du petit bonheur

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Dogs Bred By du petit bonheur

LockedMSh petit "Bagino Jr." lala 4E 24HH PerfectPapillon3358
LockedMSh petit "Bajjina" lala 24HH EEEE PerfectPapillon2947
LockedASh petit "Lajino Jr." lala 4E 24HH perfectPapillon2645
LockedAPnSh petit "Onina" lala EEEE 24HH PerfectPapillon1226
LockedIPnM petit "Or Should I Go" lala 24HH EEEE PerfectMudi833
LockedIPnM petit "Pretty Nice" lala 24HH EEEE PerfectMudi733
LockedMRO petit "Ragino Jr." lala 4E 24HH PerfectPapillon3270
LockedMSh petit "Yafina Jr." lala 4E 24HH PerfectPapillon3052
LockedWCFl petit "Z Pumi [24HH - 4xagi] 1.388 Ayat sispMudi6387
LockedJAR petit (SP) Fawn sisw lala 20HHAfricanis1424
LockedAPnFl petit (SP) Fawn with black sable sisw Bb lala 21HHAfricanis1424
LockedJARO petit (SP) Red with black sable sisw Tt lala 18HHAfricanis1424
LockedWCH petit * KELPIE * , INTEL X 2 /AGI X 2 , 1.143x , 21 HH /3 Hh , 4 E , lalaKelpie5988
LockedMFl APnH petit * MUDI * , AGILITY X 4 , 1.483x , 24 HH , 4 E , lalaMudi3346
LockedPnHu MM petit * PAPILLON * , INTEL X 2 / CHA X 2 , 1.470x , 24 HH , 4 E , lalaPapillon3343
LockedExT PnH petit -SCK- Sleek in Silver|Silver and White (Irish)|24HH, 4E, Lla, 1.400xBorder Collie3954
LockedMM petit .Jojo.*Kelpie3669
LockedFor StudMM petit 1.400x lala 24HH Summer's DayPapillon3176
LockedMSh ARO petit 19HHPapillon2640
LockedChH petit 20Shetland Sheepdog4369
LockedChSh Chery 21HH lalaPapillon4277
Lockedpetit 22HH Lla 1.040Kelpie17
LockedMA petit 23HH - IsabellaMudi3160
LockedChFl petit 23HH lala 3agi 1.272 4:1Shetland Sheepdog4870
LockedGCA petit 23HH lala 3agi 1.272 4:2Shetland Sheepdog4770
LockedJARO petit 23HH lala Twix (1)Papillon1627
LockedGCA petit 24HH lala 3agi 1.462 8:1Mudi5574
LockedJPnFl petit 24HH | 1.353xShetland Sheepdog111
LockedCCSh petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon5282
LockedGCRO petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon4570
LockedChM petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon4367
LockedFor StudExSh petit 24HH || Lla ||Papillon3663
LockedFor StudCCA CCFl petit 85 Gallifrayen AlphabetShetland Sheepdog69103
LockedChSh petit A JacobPapillon3983
LockedAFl petit AbbyAfricanis2540
LockedWCA petit Abby - Blue Merle with red points Ssw {1.497}Shetland Sheepdog7396
LockedARO petit Abby - Chocolate Merle spsw {1.458}Australian Koolie2331
LockedGCR petit Acid Rap Cocoa Butter KissesAfricanis4379
LockedMA SniK AdhelinMudi30100
LockedMSh petit Ahhina - Silver spsw lala 24HH 4x intPapillon2645
LockedMSh petit Ajjina - Cream with black sable spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon3585
LockedExSh petit AlfirkPapillon3661
LockedFor Public SaleWCH petit All I want for christmas is you - Blue Merle with red points sisp Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie59100
LockedChFl petit All in one [24HH lala KbrkbbdAyatSSce 2agi]Mudi3762
LockedASh petit AlmeisanPapillon2147
LockedMH petit Amazing - Fawn blue sable swsw Tt {1.250}Shetland Sheepdog3247
LockedChR petit Amy [23HH 0hh lala - 4cha]Africanis3855
LockedCCT petit Andrea - Blue with red points SS {1.397}Australian Koolie6080
LockedAFl petit AngelKelpie2340
LockedASh petit AnnePapillon2134
LockedAR petit AphroditeAfricanis1635
LockedWCRO petit Apina - silver choco sable mask spsw TtPapillon6077
LockedCCSh petit Aquina - black spsp Tt {1.450}Papillon5670
LockedGCSh petit Aquina - Chocolate with cream points and mask swsw {1.482}Papillon4961
LockedGCSh petit Aquinna - Cream with chocolate sable and mask swsw {1.473}Papillon4761
LockedNCR petit Arcane (spd2cha2) 1.197 - xAfricanis4694
LockedExH petit Arielle - Cream {1.440}Kelpie3650
LockedWCSh petit Arina - Cream with chocolate sable and mask spsw cecw Ayat {1.427}Papillon6689
LockedNCSh petit Arina - Red with chocolate saddle and mask spsw {1.452}Papillon5265
LockedChSh petit Arino - Chocolate with silver points and mask swsw Tt {1.490}Papillon4253
LockedMH petit ArtemisMudi2771
LockedAA Grier AscellaShetland Sheepdog1852
LockedAA petit Asgardian Warrior PrincessKelpie2352
LockedNCM petit Ashley (EEEE) 24HHPapillon46104
LockedCCA petit Ayla - Kbrk Fawn sisp {1.388}Mudi5978
LockedMHu MHu JPn petit Aztekium [24HH lala ataspswMCcch 3int]Shetland Sheepdog3037
LockedChSh petit Bamina - Fawn spsp Bb cchcw asasa lala 24HHPapillon4167
LockedGCSh petit Baquina - Chocolate spsw {1.463}Papillon4760
LockedJPnHu NCSh petit Baquina - Cream with chocolate sable swsw Tt {1.452}Papillon5368
LockedWCSh petit Baquino - chocolate swsw Tt cecw Ayat lala 24HH {1.377}Papillon72103
LockedWCSh petit Barina - Chocolate with silver points and mask spsw atasa {1.455}Papillon6988
LockedGCSh petit Barina - Silver with black saddle and mask swsw {1.490}Papillon4963
LockedWCSh petit Barinna - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsw {1.455}Papillon6888
LockedWCA petit Be cool - Isabella with Red Points sisw lala 24HH {1.117}Australian Koolie63105
LockedAP petit Be with me - Isabella swsw Tt 4xStr {1.458}Australian Koolie2331
LockedFor StudJASh petit BeatlePapillon1527
LockedGCH petit Become better [22 lala kkbbddAyatSsiMce 3agi] x1Mudi4268
LockedMH petit Best of Ticking - fawn blue sable swsw Tt lala 24HH {1.252}Shetland Sheepdog3547
LockedFor StudWCSh JAM petit Big Things in Small PackagesPapillon7498
LockedPnR petit Bilbo - Kbrk Fawn blue saddle mask spsw Bb cchcw lala 24HH {1.423}Africanis1016
LockedExFl petit Bimbambino - Kk Black Ssi Bb Dd Cce lala 24HH 4xAgi {1.533}Mudi3546
LockedWCFl petit Bina - Black with red points Ssi {1.498}Shetland Sheepdog7294
LockedWCRO petit Biscuit 1.322Papillon6798
LockedExA petit Black night where is the dayAfricanis3569
LockedPnH AP petit Black SelfShetland Sheepdog1924
LockedMA petit Black sisi Tt lla 11 HHAfricanis2744
LockedFor StudWCFl petit Black White Irish Ticking 24/0 lalaAustralian Koolie63101
LockedPnR petit Black with red points sisw Bb lala 19HHAfricanis1020
LockedPnA petit Black with silver points sisp Bb lala 18HHAfricanis1120
LockedFor StudJAH petit BlackavarShetland Sheepdog1428
LockedExH petit Blame it on Blue Merle Ssi lala 22HHMudi3876
LockedMA petit Blame It On JackMudi2644
LockedAFl Blue Skies are ShinningAustralian Koolie2564
LockedGCH petit Bogár (fekete-fehér) *Mudi4773
LockedFor StudNCFr JPnH petit Bonheur ZilasBorder Collie5293
LockedPnH petit BraeriachShetland Sheepdog916
LockedMA petit Branda - Red {1.435}Kelpie3650
LockedMR petit Brandy - Kbrk silver black saddle spsp {1.408}Africanis3140
LockedCCA petit Brianna - Isabella Merle Ssi Lla {1.385}Australian Koolie5777
LockedJAH petit BusterKelpie1637
LockedChSh AM petit Cambridge Hills' Out of TouchPapillon4771
LockedGCSh petit CamillePapillon4286
LockedAO petit Can do - chocolate sisw Tt {1.463}Australian Koolie2026
LockedMH petit Canady - Blue Merle tan points swsw Tt {1.255}Shetland Sheepdog3346
LockedAPnH petit CanyonKelpie1327
LockedCCSh petit Capina - silver with black sable and mask swsw {1.428}Papillon5875
LockedGCSh Caquina - Silver with chocolate sable spsw {1.485}Papillon4960
LockedAH petit CaramelKelpie2041
LockedWCM petit Carina - black with cream points and mask swsw Bb cecw atasa {1.455}Papillon6686
LockedWCSh petit Carinna - chocolate with cream points and mask swsw Tt atasa {1.455}Papillon6485
LockedChSh petit Carino - Chocolate swsw Tt {1.475}Papillon4153
LockedFor StudGCA petit Carpe Diem HH24 lala EEEEShetland Sheepdog4669
LockedAA WCM petit Chasing The Throne 4E 24HH lala 2agi2int 1.528xShetland Sheepdog69109
LockedAR petit Cherry LolitaAfricanis1936
LockedASh petit ChocolatePapillon2263
LockedMFl petit Chocolate BandicootMudi2950
LockedASh petit Chocolate ChipPapillon2261
LockedCCSh petit Chocolate FudgeKelpie54101
LockedMA petit Cider - black cream points {1.443}Kelpie3144
LockedJAA petit CiliMudi1325
LockedNCSh petit Cindy - Red with Isabella Merle Saddle Ssp {1.382}Australian Koolie5169
LockedMH petit Clarify - Fawn blue sable swsw Tt {1.255}Shetland Sheepdog3446
LockedExFl petit ClaudiusMudi3593
LockedARO petit ClearAfricanis2442
LockedWCR petit Cody - Kbrk Silver with black saddle sisp lala 24HH {1.075}Africanis63103
LockedFor StudGCFl petit CollarAfricanis4976
LockedExH petit Comic ReliefAustralian Koolie3773
LockedNH petit Coolio - Fawn choco sable spsp cchce Dd ala 24HH {1.490}Mudi18
LockedCCA petit Corvin 23Australian Koolie5795
LockedCCA petit Cream CheeseKelpie62102
LockedAA AFl petit Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle swsw lala 23HHAustralian Koolie2237
LockedJAP petit Cytoplasm 24HHKelpie1628
LockedAA petit Daddies girlAfricanis1833
LockedJPnSh petit Daffodil (*24HH/4/lala*)Australian Koolie511
LockedExRO petit Daino Dura LastPapillon3254
LockedASh petit DaisyPapillon2042
LockedASh petit DalinaPapillon1731
LockedExFr petit Dana - Blue Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi3758
LockedMFl petit Dana - Choco swsw 4xSpd {1.458}Africanis3240
LockedPnT petit Dana Leslie GreenePapillon1231
LockedNCFl petit Dancing in the Night (23HH lala) Kbrk asaasa sisi cchce uu *1.075*Africanis5299
LockedGCSh petit Daquina - Cream with black saddle and mask spsw {1.478}Papillon4859
LockedJPnHu GCSh petit Daquinna - Cream with black saddle swsw {1.482}Papillon4659
LockedMFl petit Daria - Choco sisw {1.458}Africanis3140
LockedWCSh petit Darina - Fawn with black sable spsw Bb {1.432}Papillon6485
LockedWCSh petit Darinna - Fawn with black sable swsw Bb cchcw Ayasa {1.432}Papillon6585
LockedChSh petit Darino - Silver with chocolate saddle spsw 4xInt {1.487}Papillon4152
LockedWCA petit Darryl - Black with tan points Bb Dd cchce lala 24HH {1.145}Kelpie68106
LockedGCR petit Deborah - Kbrk Fawn with chocolate sable and mask spsp {1.142}Africanis4468
LockedGCO petit Diane - Cream with Isabella Merle Saddle spsw {1.412}Australian Koolie4560
LockedAPnRO petit DianthusPapillon1218
LockedAO petit Dora - Isabella spsw Tt {1.467}Australian Koolie1926
LockedAH petit Double colour - Black sisw {1.560}Shetland Sheepdog2026
LockedCCH petit Downhill [21 lala kAyatspspMce 3agi]Mudi4782
LockedWCH petit Drago - Kk Chocolate Ssp lala 24HHMudi65106
LockedGCH petit DunkinShetland Sheepdog5288
LockedGCFl petit Dörthe - Isabella spsp {1.142}Africanis4668
LockedAH petit Eala - Isabella Merle swsw Tt {1.462}Australian Koolie1926
LockedJPnA petit EEEEAustralian Koolie819
LockedFor StudGCT NHu petit EEEE (Large) h=0Papillon4496
LockedFor StudASh petit EEEE 16HH lala BiscuitPapillon2470
LockedNO petit EEEE 1Hh WandaAustralian Koolie17
LockedASh -SLK- EEEE 21HH NutmegPapillon2439
LockedWCRO petit EEEE RustyPapillon63108
LockedExFr petit Eileen - Cream swsw {1.250}Africanis3651
LockedJARO petit EjinaPapillon1327
LockedPnSh petit Ejjina (23HH)Papillon1021
LockedExH petit Ekans - Chocolate with red points Ssp {1.563}Border Collie3844
LockedExSh petit ElsaPapillon3686
LockedWCRO petit EmiPapillon6095
LockedAFl Enay - kk Red Ssi lala 22HHMudi2642
LockedAFr petit EndoKelpie2142
LockedMA petit Eny - Black tan points {1.450}Kelpie2738
LockedChA petit Eny - Isabella Merle swsw {1.407}Australian Koolie4458
LockedMA petit Eny - Kk Black Ssp {1.467}Mudi2936
LockedMR petit Eowyn - Kbrk Black silver p. spsp 4xChaAfricanis3040
LockedMH petit EP TtShetland Sheepdog3248
LockedNCSh petit Epina - fawn with black sable swsw Tt {1.458}Papillon5270
LockedNCRO petit Eppina - fawn with black sable spsw TT {1.428}Papillon5270
LockedGCSh petit Equina - Red with black sable and mask swsw {1.470}Papillon4963
LockedWCRO petit Equino - Red with chocolate saddle and mask swsw Ccw lala 24HH {1.403}Papillon73100
LockedGCSh petit Equino - Red with chocolate saddle and mask swsw {1.470}Papillon5063
LockedWCSh petit Erina - Cream with black sable spsp Ayat {1.432}Papillon6484
LockedChH petit Eryn - Chocolate Merle sisw {1.407}Australian Koolie4458
LockedAH petit Fabiola - black with red points {1.447}Kelpie2132
LockedNSh JPnM petit Faccina - 21HHPapillon419
LockedARO petit Fakkina 22HH lala agiint chaint [1.057x]Papillon1728
LockedFor StudWCA petit Famous - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle swsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie6199
LockedCCSh petit Fapina - fawn with black sable and mask swsw {1.467}Papillon5770
LockedNCSh petit Fappina - fawn with chocolate sable and mask swsw {1.462}Papillon5570
LockedGCRO petit Faquina - Red with chocolate saddle and mask swsw {1.470}Papillon4963
LockedWCSh petit Faquino - Cream with chocolate saddle and mask swsw lala 24HH {1.400}Papillon73102
LockedWCRO petit Farina - Cream with black sable swsw Tt cecw 4xInt {1.447}Papillon6484
LockedMP petit Fast - Blue Merle Ssp 4xAgi {1.467}Mudi2938
LockedJAH petit Faunie lawieShetland Sheepdog1549
LockedAPnA petit FawnKelpie1326
LockedMFl petit fawn spsw lala 22HH 4xSpeedAfricanis2442
LockedNSh petit Fawn spsw lala 24HHPapillon19
LockedAFl Fawn swsw lala 22HHAfricanis2240
LockedAFr petit Fawn swsw Tt Bb lala 22HH 4xSpeedAfricanis2342
LockedAFl petit Fawn with black sable and mask sisi lla 18HHAfricanis2751
LockedAFr Fawn with black sable swsw lla 23HHAfricanis2443
LockedAR petit Fawn with black sable swsw Tt lla 23HHAfricanis2342
LockedCCH petit Fawn with chocolate sable sisw Tt {1.470}Border Collie5875
LockedExT petit Fine - Blue Merle with cream points sisp atasa {1.415}Australian Koolie3851
LockedMR petit Fjora - Black with tan points sisi {1.455}Africanis2736
LockedNCRO petit FlaffyusPapillon43112
LockedGCRO petit FraiserAfricanis4691
LockedJASh petit Frangipani of Voodoo Bayou {1.417x}Africanis1723
LockedExFl petit Franka - Fawn sisw Tt {1.482}Africanis3849
LockedChR petit Franko - silver swsw Tt bb Ayat lala 24HH {1.482}Africanis4049
LockedPnR petit Frieda - Fawn black sable spsp {1.423}Africanis1016
LockedWCR petit Friedolin - Kbrk Fawn with black saddle and mask spsw Bb Dd cchcw lala 24HH {1.062}Africanis65103
LockedChO petit Frine - Isabella Merle with red points sisi Tt Cce atasa {1.415}Australian Koolie3951
LockedAH petit Frine - Isabella swsw {1.458}Australian Koolie1824
LockedNFl petit From This Moment 24 4agi lala 517Shetland Sheepdog19
LockedASh petit GabinaPapillon2140
LockedJARO petit GadinaPapillon1427
LockedGCT petit GaiaAustralian Koolie4678
LockedGCM petit Gapina - cream swsw TT {1.455}Papillon5270
LockedCCRO petit Gapina - Silver spsw TT {1.447}Papillon5570
LockedGCSh petit Gaquina - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask Tt swsw {1.490}Papillon4659
LockedWCSh petit Gaquino - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask swsw lala 24HH {1.388}Papillon75101
