F1 Unheralded Home He SpedSmooth Fox Terrier11473
NT HotR F1 Union WorkerCatahoula Leopard Dog31473
JPnRO HotR F1 UnsureStabyhoun61484
IPnO HotR F1 Until I Am BesideCarpathian Shepherd81723
NR HotR F1 Until We Are WedBorzoi1862
ANFl HotR F1 Use Of BloodWhippet31177
JPnT HotR F1 UsoppGerman Shepherd Dog61685
JAHu HotR F1 ValleyTibetan Mastiff141210
JAHu HotR F1 VamosStabyhoun13472
JPnSc HotR F1 Vanilla Princess CakeGerman Shepherd Dog62859
F1 Varden Be PraisedChinese Crested11162
JAA HotR F1 VariceChinese Crested13429
NHu HotR F1 VeeloxToy Poodle11467
PnFT HotR F1 VenessFlat Coated Retriever82865
PnM HotR F1 Vernal HeatDalmatian93515
JAFr HotR F1 Very Thin BoardsChart Polski13449
F1 VestibuleBearded Collie11162
PnHu HotR F1 Victoria Black TeaRedbone Coonhound111763
JAHu HotR F1 Vienna SausageDachshund151689
ANHu HotR F1 VimesDachshund3402
JAFT HotR F1 Violet VeilBrittany131762
JPnT HotR F1 Virtual AssistVizsla72855
NRO HotR F1 Voice FalteredPomeranian1872
AW HotR F1 WaitressLarge Munsterlander11449
PnO HotR F1 Walkers ShortbreadAmerican Bulldog102861
F1 Walks in the TwilightAnatolian Shepherd11458
JPnSc HotR F1 War PaintGerman Shepherd Dog41179
JPnFr HotR F1 War TideAfghan Hound61180
NA HotR F1 Warrior's TailLapponian Herder1861
ANSh HotR F1 Warriors Composed Entirely of FireToy Poodle31177
APnHu HotR F1 Water's SourceCatahoula Leopard Dog12429
ANP HotR F1 WaterfallStandard Poodle31178
APnFl HotR F1 WattkingleSchipperke13469
JASh HotR F1 Wave Of Violet ShadowBoykin Spaniel161742
ANHu HotR F1 We Are Their PrisonersPlott51480
ANHT HotR F1 We Buy ScripEnglish Cocker Spaniel31474
NR HotR F1 We RememberAfghan Hound1259
JAFr HotR F1 We Shall Go Into The LandLabrador Retriever141211
JPnSh HotR F1 We're SquarePomeranian7426
NFl HotR F1 Wearied of the TaskGolden Retriever21473
PnT HotR F1 WearinessOtterhound10427
JPnHu HotR F1 Wearing CrownsPapillon61702
JAR HotR F1 Weather EyeWhippet131229
ND HotR F1 WeatherbyFlat Coated Retriever21724
PnM HotR F1 WeaverSilken Windhound91200
NRO HotR F1 WebBeagle1862
APnHu HotR F1 WedgewoodPorcelaine121763
JAHT HotR F1 WednesdayEnglish Cocker Spaniel14468
NA HotR F1 What I Have Not EarnedBeagle1862
JAA HotR F1 What MatKeeshond131211
JPnM HotR F1 What Would They Do That ForPlott71750
APnFl HotR F1 What's Next?Kelpie13449
JPnH HotR F1 Wheezing VisorMiniature Australian Shepherd71750
NO HotR F1 When We Least Want ToWhippet31177
IPnP HotR F1 Where Is LoveCarolina Dog81723
JPnA HotR F1 WhiskerKelpie61484
JPnT HotR F1 WhiskersToy Poodle51688
IPnSh HotR F1 WhisperChihuahua81747
APnSh HotR F1 White BackingField Spaniel12451
MR HotR F1 Whole New WorldWhippet301620
AFr HotR F1 WickedStandard Poodle151229
NH HotR F1 WildlyAustralian Koolie1862
JAO HotR F1 WilmarRussell Terrier13449
PnHu HotR F1 Win or DieHavanese10427
AA HotR F1 WingardBorder Collie161229
IPnSh HotR F1 Wings Of A Wild DoveKeeshond81758
AO HotR F1 WinningsCentral Asian Shepherd161229
F1 WistfulGerman Shorthaired Pointer11162
F1 Without Sound or FootfallCatahoula Leopard Dog11458
PnRO HotR F1 Wood ShavingsAnatolian Shepherd91725
ANFl HotR F1 Wooden CupAfghan Hound3400
APnO HotR F1 WoozlePomeranian111202
NP HotR F1 Works at Her TradePointer1872
JPnT HotR F1 World TurningEurasier61712
APnFl HotR F1 WormsnakeLabrador Retriever12461
ANFl HotR F1 Worse Than EverKarelian Bear Dog71750
NHu HotR F1 Worse Than TemperPomeranian11478
PnR HotR F1 WraithChart Polski93515
ANR HotR F1 WreckageItalian Greyhound4409
AFT HotR F1 WynkenPointer151229
IPnFr HotR F1 Xena Warrior PrincessChart Polski83515
JAM HotR F1 Xena Warrior PrincessKai Ken131816
NSh HotR F1 XenarToy Poodle1408
PnH HotR F1 XerxesEnglish Shepherd113699
NHu HotR F1 Xin XinJapanese Chin12774
JPnP HotR F1 YalithHovawart73515
PnH HotR F1 YarrowRough Collie113699
IPnT HotR F1 Yet Another Goblet Of WineBullmastiff91741
JPnFT HotR F1 YokohamaFlat Coated Retriever5412
ANP HotR F1 You Are So Relaxed Right NowBluetick Coonhound51716
NA HotR F1 You Aren't Even Going To Give Me A ChanceWire Fox Terrier11655
APnH HotR F1 You Go AheadKelpie13449
JPnSc HotR F1 You Will Remain HereTaiwan Dog51697
ANFl HotR F1 You've Got Nerve, BoyFinnish Spitz51744
ANH HotR F1 Young NobleCentral Asian Shepherd1872
ANSh HotR F1 Your Own WayPapillon51702
JAHu HotR F1 ZaireDalmatian141768
JPnR HotR F1 ZairenChart Polski63493
PnT HotR F1 Zen GardenChihuahua111759
NFl HotR F1 ZeppelinBorzoi11467
PnSh HotR F1 ZoldraCavalier King Charles Spaniel113515
IPnO HotR F1 Zoom Gali GaliAnatolian Shepherd91756
APnH HotR F1 ZorayaEnglish Shepherd123699
NHu HotR F2 3.14159Akita Inu12796
NRO HotR F2 400 YardsToy Poodle31177
JPnSh HotR F2 4a.m. LightningFrench Bulldog61746
NT HotR F2 A Brighter ScarletBelgian Malinois41723
PnSc HotR F2 A Full And Boastful ConfessionBelgian Malinois101744
JPnFT HotR F2 A Full ApologyKooikerhondje51702
IPnRO HotR F2 A Rock Way Out At SeaCavalier King Charles Spaniel91753
IPnFl HotR F2 A Terrible MistakeBernese Mountain Dog91743
IPnFT HotR F2 A Warning LookEnglish Cocker Spaniel91752
PnRO HotR F2 A Water MatterLarge Munsterlander9427
NP HotR F2 A WordLeonberger31667
NHu HotR F2 A Word With The GodsDachshund2397
NFl HotR F2 A Wry ThoughtCanaan Dog31656
JPnA HotR F2 AbbasBedlington Terrier51180
IPnH HotR F2 AbbeyTibetan Mastiff101196
F2 AbhorsenGerman Shorthaired Pointer11457
NHu HotR F2 AbnigationPekingese12819
PnFT HotR F2 Abroad For A WhileBeagle121722
ANHu HotR F2 AccessiblePointer31689
JPnFT HotR F2 Across Her ShouldersBrittany71724
ND HotR F2 AdonaStandard Poodle1409
JPnHu HotR F2 AdvokoEurasier51686
NA HotR F2 AgamemnonDalmatian12783
ANT HotR F2 Ahold Of My HeartGreat Pyrenees61737
IPnR HotR F2 AimeeChart Polski63493
APnT HotR F2 Airtight AlibiRussell Terrier12449
JPnRO HotR F2 AirworthyChinese Crested5412
F2 AlarmShetland Sheepdog11161
JPnSh HotR F2 AlcoveChihuahua71722
ANH HotR F2 All On A Misty MorningCardigan Welsh Corgi52838
F2 All Over the WorldStandard Poodle11161
F2 All The FireSpinone Italiano11161
F2 AlpenglowRussell Terrier11161
IPnHT HotR F2 AlphonseDogo Argentino81739
F2 AmaatBulldog11162
NH F2 AmberLapponian Herder14187
JPnHu HotR F2 An Entire ConversationPekingese61702
JPnA HotR F2 An Obliging LegPekingese61702
F2 AnastasiaRough Collie13649
IPnFr HotR F2 Anchor Of Your FeetBlack and Tan Coonhound91724
JPnP HotR F2 AncillaryStabyhoun51653
F2 Ancillary ImplantsChart Polski11162
APnH HotR F2 AndersEnglish Shepherd123699
ANFT HotR F2 AngelField Spaniel41807
F2 Angel of MusicAkita12752
IPnSc HotR F2 Another NightfallBelgian Tervuren81692
F2 AntonEnglish Cocker Spaniel13471
JAO HotR F2 AnymoreTibetan Mastiff131768
IPnA HotR F2 AnythingDachshund81741
JPnA HotR F2 Anything To Worry AboutDalmatian71696
ANFT HotR F2 ApparatusField Spaniel51179
ANFl HotR F2 Appropriate NotationAlaskan Malamute51651
IPnSh HotR F2 Arched OutlineBluetick Coonhound91743
ANFT HotR F2 ArgonathPointer4410
NE HotR F2 ArizonaWire Fox Terrier31651
NRO HotR F2 ArkrightBullmastiff1404
F2 Around the SunBulldog11162
JPnSc HotR F2 Arrived AngryBullmastiff61697
NH HotR F2 ArtemisBorder Collie12793
F2 ArtemisAkita12752
F2 Artful DodgerAkita12752
JPnH HotR F2 Artful DodgerCarpathian Shepherd71723
ANH HotR F2 ArvidCarpathian Shepherd61691
JPnRO HotR F2 As Though It Had Happened YesterdayPorcelaine71750
NHu HotR F2 Asia KillianShih Tzu11467
IPnFr HotR F2 AsmiraChart Polski81722
APnH HotR F2 AtomEnglish Shepherd13449
ANFT HotR F2 Au RevoirDachshund3397
F2 AumawAfghan Hound11164
JAH F2 Autumn WhirlwindAnatolian Shepherd124595
JPnRO HotR F2 Ave MariaEnglish Foxhound51665
NRO HotR F2 AvowalHavanese1412
F2 AwnBorzoi11162
ANRO HotR F2 BabylonChinese Crested3398
JAFl HotR F2 Back On The Train AgainGordon Setter161819
JPnFT HotR F2 BandarlogLabrador Retriever51179
JARO HotR F2 BanditBullmastiff13429
NA HotR F2 BannerCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
NFl HotR F2 Bare HandednessLarge Munsterlander1412
F2 BasnayyadLabrador Retriever11161
NO HotR F2 BastionPomeranian1409
NFl HotR F2 BattlementsSilken Windhound1409
ANHu HotR F2 BavarianKeeshond4412
PnH HotR F2 BeaRough Collie123699
JPnA HotR F2 Beadle The BardAffenpinscher71742
PnO HotR F2 Bearer BondRussell Terrier9426
PnSh HotR F2 Beautiful ImaginationBluetick Coonhound101724
JAT HotR F2 Belching FireBluetick Coonhound141767
APnRO HotR F2 Bell TollingAlaskan Husky121756
ANO HotR F2 BellbySoft Coated Wheaten Terrier51667
NFl HotR F2 BeregondRussell Terrier1409
NP HotR F2 BewitchedSmooth Fox Terrier41667
NSh HotR F2 Big ScreenHavanese1412
F2 Big SurAustralian Koolie12752
F2 BingleyBeagle11163
ANRO HotR F2 Bioengineered PrototypeEnglish Toy Spaniel1412
NA HotR F2 BiscuitAmerican Bulldog12796
ND HotR F2 Bitey Bitey Punchy PunchyKooikerhondje31667
F2 BittersweetMiniature Australian Shepherd11161
F2 Black GlovedChinese Crested11162
F2 Black HabitEnglish Setter11457
NHT HotR F2 Black HorseGreat Dane12775
IPnM HotR F2 Black Volcanic GlassChart Polski71722
ANFl HotR F2 BlackstoneAffenpinscher51647
IPnHu HotR F2 Blessed ReliefToy Poodle8426
ANRO HotR F2 BlinkenSpinone Italiano31688
PnH HotR F2 Blossom Of SnowEnglish Shepherd101720
ANFT HotR F2 BoarhoundPointer31667
IPnT HotR F2 Boat On The OceanBlack and Tan Coonhound91724
JPnD HotR F2 BoldeoOtterhound41179
NSh HotR F2 Bones of the EarthPomeranian1409
ARO HotR F2 Book BinderBullmastiff15461
NFl HotR F2 Book SixNewfoundland31471
JPnFl HotR F2 BoorKelpie5412
PnFr HotR F2 BorgiaStandard Poodle91196
NT HotR F2 BositOtterhound1410
ANH HotR F2 Boston Tea PartyBorder Collie41755
JPnT HotR F2 Botanical TensionBrittany71724
ANFr HotR F2 Bottom Of The GlassBorzoi31651
JPnSh HotR F2 Bounty To EnjoyChihuahua71722
JASh HotR F2 Bowed Her OutEnglish Toy Spaniel131537
F2 BowerChihuahua11458
JPnH HotR F2 BraceletCentral Asian Shepherd51179
NFr HotR F2 Branching HairTibetan Mastiff21471
NSh HotR F2 Break The LawToy Poodle11668
AFl HotR F2 Breakfast At Tiffany'sAlaskan Husky211553
NFr HotR F2 BrennanBorzoi11091
JPnR HotR F2 BretelBorzoi7416
ANP HotR F2 Brick DustTibetan Mastiff51178
PnFT HotR F2 Brick RedSpinone Italiano101196
PnM HotR F2 BriefingKeeshond9427
JPnA HotR F2 Bright EyesPomeranian51684
F2 BrightonBearded Collie11163
ANA HotR F2 BristlingBulldog51179
JPnHu HotR F2 Built On A LieBulldog41179
NR HotR F2 BunkSilken Windhound11648
NT HotR F2 BurgundyPekingese12819
NRO HotR F2 BurkeSpinone Italiano11667
ANFl HotR F2 Burning Firepit EyesTibetan Mastiff51178
JPnO HotR F2 BurrowNorfolk Terrier71750
JPnFl HotR F2 Burst Of FlameAlaskan Malamute61697
APnFl HotR F2 Busy BeeBorzoi12429
JASc HotR F2 But It Sure Feels NiceBullmastiff141768
F2 BywaterAlaskan Husky11458
JPnO HotR F2 CabbotChinese Crested5412
NSh HotR F2 Cain & AbelFrench Bulldog41569
JPnH F2 CamelotBorder Collie54203
JARO HotR F2 Can't Stand ItEnglish Toy Spaniel12449
ANT HotR F2 Canary IslandMiniature Australian Shepherd41667
F2 Canary IslandsStabyhoun11161
PnFl HotR F2 CanvasSilken Windhound10451
IPnSh F2 Captain CorduroyPekingese94461
NFl HotR F2 Captains of the WestSilken Windhound1409
JPnSh HotR F2 CaravanSchipperke71750
ANHT HotR F2 Cares And WoeSpinone Italiano51178
JPnH F2 Carmen SandiegoCatahoula Leopard Dog64585
F2 CarriageBedlington Terrier11162
NSc HotR F2 Cash MoneyGerman Pinscher41687
JPnP HotR F2 CastawayBorder Collie61754
IPnT HotR F2 Caught In BetweenGerman Shepherd Dog91712
NO HotR F2 CauldrenSaint Bernard11667
NFr HotR F2 CelesteStandard Poodle12830
NHu HotR F2 CeliaSchipperke1409
NFl HotR F2 Cellar DoorCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
F2 ChaosLabrador Retriever11161
F2 Chapter 47Bearded Collie11163
JPnFl HotR F2 Checking For ScratchesPomeranian71750
PnA HotR F2 Cheer UpEnglish Toy Spaniel10428
ANO HotR F2 ChelaaSmooth Fox Terrier41654
F2 ChelaaLabrador Retriever11161
NA HotR F2 Chetter HummanToy Fox Terrier31656
JPnT HotR F2 ChinatownGerman Shepherd Dog62855
IPnHu HotR F2 ChipperBullmastiff7416
ANSh HotR F2 ChoKeeshond31474
NT HotR F2 Chocolate SprinklesGerman Shepherd Dog12781
JASh HotR F2 ChrestomanciDalmatian13429
NSh HotR F2 ChromosomeField Spaniel3412
APnSh HotR F2 ChummyEnglish Toy Spaniel12449
JPnT HotR F2 ChurroDachshund51758
NFr HotR F2 CircumspectWest Siberian Laika1407
APnFT HotR F2 Civillian TechPointer11427
IPnD HotR F2 ClaxonLabrador Retriever81701
IPnFr HotR F2 Clean Smell Of PerfumeVizsla81720
IPnHu HotR F2 Clearer ArenaToy Poodle7426
NFl HotR F2 ClearwaterLabrador Retriever11161
PnHu HotR F2 CleaverHavanese101196
PnO HotR F2 ClementineTibetan Mastiff101196
ANSh HotR F2 Clenched FistsEurasier41684
JPnFl HotR F2 Clever GirlChart Polski61701
JPnP HotR F2 Cliff HangerCentral Asian Shepherd51703
ARO HotR F2 Climb Right BackLarge Munsterlander181819
PnSc HotR F2 CloudBullmastiff11429
NRO F2 Cloud WatcherToy Poodle12829
IPnHT HotR F2 ClueField Spaniel101197
F2 Coils Within CoilsEnglish Shepherd11457
NFr HotR F2 Cold BlastSilken Windhound1409
IPnP HotR F2 Cold OnyxCentral Asian Shepherd81723
JPnSh HotR F2 ColePapillon51666
IPnSc HotR F2 Colonel CornBullmastiff101754
F2 Colored GlassKeeshond11162
IPnO HotR F2 Come CleanStandard Poodle71688
NFT HotR F2 Come Now, AlexanderBorzoi31651
PnP HotR F2 CometLarge Munsterlander111750
F2 Compassionate RegretNewfoundland11161
APnH HotR F2 ConfidenceKelpie13451
F2 Conquered EnemyChinese Crested11162
JARO HotR F2 Conscious DirectionEnglish Toy Spaniel12461
F2 Continued WellbeingPointer11161
NSc HotR F2 ContraptionGerman Shepherd Dog11639
IPnH HotR F2 CoprolyteAustralian Koolie9417
IPnFT HotR F2 CornerLabrador Retriever71697
NH F2 Cottoneyed JoeCatahoula Leopard Dog44571
IPnA HotR F2 Couldn't Get Away From That House Fast EnoughDalmatian101721
PnHu HotR F2 Count Down From FiveBorder Collie101724
IPnP HotR F2 Count On MeCentral Asian Shepherd81723
JPnSc HotR F2 CourteousBullmastiff3412
JPnH HotR F2 CoveBearded Collie51180
NSh F2 Cowboy and SongbirdPekingese14187
JPnA HotR F2 CravingManchester Terrier61667
NH F2 Cream CreeperBorder Collie14187
NHu HotR F2 CremelloBluetick Coonhound12822
JPnH F2 CrossbowLapponian Herder64548
AND HotR F2 Crucial ImportanceCanaan Dog41650
ANR HotR F2 Cruel SpellsChart Polski51721
JPnH HotR F2 Culture ChamberKelpie6412
NA HotR F2 CulvertLapponian Herder1338
PnFT HotR F2 CupidLarge Munsterlander101750
F2 Current SensationEnglish Setter11457
JPnH F2 CyanaLapponian Herder74548
IPnH HotR F2 CyborgBorder Collie91743
NT HotR F2 DaganneWest Siberian Laika1407
IPnH HotR F2 Daily ProphetCatahoula Leopard Dog91747
NH HotR F2 Dappled GardensCardigan Welsh Corgi12790
APnRO HotR F2 Dark Rustling Tree TopsWeimaraner91758
PnFT HotR F2 Dark SlateStabyhoun10426
NRO HotR F2 DarkhorseCavalier King Charles Spaniel12789
ANM HotR F2 Dawn SongKeeshond51744
F2 Day's RoutineChinese Crested11162
ND HotR F2 DaylorWhippet1407
JPnT NR HotR F2 Dead RingerBorzoi61698
PnFl HotR F2 Death RateEnglish Shepherd11428
F2 Decade RoomItalian Greyhound11162
NA HotR F2 DecantedEnglish Shepherd3338
ANT HotR F2 DecanterDachshund41179
JPnHu HotR F2 DeCoursiDachshund5412
ANSh HotR F2 DeducePug31666
JAM HotR F2 Deep CuffsCatahoula Leopard Dog14451
IPnT HotR F2 Deep Ray CoveAffenpinscher101726
F2 Defenseless DelightAinu Dog11457
