Home of Champions

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Dogs Bred By Home of Champions

IPnFl AceBorder Collie104030
ANH AllyBorder Collie54019
IPnSh AmberBorder Collie83548
MW AmberNewfoundland203424
AFl ArnoldBorder Collie183457
JPnP AsiaRottweiler74030
JPnP AustinBorder Collie54018
IPnFl AutumnBorder Collie84028
IPnSh BabeBorder Collie93379
BaileyBorder Collie14019
AW BellaNewfoundland173468
JPnSh CanaBorder Collie73379
CaptainBorder Collie14019
PnFl CasonAustralian Koolie94305
PnH CassieAustralian Koolie94305
IPnO ChinaBorder Collie84030
NT ChordeBorder Collie53687
AR CokeGreyhound163401
NO ConnieBorder Collie14015
JPnFl CordellBorder Collie63701
IPnSh DaisyNewfoundland83383
NSh DanBorder Collie13332
NA DannyBorder Collie14017
APnA DestinyGreenland Dog133427
NA DestinyBorder Collie13332
IPnH DinoBorder Collie93549
IPnS DinoGreenland Dog83403
IPnW DonutNewfoundland63701
IPnFl DrewBorder Collie93712
JPnP DustyGreenland Dog83403
IPnO FireBorder Collie93552
NFl GingerGreyhound13332
NP GwenBorder Collie13332
IPnT HarleyBorder Collie113783
IPnP IzzyNewfoundland83712
APnFl JackGreenland Dog133424
NA JakeBorder Collie14015
NO JamesBorder Collie14015
APnW JasmineNewfoundland103787
AFr JasmineBorder Collie183457
NT JasmineBorder Collie13332
NP JazzyNewfoundland23636
JAA JazzyBorder Collie153403
ANFr JenesaBorder Collie63636
JPnP JessieBorder Collie64027
AA JordanBorder Collie193424
AT KCBorder Collie203427
NFl KyleGreyhound13332
PnW LaciNewfoundland83383
PnFr LassieBernese Mountain Dog94441
NFr LexiBorder Collie53691
JAT LovelyGreenland Dog153468
JPnSh LukeGreyhound63373
NA LuluBorder Collie14015
MacBorder Collie13253
NFl MangoBorder Collie14015
MasonBorder Collie13253
AA MaxBernese Mountain Dog224526
JAO MaxBorder Collie153403
PnW MaximusNewfoundland83712
JPnA MichaelBorder Collie74028
ANFl MoonfallBorder Collie54018
JAA NeptuneGreenland Dog153468
IPnA NikeBorder Collie83383
IPnSh PepperBorder Collie93383
JAFl PepsiGreyhound153401
JPnFl PhilBorder Collie73375
JPnA RosieGreenland Dog73542
IPnFr ScoutGreenland Dog83542
JPnO ShilohBorder Collie83712
NH StilesBorder Collie13332
NFl SunlightBorder Collie34015
NA SwiftBorder Collie13332
JPnSh ThorBorder Collie73379
NW YarraNewfoundland63636
ANA ZeusBorder Collie63636

Game Time

07:30am on Mar 20

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