Name | Breed | Level | Age |
 JAO WCA -oa American Idiot | Dutch Smoushond | 49 | 98 |
 AO WCA -oa Antivist | Dutch Smoushond | 51 | 98 |
 ExO CCA -oa Are We The Waiting | Dutch Smoushond | 46 | 86 |
 AA GCH Aslyn | Border Collie | 46 | 117 |
 WCO GCA -oa Break My Fall | Dutch Smoushond | 49 | 97 |
 WCSh Missy | Dutch Smoushond | 46 | 100 |
 WCO -oa Running From The Scene | Dutch Smoushond | 52 | 98 |
 WCA Sacrificed | Dutch Smoushond | 52 | 98 |
 WCW hahr Sansa | Golden Retriever | 49 | 114 |
 WCA -oa Seen It All Before | Dutch Smoushond | 53 | 98 |
NCA * 9HH--13, 18, 20, 21 Ll spdspd spdcha | Dutch Smoushond | 43 | 4251 |
UCW 15HH/1hh | Golden Retriever | 40 | 4306 |
CCO 9HH | Dutch Smoushond | 44 | 4245 |
WCFT @TBK fGR T3 | Golden Retriever | 42 | 4355 |
NCSh @TBK mDS T3 | Dutch Smoushond | 39 | 4367 |
CCA @TBK mDS T6 | Dutch Smoushond | 40 | 4354 |
WCW @TBK mGR T2 | Golden Retriever | 39 | 4368 |
WCFT Arya | Golden Retriever | 52 | 4211 |
NCA Best of Breed winner | Dutch Smoushond | 39 | 4305 |
WCA Blanche | Dutch Smoushond | 48 | 4211 |
ChA NCO Bongo | Dutch Smoushond | 41 | 4214 |
WCFr Boo Hoo | Golden Retriever | 45 | 4256 |
CCA Df1, 11HH--1, 11, 16 Ll | Dutch Smoushond | 44 | 4272 |
GCA NCO Df33 12HH--4,9,13,20 lala intstr spdstr | Dutch Smoushond | 44 | 4197 |
NCO ChT Df35 14HH--2,10,11 lala stmint intint | Dutch Smoushond | 45 | 4197 |
GCT Df39 11HH--1,11, lala intstr spdint | Dutch Smoushond | 41 | 4185 |
ChO MA Df42 9HH lala intcha strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 34 | 4167 |
APnA ExO Df43 16HH lala strstr strspd | Dutch Smoushond | 31 | 4161 |
ExO JASh Df44 17HH lala intstr intspd | Dutch Smoushond | 31 | 4161 |
MO MRO Df45 16HH lala strstr spdstr | Dutch Smoushond | 28 | 4161 |
MA PnRO Df46 17HH lala strstr spdspd | Dutch Smoushond | 24 | 4144 |
APnA MO Df47 18HH lala intstr strspd | Dutch Smoushond | 25 | 4144 |
MA AM Df48 17HH lala intstr strspd | Dutch Smoushond | 23 | 4144 |
MA PnO Df49 18HH lala strstr strint | Dutch Smoushond | 25 | 4144 |
AO IPnM Df50 20HH lala intstr strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 15 | 4131 |
JAA AO Df51 20HH lala intint spdint | Dutch Smoushond | 15 | 4131 |
AA JPnO Df52 19HH lala intstr spdstr | Dutch Smoushond | 15 | 4131 |
PnA Df53 22HH lala strstr spdstr | Dutch Smoushond | 8 | 4119 |
APnO Df54 23HH lala strstr strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 8 | 4119 |
PnO Df55 22HH lala intstr strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 8 | 4119 |
PnA Df56 23HH lala strstr spdint | Dutch Smoushond | 9 | 4119 |
PnO Df57 22HH lala strstr strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 9 | 4119 |
PnA Df58 23HH lala intstr strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 8 | 4119 |
WCO Dina | Dutch Smoushond | 47 | 4233 |
GCO GCA Dm14, lala 10HH--1,2,17 agistr chaint | Dutch Smoushond | 41 | 4202 |
MO NA Dm20 20HH lala str str strstr | Dutch Smoushond | 25 | 4149 |
MA NO Dm21 21HH lala strstr intstr | Dutch Smoushond | 26 | 4149 |
JAO JAA Dm22 22HH lala strstr spdint NO COMPS | Dutch Smoushond | 16 | 4136 |
JAO Dm23 24HH lala intstr intint YOU KEEP | Dutch Smoushond | 12 | 4124 |
WCO Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 44 | 4241 |
NCSh Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 43 | 4238 |
UCFT Dog | Golden Retriever | 51 | 4223 |
WCO Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 50 | 4223 |
GCM GCA Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 45 | 4209 |
ExA GCO Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 39 | 4211 |