LockedGCSh petit Gaquino - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask swsw {1.490}Papillon4859
LockedExSh petit Garina - Cream with choco saddle mask spsw 4xCha {1.478}Papillon3443
LockedWCSh petit Garina - Fawn with black sable and mask spsp cchce Ayasa {1.435}Papillon6585
LockedExHu petit Garino - Cream with chocolate saddle swsw lala 24HH 4xCha {1.478}Papillon3443
LockedExSh petit Garino - Fawn with choco saddle mask spsw {1.490}Papillon3543
LockedFor Public SaleAFl petit GemAfricanis2343
LockedExH petit Genna - black sisw TT {1.417}Australian Koolie3851
LockedFor Public SaleWCH petit Gerald - Blue Merle spsp lala 24HHMudi6398
LockedAH petit Geraldine - Chocolate red p. sisp {1.568}Border Collie2024
LockedIPnR petit Gertrud - Black tan points mask sisw {1.423}Africanis916
LockedExH petit Gina - black swsw {1.417}Australian Koolie3951
LockedAA TH's Giselle - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle sisp lala 23HHAustralian Koolie2440
LockedASh petit GizmoPapillon1936
LockedChH petit Grace - Black with red points Bb Dd {1.133}Kelpie4671
LockedExSh petit Grace - Cream siswAustralian Koolie3750
LockedMA petit Grace - Kbrk Red with isabella sable sisp 4xAgi {1.462}Mudi2936
LockedFor StudExO petit Grand Dauphin du CanardPapillon3585
LockedAA petit Great News (*24HH/4/lala*)Mudi1725
LockedExSh petit Gregory - Cream sisw {1.423}Australian Koolie3648
LockedWCRO M.K HacinaPapillon53100
LockedJAM petit HadinaPapillon1427
LockedJARO HaginaPapillon1530
LockedExSh petit Haina Br2x 1.043CE EEEEPapillon3565
LockedASh petit Hallina - Silver spsw bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon1943
LockedChRO petit Hamina - Fawn spsw cchcw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon3967
LockedNCRO petit Hapina - Fawn swsw Tt 4xInt {1.478}Papillon5369
LockedNCSh petit Haquina - Black with silver points spsp {1.443}Papillon5367
LockedNCSh petit Haquinna - Black with silver points and mask spsp {1.443}Papillon5267
LockedAH petit Hara - Roaned Chocolate Merle cream p. spsw 4xStm {1.548}Border Collie1924
LockedWCRO petit Harina - Cream spsw Tt {1.447}Papillon6684
LockedMSh petit Harina - Silver with choco saddle spsw {1.482}Papillon3443
LockedNCH petit Head Popping Out Of The SnowShetland Sheepdog55103
LockedMM petit HeidiPapillon3248
LockedAH petit Hera - black spsw {1.575}Border Collie1924
LockedAFl petit Hera - Black tan points mask spsw {1.415}Africanis2128
LockedExO petit Hera - Blue Merle with red points {1.427}Australian Koolie3648
LockedWCFl petit Herakles - Red with Isabella Saddle swsw Tt Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie61100
LockedFor Public SaleWCH petit Hero - Chocolate sisp lala 24HHMudi6298
LockedAT petit HEX's Exceeding Expectations |4E 24HH Lla 2int|Isabella Merle {1.162x}Australian Koolie2536
LockedAP petit Hila - Isabella Merle with cream points sisw Tt {1.432}Australian Koolie1824
LockedFor StudWCSh petit Hokie PokiePapillon65110
LockedMSh Hot Summer's TragedyPapillon2753
LockedAA petit Hotshot {Blue with Red Points Ssw lala 19HH}Australian Koolie2284
LockedFor StudMRO petit IainoPapillon3697
LockedJASh petit IddinaPapillon1427
LockedJASh petit IdinaPapillon1527
LockedJASh petit IjinaPapillon1326
LockedPnH petit Illy - Blue red points sisp {1.487}Mudi1016
LockedAH petit Ilyana - Red black sable Ssp Ayat {1.487}Mudi2028
LockedAPnFl petit Imola - Blue red points {1.432}Kelpie1424
LockedAH petit Ina - Cream with Isabella Saddle spsw {1.435}Australian Koolie1824
LockedExFl petit Ina - Red with Blue Merle saddle sisp {1.417}Australian Koolie3748
LockedChH petit Incredible JoyMudi4169
LockedCCH petit Incredible [23 lala kbdAyatspspMcchce 4agi]Mudi4777
LockedFor StudWCA petit Independent - Kk Fawn Ssp Mm lala 24HHMudi62104
LockedAPnT RRP IndiAustralian Koolie1322
LockedFor Public SaleWCA petit Indigo - Blue Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi6198
LockedExT petit IndraMudi3783
LockedAA petit Inga - Roaned Cream Merle choco sable mask swsw 4xAgi {1.540}Border Collie1824
LockedPnR petit Ingrid - Fawn black saddle spsp {1.423}Africanis1016
LockedFor StudWCSh petit Inino - Black spsw cecw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon65101
LockedNCSh petit Ipina - Fawn spsw 4xInt {1.467}Papillon5369
LockedChSh petit Iquina - Silver with chocolate saddle swsw {1.498}Papillon4153
LockedCCM petit Irina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw cecw Ayat {1.427}Papillon6384
LockedAA petit Irina - Cream with blue saddle swsw {1.438}Australian Koolie1824
LockedExHu petit Irina - Fawn with choco saddle swsw {1.482}Papillon3443
LockedMP petit IvanaMudi31108
LockedJASh petit JaginaPapillon1328
LockedGCM petit Jajina - Silver spsw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon4680
LockedFor StudWCH petit Jalo - Chocolate Merle Ssp lala 24HHMudi63104
LockedExA petit James - Cream with Isabella Merle Saddle swsw {1.412}Australian Koolie3748
LockedMA petit James - Cream {1.443}Kelpie3144
LockedExA petit Jana - Cream with Blue Merle Saddle swsw {1.412}Australian Koolie3648
LockedPnFl petit Jana - Kk Red spsp {1.487}Mudi1116
LockedNFl petit Jane - Brindle Cream Isabella Sable Ssp {1.487}Mudi18
LockedChSh petit Jaquina - Chocolate with red points spsp {1.487}Papillon4254
LockedChSh petit Jaquinna - Red with chocolate saddle spsw {1.487}Papillon4558
LockedJPnA petit Jari - Kbrk Silver choco sable mask spsw {1.420}Africanis112
LockedWCSh petit Jarina - cream with black sable and mask spsw {1.450}Papillon6484
LockedJPnR petit Jarinka - Kbrk Silver Isabella saddle sisp {1.412}Africanis112
LockedAA petit Jarinka - Redwith Isabella Saddle swsw Tt {1.443}Australian Koolie1824
LockedChSh petit JasminePapillon3685
LockedChFl petit Jein [23 lala KbrAyatSScchcch 3agi] x1Mudi3662
LockedARO petit JosephinaPapillon2140
LockedJPnA NP petit Judie - Black silver points mask spsw {1.545}Border Collie112
LockedJAH petit Jungle ShadeMudi1425
LockedWCRO petit JunoPapillon6598
LockedJPnT petit Justin - Silver Isabella Saddle sisw lala 24HH {1.557}Border Collie112
LockedExRO petit KainaPapillon3459
LockedAPnSh petit KajinaPapillon1327
LockedJARO petit KajjinaPapillon1326
LockedWCT petit Kangoo - Silver with isabella saddle and mask swsw 4xStm {1.475}Border Collie74110
LockedNCRO petit Kapina - Red spsw Tt {1.463}Papillon5470
LockedChRO petit Kaquina - Chocolate spsw Tt {1.482}Papillon4153
LockedAA petit KaraAustralian Koolie2248
LockedWCRO petit Karina - black with red points spsw Bb Cce {1.455}Papillon6786
LockedJPnR petit Katinka - Kbrk Cream black saddle sisp {1.415}Africanis112
LockedFor StudASh TLC~ KatrinaPapillon2464
LockedNSh petit KayPapillon18
LockedPnFl petit Kelly - blue tan points {1.427}Kelpie1120
LockedPnFl petit Kerstin - Kk Choco spsp {1.487}Mudi1016
LockedMA petit Kiana - Red Merle with Isabella Saddle sisi lala 24HHAustralian Koolie33101
LockedCCH petit Kienna - red with blue merle sable spsw {1.487}Shetland Sheepdog6074
LockedCCA petit Kiera - blue merle swsw {1.502}Shetland Sheepdog6074
LockedFor StudWCH petit Kieran - Kk Cream sisi lala 24HHMudi63104
LockedPnA petit Kim - Isabella tan points {1.427}Kelpie1020
LockedNA petit Kiss me Casanova - Black red p. sisi 4xAgi {1.537}Shetland Sheepdog19
LockedIPnFr petit Klara - Kk choco sisp {1.482}Mudi1016
LockedMR petit Kodi 23HHAfricanis2749
LockedGCH ChT petit Kountry nous (21HH 1hhAustralian Koolie5099
LockedJAA petit Krispy - Blue sisw Tt {1.463}Australian Koolie1622
LockedFor Public SaleWCA petit Kyann lala 24 HH Chocolate and White (Irish) with Red PointsAustralian Koolie61110
LockedExA petit Kyra - Isabella with red points sisw {1.415}Australian Koolie3848
LockedJPnA petit Kyra - silver swsw {1.540}Border Collie112
LockedASh petit Laccina - cream with black sable swsw lala 22HHPapillon2241
LockedAPnO petit LADY BUGPapillon12110
LockedMFl petit Lady {24HH lala 3agi 1.498x}Mudi3654
LockedAT petit LailaKelpie1933
LockedExSh petit LainoPapillon3362
LockedWCSh petit Lajino - Silver with black sable and mask swsw Bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon6096
LockedAR AFr lala 15HHAfricanis2035
LockedAFl JAFr lala 16HHAfricanis2235
Lockedpetit lala 23Africanis16
LockedASh petit Lala's Little Helper(EEEE 13 HH)Papillon2044
LockedCCH petit Lana - black sisp Lla {1.498}Shetland Sheepdog5872
LockedExA petit Lana - Isabella with cream points sisi {1.415}Australian Koolie3848
LockedIPnFl petit LandonAustralian Koolie1051
LockedGCM petit Lapina - Silver spsw {1.458}Papillon5368
LockedChSh petit Laquina - Chocolate swsw {1.482}Papillon4253
LockedIPnFl petit Lara - Kk Choco Merle sisp {1.482}Mudi1016
LockedWCSh petit Larino - chocolate with silver points swsw {1.458}Papillon72101
LockedAT petit Leena 24 HH - 1,458Shetland Sheepdog2641
LockedNCT petit LillyJumper (21HH lala) Eme AyAy cchcch uu *1.160*Africanis5599
LockedJPnH petit Linda - Silver choco saddle mask sisp {1.545}Border Collie112
LockedMO Skn's LisbethAustralian Koolie3394
LockedAFl AA Lla 14HHAfricanis2035
LockedAFl AM Lla 15HHAfricanis2035
LockedAT AFr lla 9HHAfricanis2035
LockedMFl petit lockAfricanis3055
LockedNCT petit Lovely LilyShetland Sheepdog5475
LockedChA petit LunaShetland Sheepdog4276
LockedASh petit LunaPapillon2550
LockedJPnR petit Luna - Kbrk Fawn black sable swsw {1.482}Africanis112
LockedJAT petit LynnKelpie1525
LockedNCH petit Maave - chocolate sisw lala {1.470}Border Collie5569
LockedChA petit Magic MomentShetland Sheepdog4375
LockedNM petit Magnificant - Chocolate cream points Ssp 4xAgi {1.487}Mudi18
LockedNR petit Maja - Silver choco sable swsw {1.458}Africanis111
LockedARO petit MajjinoPapillon1939
LockedExFl petit Mali - Red choco saddle spsw Tt {1.338}Australian Koolie3647
LockedAPnFr petit MaltaAustralian Koolie1323
LockedGCA petit Mamma MiaMudi4598
LockedFor StudWCFl petit Man without name - Isabella Merle with Cream Points spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie6199
LockedJAA petit Mango - Cream with Isabella Merle saddle swsw {1.438}Australian Koolie1521
LockedCCRO petit Mapina - Red swsw Tt {1.458}Papillon5570
LockedChSh petit Maquina - Chocolate with red points swsw {1.478}Papillon4153
LockedNSh petit Marina - Choco tan p. spsw Tt {1.463}Papillon16
LockedPnSh petit Marinna - Fawn choco saddle spsw {1.475}Papillon1121
LockedAA petit MariusMudi1828
LockedJPnT petit Marla - silver blue sable mask sisi {1.557}Border Collie112
LockedIPnM petit Mia - blue merle tan points sisp {1.487}Mudi1016
LockedJPnH petit Mia - choco tan points {1.428}Kelpie615
LockedIPnM petit Mia - Fawn choco sable sisp {1.487}Mudi1016
LockedNH petit Mia - Kk Chocolate Ssp {1.490}Mudi18
LockedNA petit Midnight RendevousKelpie19
LockedAH petit Midnight ScoutShetland Sheepdog1942
LockedJPnH petit MiloShetland Sheepdog821
LockedNH petit Minna - choco tan points sisp {1.560}Border Collie16
LockedPnT petit Mona - Kk black spsp {1.487}Mudi1016
LockedNCH petit Morning SunKelpie5499
LockedFor Private SaleMR petit Mulan EEEE 22HH 0hh DBAfricanis3082
LockedAPnH petit MustardKelpie1223
LockedARO Pup K NabbinaPapillon2341
LockedAM petit Nadina - fawn spsw lala 23HHPapillon2033
LockedMM petit Nadino - fawn spsw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon3147
LockedJARO petit Nafina - fawn spsw lala 23HHPapillon1728
LockedIPnSh petit NajinaPapillon820
LockedJPnA petit Nala - blue cream points {1.427}Kelpie615
LockedChFl petit Nala - Blue Merle sisw {1.493}Shetland Sheepdog4557
LockedNR Nala - Isabella silver p. spsw 4xChaAfricanis16
LockedFor StudWCT petit Nameless - Isabella Merle with Cream Points Ssi Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie6299
LockedNFr petit Nancy - Kbrk Red black saddle mask sisw {1.415}Africanis16
LockedJAH petit Nanuk - Isabella Merle with cream points spsw {1.438}Australian Koolie1521
LockedNCHu petit Napina - Cream with chocolate sable and mask spsw Tt {1.452}Papillon5168
LockedNCSh petit Nappina - Chocolate with cream points and mask spsp Tt {1.443}Papillon5268
LockedWCFr petit Nele 1.365Australian Koolie5990
LockedJPnFl petit Nena - choco cream points {1.432}Kelpie615
LockedNH petit Nena - Silver with Isabella Sable and mask swsw {1.548}Border Collie19
LockedWCT petit Nice - Black with Red Points Ssw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie62107
LockedExH petit Nidoran - Black with red points sisp {1.572}Border Collie3845
LockedNCR petit Night to Day (22HH lala) asaasa sisi cecw uu *1.062*Africanis5198
LockedGCSh PnRO petit Oaino Finas FinestPapillon3663
LockedNCFl petit OakleyAfricanis5098
LockedWCT petit Obsidian Reflections |24HH Lla 4stm|Black {1.497x}Border Collie73100
LockedAPnP petit Oby - Chocolate Ssw TT Lla {1.467}Australian Koolie1420
LockedChA petit OceanShetland Sheepdog3884
LockedFor Public SaleWCP petit Oh wow! - Chocolate Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi5998
LockedCCA petit Ohio - Chocolate with red points Dd Ccch lala 24HH {1.443}Kelpie6081
LockedFor StudWCSh petit Okino - Silver with black sable and mask spsw Bb lala 24HHPapillon64101
LockedWCH petit Omega - Cream with chocolate sable sisp Dd Ayat lala 24HH {1.397}Mudi72101
LockedMA petit Omega - Red with Isabella Saddle swsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie3198
LockedCCA petit Onive - Chocolate with red points {1.443}Kelpie6081
LockedWCFr petit Only for you - Chocolate spsp lala 24HHMudi6399
LockedWCA petit Only you - Cream with Isabella Merle saddle swsw Tt lala 24HH {1.095}Australian Koolie64102
LockedMT OpalMudi3393
LockedGCM petit Opina - Silver with chocolate sable swsw {1.463}Papillon5368
LockedNCSh petit Oppina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask spsw {1.467}Papillon5468
LockedExSh petit Oquina - chocolate swsw Tt {1.487}Papillon3747
LockedChSh petit Oquinna - Fawn with chocolate saddle and mask swsw Tt {1.447}Papillon3847
LockedAA petit OreoKelpie2651
LockedWCH petit Otto - Fawn Merle with blue sable sisw Mm lala {1.505}Shetland Sheepdog7699
LockedGCH CCFl petit P1Shetland Sheepdog6192
LockedChSh petit PabinoPapillon4280
LockedJAM petit Paffina - cream spsp Bb lala 23HHPapillon1829
LockedAPnSh petit PagginaPapillon1225
LockedWCR petit Paige - Brindle Fawn with chocolate saddle spsw cchcw {1.063}Africanis6096
LockedJPnA petit Paige - Cream with choco merle saddle swsw Tt {1.440}Australian Koolie613
LockedJASh petit Pap 1Papillon1630
LockedPnSh petit PAP Prince d'Or (24HH)Papillon1121
LockedARO petit PAP-f Chocolatière (23HH)Papillon2041
