~Mystic Wind Kennels*~

Order By:

Dogs Bred By ~Mystic Wind Kennels*~

For StudAPnFr ~*N*~ Jack (lala)Borzoi1148
ASh ~*N*~ Victor GFGG 8HH lala steel blueChinese Crested1656
LockedFor StudExFl ~*N*~ *Jolly Bolly CollieAzawakh Hound40101
LockedNFl ~NL~ *MS* Poppy EEEG 11HH 1hh *lala* (silver w/blk grizzle)Miniature Schnauzer17
LockedNA ~*N*~ 10HH Keep my promiseXoloitzcuintle639
LockedFor StudJPnHu ~*N*~ 10HH Say your prayersXoloitzcuintle633
LockedIPnHu ~*N*~ 12HH FireflyChihuahua1069
LockedFor Public SaleNCSh ~*N*~ 22HH 2Hh EEEEBull Terrier55101
LockedPnSh ~*N*~ 7HH My Darling ClementineChinese Crested1134
LockedAHu AM ~*N*~ 8 HH - EEEE - LlDalmatian2046
LockedFor StudAPnSh ~*N*~ 8HH And for my last trickChinese Crested1251
LockedARO ~*N*~ 968Chinese Crested2056
LockedPnSh ~*N*~ 992Chinese Crested1129
LockedChRO ~*N*~ 995Chinese Crested3478
LockedASh ~*N*~ AbramHavanese1430
LockedJAHu ~*N*~ Achievment Dog 8Chinese Crested1336
LockedFor StudASh ~*N*~ Addams [3]Pomeranian1949
LockedNHu ~*N*~ Angela GEEG 11HH lala cream and white (extreme piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested116
LockedFor Public SaleNM ~*N*~ Angelica FFEE 8HH blk and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle313
LockedFor Public SaleJPnD ~*N*~ Archer GGGG 10HH cream and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo726
LockedJAO ~*N*~ ArleenAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1269
LockedFor Private SaleMH ~*N*~ ArseniGerman Shepherd Dog2992
LockedNFr NM ~*N*~ Ashes to AshesBull Terrier114
LockedChRO ~*N*~ Astor (EEGE/9HH/1hh/lala)Pomeranian3290
LockedJPnFr ASh ~*N*~ Atomic Tangerine (EGEG/8HH/3hh/lala) 1xPomeranian2050
LockedFor Public SaleND ~*N*~ Augustina GGGG 8HH blk and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle213
LockedJAM ~*N*~ Badger HareHavanese1264
LockedFor StudNSh ~*N*~ BaileyLabrador Retriever420
LockedFor Public SaleND ~*N*~ Becky EEGE 6HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo16
LockedPnA ~NL~ BennettXoloitzcuintle1143
LockedMM ~*N*~ Big LizardHavanese2065
LockedASh ~*N*~ BirdieHavanese1530
LockedFor Private SaleAE ~*N*~ BobbyRussell Terrier1163
LockedFor StudARO JAHu ~*N*~ Bongo CongoAmerican Bully2470
LockedJAHu ~*N*~ BrandyShih Tzu1445
LockedAPnW ~*N*~ budSaint Bernard756
LockedIPnHu ~*N*~ CarnationShih Tzu720
LockedAPnP Cassidy - 1.018xLagotto Romagnolo1425
LockedIPnSh ~*N*~ Chambers GGEG 8HH steel blueChinese Crested1033
LockedExSh ~NL~ Christopher EEEE 9HH Fawn and white (ExP) w/blk sable and mask)Pekingese3388
LockedAFT ~*N*~ Claire EEEE 16HH lala redIrish Setter1646
LockedASh ~*N*~ ClintonHavanese1530
Locked~*N*~ CocoDalmatian16
LockedNFr ~*N*~ Connie GFEG 2HH blk and white (irish) w/ticking and light undersidesBorzoi113
LockedJAP ~*N*~ CoraIrish Setter1334
LockedAHu ~*N*~ Crossing the marigold bridgeXoloitzcuintle1954
LockedFor Public SaleJPnFr ~*N*~ Darren EGGE 10HH chocolate and white (extreme piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo726
LockedASh ~*N*~ DavidHavanese1430
LockedAFr ~NL~ DelaneyStandard Poodle1244
LockedPnE ~*N*~ Denna EGGG 9HH lala blk and white (piebald)Russell Terrier754
LockedAFT ~*N*~ DenoIrish Setter1440
LockedAHu ~*N*~ Dinah LadonShih Tzu2042
LockedJPnRO ~*N*~ Donna GGEG 11HH fawn and white (irish)Chinese Crested722
LockedFor Public SaleNP ~*N*~ Donnie GGGE 7HH chocolate and white (piebald) w/tickingLagotto Romagnolo16
LockedFor Public SaleJPnW ~*N*~ Doris EEEE 21HH chocolateIrish Setter519
LockedAHu ~NL~ dressed in blk and whitePekingese1898
LockedFor Public SaleJPnFr ~*N*~ Earl EGGG 10HH chocolate and white (Irish)Lagotto Romagnolo726
LockedFor StudAR ~*N*~ Edgar EGFF 10HH fawn and white (Irish) w/blk sable and tickingBorzoi2160
LockedND ~*N*~ EGEE 11HH (lala) SOLD TO HANAStandard Poodle16
LockedAPnW ~*N*~ EGGG 8HHSaint Bernard664
LockedPnRO ~*N*~ Emelio GGGG 11HH fawn and white (Irish) w/blk sable and tickingChinese Crested1134
LockedCCE ~*N*~ Emily - EEEE 13HHRussell Terrier4673
LockedFor Public SalePnRO ~*N*~ Emily EEGG 10HH red and white (Irish) w/blk sableShih Tzu1133
LockedJAFT ~*N*~ Ernie EEEE 15HH redIrish Setter1438
LockedFor Public SaleNHu ~*N*~ Ethel GGEG 8HH blk and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle313
LockedNSh ~*N*~ Ethon EGGG 14HH fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableChinese Crested116
LockedASh ~*N*~ EverettHavanese1430
LockedNO ~*N*~ F409 Lla 10/3 EGEGAmerican Bully19
LockedIPnHT ~*N*~ Fanciful Love of Voodoo Bayou {15 Lla 4cha}Standard Poodle816
LockedARO ~*N*~ FarrahHavanese1430
LockedNCE ~*N*~ FeyachiRussell Terrier2372
LockedFor Private SaleNFr ~*N*~ FloraBorzoi178
LockedIPnRO ~*N*~ FlyShih Tzu1028
LockedAM ~NL~ Foggy Forest [GEGE] -chaXoloitzcuintle1977
LockedFor StudAA ~*N*~ Fowl PlayRussell Terrier2076
LockedMFl ~*N*~ From the SeeBorzoi2268
LockedAR ~*N*~ FrontspringsBorzoi1637
LockedASh ~*N*~ GallagherShih Tzu2147
LockedFor Public SaleIPnSh ~*N*~ Gavin EGGG 7HH lala creamShih Tzu1030
LockedND ~*N*~ GGEE 9HH (lala) SOLD TO HANAStandard Poodle16
LockedASh ~*N*~ GinaIrish Setter2040
LockedWCP ~*N*~ Glenna GGGG 7HH lala chocolate and white (extreme piebald) w/cream pts and maskLagotto Romagnolo55110
LockedFor StudMA ~NL~ Globe Trekker [GEEE] -spdXoloitzcuintle2550
LockedASh ~*N*~ GloriaHavanese1430
LockedIPnRO ~*N*~ Gloria FFGG 8HH steel blueChinese Crested1032
LockedFor StudAFT ~*N*~ Going Wild | lla chacha stmspd EEEGLagotto Romagnolo2046
LockedJPnR ~*N*~ Grace GEGG 11HH blk and white w/tan ptsAzawakh Hound649
LockedPnP ~*N*~ GraceeleeLagotto Romagnolo1020
LockedNSh ~*N*~ Gracie GEFE 4HH fawnShih Tzu113
LockedMRO ~*N*~ Handsome Fella (EEGG/11HH/2hh/lala)Pomeranian2260
LockedPnSh ~*N*~ Harry LadonShih Tzu1150
LockedASh ~*N*~ HeathHavanese1430
LockedJAHu ~*N*~ Helen Miranda HunShih Tzu1544
LockedAFl ~*N*~ HelenaBorzoi1432
LockedPnRO WCD ~*N*~ Helena -CHANGE 10HH lala chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo53110
LockedAHu ~*N*~ Hellis EGGF 10HH blk and white (irish) w/tickingChinese Crested1646
LockedPnHu ~*N*~ HELOISEIrish Setter1127
LockedAT ~*N*~ Horice EEEE 13HH lala redIrish Setter2663
LockedNFr ~NL~ I Miss EternityStandard Poodle17
LockedMRO ~*N*~ I'm A Little TeacupPomeranian2387
LockedAHT ~*N*~ IsaccIrish Setter2452
LockedASh ~*N*~ IvanHavanese1430
LockedFor Public SaleNFl ~*N*~ Ivy GGGG 8HH silver and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo16
LockedAHT ~*N*~ Jackqueline EEEE 17HH redIrish Setter2053
LockedPnRO ~*N*~ James GFGG 10HH creamChinese Crested1134
LockedJAO ~*N*~ Jill GGGG 12HH fawn and white (piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested1547
LockedFor Public SaleNRO ~*N*~ Joselyn EEGG 10HH silverShih Tzu520
LockedJAP ~NL~ JuanitaStandard Poodle1770
LockedFor Public SaleNT ~*N*~ Katie FGGE 10HH blk and white (irish) w/tickingXoloitzcuintle313
LockedASh ~*N*~ Keijumäen Try A Litle Bit HarderHavanese1640
LockedMD ~*N*~ KiKi GGGG 8HH cream and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo2747
LockedMRO ~*N*~ Kim [3]Pomeranian2667
LockedMSc ~NL~ KlausGerman Shepherd Dog2897
LockedJAM ~*N*~ Kody's BetchPomeranian831
LockedFor StudAFl ~*N*~ Lenox EGGG 10HH red and white (piebald) w/blk sableBorzoi2367
LockedFor Public SaleNHu ~*N*~ Lillian FGGG 6HH blk and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle313
LockedCCRO ~*N*~ Little Hava HannaHavanese4170
LockedJASh ~*N*~ Lla cha*2 spdstm 8HH 5hh GGFE RainyboweShih Tzu1430
LockedFor Public SaleNP ~*N*~ Maisy GGGG 8HH chocolate and white (piebald) w/tickingLagotto Romagnolo16
LockedFor StudJASh ~*N*~ Malachite FGGG 8HH lala brindle fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu1551
LockedJARO ~*N*~ Marcus GGGE 10HH lala blkChinese Crested1547
LockedIPnT ~*N*~ Mariah GEGG 9HH lala brindle cream w/blk sableShih Tzu936
LockedNT ~NL~ MarshmellowPekingese125
LockedJPnW ~*N*~ MatildaLabrador Retriever420
LockedME ~*N*~ MaxRussell Terrier2381
LockedPnA ~NL~ MayXoloitzcuintle1143
