Mytho's Performance Breeds

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Dogs Bred By Mytho's Performance Breeds

LockedAFl MPB Avalon BSilken Windhound2361
LockedJAM MPB Jeff DahmerToy Poodle1331
LockedAPnSh MPB Mythos Dark ShadowsToy Poodle1234
LockedExD MPB Mythos Get Up And Go lala 6/2 geeg (chastm 2stm) D,FT,PCurly Coated Retriever2038
LockedChRO MPB Mythos Grey WarriorStandard Poodle43101
LockedAR MPB Mythos NefertitiPharaoh Hound2578
LockedAR MPB Mythos Prince of the NilePharaoh Hound2066
LockedNCFr MPB Mythos Sands of Time lala 11HH (stragi spdcha) Fl,FrPharaoh Hound4371
LockedMSc MPB Mythos Sinematic Fort KnoxBelgian Sheepdog2958
LockedJAR MPB Mythos Sun of FirePharaoh Hound1859
LockedMSc MPB Mythos UnderoathGerman Shepherd Dog2865
LockedChSh MPB Mythos Unstoppable Gem lala 20HH (chaint 2cha) RO,ShToy Poodle3765
ARO MPB "This Is SPARTA"Toy Poodle272104
MM MPB *Mythos BelladonnaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier372185
ExD MPB *Mythos Black BriarStandard Poodle352176
MM MPB *Mythos Car CrashStaffordshire Bull Terrier272161
AM MPB *Mythos Helen of TroyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier302168
ExRO MPB *Mythos Juicy FruitToy Poodle382182
ExSh MPB *Mythos Kansas QuakeToy Poodle412194
AT MPB *Mythos KyrptoniteEnglish Shepherd202137
GCD MPB *Mythos Lilac Cream DreamStandard Poodle412191
ASh MPB *Mythos Moon UnitToy Poodle252146
ExHu MPB *Mythos Ready For WarToy Poodle372179
ExD MPB *Mythos Run For GloryStandard Poodle352177
AFr MPB *Mythos Skylar GreySilken Windhound262159
MD MPB *Mythos Tomahawk WarriorStandard Poodle232145
AFr MPB *Mythos Unstoppable VisionToy Poodle182136
AP MPB *Mythos Victory RoseStandard Poodle242145
ASh MPB *Mythos White ExorcistToy Poodle272156
AD MPB *Mythos You Got Me To CareStaffordshire Bull Terrier212143
ExSh MPB *Mythos You Got My SixStaffordshire Bull Terrier392189
MSh MPB *Mythos You've Got Me HereStaffordshire Bull Terrier322174
APnFr MPB bongosCurly Coated Retriever122147
PnFr MPB DogeAfricanis102133
NHT MPB Drachendame von MythosKooikerhondje12105
NFr MPB HoldenStandard Poodle12109
MRO MPB Jack O' Lantern QuakeToy Poodle332167
APnFr MPB MichelleStandard Poodle121549
AA MPB Mythos A Knight's TaleEnglish Shepherd172124
PnM MPB Mythos Agni KaiStandard Poodle112115
ANM MPB Mythos All the SaintsAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12101
APnA MPB Mythos Already OverAmerican Pit Bull Terrier122123
JPnO MPB Mythos An Order of SecurityFrench Bulldog62108
JAFr MPB Mythos Angel in DisgraceStaffordshire Bull Terrier152128
AR MPB Mythos Angels CryAfricanis252146
AHT MPB Mythos Armored Native WarriorStandard Poodle182127
ANR MPB Mythos Artemis FowlerAfricanis42104
JPnH MPB Mythos Bacardi BreezeEnglish Shepherd72108
NHT MPB Mythos Bike WarriorStandard Poodle12101
AO MPB Mythos Black Hot FlameStandard Poodle182127
ANT MPB Mythos Boondock SaintsToy Poodle52107
IPnD MPB Mythos Breaking BadStandard Poodle72113
PnO MPB Mythos Burnt Cream NightmareStandard Poodle92118
APnO MPB Mythos CaligulaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier112120
IPnHu Mythos Champolene of TroyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier82111
ND MPB Mythos Cherry HeartsStandard Poodle12101
AFl MPB Mythos Cold Creek ProdigyEnglish Shepherd222136
AH MPB Mythos Cold Creek StormEnglish Shepherd212152
ARO MPB Mythos Cowboys and AngelsToy Poodle182126
MFr MPB Mythos Creedance Clearwater RevivalSilken Windhound292161
JAFl MPB Mythos Creedance Grey River BeastSilken Windhound122120
MD MPB Mythos Crossroad VictoryStandard Poodle332176
IPnFr MPB Mythos Dakota KingChihuahua82112
IPnRO MPB Mythos Dances with WolvesToy Poodle72113
AHu MPB Mythos Disaster TherapyAfricanis202137
MA MPB Mythos Exorcise My Mission to YouToy Poodle352169
ASc MPB Mythos Extreme TwistAmerican Pit Bull Terrier192136
JPnM MPB Mythos Eye of the StormAmerican Pit Bull Terrier52105
AO MPB Mythos Eye of the TigerAmerican Pit Bull Terrier242146