JPnHu HotR F2 DelacourFinnish Spitz61665
JPnM HotR F2 DeLeornaDalmatian53493
ANT HotR F2 DeltaRussell Terrier51178
IPnFr HotR F2 Desert EagleStandard Poodle8426
APnW HotR F2 DestinationLarge Munsterlander91744
PnSh HotR F2 Detection of PoisonsEnglish Toy Spaniel10428
IPnA HotR F2 DetectiveEnglish Foxhound71712
NT HotR F2 Detective InspectorBasset Hound63824
JAD HotR F2 DeviceStandard Poodle111211
JARO HotR F2 DevonshireEnglish Setter13449
JAHu HotR F2 Didn't ListenAffenpinscher14429
F2 Different DrumBorder Collie12751
JPnO HotR F2 Dig Without HasteNorfolk Terrier61744
JPnT HotR F2 Dilly DillyBrittany81738
ANP HotR F2 Diplomatic RepresentativeLabrador Retriever1412
JPnFl HotR F2 Dire StraitsBorder Collie51179
F2 Disappointed FeelingsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11163
F2 DiscomposureBeagle11163
JPnHu HotR F2 DisembarkBulldog51179
F2 DistractedNorwegian Buhund11161
F2 Distress of CircumstancesBedlington Terrier11162
F2 District MagistratePortuguese Water Dog11161
ANHu HotR F2 DitherTaiwan Dog51667
NR HotR F2 DivertedWhippet1407
IPnSh HotR F2 DixonPomeranian7426
PnRO HotR F2 DjinniHavanese101197
PnFT HotR F2 DockSpinone Italiano101196
APnR HotR F2 DodgeBorzoi12429
NSh HotR F2 DoldromsToy Poodle12829
JPnRO HotR F2 Don't Take Off The MaskGreater Swiss Mountain Dog71737
APnT HotR F2 Donna JuanaAustralian Koolie121756
ANFr HotR F2 DoorwayStandard Poodle41178
ANH F2 Dorian GreyRough Collie33661
NP HotR F2 DoveGolden Retriever31648
NSh HotR F2 DragoneyeToy Poodle1409
PnA HotR F2 DreadnaughtAustralian Koolie10417
NFr HotR F2 Dream of MeWhippet1384
NH HotR F2 Drenched In Water And BloodAustralian Koolie31724
PnHu HotR F2 Dressy ShoesPomeranian9449
JPnP HotR F2 DrinaCentral Asian Shepherd61179
JPnFl HotR F2 DumplingEnglish Setter71720
ANHu HotR F2 DunharrowPomeranian41684
JAHu HotR F2 Dust DevilBulldog141211
NHT HotR F2 Early DayKooikerhondje31471
JPnM HotR F2 EarthseaKeeshond72855
ANFl HotR F2 EastwardKeeshond41471
JPnFT HotR F2 EckhartStabyhoun61702
JPnHu HotR F2 EEC RecordsChinese Crested5412
F2 Effect of the StonesFinnish Lapphund11457
ANP HotR F2 Egg CupGerman Shorthaired Pointer51650
PnP HotR F2 EgweneStandard Poodle111211
JPnT HotR F2 EgyptBeagle81710
NFr HotR F2 Elixer of MemoryStandard Poodle12830
NA HotR F2 Ellie MarsdonMiniature Australian Shepherd31681
JPnT HotR F2 Elven FairFinnish Spitz51684
JPnH HotR F2 EmbryoKelpie6412
NS HotR F2 EmilieChinook12789
JPnA HotR F2 Emily BowlCatahoula Leopard Dog5412
JPnFl HotR F2 Ender Was NeededGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61737
NH HotR F2 EnsignBorder Collie12793
JPnFT HotR F2 Entwash ValePointer4410
PnRO HotR F2 EnvyAlaskan Malamute91725
PnH HotR F2 EsmeRough Collie103674
IPnM HotR F2 EstrangedAmerican Bulldog81585
F2 Etreppa EightField Spaniel11162
PnO HotR F2 Every Little DetailAkbash Dog101756
NP HotR F2 Every Move of the ArmyKelpie31471
IPnT HotR F2 ExpressionsAmerican White Shepherd91701
JPnT HotR F2 Eyes On The EnemyBorder Collie51180
IPnD HotR F2 Ezekiel's GhostChinook91715
JPnA HotR F2 FacelessFinnish Spitz61665
JPnD HotR F2 FainBedlington Terrier41180
JPnT HotR F2 FairEnglish Setter5412
JAFr HotR F2 Fair JudgmentFlat Coated Retriever13451
PnM HotR F2 Family SitcomDogo Argentino91721
ANP HotR F2 FangStabyhoun31663
NFT HotR F2 FangsStabyhoun1409
NA HotR F2 FarenheitWire Fox Terrier31651
F2 Farmer MaggotDalmatian11458
PnSh HotR F2 FarrahOtterhound101196
F2 FayeAffenpinscher11162
ANT HotR F2 Fed UpKelpie5412
NP HotR F2 FeliciaSaint Bernard11667
ANFT HotR F2 Fell FolkBrittany51471
JPnFr HotR F2 Fell Two TimesItalian Greyhound61702
IPnH HotR F2 Fenrir GreybackBorder Collie91742
NRO HotR F2 FickleWhippet1384
IPnA HotR F2 Field of BonesBedlington Terrier101198
APnP HotR F2 FieldsPointer11427
APnP HotR F2 Filter GlassFlat Coated Retriever11427
IPnH HotR F2 FinaEnglish Shepherd93674
JAHu HotR F2 FingertipsDachshund13451
F2 Finish SpeakingSaint Bernard11161
JPnFl HotR F2 FiolaChart Polski63493
JPnP HotR F2 Fire SpiritBluetick Coonhound61697
NO HotR F2 FireflyCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
JPnP HotR F2 First MatchAnatolian Shepherd71744
F2 Fishing DisputeBulldog11162
APnFT HotR F2 FissurePointer11427
IPnA HotR F2 FizgigKeeshond101196
F2 FlagstaffAkita12752
ANHu HotR F2 FlameToy Poodle1409
APnHT HotR F2 FloodGreat Dane12451
JPnSh HotR F2 FloridChinese Crested41179
AW HotR F2 FlossLarge Munsterlander11451
NHu HotR F2 Follow the RulesPomeranian1409
JPnFl HotR F2 Foolish SmileItalian Greyhound31667
ANO HotR F2 Forbidden ForestCatahoula Leopard Dog42838
PnH HotR F2 ForefrontAustralian Koolie9417
PnRO HotR F2 Foreign OfficeNewfoundland91196
ANFr HotR F2 ForfeitEnglish Toy Spaniel51697
NFl HotR F2 Forgive HimSilken Windhound1409
IPnFr HotR F2 Forgotten DreamsStandard Poodle71688
ANSh HotR F2 Formal ArrangementEnglish Cocker Spaniel5412
F2 Fortune CookiePointer11161
JPnH F2 Four CornersBorder Collie54203
F2 FreddigerScottish Deerhound11161
NFT HotR F2 Free Of My MemoriesSpinone Italiano41178
IPnFT HotR F2 FremenLarge Munsterlander9427
JPnHu HotR F2 FrenchEurasier51665
APnSh HotR F2 Friend of the FamilyNorwegian Buhund12449
PnFr HotR F2 Full Soaring LengthOtterhound10427
ANSh HotR F2 FulverField Spaniel3412
APnA HotR F2 Fuss and BotherBedlington Terrier131211
JPnP HotR F2 GabrielleFlat Coated Retriever51665
ANRO HotR F2 GalaGordon Setter41712
JPnRO HotR F2 GateauShih Tzu41667
NT HotR F2 GatecrasherLeonberger31667
JAFr HotR F2 GazeTibetan Mastiff131210
ANFr HotR F2 Ghastly NoiseStandard Poodle41178
IPnHT HotR F2 GhiradelliBoykin Spaniel91724
JPnRO HotR F2 GiantessGordon Setter51720
F2 GildorChihuahua11458
IPnRO HotR F2 GillianWeimaraner71758
JPnW HotR F2 GillyweedGordon Setter71719
IPnRO HotR F2 Give It A RestWeimaraner71758
JPnHu HotR F2 Giving You WarningsShih Tzu61745
NT HotR F2 GlacierAlaskan Malamute12796
IPnA HotR F2 GladstoneLapponian Herder101196
PnM HotR F2 GlassAmerican Bulldog91701
F2 Glass FerryWire Fox Terrier11617
NFT HotR F2 GlickLabrador Retriever1412
JPnSh HotR F2 Gloomy ZoomEnglish Cocker Spaniel51697
ANRO HotR F2 Glow WormGordon Setter41666
F2 Go To SeaStabyhoun11161
NSh HotR F2 GobblerPlott31667
ANSh HotR F2 GogglesShih Tzu41667
F2 Going HomeStabyhoun11161
ANHT HotR F2 GondwanaGordon Setter41712
JPnFT HotR F2 Good As NewStabyhoun61664
JAFT HotR F2 Good CatLabrador Retriever131211
APnRO HotR F2 Good Enough For Everyone ElsePlott111514
ANRO HotR F2 Good FortuneEnglish Toy Spaniel3412
IPnH HotR F2 GothamBorder Collie93674
NT HotR F2 GovernorMiniature Australian Shepherd31681
PnH HotR F2 GracelandCatahoula Leopard Dog101723
IPnT HotR F2 Grandma Dried Her HandsDutch Shepherd91721
ANH F2 GrangerEnglish Shepherd43662
NA HotR F2 GrannyAmerican Eskimo Dog51722
F2 Grave DirtEnglish Setter11457
ANFl HotR F2 Grave MoldTibetan Mastiff51178
IPnFT HotR F2 Graveyard SoilStabyhoun91196
JAHT HotR F2 Gray Glint Of TeethDogo Argentino141767
ANA HotR F2 GrazieAustralian Koolie5405
JPnFr HotR F2 Greased LightningGordon Setter71719
F2 Great River AnduinAustralian Koolie11458
PnSh HotR F2 Greater KnowledgeKeeshond9427
IPnT HotR F2 Green AcresBoykin Spaniel101729
JPnRO HotR F2 Green And GhostlyWire Fox Terrier41758
NO HotR F2 Green DragonNorwegian Buhund1410
PnSh HotR F2 GreenfeatherToy Poodle9451
JPnRO HotR F2 GretaGordon Setter61738
AE HotR F2 GrounddogNorfolk Terrier161819
MA HotR F2 Grubby ParchmentNorfolk Terrier341735
IPnP HotR F2 GumshoeEnglish Foxhound71712
PnH F2 Gusty Blue WindAnatolian Shepherd94583
ANA HotR F2 Guttering CandleGreat Pyrenees61666
PnFl HotR F2 HalecItalian Greyhound9427
JPnH F2 HaleutLapponian Herder64580
JPnH HotR F2 Half-BlindBorder Collie91742
JPnFr HotR F2 HammerhandEnglish Cocker Spaniel5412
JPnSh HotR F2 HandleJapanese Spitz41667
JPnO HotR F2 HandsBorder Collie51179
JPnSc HotR F2 Handsome Chocolate EggBullmastiff61697
JPnA HotR F2 Happy ForgetfulnessFinnish Spitz61665
NFr HotR F2 Hard HatWest Siberian Laika1408
NFT HotR F2 HarlowePointer11467
F2 HattieBrittany11458
F2 Have You DecidedBedlington Terrier11458
PnM HotR F2 Haven't Got A ClueAmerican Bulldog91701
NH HotR F2 HazarLapponian Herder1259
JPnT HotR F2 He Put You Up To ThisKai Ken71744
JAH HotR F2 HeadquartersAustralian Koolie14429
JPnHT HotR F2 HedwigEnglish Cocker Spaniel51697
AHu HotR F2 HeidiBorzoi15449
NR HotR F2 HenchmenIrish Wolfhound31666
JPnRO HotR F2 Here I AmEnglish Setter71720
IPnP HotR F2 HiawathaChinook91753
JPnM HotR F2 Hidden TurningsWest Siberian Laika83824
NFr HotR F2 High ChamberPomeranian1409
ANSh HotR F2 High InquisitorToy Fox Terrier31668
NFl HotR F2 High MountainsCanaan Dog41650
ANSh HotR F2 Higher ValueToy Fox Terrier31668
ANR HotR F2 HikerItalian Greyhound51702
APnRO HotR F2 HimyaBulldog111198
ANFr HotR F2 HindenbergBorzoi11467
NFl HotR F2 History WrittenAlaskan Malamute11645
NR HotR F2 HokeyItalian Greyhound31666
IPnFl HotR F2 Hold Back TearsDogo Argentino91721
F2 HoldenPomeranian11161
ND HotR F2 Holiday SupperAmerican Indian Dog11161
JPnH HotR F2 HolmgangCarpathian Shepherd61691
JPnFr HotR F2 Home CaveNewfoundland51179
PnFl HotR F2 Hot DogDachshund121677
ANFl HotR F2 Hot HeadKelpie5412
JPnR HotR F2 Hovering SomewhereDalmatian71696
F2 How Do You Know My NameCatahoula Leopard Dog11458
ANP HotR F2 How Do You Know You're RealCentral Asian Shepherd51739
IPnHu HotR F2 How I Miss YouEnglish Toy Spaniel81720
NRO HotR F2 How Much Time Do You HaveHavanese1412
JPnS HotR F2 How Slowly, How Painfully The Long Years PassChinook61722
IPnSh HotR F2 HowattField Spaniel9427
ANFT HotR F2 HowellField Spaniel51179
NSh HotR F2 HowlerPlott41667
F2 HullStabyhoun11161
APnA HotR F2 HumankindBedlington Terrier12429
PnHu HotR F2 Humble BeginningsAffenpinscher10417
NO HotR F2 Hundred Captain RubrenToy Poodle11656
PnFT HotR F2 HutchLabrador Retriever101196
JPnP HotR F2 HypocrisyCentral Asian Shepherd51179
PnRO HotR F2 I Am Missing Someone But I Don't Know WhoPekingese101768
JPnT HotR F2 I Can't Make You Do AnythingCanaan Dog61692
APnSc HotR F2 I Couldn't Leave Her If I TriedHovawart111768
JPnFr HotR F2 I Kind Of Like You, TooItalian Greyhound51702
JAFT HotR F2 I Saw HerDachshund14451
JPnE HotR F2 I Was Only JokingNorfolk Terrier61758
F2 I WillEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
NO HotR F2 I Will Not Say FarewellLeonberger11684
NT HotR F2 IcebergGerman Shepherd Dog12782
PnRO HotR F2 IdahoHavanese9427
F2 IffianOld English Sheepdog11161
PnFr HotR F2 IllusionStandard Poodle91196
PnFT HotR F2 Imperial PlanetologistOtterhound9427
ANHu HotR F2 ImplacableKeeshond1412
JPnA HotR F2 In PassingSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier51697
APnA HotR F2 In The HeartlandAustralian Koolie121756
NHT HotR F2 InaisKooikerhondje1412
NM HotR F2 IncantationPorcelaine11667
ANSh HotR F2 IncarcerousToy Fox Terrier31668
ANFl HotR F2 Index FingerShetland Sheepdog41178
JPnP HotR F2 Indignation On My BehalfShetland Sheepdog81750
JPnT HotR F2 Inescapable PartEnglish Foxhound71737
F2 InfamousBearded Collie11163
NP HotR F2 IngabrittaPharaoh Hound11667
F2 InitiativeSmooth Fox Terrier11161
F2 InkwellEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
NP HotR F2 InmateWire Fox Terrier31654
NA HotR F2 Inner LandscapeDalmatian1397
JARO HotR F2 InnkeeperOtterhound121211
ANFT HotR F2 InscrutableEnglish Setter5412
ANRO HotR F2 Inspired Future ExpeditionsGordon Setter51737
JPnM HotR F2 InsultedDalmatian71696
IPnRO HotR F2 InterceptPomeranian7426
IPnRO HotR F2 InterimPomeranian8449
IPnO HotR F2 InterpretationBedlington Terrier7417
NP HotR F2 Into DarknessStandard Poodle21471
F2 InuItalian Greyhound11162
IPnH HotR F2 IoneEnglish Shepherd93674
IPnSc HotR F2 Ionic BondHovawart63493
JPnHu HotR F2 Iron PegRedbone Coonhound71750
NSh HotR F2 Iron RimPomeranian1409
JAFT HotR F2 IsabelPointer13451
IPnRO HotR F2 Island FoolAlaskan Husky91726
ANP HotR F2 Island of Saint PaulOtterhound41179
NO HotR F2 Isle of CypressTibetan Mastiff12830
F2 IsolaShih Tzu11161
ANFr HotR F2 It Is Almost TimeStandard Poodle31178
NT HotR F2 It Just Won't SingGerman Shepherd Dog12781
ANP HotR F2 It Takes ForeverCanaan Dog41692
NH HotR F2 It's All Looking Serious, Isn't ItAkbash Dog2922
NT HotR F2 It's No GameToy Poodle11467
ANHu HotR F2 It's Quite AlrightKeeshond41701
F2 ItanLarge Munsterlander11161
F2 Itran TetrarchyLarge Munsterlander11161
ANM HotR F2 J-null0Toy Poodle51688
JPnSh HotR F2 Jagged SplinterTibetan Mastiff41178
IPnFr HotR F2 JamisWhippet8426
NO HotR F2 Jamyang SooTibetan Mastiff12830
IPnM HotR F2 Jarl ValgardAffenpinscher101726
NSh HotR F2 JemmyPomeranian1409
IPnH HotR F2 JessamineBorder Collie93674
NP HotR F2 Jo SmithEnglish Setter21474
ANO HotR F2 Johnny GreenChinese Crested5412
NSc HotR F2 Ju-OnGerman Pinscher41687
JPnA HotR F2 JudgeJapanese Chin71751
PnHT HotR F2 JugglerEnglish Cocker Spaniel11428
F2 Just A FactField Spaniel11162
NHT HotR F2 Just ThinkingEnglish Cocker Spaniel41697
F2 JusticeCatahoula Leopard Dog11162
F2 Justice of EnteBrittany11162
ANM HotR F2 Justly-Feared SummationWhippet31177
APnM HotR F2 KalladanGreat Dane10427
NT HotR F2 KavinnOtterhound1410
JAH F2 Keep Your Lights OnAnatolian Shepherd114595
ANRO HotR F2 KeffToy Fox Terrier51656
ANSc F2 KenHovawart53493
ANSh HotR F2 KenjoChinese Crested5412
NFl HotR F2 KimmerItalian Greyhound1412
APnFl HotR F2 KinderNewfoundland121768
PnT HotR F2 KinesKelpie10427
ANM HotR F2 KingdomPekingese51688
JPnHu HotR F2 KingdomBulldog51179
PnM HotR F2 KittyKeeshond101196
ANFl HotR F2 KlahadoreGerman Shepherd Dog51685
APnFT HotR F2 Knee WellLabrador Retriever11451
F2 Kneeling To SirGerman Shepherd Dog11162
IPnM HotR F2 KotoshiAinu Dog111768
ANHT HotR F2 KremlinGreat Dane41650
ANSh HotR F2 KrumEurasier31665
JAFT HotR F2 La RouxIrish Setter151819
JAD HotR F2 Lady FenringFlat Coated Retriever11427
PnSh HotR F2 Lady GuinevereBoykin Spaniel131734
IPnSh F2 Lady Mary Quite ContraryPekingese84461
F2 LakesideLarge Munsterlander11161
IPnFr HotR F2 Lan FanFlat Coated Retriever101738
NHu HotR F2 Land of DarknessPlott31471
ANFT HotR F2 Landing GridFlat Coated Retriever4412
AND HotR F2 LandmarkStandard Poodle31178
IPnO HotR F2 LaneGreat Dane81712
NFT HotR F2 LanglockKooikerhondje11667
F2 LanternDandie Dinmont Terrier11458
JARO HotR F2 Lars With The CarsSpinone Italiano12449
IPnM HotR F2 Laugh Like Cold WaterDalmatian91741
ANFr HotR F2 LaunchiePorcelaine31653
JPnHu HotR F2 Lemon CakeToy Fox Terrier41702
IPnM HotR F2 LemonadeDalmatian81696
NR HotR F2 LemosItalian Greyhound1412
IPnW HotR F2 LessonsSaint Bernard61697
PnSh HotR F2 Let It GoBelgian Sheepdog101724
F2 Level FourOtterhound11161
NH HotR F2 LevittLapponian Herder12819
NM HotR F2 LichenWire Fox Terrier21669
NRO HotR F2 LiebkuchenEnglish Setter12782
NM HotR F2 LiebkuchenAmerican Bulldog12752
ANFr HotR F2 Light or GrievousGreat Dane41471
F2 Light PanelShih Tzu11161
JPnSh HotR F2 Lightly As VaporBoykin Spaniel71675
PnT HotR F2 Lights Shining Down Into The PoolJapanese Chin121768
F2 Like A DuckLarge Munsterlander11161
ANH F2 Lima SyndromeLapponian Herder54203
IPnH HotR F2 LioreBorder Collie93674
F2 LiostManchester Terrier11161
PnP HotR F2 Lisa MarieCatahoula Leopard Dog101723
