Name | Breed | Level | Age |
 CCSc PUPDS 18HH 6Hh 0hh 1.227 schutzhund | German Shepherd Dog | 59 | 104 |
 19HH lala GEEE | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 6 |
 PnT 22 Roan Brindle Cream Merle + White (P) w/ Lilac Sable + Mask bb dd spsw Mm cecw Ll stmint strspd | Border Collie | 11 | 21 |
 ARO PUPDS 22 Silver Merle with Chocolate Grizzle and Mask lala agiint chaspd | Pomeranian | 19 | 29 |
 ASh PUPDS 23 Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light Undersides lala chaint spdstr | Pomeranian | 20 | 29 |
 WCH PUPDS 23 kk Ee atasa swsw RR cchcch lala intint stmstr | Australian Cattle Dog | 64 | 110 |
 23 Red + White (P) w/ Black Grizzle, Mask + Light Undersides lala spdstr strstr | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 1 | 6 |
 24 Black w/ Silver Points cwcw lala spdspd spdspd | Saluki | 1 | 6 |
 AFl 24 Brindle Red w/ Isabella Sable lla stmstm stmstm | Border Collie | 24 | 35 |
 PnSc PUPDS 24HH lala 1.057 // Twisted Blaze | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 24 |
 JAS PUPDS A's Crushed Wheat | Siberian Husky | 13 | 40 |
 ExSc PUPDS Applevine | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 89 |
 ASc PUPDS Bellhowl | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 42 |
 NFl Bellpaw | Africanis | 3 | 86 |
 PnSc PUPDS Blackstone Duke Nikhold- EGEG | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 24 |
 ExSc PUPDS Brindledawn (GFEG 6HH Lla) | Bull Terrier | 38 | 71 |
 GCO PUPDS Buddy Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides 16HH lala | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 46 | 93 |
 ASc PUPDS Butterfly | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 36 |
 ExSh NSh ChRO Butterflypaw 1.073x | Pomeranian | 39 | 100 |
 MH PUPDS Can You Have Enough of Me | Tibetan Mastiff | 31 | 63 |
 NFl Chase | Border Collie | 2 | 22 |
 PnH Chessa | Border Collie | 11 | 85 |
 IPnT Citrus | Border Collie | 10 | 26 |
 IPnSh PUPDS CK Haley GEEE 11HH | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 8 | 19 |
 JAT PUPDS Constance | Dachshund | 14 | 45 |
 PnH JPnA Current Hawke | Border Collie | 12 | 20 |
 JAH PUPDS Darksky EGEG | Border Collie | 15 | 32 |
 ChSc PUPDS Desertbreeze | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 91 |
 WCSh PUPDS Diamond in the Rough | Pomeranian | 66 | 101 |
 MH PUPDS Dipped in White | Border Collie | 30 | 73 |
 ChH PUPDS Down the Mountainside | Border Collie | 40 | 103 |
 MSc PUPDS Drink In My Hand | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 62 |
  GCR PUPDS EEEE 10HH Bittercold Ll spdagi spdstr 1.063* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
  JAH PUPDS EEEE 10HH Featherbranch lala strstm chastm 1.280* | Australian Cattle Dog | 16 | 33 |
  GCR PUPDS EEEE 10HH Inksmear Lla spdint spdstr 1.037* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
  ExSc PUPDS EEEE 10HH Rainynight lala stragi apdint 1.170* | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 57 |
 JAH PUPDS EEEE 10HH Sleekcloud Lla strint chastm 1.280* | Australian Cattle Dog | 15 | 33 |
 EEEE 11HH Pumpkinpaw lla spdint intint | Xoloitzcuintle | 1 | 17 |
 NHu PUPDS EEEE 12HH | Shiba Inu | 1 | 8 |
 APnH PUPDS EEEE 12HH Berrybush Lla stmcha stmstm 1.070* | Border Collie | 13 | 37 |
  ExR PUPDS EEEE 12HH Leafmulch lala spdcha stmint 1.110* | Saluki | 33 | 72 |
 EEEE 12HH Scorchpaw lla spdagi intagi | Xoloitzcuintle | 1 | 17 |
  MR PUPDS EEEE 13HH Diamondfang Lla spdint spdstr 1.068* | Saluki | 27 | 67 |
 EEEE 13HH Diamondpaw Lla spdagi spdspd | Beagle | 1 | 19 |
  APnH PUPDS EEEE 13HH Peachjuice Lla stmcha stmspd 1.070* | Border Collie | 13 | 37 |
  GCR PUPDS EEEE 14HH Dryleaf Ll stmagi spdstr 1.063* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
 EEEE 14HH Frostpaw lala spdspd spdspd | Beagle | 1 | 19 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 14HH Nimbleleap Lla spdint spdcha 1.037* | Saluki | 42 | 92 |
 EEEE 14HH Shellpaw lala chaspd intint | Xoloitzcuintle | 1 | 17 |
 NR PUPDS EEEE 15HH Jetburn lala intspd agispd 1.030* | Saluki | 1 | 14 |
 NH PUPDS EEEE 15HH Paprikaseed lala stmstm agiint 1.087* | Border Collie | 1 | 14 |
 AR PUPDS EEEE 15HH Wolfpelt lla spdagi spdspd 1.093* | Saluki | 24 | 57 |
 JPnS PUPDS EEEE 16HH Rainswell lla agistr strstr 1.208* | Alaskan Husky | 5 | 13 |
  ME PUPDS EEEE 16HH Sageleaf Lla stmagi intstr 1.330* | Welsh Terrier | 26 | 61 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 16HH Stonefang lala intcha stmcha 1.085* | Australian Cattle Dog | 44 | 92 |
  MSc PUPDS EEEE 17HH Cinderblaze lala stragi spdint 1.170* | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 57 |
  ExHu PUPDS EEEE 17HH Cloverstem lala spdstr spdspd 2.077* | Beagle | 31 | 70 |
  JAR PUPDS EEEE 17HH Lakefish lala spdspd spdcha 0.980* | Saluki | 15 | 41 |
  ME PUPDS EEEE 17HH Parsleywhisker Lla agiint intstr 1.330* | Welsh Terrier | 27 | 61 |
  ChH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Blazestream lala agispd chastm 1.085* | Australian Cattle Dog | 44 | 92 |
 PnSh PUPDS EEEE 18HH Seawind Lla chacha chacha 1.443* | Pomeranian | 10 | 24 |
 AR PUPDS EEEE 18HH Silverbullet lla spdagi spdstr 1.093* | Saluki | 23 | 57 |
 MH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Tawnyclaw lla chastm strstm 1.315* | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 62 |
  PnSh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Coyotecreek Lla chaspd chaspd 1.443* | Pomeranian | 10 | 24 |
  APnR PUPDS EEEE 19HH Dandelionclaw lla agispd spdspd 1.212* | Saluki | 11 | 28 |
  GCE PUPDS EEEE 19HH Dawnsun lala agiint intint 1.232* | Welsh Terrier | 40 | 88 |
 MS PUPDS EEEE 19HH Flashflood lala strcha strstr 1.153* | Greenland Dog | 23 | 42 |
  AR PUPDS EEEE 19HH Fogfall Lla spdspd chaspd 1.030* | Saluki | 23 | 59 |
 AE PUPDS EEEE 19HH Puddleleaf lla intint agiagi 1.232* | Welsh Terrier | 16 | 39 |
  MS PUPDS EEEE 20HH Appleleaf lala strint strstr 1.153* | Greenland Dog | 25 | 42 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Cedarbark lla stmstr intstm 1.123* | Border Collie | 1 | 12 |
 EEEE 20HH lala intstm chaint | Welsh Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 NH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Orangejuice lla chastm chaint 1.087* | Border Collie | 1 | 14 |
  ExD PUPDS EEEE 21HH *(Stich)* | Labrador Retriever | 31 | 91 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Beetlespire Lla stmstm agistm 1.230* | Border Collie | 40 | 77 |
 JAH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Juniperflower lala intstr strstm 1.265* | Border Collie | 15 | 37 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Lyrestring lala chaint chaint 1.245* | Australian Cattle Dog | 6 | 12 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Skydrift lala intcha chacha 1.245* | Australian Cattle Dog | 6 | 12 |
  JAH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Stormdrain Lla intstm stmint 1.265* | Border Collie | 16 | 37 |
 APnH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Tabbycat LL stmint stmagi 1.132* | Border Collie | 12 | 34 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Wavepool Lla stmstr stmint 1.175* | Border Collie | 41 | 82 |
 EEEE 22HH Chocolate Merle and White (Piebald) with Light Undersides | Pomeranian | 1 | 6 |
 PnR PUPDS EEEE 22HH Frogvenom lala agispd spdspd 1.212* | Saluki | 12 | 28 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Icystripe lala stmstm agistm 1.128* | Border Collie | 38 | 81 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Maplebark lala stmstm stmint 1.060* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 NS PUPDS EEEE 22HH Mushroomcap lala agistm stmstm 1.038* | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 13 |
 AH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Owleyes lala intstm stmstm 1.170* | Australian Cattle Dog | 17 | 39 |
 APnH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Poppypetal Lla agiint stmagi 1.132* | Border Collie | 12 | 34 |
  MSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Puddlenose lla agistr chaint 1.127* | Pomeranian | 27 | 65 |
 AHu EEEE 22HH Slendernose LL chaint chacha 1.300* | Chihuahua | 19 | 45 |
 APnS PUPDS EEEE 22HH Thunderstep lala agispd strstm 1.030* | Alaskan Husky | 11 | 25 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Wetgrass lala stmstm spdstm 1.073* | Border Collie | 39 | 81 |
 AH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Windstorm Lla stmint spdstm 1.418* | Border Collie | 22 | 46 |
 AHu EEEE 23HH Coldnose Lla chaspd chastm 1.3000* | Chihuahua | 21 | 45 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Emberspark Lla strstm intstm 1.187* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
  ExSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Emberstone Lla chaint strint 1.403* | Pomeranian | 36 | 72 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Frostbrindle LL strstm intstm 1.187* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Hazesable Lla stmstm stmstm 1.060* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 NCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Hopebright LL chacha strspd 1.195* | Pomeranian | 53 | 119 |
 ExH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Loonwing LL stmstm spdstm 1.073* | Border Collie | 38 | 81 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 23HH Nickelshine lala spdspd spdspd 1.105* | Saluki | 47 | 119 |
 EEEE 23HH Silver Merle and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides | Pomeranian | 1 | 6 |
 ExH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Silvershine Lla stmstm spdstm 1.128* | Border Collie | 38 | 81 |
  ChH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Sourberry lla stmagi stmstm 1.095* | Border Collie | 39 | 81 |
  ExH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Spiceheat lala stmagi stmspd 1.095* | Border Collie | 37 | 81 |
  APnH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Tortoiseshell Lla stmstm agiint 1.233* | Border Collie | 12 | 34 |
 JASh EEEE 23HH Turtlepaw | Pomeranian | 13 | 30 |
 ChH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Whirlpool lala agistm stmstm 1.175* | Border Collie | 40 | 82 |
 NCRO EEEE 24HH Silver Merle with Blue Sable and Mask | Pomeranian | 46 | 71 |
  JAH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Birchstripe Lla stmstm spdstm 1.217* | Border Collie | 15 | 40 |
 MSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Bismuthshine lala stmint stragi 1.123* | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 63 |
  ExS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Bluelake lala intstm intint 1.088* | Alaskan Husky | 32 | 69 |
 IPnR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Bouncedash lala spdspd spdspd 1.315* | Saluki | 10 | 26 |
 JPnSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Bramblethorn Lla chacha agicha 1.395* | Pomeranian | 1 | 12 |
  ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Breezewave lala stmstm stmstm 1.202* | Border Collie | 40 | 83 |
 MSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Brightlight lala intint intcha 1.310* | Papillon | 28 | 57 |
 JAH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Brindlesplash Lla stmstr agiint 1.217* | Border Collie | 16 | 40 |
  ASh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Cindersear LL chacha spdagi 1.423* | Pomeranian | 20 | 44 |
  AH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Curryheat lala stmagi strstm 1.348* | Border Collie | 20 | 46 |
 JPnSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Cypress-shade Lla chacha agicha 1.395* | Pomeranian | 1 | 12 |
 MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Daisysong lala stmstm stmstm 1.250* | Border Collie | 30 | 60 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Fairyleaf Lla spdspd spdspd 1.098* | Saluki | 46 | 100 |
 JPnS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Fangpierce Lla strstm spdstm 1.207* | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 12 |
  MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Feathertail lala spdspd spdspd 1.180* | Saluki | 33 | 69 |
  PnR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Fernthorn lala spdspd spdspd 1.315* | Saluki | 13 | 45 |
 JPnS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Flowerpollen lala strstm strcha 1.238 | Alaskan Husky | 5 | 13 |
 MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Flowerpollen Lla stmstm stmstm 1.168* | Border Collie | 32 | 67 |
 NCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Frostingdust LL stmagi stmstm 1.103* | Border Collie | 51 | 119 |
  MS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Hawkclaw lala stmagi intstr 1.235* | Alaskan Husky | 26 | 42 |
 APnH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Jayshine Lla stmstr stmint 1.233* | Border Collie | 12 | 34 |
 MS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Lakeripple lala intagi stmstr 1.235* | Alaskan Husky | 25 | 42 |
 GCP PUPDS EEEE 24HH lala agistm strstr- Blessed | Alaskan Husky | 40 | 66 |
  AH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Licoricetwist lala stmint stmspd 1.090* | Border Collie | 18 | 46 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Lithiumcharge lala spdspd spdspd 1.027* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
  ExH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Lizardstripe lla intagi stmagi 1.177* | Border Collie | 36 | 73 |
 ASh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Meerkatclaw LL chacha spdagi 1.423* | Pomeranian | 20 | 44 |