LockedARO petit PAP-f Vie Argentée (23HH)Papillon2345
LockedExRO petit PAPILLON - GEN 3, F3Papillon3558
LockedNCSh petit Papina - Chocolate with silver points spspPapillon5467
LockedARO petit PaprikaPapillon2240
LockedExSh petit Paquina - Silver with choco sable and mask swsw {1.482}Papillon3644
LockedExSh petit Paquinna - Silver with choco saddle mask swsw {1.487}Papillon3544
LockedMA DeD Pecos PalinaMudi2543
LockedASh petit PennyPapillon2495
LockedNA petit Peppa EEEEAustralian Koolie19
LockedMFl petit PersimmonKelpie2771
LockedNFr petit PetitAfricanis16
LockedCCA petit PitaAustralian Koolie6096
LockedMFl petit Polar BearAfricanis3163
LockedChSh petit PrincessPapillon40101
LockedNCH petit Princess Peach - Isabella {1.228}Kelpie5380
LockedAA petit Prue - Blue Merle spsw {1.560}Shetland Sheepdog2026
LockedNA petit Prue - Choco Merle spsp {1.498}Mudi16
LockedJPnP NFl petit Pulling Tt 110breed high genShetland Sheepdog613
Lockedpetit Puppy 1Papillon16
LockedMR petit Puppy 2Africanis3145
LockedJPnH petit Puppy 5Mudi719
Lockedpetit Puppy 7Papillon16
Lockedpetit Puppy 7Africanis16
LockedAFl petit Pure - Blue Merle tan p. swsw Lla {1.545}Shetland Sheepdog2026
LockedJPnA petit Pure - Isabella cream points {1.432}Kelpie615
LockedAPnO petit Purple RainKelpie1119
LockedJARO petit Quagina - Silver spsw Tt lala 20HHPapillon1426
LockedMSh petit Quaquina - Cream with choco saddle spsw {1.490}Papillon3543
LockedWCFl petit Quarion - Kk Blue sisi lala {1.400}Mudi6690
LockedNCH petit Queeny - Blue {1.225}Kelpie5580
LockedNM petit Queeny - Isabella Ssw {1.447}Australian Koolie111
LockedWCFr petit Quentin - Chocolate swsw Dd cchcw asaasa {1.073}Africanis63106
LockedWCH petit Querindo - Blue Merle swsw lala {1.490}Shetland Sheepdog75104
LockedWCFr petit Querstin - Kk Blue Ssi lala {1.400}Mudi6790
LockedFor StudChSh petit Qufino - Black spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon39105
LockedFor StudWCFl petit Quick - Kbrk Cream spsp {1.092}Mudi66107
LockedASh petit Quincey fPapillon1829
LockedNCH petit Quincy - Blue {1.225}Kelpie5480
LockedNCSh petit Qupina - Fawn swsw 4xInt {1.478}Papillon5367
LockedWCRO petit Qupino - Fawn swsw cchcw Ayat lala 24HH 4xInt {1.397}Papillon7299
LockedASh Rabbina - red spsp bb lala 20HHPapillon1730
LockedWCA petit Rachel - Kk Black sisi lala {1.408}Mudi6890
LockedWCH petit Rahel - Kk Blue Merle sisi lala {1.408}Mudi6890
LockedAFl petit Rainbow - blue merle sisp 4xAgi {1.542}Shetland Sheepdog2025
LockedJAA petit Ranger 24HHAustralian Koolie1625
LockedNCSh petit Rapina - Cream with black sable and mask spsw TtPapillon5266
LockedMSh petit Raquina - Cream with black saddle mask swsw {1.490}Papillon3443
LockedFor StudChSh petit RascalPapillon4589
LockedMFl petit Red DevilAfricanis3162
LockedChO petit Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Saddle 24 lalaAustralian Koolie4261
LockedFor StudNCFl petit Red RibbonMudi57105
LockedAFl petit Red with black sable sisw Tt lala 23HHAfricanis2038
LockedAA petit Red with black sable spsw Tt lala 21HHAfricanis2242
LockedJAFl VIBES RedtreeAustralian Koolie1639
LockedNRO petit Reese'sPapillon111
LockedAM petit ReginaPapillon1734
LockedNCH petit Regina - Black {1.217}Kelpie5379
LockedFor StudWCSh petit ReginaldPapillon6299
LockedNCH petit Renate - Chocolate {1.217}Kelpie5279
LockedNH petit Riah - Red Isabella Merle saddle spsw TT {1.447}Australian Koolie111
LockedAPnA petit Ribosome [24HH]Kelpie1422
LockedWCFl petit Romi - Fawn with chocolate sable sisw {1.452}Africanis7294
LockedChH petit Rosa 1.397Australian Koolie4786
LockedChFl MRO petit RoyalShetland Sheepdog4281
LockedAPnSh petit Royal Pain 22HH lalaPapillon1429
LockedPnSh petit RumblerPapillon1232
LockedWCT petit Sabrina - Red sisw {1.377}Australian Koolie7199
LockedWCRO petit Sabrina - White {1.365}Africanis6489
LockedARO petit SaccinaPapillon1733
LockedFor Public SaleARO IPnO SACINA 18HH lala EEEE Cream and White (Piebald) with Black sablePapillon2547
LockedAA NA PnT petit SageAustralian Koolie1929
LockedFor StudMRO petit Salino - Chocolate spsw Tt cwcw lala 24HHPapillon3083
LockedFor StudWCA petit Sanino - Chocolate spsw Tt cwcw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon63102
LockedCCSh petit Sapina - black with cream points and mask spsw {1.458}Papillon5975
LockedExSh petit Saquina - Choco with tan points mask spsp {1.490}Papillon3543
LockedExSh petit Saquinna - fawn with choco saddle mask spsw {1.482}Papillon3543
LockedFor StudAH petit SarahShetland Sheepdog1845
LockedWCFr petit Sarah - Fawn Ssw Tt Bb cchcw {1.443}Africanis7594
LockedMFl petit Shadow Rider EEEEAfricanis3472
LockedWCH petit Sia - KKbr Cream Ssi lala {1.395}Mudi6590
LockedNH petit Sia - red black sable sisw {1.517}Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedWCH petit Silas - Black with red points sisp Ccch {1.530}Shetland Sheepdog7899
LockedNFl petit Simon - black swsw {1.505}Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedAPnSh petit Skillful Huntsman for By Ashy'sAustralian Koolie1121
LockedANO petit Skondra [EEEE 24HH]Australian Koolie527
LockedAR MRTK SombieAfricanis1568
LockedCCA petit Spanish Moss' Almond Biscuit 23HHShetland Sheepdog5982
LockedCCSh petit Spring*Australian Koolie54119
LockedPnH petit StormKelpie1227
LockedAPnRO .SFK. SubiraAfricanis1127
LockedChT petit SukiPapillon4083
LockedExA petit Sure you stay - Cream Ssi lala 24HHMudi3556
LockedCCSh petit Sweet Baby's BreathPapillon6079
LockedMM petit Taffina - cream swsw lala 24HHPapillon3385
LockedMA petit TallulaKelpie2450
LockedWCR petit Tanja - Cream with black saddle spsp Dd cecw {1.065}Africanis6093
LockedGCM petit Tapina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Tt {1.435}Papillon4965
LockedUCA petit Tarni - BOB 10xKelpie7396
LockedJAA petit Tataa - Isabella Merle spsw Tt {1.463}Australian Koolie1622
LockedAM petit Temperance fPapillon2644
LockedFor StudMM petit The Gregarious Butterfly 24HH EEEE lalaPapillon3584
LockedFor StudWCSh petit Thomas Of Sporting Spy'sPapillon6394
LockedNFl petit Tracy - blue merle tan points Ssp {1.557}Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedMA petit Transitory Sacrifices of CrisisMudi2746
LockedWCH petit Trish - Blue spsp {1.362}Australian Koolie7199
LockedJPnH petit Tt - Blue, Merle, Irish, Ticking, Tan pts - lala - E4 - 15HShetland Sheepdog715
LockedCCH petit Tyra - Black with brindle cream points sisp 4xAgi {1.392}Mudi6081
LockedCCH petit Tyson - kk Cream spsp 4xAgi {1.392}Mudi6482
LockedWCRO petit Uaquino - Red swsw Tt Bb Ccw Ayasa lala 24HH {1.432}Papillon77103
LockedMFr petit Ubaba GivaAfricanis2857
LockedWCA petit Udine - Red with chocolate saddle sisw Tt {1.383}Australian Koolie7199
LockedNH petit Ulla - black swsw {1.505}Shetland Sheepdog17
LockedCCRO petit Una - Kk Cream spsp {1.388}Mudi5881
LockedFor StudWCA petit Unicorn - Blue Ssi lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi63106
LockedFor Public SaleWCA petit Unique - Isabella Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi6398
LockedNCSh petit Upina - black with silver points and mask swsw {1.475}Papillon5472
LockedGCSh petit Uppina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask Tt swsw {1.478}Papillon5163
LockedCCFl petit Uta - Kbrk Cream sisp {1.388}Mudi6081
LockedAPnM Pup K VabinoPapillon1327
LockedASh petit VaccinaPapillon2445
LockedJPnSh petit ValentinePapillon615
LockedWCFl petit Valerie - Fawn Ssi {1.368}Australian Koolie7099
LockedCCA petit Vancy - Blue spsp {1.388}Mudi6081
LockedGCSh petit Vapina - Silver swsw {1.475}Papillon4863
LockedGCSh petit Vappina - Silver swsw TT {1.475}Papillon4963
LockedWCSh petit Vaquino - Black swsw Tt cecw Ayat {1.447}Papillon7598
LockedNH petit Varázs (fehér) *Mudi17
LockedWCFl petit Veronika - Fawn with tan points SS {1.368}Australian Koolie7199
LockedGCFl petit Veronika [24HH 1.428]Africanis5063
LockedNA petit Very beautiful - Blue Merle SS {1.517}Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedPnFl petit W.R.K When to Stay lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog1117
LockedJASh petit Wafina - Black spsp Bb cecw Ayasa lala 23HHPapillon1630
LockedWCSh petit Walino - Fawn with black sable spsw Tt Bb cchcw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon63100
LockedGCSh petit Wapina - Silver with black sable spsw {1.478}Papillon4863
LockedNCSh petit Wappina - Silver with black saddle and mask spsw 4xInt {1.490}Papillon5163
LockedWCSh petit Waquina - Black with cream points spsw {1.440}Papillon7598
LockedWCSh petit Waquinna - red swsw {1.440}Papillon7497
LockedWCT petit Wendy - chocolate swsw {1.380}Australian Koolie7399
LockedCCH petit Wendy - Isabella spsp {1.388}Mudi6181
LockedAT RRP What may beAustralian Koolie1932
LockedJPnA petit When the Truth Comes OutMudi513
LockedExA petit Wild HorsesMudi3254
LockedCCA petit Wine - Isabella Merle sisp {1.388}Mudi6081
LockedMH petit Winter's Little Miss SunshineShetland Sheepdog37103
LockedAH petit Winter's Silver RaindropsShetland Sheepdog2683
LockedMSh petit WW Royaly Ionic Bionic lala 22HHPapillon3263
LockedGCRO x 23HH Black and White (Piebald)Papillon4392
LockedCCH petit X-cuse me please - Isabella Merle spsp MM {1.392}Mudi6381
LockedCCSh petit Xajina - Chocolate with silver points and mask spsp atasa lala 24HHPapillon5688
LockedASh petit Xajjina (*24HH/4/lala*atasa/cwcw*)Papillon2333
LockedAM petit XaminaPapillon2588
LockedNH petit Xana - black swsw {1.505}Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedExO petit Xanna - Black sisi lala 24HHMudi3354
LockedGCSh petit Xapina - Chocolate with silver points and mask swsw Tt {1.475}Papillon4861
LockedWCM petit Xapino - silver swsw Tt atasa lala 24HH {1.388}Papillon74102
LockedNCRO petit Xapino - Silver swsw Tt {1.458}Papillon5568
LockedWCSh petit Xaquina - Cream with black sable swsw {1.432}Papillon7192
LockedMA petit Xaver (*24HH/4/lala*)Mudi3046
LockedAFl RRP XclusiveAustralian Koolie1932
LockedCCFl petit Xena - Red with black sable sisw Bb {1.432}Africanis5976
LockedWCH petit Xena - Red with black saddle Ssp {1.360}Australian Koolie7199
LockedWCH petit Xita - Cream with blue saddle spsw {1.360}Australian Koolie7299
LockedExSh petit YaffinaPapillon36105
LockedFor StudWCSh petit Yahino - Cream swsw bb cecw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon64101
LockedWCFl petit Yana - black with tan points Ssp {1.482}Shetland Sheepdog7496
LockedWCA petit Yana - Blue with tan points spsp {1.357}Australian Koolie7399
LockedNCRO petit Yapina - Red with black sable and mask spsp Tt {1.450}Papillon5165
LockedNCSh petit Yappina - Red with black saddle spsp Tt {1.452}Papillon5265
LockedWCT petit Yaquina - Cream spsw {1.440}Papillon6789
LockedWCFl petit Yolo - Fawn swsw bb cchcw lala 24HH {1.237}Africanis69104
LockedWCT petit Yoni - Fawn with chocolate saddle Ssp {1.357}Australian Koolie7099
LockedGCFl petit You'll find out [19 lala KbrkbdatatSspMce 1agi]Mudi4168
LockedExA petit Yuna - Fawn spsp {1.420}Mudi4154
LockedWCSh petit Zalino - Chocolate with tan points and mask spsw cchcw atasa lala 24HHPapillon65100
LockedWCSh petit ZaminoPapillon6199
LockedNCSh petit Zapina - black spsp {1.450}Papillon5570
LockedNCSh petit Zappina - black swsw {1.452}Papillon5470
LockedWCSh petit Zaquina - Cream swsw {1.442}Papillon6889
LockedWCSh petit Zaquino - Cream swsw {1.442}Papillon6889
LockedFor StudWCA petit Zen - Isabella Merle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie6199
LockedWCA petit Zenny - Black Ssp {1.490}Shetland Sheepdog7596
LockedPnT petit ZeroAustralian Koolie1119
LockedMSh petit ZinaPapillon3499
LockedWCP petit Zintiah - Red with Isabella Merle saddle swsw {1.362}Australian Koolie5880
LockedFor StudWCA petit Zippy - Kk Red sisp Mm lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi64100
LockedExFl petit Zorro's Damsel in Distress [24HH 3xstm]Shetland Sheepdog3753
LockedChP petit Zuna - White lala {1.447}Mudi4154
LockedGCFl petit [24H] All For LoveBorder Collie4864
LockedGCH WCA petit [SF] Over My ShoulderShetland Sheepdog75103
LockedAPnH petit — OiseauShetland Sheepdog1119
LockedPnH petit — SourisShetland Sheepdog1219
WCR (Africanis 1.9) 1.060 / 17-7-0 / kk lla / EEEE / StmAfricanis653704
WCA petit ** Secant - 1.487x - 24HHBorder Collie692125
GCFr petit + Infinty Cream + LevelAfricanis453497
WCSh 1 Chocolate BlissPapillon663553
ChSh petit 1.050x Lala 24HH Black RosesPapillon432333
NT petit 10000Kelpie23519
WCO petit 11 Kissed by SantaPapillon613513
WCSh petit 12 Peaches 'n CreamPapillon623553
JPnR petit 15Africanis73472
PnRO DOP 19 HH/ Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and Ticking, GGEEPapillon113731
WCSh ChM petit 2 Left Feet [24HH 4INT]Papillon662988
MA 21HH EEEEAustralian Koolie303631
AH petit 22HH EEEEAustralian Koolie183634
AH petit 22HH EEEEAustralian Koolie173632
AFl NP petit 22HH lala AthenaAustralian Koolie173328
JPnH AP petit 22HH lala NishaAustralian Koolie173328
ANA JAM petit 22HH lala WilhelmAustralian Koolie163328
AO JPnM petit 22HH Lla SpringsAustralian Koolie173328
NCA petit 23HH lalaMudi522834
CCH petit 23HH lala stm2 agi2Shetland Sheepdog57508
WCT petit 24/0 1.107Shetland Sheepdog593662
WCSh petit 24HH EEEE 1.388x PapillonPapillon71679
WCSh petit 24HH lalaPapillon792958
WCH WCO petit 24HH lala 2agi 1.440x (Blue Merle)Shetland Sheepdog74594
WCA petit 24HH lala 3agi 1.482Mudi711878
WCFl petit 24HH lala 3agi 1.483Mudi731843
WCSh petit 24HH lala 3cha 1.428Papillon752883
WCSh petit 24HH lala 3cha 1.475 12/1Papillon761872
WCH petit 24HH lala 3int 1.487Shetland Sheepdog802890
WCFl petit 24HH lala 3spd 1.118Africanis601872
WCFl petit 24HH lala 4spd 1.120Africanis612904
WCRO petit 24HH lala 4xINT 1.060Papillon601005
WCA petit 24HH Lla 1stm 1.108Australian Koolie612908
ExH 24HH Red and White (Piebald) with Black SableShetland Sheepdog382796
WCRO petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon583728
WCRO petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon603728
WCRO petit 24HH || lala ||Papillon583306
ExSh WCRO petit 24HH/1388xPapillon703564
WCSh 3 Dreaming on a CloudPapillon643513
CCH petit 462 CocoaMudi551774
CCH petit 462 TruffleMudi541774
NCH petit 467 MidnightMudi531774
CCH petit 467 VanessaMudi561774
MR petit 4E 23HH lala 2spd|Chocolate+White (I)Africanis293380
MR petit 4E 23HH lala 3cha|Brindle Silver w/Black Sable {Ayasa}Africanis303384
WCA AFr petit 6 Digging in the GardenPapillon693553
WCRO petit 6 Eye CandyPapillon643513
WCFl petit A Spoonful Of SugarMudi603464
ASh Aabina - silver spsw bb lala 18HHPapillon243746
