Name | Breed | Level | Age |
ASh Good+ | Old English Sheepdog | 17 | 46 |
JPnA HGSK Groovy Ideas | Australian Cattle Dog | 6 | 14 |
JAO AGsK Group | Carpathian Shepherd | 14 | 31 |
JAHT IPnO HGSK Hunter (GEGE)(7HH) | Jamthund | 13 | 31 |
NRO Illy | Newfoundland | 1 | 9 |
AFr CoWK Indy | Ainu Dog | 22 | 46 |
NA Jasper | Border Collie | 2 | 65 |
APnH Lena | Border Collie | 12 | 30 |
APnA Loki | Border Collie | 13 | 108 |
IPnH Pablo | Australian Shepherd | 8 | 105 |
APnR skitter | Azawakh Hound | 11 | 38 |
NFr 1 2 3 look a me | Great Dane | 1 | 2533 |
JPnD 56.25 Backgammon | Boxer | 6 | 2601 |
A chain of tragedy | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 973 |
A change of fate doesn’t need a moose | Saluki | 1 | 658 |
NM A crime of rude proportions | Border Collie | 1 | 1112 |
A deer in headlights failing to prance away | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1108 |
A foolish king of gold | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 973 |
A prince’s work is never done | Golden Retriever | 1 | 973 |
A ray of sunshine and a dance of hope | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1107 |
A rude passion | Border Collie | 1 | 948 |
A shelled heart washed upon Poseidon and see | Border Collie | 1 | 1108 |
A sip of brandy in the end | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 948 |
A spark of inspiration | Smooth Collie | 1 | 1109 |
Aaaaawh I am sorry rickie | Greek Harehound | 1 | 949 |
Always accompanied by the guard | Great Dane | 1 | 1109 |
Anastasia’s keeper | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1107 |
APnO Angelic Song | Carpathian Shepherd | 12 | 2616 |
Apollo pulling the sun across the sky | Border Collie | 1 | 1109 |
Artemis’ shame and crimes of Zeus | Border Collie | 1 | 974 |
As Hera has ordered the crime was punished | Border Collie | 1 | 950 |
Baby | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1814 |
Baby Baby Baby don' hurt me | Dalmatian | 1 | 2519 |
Baby girl of wolf blood | Dachshund | 1 | 2063 |
Baby I got your back | Tibetan Spaniel | 1 | 2533 |
Baby Scream my name all night long | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
Banish the fear of the banshee | Saarloos Wolfdog | 1 | 948 |
Banshee of castle Myriad | Saarloos Wolfdog | 1 | 973 |
Bark back to the future | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 658 |
Barking at the whomping tree | Great Dane | 1 | 652 |
NFl Belladonna | Border Collie | 6 | 1125 |
Better Safe than Sorry | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Bewitched bunny | Dachshund | 1 | 658 |
Bewitched lover in salem | Dachshund | 1 | 659 |
Big Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 2026 |
Big Grey | Irish Wolfhound | 1 | 2026 |
Birds flying above a long wire | Alaskan Malamute | 1 | 1107 |
Black hole breeding with Star dust | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
Blame Me all you want | Saluki | 1 | 2519 |
Born crazy were born with a heart of gold | Greek Harehound | 1 | 1107 |
NO Born dark | English Shepherd | 1 | 1058 |
Born in the darkness of his mind | Dachshund | 1 | 1110 |
Born lost in baxter | Greek Harehound | 1 | 978 |
Born of the sun | Irish Setter | 1 | 1099 |
Born to be crazy | Dachshund | 1 | 1121 |
Born to be free | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2038 |
Born to be rude | Border Collie | 1 | 1121 |
Born to play in the snow | Irish Wolfhound | 1 | 1099 |
Born to survive the zombie apocalypse | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1099 |
Bow | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 1814 |
Bow your head and shame | Golden Retriever | 1 | 973 |
Breaking the line | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
Brindle Pie | Great Dane | 1 | 2522 |
NSc HGSK Brown haze of the moors | Cane Corso | 1 | 1122 |
Brunt of the hit | Irish Wolfhound | 1 | 1111 |
Brush fire search and rescue | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 978 |
Brush fire searching for hero’s | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 949 |
Burn the evidence of every crime you’ve committed | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
NRO Burn the road | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 5 | 1122 |
Burning passion like Hephaestus’ fire | Border Collie | 1 | 973 |
Burning the ends of my rope | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 948 |
Busting out the pandas | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 973 |
Case by case piracy | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 658 |
Chain of knickknacks | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 949 |
Chained to dakota | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 976 |
Challenge the ruler | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
Charleston Chew with coconut filling | Dachshund | 1 | 1110 |
Charlie and the chocolate factory guard dog | Bearded Collie | 1 | 978 |
NS Charlie Brown | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2066 |
Charm | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1814 |
NHu Chewing gum | Dachshund | 1 | 1085 |
Chump breeding with Clarity Charm | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
Clarity Charm breeding with Chump | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
Clyde’s last stand | Doberman Pinscher | 1 | 653 |
Colt Pistol locked and loaded | Saluki | 1 | 1099 |
Colton | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1838 |
