Ember Falls Mousery...uh, I mean, Doggery

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Dogs Bred By Ember Falls Mousery...uh, I mean, Doggery

JPnA NCO EFM LibraSaarloos Wolfdog3889
MA LucySaarloos Wolfdog2252
For StudIPnA GCO -IB- MystoganSaarloos Wolfdog3270
AT EFM RitsukaSaarloos Wolfdog2048
LockedNT EFM (Brigid) Bred 0 Times-Trainer-Slsl/lala/4stm/cchcch/BbSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedNT (Dapple)-GIP/Ee/Bb/cchce/1hLla/4stmSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedNP (Plow) GIP-Ee-Bb-cchcch-1hlala-1/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedIPnT 0h-lala 2/1 Slsl cchcwSaarloos Wolfdog729
LockedPnT EFM Aberdeen-GP (Bb)Saarloos Wolfdog1036
LockedIPnT EFM AidanSaarloos Wolfdog722
LockedANT EFM All in the Bones GP(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog515
LockedAT EFM Andromeda (EEEE-16HH-8Hh)Saarloos Wolfdog1943
LockedNT Belvedere II (GP)Saarloos Wolfdog19
LockedNT Best Yet- Slsl cchcch 0hlala-4stm-bbSaarloos Wolfdog116
LockedJPnT EFM BonnieSaarloos Wolfdog514
LockedJAT :FOX: Boondocks Bb cecwSaarloos Wolfdog1381
LockedNCT EFM Bound By Subterfuge [24 lala stm]Saarloos Wolfdog54101
LockedJPnT EFM Breaking In The Ideal-GP(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog625
LockedIPnT EFM Change-GP (BB)Saarloos Wolfdog838
LockedFor StudExA CherrySaarloos Wolfdog38118
LockedExFl EFM Comet EEEE - 15 HH lala ( Cream w.Black Grizzle&Light Undersides )Saarloos Wolfdog3379
LockedJPnT EFM Conowingo GP (Bb)Saarloos Wolfdog721
LockedNT Convergence-GP/Trainer/Bred0xSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedEFM CourtneySaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedAT DakmorSaarloos Wolfdog1842
LockedPnT EFM East (BB)Saarloos Wolfdog1033
LockedNT EFM Fawn-4stm-Bb-0hlala-154 starting statsSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedNT FawnGP(Bb)Saarloos Wolfdog19
LockedMT NCO EFM From Legend To Myth [24 lala int]Saarloos Wolfdog51101
LockedExT EFM God Made GirlsSaarloos Wolfdog35100
LockedNT EFM GP(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog16
LockedAPnO Grave's girl FreyaSaarloos Wolfdog1129
LockedPnH Grave's Guy ZolegSaarloos Wolfdog1026
LockedPnH Grave's HonorSaarloos Wolfdog1025
LockedNT EFM Gyweneth- GP/Trainer/Bred0xSaarloos Wolfdog17
LockedNT Here We Go-15Hh/1hh-lala--Kk Ee BB DD slsl atat sisi Mm rr tt CC gg uu lala chastm intstmBorder Collie18
LockedJAT EFM Hilla-0h-lala-Slsl-3stmSaarloos Wolfdog1250
LockedJPnA MO SoT Hold Out Your Hand EEGE - 13HH Lla ( White )Saarloos Wolfdog3066
LockedNFl In Truth I lied---14h-lala-Kk Ee Bb DD slsl Ayat sisi MM rr tt Ccw gg uu lala agistm agistmBorder Collie18
LockedNT Inactive BCBorder Collie16
LockedNT Inactive BCBorder Collie16
LockedNA Inactive BCBorder Collie16
LockedNT EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog39
LockedNT EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog18
LockedNA EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNSc EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNT EFM Inactive GSDGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedFor Private SalePnSh EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog926
LockedFor Private SaleIPnT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog720
LockedFor StudJAT EFM Kagari-0h-lala-2/0Saarloos Wolfdog1135
LockedAPnT EFM Kira-0h-lala-2/1stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog1151
