Tiny's Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Tiny's Kennel

MHT ZackAkita27116
LockedNFT 11HH 1hh Bb Dd lalaPlott19
Locked11HH 1hh lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel16
Locked11HH lala 1.520West Siberian Laika16
LockedNM 12HH 3hh Lla bb DD silver pointsSchipperke111
LockedFor Public SaleTSBs 13HH LlaSchipperke16
Locked14HH 1hh bb dd lala 2agi 2stmSchipperke16
Locked14HH BB DD Lla 2xspdBoerboel16
Locked14HH Lla 1.520West Siberian Laika16
Locked15HH lala 2xstmWest Siberian Laika16
LockedWCP 15HH/9Hh lala 2strPortuguese Water Dog5898
Locked16HH 1hh lala 2xspdSaluki16
Locked16HH Bb DD lla int spdBoerboel16
LockedNS TSBs 16HH LlaCanadian Eskimo Dog17
Locked18HH lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel16
Locked18HH lala 2xspdSaluki16
Locked18HH lala cha spdSaluki16
Locked18HH LlaRat Terrier16
Locked19HH 2spd lalaPlott16
Locked19HH lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel16
Locked19HH lalaEnglish Springer Spaniel16
Locked20HH Bb Dd lala 2stmCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked20HH lala 3strPortuguese Water Dog16
Locked20HH lala 4strPortuguese Water Dog16
Locked21HH lala 2agiCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked21HH lala 2stmCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked21HH lala int strSaluki16
Locked22HH bb dd lala 3spdBorzoi16
Locked22HH LlaCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked22HH lla 3stmCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked23HH lala 2stmCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked23HH lala spd stmSaluki16
Locked23HH LlaCentral Asian Shepherd16
Locked23HH Lla spd strSaluki16
Locked24HH bb dd lala 2stmBorzoi16
Locked24HH bb dd lala 2stmBorzoi16
Locked24HH bb dd lala 3spdBorzoi16
Locked24HH bb dd lala 3stmBorzoi16
LockedTSBs 24HH ll 2int 1.415Central Asian Shepherd16
Locked24HH LlaCentral Asian Shepherd16
LockedFor StudWCFr 6HH 5hh bb Dd lalaPlott67102
LockedNCHu 7HH 2hh LL bb DDPlott4269
LockedWCHu 7HH 4hh Bb dd lalaPlott66110
Locked7HH 4hh lalaSamoyed16
Locked7HH bb dd lala 2stm 2chaPlott16
Locked8HH 1hh llaSamoyed16
LockedMFl Afghan Hound 1Afghan Hound2864
LockedMFr Afghan Hound 2Afghan Hound2966
LockedWCR TSBs AinarSaluki60100
LockedMP TSBs AislinnCentral Asian Shepherd2436
LockedFor StudJAP TSBs Ajkila eeeeCentral Asian Shepherd1559
LockedUCE TSBs Alexi BOBRat Terrier70103
LockedAPnFl TSBs AmeliaAustralian Koolie1221
LockedWCH NCT TSBs AngieCentral Asian Shepherd5680
LockedChH TSBs AnnaAustralian Shepherd3566
LockedWCM TSBs AphroditeSaluki6594
LockedNHu TSBs ApirkaAlaskan Husky111
LockedWCFr TSBs ApolloWest Siberian Laika6787
LockedFor StudCCP WCO TSBs Artemiy 17xBOSCentral Asian Shepherd62101
LockedCCFr TSBs AshAfghan Hound50106
LockedNCP TSBs AsyaCentral Asian Shepherd4152
LockedAH TSBs AugustCentral Asian Shepherd1725