JPnA HotR F2 Listening InNorfolk Terrier51758
IPnSc HotR F2 Little Town of BethlehemAmerican White Shepherd101768
APnHT HotR F2 LobbyStabyhoun12451
JPnP HotR F2 LonelyCentral Asian Shepherd71723
ANM HotR F2 Long LaborsGreat Dane41471
NRO HotR F2 Long SlopesPointer3410
PnO HotR F2 LongbornKelpie10427
ANT HotR F2 LorienRough Collie31684
JPnFl HotR F2 Love PotionMiniature Australian Shepherd51667
JPnSh HotR F2 Love SongPekingese72855
ANFT HotR F2 LoyaltyPointer51178
ANFl HotR F2 LucyChart Polski3412
JPnFl HotR F2 Ludo BagmanLapponian Herder81750
APnFT HotR F2 LunchDachshund12429
PnFT HotR F2 Lunch PailEnglish Setter91752
JPnHu HotR F2 Lupin Was The Good BoyBoykin Spaniel91722
ANFr HotR F2 Mad AttackStandard Poodle31178
ANSh HotR F2 Mad LovePekingese42834
AD HotR F2 Madame HoochChart Polski211673
NHT F2 Madeleine L'EngleGreat Dane22819
IPnH HotR F2 MadridBorder Collie93674
APnT HotR F2 MagazineOtterhound12451
ANM HotR F2 MagicWest Siberian Laika31177
ANRO HotR F2 Magical MeansPug41667
PnH HotR F2 MagicianCentral Asian Shepherd111198
IPnA HotR F2 MagicianKeeshond91196
ANHT HotR F2 Magnum OpusCatahoula Leopard Dog52853
ANHu HotR F2 MagorianEnglish Toy Spaniel51697
JPnFT HotR F2 Major ArmstrongBrittany71739
ARO HotR F2 MaksimHavanese141211
ANSh HotR F2 MalevolenceEnglish Cocker Spaniel41697
JPnSh HotR F2 Many BurnsBluetick Coonhound61697
NT HotR F2 Many WordsGerman Pinscher41687
PnFT HotR F2 MapesLabrador Retriever9427
ANS HotR F2 MaraouetChinook32838
NA HotR F2 MarathonBorder Collie12793
IPnT HotR F2 Marble StepAmerican White Shepherd91701
JPnO HotR F2 Marched To The Dungeon DoorKarelian Bear Dog71744
JPnR HotR F2 MaredrinaAfghan Hound61180
JPnA HotR F2 MariposaDalmatian6412
JPnP HotR F2 MarisolBrittany41179
JPnHu HotR F2 MariusCarolina Dog71708
ANSh HotR F2 Master PlanSpinone Italiano51178
NE HotR F2 Mathematical EquationDandie Dinmont Terrier11467
JPnRO HotR F2 MaudlinHavanese51179
ANA HotR F2 McClagonSmooth Fox Terrier41667
NH F2 Meant To BeLapponian Herder44571
NFT HotR F2 Meant to BeKooikerhondje11467
ANFT HotR F2 Med KitLabrador Retriever1412
F2 Medical SectionChinese Crested11162
JPnRO HotR F2 MedievalStabyhoun41677
NA HotR F2 MeditationAffenpinscher3405
IPnFT F2 MeenaEnglish Cocker Spaniel63493
NT HotR F2 MeereenBorder Collie12793
NFr HotR F2 MegGreat Dane12774
F2 MercyField Spaniel11162
NHu HotR F2 MeropePapillon31666
ANA HotR F2 MerriadocAustralian Koolie51472
NR HotR F2 MerrythoughtItalian Greyhound41667
ANP HotR F2 MesoaOtterhound41179
NA HotR F2 MessiahAkita Inu42822
ANH HotR F2 MeteorologyCatahoula Leopard Dog5412
ANA HotR F2 MidwatchBedlington Terrier51180
JARO HotR F2 MidwinterEnglish Setter12428
NFT HotR F2 MilangOtterhound1410
F2 MineSpinone Italiano11161
JPnFr HotR F2 Miniature BellTibetan Mastiff51178
JAT HotR F2 MinnetonkaBullmastiff14449
F2 Miserable SpecimenCentral Asian Shepherd11162
NH HotR F2 MisgivingAustralian Koolie31644
F2 Miss LittleWire Fox Terrier11617
JPnM HotR F2 Misshapen BirdDachshund71741
ANM HotR F2 MochiDalmatian62838
JPnSh HotR F2 Modest MouseField Spaniel71746
F2 MoggetEnglish Cocker Spaniel11457
ANE HotR F2 MoggetRussell Terrier41178
APnA HotR F2 MoiraineKeeshond131211
JPnP HotR F2 Moment's AnxietyFlat Coated Retriever5412
NHT HotR F2 MonacoKooikerhondje1412
NA HotR F2 MonolithRussell Terrier1409
JPnFT HotR F2 Moose Jaw AlaskaIrish Setter61751
F2 MordicantEnglish Setter11457
JPnFl HotR F2 MoriartyEnglish Foxhound61665
NFr HotR F2 MortChart Polski1398
IPnFr HotR F2 Moscow MoonGreat Dane91752
ANFr HotR F2 MotionlessNorwegian Lundehund51697
NFl HotR F2 Mountain FeverOtterhound1410
NRO HotR F2 Mouth of SauronLarge Munsterlander21471
NM HotR F2 Mrs. CrowleyAkita12797
PnD HotR F2 Muad'DibStandard Poodle9426
JPnT HotR F2 MuklukAmerican Eskimo Dog71746
NRO HotR F2 MurielEurasier11639
IPnH HotR F2 My Answer Has Not ChangedAustralian Koolie91744
NH HotR F2 Nary A CrumbCardigan Welsh Corgi12790
JPnT HotR F2 Nasty ScrapeBearded Collie51180
NH F2 NavajoLapponian Herder14187
JPnHu HotR F2 NeagleyPomeranian6426
APnFT HotR F2 Nearly All the Right WordsEnglish Setter12428
F2 Needful ThingsShih Tzu11161
ANFr HotR F2 NeedleSilken Windhound31666
ANT HotR F2 NefertitiPharaoh Hound61746
JPnHu HotR F2 Never ConvertedEnglish Cocker Spaniel71721
NFl HotR F2 New CopySpinone Italiano11667
ANO HotR F2 New RouteRussell Terrier51703
IPnHT HotR F2 New SistersDogo Argentino91721
JPnH HotR F2 NiaraBorder Collie53662
JPnO HotR F2 Nice And SafeJapanese Spitz61667
JPnA HotR F2 NielsenDalmatian6412
F2 NieveEnglish Shepherd13649
JPnH HotR F2 No CompetitionShetland Sheepdog81750
PnP HotR F2 No DoubtFlat Coated Retriever91712
F2 No DoubtSpinone Italiano11161
JPnFT HotR F2 No FearLabrador Retriever51179
ANHu HotR F2 No FeelingToy Poodle1409
F2 No GuaranteesNorwegian Elkhound11161
F2 No HurrySpinone Italiano11161
NRO HotR F2 No RecourseOtterhound1410
NA HotR F2 No Time to LoseSchipperke1409
JAHu HotR F2 No Trace Of Foul PlayBluetick Coonhound141767
NT HotR F2 NoncommittalEurasier11639
PnSh HotR F2 NostromEnglish Cocker Spaniel11429
JAFl HotR F2 Not AnymoreBorder Collie141211
F2 Not Bird Nor BeastDachshund11458
NFl HotR F2 Not Your FaultSaarloos Wolfdog11651
NHu HotR F2 Nothing to Alter ThatAffenpinscher1405
IPnP HotR F2 Nothing Was MovingVizsla81749
PnHu HotR F2 NouderAmerican Eskimo Dog91725
NHu HotR F2 NozzleOtterhound1410
JPnFr HotR F2 NubiaPharaoh Hound61746
NFr HotR F2 NuellaWest Siberian Laika1408
NFr HotR F2 NuellaWhippet1407
IPnP HotR F2 Number SevenStandard Poodle81196
NHu HotR F2 NurpleEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
IPnFT HotR F2 O For OutstandingStabyhoun71702
JASc HotR F2 Ocean CurlsBelgian Tervuren151768
IPnFl HotR F2 Odd SocksStabyhoun91750
F2 OdellaLapponian Herder11161
ANSh F2 Of Snuff Boxes and Sour FeelingsPekingese44387
F2 OfficerAustralian Koolie11163
F2 Officers of the PalaceAffenpinscher11164
F2 Official InventoryShih Tzu11161
JPnFT HotR F2 Old FraudStabyhoun61702
IPnT HotR F2 OldtownPointer101196
JPnH HotR F2 OliverCarpathian Shepherd71723
JPnFT HotR F2 Once RenownedStabyhoun61702
PnRO HotR F2 One More FeelingBeagle101724
PnHu HotR F2 One-Legged GazelleAffenpinscher9417
NSc HotR F2 Only HumanGerman Pinscher41687
IPnSc HotR F2 Only If You Wish ItBernese Mountain Dog91743
F2 OpinionSilken Windhound11161
F2 Or WorseSpinone Italiano11161
JPnSh F2 Orion's BeltEnglish Cocker Spaniel63493
JPnO HotR F2 OrmChinook51691
F2 OtterGolden Retriever11457
ANA HotR F2 Our PlanetCarolina Dog51651
APnFr HotR F2 Out TonightKarelian Bear Dog131819
JPnT HotR F2 Outmoded And OutwornChihuahua71747
NFT HotR F2 Outward TrailPointer2410
F2 OverdoneNewfoundland11161
APnHu HotR F2 OzorneDachshund11429
F2 PaperwingEnglish Shepherd11457
F2 Passed Into WinterAustralian Cattle Dog11458
JPnT HotR F2 PassionEnglish Shepherd5412
F2 Past BeliefAustralian Koolie11163
ANP HotR F2 Pata PataCentral Asian Shepherd51703
F2 PatemChinese Crested11162
ANFl HotR F2 Pathetic As A ToyGerman Pinscher41651
JPnFl HotR F2 Pearly White ThroatEnglish Shepherd61697
NFT HotR F2 PenaltyPointer31667
NFT HotR F2 PenneSpinone Italiano21471
IPnH HotR F2 PeonyEnglish Shepherd93674
AD HotR F2 PeregrineSpinone Italiano141211
F2 Perhaps I WillAfghan Hound11163
PnH HotR F2 PerrinLapponian Herder121211
F2 PhosphorescentItalian Greyhound11162
F2 PiatOtterhound11161
IPnFl HotR F2 PilgrimWhippet7426
JASc HotR F2 Pinch BrimBullmastiff14449
NT HotR F2 PiteroOtterhound1410
PnFT HotR F2 Plague PitSpinone Italiano91196
IPnFT HotR F2 PlanetologistStabyhoun9426
PnHu HotR F2 PleaHavanese9427
F2 Pleasant and NoncommittalBorder Collie11162
F2 Please Answer My QuestionEnglish Setter11457
F2 Pleased MaliceSpinone Italiano11161
NH HotR F2 PluckLapponian Herder1259
JPnA HotR F2 PlumeBedlington Terrier7417
F2 PoliticalKeeshond11162
ANHu HotR F2 Pop InHavanese41666
JPnH HotR F2 Pope InnocentCarpathian Shepherd61750
JPnP HotR F2 PortcullisGreenland Dog51666
NFr HotR F2 Portuguese CaptainStandard Poodle11160
JPnP HotR F2 Positive ActionFlat Coated Retriever3412
ANT HotR F2 Potato HarvestStabyhoun51675
F2 Powder and ShotStandard Poodle11161
ANRO HotR F2 Power LoadEnglish Setter31651
PnT HotR F2 Practical PrincessBelgian Malinois101724
JAM HotR F2 PreetDalmatian12429
NT HotR F2 PresgerSpinone Italiano31651
APnFr HotR F2 PretenseStandard Poodle10451
NHT HotR F2 Pretty Little SallyAkita12797
NH HotR F2 Prodigal SonCatahoula Leopard Dog32838
F2 Professional EyeBulldog11162
F2 ProvenceBorder Collie12751
JAW HotR F2 PtolemySpinone Italiano91196
ANHT HotR F2 PutrescentStabyhoun51178
ANFT HotR F2 QuarrelPointer3410
NSh HotR F2 Queen of HeartsPekingese22819
NP HotR F2 Queen's WeirStandard Poodle1409
ANFT HotR F2 Queen's WingStabyhoun1409
JPnA HotR F2 Queens Long DeadLapponian Herder41179
ANH F2 QueenslandLapponian Herder54203
IPnSh HotR F2 QuentinCavalier King Charles Spaniel73493
NFT HotR F2 Question EverythingVizsla12827
JPnT HotR F2 Questions AnsweredBoykin Spaniel81703
APnA HotR F2 Quiet Dove We've MadeShetland Sheepdog121768
JPnM HotR F2 QuillPekingese71750
JPnH HotR F2 QuintleyEnglish Shepherd53662
NFT HotR F2 Quite SoonSpinone Italiano11667
NH HotR F2 Raajes ShellFinnish Lapphund12782
JAA HotR F2 Rain BarrelBorder Collie141211
APnSc HotR F2 Raised As A LadyBelgian Malinois131756
PnFT HotR F2 RamonaWest Siberian Laika11451
JAA HotR F2 RamsayDalmatian14451
JPnH HotR F2 RanziEnglish Shepherd63662
PnFl HotR F2 RaughdItalian Greyhound111202
APnT HotR F2 Real StinkerKeeshond12451
ANSh HotR F2 Red PlanetFlat Coated Retriever3412
NSh F2 Red SwanPekingese14187
NRO HotR F2 RedbugStabyhoun11471
JPnP HotR F2 ReeducationSmooth Fox Terrier41651
F2 Refreshing ViewBeagle11163
ANRO HotR F2 Relentless WorkerWeimaraner31669
F2 RemissCentral Asian Shepherd11162
NRO HotR F2 ReportsSpinone Italiano1409
APnRO HotR F2 ResemboolEnglish Toy Spaniel101524
NT HotR F2 RestaurantPlott11653
F2 RetrospectiveBearded Collie11163
JAFl HotR F2 RictusBrittany141211
PnO HotR F2 RighteousnessTibetan Mastiff101196
ANS HotR F2 Ring Of SolomonChinook51712
F2 RingmasterBearded Collie12822
ANRO HotR F2 Rival ScavengerSpinone Italiano51178
JAFT HotR F2 RivendellSpinone Italiano131211
PnA HotR F2 River RomanySchipperke101763
JAFr HotR F2 River's EdgeAinu Dog13429
NM HotR F2 Rivers of Molten RockRussell Terrier31471
NA HotR F2 RoanoakeBearded Collie12795
PnD HotR F2 RobinGolden Retriever101752
PnRO HotR F2 Rock WallSpinone Italiano9426
F2 RoilLabrador Retriever11161
NHT HotR F2 Roll of ThunderGreat Dane22819
ANT HotR F2 RoronoaGerman Shepherd Dog41685
JPnSh F2 Rosa BarksPekingese44203
JPnFl HotR F2 RostovBorzoi51658
ANP HotR F2 RoutineGreat Dane4412
JPnT HotR F2 Roving TableManchester Terrier61667
NSh HotR F2 RubyPomeranian22819
F2 RumorSilken Windhound11161
ANFT HotR F2 Running AwayWeimaraner31669
NSh HotR F2 RuthRedbone Coonhound31667
F2 SabrielEnglish Cocker Spaniel11457
JPnSh HotR F2 Sad, But Not UnhappyHavanese61691
F2 Safe and FamiliarChihuahua11458
ANH HotR F2 SafehouseBorder Collie51179
NA HotR F2 SamethWhippet31177
JPnH F2 Sammy SosaRough Collie43661
PnFl HotR F2 SardukarItalian Greyhound10427
PnSh HotR F2 Sat Up In BedField Spaniel10427
JPnFl HotR F2 SatisfiedAlaskan Malamute61697
JPnRO HotR F2 SaucerPorcelaine71750
IPnSh HotR F2 Saved Her Snore For Just Another MinuteBorder Collie71697
JAHu HotR F2 ScarletChinese Crested13429
JPnR HotR F2 Scarlet WomanWhippet71749
ANRO HotR F2 Scientist And TechnicianGerman Shorthaired Pointer51733
JPnP HotR F2 ScreamingNewfoundland81750
JPnT HotR F2 Screaming In ProtestPlott61758
ANR HotR F2 Sea of SerSilken Windhound31178
JPnT HotR F2 SeanDachshund6412
NM HotR F2 Secret DoorWhippet1407
IPnSh HotR F2 SecretariatOtterhound91196
NFr HotR F2 Secrets Like To Be FreeWhippet1407
F2 SecurityBorder Collie12822
JPnRO HotR F2 SecurityLarge Munsterlander3412
JAH HotR F2 SedaiBorder Collie141211
F2 See AheadChinese Crested11458
JPnM HotR F2 See What You've DoneAkita52822
JPnM HotR F2 See You SoonKai Ken51750
F2 SeimarandNewfoundland11161
F2 SeivardenCentral Asian Shepherd11162
NO HotR F2 SelwinGerman Shepherd Dog11639
PnFT HotR F2 Semblance of RelaxationStabyhoun10426
JPnFT HotR F2 Send Back WordLabrador Retriever51179
F2 Send WordBoerboel11458
NO HotR F2 SenselessCentral Asian Shepherd11635
JPnSh HotR F2 Sensitive To Such ThingsChihuahua61722
JPnSh HotR F2 Seo-biPekingese51687
APnD HotR F2 Separate HereNorwegian Buhund9427
NFT F2 SeptaVizsla12828
APnE HotR F2 SepulchreRussell Terrier71196
NM HotR F2 Set the WatchWest Siberian Laika1408
F2 Seven IssaBrittany11162
ANSh HotR F2 SeventeenHavanese41666
JPnT HotR F2 ShadowfaxBelgian Malinois71692
NT HotR F2 ShagratRough Collie31683
F2 Shame OpposedStabyhoun11161
PnFl HotR F2 Sharon KayWhippet10451
NM F2 ShatterPomeranian32819
IPnH HotR F2 She Came BackBorder Collie101195
PnA HotR F2 She Didn't Have A Clue What To SayDalmatian101721
NHT ANSc HotR F2 She Sells Sea ShellsDogo Argentino51808
JPnO HotR F2 ShellDachshund5412
JPnP HotR F2 Shining Electric CometTibetan Mastiff51178
F2 ShireBearded Collie11458
F2 ShireShetland Sheepdog11161
IPnR HotR F2 Shot In The DarkPharaoh Hound101758
F2 Show A FlushCentral Asian Shepherd11162
NO HotR F2 Sickening ThoughtShetland Sheepdog11467
APnFT HotR F2 Side-StepField Spaniel12449
APnA HotR F2 SiderBedlington Terrier12429
JPnH F2 SikesLapponian Herder74522
IPnFT HotR F2 Silence Between ThemField Spaniel9427
IPnA HotR F2 SilentAustralian Koolie71180
AFl HotR F2 SilverbellsBorder Collie161229
NFT HotR F2 Silvery WhiteWeimaraner21669
JPnP HotR F2 Sing AlongCentral Asian Shepherd61703
F2 SkelligGerman Shepherd Dog12769
ANFl HotR F2 Sleeping GirlItalian Greyhound41177
JPnFr HotR F2 Sleigh Bells In The SnowBorzoi81731
APnD HotR F2 SlopesWhippet101210
PnRO HotR F2 Slow CautionSpinone Italiano10426
IPnT HotR F2 Slowly MeltingBorder Collie91724
IPnSh HotR F2 Small Animal BonesField Spaniel91752
F2 Small BladePekingese11161
JAA HotR F2 SmokingChinese Crested13451
ANH HotR F2 SnapperAustralian Koolie42822
NSh HotR F2 SneakthiefHavanese41666
NSh HotR F2 Snide CracksHavanese1412
NP HotR F2 Snow MeltLabrador Retriever31667
NH HotR F2 So is the PastCaucasian Ovtcharka11467
F2 So-Called TeaBrittany11162
JPnH HotR F2 SojournAnatolian Shepherd61701
JPnFl HotR F2 SolaaCatahoula Leopard Dog6412
PnHu HotR F2 SolariHavanese9427
PnFT HotR F2 Sole Object of a HuntLarge Munsterlander10427
JPnO HotR F2 Solid DarknessTibetan Mastiff41178
NS HotR F2 Solomon's FavorChinook51720
JPnA HotR F2 Someone's In The Kitchen With DinahGreat Pyrenees41712
IPnM HotR F2 Something I Wanted To ForgetFlat Coated Retriever91712
F2 Something to SayCentral Asian Shepherd1855
NRO HotR F2 SonoraBedlington Terrier1404
APnP HotR F2 Soothing WaveBernese Mountain Dog121724
ANFr HotR F2 SorcaCatahoula Leopard Dog5412
ANRO HotR F2 Sound Of PursuitBrittany51692
NH F2 SoundbyteBorder Collie14187
ANFr HotR F2 SouthStabyhoun51178
JPnFr HotR F2 SouthgateFlat Coated Retriever52837
NH HotR F2 Space OddityBorder Collie12795
ANFl HotR F2 Spangled Green And BlueTaiwan Dog51667
ANR HotR F2 SparrowDalmatian41477
JPnRO HotR F2 Spat BoodGerman Pinscher41651
