Byte's Den of Snakes

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Dogs Bred By Byte's Den of Snakes

LockedCCO 1/3Carpathian Shepherd3864
Locked12-4Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked17-0Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked18-0Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked19-0Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked19-0Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked19-0Carpathian Shepherd16
Locked20-2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedGCO Byte AceCarpathian Shepherd4382
LockedMO Byte AmyCarpathian Shepherd2949
LockedJAO Byte ApplesauceCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedAO Byte BabyCarpathian Shepherd1729
LockedMO Byte BarkCarpathian Shepherd2644
LockedFor StudIPnM Byte BarryCarpathian Shepherd821
LockedGCO Byte BeefCarpathian Shepherd4382
LockedMO Byte BenniCarpathian Shepherd3154
LockedAO Byte BertCarpathian Shepherd2136
LockedJAO Byte BleepieCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedExO Byte CarrieCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedChO Byte CollinCarpathian Shepherd3360
LockedPnO Byte DonCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedExO Byte ElphaCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedGCO Byte EmergentCarpathian Shepherd4179
LockedExO Byte ExpoCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedNCO Byte FeltCarpathian Shepherd4582
LockedMO Byte FlopCarpathian Shepherd2949
LockedMO Byte FrankCarpathian Shepherd2949
LockedExO Byte FreshCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedExO Byte FrumCarpathian Shepherd3360
LockedAO Byte GreenCarpathian Shepherd1629
LockedAO Byte HannahCarpathian Shepherd1729
LockedAPnO Byte HanryCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedMO Byte HelenCarpathian Shepherd3049
LockedNCO Byte HemmiCarpathian Shepherd4482
LockedMO Byte HerbCarpathian Shepherd2849
LockedExO Byte HoneyCarpathian Shepherd3254
LockedJAO Byte HullaCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedIPnO Byte HumorCarpathian Shepherd618
LockedJAO Byte HuxtableCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedAO Byte HydeCarpathian Shepherd1629
LockedExO Byte IckyCarpathian Shepherd3157
LockedChO Byte JaneCarpathian Shepherd3360
LockedAO Byte JerryCarpathian Shepherd2236
LockedAO Byte JillCarpathian Shepherd1629
LockedAPnO Byte JuanCarpathian Shepherd618
LockedAR GUARD KeeperWhippet1643
LockedExO Byte KittyCarpathian Shepherd3154
LockedAO Byte KoshaCarpathian Shepherd1729
LockedGCO Byte LakotahCarpathian Shepherd4079
LockedGCO Byte LaneCarpathian Shepherd4382
LockedExO Byte LassieCarpathian Shepherd3254
LockedExO Byte LewisCarpathian Shepherd3254
LockedIPnO Byte LilacCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedChO Byte LoonCarpathian Shepherd3460
LockedMO AfR Loud and ProudCarpathian Shepherd2950
LockedNH Byte LucaCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedMO Byte LumpCarpathian Shepherd2747
LockedExO Byte LunaCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedAPnO Byte MarioCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedAPnO Byte MariusCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedExO Byte MartaCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedChO Byte MatchCarpathian Shepherd3566
LockedExO Byte MaxineCarpathian Shepherd3154
LockedAPnO Byte MementosCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedNCO Byte MenaCarpathian Shepherd4682
LockedChO Byte MerpCarpathian Shepherd3666
LockedMO Byte MikuCarpathian Shepherd3052
LockedIPnO Byte MissyCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedMO CnMjK Misty (blessed)Carpathian Shepherd2680
LockedGCO Byte MitzvaCarpathian Shepherd4182
LockedMO Byte MonkeyCarpathian Shepherd2644
LockedAO Byte OpeCarpathian Shepherd2136
LockedIPnO Byte PeachesCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedMO Byte PerelliCarpathian Shepherd2644
LockedExO Byte PerpCarpathian Shepherd3360
LockedJAO Byte PetraCarpathian Shepherd1323
LockedAR GUARD PhantomWhippet1439
LockedJPnO Byte PheonixCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedChO Byte PoppieCarpathian Shepherd3665
LockedPuppy 1Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedNH Puppy 1Carpathian Shepherd19
LockedAPnH Puppy 3Carpathian Shepherd1337
LockedExO Byte QuiCarpathian Shepherd3157
LockedAR GUARD RichardWhippet1438
LockedExO Byte RoriCarpathian Shepherd3357
LockedExO Byte RubyCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedMO Byte RusticCarpathian Shepherd2647
LockedAO Byte SakeCarpathian Shepherd1629
LockedExO Byte SevenCarpathian Shepherd3257
LockedPnO SoJ SkylineCarpathian Shepherd919
LockedMH SkywalkerCarpathian Shepherd2552
LockedMO Byte SneezeCarpathian Shepherd2236
LockedMP Byte Strawberry Cough [ crm w/ blk grzzle +msk + lite undrside ]Carpathian Shepherd2544
LockedAO Byte TabCarpathian Shepherd1729
LockedAPnO Byte TetraCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedAPnO Byte TurkCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedAO Byte TwoCarpathian Shepherd1729
LockedMO Byte UltraCarpathian Shepherd2644
LockedJPnO Byte UndessaCarpathian Shepherd718
LockedNA LNPPD Wherever I Go (18lala)Carpathian Shepherd112
LockedNH LNPPD Why Not? (18lala)Carpathian Shepherd112
LockedAPnO Byte WinterCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedExO Byte WixCarpathian Shepherd3157
LockedNCO Byte WonkCarpathian Shepherd4382
LockedAR GUARD WrigglerWhippet1845
AO 10 AIA - BelizeCarpathian Shepherd201708
PnH Byte 15-0Carpathian Shepherd131654
Byte 16-0Carpathian Shepherd11663
Byte 16-1Carpathian Shepherd11663
WCO Byte Angel FCarpathian Shepherd561763
ExT BelleCarpathian Shepherd361616
NH BirchCarpathian Shepherd11714
CCO Byte BitterCarpathian Shepherd541764
WCO Byte EdgeCarpathian Shepherd551763
MP EEGE (Large) 17HH/6Hh/1hhCarpathian Shepherd281647
WCO Byte FortuneCarpathian Shepherd541763
WCO Byte FoxCarpathian Shepherd551763
WCO Byte GemCarpathian Shepherd561763
WCO Byte HeartCarpathian Shepherd561763
CCO Byte HorseCarpathian Shepherd531763
NCH HoHK Icing SugarCarpathian Shepherd56721
WCO Byte MiffCarpathian Shepherd541763
CCO Byte OliverCarpathian Shepherd511766
IPnO CCH LNDS Poland (16HH 1hh lala agi2)Carpathian Shepherd461717
WCO Byte Pork FCarpathian Shepherd561763
IPnH Puppy 2Carpathian Shepherd101708
W••F Puppy 3Carpathian Shepherd11715
Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd11263
Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd11685
WCO Byte Queen FCarpathian Shepherd571763
NH Byte RasvanCarpathian Shepherd11671
CCH MntSK River (17HH lala)Carpathian Shepherd471717
NCO TXBM Wooden ArrowCarpathian Shepherd501249
NSh Byte ZinaCarpathian Shepherd11671

Game Time

02:28pm on Feb 8

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