WCA petit Abby - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle sisw lala {1.362}Australian Koolie723058
WCFl petit Abigal - White Ssi lala {1.385}Mudi753106
ExA petit Abigal [Fawn] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi363647
ASh petit Abina - cream with black sable and mask spsw lala 12HHPapillon203747
AM petit Accina - cream swsw lala 21HHPapillon183721
APnSh petit Acina - cream with black sable and mask swsw lala 18HHPapillon133722
MFl petit AdelitzaMudi353629
APnRO petit Adina - Red with black sable and mask spsw Bb lala 18HHPapillon133722
WCP petit Adrian - Chocolate Merle swsw Dd cecw atasa lala 24HH {1.412}Border Collie713033
WCO petit Adriana - Black with Red Points sisw lala {1.462}Shetland Sheepdog733590
ExRO Affina - cream spsw cecw lala 23HHPapillon383717
ChSh petit Afina (24HH 1.105x)Papillon433082
GCRO petit Afina - adoptablePapillon443488
IPnFr Africanis 1 (F)Africanis93705
JASh petit Aggina - silver spsw bb lala 21HHPapillon163711
NCH petit Agnis [16HH] 1.047Mudi493580
ARO petit AidenPapillon253760
ASh petit AinaPapillon223725
CCSh petit Ajina [24HH - 3int] 1.065Papillon553582
ExA petit AkatsukiMudi373660
ChRO petit Akina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Tt Bb cecw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon402142
NCSh petit AlbinePapillon513455
NCT petit Alex Dorame (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie623133
ChRO petit AlinaPapillon431501
WCFr petit Alina - Fawn with black sable spsw Tt lala 24HHAfricanis633700
WCM petit Always Been This WayPapillon621435
WCT petit Alyah - Cream Merle with chocolate sable swsw lala 24HHBorder Collie733611
CCO petit AlzaAustralian Koolie553525
WCA petit Amber - Brindle Cream Merle with Blue Sable and Mask sisi Bb Dd cecw lala 24HHBorder Collie733611
WCA petit Amber - Chocolate sisp lala 24HHMudi643648
WCM petit Amino - Chocolate with silver points and mask spsp atasa lala 24HHPapillon643072
NSh IPnM petit amityPapillon113536
ExT petit Amphitrite **Kelpie393053
NCH petit AnastazyKelpie563517
ExFl {HEX} AngelAfricanis423489
WCR petit Anja - Fawn sisw Tt cchcw Ayat lala 24HH {1.423}Africanis763076
ASh petit AnniePapillon253637
ChH petit Another one [23 lala KbrkbbdAyatSsiMcece] x2Mudi373036
ChA petit Anything You Say Will Be Held Against YouAustralian Koolie473555
WCSh petit Aoina - silver with chocolate sable and mask swsw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon623659
WCSh petit Apina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask spsw Tt lala {1.377}Papillon733105
WCSh petit Aquina - chocolate with cream points and mask swsw cecw lala 4xInt {1.403}Papillon733089
WCSh petit Aquinna - cream with chocolate sable and mask swsw cecw Ayat lala {1.403}Papillon733090
WCA petit Arielle - Cream bb {1.082}Kelpie643049
GCO petit ArtemisPapillon453514
WCA petit Atty - black spsw Lla 24HHShetland Sheepdog593734
WCH petit Aty - black with tan points Ssw Lla 24HHShetland Sheepdog613734
AA petit AztecMudi253679
ASh petit Babina - Chocolate spsp lala 19HHPapillon183723
ASh petit Baccina - cream swsw lala 22HHPapillon193718
ExSh petit Bad BloodPapillon343676
AA petit Bad Blood Bb Ccch lala 23HHKelpie223483
ASh Bafina - silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsp lala 19HHPapillon173724
WCSh petit Bagina - Fawn with black sable and mask spsp Tt Bb cchcw Lla 24HHPapillon603715
MRO petit BainaPapillon361842
MSh petit Bajina - Cream with black sable and mask spsp Bb cecw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon303572
WCRO Bakina - Cream swsw Tt cecw lala 24HHPapillon643690
PnSh petit Balino - Red with chocolate sable spsp Ccw lala 24HHPapillon113403
WCSh petit Banina - Chocolate with cream points and mask swsw atasa lala 24HHPapillon663681
WCSh petit Baoino - silver with chocolate sable swsw TT Ayat lala 24HHPapillon633105
WCSh petit Bapina - Black with cream points and mask swsw Tt Bb lala {1.385}Papillon773577
WCSh petit Baquina - chocolate spsp cwcw Ayat lala {1.377}Papillon703088
ExT JPnRO petit Bb 19HHPapillon383475
WCSh petit Be Cool Blue lala 24HHAustralian Koolie711629
WCA petit Be mine - Red with Blue Saddle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie643660
WCH petit Be my christmas star - White Ssi Mm lala 24HHMudi653691
WCFl petit Be with me - Red Merle with chocolate saddle spsw {1.357}Australian Koolie703058
AH petit BeastyKelpie222940
GCH petit Become beautiful [22 lala kkEbbddAyatSsiM 3agi] x1Mudi413026
WCA petit BeechpeltMudi602964
MSh petit beedorPapillon293622
WCT petit Betina [23HH 1.145] 6.1Kelpie633387
CCA NCM petit Betty Boo [24HH 4INT]Papillon682991
NSh petit BisouPapillon12932
APnH petit Bk Melaña (21/0)(agi)Mudi113684
GCRO petit BlackAfricanis513540
ExH petit Black Bb lala 22HH {1.143}Kelpie372973
WCA petit Black Jack Ssi lala 24HHMudi603681
MR petit Black Powder - b ~ 125Africanis263411
IPnFr petit Black sisp Bb cchcw atasa lala 10HHAfricanis93573
WCA petit Black Velvet Ssi lala 24HHMudi583732
AFl *DI* Black WidowAfricanis173709
JPnR petit Black with silver points and mask sisp Tt atasa lala 6HHAfricanis73569
AT petit Black with Tan Points 24HHShetland Sheepdog193292
WCH petit Blue Ghost of JupiterShetland Sheepdog732903
WCFl petit Bodo - Fawn sisw Bb lala 24HH 4xSpeedAfricanis623644
WCA petit Bon Bon 17HH - EEEE intx2 LlaKelpie683465
GCH JPnT petit bonheur Lui (24HH)Border Collie481381
ExT NH petit bonheur My Elite (24HH)Border Collie411193
AH petit Bournehouse Dancing Master Di DUKsKelpie263467
CCA ¤SP¤ BrandaAustralian Koolie573749
WCA petit Branda - Red bb Cce {1.082}Kelpie633049
WCR petit Brandy - Brindle Silver with black saddle sisp lala 24HH {1.073}Africanis643067
WCT petit Bree - Fawn sisp lala {1.360}Mudi723106
petit Bree Tt 7HH 11Hh 6hhShetland Sheepdog12990
ASh petit Breeder 0059Papillon191763
AR petit BreesonAfricanis193531
NCR petit BreezeAfricanis543525
WCFl petit Brianna - Brindle Fawn with chocolate sable and mask sisp lala 24HH {1.438}Border Collie743596
WCH petit Bright as can be - Blue Merle Ssp lala {1.495}Shetland Sheepdog773587
WCFl petit Brindle black with tan points sisi lla 24HH {1.470}Border Collie723097
AH petit Burtonswood Bossy Boots Di DUKsKelpie223448
ChO petit Buttons [Black and White (I)] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi413654
ASh petit Cabina - Fawn with chocolate Saddle spsw lala 16HHPapillon233735
JARO petit Caccina - fawn spsw Tt lala 21HHPapillon173713
ARO petit Cacina - black swsw lala 21HHPapillon173715
PnM petit Caddina - fawn spsw Tt lala 20HHPapillon113705
MM petit Cadina - fawn spsw Tt lala 21HHPapillon283720
ANFr CadyAfricanis53734
NCSh petit Cafino 23HH atasa EmEm b * intagi chachaPapillon493285
WCSh Caggina - cream swsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon633709
WCSh petit Cahhina - Fawn with black sable swsw cchcw lala 24HHPapillon633705
ChO petit Caino - cream spsw lala 18HHPapillon423484
WCRO Cajina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Bb cecw lala 24HHPapillon603699
MRO petit Cajjina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Bb cecw Lla 24HHPapillon293571
GCSh petit CalliePapillon433649
JPnSh petit Cambridge Hills' Blinding LightsPapillon62761
WCSh petit Cambridge Hills' Careful CountingPapillon723332
WCSh petit Cambridge Hills' Composition of ColorPapillon683339
WCFr petit Cambridge Hills' Reverse PsychologyPapillon602589
WCSh petit Cambridge Hills' Stories ToldPapillon703335
WCSh petit Cambridge Hills' Talent OverloadPapillon703338
WCA petit Can do - Chocolate sisw Tt {1.380}Australian Koolie713053
ExFl petit CandleMudi401136
WCRO petit Canina - red with black sable and mask spsp Tt Bb Ccw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon643681
WCSh petit Caoina - Chocolate with tan points and mask spsw cchcw atasa lala 24HHPapillon633657
WCSh petit Caoinna - Chocolate with tan points and mask swsw lala 24HHPapillon653657
WCSh petit Capina - silver with black sable and mask swsw lala {1.373}Papillon723103
NCO petit Captain KrunchPapillon483267
WCM petit Caquina - silver with chocolate sable spsp lala {1.397}Papillon723088
WCA petit Carina - Kk Black SS lala 4xAgi {1.385}Mudi743067
WCM petit Carina [24HH] 1.427Papillon753440
MSh petit CarlPapillon313722
ASh petit carliPapillon203513
JPnA Carlos - Black sisi lala 24HHMudi63679
ExSh petit Caught 24HH EEEE lalaPapillon452847
CCSh petit Cavalier's Petit Ojjina [EEEE]Papillon543190
JASh petit CeliaPapillon153727
APnA petit Charcoal SteamMudi133646
NCH petit ChibuikeKelpie573501
AT petit ChocolateKelpie203514
ExSh LyRe Chocolate and White (Extreme Piebald) with Tan Points 18HHPapillon363355
NCSh petit Chocolate Cheeks 22HH atat EE bb ** intagi strstrPapillon493598
AA petit Chocolate MilkshakeAustralian Koolie203685
WCSh AVB Chocolate PuffPapillon623655
WCH petit Chocolate with tan points cchce lala 23HH {1.080}Kelpie633451
WCT petit Ciara - Silver with black sable and mask swsw Ayasa lala 24HH {1.440}Border Collie723596
CCFr petit CiceraAfricanis563533
WCA petit Cider - Black with cream points Bb {1.078}Kelpie653043
MSh petit CinaPapillon283761
WCO petit Cindy [24HH 0hh lala - 4str]Australian Koolie721658
WCA petit Cintia - Red with black sable sisw lala {1.485}Shetland Sheepdog783587
WCR petit CitrusAfricanis663469
WCO Claire - black spsw Tt Lla 22HHAustralian Koolie593749
ANH GCSh petit ClairvoyantMudi452405
AFr petit CleoAustralian Koolie193589
ARO petit Coastal Waters' Handsome Boy || 24/0 lala intint intintPapillon251797
WCT petit Coastal Waters' Valentina || 24HH lala EEEE intint chachaPapillon643132
ASh petit colourPapillon213608
CCT petit Come on - Chocolate Ssp lala 22HHMudi543654
CCSh petit Could this be true? - Fawn sisp lala 24HHMudi593691
WCO petit Countrygirl - Chocolate Merle swsw Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie603660
ARO petit CourtneyPapillon193726
GCSh petit Cream 21HH K ee sp - 1 * intint stmintPapillon463692
ExRO petit Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable 15HHPapillon353355
AP petit Cream Double DreamMudi223666
JPnA ExM petit Cream lala 19HHPapillon383472
ExRO petit Cream Lla 13HHPapillon383480
CCR petit Cream Ssi lla 19HHAfricanis543541
ExRO petit Cream with Black Sable lala 14HHPapillon373476
WCH petit Cream/White (Irish)Australian Koolie602290
WCO petit Creamgirl - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle swsw Tt Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie633660
WCH petit CreampuffMudi713525
CCH petit Crème CaramelKelpie582942
WCO petit Crème FouettéePapillon621975
GCFr petit CrossAfricanis473566
NCP petit CurtisMudi543565
AA KWK D'ArtagnanShetland Sheepdog272140
JARO petit Dabbina - fawn with black sable spsw Lla 15HHPapillon133725
ExRO Dabina - cream with black sable spsw Lla 17HHPapillon353199
PnT petit Daccina - cream with black sable spsw lala 20HHPapillon133714
ARO DadinaPapillon233539
ASh petit Daffina - Red with chocolate sable and mask spsw Ccw lala 21HH 1hhPapillon173721
NCSh petit Dafina 20HH EmE bb atat spsp 1 * spdcha chachaPapillon503684
PnT petit DahinaPapillon123633
PnSh petit Dajina - black swsw lala 21HHPapillon113703
NCM petit Dakina [24HH - 2int] 1.072 (2)Papillon553582
WCRO petit Damina - Red spsw Bb Ccw lala 24HHPapillon653688
GCA petit Dancing Queen [18 lala KbrAyatspspcchce 1agi] x1Mudi433040
WCSh petit DaninoPapillon633079
WCH petit Danny 24HHAustralian Koolie622967
WCSh petit Daoina - Cream with chocolate saddle and mask spsw cecw lala 24HHPapillon633657
WCSh petit Daoinna - Cream with chocolate saddle swsw cecw lala 24HHPapillon623657
WCSh petit Dapina - black with red points spsp lala {1.385}Papillon763572
WCSh petit Dappina - black with cream points spsw lala {1.385}Papillon763572
GCFl petit DappleAfricanis493566
WCM petit Daquina - Cream with black saddle and mask spsw Bb lala {1.397}Papillon723088
WCRO petit Daquinna - Cream with black saddle swsw Bb cecw lala {1.397}Papillon733088
WCR petit Dareth PetitAfricanis573386
WCT petit Daria - Chocolate sisw lala 24HH 4xSpd {1.225}Africanis703067
ASh petit Dash 20HH ePapillon253548
WCH petit Deardra - black spsw lala {1.388}Shetland Sheepdog723583
NCA Shiro Death GunMudi553744
ChRO petit DebbiePapillon443478
GCR petit Diamond SorrowAfricanis483570
WCRO petit Didn't I Tell YouPapillon631434
ChSh DIEGO 22HH 0hhPapillon423468
WCR petit Dina - Fawn Ssi Tt cchcw lala 24HHAfricanis623698
NCHu CCSh petit Don't Need A Hero (24)Papillon621293
MA petit dont give up hope with valltineyaMudi303272
WCFl petit Dora - Isabella spsw Tt {1.357}Australian Koolie723053
WCA petit Dori - Black sisw cchcw lala 24HH {1.225}Africanis683067
WCA petit Dorissa 20HHAustralian Koolie603748
JAR petit Dother of NeptuneAfricanis143361
ExA petit Dotty [1+1xagi] 1.397Mudi412987
MA Dream EEEE23Shetland Sheepdog283680
NCH WCT petit Dream Rays 19HH - EEEE LlaKelpie633341
GCA Kips Dream That Came TrueShetland Sheepdog491131
WCO petit Dreamer - Isabella swsw Tt lala 24HH {1.357}Australian Koolie693044
WCH petit Dreaming of RainBorder Collie802754
IPnH WCA petit du petit bonheur Little Giant vom KatthulthofShetland Sheepdog752361
WCFr petit Duke [24HH - 2xagi] 1.505Shetland Sheepdog743165
AT petit Dum DumPapillon203674
NCR petit DusterAfricanis573521
WCT petit Dyara - Chocolate with silver points and mask sisw atasa lala 24HH {1.405}Border Collie733596
WCR petit Dörthe - Fawn with black sable sisi Tt Bb cchcw lala 24HHAfricanis613698
NCM Eager to breed - Fawn with Isabella Saddle Ssp lala 20HHAustralian Koolie513368
ExSh petit Eaino - lala 15HHPapillon413484
WCT petit Eala - Red Merle with Isabella Saddle spsw {1.357}Australian Koolie713053
WCT petit Eala - Silver with Isabella Sable and Mask sisw lala 24HH {1.392}Border Collie753596
GCH petit Eala [20 lala kkbbddAyatSsiMce] x2Mudi403039
PnM petit Ebina - black swsw lala 16HH 2hhPapillon123725
APnSh petit Eccina - cream with black sable and mask spsw Bb Lla 20HHPapillon133714
APnSh petit Ecina - cream with black sable spsw Bb Lla 21HHPapillon133714
WCSh petit EEEE lala 24HH 4xCha ShowPapillon633017
WCRO petit EEEE[24] lala cha/agi cha/cha Show/RallyPapillon653017
WCSh petit EEEE[24] lala int/CHA CHA/str Show/RallyPapillon663017
ASh petit Ehhina - Cream with black sable and mask spsw cecw Ayat lala 23HHPapillon243627
GCRO petit Ekina (4E, 23HH, 1Int)Papillon43536
ARO petit EkkinaPapillon263597
ExRO petit ElainaPapillon373020
WCT petit Eli - Silver with Isabella Saddle and mask swsw lala 24HH {1.392}Border Collie733103
WCFl petit Elisa - Fawn with black sable swsw lala 24HH 4xAgiAfricanis643681