JAA HotR F2 SpearAustralian Koolie14429
NFT HotR F2 SpearsPointer1410
ANP HotR F2 Special PrecautionGreat Dane4412
PnO HotR F2 SpeculoosTibetan Mastiff101196
JAM HotR F2 SpellChinese Crested12429
JAHu HotR F2 Spell ThreadCatahoula Leopard Dog12429
F2 SpicerAustralian Koolie12752
F2 Spinal TapPointer11161
NT HotR F2 SpliceCatahoula Leopard Dog12822
IPnA HotR F2 SpliceEnglish Toy Spaniel91720
NFl HotR F2 Split Into SevenStabyhoun11664
NFr HotR F2 SpoonWhippet1407
ANFl HotR F2 Sprinting Toward The BattleRough Collie51697
ANE HotR F2 SqueamishWire Fox Terrier31669
JPnD HotR F2 Staring Up At The MoonRough Collie51697
IPnFl HotR F2 StarsSilken Windhound9426
IPnFr HotR F2 StarskyLabrador Retriever91196
NR HotR F2 Steel CableChart Polski3412
NSh HotR F2 SteffyPapillon31666
IPnO HotR F2 StelaGreat Dane81712
JPnM HotR F2 StevDalmatian6412
IPnSh HotR F2 StilgarToy Poodle7426
NT HotR F2 StingWest Siberian Laika21471
IPnH F2 StormcloudsLapponian Herder74584
JAM HotR F2 StormwingAinu Dog12429
NT HotR F2 Street AlleyBullmastiff1398
JPnSh HotR F2 Stupid BogartPapillon61702
NFr HotR F2 Stupidly LaxGreat Dane3412
IPnFl HotR F2 StymiedWhippet91196
NFT HotR F2 SumimotoWeimaraner11669
NSh HotR F2 SummerCavalier King Charles Spaniel12789
IPnD HotR F2 Sunday MissionaryVizsla71720
NFT HotR F2 Sunny DaySpinone Italiano41178
F2 SupperChinese Crested11162
ANM HotR F2 Sure EnoughKorean Jindo51667
ANA HotR F2 Surface CrewChinese Crested4412
ANRO HotR F2 SuspectLarge Munsterlander3412
F2 Suspension PodShih Tzu11161
ANFT HotR F2 SuspiciousLabrador Retriever51179
F2 Susurated FaintlyBrittany11162
NFr HotR F2 SwaneeWest Siberian Laika1408
NP HotR F2 Sweet FountainRussell Terrier1409
ANM HotR F2 Sweetie BirdCanaan Dog51692
IPnFr HotR F2 SwiftlyStandard Poodle91196
ANA HotR F2 Swirling MemoryKeeshond41667
JPnM HotR F2 Sword and BellsStandard Poodle31178
NA HotR F2 SybilKeeshond41667
JPnFT HotR F2 TaciturnEnglish Setter5412
NT HotR F2 TadamSpinone Italiano1409
ANFr HotR F2 Taken AbackStandard Poodle41178
IPnSc HotR F2 Taking It In TurnsAmerican White Shepherd91744
PnH HotR F2 TalismanKelpie10427
NR HotR F2 TamperItalian Greyhound41666
NFr HotR F2 TannerPointer31667
JPnH F2 Taste of JoyCatahoula Leopard Dog64585
NP HotR F2 Tea PlantationShih Tzu11640
F2 Tea ShopOtterhound11161
JAM HotR F2 TeapotDalmatian12429
ANFr HotR F2 Tears At BayPointer51178
ANFl HotR F2 TelgarItalian Greyhound3412
JPnD HotR F2 TemplarFlat Coated Retriever52853
JPnH HotR F2 Ten PointsBorder Collie61697
NHT HotR F2 Terrible EnemyStandard Poodle31178
IPnA HotR F2 Terrible LizardAffenpinscher8417
JPnA HotR F2 Thai TeaGerman Shepherd Dog52836
IPnHu HotR F2 The Bloody BaronDalmatian101753
AND HotR F2 The BoyNorwegian Lundehund31667
PnD HotR F2 The CarrowesCurly Coated Retriever91741
NSh HotR F2 The ChamberBrittany31692
ANR HotR F2 The ChampionsPharaoh Hound51750
IPnFT HotR F2 The CompanyLabrador Retriever91196
JPnA HotR F2 The CompanyAustralian Koolie5405
IPnFr HotR F2 The Death StickCurly Coated Retriever91741
IPnRO HotR F2 The Drop Was GreaterChart Polski81741
JPnT HotR F2 The FallDachshund5412
JPnT HotR F2 The Fall Of BruininBelgian Malinois71692
F2 The Fear of FireBearded Collie11458
JPnRO HotR F2 The GateEnglish Setter71739
IPnHu HotR F2 The Hedge Was Staring BackDachshund81753
JPnH HotR F2 The InfernoAustralian Koolie73870
NA HotR F2 The JordanKeeshond1412
NA HotR F2 The MetamorphosisWest Siberian Laika73824
PnHu HotR F2 The Moon Was Just A Sliver Back ThenTibetan Spaniel101762
IPnHT HotR F2 The Other SideBrittany71712
IPnRO HotR F2 The Peace Of Being SettledGerman Shorthaired Pointer81712
NFl HotR F2 The Phantom of the OperaCardigan Welsh Corgi12790
JPnT HotR F2 The Reichenbach FallBasset Hound63824
JPnS HotR F2 The Ring, FirstChinook71741
JPnHu HotR F2 The Road To ShambalaBrittany71724
JPnHu HotR F2 The Second ReasonEnglish Cocker Spaniel71739
JPnP HotR F2 The Seventh FloorBernese Mountain Dog81743
JPnFr HotR F2 The Snake HissedItalian Greyhound51749
JPnO HotR F2 The Sound Of WavesGreat Pyrenees61737
IPnT HotR F2 The ThiefGerman Shepherd Dog91746
F2 The VolleyAinu Dog12744
JPnSh HotR F2 The Wide Wood CalledHavanese61691
ANP HotR F2 TheaterCentral Asian Shepherd41691
JPnHu HotR F2 Theo ForceDalmatian4412
PnFl HotR F2 There Are Many SayingsLabrador Retriever9427
PnFT HotR F2 These Are Not Scientific QuestionsGerman Shorthaired Pointer101737
AM HotR F2 These People lla 2int no huntKai Ken251741
ANSh HotR F2 ThestralEurasier51697
IPnHu HotR F2 They Are Of AgeBoykin Spaniel71703
IPnR HotR F2 They Call The Wind MariahBorzoi101737
NSh HotR F2 ThimblePapillon31666
JPnSh HotR F2 Thin AirEnglish Toy Spaniel51697
IPnD HotR F2 Thin Grey LightWhippet7426
NFl HotR F2 ThingsWhippet1407
JPnSh HotR F2 Things To EatEnglish Cocker Spaniel61739
ND HotR F2 Third EarthAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11467
PnSc HotR F2 Thou ShaltGerman Shepherd Dog111758
JPnSh F2 Thought I Was GoodPekingese54203
ANFT HotR F2 Thread CorridorStabyhoun1409
NP HotR F2 Tide TurnerCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
NSh HotR F2 TillerKooikerhondje3412
APnRO HotR F2 Time Makes You BolderBullmastiff101724
ANH HotR F2 Tip of Your HatBorder Collie42838
ANFr HotR F2 To The HiltGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51666
JPnM HotR F2 TohruPekingese61702
ANM HotR F2 Too Many StampsKai Ken51750
JPnRO HotR F2 Too Much Truth To IgnoreEnglish Cocker Spaniel51697
IPnHu HotR F2 Torchlit CorridorsChihuahua81722
ANRO HotR F2 TortugaHavanese51746
NHu HotR F2 TracathToy Poodle1409
IPnO HotR F2 TrailblazerBedlington Terrier7417
IPnT HotR F2 TransfigurationNewfoundland71701
IPnH HotR F2 Trembled OminouslyCatahoula Leopard Dog91747
NFr HotR F2 TrencheantStandard Poodle1409
NFl HotR F2 TributaryLarge Munsterlander11471
IPnFT HotR F2 TroisField Spaniel81746
APnSc HotR F2 TrumpetBullmastiff12429
JAFT HotR F2 TsioraLabrador Retriever131211
NR HotR F2 TubbermanItalian Greyhound2412
NFr HotR F2 TunicWhippet1407
F2 TurbanEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
NT HotR F2 Turn The ChairBeagle51746
ANM HotR F2 Turn The CornerToy Fox Terrier31702
PnH F2 Turning ColorAnatolian Shepherd84583
JPnRO HotR F2 Twice He Looked UpTibetan Spaniel51702
JPnRO HotR F2 Twice-Tolling ClockAlaskan Malamute51651
F2 Twin PeaksAkita12752
IPnR HotR F2 Twin TeamsChart Polski81722
PnR HotR F2 TyraChart Polski11429
NT HotR F2 Ultimate SacrificeBearded Collie12795
JPnRO HotR F2 UncivilizedLarge Munsterlander3412
NA HotR F2 UnconsciousBernese Mountain Dog51720
NH HotR F2 Under PressureGerman Shepherd Dog32837
JPnR HotR F2 Underground LakeChart Polski71691
JPnFl HotR F2 UnfairAnatolian Shepherd61701
F2 UnityAfghan Hound11164
NR HotR F2 Unlit SilenceWhippet1407
F2 UnreasonableKeeshond11162
PnH HotR F2 Until We Meet AgainBorder Collie111724
JPnRO HotR F2 Up To SomethingTibetan Spaniel61749
JPnHu HotR F2 Up, DogKeeshond51179
F2 UprightBorder Collie11162
F2 UpwellOtterhound11161
NE HotR F2 UrgentlyBedlington Terrier1404
APnH HotR F2 UtopiaBorder Collie133699
PnA HotR F2 UtukuBorder Collie101198
IPnT HotR F2 Valor Needs First StrengthBelgian Sheepdog81692
ANA HotR F2 VandalRussell Terrier61746
F2 Vell OskGolden Retriever11162
F2 VelvetLapponian Herder11161
F2 Venti VinoBorder Collie12751
JPnM HotR F2 Vera WangTibetan Spaniel71750
NFr HotR F2 VerdurinStandard Poodle1409
NFl HotR F2 VeritaserumSaint Bernard11667
IPnFl HotR F2 Very InterestedWhippet71758
PnH HotR F2 VoltaireRough Collie113699
ANHu HotR F2 VormonthOtterhound1410
PnRO HotR F2 VowBrittany101198
JPnH HotR F2 Wagon WheelBearded Collie62838
APnH HotR F2 WaldenBorder Collie133699
ANFr HotR F2 Walk WarilySpinone Italiano41688
F2 Walking in the DarkBrittany11458
F2 Want ItCentral Asian Shepherd11162
PnHu HotR F2 WardBulldog101198
JPnHu HotR F2 WaryDachshund5412
NFr HotR F2 Washhouse PrivilegesEnglish Toy Spaniel11474
IPnM HotR F2 Wasn't Much FunEnglish Cocker Spaniel81721
JPnRO HotR F2 Wasted DaysEurasier61712
NR HotR F2 WatchweirWhippet1407
F2 WatergrassBrittany11162
JPnRO HotR F2 Wave of MonkeysLarge Munsterlander51179
JPnFr HotR F2 We Do Not HelpPlott71758
JAT HotR F2 We Raise Our GlassAmerican White Shepherd151768
NM HotR F2 WeirOtterhound1410
PnFr HotR F2 Weirding WayWest Siberian Laika9426
JPnHu HotR F2 WendyEnglish Toy Spaniel61738
APnFr HotR F2 WesternessStandard Poodle111211
NHu HotR F2 What Did You Find OutTibetan Spaniel11668
JAP HotR F2 What You NeedAkbash Dog141768
F2 When I Was A ChildMiniature Schnauzer11161
APnO HotR F2 WhipCentral Asian Shepherd111198
F2 WhistBorder Collie11162
APnHu HotR F2 Who Can Say Where She May HidePlott111763
HotR F2 Who KnowsSaarloos Wolfdog11667
ANP HotR F2 Whole PursesSmooth Fox Terrier51178
F2 WickhamBorder Collie12751
IPnR HotR F2 Wide RiversWhippet7426
JPnT HotR F2 WindblossomEnglish Shepherd5412
IPnFr HotR F2 WingsStandard Poodle8426
IPnFl HotR F2 WinkyStabyhoun91750
NHT HotR F2 WinterberryStabyhoun1409
JAM HotR F2 WireAffenpinscher13429
ANT HotR F2 With MirrorsBasset Hound63870
JAM HotR F2 Without A WordTibetan Mastiff141210
IPnFl HotR F2 Without TurningSilken Windhound9426
JPnFT HotR F2 Won't Be LongSpinone Italiano51178
AE HotR F2 Wooden StaircaseBedlington Terrier14451
NM HotR F2 Working UndergroundWest Siberian Laika1408
JAT HotR F2 WraithPointer141211
ANH HotR F2 XavierBorder Collie53662
IPnHu HotR F2 You HelpedPlott81758
JAFl HotR F2 You Know He's Been A Good Friend Of MineGreater Swiss Mountain Dog131768
JPnFr HotR F2 You Will Never Rest Until You've TriedAffenpinscher81743
JAA HotR F2 Young TreeBedlington Terrier14451
JAA HotR F2 ZamielAustralian Koolie14429
NHu HotR F2 ZeiatShih Tzu11641
NFr HotR F2 ZeusGreat Dane12775
JPnHu HotR F2 Zip TiePointer41689
NFr HotR F2 ZistWhippet1407
NFT HotR F2 ZuleiaSpinone Italiano1409
NP HotR F2 ÆttestupCentral Asian Shepherd31691
NH HotR F3 1952Anatolian Shepherd31643
IPnH HotR F3 A False Sense Of SecurityBorder Collie91724
IPnD HotR F3 A Fearful BurdenCurly Coated Retriever91721
NP HotR F3 A Studio In San FranciscoHovawart41737
ANHu HotR F3 AberforthChihuahua31643
F3 AbominateBedlington Terrier11162
ANFl HotR F3 AccioStabyhoun41664
F3 Against the GrainBedlington Terrier11162
ANA HotR F3 AkeelaKeeshond51179
JPnT HotR F3 Alarmed At The Very ThoughtBeagle71697
ANSh HotR F3 AleEnglish Toy Spaniel3412
F3 Aliens!Afghan Hound11163
JPnHu HotR F3 All FoursEurasier41686
IPnP HotR F3 All Or NothingTibetan Mastiff81750
ANHu HotR F3 All WinterWhippet31177
NFT HotR F3 AllendilPointer1410
JPnSh HotR F3 Almost For The First TimeSpinone Italiano41178
NP HotR F3 Almost SorryStandard Poodle1409
NHu HotR F3 Already In PlaceTibetan Spaniel11668
JPnO HotR F3 Alternative RouteRussell Terrier51703
F3 AmbitionSpinone Italiano11161
NO HotR F3 AmbushWhippet31177
PnT HotR F3 AmuletAustralian Koolie111724
NHu HotR F3 Amun DinPomeranian1409
JPnFT HotR F3 Amy BartlettBoykin Spaniel61691
F3 And Back AgainAkita12752
NFl HotR F3 Ankh-MorporkChart Polski1398
ANA HotR F3 AnnexationSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier11654
ANFT HotR F3 AnswersVizsla41650
NHu HotR F3 AntarcticAmerican Eskimo Dog11645
ANR HotR F3 AnutPharaoh Hound61746
F3 Appalled MomentsCentral Asian Shepherd11162
NO HotR F3 ApplianPekingese31667
PnHu HotR F3 ArakisEnglish Toy Spaniel10427
NP HotR F3 ArmandoKarelian Bear Dog21667
NP HotR F3 ArtisanCentral Asian Shepherd31648
NFl HotR F3 As A Species, We're No Good At Writing ObituariesBeagle31643
JPnT HotR F3 As You WishBoykin Spaniel71724
NT HotR F3 AshleyGerman Shepherd Dog12820
PnA HotR F3 AsmiraBorder Collie101198
NT HotR F3 Assembled WizardryDachshund3397
JPnM HotR F3 AssimilatedAmerican Bulldog61677
ANM HotR F3 AstaraelStandard Poodle31178
NFr HotR F3 At LargeShetland Sheepdog11667
F3 AtagarisHavanese11162
JPnSh HotR F3 AtenebrosChihuahua61696
ANH F3 AurochRough Collie33661
IPnSh F3 AvastPekingese74443
JPnSh HotR F3 AyameFrench Bulldog61683
ANRO HotR F3 Baby I Love Your WayLarge Munsterlander3412
JPnRO HotR F3 Back Again TomorrowChihuahua61696
F3 Back to the RoadDalmatian11458
JPnFT HotR F3 Bad HabitsPorcelaine31653
NA HotR F3 BaguetteAmerican Bulldog12752
F3 BaliEnglish Shepherd13649
ANRO HotR F3 BalooHavanese51179
PnSh F3 BanksPekingese84443
JPnO HotR F3 Barad DurBernese Mountain Dog71692
ANP HotR F3 Bargaining PowersHovawart61737
JPnH HotR F3 Barn OwlCentral Asian Shepherd61703
JPnSh HotR F3 Bat Out Of SpellsField Spaniel51712
IPnO HotR F3 Battle Of HastingsAkbash Dog101726
PnO HotR F3 Become FluidBernese Mountain Dog101724
ANA HotR F3 Best For EveryoneCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
JPnP HotR F3 Big GameAnatolian Shepherd61677
NA HotR F3 Big RigBearded Collie12795
HotR F3 Bill DoorWhippet1378
JAW HotR F3 BintaEnglish Setter10428
JAHu HotR F3 BirminghamBullmastiff13449
JPnD HotR F3 BirthdayFlat Coated Retriever51665
NA HotR F3 BitraAustralian Koolie3405
NFr HotR F3 Black SeaBrittany31650
IPnA HotR F3 Black TumblerKeeshond101196
NFr HotR F3 Blocked From ViewStandard Poodle21667
F3 Blocked OffHavanese11162
JPnH F3 BoltLapponian Herder74522
NP HotR F3 BorganStandard Poodle11667
JPnH HotR F3 BrandyRough Collie53661
IPnT HotR F3 BrandywineBelgian Tervuren81692
NHT HotR F3 BreatherStabyhoun1409
NFr HotR F3 BristolEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
NFT HotR F3 BritchesWeimaraner31650
JPnD HotR F3 Broken StoneSpinone Italiano31178
ANT HotR F3 BroomstickGerman Shorthaired Pointer51650
APnSc HotR F3 BruiserBullmastiff12429
JPnP HotR F3 BuffaloOtterhound41179
JPnP HotR F3 BuffetCentral Asian Shepherd51179
NW HotR F3 Buffy Saint MarieSaint Bernard11667
ANSh HotR F3 BurrowEnglish Toy Spaniel41665
ANP HotR F3 Can ICarpathian Shepherd51661
IPnSh HotR F3 Can't Believe You're Wanting To GoFrench Bulldog71712
ANH HotR F3 CaratCatahoula Leopard Dog5412
ANRO HotR F3 CarcassChihuahua61696
JPnD HotR F3 Cardinal MarksSpinone Italiano31178
NT HotR F3 CardingDachshund3397
NHT HotR F3 CastlePointer31667
F3 Castor OilWeimaraner11617
NH F3 CatanEnglish Shepherd13649
F3 CatherineBorder Collie11162
ANHu HotR F3 CathyEnglish Toy Spaniel3412
IPnSh HotR F3 CeliaFrench Bulldog71712
ANRO HotR F3 ChakenLarge Munsterlander1411
NT HotR F3 ChalcedonyAustralian Koolie32796
NSh F3 ChangePekingese24187
ANP HotR F3 Charnel HouseStandard Poodle31178
ANFT HotR F3 ChatteringLabrador Retriever51179
NSh HotR F3 Cheese SandwichPlott41667
ANM HotR F3 CherryKeeshond1412
JPnA HotR F3 Chewed The NeedleAustralian Koolie61658
NHu HotR F3 Chicken DinnerPlott11653
IPnR HotR F3 ChurchWhippet91196
F3 Cigar SmokeGerman Shepherd Dog12769
NFr HotR F3 Citizen RaudTibetan Spaniel31655
NHu HotR F3 ClangPomeranian1409
JPnSc HotR F3 Clap Of ThunderGerman Shepherd Dog61686
NP HotR F3 ClaudetChinook12786
ASc HotR F3 Clean SweepBelgian Malinois211725
NM HotR F3 Clear HeadEnglish Toy Spaniel21665
NHu HotR F3 Clear IntentionsSchipperke11639
IPnT HotR F3 ClickerGerman Shepherd Dog91712
ANP HotR F3 CodaFlat Coated Retriever42837
PnSc HotR F3 Cold CaseBullmastiff101754
IPnH HotR F3 ColtonRough Collie93674
ANT HotR F3 CombatBorder Collie51179
NH HotR F3 CompostCatahoula Leopard Dog1398
F3 ComposureLapponian Herder11161
