Random Fandom Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Random Fandom Kennels

LockedFor StudPnP AajakuGreenland Dog1023
LockedAPnO AajamaakGreenland Dog1123
LockedJPnFl AaliaGreenland Dog616
LockedFor StudAPnP AanakwadininiAmerican Indian Dog1226
LockedJAS AaniGreenland Dog1126
LockedIPnRO AaróIbizan Hound925
LockedIPnFr AbélieLabrador Retriever823
LockedAPnP AbequeAmerican Indian Dog1125
LockedJAHT AbeytuAmerican Indian Dog1226
LockedAPnP AbidemiBasenji1327
LockedFor StudIPnA AbiriSiberian Husky1021
LockedAPnP AcfridaDoberman Pinscher1226
LockedAPnR AdaezeAfricanis1225
LockedPnP AdalbertaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1123
LockedANR AfareuIbizan Hound722
LockedPnFr AghilasAzawakh Hound1024
LockedIPnFl AglaëBluetick Coonhound1122
LockedJAS AgpaGreenland Dog1226
LockedFor StudAPnA AkahlulwaAfricanis1326
LockedFor StudAS AkselGreenland Dog1529
LockedJAS AlcenyaCanadian Eskimo Dog1123
LockedFor StudPnRO AlexoBluetick Coonhound1122
LockedPnP AlintaAustralian Koolie1021
LockedFor StudAPnO AmadéGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1123
LockedMS Amber of the TundraSiberian Husky2552
LockedPnHT Ámeohtséhé'eAmerican Indian Dog1023
LockedFor StudIPnS Amo-adawehiAmerican Indian Dog926
LockedPnA AmreiGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1123
LockedFor StudAS Ander of GreenlandGreenland Dog2342
LockedAPnD AnémoneLabrador Retriever1126
LockedAPnH AnetteSwedish Vallhund1326
LockedJAS AngerlarneqGreenland Dog1226
LockedAS Aniu of the TundraSiberian Husky1528
LockedIPnP AnnagBorder Collie1130
LockedIPnR AnoldaAfricanis1024
LockedFor StudAP AnselGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2346
LockedJAP ApaayCanadian Eskimo Dog1227
LockedFor StudAPnS AqissiaqGreenland Dog1022
LockedAPnFl AriadnaIbizan Hound1327
LockedFor StudAS ArkinGreenland Dog1630
LockedFor StudPnP ArmoKarelian Bear Dog1023
LockedFor StudAS ArmodGreenland Dog1633
LockedPnRO ArzikiAzawakh Hound1124
LockedFor StudAS Ash of CanadaCanadian Eskimo Dog1428
LockedPnP AslögSwedish Vallhund1022
LockedMS Astrid of GreenlandGreenland Dog2654
LockedAPnSc AuksaDoberman Pinscher1326
LockedAPnS AviaajaGreenland Dog1023
LockedIPnO AvromSiberian Husky723
LockedPnHu AzémieBluetick Coonhound1021
LockedFor StudExS Bard of GreenlandGreenland Dog3064
LockedAPnS BaschaSiberian Husky1020
LockedPnP BayaAzawakh Hound1026
LockedNP BearnasBorder Collie624
LockedAPnS BeckieSiberian Husky1123
LockedAPnS BédéliaCanadian Eskimo Dog1022
LockedAS BellaSiberian Husky1731
LockedIPnP BenynaDoberman Pinscher1024
LockedPnT BertildaBluetick Coonhound1021
LockedMS Beyla of GreenlandGreenland Dog2452
LockedFor StudAS Bjorn of GreenlandGreenland Dog1734
LockedAPnS BlueGreenland Dog1021
LockedFor StudAS BoeGreenland Dog1735
LockedAPnS BorysSiberian Husky1022
LockedFor StudAS BramGreenland Dog1633
LockedJPnA BrìghdeBorder Collie722
LockedFor StudPnP BrockGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1225
LockedIPnR BusineBasenji926
LockedAPnP BärbliGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1224
LockedPnO CairistìneBorder Collie1024
LockedFor StudAA CanuteGreenland Dog2040
LockedPnP CaraGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1021
LockedNH CatrìonaBorder Collie116
LockedIPnP CeleDoberman Pinscher1024
LockedPnP CélinaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1123
LockedFor StudIPnT CeroGreenland Dog1022
LockedJAP ChaieDoberman Pinscher1328
LockedFor StudAS ChaseSiberian Husky2139
LockedFor StudAPnP ChristophleGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1223