 EEEE 24HH Milkpaw | Pomeranian | 1 | 6 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Mudskipper Lla stmstm stmstm 1.050* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Oatfur lala spdspd stmspd 1.027* | Saluki | 46 | 119 |
  ExS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Oceansplash lala intint intint 1.088* | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 69 |
  GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Peppershake Lla spdspd spdspd 1.057* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Pidgeonclaw Lla stmstm stmspd 1.050* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Poisonleaf lala stmstm agistm 1.037* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
  MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Rainsong lala stmstm stmstm 1.250* | Border Collie | 30 | 60 |
  APnS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Ryefur lala strstm strstm 1.062* | Alaskan Husky | 10 | 25 |
 ANH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sabletail Lla stmstm intstm 1.037* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 ChR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Saltlick Lla spdspd spdspd 1.057* | Saluki | 43 | 92 |
  ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sedgeblade Lla agistm stmstm 1.203* | Border Collie | 42 | 83 |
 APnS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Shinebloom LL strspd strspd 1.248* | Alaskan Husky | 12 | 25 |
 GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Smudgefur lala stmstm stmstm 1.065* | Border Collie | 45 | 101 |
  GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Steelwool Lla spdspd spdspd 1.098* | Saluki | 48 | 100 |
 NCHu PUPDS EEEE 24HH Summerleaf Lla chacha chacha 1.330* | Chihuahua | 53 | 119 |
 MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Swoopwing lala stmstm stmstm 1.168* | Border Collie | 32 | 67 |
 MS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Thistlesoft lala stragi stmstr 1.237* | Alaskan Husky | 24 | 42 |
 AH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Tinyseed Lla agistm stmstm 1.255* | Border Collie | 21 | 48 |
 GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Titaniumclaw Lla spdspd spdspd 1.027* | Saluki | 42 | 92 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Vanillapod lla stmagi stmstm 1.262* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 JPnS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Wolfsnow Lla spdstm strstr 1.207* | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 12 |
 JPnH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Zebrahoof lla stmagi stmspd 1.262* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 MSh PUPDS EEEE 9HH Sheephoof lla intstr chastm 1.017* | Bulldog | 30 | 69 |
 IPnH PUPDS EEEE Firestorm | Border Collie | 10 | 16 |
  JAH PUPDS Eeee Tracker | Border Collie | 16 | 41 |
 NSh PUPDS EEEE Winterpaw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 NFT PUPDS EEEG 11HH Daisyfall Ll chastm agicha 1.042* | English Setter | 1 | 12 |
 JAH PUPDS EEEG 11HH Skunktail lala stmcha stmint 1.030* | Border Collie | 13 | 37 |
 NFT PUPDS EEEG 12HH Shinefire lala strstr stmspd 1.183* | English Setter | 1 | 12 |
 JPnA PUPDS EEEG 14HH Cinnamonstick Lla intint chaint 1.247* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 ExHu PUPDS EEEG 17HH Bumblehoney lala spdspd agispd 2.077* | Beagle | 31 | 66 |
 JPnFT PUPDS EEGE 10HH Breezepaw Lla stmint strspd 1.108* | English Setter | 5 | 13 |
  MFT PUPDS EEGE 12HH Breezefur Lla strcha strstr 0.995* | English Setter | 25 | 59 |
  JPnA PUPDS EEGE 12HH Moleclaw lla spdspd intcha 1.097* | Xoloitzcuintle | 7 | 30 |
 JPnA PUPDS EEGE 12HH Nutmegblaze LL intint chaint 1.247* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 NCE PUPDS EEGE 19HH Flashfire lala stragi intcha 1.232* | Welsh Terrier | 41 | 88 |
 ExA PUPDS EEGF 6HH Rosewater LL intint chaspd 0.972* | Russell Terrier | 33 | 79 |
 IPnHu PUPDS EEGG 13HH Stormrumble Lla spdspd stmspd 1.065* | Beagle | 6 | 17 |
 JAFT PUPDS EFEG 8HH Horsetail Lla spdstm strstm 1.238* | English Setter | 13 | 31 |
 NR PUPDS EGEE 13HH Lightbeam Lla agispd strcha 1.052* | Saluki | 1 | 13 |
  AR PUPDS EGEE 14HH Roanbelly Lla spdcha chastm 1.017* | Saluki | 22 | 57 |
  GCE PUPDS EGEE 14HH Robinheart Ll stragi intstr 1.288* | Welsh Terrier | 37 | 80 |
 GCE PUPDS EGEE 18HH Rustyfur lala agiint intagi 1.178* | Welsh Terrier | 39 | 88 |
 ChE PUPDS EGEE 19HH Leopardfang lala agiint intagi 1.178* | Welsh Terrier | 36 | 88 |
 AE PUPDS EGEE 20HH Stormwind lla intint agiagi 1.232* | Welsh Terrier | 16 | 39 |
 APnH PUPDS EGEG 11HH Badgerheart lala agicha stmint 1.030* | Border Collie | 12 | 37 |
 NR PUPDS EGEG 17HH Winterstorm lala intspd strcha 1.052* | Saluki | 1 | 13 |
 JPnA PUPDS EGFF 3HH Gingerfur Lla stmagi chacha 1.048* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
  MSh PUPDS EGGE 11HH Woodfire Lla intstr spdstr 1.017* | Bulldog | 28 | 69 |
 JAH PUPDS EGGE Dustedpelt | Border Collie | 13 | 22 |
 MHu PUPDS EGGG 10HH Weedthistle Ll intcha strstm 1.007* | Beagle | 25 | 59 |
 ANR PUPDS EGGG 12HH Longleg lla stmspd chastr 1.152* | Greyhound | 1 | 12 |
  AR PUPDS EGGG 15HH Fogroll lala intcha chaint 1.017* | Saluki | 22 | 57 |
  AHu PUPDS EGGG 4HH Aloeleaf lla spdstm intspd 1.037* | Beagle | 21 | 51 |
 MHu PUPDS EGGG 7HH Crystal-light lla intcha strstm 1.007* | Beagle | 25 | 59 |
 ChA PUPDS EGGG 7HH Harefang Ll intstm spdstr 2.280* | Russell Terrier | 39 | 100 |
 MR PUPDS EGGG Twilightheart | Saluki | 31 | 76 |
 ExH PUPDS EGGG Venomfang | Border Collie | 35 | 80 |
 NH PUPDS Eggpaw | Shetland Sheepdog | 1 | 6 |
 JPnA PUPDS Em@il [16|LL|Tt] | Jack Russell Terrier | 6 | 14 |
 ASc PUPDS Eric | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 34 |
 AFl PUPDS Fallenleaves | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | 21 | 48 |
 ChH PUPDS Feathers Falling | Border Collie | 39 | 103 |
 JPnA PUPDS FEGF 8HH Mirebreeze lla agiagi intcha 1.087* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
  ASc PUPDS FEGG 12HH Glacierdrift lala stmstm chastr 1.087* | American White Shepherd | 24 | 47 |
 MFT PUPDS FGEG 9HH Leafstorm lla chacha agicha 0.982* | English Setter | 25 | 59 |
 JPnA PUPDS FGFG 9HH Ryestalk lla stragi strcha 1.087* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 MA PUPDS FGGE 6HH Sunkiss lla spdspd intstm 0.990* | Xoloitzcuintle | 25 | 76 |
  AS PUPDS FGGG 6HH Colastream Ll stmstm intstm 1.040* | Canadian Eskimo Dog | 15 | 31 |
 JAFT PUPDS FGGG 7HH Sanddollar lala spdstr strstm 1.152* | English Setter | 13 | 31 |
 JAFT PUPDS GEEE 11HH Mossfur Ll chastm chaspd 1.167* | English Setter | 13 | 30 |
 ANT PUPDS GEEE 12HH Bambooshoot lla chaint chastr 1.052* | Boerboel | 1 | 12 |
 ANH PUPDS GEEE 12HH Frecklepelt lla stmstr spdstr 1.290* | Australian Cattle Dog | 4 | 14 |
 NFT PUPDS GEEE 12HH Hopfoot lala spdstr stmcha 1.183* | English Setter | 1 | 12 |
 ExSh PUPDS GEEE 14HH Koifin lala strstr strstr 1.183* | Bulldog | 35 | 77 |
 NR PUPDS GEEE 14HH Phoenixfire lala stmspd intcha 1.030* | Saluki | 1 | 14 |
 JPnH PUPDS GEEE 15HH Flickerlight lala intspd strcha 1.290* | Australian Cattle Dog | 4 | 14 |
 ExH PUPDS GEEE 15HH Mackereltail Lla intspd stmcha 1.157* | Australian Cattle Dog | 37 | 75 |
  JAH PUPDS GEEE 18HH Pikewhisker lla intcha spdstm 1.363* | Australian Cattle Dog | 16 | 35 |
 ANH PUPDS GEEE 19HH Oakroot lala stmspd spdspd 1.123* | Border Collie | 1 | 12 |
  ExSh PUPDS GEEE 20HH Sharkfin lla strstr strstr 1.183* | Bulldog | 34 | 77 |
 JPnH PUPDS GEEE 20HH Waspwing lala stmstr stmstm 1.197* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
 JPnH PUPDS GEEE 21HH Rockpatch lala stmint agistm 1.197* | Border Collie | 1 | 13 |
  ASh PUPDS GEEE 21HH Slatefur Lla chacha chacha 1.257 | Pomeranian | 21 | 49 |
  ASh PUPDS GEEE 22HH Claywater lala chacha agicha 1.257 | Pomeranian | 22 | 49 |
  JAH PUPDS GEEE 23HH Hawkjet lala intstm stmcha 1.170* | Australian Cattle Dog | 17 | 39 |
  ASc PUPDS GEEE 5HH Frostfang lala stmstm intstr 1.087* | American White Shepherd | 25 | 47 |
  PnSh PUPDS GEEE Pepperpaw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 11 | 25 |
  AA PUPDS GEEF 9HH Raccoonfoot Ll stmstr chastr 1.118* | Russell Terrier | 22 | 57 |
 ANR PUPDS GEEG 11HH Olivepit lla stmagi chaspd 1.152* | Greyhound | 1 | 12 |
 NFT PUPDS GEEG 12HH Coalrock Lla chastm agicha 1.042* | English Setter | 1 | 12 |
  ChE PUPDS GEEG 13HH Softpelt lla stragi agicha 1.288* | Welsh Terrier | 36 | 80 |
 ChSc PUPDS GEEG Nutmegbreeze | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 78 |
 IPnHu PUPDS GEGE 13HH Tawnyclaw lala spdspd stmspd 1.065* | Beagle | 6 | 17 |
 AS PUPDS GEGE 5HH Coffeemilk Ll stmstm intagi 1.040* | Canadian Eskimo Dog | 15 | 31 |
  ANA PUPDS GEGG 12HH Shockspark lla spdspd intspd 1.097* | Xoloitzcuintle | 6 | 30 |
 MSh PUPDS GEGG 8HH Copperstripe Lla stmstr stmstr 1.102* | Bulldog | 30 | 70 |
 AA PUPDS GFEG 10HH Glowbright lala agiagi agiint 1.122* | Russell Terrier | 21 | 55 |
 APnR PUPDS GFEG 7HH Cinnamonswirl Ll intint intcha 1.042* | Saluki | 12 | 36 |
 AA PUPDS GFEG 7HH Roughopal lala chastm chaint 1.122* | Russell Terrier | 21 | 55 |
 JAH PUPDS GFGF 7HH Fernfeather lala stmspd intagi 0.978* | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 38 |
 AR PUPDS GGEE 13HH Hazelnut Lla intspd chaspd 1.030* | Saluki | 23 | 59 |
  JAR PUPDS GGEE 14HH Garlicflower Lla agispd spdcha 0.980* | Saluki | 15 | 41 |
 APnH PUPDS GGEE 3HH Tancloud Ll spdcha stmagi 0.967* | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 33 |
  ChR PUPDS GGEE Dawnleaf | Saluki | 35 | 88 |
 JAH PUPDS GGEF 5HH Shadowpelt Lla agistm spdstr 0.982* | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 36 |
 ANR PUPDS GGEF 8HH Shinemoon lla strcha stmint 1.135* | Greyhound | 1 | 12 |
 JPnA PUPDS GGEG 3HH Badgerfang Lla intagi chacha 1.048* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 AA PUPDS GGEG 7HH Blossomsun ll agicha stmcha 0.992* | Russell Terrier | 25 | 70 |
  AA PUPDS GGEG 8HH Blackfang lla chaspd intspd 0.993* | Xoloitzcuintle | 25 | 76 |
 JAH PUPDS GGEG 9HH Brackenfern lla intspd agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 38 |
 ANR PUPDS GGEG 9HH Icypath lla intcha agistm 1.135* | Greyhound | 1 | 12 |
 JAFr PUPDS GGEG 9HH Reedsong lala agispd strcha 1.080* | Shiba Inu | 13 | 29 |
 JPnA PUPDS GGFF 8HH Roseseed ll chacha chacha 1.030* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 MSh PUPDS GGGE 10HH Rubystone lala stmstr chastm 1.102* | Bulldog | 31 | 70 |
  ExH PUPDS GGGE 7HH Arcticpeak Lla intspd chacha 1.093* | Australian Cattle Dog | 39 | 86 |
  ExH PUPDS GGGE 9HH Lakeleaf lala stmspd agistr 1.993* | Border Collie | 36 | 100 |
 JPnA PUPDS GGGF 4HH Puddleroll lla agiagi agistr 1.080* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 NA PUPDS GGGG 10HH Beetleshell lala stmagi chastr 1.117* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 12 |
  MA PUPDS GGGG 5HH Blackseed LL stmint chaspd 0.972* | Russell Terrier | 31 | 79 |
 AA PUPDS GGGG 5HH Bramblethorn lala agicha stragi 0.992* | Russell Terrier | 25 | 70 |
 NA PUPDS GGGG 5HH Gingerfur Lla stmagi strstr 1.180* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 12 |
 ANA PUPDS GGGG 5HH Lightfur Lla stmagi strcha 1.180* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 12 |
 MA PUPDS GGGG 5HH Nettleberry lala agicha agicha 0.992* | Russell Terrier | 25 | 70 |
 ANA PUPDS GGGG 7HH Marbleroll lala chaagi intstr 1.117* | Russell Terrier | 1 | 12 |
  AFT PUPDS GGGG 7HH Paintsplat Lla strint agiint 0.995* | English Setter | 24 | 59 |
 JAH PUPDS GGGG 8HH Nightdark lla agiint spdstr 0.982* | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 36 |
  ExH PUPDS GGGG 8HH Nightmind Lla intcha stmstr 1.093* | Australian Cattle Dog | 37 | 86 |
  ChA PUPDS GGGG 8HH Rabbitfur Lla intstr spdstr 2.280* | Russell Terrier | 39 | 100 |
 AA PUPDS GGGG 8HH Willowhang ll stragi intagi 0.992* | Russell Terrier | 25 | 70 |
 ExR PUPDS GGGG Russetfur | Saluki | 34 | 88 |
 ASc PUPDS Ginger-Root | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 74 |
 ASc PUPDS Golden Leaf | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 35 |
 AHT PUPDS Grand Piano | English Cocker Spaniel | 15 | 60 |
  MR PUPDS Grassthicket | Saluki | 28 | 60 |
 IPnH PUPDS Growler Goose[EEEE 13HH stmstm strstm] | Saarloos Wolfdog | 10 | 25 |
 ASc PUPDS Hailey | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 40 |
 JPnT PUPDS Harvey | Irish Wolfhound | 8 | 16 |
 MSh MR {HEX} Heydar | Saluki | 34 | 72 |
 AM JPnO PUPDS John Casey 24HH-EEEE intx4 lala 1.223 3/7/17 | Papillon | 18 | 24 |
  ExFl PUPDS Just Keep Swimming | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 32 | 88 |
 ANM PUPDS Lacepaw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 14 |
 AFl PUPDS Lavender GEGE Slsl Ssw cwcw lla 1.193 | Samoyed | 30 | 68 |
 IPnFl Lemon Twist | Border Collie | 10 | 26 |
 ExP PUPDS Let's Do The Time Warp Again (EEEE 12/0) | Great Pyrenees | 35 | 54 |
 MS PUPDS Marley | Siberian Husky | 28 | 67 |
 MM Mingo Day - L 0 | Shiba Inu | 30 | 67 |
 ExSc PUPDS Moarel | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 96 |
 NM PUPDS molly | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 7 |
  AH PUPDS Mudflecked | Border Collie | 20 | 42 |
 PnH PUPDS Orion | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 10 | 31 |
  GCR PUPDS Pantherfang | Saluki | 40 | 99 |
 MSc PUPDS Pineheart | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 66 |
 ExSc PUPDS Racket | German Shepherd Dog | 38 | 62 |
 JPnSc PUPDS Rainbow | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 14 |
 ExSc PUPDS Ravenheart | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 89 |