ANFl HotR F3 Con PermisoRough Collie41667
NHT HotR F3 Conceding DefeatEnglish Cocker Spaniel41697
ANFr HotR F3 Concertina WireStandard Poodle31178
ANT HotR F3 Contrary To The Human SpiritAmerican Eskimo Dog31643
F3 CorndogRussell Terrier11161
IPnA HotR F3 Counting On The MorningAffenpinscher81701
NHu HotR F3 Courtly DismissalEnglish Toy Spaniel2412
NFl HotR F3 CrowningSilken Windhound1409
JPnRO HotR F3 CrucialGerman Shorthaired Pointer51653
ANA HotR F3 Cry Of SurpriseNorfolk Terrier61703
F3 Current ConflictLabrador Retriever11161
ANH HotR F3 Cut The String With A KnifeTibetan Mastiff31177
NO HotR F3 CutwellChinese Crested3398
APnT HotR F3 DaganiDachshund11429
NT HotR F3 DaggersAustralian Koolie12752
JPnH F3 DancerLapponian Herder74548
ANHu HotR F3 Dark WingEurasier51684
JPnFr HotR F3 Daughter of a KingBorzoi7416
NRO HotR F3 Dawn's Rose-Red FingersCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
PnHu HotR F3 Death and DeceitEnglish Toy Spaniel10427
F3 Decade SeniorChinese Crested11162
JPnH F3 Deep Forest GreenCatahoula Leopard Dog74545
NFl HotR F3 Deep SeaAustralian Koolie12752
JPnM HotR F3 Deep SpaceDalmatian5412
ANHu HotR F3 Defiant ExpressionTibetan Spaniel41702
ANO HotR F3 DeliberationNorfolk Terrier51744
PnO HotR F3 DeliberationTibetan Mastiff101196
ANFT HotR F3 DelsigVizsla41653
JPnRO HotR F3 DenverEnglish Foxhound51665
NSh HotR F3 Department Of MysteriesToy Poodle11669
ANHu HotR F3 DepredationShetland Sheepdog31651
NH F3 DerriereBorder Collie13649
JPnP HotR F3 DesparationChart Polski51664
NFT HotR F3 DestinationLabrador Retriever21667
NH HotR F3 DetroitAustralian Koolie3405
NH HotR F3 Devil Makes ThreeAustralian Koolie63824
JPnA HotR F3 Di LlwellynDalmatian61696
NT HotR F3 DictateCentral Asian Shepherd11635
JAT HotR F3 Did You Miss MeBasset Hound163740
NHu HotR F3 DieterHavanese1412
NH F3 DingoLapponian Herder14187
NRO HotR F3 DinnerPekingese21667
ANHu HotR F3 DippetKeeshond41667
ANSh F3 Discordant ClothPekingese44387
ANO HotR F3 Disreputable DogTibetan Mastiff41178
F3 DissuadedNewfoundland11161
NFr HotR F3 DomielStandard Poodle1409
JPnFT HotR F3 Don't Flatter YourselfBrittany51692
F3 Don't You Cry No MoreCatahoula Leopard Dog12790
PnFT HotR F3 Door in a HouseField Spaniel9427
ANFT HotR F3 DormerBrittany31650
JPnRO HotR F3 Dream OracleStabyhoun61702
ANH HotR F3 Drink ItCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
NT HotR F3 Drinking Them InChihuahua11642
JPnA HotR F3 Dry Your TearsCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
JPnT HotR F3 DuffBullmastiff5413
NSh HotR F3 EagerlyToy Fox Terrier21668
NA HotR F3 EarshotShetland Sheepdog11667
JPnSh HotR F3 Easter HolidaysBoykin Spaniel81717
NSc HotR F3 EdgecombDutch Shepherd41648
NH F3 EdgerBorder Collie13649
JPnP HotR F3 Electric MushroomGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61712
AA HotR F3 Electric SheepRussell Terrier191710
IPnFr HotR F3 Elements of the SkeletonAinu Dog8417
NA HotR F3 ElevenAustralian Koolie3405
NR HotR F3 ElixerBorzoi41658
JPnH HotR F3 EllabellaEnglish Shepherd53662
ANO HotR F3 Empty WordsRussell Terrier41713
ANFT HotR F3 EncirclingEnglish Setter4412
JPnRO HotR F3 EngineeringPomeranian6426
JPnFr HotR F3 Enjoying HerselfChart Polski61697
NFr HotR F3 EphebeWhippet3377
NFl HotR F3 EphebiaEnglish Shepherd3338
NFl HotR F3 Erring ApprenticeKelpie3412
NP HotR F3 ErumpantStabyhoun11664
ANM HotR F3 EscapeeFrench Bulldog31665
PnH HotR F3 EssenceBorder Collie101198
NH HotR F3 Ever Changing as it FlowsAustralian Koolie12752
JPnO HotR F3 EvergardenBluetick Coonhound51697
F3 Every EventLabrador Retriever11161
ANFT HotR F3 Every RightField Spaniel41650
F3 Exactly ContraryBorder Collie11162
F3 Expert HelpLarge Munsterlander11161
ANO HotR F3 Eyes That Know MeCentral Asian Shepherd51648
ANFT HotR F3 EzraField Spaniel3412
NP HotR F3 FailsafeStandard Poodle11641
NRO HotR F3 Falling SlowlyPekingese21667
ANW HotR F3 FangornEnglish Setter31691
NFl HotR F3 Farthest TableWhippet21669
F3 Fatty LumpkinOtterhound11161
ANRO HotR F3 FawkesIrish Setter51745
F3 Fear, Fire, FoeSilken Windhound11161
NSh HotR F3 Feigned SleepKooikerhondje11667
IPnSc HotR F3 Fell Again Through The Silver SurfaceBelgian Malinois101744
NT HotR F3 Fiddle-E-I-OGreat Pyrenees41712
F3 Field WorkerRussell Terrier11161
NFr HotR F3 Finders KeepersWhippet1407
NH HotR F3 FirewhiskyMiniature Australian Shepherd31667
JPnHT HotR F3 Five Years AgoField Spaniel41697
APnM HotR F3 Flannery O'ConnorWest Siberian Laika133740
ND HotR F3 Fleet CaptainStandard Poodle11641
ANSh HotR F3 Flickering LightEnglish Toy Spaniel11665
JPnA HotR F3 FluidBedlington Terrier7417
JPnT HotR F3 Fond Of PowerBoykin Spaniel71703
IPnSh HotR F3 Fool Of A TookBluetick Coonhound71692
ANSh HotR F3 ForsyfeTibetan Spaniel31655
AND HotR F3 Free Magic FiresStandard Poodle31178
NRO HotR F3 Freshwater PlimpyStabyhoun11664
F3 FrissonOtterhound11161
JPnFT HotR F3 FullmetalField Spaniel61738
F3 FussyKeeshond11162
IPnHu HotR F3 GalleonBoykin Spaniel91747
JPnFT HotR F3 Galloping SoundGordon Setter41712
NT HotR F3 GaminthWest Siberian Laika1407
NT HotR F3 Garden ShedBullmastiff1404
JPnRO HotR F3 GarvGordon Setter41666
ANFT HotR F3 GaudiGordon Setter41712
PnRO HotR F3 GawainHavanese101196
F3 GeckLabrador Retriever11161
JPnFT HotR F3 GenevraGordon Setter61666
NP HotR F3 Genuine SolaceBrittany31650
JPnSh HotR F3 Get AwayChihuahua61697
ANFT HotR F3 GhostEnglish Foxhound51665
IPnSc HotR F3 Give It A RestBelgian Tervuren91743
NHu HotR F3 GloamingEnglish Toy Spaniel11474
IPnH F3 GlobalistaCatahoula Leopard Dog94522
IPnT HotR F3 GloriousAustralian Koolie91701
NFr HotR F3 GlueAinu Dog1405
ANRO HotR F3 GoacheGordon Setter41712
JPnT HotR F3 GobshiteBullmastiff5413
NH HotR F3 Golden GatesTibetan Mastiff11668
JPnFT HotR F3 Gone Before Morning ComesField Spaniel51712
F3 Good MorningRussell Terrier11161
PnH HotR F3 Good'unEnglish Shepherd11428
NFT HotR F3 GraceFlat Coated Retriever12782
JPnRO HotR F3 GranSpinone Italiano61667
NA HotR F3 Grand VizierChinese Crested1398
JPnD HotR F3 GratefulGordon Setter51712
JPnP HotR F3 Gravity Could Go Any Which WayGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61737
ANHu HotR F3 GrawpCavalier King Charles Spaniel51697
NT HotR F3 Great ExpectationsCatahoula Leopard Dog12789
NFl HotR F3 Great JoySilken Windhound1409
PnSc HotR F3 Great MageBullmastiff11429
NHu HotR F3 Greenhouse GirlKeeshond21701
JPnFr HotR F3 GregorovichFlat Coated Retriever51665
IPnFr HotR F3 Grey LightCurly Coated Retriever71691
NT HotR F3 Ground BeefPlott11653
JPnRO HotR F3 GrowerGordon Setter51666
APnRO HotR F3 GuillermoGordon Setter121729
ANM HotR F3 GunnerDachshund3412
NM HotR F3 HagarTibetan Spaniel11668
IPnA HotR F3 HakusuruAustralian Koolie91698
ANHu HotR F3 Half Past OnePlott61758
F3 Half-Past NineBrittany11458
NT HotR F3 HandlerEnglish Shepherd1338
JPnT HotR F3 Hannah AbbottDachshund71741
F3 HarambePointer11161
JPnW HotR F3 HarperNewfoundland31667
JPnT HotR F3 HarpoonaAffenpinscher61647
NM HotR F3 HasenpfefferChart Polski11664
NA HotR F3 Have It AwayChinese Crested3398
IPnO HotR F3 HeartbeatBedlington Terrier7417
NFl HotR F3 Heat Rushing Up His FaceWeimaraner11669
PnRO HotR F3 HeatheretteBluetick Coonhound101755
ANP HotR F3 Help Me Find My WayGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51712
ANM HotR F3 HepsebahKai Ken41667
F3 HermitageBorder Collie11162
F3 HeroOtterhound11161
ANFT HotR F3 HestiaPointer31667
IPnHT HotR F3 HexStandard Poodle91196
NFl HotR F3 High HopesMiniature Australian Shepherd41667
JPnFr HotR F3 Higher Than EverKarelian Bear Dog71750
ANSc HotR F3 HillBullmastiff5413
NO HotR F3 HintoCentral Asian Shepherd31648
ANA HotR F3 HohenheimEnglish Toy Spaniel51723
NP HotR F3 Hold's ExpenseNorwegian Buhund1410
NRO HotR F3 HonshuHavanese1412
PnFT HotR F3 HopkinsLabrador Retriever101196
NH HotR F3 HorcruxLapponian Herder11667
NFT HotR F3 HortenseFlat Coated Retriever12782
IPnH HotR F3 How Often Does This Scenario OccurBorder Collie91724
NHu HotR F3 HuckleberryChihuahua11634
NRO HotR F3 HunchSpinone Italiano11667
JPnP HotR F3 Hunting For Thy LifeOtterhound41179
ANFl HotR F3 HurricaneAlaskan Malamute11645
IPnFr HotR F3 HuxleyAinu Dog7417
NSh HotR F3 I Ain't Afraid Of No GhostsPekingese31667
PnSh HotR F3 I Can't StayDogo Argentino101753
F3 I Have A SongBrittany11162
PnM HotR F3 I Stayed At My DeskDalmatian111721
JPnT HotR F3 I Want To Ask YouDachshund61758
JAS HotR F3 I'm Mad At You, But It's SubsidingAlaskan Husky121756
IPnH HotR F3 I'm Not This VainBorder Collie101195
NH F3 IchibanBorder Collie14187
NFT HotR F3 IdenticalPorcelaine11667
IPnHu HotR F3 Ignore The OthersChart Polski71701
F3 IlvesHavanese11162
F3 ImeiBrittany11162
APnFr HotR F3 Immerse ItFlat Coated Retriever10427
IPnO HotR F3 ImpactBedlington Terrier7417
JPnFl HotR F3 ImperviousVizsla51677
NH HotR F3 ImposterGerman Shepherd Dog11639
ANO HotR F3 IncantationSchipperke41667
F3 Indifferent AcquaintenceBorder Collie11162
NT HotR F3 IndiraPharaoh Hound11667
NFl HotR F3 IngrunPharaoh Hound11667
IPnRO HotR F3 InklingBullmastiff7416
NA HotR F3 InlandPlott11639
JPnRO HotR F3 InstantEnglish Setter61720
NE HotR F3 Instant DismissalNorfolk Terrier21667
IPnHu HotR F3 International Confederation of WizardsAffenpinscher81701
F3 IronyKeeshond11162
JPnRO HotR F3 Is There Anything I Can DoCavalier King Charles Spaniel71723
ANO HotR F3 IsabelEurasier31665
NP HotR F3 IsaiahNewfoundland21667
JPnT HotR F3 IsildurBelgian Malinois71692
ANH F3 Istanbul RyderCatahoula Leopard Dog54571
ANH HotR F3 JacindeoBorder Collie53662
IPnT HotR F3 Jags Of SlateAustralian Koolie91725
JPnO HotR F3 Jelly BeanGreat Pyrenees61751
NH HotR F3 Jennifer Really Liked UsCatahoula Leopard Dog2398
F3 Joy ClubToy Poodle11617
JPnH F3 Joyful SignCatahoula Leopard Dog74545
JPnRO HotR F3 Jungle CouncilHavanese41179
F3 JuniorField Spaniel11162
JPnFl HotR F3 Just As WellBorder Collie61697
IPnT HotR F3 Just For YouBluetick Coonhound81724
JPnSh HotR F3 Just Ignore ThemPekingese61702
NFr HotR F3 Katarina From KievBrittany31650
JPnP HotR F3 Kava On Our HeelsChinook71722
PnFr HotR F3 Keep In MindStandard Poodle10426
JPnH HotR F3 KenyaBorder Collie53662
JPnFT HotR F3 KhaaLabrador Retriever51179
IPnH HotR F3 KilnBorder Collie83674
NA HotR F3 KippersToy Poodle1408
NH HotR F3 KirikoCentral Asian Shepherd31648
NHu HotR F3 KiskWhippet1407
JPnFT HotR F3 Kitty EmergencyField Spaniel41712
NP HotR F3 Knight MasterWhippet3378
ANO HotR F3 KnowhowKeeshond1412
NT HotR F3 Lady Katherine DeBergCanaan Dog11635
JPnFl HotR F3 LancasterNewfoundland81750
NH HotR F3 Land of the PinesBearded Collie12822
ANA HotR F3 LandingChinese Crested3412
JPnT HotR F3 LangstonPomeranian6426
NR HotR F3 Last CountItalian Greyhound31667
JPnH HotR F3 Last JuneBorder Collie61697
JPnHu HotR F3 Late HourDalmatian4412
IPnFl HotR F3 LaughingBorder Collie101196
NFT HotR F3 LavishBlack and Tan Coonhound11638
PnRO HotR F3 Laze GunOtterhound9427
JPnFT HotR F3 Leaders In Their OwnLabrador Retriever51179
ANHu HotR F3 Leave Of The LadyPomeranian51684
NA HotR F3 Lena HorneBrittany11636
IPnS HotR F3 Levicorpus NVBLAlaskan Husky81744
NM HotR F3 Life of PiAkita Inu12752
NFl HotR F3 Light HelmRussell Terrier1409
NFl HotR F3 Like CourageRough Collie11639
IPnHu HotR F3 LilacFrench Bulldog71712
NSc HotR F3 Limestone CountryBullmastiff1401
NP HotR F3 Limping RunTibetan Mastiff31177
IPnT HotR F3 LinglingGerman Shepherd Dog91712
NFT HotR F3 LionSpinone Italiano1409
NSh HotR F3 LioskTibetan Spaniel11655
ANO HotR F3 LiraelTibetan Mastiff51178
IPnFl HotR F3 LokiGerman Shorthaired Pointer81712
JPnH F3 LompikaLapponian Herder74522
F3 LongborneAustralian Koolie11163
PnSc HotR F3 Look Sharp, TomBelgian Malinois101744
JPnA HotR F3 LookoutDalmatian61696
IPnH HotR F3 LoopholeBorder Collie91197
JPnA HotR F3 Lost In ThoughtBorder Collie61697
ANT HotR F3 LucannanOtterhound41179
F3 Lucky PennyToy Fox Terrier11617
NR HotR F3 LudmillaWhippet2378
F3 LuggageKeeshond11162
JPnH HotR F3 LunaBorder Collie53662
ANSh HotR F3 MacAvoyPekingese51653
ANO HotR F3 MalfunctionField Spaniel3412
NSh HotR F3 MalicePomeranian1409
NP HotR F3 MalkinStandard Poodle11667
NSh HotR F3 ManchesterEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
ANA HotR F3 MandateItalian Greyhound3412
ANA HotR F3 Mang the BatKeeshond51179
NFl HotR F3 Manic CrescendoStandard Poodle31178
IPnHu HotR F3 Mark The SpotJapanese Chin71751
IPnFr HotR F3 MarloBorzoi7416
IPnFT HotR F3 MartenLabrador Retriever101196
APnA HotR F3 Master of WaterCatahoula Leopard Dog12429
IPnHu HotR F3 MatchboxCavalier King Charles Spaniel81723
NFT HotR F3 Maze RunnerFlat Coated Retriever12782
NRO HotR F3 McKlaghanPomeranian11667
F3 MedicBulldog11162
NO HotR F3 Mel TomphBedlington Terrier1404
ANT HotR F3 MeleeDachshund4412
PnRO HotR F3 MelodramaticOtterhound101196
IPnFT HotR F3 MentatLabrador Retriever9427
JPnH F3 MercenaryLapponian Herder74522
ANFT HotR F3 MinisterLabrador Retriever31667
IPnFl HotR F3 MinskChart Polski71701
NP HotR F3 MirthStandard Poodle1409
F3 MishandleOtterhound11161
JPnSh F3 Miss KermitPekingese74443
NFl HotR F3 Missed PortkeyGerman Shepherd Dog11639
NH HotR F3 MistakesLeonberger21667
IPnA HotR F3 Mister ZeniruBorder Collie91743
ANRO HotR F3 MobNewfoundland51179
PnHT HotR F3 MoonshadowStabyhoun10426
F3 MoorStandard Poodle11161
NH F3 MorgianaBorder Collie14187
NO HotR F3 Mortal WoundChihuahua11643
ANH HotR F3 Mosaic Of ChristAustralian Koolie51658
ANHu HotR F3 Moving Up The TrunkBulldog41179
JPnHu HotR F3 MowgliHavanese51179
NFl HotR F3 Mr. RobinsonNewfoundland31667
JPnFT HotR F3 Much OlderField Spaniel41650
NFr HotR F3 Muggle BloodChihuahua11641
ANFT HotR F3 MurdockEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
NFr HotR F3 MusgraveChart Polski3412
APnSh HotR F3 My Dying DayEnglish Toy Spaniel121506
JPnFr HotR F3 My Eyes Have Seen The GloryGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51712
NFl HotR F3 MyrtlapWhippet11669
NRO HotR F3 MystifiedHavanese1412
NO HotR F3 NailsLapponian Herder1259
JPnM HotR F3 Narrow WayTibetan Mastiff51178
NFr HotR F3 NatalanWhippet1407
F3 Natural MarksmanToy Fox Terrier11617
IPnO HotR F3 Naze Na Ku NoAlaskan Husky91726
IPnO HotR F3 Near Total DarknessAkbash Dog71697
NHT HotR F3 Nearly NineEnglish Setter31651
ANP HotR F3 NeenerChinook51691
F3 NeesePointer11161
NT HotR F3 Neither Here Nor ThereRough Collie31667
F3 Nervous GloomBulldog11162
NFr HotR F3 Never ForgetChart Polski11663
ANFr HotR F3 Never Lie To MeStabyhoun11663
NT HotR F3 Never VentureCanaan Dog31650
NA HotR F3 New PerilsRussell Terrier1409
PnHu HotR F3 New Pink Pencil ErasersDalmatian91721
ANHu HotR F3 NewtSchipperke41667
NA HotR F3 NickelDalmatian12783
JPnH HotR F3 NilsBorder Collie83674
JPnHu HotR F3 No ExcusesDachshund41758
ANHu HotR F3 No Idea Where He IsEnglish Toy Spaniel41697
IPnRO HotR F3 No MatterFrench Bulldog71697
IPnFr HotR F3 Nobleman's DaughterAlaskan Husky71484
JPnHT HotR F3 Nocturn AlleyField Spaniel51712
F3 Not AnymoreCentral Asian Shepherd11162
F3 Not Tea, But BloodLabrador Retriever11161
NSh HotR F3 Numerous And UnhappyStandard Poodle11641
NT HotR F3 Oak Pass ReservoirGerman Shepherd Dog32820
