Name | Breed | Level | Age |
 AH MRiSC 23HH | Saarloos Wolfdog | 17 | 48 |
 ChT MRiSC Adolphus | German Shepherd Dog | 48 | 81 |
 ASh MRiSC Art, Let Them Fly, the Hearts of the Artists of Mont Royal (23HH, fw/bl, 3cha, isa-cr carrier, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 32 |
 ASh MRiSC Aslan, Stands for Wisdom at Mont Royal (24HH, fw/bla, cho-blu carr, lala, 3CHA-int) | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 32 |
 GCT MRiSC Bardou | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 86 |
 MSh APnRO MRiSC Beauty, Sapphire Ocean by the Shores of Mont Royal (24HH, blue/tan/mless, black-cream car, 3agi-int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 47 |
 AFl OSCAR Becky, Illegitimate Daughter of Rodolphe | Whippet | 21 | 35 |
 ExSc MRiSC Blood, Captain Blood at Mont Royal (24HH, ISA/CRE, isa-cre.mless, lala, agichaagiint) | German Shepherd Dog | 36 | 58 |
 MT MRiSC Bonbon, Bonbon Rose of Mont Royal (23HH, black, choc-blue-isa-cream, Lla, intagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 36 |
 ASc Bonnie [.012/23] | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 24 |
 ASh MRiSC Breyes, Bright Eyes Burning Like Fire of Mont Royal (24HH, fw/bl, blu-bl-cr carr, 2cha-2int, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 34 |
 ASc MRiSC Bunbury, The Unexisting Friend Shows Up at Mont Royal (22HH, silv/blu, choc-isa-silv, lala, 3agiint) | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 29 |
 ASc NSh MRiSC Byron, I would I were a Careless Child(24HH, fw/bla/mless, blue-black carr, lala, agiagi-agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 29 |
 MSc MRiSC Calix, Californian Idle Xerox of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/tan, cho-bla-cre, Lla, stm-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 40 |
 ASc MRiSC Camy, 2nd Duchess of Campbell of Mont Royal (24HH, black/tan, blue-silver, lala, agi-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 34 |
 AH MRiSC Capitaine, Mon Capitaine de Mont Royal (24HH, black/tan/mless, cream, lala, 2agi-2stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 30 |
 ASh IPnSc MRiSC Captivating Cleopatra at Mont Royal (24HH, chocolate carrier)) | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 55 |
 ASc MRiSC Capulet, Tragedy in the Streets of Verona at Mont Royal (21HH, fw/bla, ISA-CREAM carr, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 32 |
 MSc MRiSC Charleroi, Where Napoléon Stayed At of Mont Royal (23HH, bla/tan, cho-blu, Lla, intagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 36 |
 AO MRiSC Chatterton, How Very Sad Thy Fate, Dear Child of Sorrow, Son of Misery (24HH, bl/tan, isa-cr, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 24 |
 IPnO MRiSC Chaucer, Canterbury Tales of Mont Royal (23HH, fwn/isab; isa-cream, 2str-intagi, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 12 |
 AO MRiSC Commandant, Commandant Courageous de Mont Royal (24HH, black/tan/mless, blue-cream, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 24 |
 AO MRiSC Connie, I'll Continue to Continue to Pretend Of Mont Royal (23HH, blue, isa-sil, lala, 2agiintagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 30 |
 MSc MRiSC Danse, Grande Danse Brilliante of Mt Royal(24HH, blue/cream, choc-blue-blac-isa, lala, intcha-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 41 |
 MSc MRiSC Devoted, Ancestors Hear My Plea of Mont Royal (23HH, blue/cream, isabella, lala, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 34 |
 MT MRiSC Doe, To Strive, to Seek, to Find, and not to Yield of Mont Royal (24, black, isa-cr, lala, stm-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 38 |
 AW JASc MRiSC Dolores | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 38 |
 ASh MRiSC Donovan, Leader of His Men at Mont Royal (24HH, chocolate, blu/bla/cre/isa, lala, 2cha-intagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 32 |
 WCSc MRiSC Dorothea, I Wish I Could Do More at Mont Royal (21HH, cr-bla, cho-blue carr, STR line) | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 94 |
 ASc MRiSC Dotty, Cunning Dust Storm at Mont Royal (23HH, fw/isa, ch-blu-bla-isa-CRE, lla) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 33 |