 AW PUPDS Roaned Red and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable 11HH 0hh Lla | Stabyhoun | 13 | 35 |
 PnSc PUPDS Rosethorn | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 18 |
 PnSc PUPDS Rosie | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 27 |
 MFl PUPDS Runningdeer | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 27 | 69 |
 MSc PUPDS Sam | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 47 |
 AFr PUPDS Sara | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 91 |
 MS PUPDS Sasha | Siberian Husky | 24 | 54 |
 AH PUPDS Shooting Stars (EEGE) | Border Collie | 18 | 40 |
 ASh PUPDS Simple Delights | Beagle | 15 | 27 |
 ExSc PUPDS Smalltree (GGGG 8HH ll) | Bull Terrier | 36 | 75 |
 spdspd 24 fawn w black grizzle | Saluki | 1 | 6 |
 MD PUPDS Spice Rack's Soft Scent of Lavender | Labrador Retriever | 25 | 60 |
 ASc PUPDS Squashleaf | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 45 |
 AE PUPDS Stanly | Dachshund | 13 | 33 |
 ExR PUPDS Star of the Arctic | Ibizan Hound | 36 | 79 |
 JAR PUPDS Sugarcane | Saluki | 16 | 28 |
 AM PUPDS Sweetflower [GGGE] -agi | Xoloitzcuintle | 24 | 51 |
 ExSc PUPDS Sweetheart | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 69 |
 NRO PUPDS Tiger-Pop (M,EGEG) | Pomeranian | 1 | 17 |
 AH Tigger | Border Collie | 19 | 46 |
 ASc PUPDS Tortilla | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 36 |
 JAO PUPDS Valley's Lilli | American Pit Bull Terrier | 14 | 30 |
 MSh AHu White Snowy 23HH bbdd Ssp Mm cecw | Pomeranian | 30 | 50 |
 ExR PUPDS Winterstorm lala 24HH (agistm agispd) R | Ibizan Hound | 33 | 101 |
 JAFr PUPDS WSLHg Teapaw EEEE | West Siberian Laika | 16 | 37 |
  GCSc PUPDS Xavier | German Shepherd Dog | 36 | 96 |
 AA PUPDS [1E/3G•lala•agi] 6HH/14Hh/4hh | Russell Terrier | 23 | 50 |
MFl PUPDS - Applecider - 6HH 1E Lla FLB | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 33 | 3770 |
IPnS PUPDS 10HH EEGG Salmonbite | West Siberian Laika | 8 | 2531 |
CCSc PUPDS 19HH 5Hh 0hh 1.227 schutzhund | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 1056 |
ChT PUPDS 23 HH fawn black saddle | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 1877 |
ChA PUPDS 24HH EEEE 100,135 | Manchester Terrier | 40 | 2744 |
GCSc PUPDS 24HH lala | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 1493 |
GCSc PUPDS 24HH lala | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 1493 |
CCSc PUPDS 24HH lala | German Shepherd Dog | 55 | 1455 |
GCR PUPDS 77.1 • 11,10,3 • 32:16 • GGEG • lala • spdcha agistm | Saluki | 50 | 1191 |
PUPDS 9/2 Blue Merle and White (Irish) with Red Points lla chaspd chastr | Border Collie | 1 | 1778 |
IPnH PUPDS ACHIVMENT | Border Collie | 10 | 2980 |
JPnSc PUPDS Addy | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2016 |
MW ANEK Ambereye | English Setter | 20 | 4298 |
NCH PUPDS Applestar | Border Collie | 45 | 3612 |
NR ANEK Ashcoat | Saluki | 5 | 4395 |
ChR PUPDS Ashheart | Saluki | 33 | 4049 |
ASc PUPDS Atlas | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 2121 |
GCFl PUPDS Aurorahowl 1.048 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 49 | 3467 |
IPnR ANEK Auroralight | Ibizan Hound | 6 | 4140 |
GCH PUPDS Autumn | Tibetan Mastiff | 51 | 2540 |
ChR PUPDS Autumnleaves | Saluki | 33 | 4087 |
MSc PUPDS Bambi (From 'Bambi') | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 1853 |
MFT PUPDS Bandit 12HH | English Setter | 27 | 736 |
NCH PUPDS Bear | Tibetan Mastiff | 54 | 2318 |
ChR PUPDS Bearclaw | Saluki | 36 | 3630 |
AS PUPDS Bearfur | Siberian Husky | 18 | 3995 |
AW PUPDS Bearfur [10HH LL] | Stabyhoun | 16 | 3556 |
GCSh PUPDS Bearheart | Pomeranian | 46 | 3428 |
ChSc PUPDS Beetletail | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 3100 |
GCSc PUPDS Belmont Jewel- 24HH lala | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 1177 |
ExR PUPDS Berrytail | Saluki | 32 | 3908 |
ChW ANEK Berrywind | English Setter | 27 | 4323 |
ExR PUPDS Birchclaw | Saluki | 36 | 3038 |
NCSc PUPDS Birchclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 52 | 1497 |
ChR ANEK Birchstar | Saluki | 34 | 4423 |
ExR PUPDS Birchtail | Saluki | 32 | 4048 |
ChSc PUPDS Bird | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 4006 |
ExH ANEK Blackear | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 4347 |
NFr Blackpaw | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 3290 |
GCFl RTSK Blondie [1.132 24HH/0hh lla] | Border Collie | 48 | 2071 |
APnP PUPDS Blu | Dachshund | 13 | 3717 |
ExH PUPDS Bluestar | Border Collie | 32 | 4128 |
GCH PUPDS Bluestar | Border Collie | 42 | 3447 |
GCS PUPDS Brackenstar | West Siberian Laika | 39 | 3611 |
ChH PUPDS Brackenthorn | Border Collie | 33 | 4093 |
ChH ANEK Bramblestar | Border Collie | 32 | 4286 |
AM PUPDS Breed Reducer:( | Xoloitzcuintle | 17 | 1400 |
ChH PUPDS Breezestar | Border Collie | 40 | 3843 |
ChH PUPDS Briarstar | Border Collie | 39 | 3834 |
IPnFl PUPDS Brindle, Black, White (Irish), Tan Points | 12HH GGGF | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 11 | 3200 |
ChH PUPDS Bring on the Rain | Border Collie | 41 | 1284 |
ExSc PUPDS Bruce Banner B1 | German Shepherd Dog | 37 | 3081 |
NCS PUPDS Bumblestar | West Siberian Laika | 40 | 3611 |
ExS PUPDS Bunnyhop | West Siberian Laika | 31 | 3602 |
CCH PUPDS Burning Water lala 10HH | Australian Cattle Dog | 59 | 2019 |
AO MLDsK Callo | Pomeranian | 20 | 3578 |
APnO PUPDS Calvander | American Pit Bull Terrier | 13 | 3389 |
NCH PUPDS Carter | Tibetan Mastiff | 52 | 2374 |
ChSc PUPDS Casual Affair | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 4110 |
JASc PUPDS Casual Wintermoon Baroness Anya- EGGG | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 2890 |
ChSc PUPDS Chamomilestalk | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3614 |
MH ANEK Chaosracer | Australian Cattle Dog | 21 | 4293 |
NCR PUPDS Cherryheart | Saluki | 44 | 3511 |
ChM ANEK Cinderstar | Saluki | 33 | 4423 |
GCSh PUPDS Cinnamondust | Pomeranian | 45 | 3427 |
ASc PUPDS Cisco | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 3057 |
NCH PUPDS Cloudedstar | Border Collie | 47 | 3613 |
AO ANEK Cloudtail | Australian Cattle Dog | 14 | 4414 |
NS PUPDS Cloverpaw(J) | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 3125 |
APnP PUPDS Cocoafur | Dachshund | 12 | 3744 |
MH ANEK Coyotehowl | Australian Cattle Dog | 28 | 4324 |
ANS PUPDS Cream | Alaskan Husky | 4 | 1095 |
CCO CCE Cream with Black Sable EEEE 11HH | Norfolk Terrier | 62 | 3406 |
ExR PUPDS Creampelt | Saluki | 31 | 4048 |
WCE PUPDS Curryseed | Norfolk Terrier | 52 | 3457 |
WCA Dancing in the Moonlight | Pomeranian | 65 | 2329 |
AH PUPDS Dappledflame | Border Collie | 18 | 2553 |
JPnH Dapplepelt | Australian Cattle Dog | 6 | 4427 |
GCSc PUPDS Dark & Stormy- 24HH lala | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 1180 |
IPnR ANEK Darkdawn | Ibizan Hound | 6 | 4139 |
MW ANEK Darkfur | English Setter | 21 | 4299 |
ChS PUPDS Deerhorn | West Siberian Laika | 32 | 3958 |
AW PUPDS Diego | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 3772 |
GCP ChFl PUPDS Diversifier 03 | Weimaraner | 54 | 2924 |
NT CCFl PUPDS Dripping in Sunlight * | Border Collie | 65 | 1441 |
AH ANEK Duskheart | Australian Cattle Dog | 20 | 4290 |
ExH PUPDS Duststar | Border Collie | 34 | 4056 |
MW PUPDS Eagle | Stabyhoun | 19 | 3578 |
ChSc PUPDS Echostar | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 3834 |
MSc ANEK Eddy's Grand Cherokee | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 4211 |
ASc PUPDS EDGE AGILITY X 3, 15 HH 2 hh 2 E Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 3059 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 10HH Bluebell | Pomeranian | 50 | 3184 |
AE PUPDS EEEE 10HH Chocolatedrop | Jack Russell Terrier | 16 | 2560 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 10HH Ivyclaw | Australian Shepherd | 17 | 2543 |
ExFr PUPDS EEEE 10HH Smoketail | Akita | 31 | 2562 |
JAFl PUPDS EEEE 10HH Sunfire | Shetland Sheepdog | 16 | 2546 |
JPnH PUPDS EEEE 11HH Bluegaze | Old English Sheepdog | 7 | 2529 |
ExE PUPDS EEEE 11HH Brambleberry | Manchester Terrier | 25 | 2565 |
JPnR PUPDS EEEE 11HH Desertruins | Africanis | 6 | 2539 |
APnO PUPDS EEEE 11HH Fadeddawn | American Pit Bull Terrier | 13 | 3090 |
ME PUPDS EEEE 11HH Loyalheart | Manchester Terrier | 23 | 2376 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 11HH Ripplecurrent LL chaagi chaagi 1.170* | Pomeranian | 50 | 1530 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 11HH Seashell | Africanis | 21 | 2552 |
ExE PUPDS EEEE 11HH Streammist | Manchester Terrier | 26 | 2565 |
ChS PUPDS EEEE 12HH Bramblesnare | Alaskan Husky | 33 | 2566 |
JASh PUPDS EEEE 12HH Fireopal | Pomeranian | 14 | 2537 |
GCS PUPDS EEEE 12HH Fudgefur | Alaskan Husky | 36 | 2569 |
JAM PUPDS EEEE 12HH Greystripe | Korean Jindo | 14 | 2537 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 12HH Honeycomb | Africanis | 20 | 2552 |
JPnT ChH PUPDS EEEE 12HH Inkpool lala stmstm stmspd 1.057* | Border Collie | 42 | 2110 |
ExS PUPDS EEEE 12HH Peppercorn | Alaskan Husky | 29 | 2560 |
ASh PUPDS EEEE 12HH Robinflight | Pomeranian | 21 | 2549 |
GCR PUPDS EEEE 12HH Scorchclaw lla intagi agistr 1.933* | Saluki | 45 | 1684 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 12HH Shellfang | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 2589 |
IPnH PUPDS EEEE 12HH Springhop | Border Collie | 9 | 2529 |
GCHu PUPDS EEEE 12HH Squirrelclaw lala strstr stmstr 1.092* | Bulldog | 44 | 1811 |
GCO PUPDS EEEE 12HH Sunglow | Labrador Retriever | 45 | 2893 |
MO PUPDS EEEE 12HH Tigerroar | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 29 | 2568 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 12HH Whitedrizzle | Smooth Collie | 15 | 3092 |
AM PUPDS EEEE 13HH Blackflame | Korean Jindo | 15 | 2538 |
IPnFl PUPDS EEEE 13HH Coralfang | Shetland Sheepdog | 8 | 2530 |
PnFl PUPDS EEEE 13HH Curryleaf | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2530 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 13HH Dreamwind | Border Collie | 40 | 2606 |
PnFl PUPDS EEEE 13HH Eclipsemoon | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2535 |
CCE PUPDS EEEE 13HH Goldenface lala stragi intint 1.045* | Welsh Terrier | 41 | 1947 |
NCHu PUPDS EEEE 13HH Grass-stripe lala strstr stmstr 1.092* | Bulldog | 45 | 1811 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 13HH Icefang | Border Collie | 16 | 2543 |
JAR PUPDS EEEE 13HH Metalshine | Saluki | 14 | 2541 |
AHT PUPDS EEEE 13HH Pigeonflight | Akita Inu | 19 | 3104 |
ChS PUPDS EEEE 13HH Rabbitblaze | Alaskan Husky | 35 | 2569 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 13HH Reefflight | Pomeranian | 56 | 3126 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 13HH Russetsable | Australian Shepherd | 17 | 2545 |
JAM PUPDS EEEE 13HH Sablewing | Korean Jindo | 15 | 2537 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 13HH Sandfur | Pomeranian | 58 | 3126 |
GCR PUPDS EEEE 13HH Snowflake lala chaspd chaspd 1.008* | Saluki | 45 | 1523 |
IPnHu PUPDS EEEE 13HH Sparrowfeather | Dachshund | 9 | 2534 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 13HH Stonethrow | Pomeranian | 57 | 3115 |
APnHu PUPDS EEEE 13HH Thistleclaw | Chow-chow | 12 | 2541 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 13HH Yetifur | Africanis | 22 | 2551 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 14HH Clearlake | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
JAR PUPDS EEEE 14HH Cloudtemples | Africanis | 13 | 2538 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 14HH Cottonroot Lla chacha chacha 1.198* | Pomeranian | 50 | 1684 |
NH AA PUPDS EEEE 14HH Cranewing | Australian Cattle Dog | 18 | 2551 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 14HH Daisybreeze | Australian Shepherd | 16 | 2543 |
MA PUPDS EEEE 14HH Dawnsun | Belgian Sheepdog | 30 | 2571 |
JPnSc PUPDS EEEE 14HH Gazelle-leap | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2532 |
APnH PUPDS EEEE 14HH Hibiscusbreeze | Border Collie | 13 | 2535 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 14HH Jaguarheart | Border Collie | 24 | 2560 |
JPnSc PUPDS EEEE 14HH Jayclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2536 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 14HH Meltingheat | Pomeranian | 36 | 2573 |
NCFr PUPDS EEEE 14HH Rocketlaunch lla spdcha intcha 1.323* | Shiba Inu | 53 | 1530 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 14HH Seafoam | Pomeranian | 57 | 3126 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 14HH Skyswoop | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2565 |
JPnRO WCSh PUPDS EEEE 14HH Softsnow | Pomeranian | 56 | 3155 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 14HH Songbird | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3096 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 14HH Whitesnow | Pomeranian | 52 | 2592 |
JAFl PUPDS EEEE 14HH Windfang | Shetland Sheepdog | 14 | 2539 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 14HH Wolfbounce lla stmspd stmstr 1.057* | Border Collie | 42 | 2110 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 15HH Bluemoon | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 2617 |
AFr PUPDS EEEE 15HH Brightflash | West Siberian Laika | 16 | 2549 |
JPnH AA PUPDS EEEE 15HH Burnfur | Australian Cattle Dog | 19 | 2553 |
APnFl PUPDS EEEE 15HH Cinderheart | Shetland Sheepdog | 13 | 2540 |
IPnFl PUPDS EEEE 15HH Commetrush | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2531 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 15HH Jaysong Lla stragi chaagi 1.170* | Pomeranian | 51 | 1530 |