ChFl petit Elyssa [Isabella] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi383654
JASh petit emilyPapillon153535
WCRO petit Emina - Red spsw Tt Bb Ccw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon633688
GCR petit Enid |24HH lala 2spd/chaAfricanis443222
WCH petit Enjoy the magic moment - blue merle sisp lala {1.478}Shetland Sheepdog753581
WCA petit Enola - Chocolate Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi653648
WCH Enola - Red with black sable Ssw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog623714
WCA petit Eny - Black with tan points cchce {1.130}Kelpie673037
WCA petit Eny - Kk Fawn Ssi lala 4xAgi {1.373}Mudi733063
ChM petit EosPapillon403514
WCR petit Eowyn - Black with silver points atasa sisp lala 24HH {1.232}Africanis673067
WCM petit Epina - fawn with black sable swsw TT Ayasa lala {1.400}Papillon733098
WCM petit Eppina - fawn with black sable spsw Tt cchcw lala {1.400}Papillon713098
WCSh petit Equina - Red with black sable and mask swsw Bb Ayasa lala {1.403}Papillon723091
MT petit Eventually Seeking PieAustralian Koolie313370
WCA petit Eventually Sprightlightly - Blue Merle with red points sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603688
NSh petit Excellent MintPapillon13580
MSh petit Exquisite BellaPapillon313667
ExSh Fabbina - black spsp cecw lala 9HHPapillon443107
WCA petit Fabiola - Black with red points Cce {1.120}Kelpie663031
ChR petit Fable [EEEE 20 lala]Africanis423678
JASh petit Faffina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp Tt lala 21HHPapillon173713
JAA petit Fafina - chocolate with silver points and mask spsp Tt lala 21HHPapillon163713
WCSh Fagina - Cream spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon633709
CCSh petit Fahina 23HH atasa Ee b cecw **#Papillon533278
WCP petit Falina - cream with black sable and mask spsw Tt Bb cecw Ayat Lla 24HHPapillon623686
WCO petit Falling Off The Edge lala 24HHAustralian Koolie701629
ExH WCA petit Falls AsleepShetland Sheepdog752672
WCT petit Fame Red Merle with Isabella Saddle spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603681
GCM petit FaminaPapillon483490
WCT petit Fancy Franzi 24HH lala 2agi 2cha 1.075Mudi613617
WCSh petit Fapina - fawn with black sable and mask swsw lala {1.368}Papillon753098
WCSh petit Fappina - fawn with chocolate sable and mask swsw lala {1.368}Papillon743098
WCRO petit Faquina - Red with black sable and mask spsw Bb Ayasa lala {1.400}Papillon723091
WCSh petit Farina 24HH intint chacha lala MP: 1.447Papillon742968
WCFl petit Fast - Blue Merle SS Mm lala 4xAgi {1.365}Mudi733065
MSh petit FawnPapillon303709
JPnFl petit FawnAfricanis73714
ChSh petit Fawn bb lala 12HHPapillon403481
ChH petit Fawn lala 8HHKelpie402860
MRO petit featherPapillon273713
WCSh petit FEELS SO SMALLPapillon713531
CCA petit Ferdinand 24HH LlaMudi533724
WCA Finally ready - Black with Tan Points Ssw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog643714
WCH petit Finchen - black swsw lala 24HH 4xInt {1.287}Shetland Sheepdog703575
ASh petit Fiona (PAP/CRM-WHT-PIE)Papillon213739
NCR petit FireAfricanis503575
NCO JPnSh petit FizelMudi553699
WCR petit Fjore - Fawn with black sable and mask sisw Tt cchcw Ayat lala 24HH {1.392}Africanis753063
ChR petit FlashAfricanis391136
WCT petit FleckAustralian Koolie663220
CCSh petit FleurPapillon493306
NCM petit Flora - Cream spsw lala 24HHPapillon541552
GCR petit Flora eeee chaAfricanis513515
GCRO petit FluffyusPapillon403565
WCA petit Fodros (Fekete)Mudi623720
WCH petit For one litter only - Brindle Cream with Isabella Saddle Ssp MM lala 19HHMudi603635
WCSh petit For Sale March 18Papillon622488
WCR petit Forgotten MessageAfricanis592590
MA petit Foxy Mitten |EEEE 24HH|Shetland Sheepdog323086
WCRO petit Frank 24HH chaint chacha lala MP: 1.482Papillon752961
WCSh petit Franzi 24HH intagi chacha lala MP: 1.487Papillon742965
NM petit FrasierPapillon63596
WCFl petit Frauke - Fawn with black sable swsw Tt lala 24HH 4xspdAfricanis633681
WCSh petit FreeAustralian Koolie723424
WCFr petit Free AgentAfricanis592590
WCR petit Frieda - Kbrk Fawn with black sable spsw Bb Dd cchcw Ayasa lala 24HH {1.062}Africanis653043
WCA petit Frine - Isabella swsw {1.362}Australian Koolie703050
WCFl petit Frine - Isabella with silver points and mask sisw atasa lala 24HH {1.440}Border Collie753593
NCA petit Future Hearts (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie583324
NCH petit Future [22 lala kEbbdatatSspce 1agi] x1Mudi463039
GCFr petit Fuzzy Blue LightsShetland Sheepdog442578
JARO petit Gacina - cream spsw Tt cecw lala 17HHPapillon163726
APnSh petit Gaggina - Cream swsw Tt lala 23HHPapillon143498
MSh petit Gahina - Red spsw Tt Bb lala 23HHPapillon312131
WCFl petit Gaia - Red Merle with Isabella Saddle sisw {1.355}Australian Koolie693050
ChRO petit GainaPapillon381842
WCSh Gajjina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp TT lala 24HHPapillon613697
WCH petit Gambless - Isabella sisw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593681
WCH petit Game - Chocolate sisw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603681
WCRO petit Gamina - Fawn swsw Bb cchcw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon623687
WCT petit Gapina - cream swsw Tt 4xInt {1.400}Papillon723099
WCA petit Gappina - silver spsw TT lala {1.400}Papillon703098
WCRO petit Gaquina - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask swsw Tt lala {1.388}Papillon733087
WCSh JARO petit Garden FairyPapillon743485
WCSh petit Garino - Cream with choco saddle swsw lala 24HHPapillon772925
JPnA CCSh Gayda - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie553724
ARO petit Gbina - fawn swsw lala 17HHPapillon193732
WCFr petit Genie In A BottleShetland Sheepdog683208
WCH petit Geraldine - Black sisw cecw Ayat lala 24HH {1.467}Border Collie743051
WCR petit Gertrud - Kbrk Black with silver points sisi Bb atasa lala 24HH {1.062}Africanis653043
WCH petit Gimmick - Black with Tan Points Ssp lala {1.417}Shetland Sheepdog743573
ChRO petit Gina 15HH atat E sp spdcha strcha*Papillon383565
ChH petit Ginger [Blue Merle] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi413657
WCSh petit Ginny 24HH lala 4xChaPapillon623618
NCFl petit GoldAfricanis533521
UCR petit Good Luck spdAfricanis732985
ExSh petit Good Will HuntingPapillon363121
CCA petit Good will hunting ( Isabella Ssw LL 23HH)Australian Koolie623328
WCA petit Grace - Blue Merle spsp lala 24HHMudi623645
AA Grace - Isabella SS lala 21HHMudi193741
WCA petit Grace - Kk Isabella sisi lala {1.310}Mudi733063
WCFl petit Graceful - Isabella Ssp lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603653
CCA petit Great Idea - Kk Isabella Ssi lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi593668
WCFl petit Greta - Fawn with black sable swsw Bb lala 24HHAfricanis643681
WCT petit Guess WhoBorder Collie783249
WCH petit Guilia - Blue Merle with Red Points Ssp lala {1.417}Shetland Sheepdog763573
ExRO petit HafinoPapillon383682
MT petit Hajina - Silver with black sable and mask spsp Tt Ayat Lla 24HHPapillon273688
WCSh petit Halina - Silver with black sable and mask swsw Tt Bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon633683
NCH petit Hammersly 24HH lalaShetland Sheepdog522354
CCA TX Hang 'em HighAustralian Koolie603506
APnSh petit Hanina - Chocolate spsw cwcw lala 24HHPapillon133607
WCM petit Hapina - Fawn swsw Tt lala {1.412}Papillon743097
WCSh petit Haquina - black with silver points spsw atasa lala {1.393}Papillon723094
WCSh petit Haquinna - black with silver points and mask spsp atasa lala {1.393}Papillon743094
WCT petit Hara - Chocolate Merle with cream points spsw cecw atasa lala 24HH {1.475}Border Collie753051
ExT petit Hecate**Kelpie393053
ChA petit HennaPapillon503293
AT HenryPapillon253067
WCFl petit Hera - Black spsw Bb Dd Ccw atasa lala 24HH {1.475}Border Collie763051
WCR petit Hera - Black with tan points spsp cchcw atasa lala 24HH {1.063}Africanis633043
WCFl petit Herby - Fawn with black sable swsw Bb lala 24HH {1.120}Africanis653585
WCA petit Here we go again - Red with Isabella Saddle sisw Tt Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie603681
WCA petit Hermes - Chocolate swsw Tt Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie603672
WCT petit Hero at HeartKelpie663006
WCSh petit HersheyPapillon622932
WCH petit Hila - Blue Merle with cream points spsw TT {1.358}Australian Koolie693050
ExH petit HilaryMudi343421
WCFl petit Hildegard - Red with black sable swsw Bb lala 24HHAfricanis653681
GCFl petit Holiday [22 lala kkEbbatatSsice 2agi] x1Mudi433035
WCFr petit Holly - Black spsp lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog633708
WCH petit Holly - Kk Isabella Ssi lala 4xAgi {1.373}Mudi743054
WCA petit Holly Go Lightly Ssi lala 24HHMudi633723
CCT petit Holly Golightly (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie603664
ChA petit Hollywood Rose (EEEE, 23HH)Australian Koolie513337
WCFl petit Holy Moly - Red Ssp lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi633014
ExH Holy Winter 1.088xShetland Sheepdog363310
WCA petit HomePapillon613029
JAT petit Honda (19HH) (lala)Kelpie153532
ARO petit Honey EEEEPapillon203469
MA petit HooliganMudi303622
WCH petit Hope - Black Ssi lala {1.415}Shetland Sheepdog763573
PnT petit I Can Be Your Lost Boy (13HH)Papillon113075
GCA petit I Carry Your Burrden On My ShouldersAustralian Koolie503555
WCFl petit I Feel Invincible lala 24HHAustralian Koolie731629
WCP petit I Need A Hero 24HHAustralian Koolie721629
CCRO petit I'm in a HurryPapillon573692
PnA petit Iabbina - silver spsw lala 15HH 1hhPapillon113730
JARO petit Iabina - silver spsw lala 16HH 1hhPapillon153727
WCRO petit Iaina 17HH Lla atasa EE b sp T **#Papillon593598
WCH petit Ian - Black Ssp lala 24HHMudi622221
AA Iccina - black swsw lala 18HHPapillon183726
JAA petit Icina - Black spsw cecw lala 18HHPapillon183724
WCA petit If I Should Die TonightKelpie732370
NCM petit Igina 22HH atasa EmE bb spsp chaagi chastr**#Papillon523277
GCSh petit Ihina BrownPapillon453578
WCSh petit Ikina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsw lala 24HHPapillon633688
WCH petit Ilyana - kk Red Ssp lala {1.400}Mudi753043
WCM petit Imino - Red with chocolate sable and mask spsw Tt Ccw lala 24HHPapillon623066
WCH petit Imola - Blue with red points Bb Cce {1.048}Kelpie633023
ChT ExA petit Imported Almost A PrincessPapillon493106
CCA PnH petit Imported Amazing DreamShetland Sheepdog573153
GCSh ChM petit Imported Rising AttractionPapillon493103
WCA WCH petit IMPOSSIBLE TO FINDShetland Sheepdog742754
WCH petit Ina - Blue Merle with red points sisi lala {1.318}Shetland Sheepdog743549
WCH petit Ina - Cream with Isabella Saddle spsw {1.350}Australian Koolie693050
ChT petit Income [Fawn] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi393655
GCRO petit InfinityAfricanis503520
GCFr petit InfinityAfricanis493502
WCP petit Inga - Cream Merle with chocolate sable and mask swsw Ayasa lala 24HH {1.467}Border Collie753051
WCR petit Ingrid - Fawn with black saddle sisp Bb cchcw lala 24HH {1.063}Africanis653043
WCT petit Ingrid - red with black sable sisw TT lala 24HHAfricanis643681
WCSh petit Inina - Cream with black saddle and mask spsw Bb lala 24HHPapillon633679
WCA petit Inken - Black with Tan Points spsp lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog623708
WCH petit Into the Blue Ssi Lla 24HHMudi603742
WCSh petit Ipina - Fawn spsw lala {1.400}Papillon733097
WCRO petit Iquina - Silver with black saddle spsw lala {1.388}Papillon743081
WCFl petit Irina - Cream with blue saddle swsw {1.350}Australian Koolie703050
GCO petit IrisPapillon423514
AA petit IsabellaMudi203735
MA IsabellaAustralian Koolie283629
JAT petit IsabellaAustralian Koolie183678
ExT petit Isabella in colourKelpie353457
WCO petit Isabella LL 19HHAustralian Koolie593750
NCR petit It messed me upAfricanis513490
ChH petit It's My Time To ShineShetland Sheepdog483100
ExT petit IzaKelpie352894
PnSh petit Jabina - silver spsp Tt lala 14HH 1hhPapillon113734
ASh petit Jacina - cream with black sable swsw Bb cecw lala 18HHPapillon163722
WCT petit JackKelpie623524
NCT vDst Jadakiss 1.112Australian Koolie563719
WCSh Jaddina - Chocolate with silver points and mask Tt spsp Lla 24HHPapillon623724
ChSh petit Jadina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp lala 24HHPapillon383712
ARO petit Jaggina - Chocolate with Tan Points spsw Tt atasa lala 22HHPapillon253712
ARO petit Jaina - black spsw Lla 10HHPapillon183734
WCSh petit Jakina - Silver spsw bb atasa lala 24HHPapillon643688
CCA petit Jamba - Isabella Merle with red points swsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593681
WCA petit JambusAustralian Koolie622835
WCM petit Jamina - Silver with chocolate sable spsw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon623680
WCSh petit Jammina - chocolate with silver points and mask swsw atasa lala 24HHPapillon623681
WCA petit Jana - Isabella with red points Ccch {1.047}Kelpie643023
WCFl petit Jana - red spsp lala {1.397}Mudi753043
WCSh petit Janina - Chocolate spsw cecw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon613680
WCSh petit Jannina - Black spsw Bb Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon633681
WCO petit Jaoina - Red swsw Ayat lala {1.327}Papillon703601
WCSh petit Japina - Fawn spsp Tt lala 4xInt {1.397}Papillon733097
WCSh petit Jaquina - Chocolate with red points spsw atasa lala {1.403}Papillon733082
WCSh petit Jaquinna - Red with chocolate saddle spsw lala {1.403}Papillon733086
WCR petit Jari - Fawn with black sable spsw Bb Dd Ayasa cchcw lala 24HH {1.055}Africanis643038
WCRO petit Jarinka - brindle silver with black saddle sisi Bb Dd Ayasa lala 24HH {1.055}Africanis633038
WCFl petit Jarinka - Fawn swsw lala 24HH 4xspdAfricanis643681
WCH petit Jarinka - Red with Isabella Saddle swsw {1.370}Australian Koolie713050
ChFl petit JaydaMudi413626
WCH petit Jayda - Black with red points Ssi lala {1.435}Shetland Sheepdog763549
WCH petit Jaydakiss - black with tan points sisp Lla 24HHShetland Sheepdog643706
NCFr petit JazzyAfricanis573533
WCFl petit Jean LucShetland Sheepdog763592
MFl petit Jen RummyAfricanis401009
MFl petit Jessi [23 lala KbrEbbdAyatSspcchcch] x1Mudi313022
WCFl petit Jessy Jay - Red Merle with Isabella Saddle spsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie613653
WCR petit JeveraAfricanis562750
NCFl petit Jeydon Wale (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie613133
WCRO petit Ji YongPapillon603654
ARO Jina (E)Papillon253750