LockedChH EFM Lycrisa's Loveless - [23:0] - lalaSaarloos Wolfdog4282
LockedGCT EFM Lycrisa's Merclo - [24:0] - lalaSaarloos Wolfdog4988
LockedChT EFM Lycrisa's Nameless - [22:0] - lalaSaarloos Wolfdog4181
LockedMM GCFl EFM Lycrisa's Soulless - [23:0] - lalaSaarloos Wolfdog5088
LockedChT ExFl EFM Lycrisas's Lark - [24:0] - lalaSaarloos Wolfdog5088
LockedJPnT EFM Mapping Lines Of Red-0h-lala-4stm-Slsl-cchce-Ee bbSaarloos Wolfdog829
LockedChA EFM MousoleumSaarloos Wolfdog3079
LockedAPnT EFM Mus-GP(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog1045
LockedFor StudAPnT EFM North (Bb)Saarloos Wolfdog1239
LockedJPnT ChO EFM One Last Run GEEE - 14HH LL ( Black w. Light Undersides )Saarloos Wolfdog3682
LockedNT Origin II -(bb) 156 start statsSaarloos Wolfdog110
LockedJAT EFM Origin(Bb)Saarloos Wolfdog1347
LockedIPnH EFM Outcross-Oh-lala-4stm-Ee-Bb-Slsl-cchcwSaarloos Wolfdog829
LockedIPnT Outcrossentia-0h-lala-4stm-cchcw-Ee-Bb-SlslSaarloos Wolfdog733
LockedAPnT EFM Perfectia-GP (BB)Saarloos Wolfdog1147
LockedPuppy 1Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 1Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedNT EFM Puppy 11Saarloos Wolfdog120
LockedPuppy 11Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedNT Puppy 4Saarloos Wolfdog19
LockedNP EFM Puppy 4Korean Jindo112
LockedPuppy 4Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedPuppy 6Saarloos Wolfdog17
LockedPuppy 7Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedPuppy 8Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedPuppy 8Saarloos Wolfdog116
LockedPnT EFM Radon Runner-0h-lala-3/1stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog1045
LockedExH EFM Raging Fire EEEE - 14 HH lala ( Fawn w.Black Grizzle&Light Undersides )Saarloos Wolfdog35101
LockedIPnT EFM Reaching-0h-lala-4stm-Slsl-cchcwSaarloos Wolfdog732
LockedMT EFM RinnSaarloos Wolfdog3295
LockedIPnT Seconds To Success -GP (BB)Saarloos Wolfdog737
LockedNT SlSl-4stm-Bb-cchcw-0hlala-EeSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedPnT EFM South(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog1033
LockedPnT EFM West(BB)Saarloos Wolfdog1033
LockedNT White 0hlala 1/3stm Slsl BbSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedNT White 0hlala 4stm Bb SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedNP White 4stm 0hlala Bb Slsl cchcch eeSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedNT White-0hlala-cchcw-Slsl-Bb-4stmSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedPnT WydahSaarloos Wolfdog1079
PnH (#255) Crashing Through UnderbrushSaarloos Wolfdog94214
JAFl *No more work*RowanSaarloos Wolfdog144161
CCA 13HH Ender's GameSaarloos Wolfdog454213
GCA CCO 13HH Wuthering HeightsSaarloos Wolfdog474213
GCH 14HH Return of the NativeSaarloos Wolfdog404214
WCO 14HH Where Do I Hide?Saarloos Wolfdog494213
PnO EFM 19 HH 5 Hh EEEE ''Snow white''Saarloos Wolfdog103933
APnT 1h-lala-cchce-1stm-Fortune TellerSaarloos Wolfdog94135
2hSaarloos Wolfdog14159
NA 2h-cchcch-Ee-Lla-LeioSaarloos Wolfdog14212
IPnH 3h-Lla-cchcw-EE-BansheeSaarloos Wolfdog64174
NH 4h-lala-0/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog14160
NCFl EFM 674012Saarloos Wolfdog533810
APnT Acorn-EEEE-2h-lala-2stm>SLslSaarloos Wolfdog104197
AA All in the Notes-EEEE 8h-lla-1stm>SLslSaarloos Wolfdog144227
NT Allstar-3h-lala-4stm-SlslSaarloos Wolfdog34039
JPnT EFM Amarie-0h-lala-Slsl-1/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44042
