Paws Crossing kennel

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Dogs Bred By Paws Crossing kennel

LockedJPnT AsterSmooth Collie816
LockedNSh PPD's BahamaloPapillon115
LockedBamaxAlaskan Husky110
LockedJAFl BanditSmooth Collie1533
LockedANS PPD's BavaAmerican Indian Dog517
LockedNRO PPD's BellaPomeranian114
LockedJPnSh PPD's BonitaPug729
LockedNE PPD's BrendaMiniature Bull Terrier112
LockedFor StudJPnP PPD's ButchGreat Dane730
LockedJPnT PPD's CantalkaEnglish Foxhound522
LockedJPnM PPD's CaramelWest Siberian Laika831
LockedCarterCanaan Dog110
LockedJPnRO PPD's CatherineBeagle727
LockedNP PPD's ConstanoTibetan Mastiff117
LockedNE PPD's CoralMiniature Bull Terrier317
LockedCortoMiniature Bull Terrier16
LockedJPnH PPD's CreamTibetan Mastiff830
LockedIPnH PPD's DaisyCardigan Welsh Corgi935
LockedJPnA PPD's DakiniGreat Dane618
LockedNSh PPD's DakitaEnglish Foxhound110
LockedFor StudJPnH PPD's DamienRough Collie734
LockedIPnH DanielleSmooth Collie715
LockedDarlaSilken Windhound16
LockedDenataroAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedANA PPD's DenatoroCanaan Dog622
LockedJPnFT PPD's DixyKooikerhondje730
LockedDogutaWest Siberian Laika17
LockedDormirMiniature Bull Terrier16
LockedFor StudJPnHT PPD's DukeGreat Dane730
LockedNSc PPD's DukeBelgian Tervuren116
LockedDylanCarolina Dog16
LockedEndontoAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedNP PPD's EronicoTibetan Mastiff117
LockedIPnW PPD's FahannaGerman Shepherd Dog522
LockedFor StudIPnSc PPD's FelixBelgian Malinois937
LockedNFr PPD's FenakitaShikoku110
LockedFendaznaBorder Collie16
LockedFentakaBorder Collie16
LockedNFl PPD's FentocoAustralian Cattle Dog115
LockedJPnM PPD's FenziaAustralian Cattle Dog727
LockedFrankGreat Dane16
LockedFredrickKorean Jindo110
LockedJPnM PPD's GamimeAmerican Indian Dog829
LockedANFT PPD's GandaKooikerhondje516
LockedGandonoGerman Shepherd Dog110
LockedANSh PPD's GentaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier422
LockedNT PPD's GentaEnglish Foxhound110
LockedPPD's GodsGreat Dane113
LockedIPnSc PPD's GraceGerman Shepherd Dog835
LockedFor StudGrapandoPapillon111
LockedNFr PPD's HalfmoonGreat Dane317
LockedHarnadittaAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedJPnFr PPD's HeraShikoku621
LockedFor StudHernadoSmooth Collie111
LockedNFr PPD's HiroFinnish Lapphund117
LockedJPnS PPD's HisheyaSiberian Husky626
LockedNR PPD's HovenSilken Windhound117
LockedHugoWest Siberian Laika17
LockedNT PPD's InchantoOtterhound317
LockedIzzyMiniature Bull Terrier16
LockedJudasGreat Dane16
LockedJPnFr PPD's JulieFinnish Lapphund617
LockedJPnO PPD's JunaCardigan Welsh Corgi522
LockedKarthAustralian Cattle Dog16
LockedJPnM PPD's KashinaKeeshond935
LockedIPnT PPD's KatherineSmooth Collie1037
LockedJPnRO PPD's KaylieChihuahua620
LockedIPnT PPD's KenyaAustralian Cattle Dog1039
LockedFor StudJPnH PPD's KiloSmooth Collie935
LockedJASh PPD's KitaAmerican Indian Dog1541
LockedNH PPD's KizyRough Collie110
LockedNS PPD's Kunta KinteSiberian Husky114
LockedLagerthaAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedANHT PPD's LanaKorean Jindo522
LockedNSc PPD's LenardGerman Shepherd Dog422
LockedJPnH PPD's LilithanFinnish Lapphund730
LockedMage of the WestCardigan Welsh Corgi110
LockedFor StudIPnP PPD's MarcusGreat Pyrenees938
LockedFor StudJPnFT PPD's MarshialBeagle839
LockedMarvin the MarsianTibetan Mastiff16
LockedNA PPD's MaryCardigan Welsh Corgi110
LockedFor StudNT PPD's MaxAustralian Cattle Dog627
LockedMeditateMiniature Australian Shepherd19
LockedFor StudJPnP PPD's MichaelMiniature Australian Shepherd732
LockedANP PPD's MikeGreat Pyrenees526
LockedNFl PPD's MikeyMiniature Australian Shepherd320
LockedANSc PPD's MilitaryAmerican Indian Dog617
LockedNFl PPD's MiloGreat Dane525
LockedMinhoMiniature Bull Terrier16
LockedMistaEnglish Springer Spaniel16
LockedFor StudIPnHT PPD's MitchJamthund938
LockedJPnM PPD's NanadiCarolina Dog623
LockedPPD's NicoShikoku113
LockedNicoFinnish Lapphund16
LockedNFl PPD's PineWest Siberian Laika118
LockedFor StudJPnRO PPD's PolaminoCavalier King Charles Spaniel731