LockedExH TSBs AvalonCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedGCR TSBs BarbaraBorzoi5471
LockedNCHu WCT TSBs BarkPlott78110
LockedNHu bb Dd 11HH 2hhPlott19
LockedExM bb Dd 11HH 2hh LlaSchipperke2643
LockedMSh Bb dd 11HH 3hh llaPlott2541
LockedFor StudGCHu bb dd 13HH 5hh lalaPlott3152
LockedExT Bb dd 6HH 8hh lalaPlott3152
LockedExFT Bb dd 8HH 4hh lalaPlott2241
LockedGCHu bb dd 8HH 7hh llPlott3152
LockedChHu bb dd 9HH 3hh lalaPlott2952
LockedExM Bb dd 9HH 5hh lalaSchipperke2543
LockedAA bb Dd lala 12HH 4hhSchipperke1423
LockedJAM bb Dd lala 14HH 1hhSchipperke1323
LockedJAFr bb Dd lala 9HH 4hhSchipperke1323
LockedWCM Bb Dd lala EEEE 10HHSchipperke64102
LockedNCHu bb Dd LlPlott4069
LockedNCHu bb Dd llaPlott4169
LockedAA Bb dd Lla 6H 3hh EGGESchipperke1729
LockedAFl Bb dd Lla 9HH 3hh EGEGSchipperke1829
LockedWCM Bb Dd Lla EGEGSchipperke6398
LockedFor Public SaleBb dd Lla GGGE 9HH 3hhSchipperke16
LockedJAM bb Dd points Lla 10HH 2hhSchipperke1323
LockedAPnS TSBs BeaCanadian Eskimo Dog819
LockedPnHu CLodg Bella 22HH lalaChihuahua917
LockedFor StudUCH ChP TSBs BlizzardCentral Asian Shepherd78106
LockedMHu Blue MelodyPomeranian2758
LockedWCT TSBs BrownieBorder Collie57103
LockedExHu TSBs BrunoCanadian Eskimo Dog3372
LockedFor StudChH TSBs CalumAustralian Shepherd3568
LockedWCHu TSBs CandacePomeranian52112
LockedChO TSBs CaoimheCentral Asian Shepherd2436
LockedUCS TSBs CaramelChinook6378
LockedAHu TSBs CarlosPomeranian1528
LockedAFr TSBs CelineAkita1429
LockedAA TSBs ChampionShetland Sheepdog1630
LockedJAM TSBs ChandlerAkita1123
LockedIPnT TSBs CharlottePomeranian716
LockedWCFl GCT TSBs ChestnutEnglish Foxhound69100
LockedWCO ChT TSBs ChipsCentral Asian Shepherd5679
LockedExP TSBs Chocolate MilkPortuguese Water Dog2737
LockedChO TSBs CiannaitCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedAH TSBs CiarBorder Collie1724
LockedAM TSBs ClaraAkita1429
LockedFor StudGCHu TSBs CliffPlott3357
LockedWCP TSBs ColePortuguese Water Dog53106
LockedMT TSBs CookieAustralian Koolie2851
LockedFor StudWCO TSBs CreekCentral Asian Shepherd5886
LockedWCFr TSBs DaleItalian Greyhound56100
LockedCCSh TSBs DanPomeranian4891
LockedIPnA TSBs DeweiShetland Sheepdog616
LockedCCSh TSBs DieselAkita4485
LockedFor StudCCT TSBs Disturbance in the ForcePlott6585
LockedJAHT TSBs DivinaAkita1328
LockedMSh TSBs DoireannCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedWCHu TSBs DonPomeranian58108
LockedASh PUPDS EEEE 22HH Desertsand Lla chacha agicha 1.122*Pomeranian2463
LockedJPnFl EitelAfghan Hound412
LockedGCFl TSBs ErnestAustralian Koolie3771
LockedFor StudAPnH TSBs Erwyta eeeeCentral Asian Shepherd1458
LockedMFl Efraf Eternal FlameBorder Collie2849
LockedNHT IR F Cowboy Baby(6){0}lalaAkita16
LockedWCHu TSBs FetchPlott5876
LockedFor StudWCHu TSBs Finn RoyEnglish Foxhound6786
LockedUCM TSBs FreedomAkita Inu74107
LockedNHu TSBs Frozen ColdRat Terrier16
