Name | Breed | Level | Age |
JAFr DOP Bubba 11HH | Miniature Dachshund | 16 | 66 |
PnSc YG Patrick | Belgian Malinois | 12 | 50 |
JPnT Spots | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 7 | 60 |
JPnA CRKK Beryllium | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 6 | 3738 |
JASc CRKK cecile | Azores Cattle Dog | 17 | 3743 |
JASh CRKK clara | Belgian Malinois | 15 | 3797 |
NSc claws | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 3701 |
IPnFl CRKK Demon Hunter | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 10 | 3439 |
JAFl CRKK First Time In Forever | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 15 | 3762 |
MFl CRKK Grizzly | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 30 | 3801 |
ANT CRKK Heaven's Never Ending Love | Miniature Dachshund | 5 | 3555 |
MP DOP Liberation | Miniature Dachshund | 25 | 3814 |
NFl Loch Ness | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 3725 |
AT CRKK Lunar Crown | Belgian Malinois | 18 | 3888 |
NSc Lunar Crown x2 | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 3868 |
AA CRKK M | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 22 | 3856 |
JPnH CRKK Memoirs of a Geisha | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 5 | 3738 |
IPnSc CRKK Neon Lights | Azores Cattle Dog | 9 | 3792 |
AA CRKK Northern Lights | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 26 | 3786 |
APnA CRKK Scarecrow | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 12 | 3750 |
IPnSh CRKK Storm | Belgian Malinois | 8 | 3856 |
MA Tajiri's Leave the Pieces | Basenji | 27 | 3493 |
MA Tajiri's Second Chance | Basenji | 28 | 3493 |
MR CRKK Tajiri's Tail as Old as Time | Basenji | 27 | 3847 |
APnSc CRKK Tiger | Azores Cattle Dog | 12 | 3862 |
warrior | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 3842 |
AFl CRKK Wayward Son | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 18 | 3774 |
APnH CRKK Witch's Brew | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 12 | 3750 |
JPnA CRKK Wolf's Rain | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 5 | 3738 |