LockedFor StudIPnHT PPD's Prince of CloversAkita1040
LockedPrince of Dry LakeAkita16
LockedNHT PPD's Prince of Flaming SunAkita116
LockedFor StudJAFr PPD's Prince of SpadesAkita1441
LockedNM PPD's Prince of YangAkita115
LockedJPnHT PPD's Princess Galicna of HeartsAkita828
LockedANM PPD's Princess Gamime of the NorthAkita517
LockedANM PPD's Princess of JupiterAkita517
LockedJPnFr PPD's Princess of Mystery MoonAkita622
LockedPrincess of Twisting CloudsAkita16
LockedNP PPD's Princess of YinAkita110
LockedJPnFr PPD's Princess Venta of DiamondsAkita829
LockedPupicaSpinone Italiano18
LockedNT PPD's RaokihamoPapillon115
LockedPPD's RhapsidaCarolina Dog111
LockedIPnT PPD's RocindaEnglish Foxhound935
LockedNS PPD's RoloSiberian Husky114
LockedPPD's RosettaMudi111
LockedNRO PPD's RosiePomeranian115
LockedRotheshaSiberian Husky16
LockedANT PPD's SadieEnglish Foxhound622
LockedNT PPD's SahyaAustralian Cattle Dog115
LockedNT PPD's SamSmooth Collie110
LockedNFT PPD's SaphireEnglish Springer Spaniel217
LockedJPnP PPD's SensendaSmooth Collie522
LockedJPnT PPD's ShadesCardigan Welsh Corgi622
LockedFor StudJPnSh PPD's ShadowPomeranian830
LockedIPnR PPD's ShalinSilken Windhound832
LockedJPnFT PPD's ShaniquaEnglish Springer Spaniel729
LockedShokoCarolina Dog16
LockedFor StudJAA PPD's SicaCarolina Dog1535
LockedANRO PPD's SnowPapillon627
LockedNFT PPD's SokoBeagle115
LockedPPD's SomaticCarolina Dog111
LockedSoulAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedSoviatAmerican Indian Dog16
LockedIPnSh PPD's SpecklesPapillon723
LockedSpotBorder Collie111
LockedJPnSh PPD's SusPug517
LockedFor StudJPnM PPD's TadashiWest Siberian Laika731
LockedNS PPD's TenkuntoAlaskan Husky110
LockedNM PPD's TentajoAmerican Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedJPnM PPD's ThaliaWest Siberian Laika519
LockedNHT PPD's TiboGreat Dane118
LockedJPnFr PPD's TinaAmerican Indian Dog617
LockedTitaEnglish Foxhound19
LockedTitanicSilken Windhound16
LockedNFr PPD's TobyWest Siberian Laika117
LockedTomorrowLapponian Herder17
LockedNA PPD's TunakaAustralian Cattle Dog115
LockedNP PPD's TwilightEnglish Springer Spaniel317
LockedJPnT PPD's UnaSmooth Collie523
LockedUnitaKorean Jindo19
LockedWasabiEnglish Springer Spaniel16
LockedNH PPD's Witch of the SouthCardigan Welsh Corgi110
LockedXandraGreat Dane16
LockedJPnFr PPD's YamadaAmerican Indian Dog829
LockedJPnT PPD's YellerOtterhound729
LockedNFT PPD's YokoKooikerhondje117
LockedJPnSh Your Freedom Is My GoalChihuahua714
LockedNR PPD's YukioSilken Windhound117
LockedNA PPD's ZernoAmerican Indian Dog117
LockedZinhaGreat Dane16
LockedNRO PPD's ZozoPug117
AnnieAmerican Cocker Spaniel13886
IPnHT PPD's Autums New BeginningsAkita93547
BluAkita Inu13886
BrindleAkita Inu13886
ANT Brown EyeBeagle43976
CaptianAlaskan Husky13886
JPnO CarlosShikoku63561
NO CaryAkita Inu23965
CherryAmerican Cocker Spaniel13909
APnO PPD's Chocolate Fountain of YouthGerman Shepherd Dog133565
NRO ChrisGerman Shepherd Dog23965
NS ConnorAlaskan Husky13904
DanAkita Inu13869
NA DixyEnglish Shepherd13965
APnT PPD's Don't Hate The Player Hate The GameEnglish Foxhound133565
APnHT PPD's Eclipse To RiseShikoku123564
APnRO PPD's Flash & Dashingly AmazingCardigan Welsh Corgi133565
FlowerAlaskan Husky13909
GabbyAlaskan Husky13965
GraceAkita Inu13873
HazelAmerican Cocker Spaniel13887
NM HollyDachshund13908
IsabellAlaskan Husky13873
NS IvyGreenland Dog13965
JAW PPD's Love What You Are, Because Things ChangeGerman Shepherd Dog123565
NFr MaggieAkita Inu13908
NSc MaleficentAkita Inu13908
MelyneeScottish Deerhound13885
MemeAkita Inu13885
OllyAlaskan Husky13886
PaEnglish Shepherd13885
QuinYorkshire Terrier13887
RapunzleAmerican Cocker Spaniel13873
AT PPD's Right's ReservedCanaan Dog183590
RyanAmerican Cocker Spaniel13965
SallYorkshire Terrier13873
NT SerenityCatahoula Leopard Dog13908
SilverScottish Deerhound13965
SnowAlaskan Husky13873
APnRO PPD's Speckled DreamKeeshond123566
APnHT PPD's The Flakes of White AshJamthund123568
TundraAkita Inu13869
NFr VanityWhippet13965

Game Time

10:41am on Feb 8

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