Rachael's Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Rachael's Kennel

LockedAH 10HH LL FarahMiniature Australian Shepherd2144
LockedAFr AJSiberian Husky20100
LockedAFl StStm Angelic Courageous Brew [lla]Australian Shepherd2366
LockedPnFl AshleySiberian Husky1130
LockedMFl NT BaileyMiniature Australian Shepherd2757
LockedAP Catahoula Leopard DogCatahoula Leopard Dog1880
LockedGCHT Diggin Up Bones 14HH EGEEBoxer4678
LockedExA NeKo Fancy InvitationChow-chow3560
LockedJAT GuntherMiniature Australian Shepherd1837
LockedAH Herding For JoyGreat Pyrenees2249
LockedAH Howard 22HHShetland Sheepdog2591
LockedGCM ~TDK~ Jackie 22HH 1.085xBoxer4577
LockedFor StudJPnT WiRo• LawrenceMiniature Australian Shepherd886
LockedAS AeroK MelodySiberian Husky1844
LockedAH Ottilie 18HHShetland Sheepdog2386
LockedAHT PhantomCatahoula Leopard Dog1549
LockedAH Puppy 5Shetland Sheepdog1955
LockedAH CozyC Tenya 19HHShetland Sheepdog1851
LockedAFl ZoeyShetland Sheepdog2246
CCM BUCKS 11HH lla 2stm2int 1.003Boxer581889
CCHT BUCKS 16HH lala 2stm2int 0.998Boxer552897
ANT AddilineMiniature Dachshund53012
CCM UPP AlbertBoxer612906
JAA AntebellumShetland Sheepdog143033
APnM AzulBoxer123029
CCFl RIGEL Belle of the BoulevardShetland Sheepdog563002
CCH RIGEL Blackened GoldShetland Sheepdog602785
BlizzardShetland Sheepdog13047
JPnH BraeMiniature Australian Shepherd83058
ANH BrayShetland Sheepdog53011
AH BrinksGreat Pyrenees193047
AO ANP BrownieSiberian Husky262757
JAM CricketBoxer123031
MT DaphneRough Collie263068
ChH ~SD~ DexterShetland Sheepdog422403
AFl DorilenShetland Sheepdog183057
PnHu X-Gen EllouiseBoxer62995
MH FancyShetland Sheepdog293069
NM fluffyChow-chow31417
AH HaggardAustralian Shepherd203045
CCFl HHK* High SparrowShetland Sheepdog561658
IPnH HoniMiniature Australian Shepherd13070
JPnFr HonihaakaMiniature Australian Shepherd13070
NCA •EnK Honra [10/6 Lla spdagi intstr]Miniature Australian Shepherd552981
ChFl ~SD~ IrisAustralian Shepherd392423
ANFr JacksonShetland Sheepdog53033
MA ~SD~ JaxtarShetland Sheepdog292370
ChHT PnM X-Gen JennaBoxer412237
ExFl JoleeMiniature Australian Shepherd313070
AH JoleneShetland Sheepdog163037
NH KellyAustralian Shepherd23044
ANFl KitchiBorder Collie33070
MA KiyyaShetland Sheepdog253057
ExM LassShetland Sheepdog313070
AFl LibraSiberian Husky203062
MH LumiaShetland Sheepdog263058
IPnO MaggieGreat Pyrenees83020
JAH ManfredGreat Pyrenees133023
JAM Mary JaneBoxer113029
JPnT Midnight huntingMiniature Australian Shepherd83058
GCSc IEB MitsubishiBelgian Sheepdog542681
MH MochaMiniature Australian Shepherd303070
ChFl MysterySiberian Husky413062
MA OmariaShetland Sheepdog263061
PnA PaisleyShetland Sheepdog103023
GCA CKV PhoenixMiniature Australian Shepherd403023
ANT preshesBoxer52907
JAP PrideCatahoula Leopard Dog153064
NA Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog13041
JAFl Puppy 1Miniature Australian Shepherd15743
NFl Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog12997
JPnHT Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog23064
JAA Puppy 2Shetland Sheepdog153043
NO Puppy 2Great Pyrenees33008
NH Puppy 2Miniature Australian Shepherd33003
NSh Puppy 3Chinese Shar-Pei13062
ANA Puppy 3Shetland Sheepdog33008
ANSc Puppy 3Belgian Laekenois33003
NM Puppy 3Miniature Dachshund12997
NH Puppy 3Australian Shepherd12997
Puppy 4Catahoula Leopard Dog13059
NRO Puppy 4Chow-chow12997
JPnO Puppy 6Siberian Husky13064
Puppy 6Shetland Sheepdog13033
JPnS Puppy 7Siberian Husky43011
ChA Rachael's PrimadonaShetland Sheepdog412669
MT RaelynnGerman Shepherd Dog293064
JPnHT RosilaBoxer53015
JAH RutterAustralian Shepherd143033
NS SageSiberian Husky13038
MHT SnowBoxer253056
NSh SnowBoxer42906
JPnS SparkleSiberian Husky93038
ChFl JPnH DROW* SpruceMiniature Australian Shepherd371818
NA PhT Streampaw EEEE LLMiniature Australian Shepherd13030
CCA RIGEL The Last Place You LookShetland Sheepdog583012
AA JPnFl DROW* TherorahMiniature Australian Shepherd192903
PnH TrishaShetland Sheepdog103025
AO ¤REVI Twisted NationBorder Collie163069
MT VelmaBorder Collie263068
MA ViaMiniature Australian Shepherd263061
WCFl RIGEL We're Not in Kansas AnymoreShetland Sheepdog593005
MFl ZodiacSiberian Husky263062

Game Time

01:08am on Mar 12

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