 AA MRiSC Drummond, Beating Like Your Heart at Mont Royal (24HH, cre/bla, isa-crea-sil, lala, cha3agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 29 |
 NCSc MRiSC Duchess, Sophie's Heiress at Mont Royal (23HH, sil/black sable, isabella carrier, 3stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 75 |
 AT MRiSC Ebony, Country's Queen Ebony of Mont Royal (23HH, blue/tan, isa-silver carr, lla, 2agi-2stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 33 |
 PnSh PACE Eddy 8HH / 2hh | Field Spaniel | 9 | 23 |
 ASh NRO MRiSC Edward | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 56 |
 ExRO MRiSC Emma | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 81 |
 AR OSCAR Emma, Mademoiselle Boulanger de la Huchette | Whippet | 21 | 35 |
 WCP MRiSC Esmeralda, Ses Grands Yeux Noirs de Mont Royal (24HH, isabella, lla, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 63 | 94 |
  ASh MRiSC Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask 4E 21HH Bb Dd asaa cchce Lla cistr | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 53 |
 MSh MRiSC Fleurus, I Like French Place-names of Mont Royal (22HH, chocolate, isa-cream, lla, 2cha-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 35 |
 ASc MRiSC Gaol, Hunted Thought of Mont Royal (24HH, black/tan, choc-blue-sil, lla, chastm-2stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 30 |
 ASh MRiSC Grydoe, Gazing From my Window to The Streets Below of MR (24HH, fw/bl, blu-bl-cre carr, 3cha, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 32 |
 AO MRiSC Happy Prince, Broken Leaden Heart of Mont Royal (23HH, bl/tan, mless-isa-cre, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 29 |
 ASh MRiSC Heather, Wild Mountain Thyme Grows Around the Blooming Heather at MR (24HH, cre/bla, isa, lala,2cha) | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 32 |
 MH MRiSC Helen | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 61 |
 AO MRiSC Henry, Someone Who Leads You A-stray of Mont Royal (23HH, sil/blu, isa-sil, lala, 2agistragi) | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 33 |
  IPnFl AO MRiSC Hershey | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 102 |
 ASc NH MRiSC Horatio, Captain Hornblower at Mont Royal (24HH, sil/bla, ISA-SIL, Lla, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 32 |
 ExO MRiSC I Could Not Get Out Said the Starling of Mont Royal | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 61 |
 MT MRiSC Jeanie, Reward of the Brave of Mont Royal (23HH, bla-tan, choc-silver, Lla, intagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 36 |
 AT Jilly [.063/21] | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 25 |
 ASc NSh MRiSC Killarney, Million-Dollar Charm at Mont Royal (black/red, 24HH, mless-blu-bla-cre car, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 28 |
 MT MRiSC Knoxious, Obnoxious Knoxious of Mont Royal (22HH, black, chos-blu-bla-isa-cre, Lla, stm-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 40 |
 ASc MRiSC Lassie, Will You Go Lassie Go to Mont Royal (23HH, choc/red, blu/bla/cre/isa, lla, 3agi-stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 29 |
 ASh MRiSC Life, My Life Will Never End of Mont Royal (24HH, fw/isa, isa-sil, lala, chastmintagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 30 |
 ASc MRiSC Lina, South Carolina Can Be Proud of Mont Royal (23HH, red/bla, lala, stmstr-2stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 30 |
 ASc NT MRiSC Lora, Good Morning Starshine at M. R. (23HH, blue/tan, mless-choc-blue-isa carr, Lla, chaahistmint) | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 36 |
 MSc JPnSh MRiSC Lottie, Never Deceived Maid at Mont Royal (23HH, choc/tan, mless-ch-blue carr, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 54 |
 MR OSCAR Madeleine, Fille de la maison de la Huchette | Whippet | 22 | 35 |
 ASc MRiSC Madeleine, The Light of Rebellion Ablaze in Their Eyes at Mont Royal (21HH, choc, blu-bla-isa, caia) | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 36 |
 MO MRiSC Magdalene, Magdalene de Lancey of Mont Royal (22HH, bla/tan, cho-blu-bla-isa-cre, lala, intagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 36 |
 MO MRiSC Max, Maximillian R. of Mont Royal (23HH, chocolate, isabella-cream, lala, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 34 |