LockedJAHu ~*N*~ Meris GGGG 9HH brindle cream and white (piebald) w/blue sableShih Tzu1344
LockedIPnRO ~*N*~ Michael 19HHIrish Setter725
LockedNSh ~*N*~ Mick EGGG 10HH fawn and white (extreme piebald) w/blk sable and tickingChinese Crested116
LockedFor Public SaleJPnP ~*N*~ Mick GGGG 10HH cream and white (piebald) w/chocolate sable and maskLagotto Romagnolo726
LockedAD ~*N*~ MillieLagotto Romagnolo2072
LockedAPnHu ~*N*~ Mystic Oreo's Wise Emerald (G2/1)Boston Terrier1022
LockedJPnSh NSh AM ~*N*~ Mystic Philip's Oreo Joy (G2/1)Boston Terrier2047
LockedChFr ~*N*~ M~Pomeranian4188
LockedASh ~*N*~ NathanielHavanese1633
LockedJPnR ~*N*~ Neverland Kingdom Storm FEGE 13HH 4hh (blk w/light undersides)Borzoi412
LockedAPnR ~*N*~ Nobody's HeroBorzoi1026
LockedNA ~NL~ OdetteXoloitzcuintle620
LockedAM ~NL~ OliveXoloitzcuintle2462
LockedFor Public SaleNSh ~*N*~ Olivia GGGG 9HH red w/blk sableShih Tzu313
LockedMSh ~*N*~ Olivia WildePuli2890
LockedFor Public SaleNP ~*N*~ Ollie GGGG 8HH fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableLagotto Romagnolo16
LockedFor Public SaleNHu ~*N*~ Onyx GGEE 11HH blk and white (irish) w/tickingXoloitzcuintle313
LockedMA ~*N*~ Orange's Long As You Love MeBorzoi2558
LockedIPnO ~NL~ PacoChihuahua1050
LockedPnHu ~*N*~ Peaches FEGG 7HH lala brindle fawn w/blk sableShih Tzu1132
LockedFor Public SaleNO ~*N*~ Penelope EEGG 8HH red and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle313
LockedANHu ~*N*~ Philomina GEGE 9HH blk and white (piebald)Xoloitzcuintle725
LockedJPnRO ~*N*~ Poison IvyShih Tzu720
LockedARO ~*N*~ PumpkinPomeranian1390
LockedFor Public SaleND ~*N*~ Queenie GGGG 9HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo16
LockedIPnR ~*N*~ Rachel GEGG 11HH fawn and white (Irish) w/blk sable and tickingBorzoi1129
LockedAR ~*N*~ Rade ZaybenBorzoi1432
LockedAPnHu ~NL~ Rebecca EEEE 17HH (steel blue and W*I*)Standard Poodle1383
LockedMA ~NL~ RedXoloitzcuintle3295
LockedAFT ~*N*~ RedtideIrish Setter1231
LockedNSh ~*N*~ River EGGG 10HH fawn and white (irish) w/blk sableChinese Crested522
LockedJAM ~*N*~ RoarStandard Poodle1332
LockedFor Public SaleNRO ~*N*~ Robert GEFE 8HH redShih Tzu19
LockedFor Public SaleNT ~*N*~ Roberta FGGE 11HH blk and white (piebald)Xoloitzcuintle313
LockedMRO ~*N*~ Rock SolidPomeranian2652
LockedIPnR ~*N*~ RomanBorzoi630
LockedPnD ~NL~ Roscoe EGGG Fawn 2HHSaluki1070
LockedIPnRO ~*N*~ Rose gardenShih Tzu718
LockedMRO ~*N*~ Rosemary [2]Pomeranian2459
LockedFor Public SalePnHu ~*N*~ Ruby GEEG 9HH fawn and white (piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested1034
LockedAFl ~*N*~ RumbleBorzoi25107
LockedFor Public SaleJPnP ~*N*~ Sam EEGG 10HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo726
LockedAPnFl ~*N*~ SammyBorzoi1233
LockedAFr ~*N*~ Sanders GorgeBorzoi1636
LockedNSh NP ~*N*~ Sandy BeachfrontBull Terrier110
LockedNRO ~*N*~ Santana GGGG 14HH lala blk and white (piebald)Chinese Crested116
LockedNRO ~*N*~ Sara Jane EEGG 12HH lala fawn and white (irish) w/blk sableChinese Crested522
LockedFor Public SaleIPnD ~*N*~ Sarin EGGG 10HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo726
LockedAR ~*N*~ ShadeBorzoi1432
LockedFor Public SaleJPnE ~*N*~ Sheba GGEG 5HH lala red and white (ExP) w/blk saddle and maskRussell Terrier651
LockedAO ~*N*~ Shooting Star Christmas Wish EEEG 6HH 1hhHavanese1578
LockedChFr Sien EEEE lalaLagotto Romagnolo3682
LockedFor StudPnO Silver Desert {EEEE | 9HH 15Hh | Lla | intint stmstm | 0.968x}German Shepherd Dog1021
LockedPnSh ~*N*~ Sloane HunShih Tzu1027
LockedIPnA ~*N*~ Smores [GGGE] [lala] [0.995x]Russell Terrier1057
LockedASh ~*N*~ SplotchedfurPomeranian2172
LockedMR ~*N*~ Stardust FreebirdBorzoi2281
LockedAR ~*N*~ StreaksBorzoi2388
LockedAPnR ~*N*~ Tearick's Go Kart Race GGEE 12HH 3hh (choc and white *irish* w/light undersides)Borzoi1240
LockedANFT ~*N*~ Tearick's Gold Song GEGE 7HH 3hh (red and white *piebald* w/ticking)Borzoi412
LockedAFr ~*N*~ Tearick's Goldenrod GGEE 9HH 3hh (blk w/red pts and light undersides)Borzoi1560
LockedIPnFT ~*N*~ Tearick's Pirate Ship EGEG 9HH 3hh (brindle cream and white *irish* w/blk sable and ticking)Borzoi630
LockedAR ~*N*~ The MillBorzoi1737
LockedAPnD ~NL~ The MysteryStandard Poodle1027
LockedFor StudCCP ~*N*~ Tina SnowLagotto Romagnolo44100
LockedNSh ~*N*~ Tito GEFGE 6HH creamShih Tzu527
LockedMSh ~*N*~ TrapperPomeranian2444
LockedAR ~*N*~ Treacher's LandingBorzoi1432
LockedAA JASh ~*N*~ Tweety TwitterAmerican Bully2061
LockedFor Public SalePnRO ~*N*~ Uma EGEG 11HH redShih Tzu1133
LockedFor Public SaleNT ~*N*~ Viola EEGG 10HH creamShih Tzu16
LockedAPnFl ~*N*~ Watership DownBorzoi948
LockedFor Public SalePnHu ~*N*~ Wendy GGGG 9HH blk and white (piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested1134
LockedJAR ~*N*~ Whimsical WindBorzoi1052
LockedANRO ~NL~ WinstonChihuahua630
LockedJAT ~*N*~ |.. Emma On The MoonShih Tzu1633
LockedARO ~*N*~ |.. FloraliseShih Tzu1633
LockedAA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Claire GGEE 12HH 3hh (red and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle1852
LockedAA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Julie GEGG 13HH 3hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle1753
IPnSh ~NL~ *CHI* Danny EGEG 7HH 3hh *lala* (fawn w/ steel blue SB, M, and LU)Chihuahua93364
IPnT ~NL~ *CHI* Fred GGGG 5HH 6hh (black)Chihuahua93364
JPnRO ~NL~ *CHI* Gary GGGG 11HH 5hh (steel blue)Chihuahua73350
IPnSh ~NL~ *CHI* Hector GGGG 6HH 6hh *lala* (black)Chihuahua83364
ANT ~NL~ *CHI* Maxwell EGGG 5HH 5hh (steel blue)Chihuahua63356
JPnRO ~NL~ *CHI* Precious FGGG 13HH 6hh (steel blue w/red pts)Chihuahua63356
IPnT ~NL~ *CHI* Selina EGGE 7HH 2hh (steel blue)Chihuahua93364
ANT ~NL~ *GAD* Donna EGEE 15HH 1hh *lala* (BL w/tan pts and M)German Shepherd Dog63350
ANW ~NL~ *GSD* Adam GGGG 10HH 6hh *lala* (silver w/blk sable)German Shepherd Dog43350
IPnT ~NL~ *GSD* Chauncy GEEG 11HH 2hh (silver w/black SD and M)German Shepherd Dog83365
NT ~NL~ *GSD* Faith GEEE 20HH 2hh (cream w/BL SD and M)German Shepherd Dog43350
JPnSc ~NL~ *GSD* Herman EEEE 23HH 0hh *lala* Silver w/blk SB and MGerman Shepherd Dog53350
JPnSc ~NL~ *GSD* Monroe GEEE 15HH 1hh (silver w/black SD and M)German Shepherd Dog73365
ANRO ~NL~ *GSD* Quina EGEG 8HH 3hh (fawn w/black SD and M)German Shepherd Dog62964
JPnSc ~NL~ *GSD* Rebecca EGGE 13HH 2hh (cream w/ black SD and M)German Shepherd Dog63365
ANW ~NL~ *GSD* Shasta EEGE 15HH 1hh (blk)German Shepherd Dog33350
NSc ~NL~ *GSD* Tinley EEEE 16HH 0hh (Cream w/BL SD) masklessGerman Shepherd Dog43350
NT ~NL~ *MS* Falcor EEEG 11HH 1hh (silver w/black grizzle)Miniature Schnauzer33333
JPnO ~NL~ *MS* Samuel EEEE 15HH 0hh (blk)Miniature Schnauzer63356
AR ~NL~ .:|:. Quick Flick (GGGG)Saluki23440
ExRO ~NL~ 005 NovemberFlowerChihuahua30924
GCT 1.022x 17HH [8 24] [stmstr intint] LlaBorzoi394263
AE ~*N*~ 13HH 1hh lala Plum TiredMiniature Schnauzer153364
15HH 2hh KEEPChihuahua13667
AFr ~NL~ 1EX Wolfy's John the BraveSaluki202885
AM ~NL~ 2EX 1F Wolfy's Pretty as a FlowerSaluki202885
ExW 467934Standard Poodle244337
AR 76.04 SS lla RRRRBorzoi194188
MFr 9.3 Moon Beam's Greek GoddessStandard Poodle244373
ExR ~*N*~ A Snowball Chance in HellBorzoi263916
JPnFr ~NL~ Abraham GGGG blk 7HHStandard Poodle7928
AFr ~*N*~ Achievement Dog 5Borzoi21450
JPnM ~*N*~ Adam EGGG 12HH blk and white (irish) w/tickingChinese Crested7444
IPnW ~NL~ Adrian EEEE 20HH Reed and white(piebald) w/blk saddle and maskGerman Shepherd Dog5864
IPnFr ~NL~ AimeeStandard Poodle72892
NO ~*N*~ AimeeStandard Poodle12625
AA ~NL~ Alania EEEEMiniature Schnauzer173362
PnD ~*N*~ Alexis EEEG 12HH chocolate and white (piebald) w/tan pts and tickingLagotto Romagnolo8263
IPnRO ~*N*~ AlishaStandard Poodle92699
ASh Almost Heaven FEEG 7HH 4hh (choc and white *extreme piebald*)Pomeranian154132
IPnRO ~NL~ Amanda EEEE 17HH red and white w/blk sablePekingese8909
IPnR ~NL~ Amber EEEE 10HHblk and white w/tan pointsSaluki10925