Committing to the sale | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
NO Cookie Monster running away | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 5 | 1122 |
Cooper’s all star brandy | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 976 |
Cream | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 1814 |
Crime and punishment | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 973 |
NA Crossing the river with the son of Sam | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1122 |
NFT Curly Haired Prince | Curly Coated Retriever | 6 | 2568 |
Dan | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1838 |
Dark heart | Shikoku | 1 | 2038 |
Dark skeleton shark | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2533 |
NHT Darkness | Shikoku | 1 | 2059 |
Dash of cinnamon please | Chow-chow | 1 | 973 |
Daughter of the queen Hera | Border Collie | 1 | 948 |
Death of the shadows runs through me | Whippet | 1 | 2038 |
NO Devil's food cake | Shetland Sheepdog | 4 | 2547 |
IPnM Devil's Servant | Shetland Sheepdog | 10 | 2627 |
Diana | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1814 |
JPnSh HGSK Domino | Dalmatian | 5 | 1097 |
Don't pop that gum in this shadowy forest | Whippet | 1 | 2038 |
Don’t stop me now | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1110 |
Dragon bandit’s return as a knight | American Indian Dog | 1 | 973 |
NHT Dragon king’s maid | American Indian Dog | 1 | 1101 |
NP Dragon time | Australian Cattle Dog | 3 | 2547 |
Dragon warrior’s surprise | American Indian Dog | 1 | 973 |
Dreaming of Asgard | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 652 |
Dreams of a soft cloud | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 652 |
Drop and give me twenty soldier | Beagle | 1 | 949 |
Either creamy or cheesy not both | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1110 |
JPnA Elliot | Yorkshire Terrier | 3 | 2526 |
Enderman and selnderqueen | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 948 |
NR Endo-shark wild killer | Azawakh Hound | 2 | 2568 |
Eric the red | Irish Setter | 1 | 1099 |
Erika of the red sun | Irish Setter | 1 | 1111 |
Even god loves the bears enough to guide them | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 659 |
Eye of Horus | Pharaoh Hound | 1 | 978 |
Fallow the wisps and you will change your fate | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 973 |
Fate is cruel to me | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 948 |
Fearful wild | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1111 |
Fifi Licure runs away now | Bichon Frise | 1 | 652 |
Fight or flight instinct | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2038 |
JPnRO Fight the Rock | Africanis | 7 | 2568 |
Fighting for the Queen | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
NT HGSK Fire on the mysterious mistake island | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1107 |
Flash of brilliance | Basset Hound | 1 | 2026 |
Fluffy bunny time | Finnish Lapphund | 1 | 2533 |
Fly | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1814 |
Fly into the eye of the storm | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 659 |
Fox and the hound | Chihuahua | 1 | 973 |
NFl Free born wild man | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1085 |
NT Free speech required | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Funny dream | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 949 |
Game changer | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
Get ready Get set go | Greyhound | 1 | 2533 |
NFT Goldie locks and the three bears | American Cocker Spaniel | 2 | 2566 |
NR Gotta go fast Gotta go fast super sonic speed | Azawakh Hound | 3 | 2547 |
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves of the west end | Dachshund | 1 | 1099 |
Harlequin masquerade ball | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
Hathor | Africanis | 1 | 1099 |
NHu He sat on my squeaky toy | Chihuahua | 1 | 2533 |
He who runs wild | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2026 |
NP Her last hope | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2537 |
Hera the wise queen | Border Collie | 1 | 976 |
Here a sheep there a sheep every where a sheep sheep | Old English Sheepdog | 1 | 2533 |
JPnHu HGSK Home made pie | Afghan Hound | 8 | 653 |
Hope | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2067 |
Hope for the wise king | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 973 |
Hot Chocolate for everyone | Saint Bernard | 1 | 2533 |
JPnO HGSK Huckleberry Fin's final advenure | Ainu Dog | 7 | 2568 |
Hunting shadows and hunting ghost | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
I made it my self | Ainu Dog | 1 | 2533 |
NA Ice cold female | Jamthund | 2 | 2547 |
NSh HGSK Ice Ice Baby (EEEG) gen25 | Shih Tzu | 2 | 2587 |
If I die young burry me in the lilac fields | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 1099 |
In a galaxy far far away | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
In the long run it doesn’t matter | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1110 |
Inka | Italian Greyhound | 1 | 1838 |
NA Is that the cow barking | Border Collie | 3 | 2547 |
It’s a fowl ball | Black Mouth Cur | 1 | 656 |
NHu Jack and Jill went up the hill | Australian Koolie | 4 | 1122 |
Jack of all trades | Bearded Collie | 1 | 978 |
Jacksonville’s UFO | Alaskan Malamute | 1 | 978 |
