Streetlight Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Streetlight Kennels

Locked10HH 2hh GEGE llaMiniature Australian Shepherd16
Locked10HH 4hh GEGG LLMiniature Australian Shepherd16
Locked13HH 3hh EGGG LlaVizsla16
LockedAFr §LK American Sniper 14HH lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1737
LockedIPnFT §LK Daily Report 24HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer725
LockedAFl §LK Dance Moves 9HH lala EGGGVizsla1941
LockedIPnFr §LK Dancing 'til it Hurts 9HH lla GEEGMiniature Australian Shepherd826
LockedAW §LK Dancing in Moonlight 8HH lala EGEGVizsla1841
LockedDouble Duty 24HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer19
LockedJARO §LK Duty Time Ante 11th lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1435
LockedExFT §LK Duty Time Blues 20HH EEEE LlaGerman Shorthaired Pointer3162
LockedMM §LK Fly Me To The Moon 8HH GGGG LlaVizsla3678
LockedAFT §LK Galaxy Report 23HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1535
LockedPnFT Ghost Moon 7HH Ll GGGGVizsla1029
LockedNRO GS 5HH 3hh Lla EEEFGordon Setter112
LockedMFT §LK He's a Genius 19HH 1hh LlGerman Shorthaired Pointer2448
LockedChFr §LK He's On Duty 16HH EEEE llaGerman Shorthaired Pointer4287
LockedAP §LK Honor and Duty 12HH lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1737
LockedHyperdrive 24HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedAFr §LK In the Line of Duty 18HH lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1941
LockedJPnFl §LK Lady of Pain 7HH lla GEEGMiniature Australian Shepherd726
LockedJPnT §LK Man of the Hour 8HH Lla FEEFMiniature Australian Shepherd726
LockedJARO §LK Mark of Honor 13HH lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1637
LockedJPnP §LK Midnight Moon 8HH 5hh LL GGGEVizsla624
LockedAHT §LK Miko // EEEE (13-11-0)German Shorthaired Pointer1737
LockedMT §LK Moon Dance 7HH EGGE LalaVizsla3062
LockedJPnRO §LK Moondance Sunday 8HH 2hh LL EEGEVizsla624
LockedJPnW §LK Moonlight Waltz 6HH 1hh Lla EEGEVizsla524
LockedPuppy 10HH 4hh GGEG LlaBlack Mouth Cur16
LockedIPnFr §LK Report on the Hour 24HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer825
LockedIPnW §LK Reporting for Glory 14HH Lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer725
LockedJPnSh §LK Ritz on the Moon 8HH 2hh Lla EEGGVizsla524
LockedAFT §LK Sergeant Pepper 19HH Lla EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1941
LockedExRO §LK Show the Blues 16HH EEEE LlaGerman Shorthaired Pointer3878
LockedGCFl §LK Show Your Colors 18HH EEEE lalaGerman Shorthaired Pointer49100
LockedIPnT §LK Singin' the Blues 9HH Lla GGEGMiniature Australian Shepherd826
LockedNFT §LK Thin Blue Line 23HH 0hh lalaGerman Shorthaired Pointer115
LockedAFT §LK Wearing the Blue 22HH lala EEEEGerman Shorthaired Pointer1535
LockedIPnT § Wild Boots 8HH EGEG LlaMastiff919
NT §LK 19HH EEEE LlaGerman Shorthaired Pointer13816
NFT §LK 21HH EEEE llaGerman Shorthaired Pointer13816
ChFl NFl NCW §LK Check Out My Blue Jeans 13HH GEEE LlaGerman Shorthaired Pointer483303
JPnP §LK CobblerGerman Shorthaired Pointer13144
NCFT §LK Galaxy Blue 11HH EGEE LlGerman Shorthaired Pointer501558

Game Time

09:18pm on Feb 6

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