 MSh APnRO MRiSC May, Mayflower on the River at Mont Royal (24HH, choc/red, blue-choc-black-cream-isab-maskless carr) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 54 |
 ASh MRiSC Missy, Jesus Loves You More Than You Will Know of M Royal(22HH. fw/bl, isa-cr carr, 2cha-2int, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 32 |
 ASc MRiSC Monsoon, Make the Leaves Dance in the Breeze at Mont Royal (24HH, blue, vla-cre, lala, cha3agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 28 |
 ASc MRiSC Montholon, J'adore France de Mont Royal (21HH, isabella, silver, lla, 4stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 30 |
 AO MRiSC Morrison, People Are Strange of Mont Royal (24HH, sil/blu, isa-sil, Lla, 2agistragi) | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 30 |
 ASc JPnSh MRiSC Morrow, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow at Mont Royal(24HH, blue/cream/mless, black carr, lala. 3agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 31 |
 AH MRiSC Muse, Let Poetry Be Your Master of Mont Royal (23HH, bl/tan, mless-choc, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 29 |
 ChH MRiSC Nothing But A Penny | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 88 |
 ASc MRiSC Ossie, It Is a Very Dangerous Thing to Know One's Friends of Mt Royal (23HH, sil/bl, isa-sil, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 33 |
 APnW MO MRiSC Pippo, Filippo il Capo della Ribellione di Mont Royal (24HH, black, choc-blue-black-isa carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 49 |
 AH MRiSC Poppy, Dancer of the Meadow of Daffodils of Mont Royal (24HH, blu/tan, isa-cre, lala, 2agiintagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 29 |
 ASc MRiSC Prince (22HH) | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 96 |
 NFl OSCAR Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 1 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 1 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 1 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 10 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 10 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 11 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 11 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 2 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 2 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 2 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 2 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 2 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NFr OSCAR Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 NT OSCAR Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 NR OSCAR Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NA OSCAR Puppy 4 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 4 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 4 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 4 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 4 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NFl OSCAR Puppy 5 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 NR OSCAR Puppy 5 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NSc Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MRiSC Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NFr OSCAR Puppy 6 | Whippet | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 6 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NSc MRiSC Puppy 7 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 7 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 7 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 Puppy 9 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
 MSc MRiSC Quatre-Bras, Battle Location of Mont Royal (24HH, isabella, cream, lla strcha-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 35 |
  JAT MRiSC Red with Black Saddle and Mask 4E 23HH Dd asaa Ccch lala ispstm | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 41 |
 AH MRiSC Rhone, Streaming Into View of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/cre, Mless!, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 24 |
 AFl OSCAR Robert, Illgitimate Son of Rodolphe | Whippet | 21 | 35 |
 MH IPnSc MRiSC Scarlatti, Plays the Pianoforte of Mont Royal (24HH, blue/tan, silver, lala, agi-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 34 |