JPnA petit JinxAustralian Koolie53603
CCT petit JinxAustralian Koolie623605
NCA petit Jinxie 1294210Papillon533513
NCT petit Johnnie Guilbert (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie623127
WCT petit Jolanda be cool - Isabella swsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie613653
NCFl petit Jordan Sweeto (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie583134
WCSh petit JosePapillon613087
WCT petit Judie - Fawn with chocolate sable and mask spsw Ayasa 4xStm {1.483}Border Collie753038
ASh petit juiceyPapillon203611
WCH petit Julia - Kk red sisp lala {1.397}Mudi763043
WCH petit Julia 22HH 1.105xMudi601674
GCH petit Jungle Drum [Red] [EEEE] [22HH]Mudi443553
NCA petit KaamiShetland Sheepdog573596
ARO petit Kabbina - Red swsw lala 20HHPapillon173712
petit Kaccina - fawn spsw lala 16HHPapillon13709
IPnM petit Kacina - red spsw lala 17HHPapillon93720
PnRO petit Kaddina - Cream with black sable spsp lala 22HHPapillon123704
PnSh petit Kadina - cream with black sable spsp lala 22HHPapillon123704
JASh petit Kafina - chocolate spsp cwcw lala 21HHPapillon143709
WCSh petit Kahina - Fawn with black sable spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon633704
ARO petit Kaino - silver with black sable and mask spsp Bb Lla 18HHPapillon203745
AA petit KaiserMudi25820
WCH petit Kalinka - Red sisw Mm lala 24HHAustralian Koolie633648
APnA petit Kalli (24HH)Australian Koolie142887
MSh petit KaminaPapillon373677
GCA petit KanameMudi473680
CCRO petit Kanina [23HH] 1.102Papillon563582
WCSh petit Kaoina - Cream with black sable swsw cecw lala {1.388}Papillon733585
WCRO petit Kapina - Red spsw Bb lala {1.397}Papillon743098
CCR petit KappaAfricanis532827
WCSh petit Kaquina - chocolate spsw Tt cwcw lala {1.385}Papillon743081
WCR petit Karla - Fawn with black sable Ssw Tt lala 24HH 4xspdAfricanis643681
WCR petit Katinka - Brindle Cream with black saddle sisi cecw lala 24HH {1.055}Africanis643038
WCA petit Kayla - black Ssw lala 24HH 4xIntShetland Sheepdog643702
CCA petit Keep - Black Ssi lala 24HHMudi603681
WCFl petit Keep On Loving You at SurefireShetland Sheepdog731139
MFl petit Keeper - Chocolate Ssi lala 24HHMudi303658
WCH petit Kelly - Blue with tan points Bb cchce {1.055}Kelpie633019
WCA petit Kiana - blue spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603648
WCH petit Kiana - Kk Cream sisi lala 24HHMudi643629
NCFl petit Kids In The Dark (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie583324
WCA petit Kienna - red with black sable spsp lala 4xInt {1.417}Shetland Sheepdog713099
WCA petit Kiera - black with red points swsw lala 4xInt {1.417}Shetland Sheepdog753099
ExSh petit KinaPapillon381842
WCFr petit Kindred Spirit - EEEE 23HHAustralian Koolie653505
WCA petit Kk Zandra - Cream spsp lala 24HHMudi663601
WCA petit Klara - Chocolate sisp lala {1.388}Mudi743043
WCH petit Krispy - Blue sisi Tt {1.353}Australian Koolie713048
NCFr petit Kyle David Hall (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie573134
WCA petit Kyra - Blue Merle with Tan Points Ssp lala {1.548}Shetland Sheepdog763090
WCT petit Kyra - Silver swsw {1.475}Border Collie753038
ARO petit Labina - cream spsw lala 21HHPapillon183723
petit Laccina - black spsp Bb Tt cwcw lala 11HH 2hh - salePapillon13720
ASh petit LacinaPapillon203600
JPnSh petit Lacina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp lala 15HH 1hh - salePapillon63716
AH petit LacyAustralian Koolie183408
MSh LadinaPapillon342732
WCA petit Lady in Red - Red with chocolate saddle sisw TT lala 24HHAustralian Koolie623646
NCFl petit LadybugAfricanis513477
JPnR petit ladyBugAfricanis42657
APnRO petit Laffina - cream with black sable spsw Tt Bb cecw lala 21HHPapillon133706
WCRO petit Lafina EX lala Cream/White (Piebald) with Black Sable and TickingPapillon602841
MM petit LaginaPapillon343622
WCSh petit Lahina - Cream with black sable spsw lala 24HHPapillon633700
NCH petit LaikaMudi543654
ExRO petit LainaPapillon401840
ChSh petit Laina - cream with chocolate sable and mask swsw bb LL 13HHPapillon393461
WCSh petit Lajina - Silver with black sable and mask swsw Bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon603696
MM petit LakePapillon342721
MSh petit Lakina - Chocolate spsw cwcw lala 23HHPapillon383627
ExO petit lala 15HHPapillon393480
ExSh petit lala 18HHPapillon403484
ChH petit lala 19.0Shetland Sheepdog422811
CCRO petit lala 19HH DiceyPapillon543725
NCRO petit lala 20HH PippaPapillon513725
NCSh petit lala 22HH PennyPapillon523708
MA petit lala 23HHShetland Sheepdog413715
NCM petit lala 23HH TeddyPapillon543721
AA IPnH petit lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog263240
NCFr petit lala 24HH NovaShetland Sheepdog533708
NCM petit lala 24HH Ruby TuesdayPapillon543707
CCSh petit Lalina 24HH atat EmE b sw agiint chacha**Papillon543526
ASh petit Lallina - cream with black sable spsw Bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon193557
NCR petit LambdaAfricanis532549
WCA petit Lana - black sisp Lla {1.458}Shetland Sheepdog743097
WCH petit Lana - Fawn bb cchce {1.152}Kelpie683019
WCA petit Lana 24HH lala 3agi 1.015Mudi603711
ChA petit Lana [Red and White (I)] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi393653
WCRO petit Lanina - Black with silver points spsp Bb lala 24HHPapillon633678
WCRO petit Lannina - Silver with black saddle and mask spsp Bb lala 24HHPapillon623673
WCA petit Laoina - Cream swsw lala 4xInt {1.397}Papillon763582
WCSh petit Lapina - Silver spsw bb Ayat lala {1.392}Papillon723096
WCSh petit Laquina - chocolate swsw cwcw lala {1.385}Papillon723081
WCA petit Lara - Chocolate Merle spsp lala {1.388}Mudi743043
WCFl petit Lara - Fawn sisw Tt lala 24HHAfricanis703644
ChFl petit Lara [Red] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi393653
WCSh petit Larina - chocolate with silver points spsw {1.458}Papillon713032
WCRO petit Laughing in the Garden Lla 24HHPapillon653681
ASh petit LauriePapillon233664
WCH petit Lay all your love on me - Black Ssp lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog653700
AA petit LayaAfricanis223648
CCFl petit LaylaMudi593674
CCA petit Layne - Blue with cream points sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie583678
WCA petit Layne - KKbr Chocolate Ssi lala 24HHMudi653629
JAA LazarusMudi143658
WCFl petit Le Sphinx at Norwegian DreamShetland Sheepdog712915
NCT petit LeonaAustralian Koolie603605
CCSh petit LeonardoPapillon563601
WCA petit Lesley 1.112Australian Koolie583739
ExH petit Leto *Kelpie393052
WCA petit Lianne - Red spsw Tt {1.357}Australian Koolie713048
WCSh petit Life [22HH - 2xcha] 1.042 (1)Papillon593552
ExM petit Light for Royaly 24HH lala Red and WhitePapillon392878
CCSh petit Light [23HH - 3xcha] 1.048 (1)Papillon603552
NCSh petit LiliPapillon473425
PnM petit lillyPapillon123579
ChFl FLF Lilly EEEE 14HH llaAfricanis382618
ASh petit Lina - cream with black sable spsw Bb lala 11HHPapillon243754
AFl petit LindaShetland Sheepdog252956
WCH petit Linda - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask sisw 4xStm {1.478}Border Collie753038
ARO petit ll 8HH 2hhPapillon253738
ExSh petit Lla 11HHPapillon393484
ChRO petit lla 16HHPapillon393484
CCSh petit Lla 23HH CharliePapillon553709
WCR petit Lola - Fawn with black sable sisw Tt lala 24HHAfricanis693644
GCH petit LollipopMudi511624
WCH petit Long in the ToothShetland Sheepdog742335
AA petit looseShetland Sheepdog273715
CCM GCRO petit Love In My Heart [24HH 4INT]Papillon652989
WCA petit Love is a BattlefieldShetland Sheepdog742919
AM petit LQK LE QuagginaPapillon232512
PnM petit lucasPapillon123582
GCFr petit LuckAustralian Koolie473657
JAA petit LucyMudi173659
JAA petit LunaMudi163696
WCR petit Luna - Brindle Fawn with black sable Ssw lala 24HH 4xSpd {1.432}Africanis763038
WCFl petit Lykka 24HH lala 1.015Mudi603711
CCR petit M&MAfricanis573521
ARO Maddina - silver spsp lala 21HHPapillon183422
AM Madina - Black spsw Tt cwcw lala Ayasa 21HHPapillon193718
MSh petit MafinaPapillon313436
MO Magina Red spsw lala 24HHPapillon303428
ChSh petit Magino - chocolate with cream points and mask spsp cecw lala 23HHPapillon412904
WCFl petit Magnificant - Brindle Fawn with chocolate sable Ssp Dd Ayat lala {1.400}Mudi743034
WCT petit Mahhina - Cream spsw Tt cecw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon623700
NCM petit Mahina [24HH - 4xint] 1.060Papillon543582
ARO petit Maina - black spsp Bb Tt Lla 9Hh 3hhPapillon173733
WCA petit Mainstream - KKbr Chocolate Merle Ssp lala 24HH {1.228}Mudi682956
WCFl petit Maja - Isabella with cream points lala {1.072}Kelpie643014
WCR petit Maja - Silver with chocolate sable swsw lala 24HH {1.275}Africanis703037
CCM petit Makina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask spsw Tt Ayat lala 23HHPapillon593313
WCSh petit Malina - Fawn spsw lala 24HHPapillon653689
WCSh petit Mamino (24HH)Papillon632353
MA petit Mango - Chocolate sisw Tt Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie273612
WCH petit Mango - Cream with Isabella Saddle swsw {1.362}Australian Koolie703047
WCSh petit Manina - Red with black sable spsw Bb Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon633679
WCA petit Maoina - Cream spsw lala {1.397}Papillon733582
WCRO petit Mapina - Red spsw TT Bb lala {1.397}Papillon733098
WCSh petit Maquina - chocolate with red points and mask swsw lala {1.405}Papillon713081
WCSh petit Maquinna - chocolate with red points and mask swsw Tt lala {1.405}Papillon743081
ExRO petit MariePapillon29816
WCSh petit Marina - chocolate with tan points Tt spsw atasa {1.452}Papillon673032
ExA petit Marina [Blue Merle] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi393653
WCSh petit Marinna - fawn with chocolate saddle spsw cchcw {1.452}Papillon703032
NCA Marissa - Chocolate Ssi lala 19HHMudi542966
WCFl petit Marla - Silver with Isabella sable and mask sisw Ayasa {1.487}Border Collie783038
WCR petit MarmaladeAfricanis623690
WCH petit Mask of ZorroShetland Sheepdog752963
WCFl petit Mauvais Sang // 24HH - 1.572Shetland Sheepdog773489
WCSh petit MaxAustralian Koolie743424
AFl petit MayaMudi193671
PnA petit MeyaMudi103500
WCT petit Mia - Chocolate with tan points lala {1.072}Kelpie633014
WCR petit Mia - Fawn with black sable and mask sisw Tt lala 24HHAfricanis663631
WCT petit Mia - Kk Blue Merle spsp lala {1.388}Mudi753043
WCA petit Mia - Kk Chocolate Ssp lala {1.400}Mudi753034
MO petit MimiPapillon323284
WCH petit Mina - Isabella sisw Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie603678
PnH WCFl petit Missy 24HH lala 1.462xShetland Sheepdog672834
CCSh petit Mixing PotPapillon543521
IPnR petit Mon AmieAfricanis93564
WCT petit Mona - Kk Black spsp lala {1.388}Mudi753043
MR petit MoneyAfricanis303709
NCSh CCA petit Money Pit [24HH 4INT]Papillon662991
CCA vDst Moni 1.015Australian Koolie563724
ASh petit MoonAfricanis193335
ExA petit Morrison (EEEE, 18HH)Australian Koolie413407
WCFr IPnA petit Moulin RougeAfricanis613718
PnSh petit Mount EverestAfricanis123388
WCA petit My dear lady - Chocolate Merle SS lala 24HHMudi683626
AH petit MýrKelpie173323
WCFl Mysterious Girl - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593688
AH petit N'VeaKelpie173398
JASh petit Naccina - cream with chocolate sable and mask spsw cecw lala 17HHPapillon153728
JASh petit Nacina - cream with chocolate sable spsp cecw lala 18HHPapillon163722
AP petit NadiaKelpie193151
WCSh petit Najino - Cream with black sable and mask spsw cecw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon623067
WCSh petit Nakina - Black swsw Bb cchcw lala 24HHPapillon613692
WCSh petit Nakkina - Fawn with black sable and mask swsw Bb lala 24HHPapillon613692
ChFl ¥mk¥ NalaAustralian Koolie403717
WCH petit Nala - Blue Merle sisp lala {1.510}Shetland Sheepdog733082
WCA petit Nala - blue with cream points Bb lala {1.063}Kelpie633014
WCFr petit Nala - Chocolate with silver points sisp Dd atasa {1.040}Africanis633030
WCT petit Nala - Red with black saddle Ssw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie623646
WCSh petit Nalina - Fawn spsw Tt lala 24HHPapillon643689
WCM petit Nallina - Fawn swsw Tt lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon663689
WCA petit Namibi - Black with Tan Points Ssw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog653700
WCSh petit Namina - Black with cream points and mask spsw Bb cecw atasa lala 24HHPapillon653686
NCA NanaMudi473662
WCFr petit Nancy - Red with black saddle and mask sisw Bb Dd Ccch {1.040}Africanis633030
ChA petit Nancy [Black] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi383652
WCRO petit Nanina - Red with black sable and mask swsw Bb Ccw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon643679
WCSh petit Nanino EEEE 24HH 3Papillon632934
WCA petit Nanuk - Isabella Merle with cream points spsw {1.365}Australian Koolie703047
WCSh petit Naoina - Black with cream points swsw Bb cecw lala {1.353}Papillon733589
WCSh petit Naoinna - cream with chocolate sable and mask swsw Tt cecw Ayat lala {1.353}Papillon713582
WCSh petit Napina - Cream with chocolate sable and mask spsw Tt cecw {1.397}Papillon723097
WCRO petit Nappina - chocolate with cream points and mask spsp Tt lala {1.397}Papillon733096
WCM petit Naquina - silver with chocolate saddle spsw lala {1.380}Papillon713080
WCRO petit Naquinna - silver with black saddle and mask spsw lala {1.380}Papillon733080
WCSh petit narniaPapillon583670
WCSh petit NathanPapillon602889
CCFr petit Need a second to breatheAfricanis523490
WCH petit Nena - chocolate with cream points Dd lala {1.063}Kelpie663014
WCT petit Nena - Isabella with silver points and mask swsw atasa {1.490}Border Collie773035
PnH petit Night Fury - black SS lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog113708
CCFr petit NinaAfricanis513578
WCRO petit Ninchen 23HH lala 3xchaPapillon593618
ExRO petit NipsuPapillon363664
WCFl petit No Worries lala 24HHMudi623718
WCFl petit Nubi - Brindle Fawn with black sable Ssw lala 24HH 4xSpdAfricanis693603
NCH petit Nucleus [24HH]Kelpie542010
WCH petit O'Hara: Red with Isabella Merle saddle swsw Tt lala 24HH 4xStrAustralian Koolie613611
WCH petit Oby - Chocolate Ssw Lla {1.380}Australian Koolie723046
ASh petit Occina - Black spsw Bb cwcw lala 20HHPapillon173721
ASh Ocina - silver with black sable and mask spsw Bb Tt lala 17HHPapillon193732
ASh petit OdinoPapillon193703
WCM petit Offina EX lala Cream/White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingPapillon612842
WCSh petit Ofina [23HH - 3xint] 1.115 (2)Papillon653535