AFr ~*N*~ Amber GGGG 14HH 4hh (white)Borzoi164153
PnSh ~NL~ Ambrose GEEE 17HH whitePekingese10924
ExA ~*N*~ Amelia GEGG 5HH choc and white w/red ptsMiniature Australian Shepherd39923
ANRO ~*N*~ Amena GGGE 11HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo5248
NP ~*N*~ Amos EGGG 13HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo4248
JPnR ~*N*~ Amy EEEG 20HH lala brindle cream and white (irish) w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi7254
NA ~*N*~ Amy GFEE 9HH blk and white (piebald)Xoloitzcuintle5484
MSc ~NL~ AngelaGerman Shepherd Dog332622
IPnSh ~*N*~ ArielShih Tzu10459
NSh ~NL~ Arin GGGG 3HH faded brownChihuahua5743
JPnP ~NL~ Arlis EEEE 24HH (lala) (choc w/red pts and M)Standard Poodle62876
PnD ~NL~ Arlo GGGG steel blue and white 7HHStandard Poodle9930
NHu ~*N*~ ArrowDalmatian12908
ARO ~*N*~ Audrey GEEE 14HH 1hh (blk w/light undersides)Borzoi174152
WCO ~*N*~ AwassiBedlington Terrier612901
AFl ~*N*~ BagheeraBorzoi193943
ANSc ~NL~ Barclay EEEE 16HH silver and white (piebald) w/choc sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog5864
CCR Baron RoderickBorzoi424161
CCFl Beautiful GoodbyePuli434427
IPnO ~NL~ Bella GGEE 18HH lala whitePekingese9909
ME ~*N*~ BenjiRussell Terrier25614
IPnR ~*N*~ Bertha EEEG 15HH brindle cream and white (Irish) w/blue sable, ticking, and light undersidesBorzoi8257
ASh ~*N*~ Best Nothings Faded GEEE 13HH 1hhHavanese272693
NCSh ~NL~ Big BullChihuahua563685
NSh Big TimothyHavanese34267
JPnRO ~*N*~ Bill GEGE 14HH fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu7257
JPnSh ~NL~ BillyPekingese8909
PnSh ~NL~ BirdieChihuahua11909
MRO ~*N*~ Black 2HH GFGFPomeranian264049
PnT ~*N*~ Black and white (piebald)Russell Terrier12335
GCFl ~*N*~ Blackberry Belle Vie Sparkling waterBorzoi51143
ANP ~*N*~ Blaine GGGE 13HH cream and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableLagotto Romagnolo4248
IPnD ~NL~ Blake GGGG 8HH cream and white w/Choc sable and tickingStandard Poodle7916
NA ~*N*~ Blarney GEGE 5HH lala blk and white (piebald)Russell Terrier5913
NFr ~NL~ Blue and White (Irish)Xoloitzcuintle53853
IPnA ~NL~ Blue and White (Irish)Xoloitzcuintle103865
IPnFr ~NL~ Blue and White (Piebald) with TickingXoloitzcuintle93820
JAW ~*N*~ Bodhi EGGG 12HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo8263
JAR ~*N*~ Bojangles EEEE 19HH red w/chocolate sable and light undersidesBorzoi15271
NRO ~*N*~ Bonita EGGE 14HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu3244
ANFl ~*N*~ BouAzawakh Hound6916
AM ~NL~ BraxterXoloitzcuintle233837
PnD ~NL~ Braxton EEGE 8HH chocolateStandard Poodle9927
JPnSh ~*N*~ Brenna EEEE 17HH cream and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu6256
MRO Brown Sugar's Specs of Spice GEEE 14HH 1hh (roaned cream white *ExPiebald* w/steel blue saddle mask)Havanese214340
NSh ~*N*~ Bubbles EGEE 18HH fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu3244
MFl Bumble's Meltdown GGEG 16HH 4hh (Blk&W*I*LU)Borzoi234340
IPnHu ~NL~ Caleb EEEE 18HH red and white lalaPekingese9909
MR Candy's Snow Heart GEEE 18HH 2hh (Blk.W/LU)Borzoi214366
WCSh ~*N*~ Captain JackPomeranian544101
IPnP ~*N*~ Cara EGGG 14HH fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableLagotto Romagnolo8263
ANSh ~*N*~ Carlos GEGG 14HH lala silver w/blk sableShih Tzu3244
JPnP ~NL~ Carol EEEE 23HH (sil and W*I* w/blk SB)Standard Poodle62880
AFl ~*N*~ Caroline JasmineBorzoi174153
JPnR ~*N*~ Carrot EEEE 16HH lala isabella w/silver pts and light undersidesBorzoi6245
JPnR CassieBorzoi34248
JPnSc ~NL~ Charles EEEE 10HH (red w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog92882
NSh ~*N*~ CharlieChihuahua6909
IPnFr ~NL~ Chelsea GEEE 23HH (Isa and W*I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle102892
MSh ChloePomeranian304201
AND ~NL~ Chloe EEEE 20HH (blk w/sil pts)Standard Poodle52876
PnFr ~NL~ ChocolateXoloitzcuintle103875
JPnRO ~NL~ CinnoStandard Poodle8930
IPnM ~NL~ ClarenceXoloitzcuintle103753
NFl Classic Love GGFE 9HH 6hh (blue merle and white *irish* w/light undersides)Pomeranian14090
JPnFl ~*N*~ Cleo EEGE 21HH brindle silver and white (EP) w/blue sable, ticking, and light undersidesBorzoi6245
ANFr ~NL~ Coby EEEE 21HH (Blk)Standard Poodle52876
IPnT ~NL~ Coconut [MDIRL]Chihuahua83370
AA ~NL~ ConnerSaluki22909
JPnSh ~*N*~ ConnerChinese Crested7432
JPnFr ~NL~ Connie GGGG 8HH blkStandard Poodle7909
NR ~*N*~ CookieBorzoi4471
PnM ~NL~ Cookie DoughXoloitzcuintle113841
JPnR ~NL~ Copper GEGE 11HH (fawn w/blk SB)Saluki82885
JPnM Copper Heart FEGG 5HH 6hh (chocolate)Pomeranian64107
JPnR ~*N*~ Coursing The Fast FlightsBorzoi7483
AR Cowgirls Don't Cry (GEEG)Borzoi164443
JAFr ~*N*~ Craig GEEE 13HH lala brindle blue w/cream pts and light undersidesBorzoi15466
MFr ~NL~ Craig GGGG 6HH faded brownStandard Poodle18916
MFl ~*N*~ Cream CheeseBorzoi27413
ASh Cream WavePomeranian154176
JPnSh ~*N*~ Crone's Hey PrettyChinese Crested7411
APnFr ~*N*~ Crone's I'm Happy I'm Feelin' GladBorzoi14426
IPnSc ~NL~ Daisy EEEE 19HH lala Fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog8907
PnHu ~NL~ Damon EEEE 12HH blk and whitePekingese11923
NSh Dance All Night EGGF 6HH 6hh (silver w/blk sable and mask)Pomeranian14090
JARO ~*N*~ Danielle EEGF 11HH lala redShih Tzu14181
ANA ~NL~ Darcy~holding for ForeverMiniature Schnauzer53056
NRO ~*N*~ Darla GEGG 14HH blue merle w/light undersidesPomeranian3422
JPnRO ~NL~ Darleen EEGG 14HH cream and white (ExP)Saluki7909
JPnSc ~NL~ Data EEEE 15HH Fawn and white w/blk sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
IPnA ~*N*~ David GGEG 8HH red and white w/LUAzawakh Hound11916
NRO ~NL~ Dean GGGG 8HH steel blue and whiteChihuahua5909
JPnSh ~*N*~ Deandra GGGG 11HH lala blk and white (piebald)Chinese Crested8444
APnP ~NL~ Defender Of The NightStandard Poodle13928
NRO ~*N*~ DelphineStandard Poodle12625
ANA ~*N*~ Demon or DeityHavanese54132
IPnA ~NL~ DerrickXoloitzcuintle103751
Desmond GGGF 4HH 7hh (choc and white *piebald* w/ticking) SELLPomeranian14086
PnD ~NL~ Destiny EEEE 23HH (blk)Standard Poodle82892
NA ~NL~ DISCOUNTED FOR 1 F *SIBHUSK* Seth FGGG 6HH 7hh (red and white piebald)Siberian Husky13364
NT ~NL~ DISCOUNTED FOR 3F *SIBHUK* Ayla FFGF 11HH 11hh (red and white *P* w/choc grizzle)Siberian Husky13364
IPnP ~*N*~ Dixie EGEE 15HH red and white (extreme piebald) w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi9260
JPnFl ~*N*~ Doctor EEEE 24HH lala brindle red w/blue sable and light undersidesBorzoi7254
JPnA ~NL~ Don't Feel Like Dancin'Xoloitzcuintle83935
AHu ~*N*~ Don't TouchBoston Terrier25919
NE ~*N*~ Doris EEGG 4HH red w/blk sableScottish Terrier1410
ExRO ~NL~ Dragons Ancient WonderXoloitzcuintle344034
AR ~*N*~ Drake GGEE 10HH 3hh (cream and white *irish* w/choc sable)Borzoi164153
JASh Dream Catcher FGGG 7HH 7hh (cream and white *extreme piebald* w/choc grizzle)Pomeranian114115
ANRO ~*N*~ Dream EEEG 18HH brindle silver w/blue sableBorzoi5245
JPnR ~*N*~ Drewshell EEEE 17HH lala chocolateBorzoi6248
AE ~*N*~ DuckieRussell Terrier14637
ANSh ~*N*~ Edgar EEEE 15HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu4245
JPnR ~NL~ Edgar EGGG 13HH (lala) (red and white *I* w/LU)Saluki82882
ANSh ~*N*~ Edna EEEE 14HH brindle fawn w/blk sableShih Tzu4245
EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog1842
EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog1842
EEEEStandard Poodle1842
EEEE 14HH 0hh SELLChihuahua13667
EEEE 15HH *lala*German Shepherd Dog13318
EEEE 16HHGerman Shepherd Dog13318
EEEE 16HH *lala*German Shepherd Dog13319
EEEE 16HH *maskless*German Shepherd Dog13318
EEEE 19HH 0hhChihuahua13667
MP ~*N*~ EEEE 19HH lalaStandard Poodle262828
EEEE 19HH lala brindle silver and white (irish) w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi1412
AFl ~*N*~ EEEE 20HH lalaStandard Poodle262828
EEEE 21HH *lala*German Shepherd Dog13318
EEEE 23HH *lala*German Shepherd Dog13318
EEEE 23HH lala red and white (irish) w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi1412