AT And the Winner is-0h-lala-1/2stm-Ee/cchceSaarloos Wolfdog174133
PnH Aries-EEEE-Lla-1stm-2agi-SlSl-9hSaarloos Wolfdog94215
AH Armada EEEE 11h-Lla-1stm-cchcw-EE(exceptions-breed at 88 and 100 then retire)Saarloos Wolfdog194281
NT Ash-SlSl-0hlala-cchcw-2/0stmSaarloos Wolfdog14036
ANT EFM Balti-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog34041
IPnT Barium-0h-lala-1/0stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog74106
MT EFM Belvedere-(0h-lala)-cchcch-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog264112
NT Birch Damask-2h-Lla-SlSl-3stm-cwcwSaarloos Wolfdog14169
AA Bluefang's RoukanSaarloos Wolfdog154236
NT BoneWeary-0hlala-2/0Saarloos Wolfdog14090
GCT EFM Breaking PointSaarloos Wolfdog453938
APnT Breathless-0h-lala-2/1stm-SlslSaarloos Wolfdog84087
AH Calen-EEEE-1h-lla-2stm-EE/cchceSaarloos Wolfdog144148
ExA Capri Sun (12HH lala)Saarloos Wolfdog254145
JPnT EFM Capricorn-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44041
AT Cari--0h-lala-cchcch-EE-bb-1/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog134120
NO CarismaSaarloos Wolfdog34306
AH Cashmere-EEEE 4h-LL-3stm>SLslSaarloos Wolfdog144194
IPnT EFM Casiopia-1h-lala-SlSl-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog74045
MT EFM Catch The Moon [20HH, EEEE]Saarloos Wolfdog333518
PnH Centari-EEEG 9h-lala-2stm-SLslSaarloos Wolfdog94231
Chance-2/0 ohlalaSaarloos Wolfdog14110
PnT Chase's Boneset-cchcchEe-lala-Slsl-3stm-EEEE-4hSaarloos Wolfdog74176
IPnH Chasing Fate-EEEE-5h-lala-1stm-1agi-cchcch/eeSaarloos Wolfdog74222
JPnT Chasing Star Shadows-1h-lala-Ee/cchcch-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog44120
NCT ChezaSaarloos Wolfdog404158
CCA EFM Choices EEEE Lla 14HH/10HhSaarloos Wolfdog454135
JPnT Churchville-0hlala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog34091
JAT Cotton Down-EEEE-2h-Lla-1agi-Slsl-Cchcw/EESaarloos Wolfdog114190
AFl Cowry-EEEE 6H-Lla-2stm-ee/cchcwSaarloos Wolfdog134227
NA Creamy WinterSaarloos Wolfdog14328
APnO Crossing the finish Line-0h-lala-0/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog84114
JPnT Danbury-Slsl-lala-cchcch-3stm-3h.Saarloos Wolfdog54207
AH Dandelions GEEE 12hSaarloos Wolfdog184192
IPnH Dearest-GEEESaarloos Wolfdog84275
GCA EFM Divine Intervention [17 intcha stmstr]Saarloos Wolfdog493280
APnA Doradus-EEEE4h-lala-1stm-SLslSaarloos Wolfdog104198
IPnT Ee-bb-cchcch-2h-lala-2stm2agi-Shoot for the StarsSaarloos Wolfdog74176
JPnT Ee-Bb-cchcch-6h-lala-2stm-Chase's NebulaSaarloos Wolfdog44204
JAT ee-cchcch-lala-1h-LumbardiSaarloos Wolfdog114137
PnH EEEE On glowflies and lemonade 15hSaarloos Wolfdog104280
ChT EGGE 14HH 3hh LL ArmisticeSaarloos Wolfdog304160
IPnT Ember Faith-Ee-cchce-3h-lala-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog74176
JPnT Emile Jr.-0h-lala-4stm-Bb-EeSaarloos Wolfdog34052
AT Emile-0h-lala-EE-cchcch-4stmSaarloos Wolfdog134108
NT Enigma-0hlala-1/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog14090
NT Enigma-0hlala-2/1Saarloos Wolfdog14085
NT Era-3h-lala-SlSl-0/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog14110
PnT Erika-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog74102
IPnT Falling-Ee-cchce-0h-lala-4stmSaarloos Wolfdog44056
JPnT Fallston-0hlala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog34091
JPnT Finesse-EEEE-5hSaarloos Wolfdog64231
JPnT Fir-ee-cchcch-2h-Lla-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog44119
PnA Fleet from East-EEEE-7h-LL--cchcch/EeSaarloos Wolfdog84224