LockedIPnH ClarittaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedPnP CliamainBorder Collie1023
LockedJAS ColettaCanadian Eskimo Dog1324
LockedIPnFl CremaGreenland Dog1021
LockedPnP CresentiaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1124
LockedFor StudAPnS DanielSiberian Husky1022
LockedIPnT DelaBluetick Coonhound1023
LockedFor StudAPnHu DémasBluetick Coonhound1224
LockedFor StudAS DemitriSiberian Husky1632
LockedAPnR DèniaIbizan Hound1225
LockedPnP DianaSiberian Husky1022
LockedNP DiedraAmerican Staffordshire Terrier113
LockedFor StudAS DiegoSiberian Husky1631
LockedIPnR DihyaAzawakh Hound1025
LockedJPnT DjaluAustralian Koolie722
LockedEbeggiAzawakh Hound110
LockedÉdèseLabrador Retriever19
LockedIPnP EdwikkeDoberman Pinscher928
LockedFor StudAPnS EdzelCanadian Eskimo Dog1023
LockedFor StudAS Egil of GreenlandGreenland Dog1631
LockedPnP ÉléonieGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1123
LockedAPnS EleonoraSiberian Husky1022
LockedPnFl ElnaIbizan Hound1022
LockedFor StudAPnS EmilGreenland Dog1025
LockedPnP EmiliaKarelian Bear Dog1123
LockedJPnD EmilieLabrador Retriever419
LockedIPnP EnnikeDoberman Pinscher1024
LockedFor StudPnS EquiusSiberian Husky1021
LockedFor StudAHu ErieGreenland Dog1938
LockedPnP EsperançaIbizan Hound1025
LockedIPnSh EsperanzaIbizan Hound1025
LockedFor StudAPnSh EuclydeBluetick Coonhound1225
LockedPnO EvatteGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedIPnR FadzaiAfricanis1022
LockedFor StudAS FeivelSiberian Husky1431
LockedFor StudAPnP FrancisCanadian Eskimo Dog1325
LockedFor StudJAT RF-K FredBluetick Coonhound1531
LockedNSc FredrickAmerican Pit Bull Terrier113
LockedASh Freya of GreenlandGreenland Dog2654
LockedPnP FriaSiberian Husky1022
LockedPnS FridaCanadian Eskimo Dog1022
LockedFor StudAP FritzGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2452
LockedPnP FyreSiberian Husky1021
LockedFor StudAPnP GallusIbizan Hound1226
LockedGambuuAustralian Koolie110
LockedFor StudIPnT GamzeeSiberian Husky1020
LockedFor StudJAT RF-K GeorgeBluetick Coonhound1630
LockedFor StudPnS GeroGreenland Dog1022
LockedFor StudMFl Ghost of the TundraSiberian Husky3067
LockedAP Ginger of GreenlandGreenland Dog2142
LockedAS Ginny of the TundraSiberian Husky1531
LockedAS Gold-RushSiberian Husky1630
LockedFor StudJAS GregoryCanadian Eskimo Dog1326
LockedPnH GunvorSwedish Vallhund1225
LockedPnSh GwenSiberian Husky1022
LockedFor StudAS Hadd of GreenlandGreenland Dog1631
LockedFor StudAS HakonGreenland Dog1628
LockedFor StudPnP HansottoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedJAP HeatherCanadian Eskimo Dog1325
LockedPnS HedaGreenland Dog1023
LockedJAP HeidiGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1530
LockedJAS HodelSiberian Husky1126
LockedFor StudAS Hunter of CanadaCanadian Eskimo Dog2142
LockedFor StudAPnR IbrahimBasenji1326
LockedFor StudJAHT IlmarinenKarelian Bear Dog1428
LockedPnH InalaAustralian Koolie1225
LockedIPnFl IndiGreenland Dog1121
LockedFor StudAS IngerGreenland Dog1528
LockedPnSh IsabellaGreenland Dog1122
LockedIseabalBorder Collie16
LockedFor StudPnP IsoGreenland Dog1022
LockedFor StudJAS IvanSiberian Husky1226
LockedIPnP IvaraSwedish Vallhund926
LockedFor StudJAS Jacob of CanadaCanadian Eskimo Dog1429
LockedFor StudPnP JaksGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1125
LockedFor StudIPnP JaloKarelian Bear Dog1023
LockedIPnP JanetGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1023
LockedIPnHu JannaliAustralian Koolie926