PnRO HotR F3 Odd ToneEnglish Toy Spaniel10428
PnD HotR F3 Of CourseSpinone Italiano91196
NRO HotR F3 Office DoorWeimaraner11669
JPnA HotR F3 OlavCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
F3 OliveEnglish Shepherd13649
PnH F3 Oliver TwistLapponian Herder104469
PnSc HotR F3 On A Cold And Grey Chicago Morn A Poor Little Baby Child Is BornBullmastiff101724
IPnH HotR F3 OndineRough Collie93674
NT HotR F3 One Day He'll LearnGerman Shepherd Dog61720
IPnP HotR F3 One Huge LeaderBernese Mountain Dog81692
PnSc HotR F3 Only On My VoiceBelgian Tervuren101724
F3 OracleBorder Collie12751
ANT HotR F3 Orbital ReconnaissanceDachshund3412
JPnHu HotR F3 OreganoGreat Dane61704
APnSc HotR F3 Original TuesdayBelgian Malinois111724
NRO HotR F3 OrmanthSpinone Italiano1409
IPnHu HotR F3 Other PortraitBeagle81697
NRO HotR F3 Out Of The ColdPekingese21667
PnSc HotR F3 Painful HopeBullmastiff11429
F3 PandectBorder Collie13649
F3 PardonLapponian Herder11161
NA HotR F3 ParsonageAlaskan Malamute11632
NM HotR F3 PatronusDalmatian11639
JPnHu HotR F3 Peace of MindAmerican Eskimo Dog61701
NH HotR F3 Peace When We Are DoneCatahoula Leopard Dog12822
NT HotR F3 Pearl Milk TeaGerman Shepherd Dog12775
JPnT HotR F3 PensieveBullmastiff61697
F3 Permission To TravelOtterhound11161
IPnP HotR F3 PestilenceStandard Poodle91196
NRO HotR F3 PetrelAlaskan Malamute11645
NT HotR F3 PeverelleRough Collie41667
NT HotR F3 PheneBullmastiff1401
IPnSh HotR F3 Phloem Down And AroundBoykin Spaniel101724
JPnH HotR F3 PigwidgeonShetland Sheepdog81750
IPnH HotR F3 PillarBorder Collie101196
NHu HotR F3 PillarToy Poodle1408
JPnT HotR F3 PlottingBulldog51179
NFr HotR F3 PointerShetland Sheepdog11667
F3 Post-ScriptBearded Collie11163
ANW HotR F3 PotionEnglish Setter41651
JPnFl HotR F3 Pound Of MinceChart Polski61697
IPnH HotR F3 Praise The DayCatahoula Leopard Dog91723
NHu HotR F3 Prarie AEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
IPnH HotR F3 Precocial YoungAustralian Koolie9417
NFl HotR F3 Prepared To DieChihuahua11643
F3 PresgrLabrador Retriever11161
JPnRO HotR F3 Previous DreamsEnglish Setter61720
NP HotR F3 Printing PressStabyhoun11664
ANHu HotR F3 PrisonerEnglish Toy Spaniel31697
JPnSh HotR F3 Pronounced PanicChihuahua61696
F3 ProprietorItalian Greyhound11162
ANP HotR F3 Protected By More Than WallsGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61751
NT HotR F3 PsychosomaticBorder Collie12793
PnSh HotR F3 PterodactylGolden Retriever111738
PnT HotR F3 PtolemyAustralian Koolie111725
ANW HotR F3 Pumpkin JuiceNewfoundland31667
ANE HotR F3 PurrNorfolk Terrier31667
F3 QuebecoisRough Collie13649
IPnT HotR F3 Quiet FlameBluetick Coonhound101755
NS HotR F3 Quiet MareAlaskan Malamute11632
F3 Quite MundaneBulldog11162
ANFT HotR F3 R. A. B.Vizsla41650
ANH HotR F3 RageBorder Collie41179
IPnO HotR F3 Rainy Days And MondaysAustralian Koolie91744
JPnH F3 RamaLapponian Herder74522
JAH HotR F3 RandBorder Collie131211
IPnT HotR F3 Razor SharpBorder Collie91742
IPnFr HotR F3 Ready Or NotBorzoi91737
F3 ReddogAkita12752
JPnSh HotR F3 Reminded IrresistablyFrench Bulldog61697
NP HotR F3 Renal ArteryLabrador Retriever1412
JPnT HotR F3 Reproachful LookBoykin Spaniel61703
JPnM HotR F3 RhapsodyAmerican Bulldog61651
JPnHu HotR F3 RhiannonFrench Bulldog51683
NA HotR F3 Rich Beyond ReasonCatahoula Leopard Dog3398
NO HotR F3 Richie CootAkbash Dog2922
JPnSh HotR F3 Ride A BroomEnglish Cocker Spaniel51697
NFT HotR F3 RidiculousStabyhoun1409
NFT HotR F3 Right Out Of HereEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
F3 Rikki Tikki TaviSmooth Fox Terrier11161
NFT HotR F3 RipplesSpinone Italiano31178
JPnT HotR F3 RitzPlott51667
JPnSh HotR F3 Roaring With LaughterTibetan Mastiff61702
JPnO HotR F3 Rock CakesAkbash Dog71744
PnO HotR F3 Rolling StoneAkbash Dog101756
F3 RosieBorder Collie13649
ANRO HotR F3 RudyChinese Crested3412
JPnA HotR F3 Rufus Of RomeCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
ANM HotR F3 RukvahGreat Dane3412
NFl HotR F3 RuncornEnglish Setter31651
JPnD HotR F3 Running In Your SleepField Spaniel51712
NRO HotR F3 Rush HourCanaan Dog31650
NA HotR F3 S'cuse MoiBrittany31650
JPnFT HotR F3 Sad and TiredField Spaniel41697
JPnRO HotR F3 SanctimoniousFrench Bulldog61697
ANA HotR F3 SaoirseDachshund3412
ANFr HotR F3 Say GoodbyeField Spaniel41712
APnHu HotR F3 Schedule AdjustmentChinese Crested11429
IPnT HotR F3 ScheherazadeGerman Shepherd Dog91712
NT HotR F3 School DistrictStabyhoun1409
ANO HotR F3 SeawaterCentral Asian Shepherd31648
ANSh HotR F3 SecretlyHavanese41666
ANSh HotR F3 Seikatsu KankyouBoykin Spaniel41691
JAFl HotR F3 Self-Invented SpellsAlaskan Husky181742
NH HotR F3 Seller's BenefitCatahoula Leopard Dog1398
JPnE HotR F3 SendingRussell Terrier41178
ANFT HotR F3 SeniorRedbone Coonhound41667
JPnO HotR F3 Senior ClayreTibetan Mastiff51178
NP HotR F3 SerengetiCanaan Dog31650
ANT HotR F3 Shadowy BodiesPointer51178
IPnA HotR F3 ShaleAustralian Koolie9417
NFT HotR F3 ShambalaWeimaraner31650
NA HotR F3 Ship Of WarAmerican Bulldog31645
JPnFl HotR F3 Shook Her HeadBorzoi71701
ANSh HotR F3 Shortly Before ChristmasField Spaniel41697
JPnFl HotR F3 Shouted Down At OnceAlaskan Husky81744
JPnM HotR F3 Shut UpGreat Dane51666
NH HotR F3 SikesCarpathian Shepherd31662
IPnHu HotR F3 Silent FigureBeagle81697
NH HotR F3 SilverCarpathian Shepherd31662
NM HotR F3 Single Ragged SmockEnglish Toy Spaniel11474
JPnRO HotR F3 Sitting BullChinook61753
F3 Sitting RoomLabrador Retriever11161
PnHu HotR F3 Size is KeyAffenpinscher9417
NT HotR F3 SkinRedbone Coonhound11653
NM HotR F3 Skirting BoardEnglish Toy Spaniel21665
F3 SlatternBorder Collie13649
NRO HotR F3 Sleeping BagEnglish Toy Spaniel11664
F3 SmugglerShetland Sheepdog11161
ND HotR F3 SnagDalmatian11634
NP HotR F3 SnargaluffNorwegian Buhund21667
JPnP HotR F3 SnoozingAlaskan Malamute61697
ANT HotR F3 Sofia, BreathingBelgian Tervuren31650
IPnT HotR F3 Solomon SmilingDachshund91721
JPnFl HotR F3 Some ConnectionFlat Coated Retriever61665
JPnA HotR F3 SomedayKeeshond51179
IPnRO HotR F3 Someone's Taken My PlaceFrench Bulldog71712
JPnFl HotR F3 Something Very HeavyBorzoi71701
PnHu HotR F3 Song of SolomonBulldog111198
NFl HotR F3 Sound Him OutBorzoi1404
PnFl HotR F3 Sour MoodKelpie10427
NT HotR F3 SourcererDachshund1397
JPnD HotR F3 SpaceworthyFlat Coated Retriever4412
ANH HotR F3 SpaghettiCarpathian Shepherd41662
JPnO HotR F3 Spanish OakTibetan Mastiff51702
NT HotR F3 Spark Of DivinityPointer31653
ANSh HotR F3 SpecialPapillon51666
APnH F3 SpinnerAnatolian Shepherd104522
JPnP HotR F3 Split SoulGreat Pyrenees61666
NRO HotR F3 Spoiled EverythingBlack and Tan Coonhound11638
ANP HotR F3 Spoke to the DarknessAlaskan Husky51472
NFT HotR F3 Sport CreatureSpinone Italiano1409
JPnP HotR F3 Stacy Can ICentral Asian Shepherd61703
NRO HotR F3 StammeredEnglish Toy Spaniel21665
ANRO HotR F3 Stand GuardVizsla41677
F3 StandardField Spaniel11162
F3 Star CaptainBorder Collie12751
ANFT HotR F3 StasisStabyhoun41676
F3 State MarshallBorder Collie12744
NT HotR F3 Still GrievingKelpie3412
NO HotR F3 Still LitDalmatian11639
PnFT HotR F3 Still SuitSpinone Italiano10426
PnFr HotR F3 Stirred From SlumberDachshund91721
NFr HotR F3 Stop This ShipWire Fox Terrier31651
JPnFl HotR F3 Storm to PassBorder Collie41179
NFl HotR F3 StormedNewfoundland31667
APnFr HotR F3 StrategicAinu Dog121755
NFT HotR F3 StriderPointer1410
PnFT HotR F3 SubcontractPointer10427
NHT HotR F3 SumatraBrittany31650
NHu HotR F3 SurpriseKeeshond1412
PnA HotR F3 SwannRussell Terrier9426
NSc HotR F3 Sweet As A NutBullmastiff1401
NSh HotR F3 Tai Yai YipEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
NR HotR F3 TareqWhippet1407
JPnH HotR F3 TatyaEnglish Shepherd53662
NFr HotR F3 Ten Seconds PassedChinese Crested1398
JPnFr HotR F3 Tentative SmileCurly Coated Retriever61664
F3 That Went WellDachshund11162
PnRO HotR F3 That's The TicketFlat Coated Retriever91712
IPnT HotR F3 That's The Way It IsCanaan Dog81724
JPnRO HotR F3 That's Where You're GoingPekingese71750
F3 The AbbeyPekingese14372
NRO HotR F3 The Ball Had DroppedBullmastiff1401
ANFl HotR F3 The BridgeBorder Collie31179
ANP HotR F3 The ChefBernese Mountain Dog41651
NO HotR F3 The FoolAkita12752
NA HotR F3 The Form Of EncouragementCanaan Dog11635
JPnFr HotR F3 The GurgChart Polski61701
IPnM HotR F3 The Heart You Threw AwayGreat Dane81737
JPnT HotR F3 The HumoursEnglish Shepherd71677
ANFl HotR F3 The IckCatahoula Leopard Dog3398
F3 The Last Few StepsEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
NP HotR F3 The Longing Behind The QuestionCurly Coated Retriever21664
F3 The Middle of the Night Last WeekLabrador Retriever11161
JPnP HotR F3 The Most Evil WitchCentral Asian Shepherd51703
JPnFl HotR F3 The Nasty KindCurly Coated Retriever81691
IPnFT HotR F3 The Network Is Being WatchedBeagle71697
ANFl HotR F3 The Other Shoe To DropChinook61691
ANFT HotR F3 The Rest Of EuropeStabyhoun41676
IPnHu HotR F3 The Scene In The BasementBullmastiff101741
IPnT HotR F3 The Sharpest Tool In The ShedBelgian Malinois101724
JPnP HotR F3 The StrangerLapponian Herder41179
IPnFl HotR F3 The Thing IsWhippet71758
IPnFl HotR F3 The Third Was Just As BadLarge Munsterlander91744
JPnA HotR F3 The Year 1867Affenpinscher51647
JPnS HotR F3 Their Mothers Before ThemChinook61722
ANRO HotR F3 TheodorovichBelgian Tervuren31650
NT HotR F3 They Went For GranChihuahua11643
NT HotR F3 Thorough Determined DislikeAffenpinscher31635
JPnSh HotR F3 Three-Way SpotlightCavalier King Charles Spaniel71741
ND HotR F3 ThrogmortonEnglish Cocker Spaniel1337
IPnFl HotR F3 ThumperSilken Windhound8426
JPnSh HotR F3 TianmanPekingese51687
ANRO HotR F3 Tick TockAnatolian Shepherd31643
F3 Tiger LilyBorder Collie12744
F3 TimberEnglish Setter11457
ANA HotR F3 Time That You've WonCentral Asian Shepherd31648
JPnFT HotR F3 Times of DroughtLabrador Retriever51179
IPnFr HotR F3 TintagilBorzoi7416
F3 TisarwatCentral Asian Shepherd11162
F3 Token RebellionLabrador Retriever11161
IPnFT HotR F3 Tomorrow NightSpinone Italiano91196
JPnFl HotR F3 Too Many Centuries Of Evolution Working Against ThemGreater Swiss Mountain Dog61737
NFr HotR F3 Too Many QuestionsChart Polski1398
NR HotR F3 TorenSilken Windhound11648
NSc HotR F3 TortoiseshellBelgian Tervuren51756
NM HotR F3 Tow HeadDalmatian11634
IPnFl HotR F3 Trace FossilAustralian Koolie8417
NFT HotR F3 TraineePointer1410
JPnRO HotR F3 Transcriptions Of SocratesAlaskan Malamute51651
ND HotR F3 TrapNorwegian Lundehund31667
JPnT HotR F3 Tree RootBoykin Spaniel71724
F3 TrentonRough Collie13649
NA HotR F3 Tres LechesRough Collie31683
NFl HotR F3 Trumpets SangSilken Windhound1409
ANSc HotR F3 TuberBullmastiff4413
ANT HotR F3 TunicBorder Collie41179
IPnFr HotR F3 TV DoctorCurly Coated Retriever71691
NH HotR F3 Twisted HoneymoonAustralian Koolie1405
IPnM HotR F3 Two FloorsAffenpinscher71701
NFl HotR F3 Two-Day AirPlott11653
F3 UhuraBorder Collie12744
F3 Unauthorized PersonLabrador Retriever11161
JPnT HotR F3 Uncle ElfardBoykin Spaniel71703
IPnD HotR F3 UnderstandCurly Coated Retriever71691
PnT HotR F3 Unevenly SquaredAmerican White Shepherd111725
F3 Unknown QuantityBulldog11162
JPnRO HotR F3 Unlawful PiracyStabyhoun51653
IPnFr HotR F3 Unlikely FriendshipDachshund51758
NFr HotR F3 Unnecessary ForceStandard Poodle31178
NSh HotR F3 Up To No GoodHavanese31666
NT HotR F3 Urban TrailGerman Shepherd Dog12781
JPnH HotR F3 UrsulaEnglish Shepherd53662
NFT HotR F3 Uruk HaiFlat Coated Retriever12782
F3 Useful LessonBearded Collie11163
IPnFl HotR F3 UsulWhippet8426
NE HotR F3 VacsorumBedlington Terrier1404
NH HotR F3 VelkaEnglish Shepherd1338
JPnH HotR F3 VennBorder Collie53662
F3 Very Clear and CorrectAlaskan Husky11458
JPnT HotR F3 Very Well ThenBeagle71697
JPnFT HotR F3 VitraFlat Coated Retriever5412
F3 ViviEnglish Shepherd13649
NM HotR F3 Vodka Was Russia's Only Contribution To The WestBelgian Sheepdog31650
NR HotR F3 Von TeShiaWhippet2378
NFr HotR F3 VorbisWhippet2377
HotR F3 VåreldPharaoh Hound11667
JPnHu HotR F3 Wait For NightAmerican Eskimo Dog31645
JPnT HotR F3 Walking Away From GloryRussell Terrier51703
NP HotR F3 Wandering AlbatrossCatahoula Leopard Dog31650
NHu HotR F3 WandmakerEnglish Toy Spaniel11664
JPnM HotR F3 War CryStandard Poodle31178
NFl HotR F3 Warm, Unguarded TemperAffenpinscher11635
ANA HotR F3 Watching The SmokeAmerican Bulldog41651
ANT HotR F3 We're Here, TooHovawart51751
ANA HotR F3 WedgeEnglish Shepherd4412
NE HotR F3 WeirwoodWire Fox Terrier21669
NFT HotR F3 Welter of CloudPlott21471
JPnE HotR F3 What Happened To HagridNorfolk Terrier51703
JPnT HotR F3 What Would She SayBoykin Spaniel61703
IPnH F3 Where Did You Come From Where Did You GoCatahoula Leopard Dog94522
IPnHu HotR F3 Where Were You When It HappenedDalmatian71696
F3 WhirrKeeshond12769
F3 Whisky For BreakfastBorder Collie12744
JPnFT HotR F3 WhisperEnglish Setter5412
NRO HotR F3 Whispered ConversationTibetan Spaniel11668
ANH F3 Whispering in My EarAnatolian Shepherd64571
F3 WhistleEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
JPnFT HotR F3 Whither Went TheyLabrador Retriever51179
JPnH HotR F3 Whom He'd Like To AskTibetan Mastiff81750
PnRO HotR F3 Why Did He Do It, Then?American White Shepherd91701
F3 Wide-Eyed IncomprehensionNewfoundland11161
F3 Wider UniverseHavanese11162
ANT HotR F3 Will O' the WispGerman Shepherd Dog32836
NA HotR F3 WillingtonAnatolian Shepherd31644
ANHT HotR F3 Winged FeetField Spaniel51712
F3 WinonaBorder Collie13649
PnT HotR F3 Winter BearBullmastiff101724
JPnT HotR F3 Wish To EnterBrittany71724
JPnSc HotR F3 Withdrawn Into A Little LandBelgian Sheepdog81692
ANFr HotR F3 WoefulItalian Greyhound41666
NSh HotR F3 Wonder What's HappenedEnglish Toy Spaniel11665
JPnP HotR F3 Words Of ComfortVizsla51677
ANH HotR F3 WyntonEnglish Shepherd53662
F3 XenaEnglish Shepherd13649
JPnH HotR F3 YalithBorder Collie63662
PnFr HotR F3 Yellow DomeGreat Dane9427
JPnHu HotR F3 You Take The ForkEnglish Cocker Spaniel61721
NA HotR F3 You've Gotta Hold OnAustralian Koolie1405
F3 Your HelpKeeshond11162
PnP HotR F3 Your Wisdom And Your MercyCurly Coated Retriever111721
ANH HotR F3 ZahraBorder Collie53662
F3 ZameenaRough Collie13649
F3 ZeusBorder Collie12751
ANA HotR F3 ZolinskiBrittany31650
NH HotR F3 Zoot AlloreAnatolian Shepherd31643
AND HotR F3 ZukoWeimaraner31650
NRO HotR F4 A Delightful Thing To Be SureChart Polski11635
NP HotR F4 A Few Steps At A TimeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog31666
NFl HotR F4 A Rap At The DoorBluetick Coonhound11659
NSh HotR F4 AbbotPomeranian31667
JPnP HotR F4 Absolute ProofCurly Coated Retriever51664
IPnH F4 AlbondigasCatahoula Leopard Dog94522
JPnH HotR F4 Almost ThereAkbash Dog71697
NH HotR F4 Ambush PredatorCatahoula Leopard Dog31650
PnH F4 An AngelAnatolian Shepherd104522
F4 AnaanderBulldog11162
JPnT HotR F4 Andromeda's BurnBoykin Spaniel61703
ANHu HotR F4 Animal FarmBeagle31644
ANFr HotR F4 Anything For LoveChart Polski51663
NO HotR F4 Appearing And Then DisappearingSchipperke11639
JPnH HotR F4 AragogAkbash Dog71744
F4 Arr, Matey!Pekingese14372
ANM HotR F4 As Good As The WizardDogo Argentino41657