WCH petit Oh my darling - Black with Red Points Ssp lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog653694
MSh petit Ohina - Fawn with black sable and mask spsp lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon273426
AT Oina - silver with black sable spsw Tt lla 9HH 3hhPapillon263745
MM petit OjinaPapillon333619
PnRO petit Okina - Silver with black sable and mask spsw Bb lala 23HHPapillon113404
WCH petit Omy - Chocolate sisw Tt cchce {1.380}Australian Koolie713046
MA petit On My OwnShetland Sheepdog323558
WCA petit On my own - Blue Merle sisp lala 24HHMudi613679
MFr petit One More and You're OutAustralian Koolie342572
WCP petit OnewMudi603674
WCSh petit Onino - Fawn with chocolate saddle and mask spsw lala 24HHPapillon623057
WCH petit Onya - Red with Isabella Saddle swsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593678
WCSh petit Ooina - Black swsw Tt Ayat lala {1.357}Papillon743589
WCSh petit Opina - Silver with chocolate sable swsw lala {1.397}Papillon723096
WCSh petit Oppina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp lala {1.397}Papillon733096
WCFl petit Oprah - Fawn spsw 4xSpd {1.388} 8xBOBAfricanis703587
WCFl petit Oprah [24HH 1.438]Africanis79197
WCSh petit Oquina - Chocolate swsw Tt cchcw Ayasa lala {1.397}Papillon743075
WCSh petit Oquinna - Fawn with chocolate saddle and mask spsw Tt cchcw lala {1.397}Papillon743075
WCH petit Orchidee - Blue with Red Points Ssp lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603646
WCH petit Origin - Black with Red Points Ssp lala 24HHAustralian Koolie613646
GCRO petit Osayi (23/0)(*spd)Africanis453686
MSh Pacina - chocolate with silver points spsw lala 19HHPapillon333196
CCRO Padina atat Ee lala 21HH 1 chaagi strcha*Papillon553286
MRO petit Padino - Black with silver points spsw Tt cwcw lala 22HHPapillon263721
WCSh petit PadlockPapillon633060
WCT petit Paige - Chocolate Merle saddle swsw Lla {1.373}Australian Koolie703040
WCFl petit PaintAfricanis683473
WCSh Pajjina - Fawn with black sable and mask spsw lala 24HHPapillon633701
CCM petit Pakino [24HH 4INT]Papillon602991
JAA PalomaAustralian Koolie163610
NCA Pamela - Blue sisi Lla 23HHMudi563101
AM petit PancakePapillon183509
WCRO petit Panina - Chocolate with red points and mask spsp atasa lala24HHPapillon633673
WCSh petit Paoina - Chocolate with silver points and mask spsw atasa lala {1.333}Papillon733581
WCSh petit Pap Franz 24HH chaint chacha lala MP: 1.478Papillon762968
WCSh petit Pap Franzine 24HH intspd chacha lala MP: 1.475Papillon742966
MM petit PapilPapillon263476
MSh petit PapillPapillon263476
WCSh petit Papina - Chocolate with silver points spsp lala {1.400}Papillon743095
ASh petit PappilloPapillon183464
NSh petit PappillonPapillon13442
WCSh petit Paquina - silver with chocolate sable and mask swsw Ayasa lala {1.397}Papillon713072
WCM petit Paquinna - silver with chocolate saddle and mask swsw lala {1.397}Papillon723072
ChA petit Partytime [Chocolate] [EEEE] [24HH]Mudi393652
CCH petit PatchAustralian Koolie591090
WCT petit Patience - Blue Merle with cream points sisw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603678
WCA petit Patience - Isabella Merle sisw {1.365}Australian Koolie713046
WCFl petit Paula - Fawn sisw bb lala 24HH {1.383} 7xBOBAfricanis723585
WCH petit Paula - red merle with isabella saddle sisw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603706
NCR petit Peaches and Cream EEEE 21/0Africanis531388
AA petit PécsMudi193697
WCA petit Perfect - Isabella Ssi lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi623026
WCSh petit Perfect PitchAustralian Koolie722923
GCH petit Petite JaneShetland Sheepdog473339
WCA petit Pheobe - Red Merle with Isabella Saddle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603678
ASh petit Pina - cream with black sable swsw Tt Bb lala 13HHPapillon233751
WCFl petit PinnaKelpie583008
WCR petit Piper - Silver with black sable sisw Tt Bb Ayat lala 24HHAfricanis613602
ChSh Pop' PippyPapillon493234
WCSh petit Poppy Meadows' LeytaPapillon613430
APnM petit Precious (24HH)Australian Koolie142887
CCA petit Pretty Flower 24HH lala 4agi 1.085Mudi613663
WCH petit Pretty Woman 24HH lala 3agi 1.078Mudi633656
ChA petit Primadonna lala 11HHKelpie453522
WCFr petit Prudence - Fawn spsp lala 24HHMudi643616
WCH petit Prue - Blue Merle spsw lala {1.493}Shetland Sheepdog773050
WCA petit Prue - Chocolate Merle Ssp lala 4xAgi {1.423}Mudi773030
ASh petit PuddingPapillon223449
UCP petit Pulling Out the Stops 1.560Border Collie772873
petit Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog13495
WCA petit Puppy 1Mudi782959
AFl petit Puppy 2Border Collie193496
WCH petit Puppy 3Border Collie782873
petit Puppy 4Africanis13598
NA petit Puppy 4Border Collie12938
CCR petit PupsAfricanis603490
WCH petit Pure - Blue Merle with tan points swsw lala {1.493}Shetland Sheepdog783050
WCO petit Pure - Chocolate Merle swsw Lla {1.373}Australian Koolie723040
MSh Quabina - silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsp lala 19HH 1hhPapillon263735
ARO Quacina - cream with black sable and mask spsw lala 17HHPapillon213733
WCRO petit Quaino - cream spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon613582
WCRO petit Quaquina - Cream with chocolate saddle spsw cecw lala {1.397}Papillon743072
INCFr NFr ChH petit Quazar 1.250x (swsw, Tt)Shetland Sheepdog452251
WCSh petit Qubino - Fawn spsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon603531
APnSh petit Quddina - Silver with chocolate sable and mask spsp TT lala 21HHPapillon123705
ASh petit QudinaPapillon233637
WCFl petit Queen - Blue Merle with Red Points sisp lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593705
WCM petit Queen - cream Ssi Mm lala 22HHMudi613635
WCA petit Queen Quenna - Red with Blue Merle saddle Ssi lala 24HHAustralian Koolie653611
PnH petit Queen to be - Blue Merle with tan points Ssp lala 22HHShetland Sheepdog133693
IPnA WCFl petit QueenyAustralian Koolie673457
WCRO petit Queeny - Fawn Ssw Tt lala 24HH {1.388}Africanis703585
WCFl petit Queeny - Isabella Ssi {1.368}Australian Koolie723037
WCFl petit Queeny - Kbrk Brindle Red with blue sable sisp lala 23HHMudi623635
WCR petit Querinda - White sisw Tt Bb cchcw lala 24HH {1.182}Africanis663572
CCFl petit QuinnAustralian Koolie572900
APnP petit Quinn - cream Ssi lala 23HHMudi123622
PnSh petit Quino - Cream with black sable and mask spsw Bb Lla 13HHPapillon113762
WCT petit Qulina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Tt lala 24HHPapillon593685
WCM petit Quoina - fawn with black sable swsw lala 4xInt {1.400}Papillon723577
WCSh petit Qupina - Fawn swsw Bb lala {1.397}Papillon733095
GCSh petit RabinaPapillon433734
NCSh petit Racino 23HH Ee sp * intint chaintPapillon483691
ASh petit Radina - black with tan points spsw Bb cchcw lala 20HHPapillon223719
PnSh petit Radino - fawn spsw Bb asaasa cchcw lala 21HHPapillon113703
ASh petit Rafina swsw lala 23HH EEEEPapillon263526
WCSh petit Ragino - black with cream points and mask spsw Bb atasa cecw lala 24HHPapillon633095
MSh Ragyo KiryuinPapillon273720
WCSh petit Rahhina - Cream with black sable swsw Tt lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon613700
CCM petit Rahina [24HH - 4xint] 1.075Papillon553605
ASh petit Raina - red with chocolate sable spsp lala 17HHPapillon183729
WCH petit Rainbow Rescue - Black with red points spsw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog683681
WCH petit Rainbow Rescue - Fawn with blue sable Ssi Mm Lla {1.572}Shetland Sheepdog773046
WCHu petit Raindrops on RosesShetland Sheepdog642397
ExR petit RaineAfricanis343255
WCFl petit Raise like a flower - Kk Black sisi lala 24HHMudi673611
WCA petit Raising Rainbow - Blue sisi Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie583675
WCFl petit Raising Star - Red spsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593675
WCSh petit Rakino - Silver with black saddle and mask spsp Tt Bb lala 24HHPapillon622744
WCSh petit Ralina - Silver with black sable spsw Bb Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon623683
WCSh petit Ralino - Silver with chocolate sable spsw lala 24HHPapillon643026
ExSh petit RaminaPapillon381492
WCM petit Ranina - Silver with black saddle spsp Bb lala 24HHPapillon613671
AM petit Rannina 24HH lala intx4Papillon243553
WCO petit Raoina - Fawn with black sable spsw lala {1.400}Papillon743577
WCSh petit Rapina - Cream with black sable and mask spsw Tt Bb Lla {1.392}Papillon743095
WCSh petit Raquina - cream with black saddle and mask swsw Bb cecw lala {1.392}Papillon743072
WCSh petit Raquina - Cream with black saddle mask swswPapillon752907
WCSh petit Raquinna - Cream with black saddle spsw Bb cecw lala {1.392}Papillon713072
WCA petit Rayca - Black swsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie623646
MA petit Rayca [23 lala KbrEEbbddAyatSsicchce] x2Mudi293024
WCT petit Reasuring Look [2STM 1.432] *BoB*Papillon673126
WCA petit Recipe - Blue Merle Ssi lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi623678
JAH petit RedAustralian Koolie173546
ExM petit Red and White (Extreme Piebald) 23HHPapillon363341
CCSh ChO petit Red Hot [24HH 4INT]Papillon662991
CCP red lips are to kiss SS lala 23HHMudi553033
CCH petit Red RoseKelpie572926
ExM ANSh petit red swsw 16HHPapillon373477
AR *DI* Reese's CupAfricanis163709
AP ASPCA Rescued Africanis by: Miss Katie (#657417)Africanis213686
WCA petit Respect My Way 24HH lala 1.058 3agiMudi623702
NCFl petit RiaAfricanis583576
WCP petit Riah - Red Merle with Isabella saddle spsp Tt {1.370}Australian Koolie723037
WCH petit Right here waiting for you - Isabella Merle Ssi Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie643608
WCO petit Right to me - Red with Isabella Saddle Ssi Lla 24HHAustralian Koolie633601
NCA petit Rikki Tikki TaviKelpie493501
MFl petit RimaMudi283648
AM petit Rina - black spsw lala 7HHPapillon223756
AA H@M RipleyMudi193382
WCA petit Rita - black swsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593705
CCFl petit RobinAustralian Koolie553229
JPnR petit RockStarAfricanis42657
IPnH RollinsAustralian Koolie93609
MSh petit Rose's Amelia BeatricePapillon293443
ExRO rosezattaPapillon353659
PnRO petit rozettaPapillon123577
GCP petit RukaMudi453680
GCR petit RunAfricanis523525
ExR petit Rune Stone's SerpentAfricanis392610
ASh JAT Rusty ( Chocolate and White (Piebald))Papillon233697
JASh Sabbina - silver spsp lala 19HHPapillon153721
ChSh Sabino 21HH Ayat Ee bb spsw **Papillon393607
MRO petit Sadie HawkinzPapillon293759
ARO petit Sadina - Red with chocolate sable spsp Ccw lala 20HHPapillon173713
JAHu petit SadnessShetland Sheepdog152970
ChFl petit Sailormoon [Fawn] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi383652
ExSh Saina - silver with chocolate sable and mask spsw bb lala 11HHPapillon373214
IPnSh petit Sajino - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsw lala 22HHPapillon93698
WCSh petit Sakina - Cream with chocolate sable and mask spsp Tt cecw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon633688
MSh petit SakkinaPapillon353619
ExFr petit SalazarAfricanis342783
NCSh petit SalinaPapillon503496
WCO petit SalsaMudi693540
MSh petit Samina - chocolate spsw cwcw lala 24HHPapillon363688
WCSh petit SandaraPapillon603699
ChA Sandra 22HH AgiIntAustralian Koolie433733
MSh petit sandstormPapillon263522
WCRO petit Sandy [24HH - 4xint] 1.397Papillon653439
WCM petit Sanina - Chocolate spsw Tt cwcw Ayat lala 24HHPapillon623672
WCSh petit Saoina - Fawn with black sable and mask spsp lala {1.388}Papillon753572
WCRO petit Sapina - black with cream points and mask spsp Bb cecw lala {1.403}Papillon763102
NCR petit Sapphire BreezeAfricanis513179
WCSh petit Saquina - chocolate with tan points and mask spsp atasa lala {1.392}Papillon743071
WCRO petit Saquinna - fawn with chocolate saddle and mask spsw lala {1.392}Papillon723071
NCT KAM'S SasoriAustralian Koolie542050
GCT petit SayoriMudi463680
GCRO petit SchwanentochterPapillon493290
GCR petit ScratchAfricanis453450
WCFl petit Secret woman - Red with blue saddle spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie583686
MH petit SelenaShetland Sheepdog311858
ChRO petit SelenePapillon423514
AFl petit SelinaMudi192951
WCA petit Send me to heaven - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle spsw lala {1.322}Australian Koolie693590
WCSh Senja - EEEE 21HHPapillon643569
NCM petit Serina Fawn swsw Tt lala 24HHPapillon633442
ExH petit SethAustralian Koolie373296
ExO petit Shadown Scroll lla 13HHKelpie353525
NCP petit Shannon Taylor (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie583120
WCSh AVB SheldonPapillon633618
WCFl petit SherlockMudi613008
MSh petit Shinra-KoketsuPapillon293717
CCH petit Shuarike ( 22HH-lala)Australian Koolie553316
WCFl petit Sia - Fawn with black sable swsw Bb lala 24HH 4xspd {1.400}Africanis743103
WCH petit Sia - Red with black sable sisp {1.530}Shetland Sheepdog793029
WCFl petit SidAfricanis693469
AH petit Silbury Soames of Madavale Di DUksKelpie203442
AFl petit Silly Little DallyAfricanis203374
JPnT petit Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable 24HH lala EEEEPapillon63485
APnSh petit Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Chocolate Saddle 24HH lala EEEEPapillon133495
WCR petit Silver sisi lala 22HH 4xChaAfricanis613406
APnSh petit Silver spsw Tt Lla 24HHPapillon123403
ChSh petit silver with chocolate sable and mask lala spsp bb 18HHPapillon403475
ASh petit Sina - cream spsp Bb lala 14HHPapillon223749
GCA petit Sing It Out LoudAustralian Koolie493677
WCSh petit Sir Lancelot 22HH lala 4xchaPapillon613618
IPnSh petit sisw Mm tt 22HH 1hhAustralian Koolie83606
NCFr petit Slow it downAfricanis463490
NCA petit Snakey Snake (EEEE, 24HH)Australian Koolie603120
CCSh petit Snap-onPapillon573693
WCR petit Snow White's SlumberAfricanis753017
MFl petit SnowballAustralian Koolie331128
ChR petit SorenAfricanis403658
PnR petit SpeckleAfricanis113629
NCR petit SpeedAfricanis533525
NCH petit Spice Up Your LifeAustralian Koolie553581
MM petit Starry EyedPapillon313281
JPnSh petit Starry eyedPapillon73580
AT petit Stingray of Derryabah Di DUKsKelpie233448
ASh petit StrawberryPapillon243528
APnRO petit strawberryPapillon133613
NCR petit StripesAfricanis513509
CCT petit StripesAfricanis643491
WCSh petit SuiPapillon623654
WCFl petit SuikodenMudi633674
WCH petit SunnyShetland Sheepdog662392
NCFl petit SunshineAfricanis532862
WCA petit Sure you stay - Kk Blue Ssi lala 24HHMudi673611
WCA petit Sweet DreamsBorder Collie753249
WCFr petit Sweety 1.195Australian Koolie623607