EEEE 8HH 0hhChihuahua13667
EEEG 16HH chocolate and white (irish)Pomeranian1410
NRO ~*N*~ EEEG Margene 15HH chocolate merle and white (extreme piebald)Pomeranian1410
EEGE 10HH 1hh SELLChihuahua13667
EEGE 12HH 1hh SELLChihuahua13667
EEGE 13HH 2hh SELLChihuahua13667
EEGE 17HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 18HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 18HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 18HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 19HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 19HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGE 21HH 1hhXoloitzcuintle13984
EEGG 16HH cream and white (piebald)Chinese Crested1412
EGEE 10HH 1hh SELLChihuahua13667
EGEE 12HH 1hh SELLChihuahua13667
MR EGEE 17HH Lla strstm intagi Camille [Chocolate and White (Piebald) w/ Light Undersides]Borzoi244186
NFr ~NL~ Ellis EEEE 24HH (lala) (choc w/red pts)Standard Poodle42877
JPnR ~NL~ Elvira EEEE 16HH Reed and white (piebald) w/blk sableSaluki7909
NRO ~*N*~ Emilio EEGE 14HH chocolate and white (piebald)Shih Tzu3244
IPnRO ~NL~ Emily GEEE 17HH blk and white (piebald)Pekingese8909
AFl ~*N*~ Emily GGEG 9HH 4hh (fawn w/blk sable)Borzoi164153
JPnD ~NL~ Emma EEEG 13HH cream and white w/blk grizzleSaluki7909
AFT ~*N*~ Emma EGEG 15HH 2hh (blk)Borzoi174153
ANHu ~*N*~ Ernesto EEEE 16HH fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu4244
NP ~NL~ Ethan EEEE 22HH (fawn w/blk SB)Standard Poodle22876
PnD ~NL~ Evangeline EEEE 24HH (blk w/red pts)Standard Poodle82892
IPnFr ~NL~ Expired LightsSaluki10909
AW Eye of the StormNewfoundland134540
ChT ~NL~ Faith (EEGG, 12HH)Xoloitzcuintle443951
JAA ~*N*~ Fall From GraceBorzoi163855
FEEE 17HH 3hhXoloitzcuintle13984
PnFr ~NL~ Felix EEEE 21HH (choc and W*I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle122926
MRO FianBorzoi204212
JPnT ~NL~ Finn EEEE 20HH (blk)German Shepherd Dog72880
JPnSc ~NL~ Finn EGEE 11HH (lala) (fawn w/choc SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
ASh Firework Display FGFF 5HH 11hh (brindle red and white *irish* w/choc sable and mask)Pomeranian154146
IPnO FluffyPomeranian64179
JPnSh WCFl Fox's Cunning [11HH 5hh Kbr Lla]Borzoi464266
MSh ~*N*~ FrankPomeranian234134
ANP ~NL~ Frank EGGG 5HH lala redStandard Poodle5916
IPnSh ~NL~ Fred GGEE 18HH whitePekingese8909
PnW ~*N*~ FreeSaint Bernard8923
NT Freezing Rain GGGG 6HH 6hh (choc and white *piebald* w/ticking)Pomeranian14090
JAFr ~*N*~ Frisbee EEEE 17HH lala brindle silver w/Isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi14269
AFr ~*N*~ GabeLagotto Romagnolo15442
IPnFr ~NL~ Gabriel EEEE 21HH (sil and W*I* w/steel blue SB and M)Standard Poodle92892
NFl ~*N*~ Gabrielle GGGG 8HH choc and white (piebald)Saint Bernard6923
IPnFl ~*N*~ Gacie May EEEE 22HH brindle red and white (irish) w/isabella sableBorzoi8444
AP ~NL~ Gage EEEEMiniature Schnauzer173354
JPnFr ~*N*~ Gambit EEEE 15HH brindle silver w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi7254
ARO ~*N*~ Garrett GEEG lala 9HH brindle cream and white (Irish) w/blk sableShih Tzu12466
PnHu ~NL~ Gary GEEE 18HH whitePekingese10924
NSh ~NL~ Gary GGGG 8HH red and white (piebald) w/steel blue sable and maskPekingese5909
GEEG 10HH blk w/cream pts and maskPomeranian1410
GEEG 16HH 2hhXoloitzcuintle13984
GEEG 20HH blue merle w/light undersidesPomeranian1410
GEGG 11HH 4hhChihuahua13667
JPnT ~NL~ Geordie EEEE 20HH cream w/choc sableGerman Shepherd Dog6864
APnFr ~NL~ George EEEE 22HH (blk and W*I*)Standard Poodle132933
JPnRO ~*N*~ Gerald EGEG 12HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu7257
JPnRO ~*N*~ Gertrude EEEE 14HH chocolateShih Tzu6256
GGEG 7HHSilken Windhound13318
GGGE 16HH 3hh KEEPChihuahua13667
GGGE 19HH 3hhXoloitzcuintle13984
GGGF 7HH 8hh (cream and white *piebald* w/ticking) SELLPomeranian14087
GGGGBorder Collie1842
GGGG 15HH lala blk and white (piebald)Chinese Crested1412
GCP ~NL~ GiaStandard Poodle412872
JAW ~*N*~ GidgetEnglish Setter10764
NHu ~*N*~ Gilbert GEEE 14HH fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sable and maskPomeranian1410
AFl ~*N*~ GinaGordon Setter18927
NA ~*N*~ Gina GEGG 5HH blk and white (piebald)Russell Terrier1913
JPnSh ~*N*~ Ginger EGEG 10HH fawn and white (irish) w/chocolate sable and tickingChinese Crested7444
PnRO ~*N*~ Ginger GEEG 12HH brindle cream w/blk sableShih Tzu11270
APnSh ~*N*~ Ginnie EGEG 13HH blkShih Tzu11270
IPnFl ~*N*~ Gio EEEE 22HH lala silver w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi9445
ANSh ~*N*~ Gloria EEEE 19HH cream w/blk sableShih Tzu3244
NFl ~*N*~ Glory EEEE 23HH lala isabella and white (piebald) w/silver pts and light undersidesBorzoi3248
ARO Glory's Faded Morning GEEG 13HH 3hh (red and white *irish* w/ticking)Havanese164251
CCM ~NL~ Go to PrisonChihuahua573674
JARO Godiva Goddess FGGG 7HH 7hh (choc and white *irish* w/silver pts and ticking)Pomeranian104114
APnD ~NL~ Golden GirlStandard Poodle102926
AA ~NL~ GrantPekingese25819
JPnO ~NL~ Gretchen GEGE 10HH FawnStandard Poodle8916
MD ~*N*~ GriffinLagotto Romagnolo36460
MR Grimm's LoveBorzoi234460
AND ~NL~ Gwendolyn EEEE 21HH (faded brown)Standard Poodle42876
JPnSh ~*N*~ Hailey EGGE 13HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu7256
APnT ~NL~ Handsome StrangerXoloitzcuintle144020
ExE ~*N*~ HannaRussell Terrier31630
JAHu ~*N*~ Hannah EEGG 13HH brindle cream w/blk sableShih Tzu15282
ARO ~*N*~ Hannah GEGE 8HH lala Fawn and white (piebald)Chinese Crested17463
AE ~NL~ Heath EEEEMiniature Schnauzer163362
ASh Heavenly Red Baron FGGFHavanese144553
AA Heavenly Willow's Lucky Girl GGGGHavanese164556
JPnSc ~NL~ Hector EGEE 11HH (red w/choc SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
JPnSc ~NL~ Helen GGEE 11HH (fawn w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog92882
IPnT ~NL~ Hera EEEE 19HH lala silver w/Isabella sableGerman Shepherd Dog8907
JPnR ~NL~ Hera EGEE 18HH lala silver w/choc grizzleSaluki7909
PnE ~NL~ HermioneMiniature Schnauzer73356
MFr ~NL~ Hester GGGG 7HH (fawn and blk SB)Saluki312756
NR Highland Dream A Million Lights EFEF 6HH 7hhSloughi44421
IPnR Higland Dream Shadow in the Light EFGG 10HH 6hhSloughi74433
NSh ~NL~ Hilary GGGG 7HH steel blue and white (ExP)Pekingese5909
PnFr ~*N*~ HoneyBorzoi12411
AM ~NL~ I Am Up For AdoptionXoloitzcuintle202818
NFl I'm Your Huckleberry GGEE 7HH 4hh (choc and white *irish*)Pomeranian14090
CCO ~*N*~ IBTMG Quit Playing Games with my HeartPomeranian552958
MFr Igor [9HH]Borzoi244197
ExFr ~*N*~ In A World Where The Poems Sound FakeMaltese30885
PnM ~NL~ Isabella and White (Irish)Xoloitzcuintle103864
JPnA ~NL~ isabella and white (irish)Xoloitzcuintle73860
PnM ~NL~ Isabella and White (Piebald)Xoloitzcuintle123835
JPnSh ~*N*~ Ivy GGGE 13HH lala brindle fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableShih Tzu7257
NHu ~*N*~ jDalmatian12818
JAR ~*N*~ Jackson EEEE 22HH lala brindle red w/blue sable and light undersidesBorzoi15274
IPnR ~NL~ Jagger EGEE 17HH silver and white (piebald) w/blk grizzle lalaSaluki10928
JPnR ~*N*~ Jamie Sue EEEE 23HH lala brindle cream w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi8444
IPnA ~NL~ jaseXoloitzcuintle93403
APnW ~*N*~ Java EGGG 12HH chocolate and white (piebald) w/tan ptsLagotto Romagnolo8263
NRO ~*N*~ Jean GEEE 15HH chocolate merle and white (piebald) w/tan pts and maskPomeranian3422
JAE ~*N*~ Jessa GGGE 12HH Fawn and white (piebald) w/blk saddle and maskRussell Terrier10913
JPnFT ~*N*~ JesseIrish Setter7492
APnRO ~*N*~ Jessie (GEGE)Pomeranian113276
AND ~*N*~ Juanita EEEE 14HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo5249
IPnP ~*N*~ June GEEE 10HH cream and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo10403
MRO Kaikki Mitä Mä AnnoinHavanese204300
JPnHu ~NL~ KaraPekingese8909
ANSh ~NL~ KatChihuahua43708
ANP ~*N*~ Kathy EEEE 17HH cream w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi5248
WCRO ~NL~ KaylaChihuahua563571
JPnE ~*N*~ Keisha EGGE 10HH blk and white (piebald)Russell Terrier5913