APnW HotR F4 Ask JeevesGolden Retriever91712
NP HotR F4 Awkward PauseCarpathian Shepherd11635
APnH F4 AzulLapponian Herder114469
F4 Baby LieutenantBulldog11162
JPnFr HotR F4 BagheeraHavanese41179
NT HotR F4 BallistaBullmastiff1401
NHu HotR F4 BankOtterhound1410
NM HotR F4 Bathilda's NeckDogo Argentino31650
NH HotR F4 BellasAustralian Koolie1340
ANHu HotR F4 BesottedJapanese Chin31667
NRO HotR F4 Better LifeLarge Munsterlander31667
NT HotR F4 Bewitching ConverseBullmastiff11635
NSc HotR F4 Black Marble MonolithGerman Shepherd Dog41685
NSh HotR F4 Blew BackBoykin Spaniel11636
JPnH HotR F4 Blueberry BaronessAkbash Dog91726
F4 BodieEnglish Shepherd1260
NM HotR F4 BookishField Spaniel31657
NH HotR F4 BoxerAnatolian Shepherd31644
ANHu HotR F4 BoyavskiBoykin Spaniel51658
JPnRO HotR F4 BrackenCavalier King Charles Spaniel61697
NA HotR F4 Brass LatchAmerican White Shepherd11639
F4 Breaking PointBulldog11162
JPnSc HotR F4 BrownsBullmastiff6413
JPnM HotR F4 Brutally ShortField Spaniel41657
JPnFT HotR F4 By The Broken Lock That Freed MeLabrador Retriever51179
F4 CalmSpinone Italiano11161
NSh F4 Captain ShorelinePekingese24387
NA HotR F4 Carriage of G.Catahoula Leopard Dog12789
NSc HotR F4 CashGerman Shepherd Dog12775
NHT HotR F4 CattermolEnglish Setter31651
NP HotR F4 CerealTibetan Mastiff11668
F4 CharmerBearded Collie12751
NFT HotR F4 CharterSpinone Italiano31178
NHu HotR F4 ChatahoochiBoykin Spaniel11636
ANFr HotR F4 Cheer UpCurly Coated Retriever41664
NO HotR F4 Cherry CokeBoykin Spaniel11636
ANFl HotR F4 ChibaAmerican White Shepherd51645
NH HotR F4 ChopperBorder Collie31650
NA HotR F4 CielsenAustralian Koolie3340
F4 CivilizationBorder Collie11162
JPnFr HotR F4 Clever Little BoyLarge Munsterlander71702
F4 Coast of SpainLabrador Retriever11161
F4 CollectorHavanese11162
NM HotR F4 ConarAinu Dog1405
JPnFT HotR F4 ConnellEnglish Setter5412
JPnM HotR F4 Connive To Pursue Your DreamsDachshund51650
F4 ConscienceSpinone Italiano11161
HotR F4 ConsolingCatahoula Leopard Dog11635
F4 ConsternationHavanese11162
NHu HotR F4 CorralEnglish Toy Spaniel11474
ANFT HotR F4 CorrectivesVizsla31653
NT HotR F4 CredenceBorder Collie31650
NT HotR F4 CulveyOtterhound1410
JPnD HotR F4 Curious RecollectionKarelian Bear Dog51667
JPnP HotR F4 Dark-Haired Version Of Her MotherAustralian Koolie61658
PnH F4 Death DanceLapponian Herder104469
F4 DefianceOtterhound11161
F4 DefoeSpinone Italiano11161
JPnHu HotR F4 Deliver HappinessBoykin Spaniel51691
F4 DencheLabrador Retriever11161
NHu HotR F4 DenethorOtterhound1410
NSh HotR F4 DesignCatahoula Leopard Dog11635
ANT HotR F4 Die Of Hunger Rather Than ComplainAffenpinscher31646
F4 Dirt Washed AwayEnglish Toy Spaniel11457
F4 DistortedOtterhound11161
NSc HotR F4 Do It ProperlyAmerican White Shepherd31632
ANT HotR F4 DobbyIrish Setter31666
F4 DownwellLabrador Retriever11161
JPnHu HotR F4 Dreams Of Living In AmericaAmerican Bulldog61651
IPnHT HotR F4 Drifting DeeperBoykin Spaniel81724
NA HotR F4 DrownedDogo Argentino31650
IPnD HotR F4 Eastern BluebirdGolden Retriever81712
ANHu HotR F4 Eaves Of The ChurchBoykin Spaniel41658
NM HotR F4 EdmundDalmatian11634
ANH HotR F4 EkaluShetland Sheepdog51651
ND HotR F4 ElizabethChart Polski11635
NP HotR F4 ElomyrWhippet31177
NP HotR F4 EmmaFlat Coated Retriever12820
NH HotR F4 EraBelgian Sheepdog31650
ANHu HotR F4 Era Of UncertaintyAmerican Eskimo Dog31643
ANRO HotR F4 Every Bit As ArrogantBullmastiff51697
NH HotR F4 Every Hope Of This KindCarpathian Shepherd11635
JPnRO HotR F4 Exasperated LooksLarge Munsterlander71702
F4 ExpostulateSpinone Italiano11161
F4 ExtravagantBorder Collie11162
JPnH HotR F4 FancyCatahoula Leopard Dog6412
NT HotR F4 FannyBeagle11631
NFT HotR F4 Fatally WrongStabyhoun41676
NRO HotR F4 Fatigues Of The DayBeagle11631
JPnRO HotR F4 Finite IncantatumEnglish Setter41651
NFr HotR F4 FirenzeShetland Sheepdog11667
PnH F4 Fisherman's WharfLapponian Herder104469
NHu HotR F4 Flathead ScrewdriverBoykin Spaniel11636
NT HotR F4 Flown PastBeagle11643
F4 For the Benefit of Mister KiteBearded Collie12752
NRO HotR F4 Fords and BridgesPomeranian1409
F4 ForsythiaKeeshond11161
F4 Four DaysSpinone Italiano11161
F4 FreightBearded Collie12751
JPnH HotR F4 FreyaRough Collie53661
IPnSh HotR F4 From Me To YouCavalier King Charles Spaniel81723
JPnSh HotR F4 Full Of Light And SplendorBluetick Coonhound61692
NFT HotR F4 FuriousEnglish Cocker Spaniel21697
NFr HotR F4 FuryChihuahua11641
ANHT HotR F4 GargantuanGordon Setter61666
NP HotR F4 Get LuckyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog41666
NT HotR F4 Get Some SleepHovawart31666
IPnHu HotR F4 Give Me Your Answer, DoBoykin Spaniel61702
NFl HotR F4 Go For A DoctorBeagle11643
F4 Go Home, FlanneryWeimaraner11617
ANM HotR F4 GohanCavalier King Charles Spaniel31659
JPnP HotR F4 Good FaithAinu Dog61657
JPnSh HotR F4 GrangerGordon Setter51666
NT HotR F4 GravityBullmastiff11635
ANRO HotR F4 GrindelvaldGordon Setter51666
NO HotR F4 HadithRussell Terrier11639
NM HotR F4 Half That Remained To Be SaidAffenpinscher11634
IPnP HotR F4 Half-Blood PrinceAlaskan Husky81744
JAH F4 Hand on My HeadAnatolian Shepherd134469
NRO HotR F4 Handy With The HickoryChinook11634
NP HotR F4 HarmlesslyStandard Poodle1409
NH HotR F4 HarperAustralian Koolie1404
JPnHu HotR F4 HarshCavalier King Charles Spaniel61697
NSc HotR F4 Has Something HappenedAmerican White Shepherd11639
NT HotR F4 HauntGerman Shepherd Dog12775
ANH F4 HawkingRough Collie43662
JPnFl HotR F4 Heavy ConscienceDachshund61704
NO HotR F4 HelsinkiCatahoula Leopard Dog31650
NRO HotR F4 HetnysToy Poodle11655
IPnFr HotR F4 Hide And SeekBorzoi91724
ANA HotR F4 Hints Of DesignBorzoi41658
F4 HollisVizsla11617
NT HotR F4 HolyGerman Shepherd Dog11639
F4 HoneybeeToy Poodle11617
IPnH F4 Hop, Skip & a BleapCatahoula Leopard Dog84522
ANA HotR F4 Hotel MetropolAustralian Koolie31658
NH HotR F4 How Do You Do?Australian Koolie3340
F4 HradKeeshond11161
NSh HotR F4 Hush PuppyGerman Shepherd Dog11639
NFl HotR F4 HypocritesNewfoundland21667
F4 I See DaylightBearded Collie12752
ND HotR F4 I Would Give You Some Of Mine If I CouldBorzoi11636
IPnH F4 I'd Do AnythingLapponian Herder84443
NT HotR F4 Idle HourDachshund11643
NSh HotR F4 IkeaEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
NFT HotR F4 ImladrisPointer1410
F4 Immediate ConvictionBorder Collie11162
JPnT HotR F4 Impressive MoveNewfoundland71701
NSh F4 In the Sky was SampsonPekingese14372
NFT HotR F4 IndolencePointer1410
NH HotR F4 Inevitable Need For CollectivizationBorder Collie41650
ANFr HotR F4 Inexplicable DangerDogo Argentino41657
JPnH HotR F4 InezBorder Collie53662
NRO HotR F4 IngoldPomeranian1409
JPnHu HotR F4 Inside OutChart Polski51663
ANFT HotR F4 Interesting TheoryField Spaniel41650
F4 Intervals of ReflectionSpinone Italiano11161
NHu HotR F4 IsengardOtterhound1410
ANSc HotR F4 Isildur's BaneGerman Shepherd Dog41685
JPnO HotR F4 It Is DoneAkbash Dog51643
NT HotR F4 Jack's DoorGerman Shepherd Dog32819
ANO HotR F4 Jennie CooperJapanese Chin51691
NRO HotR F4 JobsChinook11639
NT HotR F4 JofridPharaoh Hound11667
NT HotR F4 Judge ThatcherChinook11634
NSh HotR F4 Just A LieFrench Bulldog41681
JPnO HotR F4 KellenAkbash Dog51643
NSh HotR F4 KingChinese Crested1398
ANP HotR F4 KingsleyGolden Retriever51666
ANA HotR F4 Kitty PingEnglish Shepherd4412
NA HotR F4 KlarchEnglish Shepherd1338
JPnFl HotR F4 KnottBorder Collie61697
ANP HotR F4 Last BurdenStandard Poodle31178
NSc HotR F4 Last WordsGerman Shepherd Dog11639
JPnP HotR F4 LeftoversGreat Pyrenees61737
NR HotR F4 LeverBorzoi31651
NSh HotR F4 Lines Of MiseryField Spaniel31650
JPnSc HotR F4 Lingered By The WallBelgian Malinois51650
ANHu HotR F4 Little BustleBeagle11631
NFl HotR F4 Little Miss SunshineGreater Swiss Mountain Dog31709
ANFr HotR F4 LocketDachshund41650
F4 Looking GoodEnglish Shepherd1260
JPnSh HotR F4 Loss Of TemperField Spaniel51657
NFl HotR F4 LozelanShetland Sheepdog11651
NSc HotR F4 MagentaBelgian Malinois31650
NT HotR F4 MameshibaCavalier King Charles Spaniel11660
NH HotR F4 MandarEnglish Shepherd1338
ANHu HotR F4 Many FacesChihuahua11643
NH HotR F4 Many Months Were GoneCarpathian Shepherd11635
F4 MarbleAustralian Koolie12752
NT HotR F4 MarsoKelpie3412
NSh HotR F4 MaruCavalier King Charles Spaniel11660
NHu HotR F4 MasterPekingese11667
ANFr HotR F4 MastersGreat Dane51666
NSc HotR F4 MayakovskyBelgian Malinois31650
F4 Mercy of KallrCentral Asian Shepherd11162
F4 Merest WishRussell Terrier11161
ANP HotR F4 Mimble WimbleGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51666
NH HotR F4 Mining GuildAustralian Koolie3340
NH HotR F4 MinonAustralian Koolie3340
NH HotR F4 Miss Bunny's BoysBorder Collie11637
NFl HotR F4 Miss CrawfordAmerican White Shepherd31632
F4 MorassLabrador Retriever11161
NP HotR F4 More Needful Than EverBeagle11631
NT HotR F4 More SensibleDachshund1397
NH HotR F4 MorfinAustralian Koolie31743
NFT HotR F4 Mourning PeriodLabrador Retriever11161
ANH HotR F4 MouseBorder Collie53662
NO HotR F4 Mouth ShutChinook11639
NA HotR F4 N'LobuRussell Terrier11639
ANSc HotR F4 Nagging VoiceBullmastiff61697
NT HotR F4 NiecePekingese31652
NHu HotR F4 NievaAmerican Bulldog11638
ANH F4 Night DrummerLapponian Herder74522
JPnHT HotR F4 Nine Out Of TenBoykin Spaniel51691
JPnFl HotR F4 No More Than You ShouldLarge Munsterlander51688
NSh HotR F4 Nobody Seemed To Be ListeningTibetan Spaniel11668
JPnRO HotR F4 None Of The CompanyPekingese51687
NA HotR F4 North CarolineBearded Collie12795
IPnH HotR F4 Northeastern War ZoneAustralian Koolie81700
ANFl HotR F4 NotationKelpie3412
NH HotR F4 Nuclear FireAustralian Koolie3340
NSh HotR F4 ObeyField Spaniel31650
NT HotR F4 Octavious PepperHovawart21666
NA HotR F4 OddAustralian Koolie3340
F4 OddityAlaskan Husky11458
ANFT HotR F4 Old HatLarge Munsterlander51688
NSc HotR F4 Old PorterhouseBelgian Malinois31650
ANFr HotR F4 OliverBorzoi11644
NSh HotR F4 OllivanderFrench Bulldog31665
NFr HotR F4 OmWhippet2377
JPnFr HotR F4 On CueStandard Poodle31178
NFT HotR F4 One Step BehindBrittany31650
NSh HotR F4 Only BatsDachshund11643
JPnE HotR F4 OutflownNorfolk Terrier31667
JPnP HotR F4 Owl NutGolden Retriever51666
APnH F4 Parsley Sage Rosemary and ThymeCatahoula Leopard Dog124469
NHu HotR F4 ParticularityChihuahua11630
NHu HotR F4 Pat The BunnyAmerican Eskimo Dog11645
F4 PatsyVizsla11617
ANRO HotR F4 PeltLarge Munsterlander51689
JPnO HotR F4 PennyJapanese Chin51689
NA HotR F4 PetrovnaAmerican Bulldog11638
NP HotR F4 PhilosopherBelgian Sheepdog11638
F4 PickpocketKeeshond11161
NFl HotR F4 PizzaGreat Pyrenees11666
ANFr HotR F4 PlatformChinese Crested3412
JPnT HotR F4 Plum Colored RobesBoykin Spaniel61702
IPnD HotR F4 PoppinjayDalmatian71696
NH HotR F4 Posture of FaithAustralian Koolie3340
ANRO HotR F4 PredisposedJapanese Chin41667
NO HotR F4 ProphesyTibetan Mastiff11668
ANM HotR F4 ProtegoDachshund31649
ANHu HotR F4 RammsteinFrench Bulldog51681
ANHu HotR F4 Recasting The FutureBoykin Spaniel41658
IPnO HotR F4 Reduced To A Single PointAustralian Koolie91725
ANW HotR F4 Registration CommissionEnglish Setter31651
F4 Reichenbach FallBearded Collie12752
NFl HotR F4 RejoinderBelgian Tervuren31650
NFl HotR F4 Reluctant SighWhippet1407
NFl HotR F4 RestraintGerman Shepherd Dog11639
IPnH F4 Robin Hood, What a CrookLapponian Herder84443
F4 RobinsonSpinone Italiano11161
NFT HotR F4 Ron Can LaughField Spaniel11652
NR HotR F4 RonaldaBorzoi11636
NE HotR F4 RuckBedlington Terrier1404
ANT HotR F4 RumorsChihuahua11643
F4 Running AwayHavanese11162
F4 Running From The ColdBearded Collie12752
JPnSc HotR F4 SandwichesBullmastiff5413
NSc HotR F4 Saw His GhostBullmastiff1404
NSc HotR F4 ScotlandBelgian Malinois11644
AND HotR F4 Second Best AlwaysDalmatian31650
JPnFl HotR F4 See You On The BoatCatahoula Leopard Dog61691
NE HotR F4 Serious TroubleRussell Terrier21669
ANA HotR F4 Shattered RemainsDachshund41650
IPnS HotR F4 She Doesn't Like The PrinceAlaskan Husky91744
ANHu HotR F4 ShorelineBulldog51179
NT HotR F4 Short WayOtterhound1410
JPnD HotR F4 Shot With GoldStabyhoun31664
NH HotR F4 SiddharthaAustralian Koolie3340
IPnHu HotR F4 Singing CarolsDalmatian71696
NFl HotR F4 Situation And TemperCatahoula Leopard Dog11635
ANM HotR F4 Sixteen Years Worth Of GrafitiDogo Argentino31650
NA HotR F4 SkylarkBorder Collie11638
NHu HotR F4 Slapstick ComedyBelgian Malinois31650
F4 Sleep On ItToy Fox Terrier11617
JPnFl HotR F4 Slinkheart's OpinionLarge Munsterlander71702
JPnM HotR F4 Smart EnoughFlat Coated Retriever61665
F4 SneezleEnglish Cocker Spaniel1260
NM HotR F4 So Happy A SummerBeagle11631
F4 Solemn AssurancesBorder Collie11162
NT HotR F4 Solid DestinyDachshund1397
NT HotR F4 SolsticeBrittany11636
JPnO HotR F4 Something You Don'tTibetan Mastiff61702
NSc HotR F4 SonjaBelgian Malinois11638
NFr HotR F4 Spaceman's KnifeGreat Dane3412
JPnP HotR F4 SpannerFlat Coated Retriever5412
ANFl HotR F4 Steal My SunshineGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51712
ANT HotR F4 SternRough Collie41667
IPnSc HotR F4 Stooping In A CircleBelgian Tervuren91692
NP HotR F4 Strange And DangerousChinook11639
F4 Striding OutOtterhound11161
JPnA HotR F4 Suitable CandidateBorder Collie61697
ANSh HotR F4 Sulky And AnnoyedKeeshond51667
NFT HotR F4 SurveySpinone Italiano1409
NFr HotR F4 SvalbardCatahoula Leopard Dog31650
NA HotR F4 Swimming Pool of AnxietyCatahoula Leopard Dog1398
NP HotR F4 Sympathetic SoulBeagle11643
NRO F4 Talking About LupinWhippet11669
NFr HotR F4 Tentative ConspiratorWhippet3377
NO HotR F4 Terrible PriceTibetan Mastiff11668
F4 That Was TrueWire Fox Terrier11617
NP HotR F4 The Leg's A LossSaint Bernard11641
ANA HotR F4 The ThreeBorder Collie41650
F4 Think MeanlyBorder Collie11162
IPnH HotR F4 This Amazing ThingBorder Collie91724
IPnT HotR F4 Thoughts Leave Deeper Scarring Than Anything ElseAmerican White Shepherd81701
JPnFT HotR F4 TickLarge Munsterlander71702
NFl HotR F4 Time Is UpCanaan Dog31650
ANA HotR F4 Tipping BaconRussell Terrier31669
ANFr HotR F4 TitianBorzoi11644
PnT HotR F4 ToenailsBullmastiff11429
NP HotR F4 Topmost TierTibetan Mastiff11668
JPnFT HotR F4 TraitorsBoykin Spaniel61703
F4 TranslatorSpinone Italiano11161
NFT HotR F4 TrebleFlat Coated Retriever12782
JPnFT HotR F4 TreetopsLabrador Retriever51179
NW HotR F4 Trembled Like A LeafCurly Coated Retriever11634
NFT HotR F4 TruckDachshund11634
IPnT HotR F4 Two FloorsDachshund51758
JPnRO HotR F4 Two ShoesJapanese Chin61691
NT HotR F4 UnceremoniousJapanese Chin21667
NFT HotR F4 UntenantedBorzoi11644
ANH HotR F4 Unusually Fond Of EveryoneTibetan Mastiff61702
F4 Upward LeapsHavanese11162
F4 UtherRough Collie13649
F4 ValskaaianKeeshond11161
ANA HotR F4 VasiliAustralian Koolie41658
ANSc HotR F4 Vaudevillian ComedyBelgian Malinois51650
JPnFl HotR F4 VillagerGolden Retriever81712
F4 VioletBorder Collie12744
ANFr HotR F4 Visitor's EntranceAinu Dog61701
NFr HotR F4 Von TrappChart Polski11664
F4 VoyagerSpinone Italiano11161
NT HotR F4 Waiting By The PhoneBeagle11644
F4 Walking TodayNewfoundland11161
ANHu HotR F4 WaxyJapanese Chin31667
JPnFT HotR F4 We Have To Pass ThemBrittany51692
ANP HotR F4 WesternessAlaskan Husky51472
ANA HotR F4 WestleyPharaoh Hound31653