NT Following In Footsteps-ee-cchcch-Lla-1stm-3hSaarloos Wolfdog14114
IPnT Frie-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog54093
PnT Full Steam Ahead-EEEE-0hh-16Hh-8HHSaarloos Wolfdog84252
IPnT Gemini-1h-lala-cchcch-ee-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog54123
PnT Gender Don't Matter EEEE-0hh-10Hh-14HHSaarloos Wolfdog84251
NT Ghoul-2h-lala-Ee-cchcch-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog14162
GCT EFM Good Times Gone 24/0 lala *Saarloos Wolfdog513278
JAH GracelynSaarloos Wolfdog114254
JAT Grave JusticeSaarloos Wolfdog144260
NA Grave's Boy Silver BonesSaarloos Wolfdog14333
MM Grave's Girl EggE (int)Saarloos Wolfdog254266
PnH Gravedigger EEEE 13hSaarloos Wolfdog104279
AFr HailstormSaarloos Wolfdog144298
JPnT HakuSaarloos Wolfdog54339
PnO Haley-ee/cchcch/lala/3h/3stmSaarloos Wolfdog74184
JPnT EFM healeh-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog54042
JPnT Heavy Footfalls-6h-EEEE-Lla-2stm-ee/cchcwSaarloos Wolfdog54218
JPnFr Helium-4h-Ee-Slsl-cwcw-lala-0stmSaarloos Wolfdog54119
JPnT AO Henry FitzgeraldSaarloos Wolfdog134217
PnT Here And Now EEEG 14hSaarloos Wolfdog104280
JAT Here on JupiterSaarloos Wolfdog134236
JPnH Here we go-2h-lala-2stm-ee/cchceSaarloos Wolfdog44121
JPnT Hirret-1h-lala-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog34116
JPnT EFM Holly-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog54042
JPnT EFM Homeagain-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44041
IPnT Hurry up and Wait-1h-lala-ee-cchcch-1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44120
NT Hydrogen-0h-lala-SlSl-1/0stmSaarloos Wolfdog14037
CCT EFM Hypnos' Sweet Lullaby [24 lala spd]Saarloos Wolfdog561287
JPnFr EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog44040
NT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog44039
ANT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog44040
NT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog34039
NT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog34039
ANT EFM Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog34039
NT Inactive SWDSaarloos Wolfdog14033
AH EFM Indigo MoonSaarloos Wolfdog163555
JPnT Interesting-1h-lala-ee/cchcch-2stm-Saarloos Wolfdog44121
PnT JackSaarloos Wolfdog84291
ChO EFM JolieSaarloos Wolfdog383857
MH Jup's Dance GGEE (agi)Saarloos Wolfdog224263
MO Jupe's Kailer EEGG (str)Saarloos Wolfdog234275
ANA Jupe's Legacy EEEE-9HH/15Hh/0hhSaarloos Wolfdog64287
APnH Jupe's seagrass EEEGSaarloos Wolfdog114283
NH Jupiter's CureSaarloos Wolfdog34304
AH Jupiter's Halo Cream with Black Grizzle and Light Undersides EEEESaarloos Wolfdog164192
NT Kagarat-0hlala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog14085
NT kagari x interestingSaarloos Wolfdog14111
IPnH KaiaSaarloos Wolfdog84343
PnA KayakSaarloos Wolfdog94343
AT Koegler Wh 17HH bb cw stm+agi lalaSaarloos Wolfdog164113
IPnT Lamb-ee-cchcch-3h-lala-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog74186
IPnT Latin-0h-lala-1/1stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog64078
JPnT Lilt-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog54091
NFr lostSaarloos Wolfdog14339
MT EFM Lost at SeaSaarloos Wolfdog273807
NT Miari-0hlala-2/0stmSaarloos Wolfdog14090
JAA Milkweed-EEEE 8h-Lla-1stm-SLslSaarloos Wolfdog134227
IPnT Misletoe-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog64099
NT Moor-0hlala-2/1Saarloos Wolfdog14085