JPnSc ~NL~ Kenny EEEE 11HH (fawn w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
ANFl ~*N*~ Kim EEEE 13HH lala redIrish Setter5497
ExD ~NL~ KimberStandard Poodle25811
AHu ~NL~ King EEEE 12HH whitePekingese22712
JPnSh ~*N*~ Kinley EGGG 10HH lala fawn and white (extreme piebald) w/blk sable and tickingChinese Crested7444
JASh ~NL~ Knight AngelPekingese14909
ANFr ~*N*~ KonaPapillon6924
JPnW ~*N*~ LanaSaint Bernard5923
JPnSh ~NL~ LandonPekingese7909
NP ~NL~ Lauren EEEE 24HH (choc w/red pts and M)Standard Poodle42876
ANRO ~*N*~ Leander EGEG 15HH lala brindle red and white (irish) w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi5248
WCR ~*N*~ LeiliBorzoi553752
ANFr ~NL~ Leland EEEE 20HH (sil w/blk SB)Standard Poodle52876
JASh Lemon Twist GGGG 7HH 5hh (fawn merle and white *irish* w/choc sable and mask)Pomeranian114117
AND ~NL~ Leonard EEEE 24HH (choc and W*I* w/Sil pts)Standard Poodle52876
JPnR ~NL~ Leslie EGGG 10HH (lala) (fawn and W*P*)Saluki82884
ARO ~NL~ levelPekingese20870
ARO ~*N*~ Level 20Shih Tzu22312
IPnR ~NL~ Lexi EGEE 19HH Fawn w/blk grizzle lalaSaluki9924
WCR ~*N*~ Light Heart at SurefireAfghan Hound573802
ANR ~*N*~ Lilac EGEG 9HH silver and white (piebald) w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi6200
ND ~NL~ Lilia EEEE 24HH (choc w/Sil Pts)Standard Poodle22876
ASh Lilith FEGE 9HH 5hhHavanese184429
NRO ~NL~ LillyChihuahua3724
NE ~*N*~ Lionel FGGG 5HH red w/blk sableScottish Terrier1410
PnO ~*N*~ Little Acorn 5HHPomeranian93950
AT Little Engine That Could GGGE 11HH 4hh (choc and white *p* w/red pts mask and light undersides)Pomeranian194193
WCP ~NL~ Little HeiferChihuahua583683
ExR ~*N*~ Little Miss SunshineBorzoi323037
PnR ~*N*~ ll agispd agiint 8HH 14Hh 2hh GGEEAzawakh Hound11921
AHu ~*N*~ lla cha*2 int*2 5HH 4hh GGGG DeltaShih Tzu19439
IPnFl ~*N*~ Lona EEEE 18HH silver and white (Irish) w/blue sable and light undersidesBorzoi8257
PnT ~NL~ LovelyXoloitzcuintle123766
IPnHu ~*N*~ Mad masked maxPapillon7901
IPnFl ~*N*~ Maddix EEEE 16HH brindle blk w/silver pts and light undersidesBorzoi9260
AFr ~*N*~ Map of TasmaniaPomeranian144147
MFr ~*N*~ MarianneBorzoi29444
APnRO ~NL~ MarigoldPekingese12923
PnHu ~NL~ MarilynPekingese11925
PnM ~NL~ Marko EEEE 23HH (blk w/sil pts and M)Standard Poodle122926
AM ~*N*~ MarleyAmerican Staffordshire Terrier18666
IPnSh ~NL~ Marlon EEEE 14HH steel blue and white (ExP)Pekingese9909
JPnFr ~*N*~ Marshall EEEG 17HH brindle silver and white (irish) w/blue sable, ticking, and light undersidesBorzoi5245
APnHu ~*N*~ Martha GGGG 8HH lala blk and white (extreme piebald)Chinese Crested12451
JAFr ~NL~ Martin EEEE 23HH (choc w/sil pts)Standard Poodle142938
NCT Marvel Hero BoB x6Havanese454239
IPnA ~NL~ MarvinXoloitzcuintle103751
AR ~*N*~ Mary EEEE 20HH lala brindle red w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi18278
AM ~NL~ MasonXoloitzcuintle174022
NRO ~*N*~ Maurice EEGG 15HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu3244
JPnM ~NL~ MaxXoloitzcuintle73850
IPnFl ~*N*~ Mccormick EEEE 18HH lala brindle cream w/Isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi8257
APnFr JPnD ~*N*~ Meadowbrook Dashing through the snowBorzoi14374
IPnR ~NL~ Melanie EEEE 21HH choc and white w/cream points lalaSaluki9925
AND ~*N*~ Melanie EEGG 15HH chocolate and white (piebald) w/tan pts, mask, and tickingLagotto Romagnolo4248
PnSh ~NL~ Melinda GGEE 15HH whitePekingese10916
JPnT ~NL~ Melissa EEEE 10HH (lala) (fawn w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
IPnFr ~NL~ Melissa EEEE 24HH (Blk w/sil pts)Standard Poodle82892
MP ~*N*~ Melissa EGGG 8HH chocolate and white (Irish)Lagotto Romagnolo28191
IPnR ~*N*~ Melissa GGGG 8HH lala blk and white w/red pts and LUAzawakh Hound10916
NFl ~*N*~ Melody EEEE 19HH lala silver w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi3248
AA ~*N*~ MercuryChinese Crested21469
JPnW ~*N*~ Meridith EEGG 7HH choc and whiteSaint Bernard5923
MFr ~*N*~ MessiniaAzawakh Hound33700
NFr ~NL~ Michael EEEE 22HH (choc and W*I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle42880
AT Michael GEGE 14HH 2hh (red w/blk sable)Borzoi224229
MSh ~*N*~ Mickey MooseChinese Crested32228
IPnHu ~NL~ MilesPekingese9909
JPnSh ~*N*~ Miles GEEE 12HH lala brindle red and white (irish) w/blk sableShih Tzu5245
JAT ~*N*~ Milky Way BabePomeranian104153
PnFl ~NL~ Millie EGGE 11HH Fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sable and maskRussell Terrier11913
NRO ~*N*~ Milly EEGG 13HH lala cream and white (piebald)Shih Tzu4245
IPnT ~NL~ Milo EEEE 15HH (lala) (blk)German Shepherd Dog92882
IPnP ~NL~ Milton EEEE 22HH (lala) (blk)Standard Poodle92892
JPnFr ~*N*~ Minnie GEGE 17HH lala brindle silver w/isabella sable and light undersidesBorzoi7444
JPnT ~NL~ Miranda EEEE 18HH lala chocolate and white w/cream points and maskGerman Shepherd Dog8907
IPnFr ~NL~ Miranda EEEE 24HH (blk and W*I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle92892
NSh Mocha Mo FGFG 7HH 9hh (choc and white *irish*)Pomeranian34092
NFr ~NL~ Modicai EEEE 21HH (fawn and W*I* w/choc SB)Standard Poodle42876
JPnSh ~NL~ Mona GGEG 4HH blk and whiteChihuahua8916
IPnW ~*N*~ MontySaint Bernard6923
MRO Moon Beam's Cotton CandyToy Poodle264366
AHT Moon Beam's Dark Cavern EGEG 10HH 3hhStandard Poodle184403
ARO Moon Beam's Fifi le Rue GGEG 9 (9.)Toy Poodle194380
AHT Moon Beam's Firehaired Maiden EGGF 9HH 6hhStandard Poodle144415
MO ~*N*~ Moon Beam's Hot Coco GEEG 8HH 2hhToy Poodle254082
ARO Moon Beam's Oreo Way Old And GreatToy Poodle144380
ASh Moon Beam's Roman Emperor GEGF 6HH 5hhStandard Poodle154415
JAT Moon Beam's Tangarine Dream GGGE 9Toy Poodle144356
NS ~NL~ Moon Rising Over LondonSiberian Husky23207
JARO ~NL~ Mora EEEE 24HH (blk w/red pts and M)Standard Poodle142938
JPnSh ~*N*~ Morgan EGGE 13HH red w/blk sableShih Tzu7257
NRO ~NL~ Morgana EEEE 23HH (choc and white *I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle32880
NFl ~*N*~ Morning Glory FGGE 9HH 5hh (red w/steel blue sable and mask)Afghan Hound34039
IPnSh ~*N*~ Morris EEEE 19HH lala chocolate and white (piebald)Shih Tzu8257
NFl ~*N*~ Morris EEEE 23HH (cream w/isabella sable)Borzoi2248
JPnFl ~NL~ Morty EEEG 16HH (lala) (white)Saluki72882
IPnSc ~NL~ Myla EEEE 18HH lala cream with chocolate sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog8907
APnD ~NL~ Mystic MoonStandard Poodle102926
JPnO ~*N*~ Nash GGEE 12HH lala cream and white (piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested7444
JPnSc ~NL~ Natalie EGEE 15HH (fawn w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
MR ~*N*~ Natalie EGGG llaAzawakh Hound31828
JPnSh ~*N*~ Nattie GEGG 11HH cream and white (piebald) w/chocolate sable and tickingChinese Crested7444
ExRO NeilHavanese264319
NM ~NL~ Neverland At the Heart EGGE 16HH 4hh (cream and white *piebald* w/steel blue saddle)Chihuahua33687
JAO ~NL~ Neverland Before the Dawn EEEE 23HH 0hh lala (steel blue and white *piebald*)Chihuahua163786
JARO ~NL~ Neverland Beggers Can't Be Choosers EEGE 18HH 1hh (blk and white *EP*)Chihuahua153725
JASh ~NL~ Neverland Blue Boy EEEE 12HH 0hh (steel blue w/cream pts)Chihuahua143720
IPnRO ~NL~ Neverland Blue Dawn EEEG 19HH 1hh (steel blue and white *piebald* w/crem pts)Chihuahua73698
NSh ~NL~ Neverland Bonnie Runs EEEE 15HH 0hh (faded isabella and white *piebald* w/silver pts)Chihuahua33687
NT ~NL~ Neverland Bunny Boo EEGE 14HH 2hh (brindle silver w/steel blue sable)Chihuahua33687
PnM ~NL~ Neverland Candy Cane EEEE 18HH 0hh lala (red and white *EP* w/faded brown sable)Chihuahua113710
JASh ~NL~ Neverland Dark As Pitch EEGG 17HH 2hh (blk)Chihuahua143725
JPnM ~NL~ Neverland Dark Heart EEEE 19HH 0hh (blk and white *piebald* w/cream pts)Chihuahua83700
NRO ~NL~ Neverland Darkness Fallen EEEE 22HH 0hh (steel blue w/red pts and light undersides)Chihuahua33687
IPnSh ~NL~ Neverland Eye on the Prize EEEE 16HH 0hh (faded isabella w/silver pts)Chihuahua103710