LockedGCFl TSBs Galaxy Quest for Fleetwind EEEE 13HHSaluki5091
LockedAHu TSBs GarthCentral Asian Shepherd2045
LockedPnT TSBs Gem for MarsPlott1122
LockedAA TSBs GeorgeAkita1429
LockedFor StudPnH TSBs Ghaiae eeeeCentral Asian Shepherd1458
LockedAHT TSBs GigiAkita1531
LockedWCP WCW TSBs Gina BOSx13Portuguese Water Dog65110
LockedMM TSBs GinnyShetland Sheepdog2241
LockedChO TSBs GlenysCentral Asian Shepherd2936
LockedAS TSBs HazelCanadian Eskimo Dog1732
LockedFor StudWCH TSBs HerbertCentral Asian Shepherd66106
LockedCCP TSBs HersheyCentral Asian Shepherd4773
LockedAM TSBs HoneyLagotto Romagnolo1732
LockedCCHT TSBs Hoshi no- ginga-himeAkita Inu4878
LockedMFr TSBs IgraineCentral Asian Shepherd2536
LockedNT TSBs IlonkaAustralian Koolie18
LockedJAHT TSBs IrwinAkita1023
LockedAHu ~TDK~ Ito 22HH 1.235xChihuahua2032
LockedWCA TSBs JaimeBorder Collie65104
LockedUCSh TSBs JazzicaChihuahua7797
LockedChFl TSBs JennyAustralian Shepherd3466
LockedCCFl TSBs KaoShetland Sheepdog51103
LockedJAP TSBs KaponoLagotto Romagnolo1325
LockedWCH TSBs KateAustralian Shepherd53107
LockedNHT TSBs KazueLagotto Romagnolo111
LockedMSh TSBs Keeping My HeartCentral Asian Shepherd2459
LockedFor Public SaleMFr TSBs KimSilken Windhound3058
LockedAPnHu kk Ee Bb dd Ayat spsp Mm cecw 18Pomeranian1225
LockedExHu TSBs LandonPomeranian2650
LockedAO TSBs leinaCentral Asian Shepherd2274
LockedChT TSBs LeonaPlott3457
LockedNFr Little FangAkita418
LockedJAHT TSBs LotusAkita Inu1319
LockedExFr TSBs LuighseachCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedAA TSBs MaeliaBorder Collie1624
LockedMHu TSBs MaeveCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedCCFl TSBs MarbleAustralian Koolie4691
LockedFor StudUCO TSBs MarcCentral Asian Shepherd65101
LockedWCFl TSBs MarionSaluki57103
LockedIPnHu TSBs MaverickPomeranian716
LockedFor StudPnW TTAK MedicPortuguese Water Dog934
LockedChO TSBs MelCentral Asian Shepherd2940
LockedMHu TSBs MiniPomeranian2238
LockedPnS TSBs MochaCanadian Eskimo Dog919
LockedAS TSBs MollyCanadian Eskimo Dog1327
LockedWCHu TSBs Mophee Jr.Pomeranian55102
LockedIPnH TSBs NadineCentral Asian Shepherd817
LockedWCO TSBs NettieCentral Asian Shepherd6079
LockedFor StudWCP TSBs NickolasCentral Asian Shepherd67104
LockedWCP TSBs NicoleCentral Asian Shepherd66110
LockedFor StudExH TSBs NimueCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedWCFr TSBs NoirAfghan Hound59100
LockedExH ChFl TSBs NovaBorder Collie4160
LockedNFr TSBs OlafAkita18
LockedChH TSBs OnoraCentral Asian Shepherd2736
LockedFor StudWCP TSBs OwenCentral Asian Shepherd59102
LockedFor StudChM TSBs ParkerPomeranian3260
LockedPascquinelle lala/23HH/2spd/2str/male pure redPomeranian16
LockedJAP CDPa PatchCanadian Eskimo Dog1432
LockedUCM TSBs PoppyCentral Asian Shepherd76108
LockedChW Portuguese Water Dog 1Portuguese Water Dog2968
LockedPuppy 1Alaskan Husky16