AFl petit SzegedMudi193697
PnSh petit Tabbina - Red with chocolate sable and mask spsp Ccw lala 18HH 1hhPapillon113721
APnRO petit Tabina - chocolate with cream points and mask spsp lala 21HH 1hhPapillon123716
IPnA petit TaccinaPapillon83717
APnRO petit Tacina - fawn with black sable spsw Lla 20HHPapillon143715
ARO petit Tadina - silver with black sable and mask spsp Tt Bb lala 21HHPapillon173713
WCSh Tafina - Cream with black sable swsw lala 24HHPapillon643713
AM petit Tagina Muffin 23HH lalaPapillon172835
ChSh Taina - Black spsp lala 13HHPapillon453114
CCH petit Taira - cream merle with blue saddle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie573703
WCA petit Take It Outside 24HH lala 3agi 1.090Mudi603648
WCFl petit Take It To The Next Level 24HH lala 3agi 1.020Mudi603669
ChSh petit Take Your Time [24HH lala intint intint]Papillon413478
MFr petit TakinaPapillon333619
CCA petit Tamara - Red Merle with blue saddle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593703
WCFr petit Tammy 1.085Australian Koolie593656
WCRO petit Tanina - Chocolate swsw cwcw lala 24HHPapillon613672
WCSh petit Taoina - Cream with black sable spsw Tt {1.388}Papillon753572
WCT petit Tapina - cream with black sable and mask swsw TT cecw lala {1.380}Papillon703094
WCSh petit Taquina - chocolate with tan points and mask swsw cchcw lala {1.412}Papillon723071
MA TaroPapillon273673
WCFl petit Tati 22HHShetland Sheepdog651902
WCA petit Taz 23HH - EEEE intx2 stmx2 lalaKelpie683425
GCR petit TempestAfricanis453563
ASh petit tenterfieldPapillon253705
WCSh GCM petit Test Me Baby [24HH 4INT]Papillon672983
ExH petit Tethys **Kelpie343046
MFl petit That So Not Chinese Little Smurf GirlAfricanis303661
ExO petit The Big KahunaAustralian Koolie383535
ChT petit The Book ThiefAustralian Koolie413622
MT petit The Host (EEEE)Australian Koolie263637
NCH petit The Jungle BookKelpie493501
NCR petit The Wind Is Restless If It Is Not FreeAfricanis493288
WCA petit Thick BramblesMudi622944
ANH petit Ticking Alberta lala 6HH 13Hh 5hhShetland Sheepdog52965
ANH petit Ticking Anabel lala 8HH 11Hh 5hhShetland Sheepdog52965
ANH petit Ticking Brianna lala 8HH 13Hh 3hhShetland Sheepdog52965
ExH GCFr petit Ticking Fabiola 1.180x (17HH)Shetland Sheepdog402682
JPnA petit Ticking Hilary - Red with blue sable Tt sisw lala 16HHShetland Sheepdog62955
JPnFl petit Ticking Ilse - Fawn with blue sable Tt lala 14HHShetland Sheepdog62955
JPnFr petit Ticking Jule - Black with tan points sisw Tt Lla 12HHShetland Sheepdog62955
ANH petit Ticking Karla - Fawn with blue sable sisw Tt Lla 15HHShetland Sheepdog62955
JPnA petit Ticking Luna - Blue Merle with tan points sisw Tt Lla 15HHShetland Sheepdog62955
WCA petit Tili - EEEE 22HHAustralian Koolie613652
ExSh petit TillyPapillon373692
CCA petit Time To Win 24-0 lalaAustralian Koolie592721
ExA petit Tina Turner [Chocolate] [EEEE] [23HH]Mudi363648
MSh petit Tinker ToyPapillon293635
WCH petit Tiny luck - KKbr Cream Ssi lala 24HHMudi663611
ChO petit To Kill a MockingbirdPapillon453647
GCR petit TogaAfricanis483530
WCT petit Tracy - black sisp Lla 24HHShetland Sheepdog663679
WCFl petit Tracy - Red Merle with blue sable Ssp Ccch Lla {1.565}Shetland Sheepdog803026
MR petit TrashHoleAfricanis313283
IPnFl petit TreeAfricanis93579
AT petit Treetops Golden Falcon Di DUKsKelpie183437
GCR petit TripleAfricanis493530
WCA petit True Love - Isabella sisi lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi603678
WCFl petit True Story 24HH 4xAgi 1.072Mudi603644
ExM petit Tt 20HHPapillon383473
ExO petit Tt lala 15HH 2hhPapillon393478
ASh petit TtLla 6HH 1hhPapillon263735
GCFr petit TuesdayAfricanis403038
CCR petit TulipAfricanis533494
NCA petit TullibardineKelpie543259
CCR petit TuxedoAfricanis533504
CCH petit TwentyAustralian Koolie583605
CCSh petit Twix 23HH Ayat Ee spsp intcha intagi **#Papillon553284
JASh petit Uabbina - chocolate spsp cwcw lala 17HHPapillon163727
IPnSh petit Uabina - black spsp Bb lala 18HHPapillon103713
WCSh petit Uaoina - Cream with black sable swsw Tt {1.380}Papillon763572
JARO petit Ucina - cream with black sable spsw Tt lala 21HHPapillon153711
JAA Uddina - black with silver points spsw Bb atasa lala 19HHPapillon173724
MSh UffinaPapillon283603
MRO UfinaPapillon283603
MRO petit Ujino [EEEE Lla 24HH]Papillon353237
WCSh petit Ukina - Black with red points spsp Bb lala 24HHPapillon623692
WCSh petit Ukino - Black with red points spsw Bb lala 24HHPapillon633068
ExT petit UlianePapillon381949
WCH petit Ulla - Black spsw {1.478}Shetland Sheepdog763026
WCH petit Umbrella - Isabella sisp lala 24HHMudi643601
WCSh petit Umina - Silver with black sable swsw Bb lala 24HHPapillon643680
WCA petit Una - Blue Merle with tan points Ssp lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog683671
WCFl petit Unbelieveable Dream 24HHAustralian Koolie582937
ARO Understanding fPapillon233066
WCA petit Unexpected Fantastic 24HHAustralian Koolie602972
WCA petit Unfortunately Female - Isabella with red points sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603702
PnFl Unicorn - Brindle Red Ssp lala 18HHMudi123716
WCFl petit Unicorn - Fawn swsw bb lala 24HH bb {1.400}Africanis763103
MR petit Unicorn - fawn swsw bb {1.435}Africanis292892
PnA Unique - Brindle Red Ssp lala 19HHMudi123716
WCFl petit Unique Lady - Chocolate Merle sisw lala {1.342}Australian Koolie693586
WCSh petit Upina - Black with silver points and mask swsw lala {1.388}Papillon773099
WCSh petit Uppina - silver with chocolate sable and mask Tt swsw lala {1.388}Papillon723091
ExRO Vabina - cream swsw Lla 19HHPapillon323128
CCM petit Vabina [23HH -4xint ] 1.082Papillon523582
JASh petit Vacina - silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsp lala 20HHPapillon153710
WCM Vadina - Red swsw lala 24HHPapillon623722
JASh petit Vaina - cream with black sable spsw lala 17HHPapillon163727
CCT petit Valina - Fawn swsw Tt lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon603673
WCSh petit Valino [24HH 4INT]Papillon632990
JARO petit Vamina - silver with black sable and mask swsw Bb Ayasa Lla 24HHPapillon133608
CCH petit Vanilla SkyAustralian Koolie613437
WCSh petit Vaoina - Cream with black sable and mask spsw cecw {1.403}Papillon763572
WCSh petit Vapina - silver swsw bb Ayat lala {1.380}Papillon713091
WCSh petit Vappina - silver swsw Tt bb Ayat lala {1.380}Papillon733091
WCSh petit Vema [22HH - 2xcha] 1.060 (1)Papillon583552
AM petit VenusMudi183670
MFr petit venusMudi323517
CCA petit Vércse (kék) *Mudi583711
AFr petit VeronicaAfricanis273600
WCFl petit Veronika - Red swsw bb lala 24HH {1.403}Africanis733103
WCA petit Very beautiful - Blue Merle Ssi {1.528}Shetland Sheepdog773016
WCH petit Very black nicky - Black swsw Tt lala {1.377}Australian Koolie703575
WCH petit Very Blue Veena - Blue sisp lala 24HHMudi633601
WCSh petit Very Nice - Fawn Ssi Mm lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi613678
MRO LyRe Vilma nee ID#1510613ID#1552673 INT 23HH 4EPapillon331244
WCA petit Vine - Red Merle with blue sable spsw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog703629
PnRO petit VioletPapillon113605
WCR petit VioletAfricanis612952
ChA HBS VôilaAustralian Koolie403398
WCFl petit Vroni - Red with chocolate sable swsw lala 24HH 4xspd {1.403}Africanis753103
MSh petit Waccina - black with silver points Bb Tt swsw lala 16HHPapillon313127
APnSh petit Wacina - silver with black sable and mask Bb Tt spsw lala 17HHPapillon123728
ASh petit wafflePapillon223515
CCSh petit Wahina 23HH atat K EmE bb Lla 4cha**Papillon563286
ASh Waina - silver spsw Tt lala 14HH 1hhPapillon183744
WCSh Wajjina - black with cream points and mask swsw Tt Bb lala 24HHPapillon623697
ASh petit WakinaPapillon183645
WCSh petit Wanina - Chocolate with red points and mask spsw Tt lala 24HHPapillon643672
WCSh petit Waoina - Cream spsw Tt {1.397}Papillon753572
WCSh petit Wapina - silver with black sable spsp Bb Ayasa lala {1.392}Papillon723091
WCSh petit Wappina - silver with black sable and mask spsw Bb Ayasa lala {1.392}Papillon753091
AA petit WaterlilyAustralian Koolie273668
WCFl petit WendyAfricanis762992
WCFl petit Wendy - Fawn with black sable Ssw Tt Bb lala 24HH 4xspd {1.400}Africanis733103
WCA petit When - Fawn with black sable Ssp Lla {1.458}Shetland Sheepdog763015
WCH petit When will I be famous? - Cream Merle with Isabella Saddle swsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie583673
WCH petit When will I be yours? - Isabella Merle with Cream Points spsp lala 24HHAustralian Koolie583673
CCM petit White sisi Tt lala 21HHAfricanis603496
UCH petit Why Is That stmKelpie802914
WCT petit Why no red points? - Blue Merle sisi lala 4xStr {1.373} 8xBobAustralian Koolie713575
ExH petit WingwomanMudi393644
MA Skn's WinterAustralian Koolie263566
WCT petit Wonderland - Blue Merle sisw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603694
WCH petit Woven In My Soul lala 24HHKelpie741185
WCA petit X-tra cool - Red Merle with blue saddle sisw lala {1.377}Australian Koolie723546
WCA petit X-tra for me - Blue Merle with red points sisw lala {1.377}Australian Koolie723546
ARO petit Xabbina - cream swsw lala 21HHPapillon193723
JASh petit Xabina - cream with black sable swsw cecw lala 19HHPapillon143719
APnRO petit Xacina - red with black sable and mask Tt spsw lala 17HHPapillon133725
ASh Xafina - Cream with black sable and mask spsp Bb cecw lala 21HHPapillon193560
ASh petit Xaina - red with black sable spsp lala 14HHPapillon173732
WCSh petit Xalina - Silver swsw bb Ayat lala 24HHPapillon613683
ARO petit Xammina - Red spsw atat lala 24HHPapillon203556
WCA petit Xana - black swsw {1.470}Shetland Sheepdog763014
WCSh petit Xanina - Chocolate swsw Tt cecw Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon653661
WCSh petit XaninoPapillon641434
WCSh petit Xaoina - Cream with black sable and mask swsw Bb {1.377}Papillon723572
WCRO petit Xapina - chocolate with silver points and mask swsw Tt atasa lala {1.388}Papillon713089
WCFl petit Xcuse me please - Red Ssi lala 24HHMudi603642
WCH petit Xcuse my beauty - Fawn with Isabella Saddle Ssi lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593672
WCFl petit Xcuse my beauty - Red sisi lala 24HHMudi623656
WCFl petit Xena - Red with black sable sisw Tt Bb lala 24HH 4xspd {1.400}Africanis753103
WCA petit Xera - Blue Merle spsw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog793610
WCH petit XoXo - Blue Merle Ssi lala 24HHMudi653014
WCH petit Xtra cool - Red with blue sable sisp lala 24HHMudi643601
WCH petit Xtreme - Isabella Merle spsp lala 24HHMudi643601
WCRO petit Yabino - fawn swsw lala 24HH 4xIntPapillon623687
ChRO petit YaccinaPapillon413620
APnRO Yaddina - black spsp Bb TT cwcw lala 17HHPapillon133722
JARO Yadina - silver with black sable and mask spsp Tt Bb Ayasa lala 18HHPapillon143720
CCT petit Yafina [23HH] 1.058Papillon533582
MM petit YaginaPapillon303622
WCSh petit Yahina - Cream with black sable and mask spsw Bb cecw lala 24HHPapillon633700
WCRO petit Yalina - chocolate with silver points spsw lala 24HHPapillon633687
WCSh petit Yamina - silver with black sable and mask spsw Tt Bb Ayasa lala 24HHPapillon633679
WCM petit Yamino - black with silver points and mask spsw Tt atasa lala 24HHPapillon633056
WCM petit Yanino - Silver with chocolate saddle and mask spsw lala 24HHPapillon643071
WCRO petit Yaoina - Chocolate with silver points swsw lala {1.353}Papillon733541
WCSh petit Yaoino - chocolate with silver points spsw atasa lala 24HH {1.353}Papillon732751
WCRO petit Yapina - red with black sable and mask spsp TT lala {1.403}Papillon723093
WCSh petit Yappina - red with black saddle spsp Tt Bb lala {1.403}Papillon723093
AM petit yasminPapillon193630
WCFl petit You too - Kk Red SS lala 24HH 4xAgiMudi673648
WCA petit You'll be with me - Black with tan points spsw lala 24HHShetland Sheepdog783610
WCH petit You'll stay - Cream with Blue Merle saddle sisw lala {1.368}Australian Koolie703546
ChH petit You'll stay [22 lala KbrkbdAyatSsiMce 2agi] x1Mudi403026
WCT petit You're my dream - Isabella Merle sisw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie603672
CCA You're my love - Blue Merle with red Points spsw lala 24HHAustralian Koolie583688
ExH petit You're the Lucky KalaAustralian Koolie393535
WCFl petit You're the one that I want - Isabella Merle spsw Tt lala 24HHAustralian Koolie593053
WCSh petit Your Artistic InspirationPapillon692067
WCA petit Youtube - Isabella with cream points sisw lala {1.368}Australian Koolie713546
AM petit YvesPapillon19803
IPnRO petit Zabina - fawn spsw lala 20HHPapillon103710
ChRO Zaccina - Black spsw lala 16HHPapillon393451
NSh petit zachPapillon13624
ASh Zaddina - Silver with black sable and mask spsp Bb Ayasa lala 21HHPapillon173714
ASh petit ZaffinaPapillon223558
ExA petit Zafina - Silver with black sable and mask spsp Tt Bb lala 23HHPapillon392903
ASh petit Zagina - chocolate spsw cwcw lala 22HHPapillon333620
ExH petit Zahara [22 lala kkbbdAyatSsicece] x1Mudi333027
MSh petit Zahina - Chocolate spsp cwcw lala 23HHPapillon343628
JASh petit Zaina - cream spsp Bb lala 21HHPapillon173713
NCSh petit Zajina 23HH atasa Ee cecw **#Papillon523277
WCRO petit Zakina - Fawn with black sable swsw Tt lala 24HHPapillon673692
WCA petit Zandra - Isabella with Red Points sisi lala {1.380}Australian Koolie713546
WCSh petit Zaoina - Chocolate with tan points and mask spsp Tt lala {1.357}Papillon773541
WCSh petit Zapina - black spsp cecw Ayasa lala {1.403}Papillon743097
WCSh petit Zappina - black swsw Bb lala {1.403}Papillon743097
WCT petit Zara - fawn Ssi lala 24HHMudi613668
WCFl petit Zara - Fawn with black sable sisi Tt lala 24HH 4xSpd {1.427}Africanis743076
WCA petit Zazzy - Cream swsw lala {1.380}Australian Koolie713546
AH petit ZenMudi193668
GCA petit Zero hero [21/1 lala KbrkEbbdatatSsiM 2agi] x1Mudi403026
WCP petit Zero To Hero 24HH lala 4agi 1.068Mudi613668
WCFl petit Zippa - Kk Red sisp lala 24HHMudi663648
WCH petit Zorro - Blue Merle spsw lala 24HH {1.440}Shetland Sheepdog753052
JAH petit [24H] Going, Going, GoneShetland Sheepdog133541
AH petit [24H] Green DragonShetland Sheepdog223552
ChA DDBF! [EEEE 22HH lala][2 agi]Australian Koolie402357
MO Skn's [Lla 22hh] DaniAustralian Koolie323699
ASh petit [PAP][E] Emperor's CrestPapillon233690
MA petit [PAP][E]I Little Miss DaisyPapillon313705
ChA NA MH petit [spd] Morning Star [1.482x 24HH EEEE]Mudi431406
JAT petit ~Isabella~Australian Koolie173686

Game Time

08:01am on Mar 6

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