Ripples of Time

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Dogs Bred By Ripples of Time

LockedJPnH PnO NFLD A Charming DeceptionKuvasz1016
LockedJAP TRT Abyss, CommadorAkbash Dog1647
LockedExH Akimura of ShinkuGerman Shepherd Dog3784
LockedExO Belladonna of ShadowGerman Shepherd Dog3681
LockedPnFr TRT Benevolent Charm [21,3,0 • EEEE • lala • STMSTM chaSTM] (1.393x)Akbash Dog1017
LockedAPnHu TRT DarlaKai Ken1122
LockedJAD Halia of MahuAkita Inu1333
LockedChHu Hannah No MontanaStabyhoun3999
LockedExHT JINX Hell Hound - EGGE - 10 HH - Lla - Cha Cha Int Str - 1.132Karelian Bear Dog3060
LockedChT Judai of NightstrumGerman Shepherd Dog46108
LockedJAM Nakota of RusivaKai Ken1333
LockedExP Naziha of WippleKuvasz3386
LockedTRT Puppy 1Kai Ken123
LockedTRT Puppy 2Akita Inu16
LockedANFr Ready for the PromKarelian Bear Dog436
LockedNW ShadowGerman Shepherd Dog19
LockedIPnO Stendar is MercifulAkita Inu921
LockedChD Storm Driver of Rock LeeStabyhoun3585
LockedIPnA Talos of AtmoraKai Ken821
LockedAPnFr TiddyKai Ken1437
LockedJAHT TRT TomorrowAkita Inu1531
LockedNHT YoiAkita Inu17
LockedAH TRT [0] [SS] [GGEE] Sadim vom Rippletime [Bb Dd]German Shepherd Dog2396
GCFl Aki of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog492513
GCSh Aku of TimeAkita Inu492513
GCP Alli of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog482513
GCRO Arise of TimeAkita Inu48850
GCM Astro of NieveaKai Ken46602
ChFr Attitude of TimeRottweiler452513
CCD Azure of TimeAkita Inu48850
ChFr Back in TimeKuvasz452718
GCSh Baron ThugglesKuvasz42631
ChH Black of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog412617
ChFl Blue of TimeKai Ken412617
ChH Blue of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog462513
NCO Blue of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog48850
ChFr Bound in TimeKai Ken402617
ChSc Brilla of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog462719
ChM Bronze of TimeShikoku382614
NCS Brown of TimeAkita Inu412614
ExO Bu of TimeCarpathian Shepherd322715
NCP Carmel of TimeNorwegian Buhund502513
NCO Chanel of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog502513
GCH Charl of TimeCarpathian Shepherd472513
ChFl Chi of TimeAmerican Indian Dog402607
ChFl Chill of TimeKuvasz402617
ExT Chocolate of TimeMudi372607
NM CinnamonAkita Inu12750
GCP Cloud of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog462474
GCA ConanKuvasz47687
ChSc Cosmos of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog402617
ChM Cream of TimeKai Ken402617
GCT Cricket of TimeKai Ken48850
GCFr Dark of TimeKai Ken452718
ChP Dark Stripes of TimeAkita Inu402614
ExHu Dawn of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog332718
AH DerekKuvasz172522
ExFl Don of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog342718
NCRO Dunkin of TimeKeeshond492506
ChSc Dusk of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog392617
NCD Ebony NightKai Ken42621
GCSc Echo of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog48850
GCH Faith of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog47850
ChM Faun of TimeKai Ken422617
ChT Fawn of TimeKai Ken402617
ExH Few of TimeCarpathian Shepherd362614
ChSc Few of TimeAkita Inu392614
GCH Fin of TimeAkbash Dog502506
GCO Flew of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog412617
ChHT Fog of TimeKai Ken422718
ExSh Four of TimeNorwegian Buhund342717
CCD Fu of TimeKai Ken472513
ChFl Harla of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog46850
ChSh Heart of TimeSaint Bernard382616
ChA Ichor of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog412617
GCH Jahira of WindsKuvasz45617
CCSc TRT JakeGerman Shepherd Dog50379
NCRO Jay of TimeSaint Bernard462513
MT Kai of TimeCanaan Dog322376