WCRO Durana | Dutch Smoushond | 45 | 4226 |
NCA Dutch Smoushond 12HH | Dutch Smoushond | 38 | 4314 |
WCRO EGEG 12HH | Dutch Smoushond | 39 | 4325 |
NCA For Sale | Dutch Smoushond | 43 | 4249 |
CCSh GGGE 9HH 3hh Pale Black Eye | Dutch Smoushond | 40 | 4327 |
WCO Gloria | Dutch Smoushond | 46 | 4226 |
WCO Gloria | Dutch Smoushond | 48 | 4209 |
CCM CCFT Golden Pride | Golden Retriever | 47 | 4211 |
UCFT GR Ccch 21HH LL | Golden Retriever | 52 | 4199 |
MFr AFT GRf 15HH cece LL FOLLOW | Golden Retriever | 22 | 4142 |
AFT JPnFr GRf 16HH cece LL | Golden Retriever | 12 | 4126 |
NFT GRf 17HH cece Lla | Golden Retriever | 1 | 4112 |
NFT GRf 18HH cece lala | Golden Retriever | 1 | 4112 |
NCFr WCFT GRf Cce 16HH LL | Golden Retriever | 45 | 4194 |
GCFr MHT GRf Cce 16HH LL | Golden Retriever | 37 | 4170 |
NCFr ExFT GRf Cce 16HH Lla | Golden Retriever | 39 | 4170 |
MFr GCFl GRf Cce 17HH LL | Golden Retriever | 38 | 4170 |
WCFr GRf Cce 18HH--20 Lla | Golden Retriever | 52 | 4194 |
MFT ChM GRf Cce 20HH LL | Golden Retriever | 36 | 4170 |
WCFT GRf cchce 15HH Lla | Golden Retriever | 43 | 4182 |
WCFT GRf cchce 16HH--8 Lla | Golden Retriever | 50 | 4194 |
PnFT MFl GRf cchce 20HH LL | Golden Retriever | 27 | 4147 |
ExFT ExT GRf cchce 20HH Lla | Golden Retriever | 30 | 4158 |
ExFT GRm 16HH cece LL FOLLOW | Golden Retriever | 25 | 4142 |
AFT GRm 17HH cece Lla | Golden Retriever | 13 | 4126 |
NFr GRm 18HH cece Lla | Golden Retriever | 1 | 4112 |
WCFT GRm Ccch | Golden Retriever | 40 | 4300 |
WCFr GRm Cce 19HH lala | Golden Retriever | 45 | 4182 |
WCFT NCW GRm Cce 21HH--19 LL | Golden Retriever | 45 | 4194 |
MFr APnFT GRm Cce 22HH Lla | Golden Retriever | 27 | 4147 |
ExFT CCFr GRm cchce 19HH lala | Golden Retriever | 43 | 4182 |
WCFT GRm cchce 19HH Lla | Golden Retriever | 49 | 4194 |
ChFr AW GRm cchce 21HH lala | Golden Retriever | 31 | 4158 |
WCFT Happy | Golden Retriever | 47 | 4235 |
WCO Jo Jo | Dutch Smoushond | 49 | 4221 |
CCA Joanie | Dutch Smoushond | 46 | 4226 |
WCFl Junior | Golden Retriever | 51 | 4223 |
ChA ExO Lex | Dutch Smoushond | 35 | 4214 |
WCFr Lillie | Golden Retriever | 52 | 4211 |
WCO Magna | Dutch Smoushond | 48 | 4221 |
WCO Mina | Dutch Smoushond | 47 | 4226 |
GCO JPnA Parkway Drive* | Dutch Smoushond | 47 | 3468 |
WCFr Pookie | Golden Retriever | 48 | 4228 |
WCSh Puffy | Dutch Smoushond | 47 | 4226 |
Puppy 10 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 11 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 2 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 2 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 2 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 4 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 4 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 4 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 5 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
Puppy 6 | Dutch Smoushond | 1 | 4105 |
GCA Rescue me | Dutch Smoushond | 38 | 4258 |
WCA Sansa | Dutch Smoushond | 49 | 4209 |
CCO NA Sharing the News | Dutch Smoushond | 42 | 4171 |
WCFT Smile Again's Ruby In The Ruff | Golden Retriever | 43 | 4261 |
CCFr Star | Golden Retriever | 42 | 4235 |
WCFr Suzie | Golden Retriever | 50 | 4223 |
WCO Sweet cakes | Dutch Smoushond | 46 | 4233 |
WCA JPnO TRACR Waiting for You | Dutch Smoushond | 55 | 2756 |
CCA TRACR Where the Red Fern Grows | Dutch Smoushond | 47 | 4117 |
WCO Wonder Dog | Dutch Smoushond | 45 | 4235 |
WCFl ~GR~ Adam EEEE 20HH 0hh (red) | Golden Retriever | 41 | 4331 |
WCFr ~GR~ Amber EEEE 18HH 0hh (fawn) | Golden Retriever | 41 | 4343 |