MT PUPDS EEEE 15HH Lightningflash | Beagle | 31 | 2570 |
PnFl PUPDS EEEE 15HH Snowyowl | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2535 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 15HH Spicefern | Border Collie | 36 | 2593 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 15HH Tinypetal | Pomeranian | 53 | 2862 |
IPnFr PUPDS EEEE 15HH Whitedash | Boxer | 7 | 2534 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 16HH Chocolatechip | Pomeranian | 34 | 2567 |
AFl PUPDS EEEE 16HH Coldfern | Shetland Sheepdog | 17 | 2545 |
AE PUPDS EEEE 16HH Dewleaf | Jack Russell Terrier | 17 | 2560 |
WCE PUPDS EEEE 16HH Firestorm ll strint agiagi 1.062* | Welsh Terrier | 48 | 1530 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 16HH Icecavern | Africanis | 41 | 2583 |
IPnS PUPDS EEEE 16HH Inkface | West Siberian Laika | 7 | 2527 |
JPnSc PUPDS EEEE 16HH Juniperberry | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2536 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 16HH Lightningstripe | Border Collie | 16 | 2541 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 16HH Lostpetal | Pomeranian | 51 | 3124 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 16HH Moonblast | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2568 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 16HH Owleyes | Shetland Sheepdog | 21 | 2556 |
CCS PUPDS EEEE 16HH Paintnose Lla strstr intint 1.108* | Greenland Dog | 45 | 1888 |
ASh PUPDS EEEE 16HH Pale-ears | Pomeranian | 24 | 2548 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 16HH Poisonthorn | Border Collie | 40 | 2599 |
IPnH PUPDS EEEE 16HH Rainfur | Border Collie | 9 | 2530 |
GCFr PUPDS EEEE 16HH Ryeseed | Labrador Retriever | 42 | 2862 |
APnFl PUPDS EEEE 16HH Steelclaw | Shetland Sheepdog | 12 | 2535 |
ChFr PUPDS EEEE 17HH Batfur | Labrador Retriever | 40 | 2868 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 17HH Charcoaldust | Border Collie | 15 | 2542 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 17HH Creamdrop | Border Collie | 33 | 2584 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 17HH Falconwing | Pomeranian | 48 | 2596 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 17HH Frostsable | Border Collie | 22 | 2553 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 17HH Greyskies | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2569 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 17HH Kestrelfire | Pomeranian | 48 | 2596 |
CCFr PUPDS EEEE 17HH Morningblossom | Labrador Retriever | 50 | 2971 |
ChM PUPDS EEEE 17HH Scorpiontail | Shiba Inu | 36 | 2576 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 17HH Seedbloom | Pomeranian | 54 | 2606 |
PnFl PUPDS EEEE 17HH Shadeleaf | Shetland Sheepdog | 12 | 2535 |
AS PUPDS EEEE 17HH Skyglow | Alaskan Husky | 16 | 2539 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 17HH Snowclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 2584 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 17HH Sunbeam | Pomeranian | 52 | 3151 |
APnH PUPDS EEEE 17HH Waterjet | Border Collie | 11 | 2535 |
AO PUPDS EEEE 17HH Whitedawn | American Pit Bull Terrier | 19 | 3103 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 17HH Wildfur | Pomeranian | 50 | 2596 |
IPnH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Autumnrain | Border Collie | 9 | 2529 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Brindleburr | Border Collie | 39 | 2600 |
APnR PUPDS EEEE 18HH Cheetahtail | Saluki | 11 | 2537 |
NCO PUPDS EEEE 18HH Cherrystalk lala agiint agiint 1.163* | Welsh Terrier | 46 | 1979 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Cowboy lla intcha spdstr 1.082* | Australian Cattle Dog | 46 | 1530 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 18HH Crystalflight | Africanis | 31 | 2572 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 18HH Darktail LL agicha agispd 1.137* | Pomeranian | 47 | 1292 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 18HH Ghostflight | Pomeranian | 41 | 2580 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Lavafang lala intspd stmcha 1.082* | Australian Cattle Dog | 43 | 1894 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 18HH Patchypelt | Border Collie | 37 | 2591 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 18HH Pinebark | Pomeranian | 56 | 2614 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 18HH Riverfrost | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 2557 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 18HH Rosefrost | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 2589 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 18HH Windwave | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 2585 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 18HH Wishingstar | Pomeranian | 50 | 2596 |
ChFr PUPDS EEEE 19HH Bayshore | Labrador Retriever | 38 | 2868 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Bladefang | Border Collie | 13 | 2540 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Cinnamonbark lala stmstm agistm 1.065* | Border Collie | 42 | 1955 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Dappletiger | Border Collie | 34 | 2584 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Deerfoot | Pomeranian | 35 | 2568 |
ExFl PUPDS EEEE 19HH Doveflight | Shetland Sheepdog | 32 | 2584 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Dullfur | Border Collie | 20 | 2546 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 19HH Foxtail | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 2563 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Frostedfur | Pomeranian | 26 | 2556 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Lemonrind lala stmstm agistm 1.065* | Border Collie | 40 | 1967 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Mandrillfang Lla chacha chacha 1.198* | Pomeranian | 49 | 1684 |
ASh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Mulchscent | Pomeranian | 24 | 2551 |
ANM PUPDS EEEE 19HH Nightfur | Shiba Inu | 4 | 2526 |
AD PUPDS EEEE 19HH Onyxheart | Labrador Retriever | 18 | 2567 |
MS PUPDS EEEE 19HH Palestripe | Alaskan Husky | 28 | 2550 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Sirencall | Border Collie | 14 | 2537 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 19HH Spottedpelt lla stmcha spdstr 1.082* | Australian Cattle Dog | 45 | 1530 |
ASh PUPDS EEEE 19HH Tigerbrindle | Pomeranian | 22 | 2552 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Dewnose Lla chacha chaagi 1.133* | Pomeranian | 48 | 1518 |
ChFr PUPDS EEEE 20HH Echocall | Labrador Retriever | 38 | 2869 |
NCFl PUPDS EEEE 20HH Fluffytail | Shetland Sheepdog | 45 | 2454 |
GCO PUPDS EEEE 20HH Hawfrost lala agiint chaint 1.052* | Welsh Terrier | 41 | 1950 |
GCO PUPDS EEEE 20HH Hazelbark lala agiint intagi 1.052* | Welsh Terrier | 40 | 1950 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Lilacstripe | Pomeranian | 55 | 2428 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Lionheart | Pomeranian | 35 | 2246 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Marshmallow | Pomeranian | 57 | 2437 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Pantherheart | Pomeranian | 35 | 2246 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Patchfur | Shetland Sheepdog | 25 | 2378 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 20HH Poolsplash Lla strint strint 1.108* | Greenland Dog | 43 | 1888 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 20HH Pumpkinjuice | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 2248 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Redmist Lla intstm spdint 1.038* | Border Collie | 48 | 1517 |
ChFr PUPDS EEEE 20HH Rockslide | Labrador Retriever | 38 | 2869 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 20HH Sealbark | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 2271 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Slatefur | Pomeranian | 44 | 2408 |
AM PUPDS EEEE 20HH Slushpool | West Siberian Laika | 16 | 2347 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Snowhare | Pomeranian | 49 | 2412 |
ExO PUPDS EEEE 20HH Snowyfur | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 32 | 2393 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Spookynight | Pomeranian | 61 | 2438 |
CCE PUPDS EEEE 20HH Strawberryfield lala intint intagi 1.107* | Welsh Terrier | 45 | 1705 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 20HH Sweetdawn | Pomeranian | 59 | 2440 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Wintersun | Border Collie | 32 | 2387 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 20HH Zebraheart | Border Collie | 35 | 2390 |
APnFr BuHaK EEEE 20HH/4Hh/0hh Lla 1.080 Lonely Morning Blossom | Labrador Retriever | 13 | 3072 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Berryflower | Pomeranian | 26 | 2268 |
MFl PUPDS EEEE 21HH Bubblepop | Shetland Sheepdog | 31 | 2387 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Bubblepop Lla chacha stragi 1.092* | Pomeranian | 49 | 1530 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Clearfur Lla stmspd agispd 1.077* | Border Collie | 48 | 1530 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Cobalteyes lala agispd chaspd 2.303* | Pomeranian | 49 | 1684 |
WCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Griffintail | Pomeranian | 60 | 2440 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Harespring LL strcha chaagi 1.090* | Pomeranian | 42 | 2112 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Leopardheart lala chacha stragi 1.183* | Pomeranian | 42 | 1949 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Merleleaf | Pomeranian | 56 | 2422 |
NCD PUPDS EEEE 21HH Panthershine | Labrador Retriever | 42 | 2425 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 21HH Pinefall | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 2272 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Rockthrow Lla strcha spdagi 1.088* | Pomeranian | 41 | 2115 |
CCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Silverfeet | Pomeranian | 52 | 2424 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 21HH Skycloud LL chacha strcha 1.092* | Pomeranian | 50 | 1530 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Summerstorm | Border Collie | 35 | 2390 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 21HH Willowdroop Lla stmint spdspd 1.103* | Border Collie | 41 | 1951 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Angelwing lala spdint strstr 1.245* | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 49 | 2112 |
AM PUPDS EEEE 22HH Appleflower | West Siberian Laika | 17 | 2347 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Blueberrynose Lla stmspd agistm 1.077* | Border Collie | 45 | 1887 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Coconutmilk Lla spdagi stmspd 1.103* | Border Collie | 41 | 1951 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Daisyseed lala spdstr chacha 1.158* | Pomeranian | 41 | 2112 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Dapplewing | Pomeranian | 30 | 2384 |
NCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Deerfur lala intstm stmcha 1.238* | Australian Cattle Dog | 54 | 1675 |
NCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Fernleap lala stmint strspd 1.048* | Australian Cattle Dog | 50 | 1292 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Flamepetal Lla intcha chaint 1.025* | Australian Cattle Dog | 47 | 1515 |
NCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Flowerpetal lala intagi stmcha 1.238* | Australian Cattle Dog | 54 | 1675 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Lighttail LL chacha agispd 1.137* | Pomeranian | 48 | 1510 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Meadowfire | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 2418 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Morningsun Lla strint spdstr 2.417* | Pomeranian | 50 | 1684 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Nutmegdust Lla chacha chaagi 1.133* | Pomeranian | 49 | 1518 |
ExS PUPDS EEEE 22HH Overofur | Alaskan Husky | 32 | 2389 |
ChSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Pinkcloud lala intstr intspd 1.048* | German Shepherd Dog | 38 | 2115 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Raspberryseed Ll agiagi strstm 1.115* | Border Collie | 45 | 2110 |
NCD PUPDS EEEE 22HH Rhinestone | Labrador Retriever | 42 | 2414 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Softfur lala agistr intspd 1.048* | German Shepherd Dog | 36 | 2112 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 22HH Softpetal Lla agispd stmstm 1.025* | Australian Cattle Dog | 50 | 1515 |
WCE PUPDS EEEE 22HH Songcall lala agistm chaint 1.243* | Welsh Terrier | 48 | 1800 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Soot-tail lala agiagi intagi 1.182* | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 1905 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Sparrowfeather Lla agicha chastr 1.090* | Pomeranian | 42 | 2112 |
MHu PUPDS EEEE 22HH Stoatbelly | Beagle | 24 | 2190 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Stonefur Lla strcha spdagi 1.088* | Pomeranian | 41 | 2115 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Swanflight lala intstm spdstm 1.087* | German Shepherd Dog | 37 | 2115 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 22HH Whistlecall lala intagi agiint 1.120* | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 1945 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Whitewing | Pomeranian | 31 | 2384 |
NCSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Alderbark lala chastm strstr 1.082* | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 1811 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 23HH Ashcloud Lla spdspd spdspd 1.073* | Saluki | 41 | 1905 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Aspenbark | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2269 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Bramblesong LL strcha spdstr 1.093* | Pomeranian | 41 | 1811 |
ChFr PUPDS EEEE 23HH Bubblefloat | Labrador Retriever | 38 | 2875 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Butterflywing lala stmint stragi 1.062* | Border Collie | 45 | 1887 |
ExD PUPDS EEEE 23HH Cedarfang | Labrador Retriever | 28 | 2278 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Chillrain LL chastr chaagi 1.057* | Pomeranian | 41 | 1905 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Chirpinglight Lla strcha spdagi 1.093* | Pomeranian | 42 | 1905 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Coralspire lla stmagi spdstr 1.243* | Border Collie | 52 | 1520 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Cornflower | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 2284 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Doespot lala strstr spdcha 1.058* | Pomeranian | 38 | 2112 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Emberstorm | Papillon | 43 | 2416 |
JAH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Feathertail | Shetland Sheepdog | 15 | 2347 |
NCH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Fountainspray lla spdagi spdstm 1.243* | Border Collie | 53 | 1521 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Heatherleaf lala agistm intagi 1.182* | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 1905 |
MD PUPDS EEEE 23HH Hedgehog | Labrador Retriever | 26 | 2270 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Hopskip | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2269 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Leaf-float lala stragi spdstm 1.085* | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 1958 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Linseedoil | Papillon | 29 | 2274 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 23HH Milkbone Lla stmspd chaspd 1.108* | Saluki | 40 | 1887 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Milkweed lala spdstm agiint 1.187* | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 1223 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Moonpool lala stragi chacha 1.115* | Pomeranian | 48 | 1865 |
ChSc PUPDS EEEE 23HH Mousetail lala stragi spdint 1.085* | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 1959 |
MD PUPDS EEEE 23HH Oatbunch | Labrador Retriever | 26 | 2270 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Pandaheart Lla chacha stragi 1.183* | Pomeranian | 41 | 1949 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Poppyseed | Pomeranian | 33 | 2247 |
AHu PUPDS EEEE 23HH Pumaleap | Beagle | 23 | 2190 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Quartzgleam LL strcha stragi 1.060* | Pomeranian | 47 | 1874 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Reedtail Lla agiint chaint 1.097* | Pomeranian | 41 | 1962 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 23HH Roanstallion | Border Collie | 26 | 2268 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 23HH Silvercloud lala spdspd spdspd 1.107* | Saluki | 37 | 2223 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Tabbycat | Pomeranian | 26 | 2268 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Thistletail lala agiint strint 1.097* | Pomeranian | 41 | 1905 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 23HH Tiptoe Lla strcha chaagi 1.065* | Pomeranian | 40 | 1905 |
NCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Aniseedshell 1.073* | German Shepherd Dog | 55 | 1443 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Badgerfang lala stmagi stmspd 1.093* | Border Collie | 43 | 2110 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Beesting LL stmstm 1.130* | Border Collie | 47 | 1291 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Biscuitcrumb lala stmint spdagi 1.100* | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 1493 |
EEEE 24HH Black + White (P) w/ Cream Points, Mask, + Undersides LL chastr agiagi | Pomeranian | 1 | 1873 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Brackenshade Lla agistm stmstm 1.103* | Border Collie | 50 | 1523 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Breamsplash Lla chastr chaagi 1.200* | Pomeranian | 53 | 1523 |
WCE PUPDS EEEE 24HH Breezechime | Manchester Terrier | 56 | 2433 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Briarthorn lala chaspd chastm 1.093* | Papillon | 39 | 2115 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Brickfur lala chacha chaint 1.138* | Papillon | 45 | 1892 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Brightsun Lla stmagi agistm 1.068* | Border Collie | 40 | 1905 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Burntfur lala spdcha chaint 1.097* | Papillon | 40 | 1969 |
ASh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Butterfly-ears lala intcha chacha 1.147* | Papillon | 17 | 1819 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Caramelcream | Border Collie | 26 | 2268 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Cheetahclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 2253 |
GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Cindertail lala spdspd spdspd 1.073* | Saluki | 40 | 1948 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Clayclaw lala intstm intspd 1.105* | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 1905 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Clayspire | Border Collie | 28 | 2278 |
MSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Clearpool | Papillon | 27 | 2274 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Clouddrift | Ibizan Hound | 20 | 2378 |
GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Cobaltpelt Lla spdspd spdspd 1.105* | Saluki | 46 | 1523 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Coffeegrounds lala agistm agistm 1.250* | Border Collie | 47 | 1811 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Coldpool Lla spdspd spdspd 1.108* | Saluki | 39 | 1887 |
CCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Dappleleaf lala intstm intstm 1.130* | Alaskan Husky | 43 | 1972 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Dapplestorm | Papillon | 44 | 2422 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Dawnbreeze lala spdspd agispd 1.102* | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 1959 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Deertail | Border Collie | 30 | 2251 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Desertstrike Lla agistm strstm 1.075* | Border Collie | 43 | 1811 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Duststorm lala spdstm spdstm 1.032* | Saluki | 21 | 1894 |
GCHu PUPDS EEEE 24HH Eaglefeather lala chacha chacha 1.068* | Chihuahua | 40 | 2105 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Echosong lala intstm intstm 1.130* | Alaskan Husky | 42 | 1960 |
ExM PUPDS EEEE 24HH Eclipsemoon | Shiba Inu | 34 | 2396 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Fernshade lala stmstm stmspd 1.077* | Alaskan Husky | 44 | 1892 |
JAM PUPDS EEEE 24HH Flintfang | Shiba Inu | 14 | 2341 |
AR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Fogcloud | Ibizan Hound | 18 | 2378 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Foghop lala spdstm agispd 1.157* | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 1801 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Foxheart lala stmint stmagi 1.093* | Border Collie | 44 | 2110 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Frecklefur Ll stmagi spdstm 1.025* | Border Collie | 38 | 1935 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Frogtail Lla stmstm stragi 1.093* | Border Collie | 41 | 1955 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Gingerfur lla stmagi agiagi 1.025* | Border Collie | 40 | 1905 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Goldensong | Basenji | 25 | 2397 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Greyface lala stragi stmstm 1.075* | Alaskan Husky | 42 | 1952 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Greyfrost lala spdint spdspd 1.107* | Saluki | 36 | 2223 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Hawkfeather lala stmstm agistm 1.093* | Border Collie | 37 | 2112 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Hazeface Lla chastr chaspd 1.057* | Pomeranian | 40 | 1905 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Huckleberry lala stmstm stmstm 1.230* | Border Collie | 50 | 1528 |
NCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Hyenafur Lla stmstm stmagi 1.255* | Border Collie | 53 | 1513 |
CCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Icedance lala intstm intstr 1.077* | Alaskan Husky | 46 | 1892 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Iceslip | Saluki | 26 | 2397 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Lakedive LL stmstm agiagi 1.092* | Border Collie | 43 | 2109 |
MSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Larkfeather | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 2253 |
WCE PUPDS EEEE 24HH Lichendew | Manchester Terrier | 59 | 2427 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Marblepelt Lla stmagi stmstm 1.142* | Border Collie | 41 | 1939 |
AM PUPDS EEEE 24HH Milkbubble | Shiba Inu | 24 | 2361 |
GCFr JPnD PUPDS EEEE 24HH Minksoft | Labrador Retriever | 40 | 2426 |
AM PUPDS EEEE 24HH Mintsyrup | Shiba Inu | 24 | 2361 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Mossdrip Lla stmstm stmagi 1.067* | Border Collie | 39 | 1811 |
JASh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Mothfur lala spdcha chacha 1.147* | Papillon | 16 | 1819 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Mothwing LL spdcha spdspd 1.073* | Pomeranian | 39 | 1905 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Okapistripe | Border Collie | 27 | 2262 |
GCHu PUPDS EEEE 24HH Owleye Lla chacha chacha 1.068* | Chihuahua | 41 | 2105 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Palemoon lala stmstm stmstm 1.068* | Border Collie | 39 | 1905 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Pepperleaf lala stmspd chastm 1.105* | Saluki | 29 | 1906 |
ChSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Pinefur lala agiint agistm 1.093* | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 1959 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Puddlepool lala stmstm stmstm 1.142* | Border Collie | 41 | 1939 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Rabbitfoot | Saluki | 31 | 2250 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Riverfish lala spdstm spdstm 1.157* | German Shepherd Dog | 48 | 1801 |
WCE PUPDS EEEE 24HH Riverwater | Manchester Terrier | 50 | 2415 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Russetear lala spdint chaint 1.138* | Papillon | 46 | 1892 |
MM PUPDS EEEE 24HH Safarisong | Shiba Inu | 32 | 2396 |
MS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sandstone | Alaskan Husky | 22 | 2284 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Seahorse Lla agistm stmstm 1.093* | Border Collie | 38 | 2112 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Shadeheart lala spdspd agispd 1.102* | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 1905 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEE 24HH Shockstorm Lla intint agistr 1.120* | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 1946 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Silkybelly Ll stmstm strstm 1.075* | Border Collie | 42 | 1958 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Skyhigh | Pomeranian | 32 | 2248 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Snaketail Lla stmint intstm 1.055* | Alaskan Husky | 43 | 1891 |
GCSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Snowstorm lala spdcha chacha 1.097* | Papillon | 42 | 1969 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Snowwolf Lla stmstm spdagi 1.067* | Border Collie | 39 | 1905 |
ChH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sparkshock Lla stmagi agistm 1.092* | Border Collie | 43 | 2111 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Stargleam Lla agistm stmagi 1.093* | Border Collie | 42 | 1811 |
MS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sugarcane | Alaskan Husky | 22 | 2284 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sugarfall lala spdspd spdspd 1.103* | Saluki | 43 | 1701 |
MH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Sweetdrop | Border Collie | 31 | 2251 |
GCH PUPDS EEEE 24HH Tealeaf lala agistm stmstm 1.250* | Border Collie | 46 | 1811 |
MR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Vanillaseed lala stmspd stmstm 1.105* | Saluki | 29 | 1906 |
GCR PUPDS EEEE 24HH Wheattail lala spdspd stmspd 1.027* | Saluki | 47 | 1523 |
ChSh PUPDS EEEE 24HH Willowleaf lala chaspd chacha 1.093* | Papillon | 38 | 2115 |
NCS PUPDS EEEE 24HH Wolfclaw Lla intstr intstr 1.055* | Alaskan Husky | 44 | 1890 |
NCSh PUPDS EEEE 7HH Cowmilk LL chaagi chaspd 1.113* | Pomeranian | 49 | 1530 |
ExH PUPDS EEEE 7HH Electricstorm | Smooth Collie | 36 | 3129 |
MA PUPDS EEEE 7HH Middaystorm | Belgian Sheepdog | 31 | 2572 |
GCT PUPDS EEEE 7HH Tarpelt | Bluetick Coonhound | 41 | 2863 |
AS PUPDS EEEE 8HH Coffeefur | West Siberian Laika | 17 | 2552 |
JPnR PUPDS EEEE 8HH Harbourflight | Africanis | 6 | 2539 |