AHT KalebKai Ken21637
ChO Kelly of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog402718
ExHT King of TimeKai Ken362385
ChP Kur of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog402718
ChA Lahali of WinterstrumKuvasz43578
ChRO Light of TimeKai Ken412718
GCD Light of TimeKai Ken402617
NCO Light of TimeKai Ken482513
NM Lilith of TimeKai Ken12318
ChFl Lin of TimeAkbash Dog402708
NCRO Lost in TimeKai Ken482721
ChA Love of TimeShikoku45850
GCSh Lue of TimeKai Ken482513
GCFl Luke of TimeAkita462412
ChH Luna of TimeAkbash Dog412708
GCM Lure of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog482513
GCA Lya of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog482513
GCT Lyn of TimeSaarloos Wolfdog472708
GCSc Lyn of TimeAmerican Indian Dog492506
ExFl Lynn of TimeShikoku362614
GCH Lynx of TimeKuvasz492720
NCHu Mak of TimeKai Ken492513
NCD Maor of TimeAmerican Indian Dog432404
MHu Mar of TimeCarpathian Shepherd322715
ChH Mar of TimeNorwegian Buhund392616
ChFr Marisa of WellsKai Ken43588
GCSh Marshel of TimeKuvasz502513
GCW Maue of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog322718
ExM Mellow of TimeKuvasz372896
ChP Mellow of TimeNorwegian Buhund412616
GCP Mellow of TimeNorwegian Buhund482513
ChHT Meow of TimeShikoku362614
GCD Mer of TimeNorwegian Buhund382616
GCFr Merrow of TimeShikoku472513
ChP Misty of TimeAkbash Dog372380
ChFl Mo of TimeMudi432404
ChP Moon of TimeSaint Bernard402616
ChP Mor of TimeKarelian Bear Dog412404
NCP Mountains of TimeAkbash Dog492878
GCSh Mouse of TimeKeeshond502506
ChHT Mu of TimeKarelian Bear Dog392607
GCFl Mue of TimeKai Ken452874
ChRO Mura of TimeCanaan Dog392606
MSc Nala of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog332718
GCP Nala of TimeAkita Inu472513
GCSh Nala of TimeKuvasz47850
GCFr Nao of TimeNorwegian Buhund47850
GCRO Nao of TimeAkbash Dog432404
ExH Naoi of TimeCanaan Dog332376
GCSc Nau of TimeAkita Inu46850
MSh Naught of TimeCanaan Dog322376
ChRO Niece of TimeKuvasz422718
ChHu Night of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog402617
ChFl Night's DreamGerman Shepherd Dog42628
CCFr Nix of TimeNorwegian Buhund592717
ExH Noel of TimeAkbash Dog372380
ChRO Nora of TimeNorwegian Buhund382616
GCSh Nu of TimeMudi472506
GCD Nue of TimeMudi382607
ChH Nuk of TimeCarpathian Shepherd462513
NCP Null of TimeKuvasz502513
ExHu Nur of TimeNorwegian Buhund342718
GCH Odin's NightshadeGerman Shepherd Dog44640
CCD Oreo of TimeNorwegian Buhund482513
ChH Oro of TimeAkbash Dog422607
JPnRO EERF~ PepperGerman Shepherd Dog6888
ChM Pink of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog452474
GCFr Precious of TimeKai Ken47850
ChT Prefect of TimeKuvasz45850
GCP Pride of TimeShikoku45850
ExHT Pup of TimeKai Ken362718
ChFr Puppy 1Kai Ken382891
ChP Puppy 1Kai Ken372719
MM Puppy 1Kai Ken322402
GCSh Puppy 10Kuvasz482719
ExSc Puppy 2Akita Inu362719
ExFr Puppy 2Akita Inu352865
NCHT Puppy 2Karelian Bear Dog512838
ExT Puppy 2Kuvasz352718
ExA Puppy 3Kai Ken342887
ExT Puppy 3Akita Inu352892
ExSc Puppy 4Akita Inu342892
ChFr Puppy 4Kai Ken372885
NCO Puppy 5Kuvasz492843
ChO Puppy 5Kuvasz372718
ChA Pure of TimeShikoku46850
ChRO Rain in TimeKuvasz392894
ExH Rain of TimeRottweiler372614
ChFl Rain's DreamKai Ken43664
CCD Rally of SilverKai Ken45676
ExM RanaeNewfoundland342654
ExM Rando of TimeRottweiler362614
CCW Ray of timeSaint Bernard432717
APnO Ready To LevelKuvasz121391
GCP Record TimeAkbash Dog472878
GCT Red Bell of TimeKai Ken482723
GCHu Red RobinKai Ken42676
GCHT Red Roe of TimeKai Ken462150
ExFr ReesesAinu Dog372654
GCD Ritz of TimeSaint Bernard402719
GCO Rocket of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog422719
ExSh Rose of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog342718