JPnFl Jail Break Rock | Australian Cattle Dog | 7 | 2568 |
MHu HGSK Julie | Dachshund | 26 | 1110 |
Keep dreaming sonny boy | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 973 |
King | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1814 |
King louie’s fall from grace | Jamthund | 1 | 976 |
King Maximus’s wild ride | Dachshund | 1 | 1109 |
APnFl HGSK King of Style X Cookie Jar | Border Collie | 13 | 2517 |
King Pin breeding with Lil Flower | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 2026 |
King pin of the crime world | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1110 |
Kneel before me Susan | Chow-chow | 1 | 973 |
Kneel for the king | Chow-chow | 1 | 949 |
Lance | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1838 |
Landon | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1838 |
Lani | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1834 |
Large and in charge | Great Pyrenees | 1 | 2533 |
Largo margo | Great Pyrenees | 1 | 2519 |
Lark wings flying high | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
NT Lets get down tonight | Border Collie | 2 | 2533 |
Lets made this kennel great again | Shih Tzu | 1 | 2533 |
JAA ~RW~ LF+W Teddy | Australian Cattle Dog | 13 | 2599 |
Lil Babe | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1838 |
Lil Flower breeding with King Pin | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 2026 |
Lillith | Shikoku | 1 | 2059 |
Little girl | Beauceron | 1 | 2026 |
Live laugh and love the princess of time | Dalmatian | 1 | 1110 |
Living a lie as if it was truth | Anatolian Shepherd | 1 | 658 |
NFr Living in the abby | Dalmatian | 5 | 1122 |
Lock it up | Dachshund | 1 | 2038 |
Locked and loaded pistols and all | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 1099 |
NP Locket | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2069 |
Loki | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 1595 |
NH Lost and found | Australian Cattle Dog | 5 | 2616 |
Lost harbor | Border Collie | 1 | 978 |
Lost salvation of the king | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 1112 |
Lost the trail again | Border Collie | 1 | 1109 |
Lost wild hunt | Siberian Husky | 1 | 1107 |
IPnFl Luck of the the draw | Australian Cattle Dog | 9 | 2616 |
Lucky draw girl | Papillon | 1 | 2522 |
Lucy I’m home | Greek Harehound | 1 | 978 |
Luka | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2065 |
JPnSh Luke | American Indian Dog | 7 | 2627 |
NSh HGSK Mad Maddie bear | Belgian Malinois | 4 | 1122 |
Maiden of the true king | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 1111 |
Making a moonshine run | Border Collie | 1 | 658 |
Maxwell House coffee | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
HGSK Maya | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2596 |
Mella | Pharaoh Hound | 1 | 1085 |
Mermaid queens call | Chihuahua | 1 | 948 |
Micky | Skye Terrier | 1 | 949 |
Midnight | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1814 |
NHT Midnight's Stony Embrace | Ainu Dog | 4 | 2587 |
Midnight’s dark intentions | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1110 |
Midnight’s rude calling | Border Collie | 1 | 973 |
Molly Polly pocket trolly | Dalmatian | 1 | 1110 |
Monsoon in may | American White Shepherd | 1 | 658 |
Moonshiners guarantee | Miniature Dachshund | 1 | 1110 |
More grand than my father Maxwell | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
NR Muddy snow man | Azawakh Hound | 2 | 2568 |
My father's Pride and Joy | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
Noddie | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 1814 |
Not a prince or a duke | Bluetick Coonhound | 1 | 973 |
NO Not really a hero not yet the villian | Australian Cattle Dog | 2 | 2566 |
Now or never | American Cocker Spaniel | 1 | 2533 |
Oh Maddie give me a chance | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 948 |
NP On the heals of the killer | Alaskan Klee Kai | 3 | 1122 |
NA One two three four who do we think's at the door | Border Collie | 3 | 2547 |
NM HGSK Orie | Australian Shepherd | 5 | 1122 |
Pale Princess | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
HGSK Peanut | Africanis | 1 | 2587 |
Poodle watcher | Dalmatian | 1 | 2519 |
Prince of the speckled world | Whippet | 1 | 2063 |
Princess | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1838 |
Princess of the sheep | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 2522 |
Pruning the olive branches | Chow-chow | 1 | 976 |
Punished by the crimes of the father | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 948 |
NP PXL Puppy 1 | Curly Coated Retriever | 1 | 2600 |
NT Puppy 1 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 4 | 2599 |
Puppy 1 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Boxer | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Ainu Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Curly Coated Retriever | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Chinese Crested | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Tibetan Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 1 | Chihuahua | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 1 | Chihuahua | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 1 | Greyhound | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 1 | Dachshund | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 1 | Irish Wolfhound | 1 | 2515 |