NR HotR F4 What Would It Mean For PeaceWhippet11641
F4 When I Come BackAlaskan Husky11458
NSh HotR F4 Who KnewBoykin Spaniel11636
ANRO HotR F4 Why Isn't It FunnyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51737
ANT HotR F4 WinkenJapanese Chin51691
ANT HotR F4 WoodsmokeBorder Collie41179
NSh HotR F4 Yippy TaiEnglish Cocker Spaniel11643
NFT HotR F4 YogaStabyhoun1409
NFr HotR F4 You Won't CallBeagle11644
IPnH HotR F4 You'd Better Get Back Before It's Too LateAustralian Koolie101725
NSc HotR F4 You're Not Asking Me To Spy On My CountryAmerican White Shepherd11639
F4 Young SailorSpinone Italiano11161
JPnP HotR F4 Your Mother's GenesGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51666
NSh HotR F5 A Good CryBluetick Coonhound11638
ANHu HotR F5 A Grand Adventure Has Just BegunAlaskan Husky31651
ANP HotR F5 A Little Mozart Is Never Out Of StepAlaskan Husky31651
NH HotR F5 A More Promising InclinationCatahoula Leopard Dog11635
JPnP HotR F5 A Transport In TimeAlaskan Husky41697
JPnHu HotR F5 Acorns Over IceBoykin Spaniel61659
IPnP HotR F5 Apple FranchiseAkbash Dog101726
ANP HotR F5 AragogGreater Swiss Mountain Dog41666
NM HotR F5 AstonishmentAinu Dog11634
ANP HotR F5 Back A Little SoonerChinook41697
IPnH F5 Before I WakeLapponian Herder84443
ANFr HotR F5 BlimeyGolden Retriever51666
ANFl HotR F5 BojanglesAlaskan Husky51697
NR HotR F5 Cake BearerBorzoi11631
ANS HotR F5 Captain NemoAlaskan Husky31646
NH HotR F5 ChantEnglish Shepherd1337
F5 ClippingEnglish Shepherd1260
JPnFl HotR F5 CommanderAinu Dog51646
F5 CompleteBorder Collie11162
NRO HotR F5 Danger Of ReprobationAmerican White Shepherd11631
NH F5 Danse MacabreLapponian Herder24387
JPnRO HotR F5 DecelerateDachshund41649
NSc HotR F5 Decisive QuestionBelgian Malinois11638
JPnRO HotR F5 Desire To LaughFrench Bulldog51665
ND HotR F5 Do I Need To Be ConcernedWhippet11639
F5 Doctor DoctorBearded Collie12751
NHu HotR F5 Doe A DeerDalmatian11640
APnH F5 Don't Let Me Lose My NerveAnatolian Shepherd104443
ANRO HotR F5 DragonetBullmastiff5413
NRO HotR F5 EggnogLarge Munsterlander21667
NHu HotR F5 FannyAmerican Eskimo Dog11632
NR HotR F5 Five ShillingsBorzoi11635
ANH F5 For You, Dear, AnythingLapponian Herder54387
JPnHu HotR F5 FruitlessCavalier King Charles Spaniel71697
NSh HotR F5 Glittering NotorietyBluetick Coonhound11638
ANFl HotR F5 He's GoneAlaskan Husky51697
ANRO HotR F5 Heat Of The DayLarge Munsterlander51688
NSh HotR F5 I Didn't ThinkBluetick Coonhound11638
NH F5 I Gave My Love a CherryLapponian Herder14373
NP HotR F5 I Trust I Am ResignedCanaan Dog11635
PnH F5 Ill Fated OneLapponian Herder94469
ND HotR F5 Into HidingGolden Retriever31666
NSh HotR F5 JaneCavalier King Charles Spaniel11635
NT HotR F5 Jaque Of All TradesGerman Shepherd Dog12775
NH HotR F5 JubileeTibetan Mastiff11668
NA HotR F5 KellyChinese Crested1397
NHu HotR F5 KipDalmatian11640
NM HotR F5 Lady BertramDalmatian11630
NH HotR F5 Lamb ChopBorder Collie41650
IPnFl HotR F5 Less PermanentAustralian Koolie91725
NSc HotR F5 Like A FrostGerman Shepherd Dog11639
ND HotR F5 Line Pulled LooseDalmatian11634
NSc HotR F5 LiteraryBelgian Malinois11638
JPnSh HotR F5 Little WingingBoykin Spaniel61702
ANRO HotR F5 Memory ExtractJapanese Chin31667
JPnO HotR F5 Millions StrongCavalier King Charles Spaniel41661
PnH F5 MintedCatahoula Leopard Dog104443
NT HotR F5 Miss WatsonDalmatian11634
NA HotR F5 Mister BingleyBrittany11635
NFT HotR F5 Mrs. GrantBoykin Spaniel11636
ANA HotR F5 NapoleonAmerican White Shepherd31645
ANP HotR F5 NautilisAkbash Dog51646
NSh HotR F5 OddrunPekingese11667
JPnA HotR F5 OliveAustralian Koolie71698
JPnD HotR F5 One-Armed CentaurAlaskan Husky51697
NS HotR F5 OvalAlaskan Husky11646
NT HotR F5 Parish RectorBullmastiff11635
NP HotR F5 PhosphorescenceAlaskan Husky11646
NH HotR F5 PiazzaAustralian Koolie31658
NT HotR F5 PicnicBluetick Coonhound11638
F5 Plain WickednessWhippet11617
NT HotR F5 PostmarkBelgian Sheepdog11638
NHu HotR F5 Power And InfluenceJapanese Chin21667
ANRO HotR F5 Regular DudeLarge Munsterlander51688
ANHT HotR F5 ReturnedAinu Dog51651
ANFl HotR F5 RibbonsAlaskan Husky51697
IPnH F5 RivaLapponian Herder84443
F5 River WitchToy Poodle11617
NM HotR F5 Rosings ParkCavalier King Charles Spaniel11635
IPnT HotR F5 SabishiiAustralian Koolie71698
APnH F5 Scarborough FairCatahoula Leopard Dog114469
NA HotR F5 Seiging The KeepRussell Terrier11639
NFl HotR F5 Self-CommandAmerican White Shepherd11631
NFl HotR F5 SharksGreat Pyrenees11666
APnH F5 She Once Was a True Love of MineCatahoula Leopard Dog104443
F5 ShearsEnglish Shepherd1260
NT HotR F5 Silence And ForbearanceBeagle11631
JPnH F5 Simon SaysCatahoula Leopard Dog54373
NFT HotR F5 SnogLarge Munsterlander31667
NFT HotR F5 Specialis RevalioLarge Munsterlander21667
NSh HotR F5 Teacher TeacherJapanese Chin21667
NH F5 The Artful CodgerLapponian Herder24387
NH HotR F5 The First Time In MemoryTibetan Mastiff31667
F5 The Merry MenLapponian Herder14373
F5 The Silk RoadPekingese14372
PnH F5 To Hell Broken SentCatahoula Leopard Dog104469
JPnT HotR F5 To The TipBorzoi61651
NT HotR F5 TonksLarge Munsterlander31667
ANW HotR F5 Top FormNewfoundland31667
NA HotR F5 TransfixedDachshund31650
F5 TulleWhippet11617
NO HotR F5 TyrannyDogo Argentino11629
JPnFl HotR F5 Undermine the SystemBorzoi71701
JPnRO HotR F5 UnhurtAlaskan Husky51697
ND HotR F5 Usual KindnessDalmatian11630
F5 VantageHavanese11162
NH HotR F5 Watchful GuardsAustralian Koolie3340
JPnS HotR F5 We're Sorry We're So LateAlaskan Husky41651
F5 WildlandsAlaskan Husky11458
NFT HotR F5 Woeful ExpressionsBrittany31650
IPnH F5 World TravelerCatahoula Leopard Dog104469
NFl HotR F5 XenophiliusStabyhoun21664
NFT HotR F5 Your MajestyDachshund11634
APnH F6 A True Love of MineCatahoula Leopard Dog104443
PnH F6 AbroadCatahoula Leopard Dog94443
F6 Accurate LineEnglish Shepherd1260
JPnH F6 AntigoneAnatolian Shepherd64387
NFl HotR F6 Anything Would Have Been BetterAlaskan Husky11634
F6 Banana TreeAustralian Koolie1260
NH F6 Charity's Fine, Subscribe to MineLapponian Herder24373
JPnH F6 CoinsmithCatahoula Leopard Dog64387
F6 CombAustralian Koolie1260
F6 DaisyAustralian Koolie1260
JPnFl HotR F6 DiscrepanciesAlaskan Husky41651
NS HotR F6 Do Sit DownAlaskan Husky11638
ANHu HotR F6 EarthenBoykin Spaniel61659
ANFl HotR F6 Electric LightAkbash Dog51646
ANS HotR F6 Everything You Could DoAlaskan Husky41651
NH F6 Fall of the House of UsherAnatolian Shepherd34373
NH F6 For You Mean Everything to MeLapponian Herder14373
F6 GasterAustralian Koolie1260
F6 Gave Away What He TookLapponian Herder14373
NH F6 Girl From the North CountryCatahoula Leopard Dog14356
NH F6 HellenismCatahoula Leopard Dog24373
NO HotR F6 IngoyamaAlaskan Husky31651
JPnH F6 My Soul to TakeLapponian Herder44387
F6 NestAustralian Koolie1260
PnH F6 Niagra GodsLapponian Herder84443
NS HotR F6 OblanskyAlaskan Husky11634
JPnH HotR F6 OdillyAkbash Dog51643
NH HotR F6 OdriousAustralian Koolie11658
ANS HotR F6 PhilosophyAlaskan Husky11634
F6 Queen AmyAustralian Koolie1260
PnH F6 Remember MeCatahoula Leopard Dog84443
NFr HotR F6 Season Of CourtshipAlaskan Husky11634
ANH HotR F6 SkullyAustralian Koolie51658
F6 SlickerAustralian Koolie1260
NO HotR F6 Sword Of AtagarisTibetan Mastiff31655
ANH F6 Tell Her to Find MeCatahoula Leopard Dog54387
ANT HotR F6 The Finest ThingsAustralian Koolie41658
ANH F6 The Hearts of the GirlsCatahoula Leopard Dog44387
F6 The Loudness Of Its CallTibetan Mastiff11617
JPnH F6 The Oracle at DelphiLapponian Herder54387
F6 Time ThiefTibetan Mastiff11617
ANH F6 Tracing a Sparrow on Snow Crusted GroundCatahoula Leopard Dog54387
F6 TrapjawAustralian Koolie1260
NFT HotR F6 Two Minutes LeftLarge Munsterlander31667
NRO HotR F6 UnfathomableLarge Munsterlander31667
ANS HotR F6 VesselAlaskan Husky31646
F6 WeaverAustralian Koolie1260
NA HotR F7 A Better TimeAustralian Koolie11630
NA HotR F7 AlexandrovnaAustralian Koolie11640
F7 And Back AgainLapponian Herder14373
NH F7 CanticleCatahoula Leopard Dog14348
NA HotR F7 Confirm Or DenyAustralian Koolie11636
NH F7 Cyprus SailorCatahoula Leopard Dog14373
F7 Dance Until You DieLapponian Herder14373
F7 De MorganCatahoula Leopard Dog14373
NH F7 Groovy ThingCatahoula Leopard Dog34373
NH HotR F7 HotelAustralian Koolie11638
F7 If I Should DieLapponian Herder14373
F7 MissionaryAustralian Koolie1196
NH F7 Pelican's ViewLapponian Herder24387
NH F7 Please Promise Me You'll TryCatahoula Leopard Dog14373
NH F7 PreciousAnatolian Shepherd34373
NH F7 RomanCatahoula Leopard Dog24348
NH F7 Simon Says DieCatahoula Leopard Dog24348
NH F7 The SublimeLapponian Herder24387
JPnH F7 Think of MeCatahoula Leopard Dog54387
NH F7 Uncharted TerritoryCatahoula Leopard Dog34387
NH F8 Gave Away What He TookLapponian Herder24372
NH F8 Pandora's HeartCatahoula Leopard Dog14348
NH F8 Phoenecian CoinCatahoula Leopard Dog14348
F8 The Artful DodgerLapponian Herder14372
JASc HotR FaithBelgian Tervuren161645
CCFT HotR Fawn GGEE Ll 13HHVizsla541634
NCFl HotR Fawn with Black Sable and Light Undersides GGGG ll 7HHCarolina Dog531630
JPnT HotR Ferina 4HH 4hh | Ll | GGEGEnglish Foxhound101347
NP HotR Force ResetAkbash Dog61744
ANFl HotR Forder_smooth criminalRough Collie61731
NT HotR FrostingIrish Wolfhound11761
AHu HotR FudgeBluetick Coonhound161721
APnP HotR FWL MerlotBernese Mountain Dog131705
JPnH HotR GabbyShetland Sheepdog61748
IPnRO HotR Galloping In NewtonEurasier61686
NSc NSh HotR GGEE brindle SaturnAkita Inu12827
IPnSh HotR GGGG 10HHGreat Dane102699
JPnW HotR GlindaGordon Setter51749
PnH HotR godEnglish Shepherd121703
IPnSc HotR Goddess of WarBelgian Malinois101688
NT HotR GooseGerman Shepherd Dog31725
NFr HotR GraceCentral Asian Shepherd11179
AHT HotR Hard Times Come Again No MoreEnglish Setter191541
NHT HotR HardyGreat Dane31532
ANO HotR HeidiHavanese71179
IPnHT HotR HeikoKarelian Bear Dog91780
JPnT HotR HochaBorder Collie81631
NT HotR iceeAmerican White Shepherd31710
ASh HotR If I Was A Rich ManEnglish Toy Spaniel201565
WCHu HotR Instinct of Survival - GGEE 10HH 3hhKeeshond572828
PnA HotR JadeAustralian Koolie121755
MHu HotR JonatanBlack and Tan Coonhound321572
ANFl HotR JubilantBorzoi51695
IPnO HotR JupiterAkbash Dog71689
APnR HotR Karen | 17HH lalaBorzoi13726
IPnP HotR KaruAlaskan Husky81811
APnP HotR KellerAlaskan Malamute132813
APnRO HotR kodaAlaskan Husky121740
APnRO HotR La RouxIrish Setter111194
APnT HotR La Vie BohemeAmerican White Shepherd121756
MH HotR lala EX Stay GoldBorder Collie292429
ANM HotR LanaCarolina Dog51720
HotR Large MunsterlanderLarge Munsterlander11689
HotR Large MunsterlanderLarge Munsterlander11688
ExH HotR Last Dance [GGGG] 0.968xAkbash Dog40442
MHu HotR LeahDalmatian261736
JAE HotR LemonRussell Terrier121748
NFr HotR LeviCentral Asian Shepherd11179
MT HotR Lil' Bit of CayenneBeagle301704
AA HotR liliAustralian Koolie211455
PnFr HotR Little bitChinook111536
MH HotR Ll ExExGreat Pyrenees30226
ChFl HotR LolaBelgian Tervuren391729
AT HotR Lolly 9HH 4hh | Ll | GEGGAustralian Koolie191627
JPnHu HotR LucyEurasier51707
AO HotR Mad HatterRussell Terrier181512
IPnFl HotR MaggieBernese Mountain Dog101716
AM HotR MangoCurly Coated Retriever23954
AS HotR Midnight Seduction 10HHAlaskan Malamute221733
NSh HotR MikePekingese12819
ExA HotR MinosHovawart391806
NA HotR Miss New in TownStandard Poodle21196
MT HotR MoanaDoberman Pinscher39176
NHT HotR MochaCatahoula Leopard Dog51635
NSh HotR MollyHavanese11691
IPnP HotR MomijiAinu Dog101726
ExSh HotR MouseBoykin Spaniel321230
JARO HotR MuffyBernese Mountain Dog141745
AHu HotR NimueLarge Munsterlander231721
ExFT HotR No I’m Original Not CrazyLarge Munsterlander33312
MT HotR O Tenenbaum of SortilègeGerman Shepherd Dog252353
NT HotR O'er Yonder SeaStabyhoun11484
AP HotR OdisAnatolian Shepherd241781
ANP HotR OliveBelgian Tervuren61687
NFl HotR OwlryBorzoi41694
GCFT HotR OzFlat Coated Retriever431757
PnFr HotR Party FavorBorzoi101693
APnHu F&R PeachCavalier King Charles Spaniel141753
IPnSh HotR PerditaDalmatian81753
JPnFr HotR plopsyBeagle71721
AHu HotR PlottPlott201337
IPnSh HotR PorceletFrench Bulldog101719
ChA HotR Puppy 1Gordon Setter431795
HotR Puppy 2Newfoundland11701
NHu HotR Puppy 24 KuninaDachshund1397
HotR Puppy 3Pug11749
PnHu HotR Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog102819
ANRO HotR Puppy 4F1 Minas TirithBrittany5409
CCHu HotR Puppy 6Dalmatian502738
AM HotR Puppy 6Affenpinscher221742
NFT HotR PythenissBrittany31692
AP HotR Quadratic EquationGolden Retriever231703
JARO HotR Queen Annes' Strawberry Music FestivalCavalier King Charles Spaniel161752
GCFT HotR Queen ElisabettaField Spaniel451658
ANSh HotR REurasier31577
JPnA HotR RatNorfolk Terrier51748
MSc HotR RayaBelgian Tervuren241584
ANFl HotR Ree kidAlaskan Malamute61722
PnR HotR RenattoWhippet101745
PnM HotR RETIRED AUGUST 5TH, 2018Akita102495
JAA HotR RevengeAustralian Koolie151779
ANRO HotR RicoBelgian Malinois51727
JAA HotR RiddleAustralian Koolie171461
AA HotR Riddle|GGEE|LlAustralian Koolie171725
ANHu HotR RoxieBluetick Coonhound51699
MA HotR RyderPharaoh Hound281727
NFl HotR S.S. - You Belong with MeBorzoi11699
PnP HotR SabBluetick Coonhound111729
NA HotR SadieGerman Shepherd Dog42690
ASh HotR SashaAkita232006
JPnRO HotR SavageBluetick Coonhound61698
IPnSh HotR Shadow WomanAkita102844
APnT HotR ShirleyGerman Shepherd Dog131771
IPnA HotR SnowbellCatahoula Leopard Dog92281
WCRO HotR Star Attraction - EGEG 8HH 3hhGerman Shorthaired Pointer592850
JPnT HotR StellaEnglish Cocker Spaniel71738
MH HotR StellaCarpathian Shepherd331373
IPnH HotR StevenEnglish Shepherd111591
JPnH HotR StormCarpathian Shepherd71735
NHu HotR SunnyCavalier King Charles Spaniel11709
MA HotR Sweet Brad pittBedlington Terrier261180
ANP HotR TaliaChinook51712
IPnT HotR TeddyShetland Sheepdog121671
JAFl HotR The First Branch EEGG LlaAlaskan Malamute171719
AHu HotR Two SicklesAffenpinscher171712
JAFT HotR TylerLarge Munsterlander14829
IPnO CWSK U Miranda- fawn & white *ll*EGGGAnatolian Shepherd83636
MFr HotR Vacation To Ekalu Island at Ragweed | EEEE 19HH Lla 1.017x (fox red) | gen1Labrador Retriever261016
WCRO HotR Valeria nee ID#6696447ID#7021724Havanese56997
JAFT HotR Vera dodoBeagle171721
ExSc HotR Wanted Dead or AliveAmerican White Shepherd341593
MT HotR WarrenPlott281445
APnFT HotR WillowLabrador Retriever121029
PnHu HotR Windy Hills Angelic AvaDachshund121733
IPnO HotR Windy Hills Ball Of FireAkbash Dog101698
AP HotR Windy Hills Barking BuckyBernese Mountain Dog231266
ANA HotR Windy Hills Flower PowerAmerican Eskimo Dog51681
MP HotR Windy hills Kind KoiNewfoundland271730
AD HotR Windy Hills Luck Only Gets You So FarAinu Dog131724
IPnFl HotR Winter BlanketGreat Pyrenees101769
IPnO HotR WishingAnatolian Shepherd101811
ARO HotR WorldsAlaskan Husky171553
MSc HotR WrinklesBullmastiff331768
AT HotR WyckedCardigan Welsh Corgi202797
IPnS HotR ZannaAlaskan Husky61627
NHu HotR ZiaToy Poodle11668
ExHu HotR ZukoBluetick Coonhound351779
AS HotR [12/5 ML] Good At GoodbyesChinook241704
MM HotR [9/5 ML] Air Force OneEnglish Toy Spaniel291697
ChP HotR ~{Zesty Zelda}~Ainu Dog381480

Game Time

03:49am on Mar 21

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