LockedPuppy 10Saluki16
LockedTSBs Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd120
LockedAPnHu Puppy 2Schipperke918
LockedAPnA ~TDK~ Puppy 2 20HH 1.270xRough Collie1221
LockedPuppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 3Central Asian Shepherd16
LockedJPnHu TSBs Puppy 4Schipperke112
LockedJPnH TSBs Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd717
LockedPuppy 5Akita16
LockedNM TSBs Puppy 5Pomeranian17
LockedPuppy 5Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedIPnP TSBs Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd717
LockedJAR TSBs Puppy 6Saluki1726
LockedPuppy 6Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 6Saluki16
LockedPnHu Puppy 6Schipperke918
LockedFor StudUCO TSBs QuirinoCentral Asian Shepherd63102
LockedNHT TSBs RaniAkita18
LockedExH TSBs ReaganCentral Asian Shepherd2636
LockedMFl TSBs RedwoodShetland Sheepdog2650
LockedNCP TSBs ReefCentral Asian Shepherd3555
LockedUCHT TSBs ResilienceKooikerhondje5592
LockedPnFT TSBs River Delta BluesPlott826
LockedExHT TSBs RoAkita3579
LockedGCT TSBs RobinAustralian Shepherd3870
LockedNCM TSBs RossAustralian Koolie46112
LockedMHT TSBs RosyLagotto Romagnolo2344
LockedExH TSBs RowenaCentral Asian Shepherd2736
LockedICS TSBs ScyllaChinook7098
LockedWCP TSBs SeafoamCentral Asian Shepherd4673
LockedAA TSBs SeraAustralian Koolie1326
LockedGCP TSBs ShellCentral Asian Shepherd3455
LockedMS TSBs SigurdCanadian Eskimo Dog2138
LockedAP TSBs SimonaCentral Asian Shepherd2336
LockedGCFl TSBs SmokeyAustralian Shepherd4066
LockedCCRO TSBs SnowyPomeranian4391
LockedGCT UCHu TSBs SoundPlott79108
LockedFor StudWCHu TSBs SpencerPomeranian55110
LockedCCH TSBs StrikerBorder Collie4160
LockedFor StudWCP TSBs StuartCentral Asian Shepherd52107
LockedChHT TSBs TalullaAkita2244
LockedMSh TSBs To Endure SafetyCentral Asian Shepherd3495
LockedFor StudWCP TSBs TobinPortuguese Water Dog5390
LockedWCFl TSBs ToniPlott5876
LockedExRO TSBs TramaineCentral Asian Shepherd2536
LockedExSc TSBs TroiAkita3579
LockedANP TSBs TubsCentral Asian Shepherd419
LockedWCP TSBs TulipLarge Munsterlander6383
LockedFor StudWCO ChSh TSBs TundraCentral Asian Shepherd70100
LockedMR TSBs TusyaSaluki2895
LockedANSh VerchielAnatolian Shepherd715
LockedWCA TSBs VeronicaCroatian Sheepdog6991
LockedJPnP TSBs Vihainen JumalaCentral Asian Shepherd823
LockedWCFr TSBs WandaCentral Asian Shepherd5887
LockedWCM TSBs WilunaNorwegian Lundehund6092
LockedChFl TSBs YvanChinook4057
LockedNCFr TSBs [P] (17/0) lala EEEE intint xx (kk Eme BB Ayaw sisp Cce uu) [1:2]Akita4780
NCH TSBs 10/2 lala int2Central Asian Shepherd571788
AFr TSBs 20HH SydneyAustralian Shepherd261195
ChT TSBs 3HH 4hh Bb dd lalaPlott36272
IPnM APnHT AkitaAkita122263
WCM TSBs AmberPlott64365
WCHT TSBs AnitaAkita531442
ASh FaeB Ariel GEGE 16HH LLStandard Poodle181459
WCP TSBs AshleyCentral Asian Shepherd501420
WCA TSBs AsterBorder Collie49381