 AO MRiSC Scott, Honor Ne'er Was Won in Sleeping of Mt Royal (24HH, bl/red, mless-isa-cre, lala, 3agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 29 |
 AO MRiSC Seine, Walks Along the Seine, Laughing in the Rain of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/cr, blu, lala, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 24 |
  AH MRiSC Simon at Mont Royal (24HH, cream/black grizzle/light undersides) | Saarloos Wolfdog | 18 | 52 |
 ASc MRiSC Sourire, Le Monde est un Paradis of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/tan, choc, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 32 |
 ChSc MRiSC Sweet Dreams 4E20 ce | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 86 |
 ASc MRiSC Sympathy, You Should Be Thinking About Me of Mt Royal (24HH, fw/isa, sil-isa, lla, agistmagiint) | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 29 |
 MSh MRiSC The Count of Monte Cristo | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 66 |
 ASc MRiSC The Edge of Breaking Down | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 55 |
 MSc MRiSC Tiptoe, One Equal Temper of Heroic Hearts of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/tan, cho-bla-cre, lala, stm-3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 38 |
 MSc MRiSC Tony, Agent DiNozzo at Mont Royal (22HH, bla/tan, choc-blue, lla, strstm-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 33 |
 AFr ASh MRiSC Tropical Design | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 55 |
 WCSc APnT MRiSC Vincent, Temper Just Like Sonny at Mont Royal (23HH, fw/blu, mless-bl-bl-IS-CR, lala, chastr-stmagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 65 | 98 |
 ASc MRiSC Waltz, Join a Waltz that Lead Yo24HH, blue/tan, isa-cre, lala, cha2agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 32 |
 WCSc MRiSC Will, The Rebellious Ladislaw at Mont Royal (22HH, fw/bl, ch-blue-cr, STR line) | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 94 |
 GCSc MRiSC WillowSun's G 20-0 1.162 | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 58 |
 MSc MRiSC Wist, Such a Wistful Eye of Mont Royal (24HH, blue/cream, choc-blue-bla-isa, lala, intcha-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 41 |
 ASc MRiSC Wolverstone, Peter Blood's True Friend at Mont Royal (24HH, cre/blue, ISA-CRE, lala, 2cha2agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 35 |
 JASc MRiSC Woofy | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 51 |
GCSc MRiSC $2,587,500 {OBO} | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 2445 |
MT (22H) Special Creature of Charleston(Cream/Black,Sable/mask)(BB DD)(cece)) | German Shepherd Dog | 33 | 4094 |
GCSc NSh MRiSC 14HH Lla 1.013 | German Shepherd Dog | 50 | 492 |
ChFl MRiSC 24HH EEEE lala Chronic | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 2078 |
NCM JPnSh MRiSC 24HH lala 1.062 | German Shepherd Dog | 51 | 422 |
WCFT PACE 630715 | Field Spaniel | 53 | 4070 |
ASc ANSh Alex | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 4223 |
WCSc MRiSC Alice, Lovely Beyond Words - Perfection of Mont Royal (21HH, sil/isa, lla, 2x agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 69 | 3737 |
WCT MRiSC Arabella, Miss Bishop Thinks about Her Captain at MR (22HH, cream/isa, ISA-CRE, Lla, chastrintagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 63 | 3680 |
CCSc Argo Clifford Ransom | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 4202 |
WCSc MRiSC Bel Astre Solitaire, Qui Meurt de Mont Royal (23HH, bla/tan, cho-blu-bla-isa, lla, intcha-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 73 | 3735 |
ExA Bold Butler's Daughter from Bosporus of Charleston | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 4349 |
WCSc MRiSC Cathy, I am Heathcliff! at Mont Royal (23HH, bla/tan, silver, Lla, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 72 | 3752 |
ChO Charlie EEEE - Black w/ Tan pts & Mask | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 4294 |
ChSc Choclate kiss | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 4235 |
WCSc MRiSC Chris, Heavens Made a Girl Named Chris at Mont Royal (20HH, bl/red, ch-blu-bla, lala, strstm-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 69 | 4035 |
ASh Clayton | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 4369 |