LockedJarrahAustralian Koolie17
LockedFor StudJAS JarvisSiberian Husky1227
LockedPnP JasmineGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1025
LockedFor StudPnP JasperGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedFor StudMS Jasper of the TundraSiberian Husky2450
LockedFor StudAPnP JengoBasenji1225
LockedAA Jenna of the TundraSiberian Husky2655
LockedFor StudAPnS JuliusSiberian Husky1023
LockedPnP JuneGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1124
LockedFor StudJAS JuneauSiberian Husky1223
LockedPnFr KahinaAzawakh Hound1225
LockedIPnP KaiennenhawiAmerican Indian Dog928
LockedFor StudAP Kaleb of CanadaCanadian Eskimo Dog2347
LockedIPnA KamogeloAfricanis926
LockedAPnFr KantiCanadian Eskimo Dog1328
LockedIPnT KaraGreenland Dog1121
LockedIPnH KaraleeAustralian Koolie1023
LockedFor StudPnO KarkatSiberian Husky1020
LockedAPnP KatieCanadian Eskimo Dog1327
LockedAS Kayla of the TundraSiberian Husky2143
LockedFor StudAPnP KayoGreenland Dog1122
LockedJAS Kelsey of the TundraSiberian Husky1230
LockedFor StudIPnHT KemeAmerican Indian Dog1021
LockedFor StudPnO KenaiCanadian Eskimo Dog1023
LockedFor StudPnP KeroSiberian Husky1124
LockedFor StudPnO KiloGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1122
LockedPnM Kimpa-vitaBasenji1023
LockedIPnP KiraGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedFor StudIPnR KitoBasenji1122
LockedFor StudAS KodiakSiberian Husky2140
LockedFor StudIPnFl KumaglakCanadian Eskimo Dog1021
LockedJAHT KyllikkiKarelian Bear Dog1328
LockedFor StudPnS LandGreenland Dog1022
LockedFor StudAS LeanderGreenland Dog1940
LockedPnT LehighBluetick Coonhound1125
LockedPnA LenaBluetick Coonhound1024
LockedFor StudJAT RF-K LeonardBluetick Coonhound1740
LockedFor StudAPnSc LeopoldGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1225
LockedAPnO LiinaKarelian Bear Dog1124
LockedPnSh LilaSiberian Husky1122
LockedJAT RF-K LilithBluetick Coonhound1631
LockedJAP LillaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1529
LockedJASc LillianaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1430
LockedFor StudJAS LinkCanadian Eskimo Dog1329
LockedPnP LionelleGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedPnP LitaGreenland Dog1121
LockedPnO LoriKarelian Bear Dog1021
LockedFor StudIPnP LotoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1023
LockedPnS LovanaGreenland Dog1021
LockedAPnFr LoviatarKarelian Bear Dog1327
LockedAS Luciana of GreenlandGreenland Dog1940
LockedFor StudJAS LukasGreenland Dog1023
LockedMP Lyla of GreenlandGreenland Dog3066
LockedAS MadelineCanadian Eskimo Dog1834
LockedPnFl MaeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedFor StudAPnS MaguyukCanadian Eskimo Dog1124
LockedPnS MaireKarelian Bear Dog1021
LockedFor StudJAS MatthewCanadian Eskimo Dog1327
LockedMawukuraAustralian Koolie17
LockedPnR MayaIbizan Hound1024
LockedFor StudPnT MeekuBluetick Coonhound1126
LockedPnHT MemeKarelian Bear Dog1123
LockedJAS MercedesSiberian Husky1330
LockedFor StudIPnFl MeroGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1122
LockedPnP MikkiSiberian Husky1022
LockedIPnFl MinnieSiberian Husky1123
LockedJAS MinsiSiberian Husky1224
LockedPnP MiraGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1125
LockedJAS MireleSiberian Husky1126
LockedFor StudIPnA MorganGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedFor StudPnP MoriGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1025
LockedAPnS NajaGreenland Dog1023
LockedJAS NâlaGreenland Dog1125
LockedJAS NannavinaGreenland Dog1124