Puppy 1 | Papillon | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 1 | Dachshund | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 1 | Saluki | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 1 | Chow-chow | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 1 | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 2060 |
Puppy 1 | Shikoku | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 1 | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 1 | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 1 | American Staffordshire Terrier | 1 | 2032 |
Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 1 | Shikoku | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 1 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
HGSK Puppy 1 | Irish Wolfhound | 1 | 1120 |
NA Puppy 1 | Dachshund | 5 | 1122 |
Puppy 1 | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 1 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1095 |
Puppy 10 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 10 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 11 | Saluki | 1 | 2525 |
Puppy 12 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Boxer | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Saluki | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Saint Bernard | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | American Cocker Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Finnish Lapphund | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Great Dane | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Shetland Sheepdog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Chinese Crested | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 2 | Jamthund | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 2 | Bearded Collie | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 2 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 2 | Carpathian Shepherd | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 2 | Dalmatian | 1 | 2276 |
Puppy 2 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2275 |
Puppy 2 | Whippet | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 2 | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 2032 |
Puppy 2 | Shikoku | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 2 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 2 | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 2 | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1910 |
Puppy 2 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Miniature Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
NFl HGSK Puppy 2 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 2 | Keeshond | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 2 | Great Dane | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 2 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1095 |
Puppy 2 | Boxer | 1 | 825 |
Puppy 3 | Carpathian Shepherd | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | American Cocker Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Shih Tzu | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Tibetan Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Papillon | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 3 | Chihuahua | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 3 | Redbone Coonhound | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 3 | Toy Poodle | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 3 | Bernese Mountain Dog | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 3 | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 2516 |
Puppy 3 | Dachshund | 1 | 2515 |
Puppy 3 | Miniature Pinscher | 1 | 2513 |
Puppy 3 | Pomeranian | 1 | 2511 |
Puppy 3 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 3 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 3 | Greyhound | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 3 | Dalmatian | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 3 | Yorkshire Terrier | 1 | 2032 |
Puppy 3 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 3 | Whippet | 1 | 2026 |
NRO Puppy 3 | Dachshund | 4 | 1122 |
NH Puppy 3 | Australian Koolie | 3 | 1122 |
Puppy 3 | Chow-chow | 1 | 1116 |
Puppy 3 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 3 | Cane Corso | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 3 | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 3 | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 3 | Border Collie | 1 | 1096 |
Puppy 3 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1095 |
Puppy 4 | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | American Cocker Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Africanis | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Finnish Lapphund | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Great Dane | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 4 | Kelpie | 1 | 2515 |
Puppy 4 | Kelpie | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 4 | Carpathian Shepherd | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 4 | Saluki | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 4 | Thai Ridgeback Dog | 1 | 2060 |