JARO ~NL~ Neverland Flash Dancer EEEE 18HH 0hh (red and white *irish* w/steel blue sable)Chihuahua143720
JPnFr ~NL~ Neverland Grey Ghost EEEG 15HH 1hh (faded blue)Chihuahua73700
NSh ~NL~ Neverland High Standing EEEE 19HH 0hh (choc and white *piebald*)Chihuahua33687
JARO ~NL~ Neverland Highland Queen EEGE 12HH 1hh (red w/light undersides)Chihuahua143720
PnSh ~NL~ Neverland Hippity Hop EEEE 17HH 0hh (Sil.andW*EP*w/Faded Blue, SB and T)Chihuahua103710
NP ~NL~ Neverland Keeping Tabs EEEE 12HH 0hh (faded brown w/cream pts and mask)Chihuahua33687
ExR ~*N*~ Neverland Kingdom Come GGEE 11HH 3hh (blk w/light undersides)Borzoi303554
NRO ~NL~ Neverland Little Taco GEEE 6HH 1hh (cream and white *extreme piebald* w/steel blue sable and mask)Chihuahua33687
JASh ~NL~ Neverland Livin' On a Prayer EEEE 24HH 0hh lala (blk and white *piebald*)Chihuahua133725
JPnRO ~NL~ Neverland Lost in Love EEEE 16HH 0hh (steel blue and white *piebald*)Chihuahua73700
IPnT ~NL~ Neverland Macho Man EEEE 15HH 0hh (steel blue nd white *extreme piebald* w/ticking)Chihuahua83700
PnRO ~NL~ Neverland Moonbeam EEEE 21HH 0hh lala (red and white *irish* w/light undersides)Chihuahua103710
PnA ~NL~ Neverland On the Rocks EEEG 20HH 1hh lala (steel blue and white *piebald* w/red pts)Chihuahua113710
NO ~NL~ Neverland Onyx Doll GEEE 13HH 2hh (blue)Chihuahua33687
APnA ~NL~ Neverland Rise Above EEEE 18HH 0hh (steel blue and white *piebald* w/cream pts)Chihuahua113710
JPnA ~NL~ Neverland Rocky Mountain High EEEE 15HH 0hh (silver and white *piebald*)Chihuahua73700
JAFl ~NL~ Neverland Rolling Fog EEEE 17HH 0hh lala (steel blue)Chihuahua143725
IPnM ~NL~ Neverland Run Away Train EEEE 20HH 0hh (blk)Chihuahua103710
PnO ~NL~ Neverland Solar Flare EEEE 24HH 0hh lala (steel blue and white *piebald* w/red pts)Chihuahua113710
APnSh ~NL~ Neverland Spirit Wind EEEG 15HH 1hh (RandW*I*w/fadedIsaSB,M,andLU)Chihuahua133725
IPnA ~NL~ Neverland The High Life EEEG 13HH 0hh (steel blue and white *irish* w/cream pts)Chihuahua73700
JPnM ~NL~ Neverland Tiny Dancer EEEE 13HH 0hh (cream w/steel blue sable and light undersides)Chihuahua73700
NSh ~NL~ Neverland True Following EEEE 15HH 0hh (brin.Sil.andW*I*w/SteelBL.SBandT)Chihuahua33687
JPnA ~NL~ Neverland Walking on Water EEEE 19HH 0hh (silver w/light undersides)Chihuahua73700
APnSh ~NL~ Neverland War Zone EEEE 18HH 0hh (FadedBLandW*EP*w/creamPts and LU)Chihuahua123720
NSh ~NL~ Neverland We Are The Champions GEGE 14HH 2hh (Brin.RandW*P*w/FadedBrSB,M,andT)Chihuahua23687
JAM ~NL~ Neverland West Side Story EEEE 23HH 0hh (steel blue and white *P* w/cream pts)Chihuahua153786
JAA ~NL~ Neverland Winds of Change EEEE 24HH 0hh (steel blue and white *P* w/red pts)Chihuahua153725
IPnSh ~NL~ Neverland Wishful Thinking EEEE 20HH 0hh (brin.Sil.andW*P*w/faded brown, SB, and LU)Chihuahua93710
AHu ~*N*~ NiccoShih Tzu20451
NHu ~*N*~ Noodles EEEE 14HH bluePomeranian1410
WCSh Nora EEEG 12HH 1hh (cream and white *piebald* w/steel blue sable and ticking)Havanese494223
IPnSh ~NL~ Nori GEEE 18HH blk and whitePekingese8909
MSh ~*N*~ NormanHavanese282975
AR ~NL~ NOT COUNTEDSaluki24429
JAM ~NL~ NotchXoloitzcuintle153421
AFr ~*N*~ nunoGreat Dane16913
MR O MariaBorzoi204228
JPnP ~NL~ O'Brien EEEE 15HH Fawn and white (piebald) w/choc sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
JPnT ~NL~ Odo EEEE 18HH red and white (piebald) w/Isabella sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
JAA ~*N*~ OdysseusBorzoi113152
ANSh ~*N*~ Olive EGGE 13HH cream w/blk sableShih Tzu4245
MRO Omani HoneyHavanese244339
PnFr ~NL~ Onyx EEEE 24HH (choc w/red pts)Standard Poodle122926
AR Midas OohlalaSilken Windhound202219
JPnFr ~*N*~ Osgood EEEE 22HH isabella and white (irish) w/red pts and light undersidesBorzoi6254
JPnR ~NL~ Pamela EEEE 15HH lala Fawn w/blk gizzleSaluki7909
IPnP ~*N*~ Passion Fruit TeaSaint Bernard10896
JPnRO ~NL~ Patty GEEE 20HH steel blue and white (ExP)Pekingese7909
IPnO ~NL~ PearlPekingese9909
IPnO ~NL~ Pearl EEEE 12HH blkStandard Poodle8909
ANM ~*N*~ PearsXoloitzcuintle7460
JPnHu ~NL~ pecanChihuahua7919
PnSh ~NL~ PeggyPekingese11923
CCFr ~*N*~ PenelopePomeranian484123
NRO ~NL~ Penelope EEEE 15HH cream and white w/blk grizzleSaluki1852
WCSh PennyPomeranian464139
AFr People Love People Who Love PeopleStandard Poodle174365
AHu ~*N*~ PepsiXoloitzcuintle19389
PnD ~NL~ Peter EEEE 22HH (sil and W*I* w/blk SB and M)Standard Poodle82892
AR ~*N*~ PetuniaBorzoi163963
NFr ~NL~ Pippa EEEE 21HH (Sil and W*I* w/blk SB)Standard Poodle32876
AM ~*N*~ Pixie GGEG 5HH red and white (Irish)Xoloitzcuintle17488
ANSh ~*N*~ Pollyanna EEEG 20HH silver and white (piebald) w/isabella sableShih Tzu4245
ARO ~*N*~ Poppers [Red and White (Pie)]Pomeranian154026
NO PoquitoChihuahua3896
ARO ~*N*~ PorridgeHavanese131925
PnSh ~*N*~ PortiaChinese Crested10482
JASh Prince Charming FGGF 6HH 9hh (cream and white *piebald*)Pomeranian124117
AE ~*N*~ Progenitor Breeder Male • 86.5 • 11,13,0 • 35:13 • EEEE • lala • 4 (spdspd spdspd)Russell Terrier14862
NSh ~*N*~ puckPug12886
Puppy 1Saluki1842
Puppy 3Scottish Terrier1410
Puppy 4Scottish Terrier1410
Puppy 5Scottish Terrier1410
ANT ~NL~ Quark EEEE 14HH choc and white (piebald)German Shepherd Dog5864
JPnM ~NL~ Queen MariaXoloitzcuintle64037
APnA ~*N*~ Queenie FGGG 8HH blue and white (Irish)Xoloitzcuintle12480
APnFl ~*N*~ RamboBorzoi13470
APnSh ~NL~ RamonStandard Poodle13902
IPnD ~NL~ Randolph EEEE 24HH (choc and W *I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle82892
JPnT ~NL~ Rebecca EEEE 12HH (blk)German Shepherd Dog82882
NFl ~*N*~ Reggie GEGG 8HH (cream and white *piebald* w/steel blue grizzle and LU)Alaskan Husky2226
IPnR RETIREBorzoi54149
JPnE ~*N*~ Rex EGEG 11HH cream and white (ExP) w/blk sable and maskRussell Terrier5913
JAFT ~*N*~ RiaGordon Setter152797
IPnR ~NL~ Rigby EEEE 16HH blk a s white (ExP) w/cream pointsSaluki9925
JPnRO ~*N*~ Rita GGGG 13HH cream w/blk sableShih Tzu7257
ExFl ~*N*~ Robbie GGGG 4HH blk and whiteMiniature Australian Shepherd38920
PnD ~*N*~ Roberto GGEE 12HH chocolate and white (piebald)Lagotto Romagnolo9263
NSh Rocking RoloHavanese34267
JPnW ~*N*~ Roland 2/4Saint Bernard4923
NFr ~NL~ Roman EEEE 24HH (lala) (sil w/choc SB and M)Standard Poodle42880
ANA ~NL~ RonMiniature Schnauzer83356
ANFT ~*N*~ Rona EEEE 13HH fawn and white (piebald) w/chocolate sableLagotto Romagnolo5249
JPnR ~*N*~ Rory EEEE 22HH lala brindle cream w/blue sable and light undersidesBorzoi6254
PnM ~NL~ RosaStandard Poodle132938
JPnFl ~NL~ Rosarita GEGE 14HH (lala) (red w/blk grizzle)Saluki82885
AM Rose EFGEHavanese144550
ANSh ~*N*~ Ross EGGG 12HH blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu6256
AP ~*N*~ Rowena EEEE 17HH lala blkShih Tzu17282
NFl ~*N*~ Roxanna GGGG 6HH (steel blue w/LU)Alaskan Husky1225
JPnR ~NL~ Roxy EEGE 11HH Fawn w/LUSaluki7909
APnD ~NL~ Rufio EEEE 20HH (steel blue and W*I* w/sil pts and M)Standard Poodle102926
ChRO Rumba's Faded Morning Glory GEEG 17HH 3hh (red white *irish* w/faded brown sable ticking)Havanese304237
JAE ~*N*~ RuT ~ VanillaRussell Terrier11909
JPnSc ~NL~ Ryker EEEE 20HH silver w/Isabella sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
JAO ~NL~ Sabrina EEEEMiniature Schnauzer153354
MHT ~NL~ SALE BLUE [EEEE 18/0 CHA3 Ll]Standard Poodle252355
AHu ~*N*~ SalemRussell Terrier23912
ANP ~NL~ Sam EEEE 22HH (steel blue)Standard Poodle52876
JPnSc ~NL~ Sampson EEEE 15HH (cr w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog82882
JPnR ~NL~ Sarine EEGG 10HH fan and white (piebald) w/blk grizzleSaluki6909
NT ~NL~ SashaGerman Shepherd Dog43362
WCSh ~*N*~ Scout GEEE 13HH 1hh (roaned choc and white *irish* w/cream pts and mask)Havanese484137
ANR ~NL~ Serenade GGGG 7HH FawnSaluki6916
AT ShadowPomeranian154476
AR ShadowsBorzoi134444
NRO ~*N*~ Sharon GGEE 16HH cream and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu3244
PnHT ~NL~ Sheba EEEEStandard Poodle132891
MR ~*N*~ ShellheartBorzoi252966
MM Shooting StarHavanese274476
GCSh Shooting Star Ashes to Ashes Star GGGG 12HH 6hh (RoStB&W*EP*)Havanese404237