MO PUPDS EEEE 8HH Paperflower | American Pit Bull Terrier | 30 | 2579 |
AH PUPDS EEEE 9HH Fawnspot | Great Pyrenees | 23 | 2555 |
ChR PUPDS EEEE 9HH Foxfur lla strspd strspd 1.062* | Saluki | 36 | 1929 |
CCT PUPDS EEEE 9HH Raincloud | Beagle | 50 | 2783 |
ChS PUPDS EEEE 9HH Shadowrush | Alaskan Husky | 35 | 2574 |
ASc PUPDS EEEE 9HH Sunshine | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 2551 |
ExE PUPDS EEEE Ferndash | Norfolk Terrier | 27 | 3154 |
JAHT PUPDS EEEE Lichentail | English Cocker Spaniel | 13 | 3129 |
MHT PUPDS EEEE Reindeerfluff | English Cocker Spaniel | 25 | 3148 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEE Rustyfoot | German Shepherd Dog | 37 | 3195 |
ChSc PUPDS EEEE Sableshade | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 2961 |
ChSc PUPDS EEEE Sharkfang | German Shepherd Dog | 37 | 3200 |
JASh PUPDS EEEE Splashpaw | Pomeranian | 15 | 2599 |
JAHT PUPDS EEEE Waterdrizzle | English Cocker Spaniel | 13 | 3130 |
NCSc PUPDS EEEE Weaselstar | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 3199 |
JAT PUPDS EEEF 11HH Woodfall | Beagle | 17 | 2543 |
AH PUPDS EEEG 10HH Thicketfluff | Australian Shepherd | 18 | 2545 |
GCSc PUPDS EEEG 11HH Blackfur | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 3094 |
APnH PUPDS EEEG 11HH Rustfur | Smooth Collie | 14 | 3089 |
MR PUPDS EEEG 11HH Springleaf | Saluki | 26 | 2578 |
ExO PUPDS EEEG 12HH Birdwing lala stragi agiint 0.972* | Welsh Terrier | 32 | 2112 |
AH PUPDS EEEG 12HH Buttercream | Leonberger | 20 | 2553 |
MHT PUPDS EEEG 12HH Rosered | Kooikerhondje | 29 | 2568 |
ASc PUPDS EEEG 13HH Peachblossom | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2564 |
MH PUPDS EEEG 14HH Stormhowl | Border Collie | 27 | 2564 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEG 15HH Riceball | Pomeranian | 35 | 2569 |
JPnS PUPDS EEEG 15HH Tinselshine | West Siberian Laika | 6 | 2526 |
JPnR PUPDS EEEG 15HH Whirlpool | Irish Wolfhound | 6 | 2529 |
AM PUPDS EEEG 16HH Hedgehog lla agicha strcha 1.140* | Kai Ken | 21 | 1892 |
ExSc PUPDS EEEG 16HH Whiteclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 2590 |
JAH PUPDS EEEG 17HH Cloudednight | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
JPnS PUPDS EEEG 17HH Lilypool | Siberian Husky | 6 | 2524 |
AH PUPDS EEEG 18HH Nettlepond | Border Collie | 19 | 2547 |
ExH PUPDS EEEG 20HH Greyfern | Border Collie | 35 | 2394 |
MSh PUPDS EEEG 21HH Fluffyfeather | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 27 | 2374 |
AM PUPDS EEEG 8HH Bouncefoot lala agicha stmcha 1.140* | Kai Ken | 22 | 1892 |
IPnSc PUPDS EEEG 9HH Daylight | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 2533 |
APnH PUPDS EEEG 9HH Shockwave | Shetland Sheepdog | 13 | 2539 |
NCH PUPDS EEEG 9HH Windhowl Lla strspd chastr 1.137* | Australian Cattle Dog | 52 | 1291 |
JAHT PUPDS EEEG Crowfur | English Cocker Spaniel | 14 | 3129 |
AH PUPDS EEEG Crowtail | Border Collie | 21 | 3001 |
MH PUPDS EEEG Dragonfly | Border Collie | 32 | 2936 |
MSc PUPDS EEEG Dusksable | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 2779 |
ExSh PUPDS EEEG Goldclaw | Pomeranian | 34 | 3157 |
ASh PUPDS EEEG Icingsugar | Pomeranian | 25 | 3133 |
JAR PUPDS EEFE 9HH Nightflight | Saluki | 14 | 2541 |
ChH PUPDS EEFF Owlwing | Border Collie | 40 | 3190 |
JAH PUPDS EEFG Wavestorm | Australian Koolie | 14 | 3126 |
GCS PUPDS EEGE 10HH Desertnight | West Siberian Laika | 37 | 2598 |
AFl PUPDS EEGE 10HH Haildrop | Shetland Sheepdog | 17 | 2552 |
AH PUPDS EEGE 11HH Shadepelt | Border Collie | 18 | 2545 |
IPnSc PUPDS EEGE 12HH Flamebreath ** | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 2533 |
JAT PUPDS EEGE 12HH Lemonfur | Beagle | 17 | 2546 |
MSc PUPDS EEGE 12HH Meltedfur | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 2569 |
PnFl PUPDS EEGE 12HH Seedfall | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2535 |
ChS PUPDS EEGE 13HH Dawncloud | Alaskan Husky | 33 | 2572 |
PnFl PUPDS EEGE 13HH Goldspot | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2535 |
JAHu PUPDS EEGE 13HH Oakfang | Beagle | 14 | 2541 |
JAHu PUPDS EEGE 13HH Sweettooth | Beagle | 13 | 2541 |
JAM PUPDS EEGE 13HH Tigerfur lala intagi spdstr 1.037* | Kai Ken | 15 | 1872 |
APnFl PUPDS EEGE 14HH Blueeyes | Shetland Sheepdog | 13 | 2537 |
IPnFl PUPDS EEGE 14HH Smokestep | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2531 |
JASh PUPDS EEGE 14HH Zircondrop | Pomeranian | 14 | 2537 |
JPnS PUPDS EEGE 15HH Creampuddle | West Siberian Laika | 6 | 2526 |
APnHT PUPDS EEGE 15HH Lilybloom | Akita Inu | 12 | 3089 |
ChH PUPDS EEGE 15HH Misttail | Border Collie | 41 | 2606 |
ASc PUPDS EEGE 15HH Redvelvet | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 2546 |
IPnS PUPDS EEGE 16HH Honeyfoot | West Siberian Laika | 7 | 2527 |
JAH PUPDS EEGE 17HH Goldenflame | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
AH PUPDS EEGE 17HH Ripplestripe | Border Collie | 18 | 2546 |
GCSc PUPDS EEGE 18HH Hazetail | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 2616 |
AH PUPDS EEGE 19HH Fernwind | Australian Shepherd | 16 | 2541 |
JAH PUPDS EEGE 19HH Splashfur | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
GCSc PUPDS EEGE 20HH Golddust | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 2422 |
ExSc PUPDS EEGE 20HH Jackalfang | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 2393 |
NCSh PUPDS EEGE 22HH Cocoadust Lla chastr spdspd 1.195* | Pomeranian | 50 | 1530 |
JPnH PUPDS EEGE 9HH Palepatch | Old English Sheepdog | 7 | 2529 |
NCE PUPDS EEGE Daisyfield | Norfolk Terrier | 38 | 3174 |
ChSc PUPDS EEGE Dustyfrost | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 2785 |
ExE PUPDS EEGE Gorseheart | Norfolk Terrier | 27 | 3154 |
JPnHT PUPDS EEGE Licoricestick | English Cocker Spaniel | 6 | 3116 |
AH PUPDS EEGE Lightfur | Border Collie | 24 | 2991 |
ChSc PUPDS EEGE Lilacfur | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 2791 |
ExSh PUPDS EEGE Mossstone | Pomeranian | 32 | 3157 |
ASh PUPDS EEGE Paprikadust | Pomeranian | 23 | 3131 |
ChSc PUPDS EEGE Weaselclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 2779 |
MS PUPDS EEGF Stonedapple | Alaskan Husky | 23 | 3333 |
ExR PUPDS EEGG 10HH Trislash | Saluki | 30 | 2587 |
MFl PUPDS EEGG 11HH Coldrain | Shetland Sheepdog | 26 | 2568 |
JPnS PUPDS EEGG 11HH Eggyolk | West Siberian Laika | 6 | 2526 |
APnR PUPDS EEGG 11HH Fairyspark | Africanis | 12 | 2540 |
ExH PUPDS EEGG 11HH Mintleaf | Border Collie | 35 | 2588 |
JAFl PUPDS EEGG 12HH Inkfur | Shetland Sheepdog | 14 | 2539 |
EEGG 12HH Rabbit | Great Dane | 1 | 2527 |
AHT PUPDS EEGG 12HH Sootpelt | Black Mouth Cur | 24 | 2568 |
JASc PUPDS EEGG 14HH Thunderfang | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 2546 |
AFl PUPDS EEGG 15HH Hawthorntail | Shetland Sheepdog | 16 | 2546 |
JPnH PUPDS EEGG 3HH Flightpath | Border Collie | 8 | 2530 |
MM PUPDS EEGG 5HH Creambrindle | Korean Jindo | 28 | 2564 |
GCS PUPDS EEGG 7HH Waspclaw | West Siberian Laika | 36 | 2608 |
ExS PUPDS EEGG 8HH Magmarain | West Siberian Laika | 28 | 2581 |
GCSc PUPDS EEGG 9HH Mousefur | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3075 |
JPnRO ExSh PUPDS EEGG Flickersong | Pomeranian | 34 | 3161 |
MR PUPDS EFEE Lightstorm | Saluki | 28 | 3220 |
NR PUPDS EFGG Clovepaw | Saluki | 1 | 3107 |
GCSh PUPDS EGEE 10HH Lilyblossom Lla chacha chaspd 1.027* | Pomeranian | 44 | 1518 |
ChS PUPDS EGEE 11HH Toastedfur | Alaskan Husky | 31 | 2571 |
GCSc PUPDS EGEE 12HH Pumpkinlight | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 2616 |
ChH PUPDS EGEE 12HH Sparrowwing | Border Collie | 36 | 2594 |
ExH PUPDS EGEE 13HH Barkface | Border Collie | 33 | 2584 |
JPnSh PUPDS EGEE 13HH Sapphire-eyes | Pomeranian | 5 | 2530 |
ANO ASc PUPDS EGEE 14HH Berryface | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 2563 |
JAH PUPDS EGEE 14HH Burnttree | Border Collie | 14 | 2539 |
JAM PUPDS EGEE 14HH Sweetdream | Shiba Inu | 17 | 2543 |
IPnFl PUPDS EGEE 15HH Chimebell | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2531 |
JAM PUPDS EGEE 15HH Gingerfur | Shiba Inu | 15 | 2539 |
ASh PUPDS EGEE 15HH Sparkshock | Pomeranian | 17 | 2543 |
NCS PUPDS EGEE 15HH Steamcloud | Alaskan Husky | 40 | 2580 |
ASc PUPDS EGEE 16HH Nougatfur | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 2563 |
PnS PUPDS EGEE 16HH Sunlight | West Siberian Laika | 9 | 2534 |
ChH PUPDS EGEE 16HH Tigerclaw | Border Collie | 41 | 2603 |
ExH PUPDS EGEE 17HH Fleetfoot | Border Collie | 34 | 2594 |
NCO PUPDS EGEE 17HH Gorseheart lala agiint intcha 1.163* | Welsh Terrier | 46 | 1979 |
AR PUPDS EGEE 17HH Icyflight | Africanis | 20 | 2552 |
ChS PUPDS EGEE 17HH Mistcloud | Alaskan Husky | 34 | 2568 |
PnFl PUPDS EGEE 17HH Yellowfur | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2532 |
ChSc PUPDS EGEE 18HH Foggyday | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 3078 |
JAH PUPDS EGEE 18HH Mosstail | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
MSh PUPDS EGEE 19HH Grassknot | Pomeranian | 31 | 2268 |
CCS PUPDS EGEE 19HH Stormrumble lala strstr strstr 1.168* | Greenland Dog | 45 | 1905 |
IPnFl PUPDS EGEE 7HH Firefang | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2531 |
GCR PUPDS EGEE 8HH Snowstar | Saluki | 40 | 2610 |
AM PUPDS EGEE 9HH Brindlepelt Lla agicha stmcha 1.140* | Kai Ken | 21 | 1892 |
CCS PUPDS EGEE 9HH Wheatfur | Alaskan Husky | 45 | 2586 |
GCSc PUPDS EGEE Carameldrizzle | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 2779 |
ASh PUPDS EGEE Lightningbolt | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 18 | 3134 |
PnR PUPDS EGEF Lionshade | Saluki | 11 | 3182 |
AM PUPDS EGEF Lyresong | Shiba Inu | 23 | 3132 |
JPnR PUPDS EGEG 10HH Alpineridge | Africanis | 6 | 2540 |
ExH PUPDS EGEG 10HH Cedarheart | Border Collie | 33 | 2587 |
JPnR PUPDS EGEG 10HH Winterstorm | Saluki | 8 | 2532 |
CCE PUPDS EGEG 12HH Applestem lla intspd intagi 1.213* | Welsh Terrier | 45 | 1904 |
ASc PUPDS EGEG 12HH Cobblestone | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 2551 |
ExH PUPDS EGEG 12HH Duskfrost | Border Collie | 32 | 2577 |
JPnSc PUPDS EGEG 13HH Bramblethorn ** | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2532 |
AP PUPDS EGEG 13HH Creambelly | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 2565 |
AH PUPDS EGEG 14HH Sanddawn | Border Collie | 18 | 2544 |
ANSh PUPDS EGEG 15HH Agatefur | Pomeranian | 5 | 2530 |
ExH PUPDS EGEG 16HH Bramblethicket | Border Collie | 35 | 2588 |
IPnHT PUPDS EGEG 16HH Tarpool | Black Mouth Cur | 7 | 2534 |
CCE PUPDS EGEG 18HH Peachfuzz lala intint intint 1.107* | Welsh Terrier | 46 | 1705 |
GCR PUPDS EGEG 7HH Milkwing | Saluki | 40 | 2609 |
AFT PUPDS EGEG 7HH Swiftrapids | Harrier | 18 | 2556 |
GCS PUPDS EGEG 8HH Daisytail | West Siberian Laika | 39 | 2608 |
AS PUPDS EGEG 8HH Thunderbolt | West Siberian Laika | 21 | 2564 |
CCS PUPDS EGEG 9HH Wasabileaf | Alaskan Husky | 45 | 2597 |
ANH PUPDS EGFE 8HH Ashpool | Tibetan Mastiff | 5 | 2776 |
AT PUPDS EGFE Shadowclaw | Tibetan Mastiff | 24 | 3344 |
AS PUPDS EGFG Sweetflower | West Siberian Laika | 20 | 3200 |
JPnS PUPDS EGGE 10HH Frosttail | West Siberian Laika | 6 | 2526 |
JPnS PUPDS EGGE 11HH Appleseed | West Siberian Laika | 5 | 2526 |
AR PUPDS EGGE 11HH Wintercloud | Saluki | 20 | 2555 |
MM PUPDS EGGE 12HH Lightbelly | Korean Jindo | 29 | 2564 |
ChR PUPDS EGGE 13HH Cressflower | Saluki | 38 | 2606 |
MS PUPDS EGGE 13HH Platinumpelt | West Siberian Laika | 25 | 2570 |
ExSh PUPDS EGGE 14HH Bumblefuzz | Pomeranian | 35 | 2572 |
ExH PUPDS EGGE 14HH Emberspark | Border Collie | 32 | 2587 |
APnR PUPDS EGGE 16HH Mushroomflight | Africanis | 12 | 2538 |
MH PUPDS EGGE 17HH Hiddenstripe | Border Collie | 27 | 2571 |
JAM PUPDS EGGE 17HH Softheart | Shiba Inu | 17 | 2541 |
CCR PUPDS EGGE 7HH Moltencrater | Africanis | 51 | 2624 |
ASc PUPDS EGGE 8HH Cinnamonstick | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 2555 |
MS PUPDS EGGE 9HH Flashfire | Alaskan Husky | 25 | 2550 |
JAS PUPDS EGGE 9HH Sparkstorm | Samoyed | 11 | 2537 |
WCRO EGGE Black with Red Points | Beagle | 60 | 3011 |
APnHu PUPDS EGGF 9HH Prettyflower | American Bully | 13 | 2551 |
ExS PUPDS EGGF Morningcloud | West Siberian Laika | 30 | 3357 |
ChS PUPDS EGGF Poppydrop | West Siberian Laika | 35 | 3367 |
JAH PUPDS EGGG 10HH Brackenfang | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
ExR PUPDS EGGG 10HH Whitechocolate | Saluki | 28 | 2584 |
ASc PUPDS EGGG 11HH Foxfur | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 2561 |
JPnR PUPDS EGGG 11HH Loftycastle | Africanis | 6 | 2540 |
MR PUPDS EGGG 11HH Neonlights | Saluki | 29 | 2583 |
JAT PUPDS EGGG 12HH Chamomilebloom | Beagle | 16 | 2544 |
ChH PUPDS EGGG 12HH Honeybee | Border Collie | 40 | 2606 |
PnFl PUPDS EGGG 12HH Shadowstorm | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2535 |
WCR PUPDS EGGG 12HH Sunnybeach | Africanis | 55 | 3092 |
GCR PUPDS EGGG 12HH Wildflight | Africanis | 44 | 2597 |
AR PUPDS EGGG 13HH Crystalglacier | Africanis | 19 | 2548 |
MSc PUPDS EGGG 15HH Cloudmoon | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 2580 |
AR PUPDS EGGG 15HH Darkwater | Africanis | 19 | 2548 |
ChSc PUPDS EGGG 15HH Orangeseed | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 3090 |
GCS PUPDS EGGG 4HH Hurricanerush | West Siberian Laika | 37 | 2852 |
AH PUPDS EGGG 4HH Willowwind | Australian Shepherd | 19 | 2548 |
NCS PUPDS EGGG 5HH Claytail | West Siberian Laika | 41 | 2615 |
GCS PUPDS EGGG 5HH Spiderweb | Alaskan Husky | 37 | 2583 |
JPnS PUPDS EGGG 6HH Badgerstripe | West Siberian Laika | 6 | 2526 |
NCS PUPDS EGGG 6HH Darklight | West Siberian Laika | 40 | 2865 |
