Million Dollar Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Million Dollar Kennels

LockedNSh A Star Is BornGreenland Dog540
LockedIPnP sAg3 AthinaBeagle775
LockedExM Blizzard (Pet)Jack Russell Terrier3073
LockedASc ANH sAg3 Cocoa ShellBelgian Malinois27114
LockedIPnM sAg3 Crashing WavesBorder Collie1066
LockedFor StudAFl KnL Grenevian EEEE 9HHGreyhound17100
LockedIPnFT RWTS Have Mercy 20HHIrish Setter1073
LockedAPnSh M Puppy 11 NS Lla 0stm 0stm unusedGreenland Dog1338
LockedFor StudAPnS Marco PoloGreenland Dog1260
LockedJPnA Mighty's Orion The HunterSiberian Husky779
LockedPnO PhoenixSiberian Husky879
LockedNSh Puppy 12Greenland Dog112
LockedMS Puppy 13Greenland Dog2861
LockedAPnR PBDO Rock Of AgesGreyhound1135
LockedASh Rockstar Anthem. EEEEGreenland Dog2460
LockedMO sAg3 Smokin HotBelgian Malinois2598
NSh -----------------------Greenland Dog72245
AmaterasuAkita Inu11281
AriesAkita Inu11281
MS BalooGreenland Dog222120
BarneyAmerican Bully11220
BellaAmerican Bully11267
BlueAmerican Bully11267
ASh Boost Dog GreyGreyhound202200
Born to BattleAkita Inu11267
AS Call of the WildSiberian Husky212278
IPnP sAg3 Cardamon SpiceBeagle52150
NSh NO Cashmere CountessIrish Terrier41490
NH CharlieBorder Collie12241
NP sAg3 Cherry ColaBeagle12158
NM sAg3 Cookies N MilkBeagle12161
AS CooperSiberian Husky152268
MS ~FPP~ CorvusGreenland Dog312268
NS Destiny's CallingAkita Inu31307
AR Earn Your StripesGreyhound232200
JAR FTSR Eighth WonderGreyhound162186
AS Firebird SongSiberian Husky202278
JAR Flyin' Red AceGreyhound152265
AE ICR Get that Rat 20HJack Russell Terrier171596
APnSh God of WarSiberian Husky142271
JAO Goddess of the HuntSiberian Husky142271
AS Hyrule PrincessSiberian Husky192278
NM sAg3 January GarnetBeagle12161
APnH RWTS JudgeBorder Collie142208
KageAkita Inu11266
MS Kilometers Per HourSiberian Husky252303
NHu ND King of SherwoodIrish Wolfhound41615
AS Kuma's Mystic ProtegeSiberian Husky222291
AO Kuma's To Infinity And BeyondSiberian Husky172277
AS Kuma's Ursa MinorSiberian Husky202290
NSh NSc Lady In BlackAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11492
NT NE League of Her OwnIrish Terrier1870
NCRO HET LincolnIrish Setter522182
ANSh NE Made in ManhattanIrish Terrier5877
NT NA Midnight LullabyIrish Wolfhound51499
JPnE IPnA Mighty's Royal FlushJack Russell Terrier62157
NP sAg3 Milk DudsBeagle12161
NT ANA Million Dollar BabyIrish Wolfhound51622
AS Northern Pole StarSiberian Husky182278
PnS PollyGreenland Dog91945
NCSh JPnP Pumpkin PieBullmastiff531499
NHT Puppy 1Akita Inu12255
Puppy 1Bullmastiff11609
Puppy 1Labrador Retriever11608
Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier11490
Puppy 1Irish Terrier11490
Puppy 1Akita Inu11220
Puppy 1Akita Inu11220
Puppy 1American Bully11220
NA Puppy 1Irish Terrier1864
Puppy 1Irish Terrier1864
Puppy 10Irish Terrier1846
NA NT Puppy 11Irish Wolfhound31619
Puppy 12Border Collie12239
AP Puppy 13Siberian Husky182278
NSh NH Puppy 13Border Collie31619
Puppy 2Irish Wolfhound11612
Puppy 2Bullmastiff11609
Puppy 2Irish Wolfhound11608
Puppy 2Irish Wolfhound11487
Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier11483
Puppy 2Irish Terrier1858
AS Puppy 3Siberian Husky172278
NO Puppy 3Border Collie12239
NSh NT Puppy 3Basset Hound31619
NR NT Puppy 3Borzoi31619
Puppy 3Borzoi11609
Puppy 3Alaskan Malamute11487
NHT Puppy 3Akita Inu11307
NFT NSh Puppy 3Brittany11302
Puppy 3American Bully11287
Puppy 3Irish Terrier1864
Puppy 3Irish Terrier1858
Puppy 4American Bully11287
Puppy 4American Bully11220
Puppy 4Irish Terrier1858
Puppy 4Siberian Husky1852
Puppy 4Irish Terrier1844
Puppy 5Border Collie11613
Puppy 5Border Collie11608
Puppy 5Irish Wolfhound11487
Puppy 5Siberian Husky11485
Puppy 5Irish Terrier1844
Puppy 5Irish Terrier1844
Puppy 5Irish Terrier1844
Puppy 6Irish Terrier11485
Puppy 6American Bully11266
Puppy 6American Bully11220
Puppy 7Irish Wolfhound11612
Puppy 7American Bully11199
NSh NFT Puppy 8Basset Hound31619
Puppy 8Irish Wolfhound11609
Puppy 8Alaskan Malamute11487
NO NT Puppy 9Bluetick Coonhound11615
JPnSh JARO RetireBull Terrier142143
NSh NFr Rock Me GentlyIrish Terrier1870
AS RockySiberian Husky162267
NSh NA RyderIrish Terrier3869
MS HFDS SashaGreenland Dog282234
JPnSh ANO SassyJack Russell Terrier62157
ExSh Sci-Fi MagicGreenland Dog382264
AR SunCK Sheza WonderGreyhound181723
NM sAg3 Shine Baby ShineBeagle12158
NSh SilverBorder Collie12241
AS Siren's SongSiberian Husky172267
JAA SkySiberian Husky162267
JAS Steele's MagnoliaGreenland Dog122263
APnR Storm ChaserGreyhound132265
NP sAg3 Taupe TeaseBorder Collie12161
AO Terminal VelocitySiberian Husky172277
JPnH ThirteenBorder Collie62244
AA Thrill Of The ChaseGreyhound242200
ANSh MS MSh Story ToriGreenland Dog222260
NP sAg3 Tribal PotteryBeagle12161
AS Winged ChargerSiberian Husky192290

Game Time

02:39pm on Feb 1

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