Desert Mountain

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Dogs Bred By Desert Mountain

LockedAM DesM AliasDalmatian1953
LockedNFl DesM Can't Wait to be KingDalmatian352
LockedAFr DesM Follow Your DreamsBearded Collie2049
LockedNA DesM Goddess of WarGerman Shepherd Dog352
LockedAHT DesM Heir to the ThroneDalmatian1782
LockedAA DesM Into the WoodsDalmatian1885
LockedASc DesM Kausing KaosBelgian Malinois1887
LockedARO DesM Landscape at AuversBelgian Malinois2361
LockedNR AFl DesM Man CubAfghan Hound1986
LockedJPnT DesM Pheonix from the AshesBearded Collie861
LockedARO DesM Powers of the MindDalmatian2263
LockedAFr DesM Rain of DistructionDalmatian2261
LockedPnO DesM This is HalloweenDalmatian1067

Game Time

01:36pm on Dec 28

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