crazy beautiful

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Dogs Bred By crazy beautiful

ANT NMDA The Saturday ShowBrittany666
LockedFor StudPnT 22HH Lla EEEEEnglish Shepherd1127
LockedFor StudIPnT 23HH lalaAustralian Shepherd1027
LockedAFr BomiBrittany1780
LockedFor StudAFT ChenBrittany1779
LockedFor StudExT Kaiser 24HH+lalaGerman Shepherd Dog3682
LockedJAHT czb sunnyBrittany1356
PnRO czb 14HH 1hh EGEGBrittany103668
CCT NCSc McF 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog613439
CCSc NCT McF 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog603439
ExSh 8HH 5hh GGGGBrittany313424
MFl GGGE SamunBrittany263390
PnT Isabella with Red Points and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog103660
ANT KaylaBrittany73699
MHT KIRK Lilah's Smell the FlowersBrittany322952
JPnT Liz 23HH Lla EEEE 1.015xEnglish Shepherd72924
JPnT Max 23HH lala EEEE 1.017xAustralian Shepherd72925
JPnH Pips 24HH lala EEEE 1.025xAustralian Shepherd72925

Game Time

09:38am on Dec 22

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