WCSc MRiSC Cote, Company Teatrum at Mont Royal (bl/red, 22HH, choc, Ll, intagi-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 68 | 3982 |
WCSc MRiSC Cream Soda | German Shepherd Dog | 48 | 4009 |
WCSc IPnT MRiSC Deantha | German Shepherd Dog | 55 | 4129 |
AFr Dhestroyer vom Starke | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 4382 |
WCSc MRiSC Diego, Don Diego de la Vega at Mont Royal (23HH, isabella, cream carrier, lala, agicha-stmint) | German Shepherd Dog | 61 | 4041 |
ASh Dixie | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 4367 |
GCO MRiSC Dream A Little Dream | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 2790 |
AH Drew | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 4370 |
WCA Emma, Dark Wonder of Charleston at Mont Royal (23HH, black/red, chocolate and maskless carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 4190 |
WCSc MRiSC Esme, Il Est Prince de Rues de Paris (22HH, bla/tan, choc-blue-bla-silver, Lla, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 75 | 3737 |
CCSh MRiSC Fair is the Lily of the Valley of Mont Royal | German Shepherd Dog | 53 | 1932 |
MFl Feeling This | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 4067 |
Girl (isa/tan; 4agi, 24HH, lala, carries silver) | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 354 |
AT MRiSC Good Ol Boy | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 3778 |
WCSc MRiSC Gringoire, Je Suis Prince de Rues de Paris (23HH, bla/tan, blue-bla-silver, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 73 | 3737 |
WCSc MRiSC Hector, Ancient Champion at Mont Royal (23HH, bla/tan, choc-blu-ba-crea-isa, lala, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 74 | 3752 |
GCFl Hofdame | Saarloos Wolfdog | 36 | 4317 |
ASh JPnRO Hugo | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 4293 |
WCSc MRiSC Hussy, Now High Now Low With Each Billow Born (24HH, bla/tan, blu-bla, lala, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 74 | 3745 |
GCSc Johanna | German Shepherd Dog | 50 | 1895 |
ExSc MRiSC Land Over Sea | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 4098 |
WCA Lolly, Liberated Lolly of Charleston at Mont Royal (24HH, fawn/black, cream carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 4191 |
CCSc MRiSC Look for the Silver Lining | German Shepherd Dog | 57 | 4003 |
WCT MRiSC Lucy, That a True Friend Can Hardly Be Met (23HH, choc/redps, mless-ch-blu-isa, Lla, 4stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 73 | 3729 |
WCH MRiSC Lune, Qui là-haut s'allume de Mont Royal (24HH, bla/tan, blue-cream, lala, intagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 75 | 3735 |
WCSc MRiSC Macheath, The Modes of the Court So Common Are Grown (24HH, isa/redps, mless-isa, Lla, stmagi-2stm) | German Shepherd Dog | 70 | 3729 |
CCSc MRiSC Madeleine CREAM Beauty | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 4010 |
MT MRiSC Mélodie, Tu Est le Chant de ma Vie of Mont Royal (24HH, fw/bla, choc-cre, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 386 |
ExO MRiSC Military Matthew of Charleston 4E24 lala ce | German Shepherd Dog | 38 | 3162 |
WCH MRiSC Miss Lockit, Like a Skiff on the Ocean Toft (24HH, black, choc-blu-bla-cre-isa, lala, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 74 | 3745 |
AFr Mistral | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 4294 |
ASc MRiSC Nala | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3990 |
WCT MRiSC Nothing but the Truth | German Shepherd Dog | 59 | 3764 |
WCSc ANSh MRiSC Phantasm von EisenGeist | German Shepherd Dog | 80 | 3593 |
WCH MRiSC Phoebus, Il Est Beau Comme Le Soleil de Mont Royal (24HH, isabella, lla, 4agi) | German Shepherd Dog | 65 | 448 |
WCT MRiSC Pierce, Irish Wonder at Mont Royal | German Shepherd Dog | 51 | 4027 |
WCSc MRiSC Pocahontas, Indian Queen at Mont Royal (23HH, black, choc-blu-cream-isa, lala, strcha-intint) | German Shepherd Dog | 71 | 3752 |
NCSh ChO Priscilla, Dancer on the Poppy Field at MR(24HH, fawn/black, black-choc-blue-cream-isabella carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 4205 |
Puppy 4 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 354 |
Puppy 7 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 354 |