NFr Puppy 4 | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 4 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 4 | Thai Ridgeback Dog | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Chart Polski | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Shikoku | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Dachshund | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Dachshund | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 4 | Miniature Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 4 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 4 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 4 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 4 | Border Collie | 1 | 1096 |
Puppy 4 | Maremma Sheepdog | 1 | 1096 |
Puppy 5 | Saluki | 1 | 2525 |
Puppy 5 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 5 | Chow-chow | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 5 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 5 | Tibetan Spaniel | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 5 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 2511 |
Puppy 5 | Great Dane | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 5 | Shetland Sheepdog | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 5 | Saluki | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 5 | Saluki | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 5 | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2507 |
Puppy 5 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2275 |
Puppy 5 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 5 | Dachshund | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 5 | Thai Ridgeback Dog | 1 | 2038 |
Puppy 5 | Dachshund | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 5 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2026 |
NE Puppy 5 | Dachshund | 3 | 1122 |
NSc Puppy 5 | Great Dane | 1 | 1121 |
NFl Puppy 5 | Greek Harehound | 1 | 1119 |
NSh Puppy 5 | Chow-chow | 1 | 1116 |
Puppy 5 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 5 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 5 | Dachshund | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 5 | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1096 |
Puppy 5 | Czechoslovakian Wolfdog | 1 | 1096 |
Puppy 6 | Old English Sheepdog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 6 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 6 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
HGSK Puppy 6 | Dachshund | 1 | 2510 |
Puppy 6 | Shiba Inu | 1 | 2276 |
Puppy 6 | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 2275 |
Puppy 6 | Ibizan Hound | 1 | 2026 |
Puppy 6 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2026 |
NR Puppy 6 | Dalmatian | 1 | 1122 |
Puppy 6 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 6 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 6 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 6 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 6 | Smooth Collie | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 6 | Akita | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 6 | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1095 |
Puppy 7 | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 7 | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2275 |
Puppy 7 | Shikoku | 1 | 2026 |
NW Puppy 7 | Irish Setter | 1 | 1122 |
Puppy 7 | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 7 | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 7 | Dachshund | 1 | 1098 |
Puppy 7 | Border Collie | 1 | 1097 |
Puppy 8 | Finnish Lapphund | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 8 | Shetland Sheepdog | 1 | 2519 |
Puppy 8 | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 1117 |
Puppy 9 | Alaskan Husky | 1 | 2038 |
Put them hands up in the air and wave em' like ya just don't care | Dalmatian | 1 | 2533 |
Queen of hearts | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 948 |
NFr Queen of the dark side | Boxer | 5 | 2547 |
Queens Escort | Chinese Crested | 1 | 2533 |
ExS HGSK Rambo | Siberian Husky | 31 | 1106 |
Ready aim fire Johnny | Shikoku | 1 | 2038 |
Ready set fire | Wire Fox Terrier | 1 | 2026 |
Ready to go pupper | Kelpie | 1 | 2522 |
Reaper | Rottweiler | 1 | 1814 |
Red ratter hunter | Dachshund | 1 | 2522 |
Return of the dragon king | American Indian Dog | 1 | 978 |
NH Riding that Harley through Dakota | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1122 |
Rod | Rottweiler | 1 | 1814 |
Ronnie | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1814 |
Rpt | Rottweiler | 1 | 1838 |
Rude awakening of the crime boss | Border Collie | 1 | 973 |
ND Rude boat hand | Border Collie | 1 | 1119 |
Rude fate of belladonna’s dance | Border Collie | 1 | 973 |
NP Rude midnight alarm | Border Collie | 1 | 1114 |
NA Rude whispers in the dark | Border Collie | 1 | 1121 |
Rue the day you betrayed Mt. Olympus | Siberian Husky | 1 | 978 |
NHT Run baby run | Thai Ridgeback Dog | 1 | 2072 |
Run molly run | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 658 |
Running on the shore | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 659 |
Running Shadows of the speckled world | Whippet | 1 | 2038 |
Running through the glen | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 948 |
Running whisper in the forest of shadows | Whippet | 1 | 2063 |
Saddie | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1814 |
Salvation of the hero | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 976 |
Sam | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1838 |
Sandy Beach Bum | Azawakh Hound | 1 | 2533 |
Sandy cove dreams | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2533 |
Save me baby | Toy Poodle | 1 | 2519 |