ExR PUPDS EGGG 6HH Eveninglake | Africanis | 33 | 2582 |
AS PUPDS EGGG 6HH Milktooth | West Siberian Laika | 15 | 2552 |
JAR PUPDS EGGG 8HH Dapplefur | Saluki | 14 | 2541 |
JAH PUPDS EGGG 9HH Beeflight | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
APnR PUPDS EGGG 9HH Dustpelt | Saluki | 12 | 2544 |
GCSc PUPDS EGGG Brambleshade | German Shepherd Dog | 45 | 2785 |
ASc PUPDS EGGG Longtail | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3063 |
GCSh PUPDS EGGG Spicedust | Pomeranian | 47 | 3192 |
ChSc PUPDS EGGG Thunderstrike | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 3196 |
ANH PUPDS Elvomir's Faded | Border Collie | 5 | 2956 |
ChA PUPDS Erza | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 1692 |
ANT Ethan | Beagle | 5 | 3071 |
NCSc PUPDS Fannedbreeze | German Shepherd Dog | 52 | 1488 |
AR PUPDS Fawnfur | Afghan Hound | 17 | 3738 |
ChH ANEK Fawnstar | Australian Cattle Dog | 35 | 4438 |
GCR PUPDS Fawnstar | Saluki | 37 | 3835 |
ExW ANEK Feathertail | English Setter | 23 | 4302 |
MT PUPDS FEEE Leaffall | Beagle | 28 | 3349 |
JAM PUPDS FEEG Sweetdrop | Shiba Inu | 15 | 3190 |
AFl PUPDS FEFG Sedgefur | Shetland Sheepdog | 22 | 3149 |
AH PUPDS FEFG Tallfur | Tibetan Mastiff | 22 | 3335 |
ExFl PUPDS FEGE Chillbreeze | Shetland Sheepdog | 32 | 3181 |
PnT PUPDS FEGE Reedstalk | Beagle | 9 | 3305 |
ChSc ANEK Fernstar | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 4184 |
ChH PUPDS Fernstar | Border Collie | 39 | 3834 |
MR PUPDS FFGG Berryleaf | Saluki | 25 | 3214 |
MT PUPDS FGEE Peonybreath | Tibetan Mastiff | 25 | 3344 |
MSc PUPDS FGEG Thistlestorm | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 3341 |
MR PUPDS FGFG Mothwing | Saluki | 27 | 3220 |
MT PUPDS FGGE 4HH Flightpool | Tibetan Mastiff | 25 | 2823 |
AT PUPDS FGGE Eagleflight | Tibetan Mastiff | 23 | 3341 |
MT PUPDS FGGE Orchidbloom | Tibetan Mastiff | 31 | 3361 |
APnA PUPDS FGGG 7HH Bramblespike | Australian Cattle Dog | 13 | 2539 |
GCSh PUPDS FGGG Brindlefern | Pomeranian | 43 | 3255 |
JAR PUPDS FGGG Flintfang | Saluki | 14 | 3183 |
AS PUPDS FGGG Iceheart | West Siberian Laika | 17 | 3325 |
JAS PUPDS FGGG Mallowfur | Alaskan Husky | 14 | 3316 |
JAH PUPDS FGGG Pandafur | Border Collie | 14 | 3122 |
MT PUPDS FGGG Ravenpath | Tibetan Mastiff | 26 | 3354 |
GCS PUPDS Finchsong | Alaskan Husky | 38 | 3392 |
ChR ANEK Fireberry | Saluki | 31 | 4344 |
AM Firestar | Border Collie | 19 | 3983 |
ExW ANEK Flameheart | English Setter | 21 | 4301 |
ExR PUPDS Flareclaw | Saluki | 31 | 4048 |
JAH PUPDS Flarefur | Border Collie | 16 | 2548 |
ChSc ANEK Flightstar | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 4184 |
CCFl PUPDS Fly to High 1.040 [10HH] | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 53 | 3313 |
NCH PUPDS Fox | Tibetan Mastiff | 52 | 2323 |
ExH PUPDS Foxstar | Border Collie | 36 | 3962 |
NCFl PUPDS Foxstep | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 51 | 3437 |
AP PUPDS Freiburg | Dachshund | 22 | 3762 |
ExM ANEK Frostbite | Saluki | 30 | 4297 |
WCRO PUPDS Frostpaw at Surefire | Pomeranian | 76 | 2930 |
MT PUPDS GEEE 10HH Flamedance | Beagle | 25 | 2559 |
MS PUPDS GEEE 10HH Moonseed | Alaskan Husky | 27 | 2557 |
ChH PUPDS GEEE 10HH Tarclaw Ll intspd chastr 0.990* | Australian Cattle Dog | 42 | 1892 |
AM PUPDS GEEE 10HH Topazstone lala intcha stmcha 1.133* | Kai Ken | 16 | 1872 |
CCS PUPDS GEEE 10HH Windlight | West Siberian Laika | 43 | 2881 |
CCSh PUPDS GEEE 11HH Cloudspire | Pomeranian | 51 | 3185 |
MA PUPDS GEEE 11HH Freshleaf | Chow-chow | 27 | 2565 |
CCO PUPDS GEEE 11HH Wheatgrass | Labrador Retriever | 51 | 3022 |
MSh PUPDS GEEE 12HH Firebeam | Pomeranian | 29 | 2559 |
JAO PUPDS GEEE 12HH Mousepelt | American Pit Bull Terrier | 14 | 2541 |
AFl PUPDS GEEE 13HH Aspenfall | Shetland Sheepdog | 23 | 2563 |
AS PUPDS GEEE 13HH Grapevine | West Siberian Laika | 20 | 2562 |
IPnD PUPDS GEEE 13HH Mottlepelt Ll agispd chastm 1.003* | Stabyhoun | 7 | 2020 |
AM PUPDS GEEE 14HH Zebratail lala agicha strcha 1.200* | Kai Ken | 17 | 1872 |
CCS PUPDS GEEE 15HH Bayleaf | Alaskan Husky | 46 | 2598 |
GCH PUPDS GEEE 15HH Bubblejet | Border Collie | 45 | 2608 |
APnSh PUPDS GEEE 15HH Mintyfresh | Pomeranian | 12 | 2534 |
MH PUPDS GEEE 15HH Orcatail | Border Collie | 26 | 2559 |
CCO PUPDS GEEE 16HH Onyxtail | Labrador Retriever | 53 | 3022 |
ANSc PUPDS GEEE 16HH Seedbloom ** | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 2530 |
AR PUPDS GEEE 16HH Starryplain | Africanis | 21 | 2551 |
GCSc PUPDS GEEE 17HH Dawndrop | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 3028 |
APnSh PUPDS GEEE 17HH Goldleaf | Pomeranian | 12 | 2534 |
GCH PUPDS GEEE 18HH Mossthorn lla stmint strspd 1.048* | Australian Cattle Dog | 49 | 1510 |
GCSh PUPDS GEEE 21HH Cloudburst Lla chacha strstr 1.097* | Pomeranian | 42 | 1963 |
ExT PUPDS GEEE 7HH Lilybreath | Beagle | 34 | 2578 |
ExS PUPDS GEEE 8HH Diamondshade | West Siberian Laika | 29 | 2580 |
IPnS PUPDS GEEE 8HH Smokyquartz | Alaskan Husky | 8 | 2524 |
AFl PUPDS GEEE 9HH Riverdip | Shetland Sheepdog | 18 | 2552 |
GCSh PUPDS GEEE Lightblast | Pomeranian | 46 | 3184 |
ChSc PUPDS GEEE Snakeslide | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 3196 |
GCH PUPDS GEEF 8HH Bluefur Lla strspd stmcha 1.137* | Australian Cattle Dog | 49 | 1291 |
AH JPnA PUPDS GEEG 10HH Cookiedough | Australian Cattle Dog | 17 | 2548 |
ChSc PUPDS GEEG 10HH Fernbright | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 2617 |
JPnHu PUPDS GEEG 11HH Berrybranch | Beagle | 6 | 2539 |
AS PUPDS GEEG 11HH Mudpuddle | Alaskan Husky | 14 | 2534 |
AM PUPDS GEEG 11HH Tigerheart lla agicha strcha | Kai Ken | 17 | 1872 |
GCSc PUPDS GEEG 12HH Brightspark | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 2615 |
ExSc PUPDS GEEG 12HH Chocolatesauce | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 2584 |
ASc PUPDS GEEG 12HH Ghostlight | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 2546 |
IPnFT PUPDS GEEG 13HH Chocorange | Brittany | 8 | 2534 |
ExT PUPDS GEEG 13HH Cloverleaf | Beagle | 36 | 2580 |
ExS PUPDS GEEG 13HH Steelclaw | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 2562 |
ExT PUPDS GEEG 14HH Emberface | Beagle | 35 | 2573 |
WCE PUPDS GEEG 16HH Deerstar lla strstm agiint 1.242* | Welsh Terrier | 53 | 1811 |
GCH PUPDS GEEG 17HH Cornflower lala intstr stmstm 1.038* | Border Collie | 46 | 1517 |
AR PUPDS GEEG 17HH Magicspark | Africanis | 20 | 2551 |
ExS PUPDS GEEG 5HH Cinderstrike | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 2562 |
MS PUPDS GEEG 5HH Silvermoon | Alaskan Husky | 25 | 2550 |
GCS PUPDS GEEG 7HH Foxfire | West Siberian Laika | 39 | 2610 |
NCSh PUPDS GEEG 7HH Rabbitfluff Lla chaagi chaspd 1.113* | Pomeranian | 48 | 1530 |
AH PUPDS GEEG 7HH Sablefur | Australian Shepherd | 18 | 2548 |
MSc PUPDS GEEG 9HH Ripplebreeze | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2569 |
GCSc PUPDS GEEG 9HH Steamwind | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3098 |
AS PUPDS GEEG 9HH Windwhistle | West Siberian Laika | 21 | 2564 |
ExS PUPDS GEFE Snowslush | West Siberian Laika | 31 | 3229 |
IPnR PUPDS GEFG Crystalheart | Saluki | 9 | 3119 |
MR PUPDS GEFG Shimmershine | Saluki | 25 | 3220 |
ExSc PUPDS GEGE 10HH Creamytail | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 2597 |
ExO PUPDS GEGE 11HH Sunstorm lla strstr agiint 0.972* | Welsh Terrier | 31 | 2112 |
AT PUPDS GEGE 13HH Junglebird | Bluetick Coonhound | 18 | 3105 |
ExH PUPDS GEGE 14HH Silverpool | Border Collie | 33 | 2591 |
MH PUPDS GEGE 15HH Blackdust | Border Collie | 28 | 2564 |
ASc PUPDS GEGE 15HH Smokecloud | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 2563 |
APnR PUPDS GEGE 16HH Highcaves | Africanis | 13 | 2540 |
ExT PUPDS GEGE 5HH Wattleheart | Beagle | 34 | 2573 |
NCT PUPDS GEGE 6HH Blackberry | Beagle | 50 | 2792 |
ExT PUPDS GEGE 6HH Hazeleyes | Beagle | 36 | 2589 |
AS PUPDS GEGE 7HH Skunkfunk | Alaskan Husky | 15 | 2537 |
IPnSc PUPDS GEGE 8HH Hopestorm | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 2535 |
IPnFl PUPDS GEGE 9HH Raintail | Shetland Sheepdog | 9 | 2531 |
GCSh PUPDS GEGE Marblecake | Pomeranian | 45 | 3255 |
IPnR PUPDS GEGF 5HH Deafwind | Whippet | 10 | 2539 |
IPnD PUPDS GEGF 8HH Stormysea Ll spdstr chaspd 0.997* | Stabyhoun | 8 | 2020 |
JPnR PUPDS GEGF Gardeniawhisper | Saluki | 7 | 3172 |
MT PUPDS GEGF Horsetail | Beagle | 28 | 3349 |
ExS PUPDS GEGF Oakheart | Alaskan Husky | 31 | 3354 |
ExS PUPDS GEGF Sandstripe | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 3354 |
PnD PUPDS GEGG 10H Whirlwind Ll chacha chacha 1.003* | Stabyhoun | 8 | 2020 |
GCS PUPDS GEGG 10HH Bluebrindle | Alaskan Husky | 36 | 2578 |
JPnA PUPDS GEGG 10HH Burntfur | Chinese Shar-Pei | 6 | 2539 |
AM PUPDS GEGG 10HH Chocolatestripe lala agicha agicha | Kai Ken | 16 | 1872 |
JAT PUPDS GEGG 10HH Grasswind | Beagle | 15 | 2544 |
AS PUPDS GEGG 10HH Lakedeep | Alaskan Husky | 14 | 2533 |
NCT PUPDS GEGG 10HH Lizardfang | Beagle | 48 | 2612 |
IPnD PUPDS GEGG 10HH Spiderweb Ll stragi intstr 0.997* | Stabyhoun | 8 | 2020 |
ASc PUPDS GEGG 11HH Coldshade | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 2553 |
MS PUPDS GEGG 11HH Hawkstorm | Alaskan Husky | 28 | 2559 |
AS PUPDS GEGG 11HH Icebranch | West Siberian Laika | 17 | 2554 |
AS PUPDS GEGG 11HH Shininglight | West Siberian Laika | 19 | 2555 |
JPnSc PUPDS GEGG 12HH Berrybite ** | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 2532 |
ExS PUPDS GEGG 3HH Foxthistle | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 2818 |
AT PUPDS GEGG 5HH Lunabright | Beagle | 17 | 2546 |
AS PUPDS GEGG 6HH Canolaflower | Alaskan Husky | 15 | 2532 |
MS PUPDS GEGG 6HH Whitelily | West Siberian Laika | 21 | 2564 |
AT PUPDS GEGG 7HH Applejuice | Beagle | 18 | 2544 |
GCS PUPDS GEGG 7HH Drybrush | Alaskan Husky | 37 | 2588 |
ChR PUPDS GEGG 7HH Greydash | Saluki | 34 | 2594 |
PnS PUPDS GEGG 8HH Haywhisker | West Siberian Laika | 8 | 2531 |
GCSc PUPDS GEGG 8HH Stormynight | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3029 |
ExR PUPDS GEGG 8HH Sunrisespring | Africanis | 34 | 2582 |
APnH PUPDS GEGG 9HH Bubblewind | Tibetan Mastiff | 13 | 2772 |
MFr PUPDS GEGG 9HH Peanutbutter | Akita Inu | 25 | 2560 |
NCS PUPDS GEGG Skunkfang | Alaskan Husky | 40 | 3198 |
ChSc PUPDS GEGG Willowbloom | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 2786 |
ChR PUPDS GFEF Featherstorm | Saluki | 37 | 3248 |
MR PUPDS GFEF Snowfur | Saluki | 25 | 3215 |
ExSc PUPDS GFEG Reedtail | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 3370 |
MT PUPDS GFGE 17HH Thornclaw | Tibetan Mastiff | 26 | 2826 |
PnR PUPDS GFGE Cloudedriver | Saluki | 8 | 3172 |
MR PUPDS GFGG Jaywing | Saluki | 29 | 3224 |
ExR PUPDS GFGG Paleberry | Saluki | 31 | 3227 |
MR PUPDS GFGG Skylight | Saluki | 27 | 3220 |
PnR PUPDS GFGG Splashwave | Whippet | 10 | 3177 |
MSc PUPDS GGEE 10HH Cedarclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2569 |
MS PUPDS GGEE 10HH Dustfalll | West Siberian Laika | 27 | 2572 |
ChO PUPDS GGEE 10HH Sootface | American Pit Bull Terrier | 39 | 3148 |
ASc PUPDS GGEE 11HH Cloverbloom | Akita | 17 | 2542 |
WCE PUPDS GGEE 12HH Tawnyfur lala intspd intagi 1.213* | Welsh Terrier | 46 | 1905 |
ChSh PUPDS GGEE 12HH Thicketthorn Lla chaagi chaspd 1.027* | Pomeranian | 42 | 1518 |
MSc PUPDS GGEE 14HH Breezetail | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 2569 |
MSh PUPDS GGEE 18HH Magmaburn | Pomeranian | 31 | 2268 |
ChSh PUPDS GGEE 7HH Creamwafer | Papillon | 40 | 2981 |
ASh PUPDS GGEE Magpiewing | Pomeranian | 24 | 3136 |
NCSh PUPDS GGEE Ravencall | Pomeranian | 47 | 3190 |
AH PUPDS GGEF 3HH Ashfur | Australian Shepherd | 17 | 2548 |
AT PUPDS GGEF Sunfall | Beagle | 19 | 3134 |
PnS PUPDS GGEG 10HH Lycaonfang | Siberian Husky | 10 | 2530 |
AR PUPDS GGEG 10HH Mangoleaf | Saluki | 20 | 2559 |
JPnHu PUPDS GGEG 11HH Redbear | Beagle | 6 | 2539 |
APnS PUPDS GGEG 12HH Paintedstroke | Siberian Husky | 11 | 2530 |
MS PUPDS GGEG 3HH Meltedsnow | Alaskan Husky | 22 | 2798 |
JAFT PUPDS GGEG 4HH Tealeaf | Brittany | 13 | 3092 |
ExM PUPDS GGEG 5HH Thylacinestripe LL agiint stmspd 1.103* | Kai Ken | 34 | 1920 |
MS PUPDS GGEG 6HH Blackears | West Siberian Laika | 25 | 2571 |
ChSc PUPDS GGEG 8HH Crimsonsky | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 3023 |
AS PUPDS GGEG 9HH Frostflight | West Siberian Laika | 14 | 2548 |
JPnR PUPDS GGEG 9HH Whistlefrost | Saluki | 7 | 2532 |
AS PUPDS GGFE Redfur | West Siberian Laika | 19 | 3334 |
ChA PUPDS GGFF 6HH Blackcurrant lala agiagi strcha 2.220* | Russell Terrier | 41 | 1299 |
ChS PUPDS GGFF Bloodfur | Alaskan Husky | 33 | 3371 |
IPnS PUPDS GGFG 6HH Rockclimb | West Siberian Laika | 8 | 2528 |
JPnS PUPDS GGFG 7HH Aardwolffur | West Siberian Laika | 7 | 2526 |
JAT PUPDS GGFG 7HH Mintchip | Beagle | 15 | 2544 |
MR PUPDS GGFG Cinderfur | Saluki | 25 | 3214 |
JAS PUPDS GGFG Desertsand | West Siberian Laika | 12 | 3310 |
ExS PUPDS GGFG Dustfur | Alaskan Husky | 31 | 3354 |
PnT PUPDS GGFG Fannedflame | Beagle | 11 | 3308 |
GCS PUPDS GGFG Faunfrost | West Siberian Laika | 35 | 3367 |
AS PUPDS GGFG Flightwing | Alaskan Husky | 16 | 3316 |
ChR PUPDS GGFG Grassblade | Saluki | 37 | 3248 |
MS PUPDS GGFG Haybale | Alaskan Husky | 26 | 3344 |
JAT PUPDS GGFG Koisplash | Beagle | 13 | 3126 |
APnS PUPDS GGFG Milkpool | West Siberian Laika | 11 | 3309 |
JAH PUPDS GGFG Obsidianheart | Tibetan Mastiff | 15 | 3319 |
JAS PUPDS GGFG Sunstorm | West Siberian Laika | 14 | 3315 |
ChR PUPDS GGGE 10HH Cinderheart | Saluki | 37 | 2606 |
IPnM PUPDS GGGE 10HH Moonshine | Shiba Inu | 8 | 2654 |
MS PUPDS GGGE 11HH Sodafoam | West Siberian Laika | 26 | 2570 |