IPnFl MPB Mythos Fall into MadnessSilken Windhound82114
PnFl MPB Mythos Find Your GreySilken Windhound112117
AR MPB Mythos Find Your WaySilken Windhound222140
ExD MPB Mythos Forged In FireStandard Poodle352170
JPnRO MPB Mythos Forged in IronStandard Poodle12105
NSc MPB Mythos Gotta Tank of GasolineStaffordshire Bull Terrier12104
NFr MPB Mythos Grey Line AvenueStandard Poodle12105
GCFr MPB Mythos Grey Victory SoldierStandard Poodle482186
JASc MPB Mythos Guarding MyselfStaffordshire Bull Terrier142131
NCHu MPB Mythos Harlem ShakeToy Poodle492207
NHu Mythos HerculesDalmatian12201
AO MPB Mythos I See FireAmerican Pit Bull Terrier242152
AA MPB Mythos I See FireEnglish Shepherd212139
APnO MPB Mythos I See GhostsToy Poodle112121
IPnM MPB Mythos I Want You To MoveStaffordshire Bull Terrier82113
JAT MPB Mythos Icicle Cream SodaScottish Deerhound152124
JPnO MPB Mythos Irish TimescapeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier62107
AA MPB Mythos Jack DanielsEnglish Shepherd152122
MD MPB Mythos JerichoAmerican Pit Bull Terrier312167
MHu MPB Mythos Jet Black BluesToy Poodle362182
ExHu MPB Mythos Kings and ThievesToy Poodle412195
JPnA MPB Mythos Knight For a DayEnglish Shepherd82109
AD MPB Mythos Last One StandingAmerican Pit Bull Terrier162130
PnD MPB Mythos Last One to JerichoAmerican Pit Bull Terrier82112
NR MPB Mythos LeviathanAfricanis12102
AFl MPB Mythos LeviticusAfricanis292159
AO MPB Mythos Lilly of the ValleyStaffordshire Bull Terrier222146
JARO MPB Mythos Little Grey AvenueStandard Poodle132120
MD MPB Mythos Little Grey LetterStandard Poodle282152
AO MPB Mythos Maximus OverrideFrench Bulldog152121
AP MPB Mythos Medieval WarfareAmerican Pit Bull Terrier232145
PnM MPB Mythos Meet Me HalfwayToy Poodle92118
AM MPB Mythos Mercedes BenzStaffordshire Bull Terrier152125
IPnFr MPB Mythos Mighty DecreeSilken Windhound62110
AR MPB Mythos Missing DecreeSilken Windhound232146
NSh MPB Mythos Mocha ExplosionChihuahua12098
AH MPB Mythos My King for A CastleEnglish Shepherd192137
JPnA MPB Mythos My Queen for a DayEnglish Shepherd72108
WCD MPB Mythos Nobody Does it BetterStaffordshire Bull Terrier512093
ANM MPB Mythos Orange CrushAmerican Pit Bull Terrier52104
AR MPB Mythos Precious MomentsScottish Deerhound182136
IPnH MPB Mythos Prodigal KinEnglish Shepherd92113
JPnD MPB Mythos Queen of DiamondsStandard Poodle12105
AP MPB Mythos Quest for GloryStandard Poodle182133
JPnM MPB Mythos Quest for the KingStandard Poodle72114
ND MPB Mythos Quest of AnarchyStandard Poodle12101
APnA MPB Mythos Root BeerAmerican Pit Bull Terrier132119
ExD MPB Mythos Safari QuestStandard Poodle342162
AP MPB Mythos Scarlet DreamsStandard Poodle202130
AH MPB Mythos Supermarket FlowersEnglish Shepherd282155
PnA MPB Mythos Sweet Chili HeatEnglish Shepherd102118
NS MPB Mythos Sweet SymphonyAlaskan Husky12100
JPnR MPB Mythos Texas Hold EmSilken Windhound62107
PnM MPB Mythos The Lion QueenStaffordshire Bull Terrier102114
APnH MPB Mythos Theory of a GoddessEnglish Shepherd132122
JPnA MPB Mythos Three Doors DownEnglish Shepherd62108
JAO MPB Mythos Ticking Time BombAmerican Pit Bull Terrier122120
AO MPB Mythos Time BombAmerican Pit Bull Terrier252149
PnRO MPB Mythos Tokyo AkeetaToy Poodle92113
MRO MPB Mythos Tokyo GhoulToy Poodle352167
ARO MPB Mythos Tokyo UndergroundToy Poodle202130
AP MPB Mythos Victory in Golden ArmorStandard Poodle172125
NP MPB Mythos Winter SoldierStandard Poodle12101
NFl MPB Puppy 1English Shepherd12139
MPB Puppy 1Toy Poodle12110
Puppy 1Standard Poodle12094
Puppy 1Toy Poodle12094
Puppy 1Toy Poodle12094
Puppy 1French Bulldog12093
Puppy 1Silken Windhound12093
Puppy 1Silken Windhound12093
Puppy 1Standard Poodle12093
Puppy 2Standard Poodle12094
Puppy 3Toy Poodle12093
Puppy 4Silken Windhound12094
Puppy 4Standard Poodle12087
Puppy 5Silken Windhound12093
NFl MPB StrikerSilken Windhound22104

Game Time

08:03am on Feb 23

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