AA Shooting Star Blazing Light EEEG 8HH 2hhHavanese164504
AT Shooting Star Blue Wish GEEG 14HH 2hhHavanese164429
ARO Shooting Star Brown Sugar GEGE 12HH 2hh (roaned silver white *ExPiebald* w/faded brown sable mask)Havanese194356
AT Shooting Star Candy Land EEEGHavanese164546
AM Shooting Star Chocolate Chips GGGG 1HH 8hhHavanese164523
AT Shooting Star Cookie Crunch GEEG 12HH 3hh (fawn white *piebald* w/ticking)Havanese184255
AT Shooting Star Cream de la Caramel EGEE 14HH 1hh (choc white *irish* w/tan pts mask)Havanese214340
AT Shooting Star Dancing on Falling Stars GGGGHavanese184555
AM Shooting Star Dusty Mountian Trail GGEE 4HH 3hhHavanese144538
ASh Shooting Star Dusty Trails 12HH 3hhHavanese204444
ASh Shooting Star Faded Down To EarthHavanese184198
MRO Shooting Star Faded Honey GGEG 10HH 4hh (red w/faded isabella sable)Havanese224377
AO Shooting Star Flecks of Gold EFGE 4HH 4hhHavanese144538
MSh Shooting Star Freckles R Us EEEG 8HH 1hh (roaned steel blue white *ExPie* w/cream pts mask)Havanese224371
JAA Shooting Star Gold Rush GEFG 3HH 6hhHavanese144538
ASh Shooting Star Grey Ghost GGEEHavanese154546
JAT Shooting Star Into the Wild Blue Yonder FFGG 3HH 9hhHavanese144538
ASh Shooting Star Italian Vineyard GGGE 11HH 4hhHavanese214444
ASh Shooting Star Italian's Winter Snow GEGE 11HH 2hhHavanese174430
AM Shooting Star Jupiter Wind GGGEHavanese164547
AO Shooting Star King Latte EGGG 11HH 3hhHavanese164421
AM Shooting Star Kiss in the Moonlight GGGE 5HH 3hhHavanese154531
ARO Shooting Star Mister Sand Man GGGFHavanese144546
MRO Shooting Star Mocha Chip EEEG 14HH 2hh (cream white *irish* w/choc sable)Havanese234380
AO Shooting Star Night Life GEGG 8HH 3hhHavanese154504
ASh Shooting Star Nothing But the Best EEEE 6HH 0hhHavanese164420
ASh Shooting Star Once Upon Swan Lake GEEG 5HH 3hhHavanese154538
AM Shooting Star Pretty's Up GGGE 8HH 4hhHavanese154421
MRO Shooting Star Rumba GGEG 13HH 3hh (steel blue white *piebald* w/silver pts ticking)Havanese204340
ASh Shooting Star Snow Crystal EEGE 7HH 2hhHavanese164512
AT Shooting Star Snow Crystal's Blazing Light GEGE 13HH 2hhHavanese164430
ChSh Shooting Star Sugar and Spice GGGE 17HH 3hh (roaned silv white *ExPiebald* w/steel blue sable mask)Havanese344314
ASh Shooting Star Sweet Scarlett Luck GGGEHavanese174555
AA Shooting Star Valley of the Kings GEGG 13HH 3hhHavanese194434
MRO Shooting Star White Wave GEGE 10HH 2hh (white)Havanese214380
JPnSc ~NL~ ShotGerman Shepherd Dog73365
JPnRO SiennaPomeranian54177
MR ~*N*~ Silent Spring (15HH EEEG Ll)Borzoi233152
ANT Simon EEEE 20HH (red w/blk SD and M)German Shepherd Dog62880
JPnSc ~NL~ Sisko EEEE 17HH red w/Isabella sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
MR ~*N*~ Skid Row GEFG 11HH 6hh (blk)Afghan Hound284043
MW SkylineStandard Poodle194380
ASh SnowspotPomeranian154219
ANFr ~NL~ Sophia GGGE 7HH choc and whiteStandard Poodle4916
NSh Space Explorer GEFF 4HH 7hh (silver merle w/choc sable and mask)Pomeranian14090
AFT Star DustBorzoi154476
AT Star Dust Be My Valentine GGGG 6HH 5hhPomeranian154531
ASh Star Dust Bibbity Bobbity GGGGPomeranian144546
AR Star Dust Blue Horizon EGEE 12HH 1hh (B)Borzoi184356
AA Star Dust Bumble Bee EEEE 11HH 0hh (BrCr&W*I*W/BlkSB)Borzoi224362
MFr Star Dust Candy Heart GEEE 11HH 1hhBorzoi224460
AO Star Dust Caramel Cream GGGE 7HH 5hhPomeranian164523
MR Star Dust Chocolate Meltdown FEEG 17HH 4hh (Choc&W*I*W/T&LU)Borzoi234380
AFr Star Dust Cloud Chaser GGGG 10HH 5hh (F&W*P*W/ChocSB&LU)Borzoi204356
JPnSh Star Dust Cocoa Dust GGGG 9HH 5hhPomeranian64430
JPnT Star Dust Cookies -N- Cream EGEG 5HH 3hhPomeranian64429
AO Star Dust Cookies N Cream EEGGPomeranian154545
AR Star Dust Crimson Crown Royal EEEG 11HH 1hhBorzoi214460
MFl Star Dust Flying Hearts EGEE 11HH 1hh (BlkW/LU)Borzoi224340
AR Star Dust Friendly Game GGEG 11HH 3hhBorzoi164476
ASh Star Dust He's Gone Mad GGGGPomeranian174550
MRO Star Dust House of Mirth GGGG 9HH 6hh (B)Borzoi224371
AR Star Dust Midnight Horizon EEEG 15HH 1hh (Blk)Borzoi114283
ASh Star Dust Midnight Sky FGEE 10HH 4hhPomeranian154475
AFr Star Dust Mystical Hearts GEEG 10HH 3hhBorzoi164476
AFT Star Dust Rainbow Crush EEGE 13HH 1hh (R.W/BlkSB&LU)Borzoi194356
AM Star Dust Rainbow Sky GEGE 13HH 3hhBorzoi204444
MFT Star Dust Random Heart GGEE 12HH 2hhBorzoi204399
NCFT Star Dust Red Sox EGGG 9HH 4hh (Isa.W/Rpts)Borzoi364258
AA Star Dust Silent Beauty EFGEPomeranian154546
AR Star Dust Sweetpea Pod GEEE 14HH 2hhBorzoi164423
AFr Star Dust Tearick Hope GGEG 13HH 3hhBorzoi204460
AA Star Dust That's My Name Too GEFEPomeranian154546
AFT Star Dust Tip Toe In The Daisies GEEG 13HH 2hhBorzoi194438
AA Star Dust Tumble Weed FGGG 6HH 6hhPomeranian164523
AR Star Dust Wind Talker Whimsical GGEG 10HH 5hhBorzoi164486
AFr Star Dust Zebra King EGEE 13HH 2hh (BrS.W/BlkSB)Borzoi144295
PnHu ~NL~ Stella EEEE 18HH steel blue and white (ExP)Pekingese10924
GCO ~NL~ Stephen Amell (12HH)Chihuahua493562
JPnRO ~*N*~ Steve GGEG 12HH steel blueChinese Crested8444
ANFl ~*N*~ Steven GEEE 16HH cream and white (irish) w/blk sableBorzoi5248
JPnRO ~*N*~ Steven GGEE 16HH lala fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu7257
IPnRO ~NL~ SuePekingese8909
APnSh ~*N*~ Sunlight on ShadowPomeranian104148
ANHu ~*N*~ Suzanne GEEE 16HH fawn merle and white (irish) w/isabella sable and maskPomeranian3422
WCR ~*N*~ SwanBorzoi553752
AFl ~*N*~ Sweet Like CinnamonBorzoi173855
MFr Sweetpea's Remington Steel GEGE 10HH 3hh (W)Borzoi214366
JPnRO ~NL~ Sylvia EEEE 19HH blk and white w/cream pointsSaluki7909
IPnA ~NL~ TabathaXoloitzcuintle103698
JPnRO ~*N*~ Tabitha EGGG 11HH fawn and white (extreme piebald) w/tickingChinese Crested7444
AO Take Me To Your Leader FGGF 5HH 10hh (cream and white *irish*)Pomeranian144132
APnR ~*N*~ Talouse EEEE 14HH brindle red and white (Irish) w/blk sable, ticking, and light undersidesBorzoi12266
ANA ~*N*~ Tanner EEEE 6HH Fawn and white (piebald) w/blk grizzle and maskRussell Terrier1913
PnSh ~NL~ TarinPekingese10923
IPnM ~*N*~ TealaStandard Poodle102699
AFl Tearick's Dark Prince GEEE 13HH 1hh (Blk.W/LU)Borzoi224340
AR Tearick's Dark Shadow GEEE 14HH 1hh (Blk)Borzoi194311
MM ~*N*~ Tearick's Gold Star GEEE 13HH 2hh (fawn)Borzoi353351
MT Tearick's Great Grand Goddess GEEE 18HH 2hh (blk and white *irish* w/ticking and light undersides)Borzoi254197
MR Tearick's Legacy Divine GEEG 15HH 2hh (R&W*P*W/BlkSB)Borzoi234380
AR Tearick's Lightening Hope GEEG 16HH 3hhBorzoi164430
ChR Tearick's Lonesome DoveBorzoi314264
AFr Tearick's Loving Son GGGE 13HH 3hhBorzoi174423
MR Tearick's Meltdown in the Clouds GEEE 18HH 2hh (F&W*I*W/T&LU)Borzoi214366
ExR Tearick's Shy HeartBorzoi314179
AM Tearick's Single Heart GEEG 15HH 2hhBorzoi204399
PnO ~*N*~ Tearick's Unfortunate SonBorzoi113922
AFl Tearick's Walking in the Clouds GEEE 14HH 1hhBorzoi204399
AA Tearick's Wondering Dream GEEG 17HH 2hhBorzoi214399
WCFr Teen IdleBorzoi454241
GCSh ~NL~ Terranova (14HH) ~100Days~Chihuahua512571
APnM ~NL~ The Caspar SlideXoloitzcuintle133960
WCR The Silence of the LambsBorzoi444241
NFl ~NL~ The Sun Setting Over HyruleSiberian Husky13207
GCE ~NL~ The Whole PeppercornMiniature Schnauzer372985
PnHu ~NL~ TillaPekingese10924
JPnR TillarSloughi54219
JPnSh ~NL~ TillyChihuahua7742
JPnSc ~NL~ Tina EEEE 12HH (maskless) (fawn w/blk SD)German Shepherd Dog82882
NSh ~*N*~ Titus EGGE 16HH brindle silver and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu3244
JAP ~*N*~ TobyLagotto Romagnolo15446
JAFr Toffee Surprise GGFG 4HH 7hh (choc w/tan pts and mask)Pomeranian104114
AND ~NL~ Tucker EEEE 22HH (blk)Standard Poodle42876
AHu ~NL~ Tucker GGGG 5HH steel blueChihuahua18847
JPnFr ~NL~ Valentina GEEE 23HH (Isa w/sil pts)Standard Poodle72892
NRO ~NL~ Valerie EEEE 20HH (blk)Standard Poodle42876
NFr ~NL~ Valor EEEE 21HH (Steel B w/red pts and M)Standard Poodle42876
IPnHu ~NL~ Vance GEEE 18HH whitePekingese8909
WCRO VelmaPomeranian484205
PnP ~NL~ Velma GEEE 23HH (choc and white *I* w/sil pts)Standard Poodle112926