HGSK Searching the stars for something new | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1119 |
Sending a message through the moose run | Saluki | 1 | 657 |
Shade | Shikoku | 1 | 2071 |
Shades of the empire | Siberian Husky | 1 | 2061 |
Shady tree | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2519 |
Shady trees and burn out | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1110 |
She who walks alone | American Indian Dog | 1 | 2026 |
Shut the door you idiot | Dachshund | 1 | 1109 |
Six | Italian Greyhound | 1 | 1814 |
Skipper of the good ship | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
Slacking off royally | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | 1 | 2026 |
Slasher in the night | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | 1 | 658 |
Small boy | Keeshond | 1 | 2026 |
Smith and Wesson 500 | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2533 |
Solar eclipse in July | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1095 |
Son of Sam’s failure | Alaskan Klee Kai | 1 | 1110 |
Song of the hungry Dionysus | Border Collie | 1 | 948 |
South Dakota’s for lovers | Dachshund | 1 | 659 |
South Dakota’s grand return | Curly Coated Retriever | 1 | 977 |
Sparta | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 1595 |
Speckles and sparkles from the stars | Dachshund | 1 | 1110 |
Speed run life | Whippet | 1 | 1099 |
Star dust breeding with Black hole | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
Steele | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1910 |
ND Sticky situation | Africanis | 3 | 2547 |
Stone | Bearded Collie | 1 | 1814 |
Striped warrior | Border Collie | 1 | 1107 |
Sunburnt prize winner | Dachshund | 1 | 1111 |
Swan song | Saluki | 1 | 2519 |
JAO Sweet Duck duck goose | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 14 | 1099 |
Sweet sweet bell of the ball | Border Collie | 1 | 1109 |
Teaching the code | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
That bear is eating my ginger | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 659 |
The beta wolf’s bane | West Siberian Laika | 1 | 973 |
The Dragon King’s fatally wounded prince | American Indian Dog | 1 | 973 |
The fantastic King Lui | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
The golden rays of Ra | Pharaoh Hound | 1 | 1097 |
NHu The hunter has become the hunted | Australian Cattle Dog | 3 | 2547 |
The knickknack that broke the box | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 974 |
The lucky wish granted by the moon god | Saarloos Wolfdog | 1 | 973 |
The magic of being royal | Dalmatian | 1 | 654 |
NT The matter horn king | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 2568 |
The no moon night | Newfoundland | 1 | 976 |
The queen of fashion | Toy Poodle | 1 | 2533 |
The shameful prince | Golden Retriever | 1 | 949 |
The soul survivor of the Kelly clan | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 654 |
The stolen gemstone of Lyra Cane | Dalmatian | 1 | 654 |
The sun disk left by Apollo and Ra | Border Collie | 1 | 974 |
JPnD The tiger's pride | American Indian Dog | 7 | 2568 |
JPnFr The wild hunt's target | Azawakh Hound | 7 | 2568 |
NA There a sheep here a sheep baa baa baa | Border Collie | 5 | 2547 |
Thor | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 1595 |
Thunder and lightning storms | American White Shepherd | 1 | 658 |
Ticking down the time | Jack Russell Terrier | 1 | 976 |
Time to drink some baileys | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 973 |
Time to go bud | Curly Coated Retriever | 1 | 977 |
Time to prune the branches | Chow-chow | 1 | 949 |
Time traveling baby | Border Collie | 1 | 2519 |
ANT Ds2CR Tippy | Dachshund | 8 | 1111 |
NT Tough current | Shetland Sheepdog | 5 | 2547 |
Trapped in the amber | Cardigan Welsh Corgi | 1 | 658 |
Try the moose around the world | Saluki | 1 | 659 |
Tuck and roll it’s raining outside Soldier | Beagle | 1 | 976 |
Tuck and roll young lady | Newfoundland | 1 | 976 |
NSh Tyler the great and powerful | Toy Poodle | 1 | 2524 |
NSh HGSK Tzu Tzu | Shih Tzu | 2 | 2533 |
Unfunny dream scape | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 949 |
Unfunny tale | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 973 |
MRO HGSK Vanesh | Saluki | 25 | 2265 |
Warrior under the Ares code | Border Collie | 1 | 976 |
Weirdo man | Great Pyrenees | 1 | 2519 |
When my honor was grand enough | Border Collie | 1 | 2533 |
IPnP When Sheep Fly | Border Collie | 9 | 2616 |
Where is the hunter | Carpathian Shepherd | 1 | 2533 |
White snow falling in the shadow draped town | Whippet | 1 | 2063 |
Why does my heart cry | American Bully | 1 | 652 |
Wiggle monster huntress | Dachshund | 1 | 2522 |
Wild hunting under the tree of life | Australian Koolie | 1 | 1110 |
Xen | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
Xena | Golden Retriever | 1 | 2026 |
XXX Chucky | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
Yelling in the woods | Australian Shepherd | 1 | 2026 |
You can’t have a myriad of jobs | Chihuahua | 1 | 973 |
Your manic dreams | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 973 |
You’ll be pushin up daisies soon enough | Beagle | 1 | 976 |
You’re an unbelievable funny girl | Rhodesian Ridgeback | 1 | 973 |
Zan | Shikoku | 1 | 1814 |
Zander | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 1814 |
Zeus and Hera’s love | Border Collie | 1 | 949 |