IPnT Mouse-1h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog64107
NT Mozart-0hlala-cchce-4stmSaarloos Wolfdog14085
MT Mrs. RadleySaarloos Wolfdog214246
JAT Neptune-EEEE 10h-Ll-1stm-2agi-SLSLSaarloos Wolfdog134227
PnM NeverMind-EEGE 11hSaarloos Wolfdog84249
PnT NewTown-0h-lala-SlSl-cwcw-1/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog74068
GCH EFM NightingaleSaarloos Wolfdog404063
JPnA NotApplicable-EGEESaarloos Wolfdog64265
AA Nuance-EEEE 6h-Lla-3stm-SLslSaarloos Wolfdog154257
JAH old boy mapleSaarloos Wolfdog104139
AT Old Enough (EEEG)Saarloos Wolfdog144191
JPnT Opal-0hlala-SlSl-cecw-1/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog64078
MH MT *E*D Phantom (stm)Saarloos Wolfdog363885
IPnO Pratti-1h-lala-ee-cchcch-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog54125
MT Promise Me Saturn (EEEE)Saarloos Wolfdog224138
JPnH Promises-EEEE-7h-Lla-cchcw/ee-2stmSaarloos Wolfdog54217
APnFl Pulsar-3h-lala-Bb-Slsl-cchcch-1stmSaarloos Wolfdog74133
Puppy 1Saarloos Wolfdog14109
NT Puppy 1Saarloos Wolfdog14066
NT Puppy 2Saarloos Wolfdog14029
Puppy 4Saarloos Wolfdog14169
Puppy 4Saarloos Wolfdog14169
Puppy 5Saarloos Wolfdog14109
IPnA Radient Star-4h-Slsl-cchcch-2stm-lalaSaarloos Wolfdog64123
JPnH RaeSaarloos Wolfdog74337
AH Raining ReignSaarloos Wolfdog134180
AT EFM Reflection of Near Perfection-0h-lala-4stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog143899
NT RetiredSaarloos Wolfdog34117
NT RetiredSaarloos Wolfdog14111
JAH Revolutionary-EEEE-3h-lla-2stm-EE/cchcw/SlslSaarloos Wolfdog114191
JPnT Robin-0hlala-1/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog24085
JPnA Rockstar-1h-lala-Slsl-1/2stmSaarloos Wolfdog44074
JPnH Rolling Oceans-EGEE 11hSaarloos Wolfdog64229
JAH RookSaarloos Wolfdog114263
NT Rune-ee-cchcw-4h-lala-3stmSaarloos Wolfdog14164
JPnT Samshi-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44093
PnT Saratoga-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog74101
PnT Saving Grace EEEE 13hSaarloos Wolfdog84261
PnT SelfHelp-EEEG 12hSaarloos Wolfdog94249
JPnT sheep's clothing-1h-lala-ee/cchcch-3stm-Saarloos Wolfdog44121
NT Sirus-1h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog14112
APnT Slsl-cchce-2hLla-3stmSaarloos Wolfdog84183
APnFl Stardust-EEEE6h-lala-ee/cchceSaarloos Wolfdog104218
APnFl Summer Rain on Canvas-6h-EEEE-Lla-4stm-SlSlSaarloos Wolfdog94215
PnA Sweet Dreams GEEE 12hSaarloos Wolfdog84246
IPnO Sweet JusticeSaarloos Wolfdog64285
JAFl The future is Here-EEEE3h-lala-1stm-Ee/cchceSaarloos Wolfdog104132
IPnT TheStrip-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog64095
ANT Thresh-0hlala-2/1Saarloos Wolfdog24085
ANT Towson-0h-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog44090
IPnT Trouble-0hlala-4stm-EeSaarloos Wolfdog64061
APnA Venus on Dark Days-GEEE 10h-Ll-1stm-2agi=SLslSaarloos Wolfdog124270
JPnT Victoria-oh-lala-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog34087
JAFl White IsleSaarloos Wolfdog124180
PnA White Satin EGEE 9h-LL-2stm-SLslSaarloos Wolfdog104258
JPnT Wild and Sheep's RowanSaarloos Wolfdog63369
IPnT William-0hlala-cecw-Slsl-2/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog64061
GCH EFM WillowSaarloos Wolfdog394097
MT MA EFM Wingman (int)Saarloos Wolfdog333883
CCT EFM Winterfell EEEE lala 4stm 19HH/5HhSaarloos Wolfdog494096
ANT WoolishSaarloos Wolfdog54333
NT Wuu-3h-lala-Slsl-1/1stmSaarloos Wolfdog14109

Game Time

06:38pm on Mar 3

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