IPnSh ~NL~ Victor EEEE 15HH steel blue and whitePekingese9924
NHu ~NL~ Victoria GGGG 8HH red and white (piebald)Chihuahua3905
AP ~*N*~ Vincent EEEE 13HH lala chocolateIrish Setter17494
ANSh ~NL~ VinnyPekingese6925
ANP ~NL~ Vinny EEEE 24HH (lala) (blk and W*I* w/red pts)Standard Poodle52877
PnFr ~*N*~ Vintage Constructing BlissBorzoi10471
MW Walk in the MoonlightStandard Poodle204337
ExRO ~*N*~ Wallace Cr 7HH 7hh bb Kbr sisi cw cha+str LlaPomeranian293775
APnFr ~*N*~ Warlock GGGF 5HH fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sable and light undersidesBorzoi11474
ARO ~*N*~ Wave's TemptressHavanese161977
JAM We Are the Champions GGFF 7HH 8hh (red merle w/choc sable and mask)Pomeranian114115
PnM ~NL~ We Used to be FriendsXoloitzcuintle113948
APnFT ~*N*~ WendalBorzoi12401
JPnSc ~NL~ Wesley EEEE 18HH silver w/choc sable and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
NR ~*N*~ WillaIrish Wolfhound12977
AND ~NL~ Willa EEEE 21HH (red w/steel B SB and M)Standard Poodle32876
JPnR ~NL~ Winston EGGG 13HH (lala) (red and white *I* w/LU)Saluki72884
MSc ~NL~ woodzGerman Shepherd Dog34863
ANSc ~NL~ Worf EEEE 16HH Fawn and white (piebald) w/choc saddle and maskGerman Shepherd Dog6864
AA ~*N*~ XO Medusas Eyes 10HHXoloitzcuintle22493
APnSh ~*N*~ Yancy EEEG 13HH fawn and white (piebald) w/blk sableShih Tzu12270
ANFl ~*N*~ Yasmin EEEG 15HH brindle fawn and white (irish) w/blk sableBorzoi5245
NHu ~*N*~ YasmineToy Poodle1927
APnM ~NL~ YoloXoloitzcuintle143730
JPnSh ~*N*~ Yoncey EGEE 13HH lala blk and white (piebald)Shih Tzu7257
JPnRO ~*N*~ Yora EEGG 12HH redShih Tzu7257
APnFl ~*N*~ Zora EEEE 22HH lala blk and white (Irish) w/light undersidesBorzoi13266
PnA [RESCUE] Dave (GGGG) (10HH) (Red with Black Sable)Sloughi94226
PnT ~ NEWFIE ~Dancing on Water | GGGF - Choc/White (P)Newfoundland94558
~NL~ ~AID~ Grace FGFG 5HH 10hh (choc and white *piebald* w/ticking and light undersides)American Indian Dog13684
NM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Alberta GGGG 11HH 4hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle43695
ExFr ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Amanda EEGE 11HH 2hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle313917
IPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Andre GEGG 11HH 3hh (isabella)Xoloitzcuintle93865
ANFr ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Andrea GEGE 18HH 2hh (isabella and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
JAA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Cane GGGE 11HH 5hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle173769
ANA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Carl GEEG 12HH 3hh (isabella and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle43976
IPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Carys EEGE 14HH 2hh (blue)Xoloitzcuintle123744
NM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Catherine GEGE 17HH 2hh (blue and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle34000
ANO ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Christina GGEF 9HH 5hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle44017
IPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Clarissa GGEG 8HH 3hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle103800
JPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Connor EGGE 12HH 3hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle93797
IPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Corinne GEEG 13HH 2hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle103800
APnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Edith EEGE 15HH 2hh (red and white *irish* w/ticking)Xoloitzcuintle163773
NM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Eliza GGGE 18HH 3hh (blue and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
IPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Gia GGGG 10HH 6hh (blue and white *extreme piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle143752
NM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Gino GEEG 11HH 3hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle43731
JPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Greg GEGE 13HH 2hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle73739
NRO ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Gregory GFGG 12HH 7hh (isabella and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle44011
NA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Howard GGGE 17HH 3hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
JPnFr ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Jasper EEEE 16HH 0hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle74014
JPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Jessa GEEE 16HH 1hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle84014
JPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Jessica EGGF 11HH 5hh (isabella and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle74025
NA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ John EEGE 19HH 1hh (red and white *irish* w/ticking)Xoloitzcuintle44000
NA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Joseph GEGE 17HH 2hh (isabella and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
IPnT ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Kirby EEEG 8HH 1hh (blk and white *piebald* w/ticking)Xoloitzcuintle103800
IPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Leland GEGE 13HH 3hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle143757
CCA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Lorna EEGE 10HH 1hh (Blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle514013
JPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Maggie GEGE 16HH 3hh (red and white *extreme piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle74014
JPnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Mark GEGE 16HH 2hh (blue and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle84014
ANT ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Merlin GEEF 9HH 4hh (blk and white *extreme piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle54017
JPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Mina FGGG 9HH 6hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle74029
PnA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Natasha GEGE 14HH 3hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle143757
JPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Nathan GGGE 12HH 5hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle113741
IPnRO ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Pamela GGGF 10HH 6hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle94042
IPnFl ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Rafferty FGGG 12HH 8hh (blk and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle103752
NA ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Randa GEGE 18HH 2hh (choc and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
NT ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Rita FEEG 10HH 4hh (blue and white *piebald*)Xoloitzcuintle44017
NSh ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Rosemary GEEE 17HH 1hh (blue and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle44000
IPnRO ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Sarah EGEG 9HH 3hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle93820
ANFr ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Sharon GEFE 9HH 4hh (red and white *irish*)Xoloitzcuintle54023
IPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Victoria EEGE 16HH 1hh (red and white *irish* w/ticking)Xoloitzcuintle84014
NM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Xena EEGE 18HH 1hh (red and white *irish* w/ticking)Xoloitzcuintle44000
JPnM ~NL~ ~XOLO~ Xerus EEGE 12HH 2hh (red and white *irish)Xoloitzcuintle103736

Game Time

10:03pm on Mar 6

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