GCSc PUPDS GGGE 11HH Wheatstalk | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 3076 |
AT PUPDS GGGE 13HH Hyenafang | Beagle | 18 | 2546 |
ExR PUPDS GGGE 13HH Silkytail | Saluki | 32 | 2590 |
ExR PUPDS GGGE 13HH Wrensong | Saluki | 31 | 2593 |
MSc PUPDS GGGE 16HH Dimlight | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 2584 |
MS PUPDS GGGE 4HH Moondance | West Siberian Laika | 26 | 2580 |
NCS PUPDS GGGE 5HH Deerleap | Alaskan Husky | 40 | 2587 |
NCS PUPDS GGGE 5HH Iceleaf | West Siberian Laika | 40 | 2614 |
IPnFl PUPDS GGGE 5HH Orangejuice | Icelandic Sheepdog | 9 | 2535 |
IPnSc PUPDS GGGE 6HH Finchfall ** | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 2536 |
MS PUPDS GGGE 7HH Cariboutail | West Siberian Laika | 26 | 2580 |
NCT PUPDS GGGE 7HH Reddust | Beagle | 48 | 2612 |
MS PUPDS GGGE 8HH Blazeheart | West Siberian Laika | 25 | 2570 |
ExFl PUPDS GGGE 8HH Heathertail | Shetland Sheepdog | 32 | 2594 |
ChSc PUPDS GGGE Fadedlight | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 2787 |
ExS PUPDS GGGF Birdfeather | Alaskan Husky | 31 | 3354 |
JAT PUPDS GGGF Cedarash | Beagle | 17 | 3317 |
APnA PUPDS GGGF Cherryblossom | Chow-chow | 13 | 3129 |
AH PUPDS GGGF Fairywing | Border Collie | 21 | 3135 |
IPnS PUPDS GGGF Waterfrost | West Siberian Laika | 8 | 3301 |
JAFl PUPDS GGGG 10HH Twilightcloud | Shetland Sheepdog | 14 | 2541 |
IPnR PUPDS GGGG 11HH Foamsoft | Saluki | 8 | 2532 |
ASc PUPDS GGGG 11HH Mintwind | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 2556 |
GCS PUPDS GGGG 2HH Appleclaw | Alaskan Husky | 37 | 2835 |
JAS PUPDS GGGG 2HH Cloudfluff | West Siberian Laika | 13 | 2797 |
AR PUPDS GGGG 4HH Arrowroot | Saluki | 18 | 2554 |
JAH PUPDS GGGG 4HH Cinderflare | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
ChT PUPDS GGGG 4HH Flurrydust | Beagle | 38 | 2844 |
GCS PUPDS GGGG 4HH Honeysuckle | West Siberian Laika | 36 | 2855 |
PnH PUPDS GGGG 4HH Thistletail | Tibetan Mastiff | 10 | 2782 |
MS PUPDS GGGG 5HH Birchwood | Alaskan Husky | 27 | 2559 |
IPnFl PUPDS GGGG 5HH Cheesefur | Icelandic Sheepdog | 8 | 2535 |
ChS PUPDS GGGG 5HH Cloudsable | Alaskan Husky | 31 | 2571 |
MR PUPDS GGGG 5HH Creamfur | Saluki | 26 | 2576 |
MS PUPDS GGGG 5HH Dovefeather | West Siberian Laika | 23 | 2570 |
MH PUPDS GGGG 5HH Mistyskies | Tibetan Mastiff | 25 | 2568 |
CCS PUPDS GGGG 5HH Wolftail | Alaskan Husky | 46 | 2602 |
NCS PUPDS GGGG 6HH Lightningstorm | West Siberian Laika | 39 | 2615 |
JPnH PUPDS GGGG 6HH Ruststeel | Australian Shepherd | 6 | 2527 |
WCS PUPDS GGGG 6HH Smokeplume | Alaskan Husky | 43 | 3186 |
MR PUPDS GGGG 7HH Diamonddust | Saluki | 27 | 2578 |
AFr PUPDS GGGG 7HH Kestrelclaw | Akita | 17 | 2542 |
ExT PUPDS GGGG 7HH Marshheart | Beagle | 33 | 2573 |
ExS PUPDS GGGG 7HH Soilpath | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 2563 |
IPnM PUPDS GGGG 7HH Sunshine | Shiba Inu | 8 | 2654 |
AS PUPDS GGGG 7HH Sweetberry | West Siberian Laika | 20 | 2564 |
MHT PUPDS GGGG 7HH Tigerfur | Black Mouth Cur | 25 | 2563 |
JAH PUPDS GGGG 8HH Brightmoon | Border Collie | 15 | 2539 |
PnR PUPDS GGGG 8HH Cherrybreeze | Saluki | 11 | 2538 |
AH JPnA PUPDS GGGG 8HH Icepath | Australian Cattle Dog | 18 | 2548 |
ASc PUPDS GGGG 8HH Stonerelic | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 2556 |
ExM PUPDS GGGG 8HH Tigerclaw Lla agiint agispd 1.103* | Kai Ken | 35 | 1920 |
ExT PUPDS GGGG 9HH Bramblewind | Beagle | 34 | 2577 |
MR PUPDS GGGG 9HH Hollywind | Saluki | 27 | 2582 |
MM PUPDS GGGG Fireheart | Xoloitzcuintle | 31 | 3182 |
ANM PUPDS GGGG Heatwave | Xoloitzcuintle | 5 | 3115 |
ExSc PUPDS GGGG Sparkfrost | German Shepherd Dog | 36 | 2834 |
AE PUPDS Gill | Dachshund | 15 | 3694 |
IPnD PUPDS Gimli 24HH EEEE lala | Labrador Retriever | 9 | 2014 |
NR ANEK Gingernut | Ibizan Hound | 1 | 4130 |
PnO ANEK Goldenstone | Pharaoh Hound | 8 | 4144 |
ChR ANEK Grassstar | Saluki | 33 | 4392 |
NCSc PUPDS Greytail | German Shepherd Dog | 58 | 1150 |
ExH ANEK Hawkfly | Australian Cattle Dog | 28 | 4327 |
PnR PUPDS Heatwave | Afghan Hound | 10 | 3749 |
NR ANEK Heavenpaw | Pharaoh Hound | 1 | 4130 |
ChR ANEK Hollystorm | Saluki | 30 | 4264 |
ChR PUPDS Hyenastar | Saluki | 36 | 3835 |
ChS PUPDS Iceshard | West Siberian Laika | 33 | 3959 |
ChRO PUPDS Ike | Africanis | 36 | 1977 |
WCHu PUPDS Impressive Story | Papillon | 51 | 2736 |
MH ANEK Ivytwist | Australian Cattle Dog | 23 | 4301 |
IPnO PUPDS Jaystorm | American Pit Bull Terrier | 11 | 3164 |
PUPDS Jewelpaw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 3490 |
AE Junk n' Disorderly | Welsh Terrier | 12 | 1317 |
ExSc PUPDS Kala | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 2675 |
CCA DRISH KERTT Lauha | Saluki | 59 | 1446 |
JAM PUPDS Kestrel | Xoloitzcuintle | 13 | 3977 |
MSc PUPDS Koi Koi | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 1450 |
ASc PUPDS Kryptonight | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 3060 |
MSc LATS La Lilla S(24HH) | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 2003 |
GCSc ANEK Lady Picture Show | German Shepherd Dog | 38 | 4198 |
GCH PUPDS Lakestar | Border Collie | 40 | 3839 |
PUPDS Lambpaw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 3490 |
GCSc PUPDS Lavastar | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3617 |
MH ANEK Leopardfire | Australian Cattle Dog | 22 | 4299 |
WCRO GEEK™ Light as a Feather (1.170x) | Pomeranian | 59 | 1921 |
ChR ANEK Lightningchase | Saluki | 29 | 4261 |
GCO PUPDS Lily | American Pit Bull Terrier | 50 | 3384 |
ChR ANEK Lionroar | Saluki | 31 | 4264 |
GCSc PUPDS Lionstar | German Shepherd Dog | 40 | 3800 |
JAD PUPDS Lola | Labrador Retriever | 14 | 2724 |
ExH PUPDS Magpiestar | Border Collie | 35 | 3962 |
ChFl PUPDS Make My Day | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 39 | 2880 |
GCS PUPDS Meadowlark | Alaskan Husky | 37 | 3386 |
MSc PUPDS Medusa is a little snakey | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 211 |
GCSc PUPDS Midnightstar | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 3755 |
ExM ANEK Milkdash | Saluki | 30 | 4344 |
ExR PUPDS Mintfrost | Saluki | 31 | 4048 |
GCW ANEK Mintleaf | English Setter | 28 | 4323 |
AS PUPDS Miska | Alaskan Husky | 15 | 1091 |
ChR ANEK Mistwave | Saluki | 30 | 4259 |
NSh PUPDS Mohatu | Pomeranian | 4 | 2865 |
AFl PUPDS Moltenrock | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 23 | 3793 |
GCSc ANEK Moonchild | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 4217 |
ExSc PUPDS Moonfrost | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 4051 |
ExR ANEK Moonrise | Saluki | 30 | 4344 |
ChSc ANEK Mosspelt | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 4168 |
GCW ANEK Mousetwitch | English Setter | 28 | 4323 |
ExH ANEK Mudstar | Australian Cattle Dog | 32 | 4360 |
MSc ANEK Native Dancer Blackfawn | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 4226 |
GCR PUPDS Natures Intentions | Saluki | 42 | 3092 |
ExH ANEK Nightbird | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 4347 |
ChFl PUPDS Nightstreak | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 42 | 3516 |
ExSc ANEK Noble Chief Blackfern | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 4226 |
ChR PUPDS Oakfang | Saluki | 33 | 4049 |
ExW ANEK Oakstep | English Setter | 22 | 4301 |
NCFl PUPDS Orangecream | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 53 | 3490 |
GCR PUPDS Over the Hedgerow | Saluki | 39 | 3115 |
PUPDS Pandapaw | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2804 |
WCW PUPDS Pebbles *8HH* | Stabyhoun | 45 | 2171 |
ExFl PUPDS Pinefur | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 33 | 3657 |
ChFT ANEK Pineneedle | English Setter | 30 | 4360 |
ExSc PUPDS Pinkstar | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 4060 |
NCM Ds2CR Pixel | Australian Cattle Dog | 54 | 1620 |
AE PUPDS Poison Apple | Dachshund | 16 | 3756 |
MH ANEK Poppyseed | Australian Cattle Dog | 23 | 4302 |
ChSh PUPDS Puppy 7 1.177x | Pomeranian | 47 | 3405 |
ExSc PUPDS Rabbitstar | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 3929 |
ChR ANEK Rainfall | Saluki | 30 | 4277 |
APnH PUPDS Rainfall | Border Collie | 13 | 2980 |
APnSc ANEK Redclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 4181 |
CCSh PUPDS Redsand | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 55 | 3395 |
MH PUPDS Regina | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 1780 |
NCH PUPDS Reindeerhorn EEEE 1.027 | Border Collie | 52 | 1963 |
GCO PUPDS Ripplepool | American Pit Bull Terrier | 47 | 3388 |
ExH ANEK Rosethorn | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 4360 |
ChR ANEK Rowanleap | Saluki | 29 | 4261 |
ExH PnH MSh ANEK Russetblaze | Australian Cattle Dog | 31 | 4396 |
ChR ANEK Rustfur | Saluki | 31 | 4237 |
ChSc PUPDS Sagewhisker | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 2910 |
ASc PUPDS Sam | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 3074 |
NR ANEK Sanddapple | Ibizan Hound | 1 | 4131 |
AH PUPDS Sandstone | Caucasian Ovtcharka | 25 | 2054 |
ChH PUPDS Seastar | Border Collie | 34 | 4115 |
ExSc ANEK Seedtail | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 4240 |
GCR ANEK Shadowstar | Saluki | 34 | 4392 |
GCT PUPDS Sheldon (20HH) {1.207} | Pomeranian | 51 | 2676 |
ChSc ANEK Shellclaw | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 4262 |
MR PUPDS Shifting Sands | Ibizan Hound | 27 | 2230 |
GCFT ANEK Shimmerspeckle | English Setter | 30 | 4360 |
APnSc ANEK Shocker | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 4177 |
AH PUPDS Silver | Tibetan Mastiff | 17 | 2778 |
WCRO GEEK™ Silver Sunrise (1.150x) | Pomeranian | 58 | 1921 |
ChH ANEK Silverstar | Australian Cattle Dog | 35 | 4439 |
ExR PUPDS Silverwind | Saluki | 31 | 4049 |
ExR PUPDS Silverwind | Saluki | 36 | 3071 |
ChR ANEK Sleekpetal | Saluki | 30 | 4344 |
JAR ANEK Slenderleg | Saluki | 10 | 4395 |
MM PUPDS Smokeclaw | Xoloitzcuintle | 29 | 3988 |
ExSc ANEK Smokeflight | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 4228 |
GCR ANEK Snowstar | Saluki | 35 | 4392 |
ChR PUPDS Sorrelmist | Saluki | 35 | 3630 |
ExR PUPDS Sparkwind | Saluki | 32 | 3958 |
ExR PUPDS Spiritrunner | Saluki | 29 | 4079 |
ExM ANEK Splashdapple | Saluki | 29 | 4344 |
AW ANEK Springgrass | English Setter | 14 | 4274 |
AR PUPDS Sproutsoil | Saluki | 18 | 3879 |
NR ANEK Squeakypaw | Ibizan Hound | 1 | 4130 |
ExSc ANEK Squirrelfawn | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 4263 |
MP LVL^ Stark EEEE 24HH lala | Alaskan Husky | 30 | 2276 |
NCH PUPDS Stella | Border Collie | 51 | 3020 |
ChR ANEK Stonepelt | Saluki | 30 | 4279 |
MR PUPDS Stormclaw | Saluki | 29 | 3083 |
ChH PUPDS Stormfire | Border Collie | 33 | 4093 |
ChR ANEK Stormlight | Saluki | 29 | 4297 |
ASc PUPDS Sugar & Cream | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 1445 |
WCSh Summer Paradise | Pomeranian | 66 | 2337 |
AH ANEK Summerbreeze | Australian Cattle Dog | 15 | 4274 |
MD HrtBr Sunday's Child | Korean Jindo | 32 | 2746 |
ASc ANEK Sunset | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 4190 |
ChH ANEK Sunstar | Australian Cattle Dog | 34 | 4396 |
ChSc PUPDS Swampstar | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 3757 |
GCH PUPDS Sweetstar | Border Collie | 44 | 3612 |
MH ANEK Swiftchase | Australian Cattle Dog | 22 | 4299 |
ASc ANEK Swiftheart | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 4190 |
MT PUPDS Swirled Lollipop [Lla 2STM 12HH 4E 1.082] 0.1 | English Cocker Spaniel | 32 | 3341 |
NCS AllSt Take The Light | Siberian Husky | 42 | 2684 |
WCM .MK Tammy | Pomeranian | 67 | 2149 |
GCSc PUPDS Tanglepelt | German Shepherd Dog | 52 | 1459 |
ChH PUPDS Tanstar | Border Collie | 35 | 3962 |
AH PUPDS Tawnystripe | Border Collie | 23 | 2562 |
PnRO ANEK Tealeaf | Pharaoh Hound | 8 | 4143 |
JAR StStm The Reliable Guardian | Africanis | 12 | 3066 |
GCSc ANEK The Violent Blue | German Shepherd Dog | 36 | 4214 |
AFl PUPDS Thor | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | 22 | 4003 |
PnM PUPDS Thunder | Xoloitzcuintle | 11 | 3091 |
JAO PUPDS Thunders* | American Pit Bull Terrier | 14 | 3380 |
ExH ANEK Tigerlily | Border Collie | 29 | 4217 |
AE Tin | Welsh Terrier | 19 | 1970 |
CCR PUPDS Treetops | Africanis | 49 | 3391 |
MH ANEK Twilightmoon | Australian Cattle Dog | 29 | 4323 |
MW PUPDS Typhoonwave | Stabyhoun | 24 | 3575 |
MSc PUPDS Under Still Waters | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 2990 |
NM ANEK Vanillapaw | Saluki | 1 | 4395 |
CCH PUPDS Viper | Tibetan Mastiff | 55 | 2337 |
ChH PUPDS Waterstar | Border Collie | 35 | 4056 |
APnO PUPDS Weaverville | American Pit Bull Terrier | 13 | 3389 |
AM PUPDS When You Wish Upon A Star | Pomeranian | 24 | 2953 |
ExH ANEK Whirlpool | Australian Cattle Dog | 28 | 4324 |
ChS PUPDS Whirlstar | West Siberian Laika | 35 | 3906 |
ChSc PUPDS Whisperbreeze | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 2915 |
ExH PUPDS Whitefoot | Border Collie | 31 | 3477 |
GCS PUPDS Whitestar | West Siberian Laika | 39 | 3455 |
GCSc PUPDS Willowstar | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 3757 |
ANHu PUPDS Winterfur | Chihuahua | 1 | 2012 |
ChSc PUPDS Wintermoon | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 4092 |
MFl PUPDS Wolfang [Blue Merle & Wht(Irish) w/ Tan Points & Tckng EGEG 13Hh/hh 11HH] | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 32 | 3782 |
CCSc PUPDS Wolfheart [3STM 22HH 1.105] 6|1 | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 2220 |
ExH ANEK Wolfsnarl | Australian Cattle Dog | 29 | 4323 |
ChS PUPDS Wolfstar | West Siberian Laika | 35 | 3905 |
WCP Zaya | Smooth Collie | 59 | 3367 |
CCSc PUPDS |v:S| A Retired Champion | German Shepherd Dog | 51 | 1037 |