WCHu TSBs AvivaSaluki60330
WCHu Bb Dd lala EEEESchipperke65306
WCH TSBs BeanCentral Asian Shepherd511424
JAD TSBs Bina 6/3 Lla strstm chaintLagotto Romagnolo141293
WCRO TSBs BrookeChihuahua57397
UCO TSBs BrownieCentral Asian Shepherd64350
WCO TSBs BusterCentral Asian Shepherd48444
NP TSBs Call me biggerCentral Asian Shepherd31601
WCH TSBs CambriaCentral Asian Shepherd67351
NCP TSBs CarlaCentral Asian Shepherd471475
NCT TSBs CharlesAustralian Shepherd491818
CCM TSBs ChloeAkita491435
WCSh TSBs ChristinaAkita531426
WCFl TSBs ChristopherSaluki56364
WCO TSBs CiaranCentral Asian Shepherd49430
NCHu TSBs CloudAustralian Koolie461810
UCO TSBs CloudpuffCentral Asian Shepherd65351
CCSh TSBs CloverPomeranian501769
WCW TSBs CocoPortuguese Water Dog471807
GCM TSBs CopperAkita451304
APnH TSBs CoreCentral Asian Shepherd16350
WCS TSBs CrystalCanadian Eskimo Dog481808
AA CREWE DeclanShetland Sheepdog222242
WCSh TSBs DeeboCentral Asian Shepherd51370
WCW TSBs DeepPortuguese Water Dog50418
NA DeuteronomyAustralian Shepherd12271
CCP TSBs DianaCentral Asian Shepherd491423
WCHu TSBs DianaPomeranian561421
APnO TSBs DominickCentral Asian Shepherd121750
UCO TSBs DotCentral Asian Shepherd55378
WCH TSBs DumplingCentral Asian Shepherd62342
WCP TSBs DustyAfghan Hound50409
AHT TSBs EEEE Bandit GetawayAkita161357
ExFr EEEE It's Going DownStandard Poodle33999
ElenaCanadian Eskimo Dog12245
AH TSBs EllaCentral Asian Shepherd211445
CCFr TSBs EmmaAustralian Shepherd521431
CCP TSBs EnyaCentral Asian Shepherd491525
WCFl TSBs EspressoBorzoi59339
CCH TSBs EugeneCentral Asian Shepherd49431
WCM TSBs EvrenCentral Asian Shepherd67322
MP FatimaAfghan Hound301812
UCO TSBs FeatherCentral Asian Shepherd71324
WCO TSBs FinnCentral Asian Shepherd49450
WCP TSBs FleurCentral Asian Shepherd49430
TSBs Force ResetCentral Asian Shepherd11717
NCH TSBs FrostbiteBorder Collie481806
UCO TSBs GalaxyCentral Asian Shepherd76318
WCP TSBs Gaya - EEEE 17HHCentral Asian Shepherd621617
CCT TSBs GeorgieCentral Asian Shepherd50399
WCO TSBs Goya - EEEE 19HHCentral Asian Shepherd64529
WCH TSBs GracieCentral Asian Shepherd48444
JPnT TSBs hBorder Collie91561
CCH TSBs HarryBorder Collie501439
TSBs HarryCentral Asian Shepherd11642
WCH TSBs HenryCentral Asian Shepherd511537
WCO TSBs I Never Stood On Ceremonies BOBCentral Asian Shepherd71186
CCM TSBs JamesPomeranian501809
NA P.B.S JannaBorder Collie22259
PnFl JennaRough Collie111803
WCR TSBs JennySaluki51391
MSh TSBs JessicaPomeranian221359
WCR TSBs JohannaSaluki53379
NCSh TSBs JulesPomeranian481809
WCA TSBs KendallAustralian Koolie521426
CCSc TSBs KerrieAkita531426
CCA TSBs KiaraAustralian Shepherd521434
ExA TXBM Lacey EEEEAustralian Shepherd401307
WCO TSBs LadyCentral Asian Shepherd48450
PnM TSBs LakeCentral Asian Shepherd10215
UCRO TSBs LatteChihuahua69316
GCM TSBs LeoAkita461395
NCFl TSBs LightShetland Sheepdog491429