LockedAPnS NataliaSiberian Husky1225
LockedPnSh NaujaGreenland Dog1021
LockedPnRO NaujardlukGreenland Dog1123
LockedFor StudPnO RF-K NedBluetick Coonhound1022
LockedAPnS NepetaSiberian Husky1021
LockedFor StudAPnS NeroSiberian Husky1023
LockedFor StudJAS NicholasSiberian Husky1224
LockedPnP NicholeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1227
LockedAPnS NikitaGreenland Dog1123
LockedFor StudAPnS NikolaiSiberian Husky1225
LockedIPnR NinoIbizan Hound1021
LockedPnP NitaCanadian Eskimo Dog1123
LockedPnP NoélieGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1021
LockedPnP NorianeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1021
LockedJPnP NyakulAustralian Koolie824
LockedPnP NyxSiberian Husky1022
LockedFor StudJAS OlafGreenland Dog1529
LockedFor StudPnP OryGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1021
LockedFor StudPnP OswaldGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1225
LockedFor StudAS Peter of CanadaCanadian Eskimo Dog1629
LockedFor StudPnP PetrovGreenland Dog1122
LockedFor StudAS Phantom of the TundraSiberian Husky1938
LockedAS PhoebeSiberian Husky1528
LockedIPnSc PhoebeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedIPnFl PipalukGreenland Dog1021
LockedFor StudIPnP PolarGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedPnFr PäivikkiKarelian Bear Dog1022
LockedFor StudAPnHu RamiroIbizan Hound1126
LockedFor StudPnP RojoGreenland Dog1021
LockedFor StudPnH RolandGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1225
LockedJAS RosieSiberian Husky1022
LockedJAS Runa of GreenlandGreenland Dog1531
LockedAS Saba of the TundraSiberian Husky2040
LockedIPnP SandraGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1023
LockedAPnSh SanitéBluetick Coonhound1328
LockedAS SarahCanadian Eskimo Dog1428
LockedJAS SashtaSiberian Husky1226
LockedPnHT ShibaKarelian Bear Dog1021
LockedPnS ShiemiGreenland Dog1022
LockedIPnP ShikaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedAPnS ShiraGreenland Dog1122
LockedAPnS ShuraGreenland Dog1022
LockedFor StudIPnP SieteGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1122
LockedFor StudAS SkollGreenland Dog1529
LockedFor StudPnR SmokeBasenji1023
LockedFor StudAPnS SolluxSiberian Husky1021
LockedFor StudMFl Spirit of the TundraSiberian Husky2653
LockedPnS StaceyCanadian Eskimo Dog1022
LockedFor StudAS SteeleSiberian Husky2242
LockedJAS SvalaGreenland Dog1530
LockedJAS TaniaSiberian Husky1324
LockedPnR TatadzeikoAfricanis1124
LockedFor StudAPnS TavrosSiberian Husky1021
LockedTekahionwakeAmerican Indian Dog110
LockedJAP Thora of GreenlandGreenland Dog1533
LockedFor StudExS Thunder of the TundraSiberian Husky2963
LockedPnR TiziriAzawakh Hound1021
LockedFor StudAS Tyr of GreenlandGreenland Dog2042
LockedAPnS UkaleqGreenland Dog1022
LockedIPnP VarjoKarelian Bear Dog926
LockedJAP VerdaniGreenland Dog1529
LockedFor StudPnP VeroGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1023
LockedJASc VeronicaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1430
LockedFor StudIPnT VitoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1022
LockedAPnS VriskaSiberian Husky1122
LockedFor StudPnT WolfgangGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1325
LockedIPnM XantalIbizan Hound926
LockedFor StudAS ZanderSiberian Husky1934
LockedPnFr ZiraBasenji1124
Puppy 1Bluetick Coonhound12768
Puppy 1Greater Swiss Mountain Dog12768
Puppy 4Bluetick Coonhound12768
Puppy 7Greenland Dog12768

Game Time

05:07pm on Dec 4

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