WCSc MRiSC Quand Revient Le Jour de Mont Royal (23HH, bla/crea, cho-blu-bla-cre-isa, lla, 2cha-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 74 | 3735 |
WCA MRiSC Quincey, Quincey Morris Son of Moriz at Mont Royal (22HH, black/tan, 2agi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 54 | 4081 |
WCSc JPnSh Rainbow Of Hope's Lady | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 4273 |
AFl PnH Rambo EEEE | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 4244 |
WCFl Rhetty, Daughter of Rhett Butler of Charleston (24HH, cream/black) | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 4291 |
WCSc AT Roy, Let the Sunshine In at Mont Royal (22HH, isa/red, choc-blue-black-isa, stmagi-2int) | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 4142 |
JPnH MFr MRiSC Royal Pain | German Shepherd Dog | 30 | 3482 |
WCH MRiSC Santina, Daughter of Santino Corleone of Mont Royal (24HH, bla/tan/mless, lala, 3agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 66 | 3735 |
ASc MRiSC Sasha, Solid Dreamer of Mont Royal (24HH, cream/black sable, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 387 |
WCSc MRiSC Scarlett, Nous Ne Sommes Pas Ce Que Vous Voulez (23HH, bl/tan, blu-bla-sil, Lla, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 73 | 3752 |
WCSh Scott, Butler's Bold Son Scott of Charleston (23HH) | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 4249 |
WCO PnA Sheila | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 4281 |
JPnH WCM Silver with chocolate saddle and mask | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 4202 |
JPnH Singer, Wonder the Singer-dog of Charleston (22HH, fawn/black, cream carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 7 | 4364 |
WCSc JASh Sirocco, The Wind Tells Histories in the Desert near MR(20HH,fawn/blue, choc-blu-bla-isa-SIL, lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 47 | 4208 |
JPnT WCSc MRiSC Sissy, Young Maid Standing on a Stone at Mont Royal (21HH, sil/bla, choc-blu-bla-isa, lala, 3int) | German Shepherd Dog | 57 | 4076 |
WCFl MRiSC Sonny Jr., Temper Just Like Father Sonny Corleone, Pride of MR (24HH, bl/tan/mless, lala, 3agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 68 | 3730 |
WCSc PnW MRiSC Sonny, Santino Corleone at Mont Royal (24HH, black/tan/maskless, blue-cream carrier) | German Shepherd Dog | 50 | 3743 |
NCO GCSc Sophie, Silver Duchess at Mont Royal (24HH, sil/bla, cho-blu-sil-isa carrier, agistm-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 4237 |
WCO Stalag 13's Walk the Line | German Shepherd Dog | 49 | 4263 |
MFT MRiSC Starling, Famous Starling for Evermore at Mont Royal (22HH) | English Cocker Spaniel | 22 | 3935 |
AA D4l Strong And Mighty | Australian Cattle Dog | 19 | 3772 |
WCSc MRiSC Sur, Les Toits de Paris de Mont Royal (24HH, fw/bla, blue-cream, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 72 | 3735 |
CCSc ASh Surrey, Whisper in the Country about Mt Royal (24HH, fawn/isa, blu-choc-bla-SIL, lla, stmagi-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 44 | 4162 |
JPnT Tebb Westly | German Shepherd Dog | 3 | 4394 |
JPnSc Thunder Bolt | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 4340 |
JAT GCH MRiSC Time Tested Fantasy | German Shepherd Dog | 53 | 3568 |
WCSc MRiSC Tom Hagen, The Consigliore of the Don at Mont Royal (24HH, isabella, sil, lla, 2x agistm) | German Shepherd Dog | 69 | 3737 |
WCSc JPnSh MRiSC Ulysses, Ancient Wanderer at Mont Royal (24HH, blue, choc-black-isabella carr, lala, chaagi-intstm) | German Shepherd Dog | 59 | 4080 |
AT MRiSC Venom, Revengful Warrior at Mont Royal (24HH, fawn/black, cream, lala, 4int) | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 387 |
IPnSc GCT MRiSC Violet, Never-fading Flower Rolling into Mont Royal (21HH, isa/cream p+m, mless-ch-blu-SIL-lala) | German Shepherd Dog | 43 | 432 |
JPnFr ASh Vito | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 4292 |
ChSc MRiSC Waiting Dawn | German Shepherd Dog | 39 | 3216 |
NSh WCSc MRiSC Wessy, Hero of a Little Country at Mont Royal (24HH, blue/red, choc-blue carr, Lla, agicha-intagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 4043 |
WCSc JPnT MRiSC Zorro, So Cunning and Free at Mont Royal (24HH, cream/bla, choc-cream-SIL, lla, stmchastmagi) | German Shepherd Dog | 59 | 4038 |
MA `ERK Dark Knight | Australian Cattle Dog | 24 | 4153 |