CCP TSBs LilyCentral Asian Shepherd471435
WCFl TSBs LonnieBorder Collie50381
NH MWWD LouisShetland Sheepdog41339
WCH TSBs Lurching FrostCentral Asian Shepherd58235
NHT TSBs MaddieAkita11691
WCO TSBs MadisonCentral Asian Shepherd47444
WCR TSBs MaggieSaluki64342
CCRO TSBs MahlerSaluki47418
WCA TSBs MargoBorder Collie61337
WCO TSBs MarshmallowCentral Asian Shepherd55378
AFl TSBs MattiasBorzoi26277
CCT TSBs MelodyBorder Collie491427
NCH TSBs MiaCentral Asian Shepherd471445
CCT TSBs MicahCentral Asian Shepherd491537
GCH TSBs MillieCentral Asian Shepherd461467
UCM TSBs MossCentral Asian Shepherd66333
CCP TSBs NalaCentral Asian Shepherd49459
CCO TSBs NovaCentral Asian Shepherd481467
ChP JAO OcelotAustralian Shepherd432260
CCH TSBs PaigeCentral Asian Shepherd48431
WCO TSBs PebblesCentral Asian Shepherd55378
NCH TSBs PepperAustralian Shepherd511765
WCA TSBs PhinaBorder Collie50382
UCFr TSBs PhoenixWest Siberian Laika72323
UCFr TSBs PineconeBorzoi79314
NA PlutoAustralian Koolie32225
NHT TSBs Puppy 1Akita11690
APnO TSBs Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd101644
APnSh TSBs Puppy 2Central Asian Shepherd101644
WCO ~TDK~ Puppy 2 18HH 1.198xChihuahua58876
Puppy 4Australian Shepherd12260
Puppy 4Afghan Hound12067
TSBs Puppy 4Central Asian Shepherd11411
NFr Puppy 5Pomeranian11773
PnO TSBs Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd91642
ANSh Puppy 6Afghan Hound62255
WCT TSBs RemiBorder Collie60354
CCP TSBs RobertCentral Asian Shepherd491426
ChH TSBs RockyAustralian Shepherd441331
CCM TSBs SadieAkita511432
CCO TSBs SakaCentral Asian Shepherd481462
NO SamanthaAustralian Koolie12246
NCA TSBs ScarletAustralian Shepherd481815
WCFl TSBs ScottyLarge Munsterlander50406
ANFl SeanSaluki62200
CCFl TSBs ShadeShetland Sheepdog501812
CCT TSBs ShelbyCentral Asian Shepherd47444
WCT TSBs ShelleyAustralian Koolie511426
SilverBorder Collie12237
WCA TSBs Silver SpiritBorder Collie55369
NCSc TSBs SnowAkita471814
WCH TSBs SoleilCentral Asian Shepherd63349
ChT MC~°~ Stargazer's First Chair Cello) X1.012Australian Shepherd442106
GCH TSBs SukiCentral Asian Shepherd461467
JAA Sunrise (1.2) – *2x* lla GEGEAustralian Shepherd142259
NHu TempestChihuahua11780
NCA TSBs The Girl Can't Help ItSchipperke61204
WCH TSBs TheklaCentral Asian Shepherd501521
WCSc TSBs TigressBoerboel59364
GCHT TSBs TinaAkita451813
AH Tornado 19h Lla Brindle Blue Merle with Silver PointsBorder Collie191868
WCS TSBs TuaCanadian Eskimo Dog501814
NH TSBs Turkish CrazeCentral Asian Shepherd31697
UCO TSBs ViCentral Asian Shepherd63325
GCFl VikSaluki431560
NCA TSBs WaveShetland Sheepdog501806
WCFT TSBs Wicked Awesome Rum Raisin ice creamPlott65129
AP TSBs WillowCentral Asian Shepherd221444
CCO WCH TSBs WishCentral Asian Shepherd74317
WCRO TSBs WunaPomeranian481421
NA ZebraBorder Collie21856

Game Time

11:45pm on Mar 9

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