GCSh Run of TimeNorwegian Buhund492513
GCT Saddie of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog502513
ExP Sally of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog332718
ExH Sally of TimeCarpathian Shepherd372614
NCRO Sally of TimeSaint Bernard472513
GCHT Saou of TimeKarelian Bear Dog442404
ExFl Sarah of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog362718
ExP SaviNewfoundland352654
GCM Scamp of TimeNorwegian Buhund48850
ChT Scar of TimeKarelian Bear Dog472709
GCSh Scarl of TimeKeeshond442404
CCS Scarlet of TimeKarelian Bear Dog472506
ChA Scarn of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog462474
ChA Scattered in TimeKuvasz392721
GCT Score of TimeCanaan Dog502709
ExH SeanAkbash Dog402654
NCFr Sel of TimeKai Ken502513
GCFr Sella of TimeShikoku462513
ChO Selus of TimeSaint Bernard432717
ExH Set of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog392617
GCFl Setsu of TimeNewfoundland472655
MA Shell of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog322718
ChT Shock of TimeKuvasz442719
NCP Shu of TimeKarelian Bear Dog492506
ChO Shy of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog372717
GCM Silver RobinKai Ken45588
NCRO Silver Stripes of TimeAkita Inu482513
ChO Sin of TimeAkbash Dog402607
GCH Skill of TimeRottweiler462513
ChM Skipper of time.Kai Ken442718
ExS Skit of TimeKarelian Bear Dog342708
NCP Sku of TimeKai Ken502719
GCD Skull of TimeKai Ken382718
ExP Skun of TimeCanaan Dog322376
ExFr Sky of TimeShikoku342715
ChSh Snow of TimeKai Ken402617
GCSh Snowball of TimeWest Highland White Terrier472708
ExHu Sound of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog382577
ChT Spot of TimeAmerican Indian Dog392607
ExO Spots of TimeAkita342654
ChRO Sta of TimeKeeshond392607
GCH Stalled in TimeAkbash Dog502864
GCFl Stanis of TimeCanaan Dog492506
WCD Star of TimeAkita Inu462716
GCO Star of TimeKuvasz432617
GCM Star of TimeNorwegian Buhund492513
MRO Star of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog282372
NO Star of TimeKai Ken12318
ExH Starlet in TimeAkbash Dog382708
ChM Starlet of TimeKuvasz422617
NCP Starlet of TimeNorwegian Buhund482513
GCH Starlet of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog46850
NCFr Stars of TimeMudi482506
ChT Stat of TimeKai Ken422617
ExT Stella of TimeShikoku372614
ExO Still of TimeKarelian Bear Dog352708
GCP Storm of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog462474
ChT Stretch of TimeCanaan Dog402606
NCO Stretch of TimeNorwegian Buhund492513
NCFr Stri of TimeKai Ken492513
GCP Stripes of TimeKai Ken422617
ChSc Stripes of Time 2Akita Inu412614
GCA Stru of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog492513
ChH Stun of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog412617
ChP Stun of TimeAkita Inu382614
NCS Tailor of TimeKarelian Bear Dog402607
ExT Tas of TimeNorwegian Buhund372616
NCO Thorny DreamsKuvasz49699
MT Three of TimeAkita Inu332715
GCO Thunder of TimeAkita Inu472513
GCFT TiaraStabyhoun41646
GCA Tiger of TimeAkita Inu47850
NCP Tin of TimeAmerican Indian Dog492506
ChA Tosh of TimeMudi402607
GCP Tosh of TimeKai Ken482513
ChP Toss in TimeRottweiler422716
ChH Tosser in TimeRottweiler412715
NCO Trixie of TricksKuvasz49714
ChO True of TimeKai Ken392617
GCM Tyu of TimeAkbash Dog482506
MFl Unique of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog282372
ChH Valor of TimeAkbash Dog462404
GCFl Vega of TimeShikoku472513
ChP Violent of TimeGerman Shepherd Dog402617
GCFl Violet of TimeWest Highland White Terrier482708
GCA HalbK Wander Often Wonder AlwaysAustralian Shepherd482657
MO Weave of TimeCanadian Eskimo Dog282372
ChA Yvonne of TimeNorwegian Buhund402616

Game Time

03:06pm on Dec 18

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