Pure Malentha

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Dogs Bred By Pure Malentha

LockedJPnHT PnFT C&J 3HH 5hh ll GEGGStabyhoun1016
LockedAPnSh JPnFT C&J Malentha's Ah Ah AhKooikerhondje1321
LockedFor StudAH Pure Malentha's Aint Nobody Got Time For ThatMudi2640
LockedJAH AA Pure Malentha's All ExcellentMudi2032
LockedAFT PnRO Pure Malentha's All Rights ReservedStabyhoun1626
LockedIPnP JAA C&J Malentha's Cheap ThrillsKelpie1624
LockedJPnA IPnO C&J Malentha's ClassicMudi1018
LockedAPnT JPnH Malentha's DaredevilAustralian Shepherd1218
LockedIPnFT APnSh C&J Malentha's Devil PrayKooikerhondje1321
LockedJPnO APnSh Pure Malentha's Easy LivingKooikerhondje1321
LockedIPnSc Pure Malentha's Golden LightAmerican White Shepherd813
LockedJPnSc PnO Pure Malentha's Have It AllAmerican White Shepherd1217
LockedAP Pure Malentha's In the SunMudi2542
LockedJAFT PnHT Pure Malentha's JuiceStabyhoun1526
LockedAFT Pure Malentha's Light it UpStabyhoun1729
LockedAPnH AO Pure Malentha's Love StoryMudi1932
LockedMFT C&J Malentha's Made for YouKooikerhondje2238
LockedAFT PnHT Pure Malentha's Nerdy GiftKooikerhondje2138
LockedNRO Pure Malentha's Not for SaleStabyhoun18
LockedJPnT APnA C&J Malentha's Painting GreysAustralian Shepherd1218
LockedPnSc JPnT Malentha's Sing Me OutAmerican White Shepherd1117
LockedMFl C&J Malentha's Slim PortionMudi2640
LockedJARO Pure Malentha's SmoothieStabyhoun1726
LockedJPnH PnA Malentha's StuntmanMudi1118
LockedPnA JPnFl C&J Malentha's UnderdressedMudi1218
LockedAPnSh JPnFT C&J Malentha's WarriorKooikerhondje1321
LockedAPnSc C&J Malentha's What Went WrongAmerican White Shepherd1117
LockedJAP PnT C&J Malentha's Who I Wanna BeKelpie1624
LockedFor StudMA Pure Malenthas Heart DiseaseMudi2742
LockedFor Public SalePnA IPnFl C&J Puppy 1Mudi1117
LockedIPnT Pure Puppy 1Smooth Collie713
LockedNH Pure Puppy 2Australian Shepherd19
LockedNH Pure Puppy 7Australian Shepherd19
LockedMFT Pure Reflection of desireStabyhoun2557
NFT 7 HH 4G bb HStabyhoun14445
NFT 7HH bb GEFG FemaleStabyhoun14444
NFT 7HH GFGF Bb HStabyhoun14447
NRO 9HH 4G BB TStabyhoun14446
NCO Pure ChiStabyhoun54179
JASh KatieStabyhoun124444

Game Time

08:13am on Mar 12

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